THURSDAY, JULY 13, 1022. XI70 PLATTSMOUTH SEMI -WEEKLY JGUBIIM. ( 1 s i A Another opportunity for the people of Plattsmouth to buy dependable and staple merchandise at a great saving. Forget about your work for this day. Come to this big Community sale, buy these bargains and save money. A penny saved is a penny earned and you' can make mighty good wages right here in Plattsmouth taking advantage of the offerings of Plattsmouth merchants. SOME BIG VALUES IN SHOES FOR MEN 69 PAIRS men's oxfords. In blu cher and lace styles. Leathers, black kangaroo, black kid and brown calf. Both straight and French lasts. Some of these ox fords have rubber heela attach ed. Sizes 6 to 10. M44 Bargain price MEN'S WORK SHOES Outing and blucher styles. Leather soles and heels. Soles nailed and sewed. Sizes 6 to $045 11. A good buy at Men's white and brown CAN VAS OXFORDS Fibre soles, rubber heel3 Sizes $169 7 to 10 A""" HERE IS OUR EXTRA SPECIAL FOR BARGAIN . WEDNESDAY 59 pairs Growing Girls, Misses and Children's One Strap White Canvas slippers. A good, comfortable shoe for the coming' hot days. Easily cleaned with ' Lily White" cleaner. Sizes up to 7. fj nQ Very specially priced at .pl02 BARGAIN WEDNESDAY PRICES ARE CASH Stores Open till 9 p. m. for Your Accommodation NOTE THE PRICES ON WOMEN'S SHOES Women's comfort black canvas one strap HOUSE SLIPPERS. Leather soles, rubber heels at tached. Insure real comfort and long service to the wearer. You'll really enjoy putting your fi:et into a pair of these house slippers. Sizes 4 to 8. Wednesday price WOMEN'S OXFORDS. The popular shoe the year round. Leithers, black and brown kid. Soft and pliable. Smooth in nersoles. High or low heels. Sii.cs run from 3 V2 to 7. Great values in this lot at $095 the low price of J "" $J69 7SC iargain Day Specials! 24-lb. sack Little Hatchet flour. .$ .95 12 tall cans Nutro milk for 80 Cream cheese, per lb 27 Nomis pork and beans, per can 10 Campbell's pork and beans, 2 cans for 25 J. M. coffee, 3 lb. cans 90 J. M. coffee, 1-lb. cans 32 Diamond F. coffee, per lb .19 3 cans extra sliced pineapple, 2J2-lb. cans 1.00 Two 1 2-oz. cans Dr. Price's baking powder. ..... .30 Advo marshmallow cream, pint size . . . 25 Lower Main St Store 'fk fl South Park Store 3j! 23 -SUMMER TIME- Bargain Wednesday .Specials! Below we are listing a few of the many specials we are offering for this day only: Set of 6 White Cups and Saucers. . . . Set of 6 White Dinner Plates. Water Sets, 1 Pitcher and 6 Glasses . Priscilla Sun Bonnets Table Oil Cloth, per yard Celluloid Hair Pins,. 8 on a card, 3 for One Lot 10c Toilet Soap, per bar. . . . 4-oz. Bottle Furniture Polish Large Size Oil Mops . . . . 39c Dolls, American Made 49c " " 12 Copies Sheet Music .............. $1 ,10 85 89 48 35 25 06 10 ,79 3 .25 .35 .50 Popular Variety Store Sheet Music, Grafonolas and Records ITS f Kffi iri. V.-i-.ii ... if- ii fin TT" M1NA TAYLOR APRONS All styles, all sizes and all colors. These sold regular ly up to $2.50 each. Bar gain Wednesday you can buy them at the unusually low price of $1.18 Bargain Wednesday You can save money by getting your supplies for the next thirty days at our sale on Bargain Wednesday. Very low prices have been made on goods that everybody is familiar with and every body uses. Get your share of the items listed and save the difference. CALUMET BAKING POWDER Full lC-oz cans. Regular 3c quality. Our Bargain Wednesday certified grocery sj ecial. One or as many as you want. Special price, per can 24c DRY GOODS New silk stripe TISSUE GINGHAMS just received from the fac tories, also all or our stock or silk stripe VOILES and FANCY DKESS GOODS in one lot for Bargain Wednesday. m Q Values 65c to fl. per yard l 40C SUMMEIt DUESS GOODS in one big lot. consisting of Voiles, Organdies. Dimities and other well known cloths. n Regular 50 and 60c values in one big lot. Per yd CLC DRESS VOILES One lot of Dress Voiles sold regularly at 35c per yard. Colors Navy, Gray and Black combined - r with White. A good warm weather cloth for dresses. Yd. IOC One lot of 27-inch VOILES in 4 to 8 yard lengths at price unheard of for some time. Per yard GROCERIES Large packages of STEEL WOOL, a household necessity and the peerless cleaner for aluminum and Pyrex ware. 1 " Per package, only AUC Best grade No. 2 size can black raspberries, red raspberries, gooseberries, loganberries or wild blackberries.. Price, per can, C5 three cans for P Large oval cans of CALIFORNIA SARDINES put up in tomato sauce. Per can 7c Largo size cans of NOMIS brand PORK and BEANS, put up in tomato sauce, two cans for LIGHTWEIGHT CORSET A fully guaranteed light weight cor net for hot weather wear. Double boning, guaranteed not to rut or tear and to give satisfactory wear. If not, " nn you get a new one. Each. IJOC lS-inch heavy COTTON TOWELING. Specially priced, lO yards for Large size cans DEL MONTE brand pork and beans, put up in tomato sause, per can $1 42x36 and 45x36 PILLOW CASES Belfast brand. OO For Bargain Wednesday, each . &OC Plain white or colored striped KRINKLE SEERSUCK- 1C ERS. Very special, per yard . lOC Fancy flowered WINDSOR CREPE in all of the new OO dainty colorings. Per yard O&C New colored TABLE LINENS 72 inches wide in pink i 4ft or blue. Price per yard ''X-S NAPKINS to match the above. ' Specially priced for Bargain Wednesday, THREE ;or DUTCH CLEANSEIt The best all around scouring powder. For Bargain Wednesday, each Yacht Club, Purkee's or Thousand Island dressing for salads. Large size, 35c, small size "Economy" COFFEE the best that money can buy Tor anywhere near the price. Lb., 33, three lbs. for ..20c ..25c - 15c ..10c ..20c . $1 35c4 35 15c4 $1 Entire stock of MIX A TAYLOR DRESSES will be closed out in this sale. alues up to f7.50. Sizes mostly 36. 38 JtoKft and 40. Each. Large cans Llbby'rlpe olives, per can Large 7-oz. Jars dried beef, each New dry pack shrimp, per can Large size. No. 3 cans of genuine Virginia sweet potatoes 20 Gail-Eorden's Eagle brand canned milk, 25f can, dozen$2.75 Creme Oil toilet soap. Lathers in hard water. 3 bars for 25 5-lb. sacks of fresh oat meal, per suck -25 Extra standard sugar corn, per can 10 Pearl White soap, large 10-oz. bars, ten for -5 Price's Phosphate baking powder, per can, 25S two for SO Quart Mason jars filled with fine blend of tea for ice tea. Special for Wednesday, per jar 35c x 1 "I pall This An Oasis- 9 Said a Customer " When I can buy the things I need NOW at nch apparent bargains.1 Turkish Towels! BLEACHED Sizes 18x36 18c EACH "Victor" Flour! "Every Sack Guaranteed" S 98 48-lb. Sack and you'll find lots of other values here, the money's worth, quality kind. It has always been our idea to leave out all extravagant state ments, present facts only, and let the merchandise speak for itself. Here are values that will make July Bargain Wednesday the most ad vantageous of them all. Unbleached Muslin 36-In. medioum weight un bleached muslin. This is one of the best unbleached mus lins on the market and Bar gain Wednesday s price Is a decided bargain. Per yard 11c Apron Dresses Ladies' Apron Dresses, made of attractive percales. Light and medium colors. Sizes small, medium and large. These apron dresses are es pecially, priced for Wednesday at 88c TUB SUITS THAT WILL WASH Sturdy are these Tub Suits for the young lad whose in quiring mind leads him into all kinds of strange advent ures. They come in all blue, all White, or blue with white and trimmed most nattily in braid and emblems. If you have a lit tle boy you will surely want one or more of these suits when you can get them at this price Bar gain Wednesday. $2.25 SUMMER TIME IS MIDDY TIME What little girl wouldn't be tickled to death. to own one -of these pretty blue middies, made of Peggy cloth and trimmed with white braid on collar and cuffs. Sizes 6 to 12 years and QQ specially priced at ifOC jegpWe carry a complete stock of Middies for grown ups as well as the children. . DKESS GOODS One table filled with short lengths of all varieties of this summer's pretty Tissue Ginghams, Voiles, Skirtings and other wash materials, all reduced to OKn the low price of, per yard 3C 36-INCH PERCALES Standard quality, light, dark and medium grounds, in very pretty patterns. These are specially priced for Bar- 1 C gain Wednesday at, per yd IOC TISSUE GINGHAMS Tissue Ginghams, Ground Dotted Swiss and Voiles in, a big range and variety of colors 'and new patterns. 32 to 36 in. wide. Per yard LADIES' HOSE Ladies' brown cotton hose. These are a very ' fine combed yarn hose, exceptional quality for the price. Sizes 9 to 10. Per pair . Men's Socks Men's medium weight "Iron Clad" cotton socks in brown, black and gray. Sizes 10 to 11. A sock that gives lots of -wear. Special price for Bargain Wednes- 1 r day, per pair ADC Work Shirts Men's blue chambray work shirts. Made of good qual ity shirting and full cut. All sizes, 14 to 17. Be sure not ' to overlook this big value. Special price for 7Q Bargain Wednesday I OC PILLOW SQUARES , Cretonne pillow squares, front and back of a good sized pillow, in a big variety of at tractive and serviceable patterns. For sum mer use these are Just the thing. Special, per square 48c PILLOW TUBING Pillow tubing, 40 and 42 inches wide ' Wearwell, a firmly woven and finely fin ished tubing. One that will give lots of service. Limit of 4 yds. to each customer. Bargain Wednesday price, QC - t)Jt per yard 50c 15c CRASH TOWELING Pure linen crash toweling, bleached and unbleached. 17 inches wide. This towell ing is superior to the average linen crash as it is soft and smooth and firmly woven. An exceptional .value. Limit of 10 yards to each customer. Bargain day price, per -yard 24c AND HERE IS ANOTHER BIG TURKISH TOWEL VALUE A' great big towel, extra heavy, size 24x45, with fancy woven colored border. This towel rjas sold as high as $1.25. Bargain Wednesday price is, each. 59c Grocery Values That Appeals to Thrifty Housewives! "Coney Bear" apple butter, 15 oz. Jar for - "Housewife" preserves, all flav ors. Large jar "Badger" preserves, all flavors. Large jar Brooks catsup, delicious quality. 8-oz. bottle . ' "Davies" dried beef, put up in 2-oz. jars, per jar Otoe red kidney beans. No. 2 size, per can Fern Leaf salmon. Price per 1-lb. can Monarch pork and beans, No. 1 size. Per can ' 1. Monarch pork . and beans, No. 2 size. Per can : ; Shelby pork and beans, No. 2 size.' Per can . Tuna fish, dark meat. Price per 1- lb. can i Yellow free peach, No." 2 can. Price per can 1 1 Sliced cling peach, No. 2 can. Price per can ; Black cherries. No. 3 can. Our special price, per can,.. .20 .25 .15 .10 .20 .20 .15 12ic .20 12ic .15 .25 .25 .25 White cherries. No. 2 can. On sale Wednesday at, per can Jack Spratt apricots. No. 2 can. three for Governor apricots, No. 2 can. Four cans for - Lima beans, large size. Special, three lbs. for Monarch milk, tall cans. Bar gain Wednesday, per can Peaches put up in gallon cans. Price, per gallon . Blackberries in gallon cans. Price, per gallon Loganberries in gallon cans. Price, per gallon : 7 lbs. of prunes on sale Bar gain Wednesday for 3 lbs. fancy Peaberry coffee here Bargain Wednesday for Two No. 2 .size cans of sweet corn for . . . Fancy Maine corn. Special price, 2 cans for Omaha peas, 'extra fine quality for the price. Per can Snider'a tomato soup. Special price, 2 cans for-,-, ' - Nomis sweet potatoes. A large feize can for .35 1.00 1.00 .25 .10 .70 .85 .85 i:oo 1.00 .25 .25 .15 .25 .25 u nn Mfnii V, D i I lb In! uvjy il4 t I ID, AB WOJUiL m and Main St. Telephone 64-65 PHONES 53, 54 and 144 PLATTSMOUTH, NEBR. lit m. mm