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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (July 13, 1922)
THURSDAY, JULY 13. 1922. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI -WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE THREE Um&n Prepared Exclusively for The Journal. When in need of a new battery, see H. DuBois. jC-tfw Mr. Lemuel Barritt of Omaha was a visitor at the hi me of his parents last Sunday. Joy and Ray Garrens have been visiting: at the home of a sister at Kansas City for several days past. Orville McQuinn was a visitor in Plattsmouth last Sunday and while there Lad the Journal sent to his address. L. V. Crawford who has been in the northern portion of the state for some months past returned home last Saturday. Mrs. W. B. Banning was visiting friend, Harry M. Frans east of the city. John Dukes who has been assist ing in threshing with Harry McCar roll, was a visitor in Nebraska City last Monday taking advantage of the time when it was too wet to thresh. They threshed for Stephen Copen haver whose wheat was of a good quality and tested over 61 pounds and went above 40 bushels to the acre. Mr. M. A. Derrieg who has been suffering from an infection in one of his knees which was the result of an injury which he received while overseas in the service of the A. E and children have the sympathy, of all their host of friends living here and elsewhere. with friend3 and also loklng after F. and who acocmpanied by the wife some shopping at Nebraska City last Saturday. Reuben Saxton and family were guests last Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Saxton, south east of Lincoln. Joe Bauer is still at the Patrol house and making excellent progress on the building which is to house the county's grading outfits. Mrs. Hans Hanson who has been very 111 at her home for some time past is reported as being some im proved and is still on the mend. Mrs. Geo. Hathaway east of Un ion, is reported as being Tsomewhat Improved from her long illness but is sitll confined to her home and bed. Mr. J. E. McCarroll who has been taking treatment in Omaha for sev eral weeks past is feeling much im proved from the course which he has reeclved. Messrs. Wm. Rakes, Isaac Dye and Wayne Yonker shelled corn last week delivering the same to the elevators In Union. Mr. H. H. Becker did the work of shelling. Ellis LaRue who is employed at a barber 6hop in Syracuse was a visi tor in Union with the folks and also at Weeping Water for the week end with a very dear friend. Mrs. Mollie Garrens was looking after some business matters and al so visiting with friends in Nebras ka City last Saturday, making the trip via the green bus line. Notice- -Bids will be accepted on the Simon G ruber property in Un ion, Neb. Any one Interested leave bids with Ray Frans, Administrator of Simon Gruber estate. J12-tfw The Rev. W. A. Taylor was a visi tor at Wabash last Sunday where he preached and conducted as well, the services for the late Wiley Col bert's funeral who was struck by lightning last week. B. B. Everett and D. E. Eaton threshed last Saturday and each re ceived about forty bushels to the acre from that they threshed. They were satisfied with the yield and would be better pleased if the price was some better. The M. E. Ladies Aid society held a vprv interesting businessand so cial3neeting at the home of MisS Jessie Todd last week in the shape of an all day work meeting, the la dies were very busy and enjoyed the pccaslon very much. For battery repairing go to W. H. DuBois. J6-tfw A large number of soldier boys who have been stationed at Fort Ri ley for some time were stopping in Union awaiting for the drying of the roads In order that they could continue their way to Des Moines where they will be located in the future. Herman Lessel, who was the first agent of the Missouri Pacific at Un ion, and which was a great many years ago and who is located at Her man, Mo., arrived here last week and has been visiting with old time have been in Kansas City for some time taking treatment, stopped at the home o Mrs. Derrieg's father. Attorney C. L. Graves for a visit over Sunday and continued their trip to their home in Lincoln on the early morning train last Monday. A seven passenger Cadillac load ed to the gunwale went over the bank at the corner east of Union last Saturday morning with the result that both the car and the passen gers were jimmed up to some ex tent. They were assisted out of their predicament and cared for by Messrs. E. E. Leach, Eugene and Sherman Austin. While they were going to Texas they have returned to their home in Omaha Instead. A number of people have tried to negotiate that corner at a too rapid speed with very distastrous results. See DuBois for Exide Batteries and Miller tires. j6-tfw W. G. Kieck, candidate for nomi-j nation on the republican ticket for; tne position or county attorney, was in Union last Saturday hustling for votes for the primaries which are but a short distance away. In the three cornered fight which the re publicans have for the office one has a poor chance to judge just where he is until the votes have been count ed. With two cx-service men, Mr. A. H. Duxbury, who is almost a native enn and Mr. Kiork. who has been I in Plottonniitli for n vpar. nnri thf present incumbent, Mr. Cole, who has been in. the office for some time, it is hard to tell where the lightning will strike. Would Conserve Coal The Missouri Pacific railroad has taken a number of trains off their schedule, saying that it is to con serve coal which they have on hand and which is depleted very consid erable on acount of the coal strike. The trains on the main line to be taken off are the two fast trains, which are known as No's 107 and 10 S. They also took off the day pas senger trains between Union and Lincoln and put a combination car on for the accomodation of the trav eling public. Celebrates His Birthday The many friends of Mr. J. W. Simmons, the popular operator at the Missouri Pacific station, gather ed at hi3 home and celebrated the passing of his - birthday, everyone having an excellent time. Junior Girls and Boys The two classes of the Baptist Sunday school known as the Junior Girls and Boys and taught by Misses Bessie LaRue and Marie Frans, had a picnic last Tuesday afternoon which was attended by all the mem bers of the class and a number of their friends. They enjoyed the oc casion very much and feel very thankful to their teachers for pro viding the happy occasion. WARNING! Union Wins the Ball Game Last Sunday there was a very pretty game tt ball played at the nark when Wabash came over to test the mettle of the Union team and found them on the job, with victory up their sleeves. The contest was a pretty one with not the largest crowd to watch the sport. The. result was Union 9, Wabash 5. Come again, boys, and we will have another good game. Drops Dead at the Table J When just .having' "concluded the morning meal and while she was ar ranging a list of needed articles for the husband to purchase, Mrs. Jo seph Brandt who was 46 years of age, suddenly dropped dead while, she was talking. Mrs. Brandt had not been feeling the best but no ap prehension was had as to her condi tion being serious, and it came as a great surprise when the call came. When she had fallen. Dr. E. S. Fu ray was summoned and while mak ing all speed he found that life had been extinct some time before his arrival. Mr. and Mr Brandt and the four children have made their home on the old Young farm since early in the spring. The funeral was held at Nebraska City at the Catholic n tt rf n-VilfTi Mrs PtmTnlt was a friends stopping at the home of his j very devoted member. The husband That is Our Business! Sure it is our business to please the trade, and to do this we are doing the very best work. Auto supplies also standard and always the best. We are here to succeed, and we can do it only by giving the best of service in every instance. DOWLEI& BROS., The Auto Man Union, Neb. BREAD Two 15c Loaves for 25c. Three 10c Loaves for 25c. Hominy 10c per can. Coin, two cans for 25c. All Jams 25c per jar. Macaroni, three packages for 25c. A. L. BECKER, Union, Nebraska To the Ladies of Cass county: Mrs. George Lutz of Louisville, Ne braska, was almost murdered the other day by a stranger who enter ed her home when she was alone. and I advise you to be very careful in letting strangers into your home A. G. COLE, County Attorney. PUT TRATNS BACK The Missouri Pacific trains No's 107 and 108 that were ordered dis continued last week have been con tinued in service by the order of the railroad management and the travel ing public will appreciate this fact that they will not be put the incon venience that the change might have made. INCLUDES BRASS MOULDERS The local offices of the striking shop crafts this afternoon received a message from Chicago where the general headquarters of the strikers is located, announcing that the brass moulders who are out on the strike will be considered as other strikin crafts and their status will be that of the other men who are out on strike and giving official recognition of their part in the strike. RETURNS FE0M VACATION Judge Allen J. Beeson and family who have been enjoying a visit for some two weeks at Minneapolis and the beautiful lakes surrounding that city, have returned home to this city and are feeling much refreshed by their outing. The judge say3 the country is one that is charming to the. eye and very delightful in the summer time but the fishing did not hit the judicial fisherman just right as he had poor luck in this line of sport. LOOKING FOR THE PARTY ASSAILING MRS.GEORGE LUTZ Authorities Think Possibly Man Es caping from State Eeformatory Saturday May be the One The search for the man who com mitted the assault and robbery at the home of Mrs. George Lutz in Louisville Monday afternoon is being continued over this portion of the state and from the circumstances of the case there is a strong belief that the perpetrator cf the outrage may be the man who made ris escape from the state reformatory on Sat urday last. This man, who is known as unaries Newhorter, and was sent up, it is claimed for an offense of breaking and entering a home, made his escape from the state institution Saturday and has not been seen since. The cases are somewhat similar and it is thought the man may have had time to work his way along as far as Louisville by Monday, and there is a strong probability that the connecting link between the two circumstances may be uncovered by the authorities. Sheriff Quinton and County Attor ney Cole are to get in touch with the authorities at the state reformatory and secure a portrait of the man to see if it can be identified by the in jured woman as that of the man committing the act at Louisville. It is stated that this same man, after making his escape from the re formatory, entered a home on the outskirts of Lincoln and attacked a lady there. Lose anything! Find anything! Try a Jonrnal want-ad. FUNERAL HELD SUNDAY Wylie James Colbert was born In Winside,, Neb., June 16, 1899, and passed away July 6, 1922, age, 23 years, 20 days. His parents moved to Cass county when he was a few years old 'where he was in school, taking one year in the Weeping Wa ter Academy. He united with the Congregational church of Weeping Water when he was 14 years old. His parents moved to Wauneta, Ne braska, where he finished high school. He enlisted in the U. S. army when 18 years of age and was in the ser vice 18 months in the 33rd balloon company. On May 30, 1920, he was united in marriage to Grace Marie Perkins of Bethany, Neb. One babe, Evelyn, came to bless this union. He united with the Methodist church of Wauneta, Neb., and the last year was an active worker. Last January they moved to Beth any. At the time of his death, which was caused by lightning, he was with the Searle-Chaplin Lumber Co. He leaves a wife, daughter, fath er, mother, one brother, one sister, many other relatives and a host of friends to mourn his loss. The Funeral services were held Sunday at 11:00 a. m. at the Wa bash Baptist church, the Rev. W. A. Taylor officiating. Interment was had at the Wabash cemetery. If Senator Charles A. Randall is nominated and elected Railway Com missioner everybody will get a square deal. jl3-ltw. Itch, Itch, Itch! Scratch, Scratch, Scratch! The more you scratch the worse the itch. Try Doan's Oint ment. For eczema, any skin itch ing. 60c a box. July Cut Price sale on all New Furniture and Rugs at Ghrist & Ghrist's Furniture Store. Opposite court house, Plattsmouth. (POLITICAL ADVERTISING) (POLITICAL ADVERTISING) FOR REPRESENTATIVE FROM FIRST DISTRICT RAIL BOARD HEAD AND UNION CHIEFS IN SECRET SESSION Settlement of Strike Looms as Con ference Between Hooper and Shop Crafts Leaders. Chicago, July 12. 2 a. m. Set tlement of the strike of 300,000 rail way shopmen thruout the country seemed in prospect tonight follow ing the personal intervention of President Harding and a series of se cret conferences between Ben W. Hooper, chairman of the United States railroad 'abor board, and un ion leaders of the six striking shop crafts. What part President Harding will r'ay has not been disclosed. It is known, however, that the president vas in telephonic communication 1 ere late last night with W. L. Mc L.tnimen, one of the three labor rep i sentatives on the railroad labor b iard. From the secret peace conferences his come a rather definite conclu Flon as to what may be done to ef f. ' t a settlement. While beyond is suing brief and rather noncommit tal statements, Mr. Hooper and Pres ident Jewell declined to discuss pros poets, reports indicated that the s'rike will be called off if four things are done: 1. If the carriers agree to wipe out the system under which some roads have let out work to contractors not within the jurisdiction of the labor board and therefore not bound by its decisions on wages and working con ditions. 2. If some arrangement for modi fying certain working rules which cut the overtime pay of shop men Is made. 3. If President Jewell is given as surance that his organization will not be denied a rehearing by the la bor board on the wage issue. 4. If the railroads agree to estab lish the boards of adjustment pro vided for in the transportation act, but which the carriers have stead fastly refused to consider. FORMER GOVERNOR mum n, RHQREHEAP To feel strong, have good appetite and digestion, sleep soundly and en joy life, use Burdock Blood Bitters, the family system tonic. Price, $1.25. LETTER OF APPRE CIATION FROM A SHUBERT VOTER Published in Shubert Citizen, Shu bert. Neb. John H. More head is Commended. . John H. Morehead has lived In Richardson county for more than thirty-six years. He has filed as a candidate for the important position of representative in congress. Gov ernor Morehead has served the peo ple of thi3 county and state at dif ferent times. In each instance he served well, and In addition has giv en his full time to the duties of the position which he was called upon to fill. He has always stood for the strictest economy in the manage ment of public business. In 1913, when he assumed the important post of governor of Nebraska, he found that a deficit existed In several of the state institutions. Regardless of this fact the levy was not raised, and at the cloe of the first term the de ficit was wiped out. During his sec ond term as governor, he reduced the state levy more than $800,000, and at the close of his administration left the state free from debt. These results were accomplished because we had a recognized busi ness man as our chief executive, and the people of Nebraska almost with- MSH .111 T3S?rafTJ One quality only the standard for all Goodrich Tires Size or price cannot modify the one quality Goodrich standard. Ycu can buy any Goodrich Tire, S:!vertovn Cord cr the popular 30x3 clincher fabric, and know beyond a doubt that you are getting the same quality always. It is this quality which has made Goodrich Tires unsur passed for dependability and durability in service, mileage and value. This principle has put the real meaning in the widely known Goodrich slogan cf "best in the long run.' k?j r- t v. .... --..'... . . v. if t i f hfl P 'SILVEF-TCVNVj i Look for this Goodrich Tire sin over your tire dealer's store. It r.icans satis faction in every transaction, THE B. F. GOODRICH RUBBER COMPANY Akron, Ohio FABRICS SILVERTOWN CORDS TUBES ACCESSORIES STJEPEISED ON BIRTHDAY Yesterday was the 68th birthday anniversary of Mrs. F. S. "White, one of the old residents of the city, and on the occasioin she was given a most delightful surprise by some eighteen of the old friends and neighbors who have known her in the many years of her residence here. The guest of honor had no intima tion of the pleasant occasion until the guests commenced arriving shortly after 2 o'clock and the greet ing of the friends was one long to be pleasantly remembered. One of the pleasurable features of the event was the presentation of a very hand some birthday cake which had lif-n prepared by Mrs. T. i Livingston, to the worthy lady who was observ ng her anniversary, and the cake with its glowing cnndles made a most impressive sight. Light refreshments were served during the course of the afternoon that was spent in social conversation and visiting. Blank Books at the Journal OEce. (POLITICAL ADVERTISING) (POLITICAL ADVERTISING) out exception, credit Governor More head with having given the people of the state a sane and businesslike administration. Therefore, with the admitted ex travagance and excessive expendi ture of public money in all branches cf our government, with the result ing high taxes which, if continued, will amount to the confiscation of our property, it is gratifying to see a man of Governor Morehead's abil ity, honesty and business experience become a candidate for congress. We furthermore believe that as an agri cultural state we should send to the national law-making body, more practical business men. The record shows that the lower house of con gress consists of more than four hundred members, three-fourths of whom are professional men, or law yers, and in this kind of a body a few men like Governor Morehead, who has had practical experience as a farmer, stock raiser,, merchant and banker would undoubtedly be a great benefit to the people. In our opin ion this is no time for narrow parti sanship or petty rivalry as to the success of political parties, for these are critical times, and we should send men to congress who are prac tical business men, who are inter ested in agriculture, and who know the burdens which are beiner Dlaced upon the taxpayers of the nation. Grave problems are confronting us as a people and, regardless of poli tics, we must draft the strongest and most experienced men that are avail able. A SHUBERT VOTER. 15 v: ... 7 1 1 K - 4 ' .-. .y sty ,y . . A LINCOLN TAK ING ANNESS IN Running Stronger Everywhere as the Primary Draws Nearer. The Lincoln Daily Star has a staff of fine special writers that will rank with any daily paper in the west. Here is what the big special writer, Rambler Jones, thinks of Wilber An- "The friends of Wilber W. Anness, popular druggist and former news- paper man at Dunbar, and former business man of Elmwood, aspirant for the congressional nomination are loud in their claims for his right to the place.. "They Bay that he has always been a citizen of whom they could be proud; that he is a man of sound , Ju-Jgment, of clean life, capable and efficient, always active in anything launched for the community's pood, and that he would honor his home town and his home district If he could be sent to congress. "The Rambler has yet to hear a word unfavorable to the candidacy among those who know him best, re gardless of the political complexion of the speaker. Then they feel that he is entitled to consideration be cause he ran so well in the 1914 con test, but after he was defeated, he proved to be a good loser and gave his successful opponent the most loyal support. "His friends also point to his experience in the legislature and say that he is of legislative breadth and depth and a fine public speaker; that his record will bear the closest inspection. Although he has been absent from Elmwood for some years, yet they tell the Rambler there that he will sweep Cass county, for he has a host of friends there."