The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 06, 1922, Image 1
otl Eodetj plafcteraoutb out VOL. no. xxxvm PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, JULY 6, 1922. NO. 102 WORK ON ROAD TO THE RIFLE RANGE County Has Promised to Have Tneir Part Looked After City to Fix up 8th Street. From Monday's lallr. The fact that the government and the Btate are planning: to use the U. S. rifle range north of this city veryi""" l" "7 "aut" lu.H",J "cu us extensively during the coming sum- j eXtra laree nUmber mer makes the matter or nxing up the streets and road leading there one of niue himportance to every one in the community. The road traverses Eighth street to the city limits and this street, especially the northern portion needs some work to put it in good shape for travel and which should be look ed after at once as the coming of the state national guard encampment in August will mean that not only the 1.5t0 men in camp will use the road but that hundreds of visitors will be here by auto to visit their friends at camp and to travel over poor roads would certainly ne anything The strike situation here today has but a favorable advertisement forjBnown practically a 100 per cent the city and its people. (walkout on the part of the men and If the road and Eighth street are . tne registry at the local headquarters placed in god shape it will require jat the Labor temple shows that 394 but little effort to keep it so up to nf the men are out and onlv ten re- the time of the encampment and the visit of the U. S. troops in Septem ber when the 17th infantry will be here for their course in firing on the range. The county will see that their part of the road to the range is widened out so as to permit the passage of two cars easily and also provide for draining the road and the city will not be subject to such extensive work on their part of the job as 8th street is so that it will only require a small amount of labor to get it in first class shape. This will be one of the best ad vertisements for the city that can be made and one that should be tak en up and put across in a manner credible to the city and its people. FUNERAL OF LITTLE ONE IS HELD HERE YESTERDAY from Monday's Dally. The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rea McMaken, who has been very sick for the past wee!:, passed away Saturday afternoon and the funeral services were held yesterday from the home in the north portion of the city at 3 o'clock and attended by the delatives and friends of the bereaved parents. The services were conducted by the Rev. John Calvert of the First Methodist church, who f-poke words of comfort to the parents, who have been visited by the shadow of grief in their loss of a bright little one, and during the service. Mrs. E. H. Wescott and Miss Clara Mae Morgan sane "That Sweet Story of Old" and "When He Cometh." By the wealth of floral remember anres the. deep sj-mpathy felt for the parents c-f the little one was made apparent At the conclusion of the services- in me readjustment mere win ue at the home, the bodv was conveyed slight Increases in the railway, tele tn DaV TJiil cemetf-rv whprp it was graph and aviation sections of the laid to rest in the family lot. FILES SUIT IN COURT ! From Mourtay'B r'iy. This morning an action entitled T. II. Cromwell vs. Glen Vallery was filed in the district court in which the plaintiff seeks to prevent the de fendant from disposing of a note which he has in his possession. Edward S. Tutt vs. John Gakemei er and T. H. Cromwell is the title of another suit filed in which the plain tiff asks that he be given judgment against the defendants for a note for $3,000 made by the defendant. Gak- emeier. to Cromwell and which was later sold by Cromwell to Mr. Tutt.! ' VISITING AT DES MOINES " 1 Immanuel hospital and is feeling Miss Edythe Waliengren, one of j greatly improved over her condition the accomodating operators at the;in the past The occasion of the re exchange of the Lincoln Telephone I turn of Mrs. Wichman has given & Telegraph Co., is enjoying her her famiiy ana friends a great deal vacation from her duties by visiting of pleasure and they are hopeful at Des Moines with her sister and tnat phe will soon be in ner former family, and enjoying a well-earned ' tooj health. rest irom ner arauous ounes in me telephone work. Miss Waliengren de- parted Saturday afternoon and is an ticipating a most delightrul outing. RETURNS HOME From Monday's Dttly Mrs. James Ptacek who has been at the Immanuel hospital in Omaha for the nast two weeks recovering from an operation for goitre, has so J iar recoverca iuai mie uas utrcu ouic oS m me past ana win Keep tne out to return home. Mrs. Ptacek is still j put up to the high standard they quite weak from the eflects oi me; operation but every indication is lor her speedy recovery. ENJOY FINE TIME From Monday's Dally. The K. S! Sokol dramatic club last evening presented a most delightful comedy at the K. S. Sokol hall on west Locust street and the event was attended by a very large sized audi ence. The members of the company acquitted themselves in fine shape' and the audience enjoyed the pro-J duction to, the utmost. ' A REAL CEOWD Saturday evening one of the larg est crowds that has been evidenced in this city for some time, was busy on the main streets of the city and until a very late hour there was a large number stirring around and made a real metropolitan appear ance. The farmers are kept very busy at their homes during the day and evening is the only time they find to drirve in and look after the trad ing and other business matters and added to the usual Saturday evening SHOP FORGES ON STRIKE NUMBER PRACTICALLY ALL Of Crafts Affected by Strike Order, 394 Are Out and Only Ten Eemain at Work. main at their work in those denart- ments which have been ordered to strike. The various crafts that are en gaged in the strike are out in the strength shown below, according to the lists available at the strike head quarters: No. Out Working Carmen 291 5 Blacksmiths 41 2 Boilermakers 14 0 Machinists 26 2 Electricians 3 0 Sheet Metal Workers 19 1 TOTAL 394 10 The headquarters state that all of the men below the rank of general foremen have been called out and four or five of the foremen have re sponded and it is hoped that there will be others to Join this list. The conditions are the best pos sible and the situation one of quiet ness nnd reflects the greatest credit on the workers in their conduct of the protest walk-out. . JAPANESE TO CUT SIZE OF THEIR ARMY Number of Divisions Not to be Re duced But Companies to be Decreased Somewhat. Tokio. July 4. The Japanese ar my will be reduced by a total of 56, O00 enlisted men, according to reor ganization plans proposed by the war office and approved by the cabinet, it was announced today. The total number of divisions in the army will remain unchanged, but the number of companies, squad rons and batters will be decreased. land fnn ps ns M'fll ns in the hpnrv artillery corps. Reduction in the army, it is esti mated, will effect a saving of Yen 259,000,000 during the next twelve years and thereafter, Yen 23,000, (00 annually. Reorganization of equipment and changes in arms, such as the in creasing of artillery and the employ ment of a greater number of ma chine guns, will entail an expendi ture of Yen 23,000,000 spread over a thirteen years period. RETURNS FROM HOSPITAL Prom Monday Dally., Yesterday afterrnoon Mrs. John Wichman, Sr., returned from Om- ( aha where she has been for the past J three weeks, taking treatment at the NEW BUSINESS FIRM The cigar manufacturing firm of Ptak & Bajeck, which has been a part of the business life of the city for a number of years, has been suc ceeded by the Acorn Cigar Co., with Messrs. John Bajeck and Emmons Ptak as the heads of the new firm. The Acorn Co. will continue to make the same popular brands of cigars have maintained in the past. VISITING IN THE CITY Misses Josephine Abberley and Mable Gilchrist of Pasadena, Calif., are in the city guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Baird. The young ladies are enroute to the east and expect to visit at Chicago, Ni agra Falls. New York. Washington. Boston and from there go to the Thousand Islands. Montreal and Que bec and thence to the west through Canada, and returning to California over the northern route. PEACEFUL WAY OF CONDUCTING TKE WALKOUT TO THE INTEREST OF EVERYONE THAT PROPERTY OF RAIL ROAD BE PROTECTED. Prom Wednesday's .Dally. , The splendid spirit that has been shown here by the striking members of the mechanical crafts of the Bur lington shops, has been such as to reflect the greatest credit on the men and on the community in which they make their home. It is a matter of greatest concern to these men and to everyone in the city to see that the property of the Burlington at the shops is protected and this is the general spirit shown in the pres ent situation by the clear-headed an dearnest men who are in charge of the interests of the strikers as well as the Burlington officials here, who maintain their personal pleas antness despite the issues that may have arisen in the dispute that has led to the walkout of the railroad employes. James Ptacek, president of the shop federation, and who is direct ing head of the strikers, when inter viewed today, stated the position that is taken by the men relative to the property of the company and the preservation of order. "The strik ers bear no ill will toward any of the Burlington officials in this city or the general officers of the rail road," said Mr. Ptacek. "We are out to win and expect to win the fight, and it is going to be in a peaceful and orderly manner, such as has characterized the state of affairs since the men walked out. Eighty per cent of the men are owners of homes here in Plattsmouth and re gard the Burlington properties as a charge to care for as they expect to return to them for employment and consequently they urge absolutely no action that in any way might cause any injury or damage to the com pany property. The men have been asked to keep perfect order and de corum in their campaign of the strike and in presenting their cause to the general public and not the slightest disorder has marked the actions of any of the men. "There are many rumors put afloat," said Mr. Ptacek, "that, on investigation, prove to be wholly un founded, and anyone who hears these rumors of what has been done or may be done can verify their reports by calling at the strike headquarters where committees are busy all the time in handling cases where par ties have been misinformed." Incidently as regards these rumors that of Monday evening when it was alleged that cars had been stoned, proved to be much enlarged upon when the simple truth was known, and no member of any of the strik ing crafts was implicated in the af fair aside from being near the scene when the car was taken into the shop yards. Some young boy threw j a stone at the car as it passed the i Granite street crossing and this1 broke a -window, but the car was not in anyway molested aside from this and this the union men are abso lutely innocent of. This is where the individual citizen can do his part by keeping order and not allowing the damage to the property of the com pany. The strikers are not in the spirit of destruction or injuring anything and the general public should be as careful as the men themselves are. As we have stated this is a mat ter of the greatest importance and vital to all of Plattsmouth, no mat ter what our wishes or desires in the present situation may be, or what the outcome may result in for vic tory for either side, one thing stands out as self evident and that is that the men who are out now will wish to return to the shops for employ ment and this should be a reason for all to assist in seeing that the property is amply protected from damage of any kind. There is no quarrel with the Burlington system or its officials and the settlement of the issues is all that is involved and in either case it mean's that the shops will continue to be the chief indus try of the city. PURCHASES RESTAURANT The restaurant which has been owned for several months by Lewis & Lewis.' was sold Saturday to W. C. Foster and possesion given yeterday to the building and buiness. This restaurant is the one formerly " con ducted by Lew Russell and one of the popular eating houses of the city. Mr. Foster will endeavor to give the people of the community a res taurant that will be of the very best in service to its patrons. HAS SOME BOY On Saturday evening the stork made a visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Kalasek in the west por tion of the city and left in their care one of the finest little boys that boys that could be desired. The moth er and little one are doing very nice ly and Julius is feeling well pleased over the addition that has come to the family circle. Office supplies of all kinds han fled at the Journal office. SUFFERS SEVERE INJURY Saturday afternoon while Mrs. W. T. Melbern was engaged in picking some cherries from a tree at her j home she was unfortunate enough to ; fall from the step ladder on which j she was standing and as the result j susiaineu a iraciuic in. iur icn aumc that has kept her confined to her home since that time. The accident while not dangerous has been very painful and caused the patient more or less suffering. Mrs. Wineberg, a daughter of Mrs. Mellvrn, arrived here Tuesday to visit with the moth er and assist in her care. MERCHANTS AND TAFFE DRUG TEAM DIVIDE HONORS Council Bluffs Team Wins Opener, 3 to 0 While Locals Cop the Second, 14 to 3. Fro'a Wednesday' Oally The double header at the ball park yesterday afternoon was a fifty-fifty split with the visitors, the Tate Drug Co. team of Council Bluffs, taking the opener by the score of C to 0 while the locals were the win ners in the second game by the lop sided score of 14 to 0. In the first game the visitors gath ered in two of their runs in the sec ond inning on three hits and a pass and aside from this oi:e inning the battle was hard-fought and the vis itors earned all they got in the way of scores. Sorenson, the mound ar tist for the visitors, was very effec tive in the pinches and had exce!l?i:t support and the locals were on the job in backing up Connors in his work in the box. The second game proved very soft for the local team and they were worn out by their foot races around the bags ere the falling shades of night brought the conflict to a close and brought the victory to the Mer chants by the score of 14 to 3. Ma son was in the box in. the last half of the double header tncl had the Iowa lads guessing and as well re ceiving the best support from his teamates. McCarthy i-.i left and Sprecher in centerfielJ were there in both games in handling the drives in their territory and which nipped many a bright prospect for the visi tors. Fletcher, the centerfielder of the visitors, was very effective in his work and got away with a great many chances. The Taffe team used Boyd in the last game in the box but he was hit freely and the visi tors were somewhat up in the air on their fielding as several errors in the infield added to the general un steadiness and alowed the Platts mouth slugeers to fatten their scores. The crowd was very poor for the holiday as a great many were at tending the ceelbration at the K. S. park while others were out of the city to enjoy the Fourth and as the result the faithful old guard of fan-, dom were about all that were pres ent at the park. CAPPEB DENIES EE IS A CAN DIDATE FOB U. S. PBESIDENCY Topeka, July 1. The flat declar ation that under no circumstances i would he become a candidate for the republican nomination for president in 1924 is contained in a letter writ ten by Senator Arthur Capper of Kansas to a Topeka newspaper man, which was authorized for publica tion here tonight. . A persistent rumor, to the effect that the senator was preparing to toss his hat into the political ring as a presidential candidate was wide ly circulated here recently when it became known that he had complet ed plans for a Washington edition of one of his farm publications. "I have no more thought of run ning for president than you have," Senator Capper wrote to his friend. "If. will be difficult to separate me from my present job that is, with my consent and approval. "When they do succeed in jarring me loose, I am through with public offices." FRAZIEE'S LEAD OVER II'CTJMBEE, IS 10.000 Fargo, N. D.. July 1. Lynn J. Frazier's plurality over Senator Por ter J. McCumber for the republican nomination for senator will be in the neighborhood of 10,000 votes. More than 100 precincts still out standing tonight, are in rural dis tricts and are expected to increase Frazier's lead. A total of 1,925 pre cincts gave Frazier 83.302 to Mc Cumber, 75,530, a lead for Frazier of 7,772. Governor Nestos lead over B. F. Parker for the republican nomina tion for governor was dwindling. Nestos had 92,340 in 1,959 precincts and Baker had 77,412, a lead of 14, 928. COUNTY COMIOSSIONEBS MEET From Wednesday's Dally. The regular monthly meeting of the board of county commissioners was held today at tne court nouse and took up the usual routine busi- ness, principally that of allowing i119- "' THanfr Books at the Journal OSCC ENJOY FINE TIME AT TKE K. S, PARK ON JULY FOURTH j . ... i Celebration Eeld Yesterday is Very Largely Attended by - Resi dents of This City. The Fourth of July was observed quite extensively at the K. b. park, yesterday afternoon and evening and one of the largest trowels that h?r. attended any gathering of its kind was present at the scene of festivi ties from the early hours of the! morning until the last moments of the celebration last night. j parade of the visiting turners, the : x.scapaue lMear ureenwoou v,ubii up IK. S. society and the members of j wards of $500 State Sheriff the various labor unions, headed by Hyers Brought Them In. the Eiks baud, through the business streets and out to the K. S. park, ! From -udnesJays Daily, where the formal exercises of the, Tnis afternoon the temple of Just aay was opened. ijco of Judge William Weber was the Fran ostrejs presided at thelscene of a peneraI ciearing house of park and in a few well chosen words . a t of booze handlers and their introduced -layor C A. Johnson, friends who were taken into custody who welcomed the visitors and the!near Greenwood Mondav night by guests to the very enjoyable eath-jstate Slieriff Gus Hyers on informa- Judge James T. Begley was then introduced and made the formal ad dress of the day, dealing with thelSheri Qlnton petting wind of the foundation principals on which the American republic had been founded und the present situations that mark ed a great awakening and desire on the part of the people of the na tion to take a greater interest in the affairs political. Owing to the fact that Father Va clav Dostal of Lawler, Iowa, was un able to be present, Father Ferdinand Suesser of this city gave a few brief remarks. The Elks band furnished a very pleasing concert during the after noon and evening as well as a few selections in the morning which were much enjoyed by all of the large audience. During the noon hour there was a very delightful dinner party served by the ladies of the society at the hall and which was enjoyed by some 4 00 persons and also in the evening a fine luncheon was served. During the afternoon from 2 until 4 o'clock the turning exercises were held, the ladies' classes from the neighboring cities participating and the men of the society later giving some very clever apparatus work. At the close of the afternoon pro rr.n m .Tames 'Ptacek rave a short address to the gathering in -which I he made an earnest plea for the co operation of the public in the pres ent strike to see that order was pre served and that all strive to win by the presentation of their claims. He also urged a regard for the property of the railroad company at all times and under all conditions, as a mat ter of personal importance to every one of the shop employes. Father Ferdinand Suesser as well ns Father John Vranek of Omaha spoke very briefly. In the evening there was a fine social dance held and this feature of the evening lasted until a late hour. MEXICAN TROOPS ROUT REBEL BAND Several Bandits Killed in Clash With Federal Soldiers Near Aguada Camp in Tampico District Washington, July 2. Rebel forces were defeated and scattered by fed eral troops near the Aguada camp of the Cortez Oil company in the Tam pico district of Mexico on June 30, according to a message received by the state department today from Consul Shaw at Tampico. The latter said his information was based upon a report he had received from oil company officials yesterday. There were two actions, the con sul said, in which five or six rebels were killed, three taken prisoner and CO of their horses and mules cap tured. The federal troops, he added, arcording to his advices, were pre paring to follow up the rout of the rebels while other federal troops, he understood, were coming into the district. Mr. Shaw, in his message which was filed at noon yesterday, did not mention the name of the command er of the rebel forces, but it was as sumed here it probably was General Gorozave, whorecently took several of the employes of the oil company prisoners and seized much destruc tible property for the concern as "se curity" for the payment of 15,000 pesos. The situation now was ap parently well in hand by the troops of the Obregon government, the con sul stated. CANAL TOLLS NET UNITED STATES ELEVEN MILLIONS Balboa Heights, Panama, July 1. -Tolls from the Panama canal netted the United States $11,197,000 in the J fiscal year which ended yesterday- During the year the canal passed 2 740 vessels with the approximate eigrht of 10,850,000 tons. Traffic jwas 3 per cent less than the previous I fiscal year but about the same as the j calendar year of 1921. RETURN FROM COAST From 'Wednesday's Dally This morning E. H. Wescott and son, Edgar, who have been spending a few weeks at Los Angeles at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Wescott. parents of E. II. Wescott. returned home. Both Hilt and Edgar have en- 'joyed very much their outing and the opportunity of visiting with the ; relatives in the charming coast coun i try. They report Mr. and Mrs. Wes cott. Sr., as doing very nicely, altho r- Wescott is feeling somewhat hIsjr,Tlnp licre u;d'aVi i,rouRilt new of advancing years. BQOZE PARTY PAY ' DEARLY IN COURT ! party had been reported as having made several trips to Greenwood and habit of visiting that portion of Cass county by the dealers in hooch, ar ranged to have them picked up. The parties brought here today were Wilfred and Anna Wilson, of and Emma Crawford and Harry Wal lace of Omaha, and Dennis Clark of Council Bluffs. The cars used by the parties were Fords and owned by Clark and Wallace. The judgment of the court was that the parties should pay dearly for their violation of the prohibition law. Wilfred Wilson drew 100 and costs; Melvin Petersen, 100: Anna Wilson. $10; Emma Crawford. $10; Stephen Crawford, $100; Harry Wal lace, $100 and Dennis Clark. $100. State Sheriff Hyers was here in charge of the party of tourists and remained until they were given their trimmings by the court. SELL STANDEE ST0BE Frank Vallery, the hustling real estate dealer of eastern Cass coun ty, Saturday closed up a deal be tween James Chilton of North Platte and John Stander of this city where by Mr. Chilton takes over the Stand er store here " and Mr. Stander se cures a part of the Countryman farm south of Murray. The value of the deal is something like $25,000 and all parties to the deal including the genial real estate man feel well pleased over the deal. TAKEN TO HOSPITAL From Wednesday's Dally. Yesterday, Ruth, the little daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Pickett, was taken to Omaha where she was placed in the Methodist hospital there for treatment. Little Miss Ruth has been very poorly for the past week, having been taken sick while on a visit with relatives. The little one is in very serious shape and the friends of the family are hopeful that a change for the better may occur soon. Popular copyrights and the latest fiction at the Journal office. I i I i r. .11 1 II IVhat Is An Ideal Investment? It is better to maintain your surplus funds in idleness provided they are de posited in a safe place than to take any chances in an effort to earn big interest. But our Certificates of Deposit offer you both safety and liberal interest. No excuse therefore for idle funds. Ask us about our Certificates of Deposit. THE FIRST NATIONAL SANK ! j i THE BANK WHERE YOU FEEL AT MOE L, j ft; PORTSMOUTH 2HL NEBRASKA. j I f Member Federal Reserve ) ! EDISGN LIBRARY PRIVILEGES FREE Hear Re-Creations in Your Own Home without Cost That is Plan Now Available. Mr. Elihu M. Ben-Dror, a special representative of the Thomas A. Edi- umti T .i hnratnrr flrrtllfp J u r- the latest inspiration of the preat brain of Mr. Edison. It appears that Mr. Ben-Dror is here to visit owners of the New Edison phonograph and explain to them the New Edison Service clubs. The idea is to have every cata logued Re-Creation circulate among the owners. Comparative ly few peo ple have heard even a small propor tion of the nearly two thousand He lections contained in the Edison cat alogue. Hundreds f thes'e would doubtless find favor if they could be heard. How impossible it would be for the busy man or woman to sit in the shop for a sufficiently long time to hear these Re-Creation:; play ed, but by having twenty of these selections for two days each mouth .the owner can. eventually, hear all of them. Duplicates of those that appeal to the owner can be secured from the local dealers. Messrs Wey rich & Hadraba, who are to maintain the Library headquarters. One of the best features about the Library plan is that every member of one's family, and friends, can hear and discuss each selection in the comfort of the home at the Bume time. There is no cost to anyone, or obligation. It can be seen that only the almost unbreakable quality and durable surfaces of the Edison Re-Creations make this plan pos sible. Twenty Re-Creations or forty play ing sides, will give each owner near ly three hours of the world's best music each month. The time of Mr. Edison's represen tative here is limited, and it is ad visable that every owner make tuire that Messrs Weyrich & Hadraba are in possession of his correct address, otherwise the representative iniRht miss him. A pot card to the local firm will assure a visit. FINE LITTLE SON From Wednesday' UaUy. This morning there arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles I lit t. Jr., a fine little American citizen and the little man, who is the first child in the family, is the object of a great deal of admiration from the happy parents as well as the de lighted grandparents and other rela tives of the little one. The many friends will extend their well wishes for the future of young Mr. Hitt. VALUE OF MARK AT A NEW LOW EEC0BD Berlin. July 1. The mark today slumped to 400 for $1, a new low record. It was reported that Von Ilaime!, of the finance ministry, and Ambas sador Houghton conferred on the situation at the American embassy and that the German official was making an eleventh hour attempt to stop the decline. Call at the Journal office for fine gift stationery, in both large and small boxes. Hi: