The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 03, 1922, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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MONDAY, JULY 3, 1922.
! i
S Am Hore to Serve You!
Notwithstanding the interference by the fire fiend,
I am still here to give service to the farmer in supplying
their wants and needs in the line of farming machinery
and repairs. We have the agency for the International
line, including McCormick and Deering harvesting ma
chinery and the tillage machinery, including plows,
discs, cultivators and in fact anything in the farming
machinery line I can furnish you. Repairs for all and
any kind of farm utensils. I would like to give you
service. Phone 14-J.
Mrs. J. E. McIIugh, who has been
feeling very poorly last week is bet
ter and so she can be about again.
Frank Zoz and family were spend
ing a few hours last Wednesday at
Elmwood. where they were looking
after some trading.
Emil G. Rosenow, of Elmwood,
was looking after some business mat
ters in Murdock last Thursday, be
ing over in his truck.
E. W. Thimgan and family and
Mr. H. H. Gakemeier were over to
Alvo last Thursday evening to view
the wreck of the Rock Island.
Mrs. Anna Steinhause of Indian
anolis arrived iii Murdock a short
time ago and is spending the summer
with her cousin, Mrs. Aug Panska.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Vech of Lincoln
were visiting in Murdock and were
guests at the "home of Mr. and Mrs.
II. R. Schmidt last Sunday evening
for a few hours.
George Norton, of Omaha, who is
employed by the Western Union Tele
graph company in the metropolis, is
spending his vacation at the home of
his parents in Murdock.
John Gakemeier, who has been
visiting here for some time past, re
turned last Wednesday to Dunning,
where he and Charles Lau are In
terested in raising of cattle.
Miss Leah Schmidt who is sales
lady in a large business house, at
Stella, is taking her vacation "and
spending the time at the home of
her parents, Mr. and Irs. H. R.
Messrs Ellis LaRue and his father,
D. C. LaRue, of Union, were visiting
in Murdock last Thursday, coming
over to see about some business mat
ters and making the trip in the auto
of Mr. D. C. LaRue.
The Dress Form club of Murdock
met last Tuesday at the school
building, where they did some effect
ive work and received instructions on
the sewing machine by Mis3 Ida
Wilkins of Weeping Water.
Mr. G. Bauer just returned from
a trip to Ithica, where he visited
with Mr. Herman Kraft, who is re
ported as being in a very critical
condition on account of ill health.
He has been kept to his bed all the
time now.
Mr. and Mrs. Jess Landholm, who
have been visiting with friends at
North Platte, returned a few days
since and making the trip by auto,
found much water and bad roads.
especially in the western portion of
their trip.
H. W. Tool and wife were enjoy
ing a visit from some cousins, Dr.
R. B. Eldridge and wife of Lincoln
for a short time. Mr. Eldridge is
just departing for Long Island, where
he will take a post graduate course at
a hospital in that place.
Attorney W. G. Kieck of Platts
mouth and also candidate for. nomi
nation for county attorney on the
republican ticket, was in Murdock
last Thursday making the acquaint
ance of the voters and solocitlng
their support at the primaries.
Mr. II. W. Tool of the lumber in
terests of Murdock, has Just recent
ly sold one of his fine Airdale pup
pies to Dr. M. U. Thomas of Weep
ing Water. Mr. Tool has three more
which he has for disposal. Any one
can see him at the lumber office.
Mrs. Charles Ault and little daugh
ter and Miss Edith Kelly of Platts
mouth. arrived in Murdock on last
Thursday evening for a visit until
Sunday, when they were Joined by
Mr. Ault. They were guests at the
home of their sister, Mrs. O. E. Mc
Donald. Gust and John Gakemeier and I. G.
Hornbeck were visiting at Ashland
one day last week, where they went
to see some Herford cattle which
Mr. John Gakemeier was thinking of
purchasing. They also made a trip
to near Burn, Kansas, for the same
Mrs. P. A. Mockenhaupt of west
of Murdock has been very sick with
an attack of summer flu and last
Thursday evening Mr. Mockenhaupt
went over to Manley and returned
with his father and mother, Mr. and
Mrs. C. E. Mockenhaupt, to care for
the wife.
On Monday last the country sew
ing club met at the home of Mrs.
Albert Streich, where they had a
very profitable meeting, and where
the members were given a very in
structive demonstration on the sew
ing machine by Miss Ida Wilkins cf
Weeping Water.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. John
Gakemeier was gladdened last week
by the presentation to this excellent
couple of a fine young son last week.
The mother and little son are get
ting along nicely and the father is
able to be around, notwithstanding
Let Us Help You Solve the Food Question During This Busy Time.
We Will Give You Real Service and Complete Satisfaction.
Fresh cakes, etc., per lb 20c, 25c and 30c
Sweet corn, choice quality, 2 cans for .25c
Peas, fency, per can 20c
String beans, per can 20c
Peaches, No. 2 z size, per can 30c
Apricots, No. 2Yz size, per can 30c
Salmon, per can 20c
Try our J. M. 1846 coffee, 3-lb. square can $1.00
. 1 0-Ib. milk pail coffee for $3.35
Special introductory advertising price, 2 cans for. 30c
the whistle which he keeps piping
all the while.
E. L. Pothast and- family, of Lin
coln visited
Pothast and
were worthy of contemplation for the
lesson which they conveyed.
With a train moving at the speed
of sixty miles per hour, as it wad
claimed by many who were conver
sant with the facts, it seems almost
impossible that there should be so
little loss of life. Two things con
tributed to this result, one the steel
coach, which is fast supplanting the
old wooden coach that has been the
at the home Of O. J. 1 tri raloro In V, o met Thorn woo nn
family Thursday and ' fire no telesconine of the cars as has
been the case in so many previous
disasters of this kind. The ' other
Mr. and Mrs. v. A. Martin and
Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Hansen, of Sioux fartnr is that the engine men staved
City motored to Murdock and visited ' at thelr p03ts and with a heroism en-
at tne nome oi yj. o. romasi ana deavored to save the lives of those
family Saturday and Sunday. wno v.ere in their keening. Both paid
Mr. and Mrs. wm. Alberts of Lin-'th fllli n0fa n Rfrvioe when thev
coin drove down in their car and
visited at the home of O. J. Pothast
and family over Sunday. Mr. Al
berts is county treasurer of Lancas
ter county.
laid their lives on the alter for the
preservation of the passengers, many
of whom were sleeping peacefully at
the time the accident occurred.,
Hours after the accident, the re-
Rumley Oil Pul! Tractors!
Trucks and Thrashing Machices and Grandtrue Plows
Our Tractors pull up to teji bottom plows with ease. An
abundance of power for any work and can handle easily any
thrashing machine and have power left.
Murdock, Nebraska
H. R. Schmidt says he knows what mains of Engineer W. N. McLennan
it is to experience an air ride, al- wa3 fOUnd at his post with one hand
though he never has had the pitas- on the throttle of the air brake which
Mrs. Rush, July 13 th, to receive in
structions in the making of toilet
and laundry .soaps. Anyone desiring
to receive the3e instructions is cor
dially invited to attend. Mrs. O. J.
The bride was born and grew to
young womanhood in this vicinity
ure, as when he went to the wreck ne had artlied to the rapidly moving and is held in the highest esteem by
near aivo ne am uut unve iasi enui train, and the other on the lever a large circle oi warm irienas.
for one of the party, who took the -which reverses the driving mechan-J The rooms of the home were very
wheel on the return and Mr. Schmidt jsm c( the powerful engine. Engi- has grown to manhood in this vicin
says the new chauffeur fairly made neer McLennen had applied the alrlty also and is held in the highest
the old car fly. . at the time his engine went over thej
The sewing ciabs mei ai me scnooi railf and thia checked the speed of,
house Tuesday afternoon and receiv- tne coaches before they came to the
ed Instructions in the use of the break in the track, saving them from
machine attachments. The next being up-ended, which would have
meeting will be held at the home of resulted in ereat loss of life. Such
fidelity as this to oneV duty, be it
of an impulsive or thought-out na
ture, is worthy of recognition, and
should stand as a shining example in
the minds of railroad men generally.
Although he lost his life, Mr. Mc-
Lennen saved tahe lives of scores of
Hears of Death of Relative hi3 passengers:
Word was received last Thursday j ' '
by Max Dusterhoff telling of the They Sure Had a Good Time
death of his cousin, Mrs. Ella Jeg- They concede that much themselv
linsky and a niece of Mrs. Fred es ana were all smiles as a conse
Ohme, which occurred in the old qUence of the most delightful meet
country a short time since. The lady jng Df the R. N. A. Kensington at j
was 34 years of age and had five the beautiful home of Mrs. H. A.1
children living besides her husband. Tool jt Thursday. Mesdames C.
They had lost one daughter. The Moomey, H. W. Tool and Lacey Mc
sympathy of the community goes out Donald were the assistant hostesses,
to Mr. Dusterhoff and his mother in The ladies concluded they would
their hour of sidness. have something different in the way
'of entertainment, and they sure did.
Community Water System Success The home had been decorated for
The community water system that a wedding of "ye olden days," and
was recently installed by five of the presented all the beauty which such
progressive citizens of Murdock, and an occasion inspired when grandma
which has just gotten to working is was a girl.
proving a success even beyond the The arch under which the bridal
expectations of the initiator of the couple were to stand during the
proposition, Mr. H. W. Tool. From ceremony, had been constructed of
calculations the amount of Juice that invitations which had been received
will be required, to do the pumping by Mr. and Mrs. Tool during the
is about $2.50 per month for five past quarter of a century and was a
families or forty cents each per celebration of their own silver wed
mcnth, which' is very low. jding anniversary. Surmounting it
were family portraits and photo-
Airdale Puppies for Sale I graphs taken many years ago, thus
I have three fine Airdale puppies embellishing the present with the
fr.- ooia Hoo mo fit th lnmher vnrd history of by-gone years. Many of
or call "by phone.-r-H. W. Tool, Mur- the invitations making up the arch;
dock. ..-
esteem by a large circle of friends.
May the pathway of Mr. and Mrs.
Herbert Schllefert be strewn with
flowers of kindly deeds and loving
acts, which will bring happiness and
a contented life, is the wish of their
many friends.
Case Farming Machinery!
I have the agency for the full line of Case farming machin
ery. Such as Plows, Tractors, Threshing Machinery, Haying
Machinery and fn fact a full and complete line. We can fur
nish all kinds of repairs. See us, we will make it well worth
your while.
Phone No. 7-W Murdock, Neb.
Is Kept' Very Busy
Wm. Ghertsr, who is a hustler when
it comes to work,Ji3 kept pretty busy
Just at this time with the farmers,
who have some little difficulty with
C! their harvesting machinery. Mr.
j Gherts is here, there and everywhere,
were 'those of people who were in at
tendance' at this unique function.
The wedding was just such an
affair as would have been witnessed
at a similor occasion one hundred
years ago. The contracting parties
were Mrs. Jess Landholm and Mrs. '
H. A. Tool, the bride and groom, :
who Impersonated Percival Washing-;
ton of that day and the bride, Mrs. i
To the Pcoplo of Murdoch and Vicinity:
When you buy Petroleum Products from us you are patro
nizing a strictly HOME CONCERN, not an eastern corporation.
We pay our taxes and spend our money in Cass county. Our
Penn Franklin Motor and Tractor Oils are a pure Pennsylva
nia product - every drop made from Pennsylvania crude and
shipped direct from Pennsylvania. We buy in car load lots,
thereby getting the rock bottom price. Remember Pennsyl
vania oils will not carbon your motor, will stand up under ter
rific heat and will wear longer. See our Mr. Schafer for sam
ples and prices. '
Exclusive sale of "Molly-O" bread. It's different. Large loaf .... 14c
arvest Dishes!
Cup and saucer for ; 20c
Ice tea glasses, 2 for 25c
Tumblers, 4 for 25c; per dozen 75c
Now is the Time to Sort Up before the Crowd Comes We have the
Goods in Stock and Can Supply Your Needs in This Line.
Murdock, Nebraska
;anu is Keepu e iiie uuiut "&'" Tool, was before the wedding Miss
.away m an tneneios. j Susana, and afterwards Mrs. Per-
" 7 , jcival Washington. The ceremony
j Attended the Athletic Snow was performed by Mrs. Frank Melvin.j
! Last Tuesday evening a number of the minister, but Just what her other
! the young people ot Murdock drove name was we did not learn. !
:to Plattsmouth to "attend the wrest- Mrs. James Mills sang sweetly, "I
ling and boxing show which the Ain't Nobody's Darling." Mrs. Leta
'American Legion post at the county Gillespie was best man, while Mrs.
1 seat was putting on at the Airdome u way was the bridesmaid. Mrs.
; theatre. They were all well pleased ij0uis Bornemeier was the father of
! with the show and enjoyed the ride the bride, who have her away, while
lover to the county seat and return as Mrs. O. R. McDonald was the mother
j well. Those to attend from Murdock 0f the bride and carried the smelling
I were II. H. Lawton, E. W. Thimgan, sang jn case of an emergency.
J. E. McIIugh, Stephen Leis, I.
Ilcrnbecjc and John Gakemeier.
Injured by a Horse
While trying to drive a horse from ger
The flower girls were Mesdames
A. R. Hornbeck and John AmgwerW
and the ribbon bearers Mrs. V. A.
Mockenhaupt and Mrs. J. W. Krue-
Mrs. Frank Bueil was an old
the barn a short time since, Mr.
Ilikli had a narrow escape from se
vere injury if not death, when the
horse reared back and striking Mr.
Rikli down in the driveway, tramp
led him until he was unconscious.
maid sister of the bride and who car
ried her pet cat with her. Mesdames
J. E. McHugh and H. V. McDonald
were honored guests who came with
their sewing, as they were so indus
trious they could not afford to waste
Uo Timo !nunii1 in Villi noail hrtHv nnri iinv nrpdlnna time !
arms, one of the arms being nearly! Mrs. Joe Guthman was mistress of
broken. He is reported at this time honor while Mrs. J. J. Gustin repre
as getting along nicely. isented Martha Washington,, but Just
j what relationship she sustained to
S. F. Schweppe's New Home ! Mr- Percival Washington has not yet
Work is progressing nicely at the ' ln figured out. Mrs. A. J. Bauer
nOW lTno Whih i hpitiir construct- was grandmother and Mrs. H. A.'
led bv Mr. and Mrs. Herman F. Outhman grandfather of the bride.
iSchweppe. southeast of Murdock. Refreshments were served from the
'Just at this time, on account of not kitchen and punch from the rum
ifeelin" well Mr. Depner, the con- room which nicely accommodated thej
tractor is not on the building, but ia" prommeui Buesis vi one nun
the carpenter work is going forward ! Qrd years ago.
on the structure by his competent
Color Harmony
at Home
with our new Wall Fea
tures; the soft richness
and depth of color in
our Mottles, Stipples,
Blends, only obtainable
through our system.
Ask us about it!
"Dusterhoff Shops"
help. George Parks, the lather with
Pretty Church Wedding-
ln fmm TVTn rra v Is Trinltine'' The marriaere of Miss Maedaline
: ii iciriu, iiuai -" '-
good progress getting the house in t Reinke to Mr. Herbert Schliefert oc
! shape for the plasterers. J. L. Pil-'curred on Wednesday evening, June
kington and Douglas Stephens, of 21st at 6 o'clock at the Evangelical
' Alvo, the masons, are about getting Lutheran church near Murdock,' Ne
Uho ii-r.v u-nrV linne C. C. Bur- i braska. Rev. W. J. Peters oerformine:
bridge, of Plattsmouth, is looking af-j the ceremony that united the lives
ter the nlumbing of the new edifice. 'of these two young people. I
(Preceding the ceremony Miss Clara
Wehrmann played the Bridal chorus
,t . .. from Lohengrin, while the bridal
I. G. Hornbeck, Rock Island asent orv, y,,, , t .
at Murdock, has handed us a coheir places at the chancel- which
cular which has recently been put ;a)a Ha.t,Iv. t.a
n A
oev. were spoken that united them for
T'lio hirln lira a V a Tirlanm olw trnnrn-
dent of the Rock Island company a d , wMte silk canton crepe dress.
out by the railroad company
which stated that on June
there would be put out by the presi
'Careful Crossing Campaign," hich j and carried a beautiful boquet
: a now on for the prevention of the f brides ro3e3 and f h
lives of the t""n6Pw,.wn; ley. The gVoom wore the customary
i daily cross railroad tracks without darjt sujt
taking proper precaution. Thisjs a ; Aftep congratulations a four course
matter in which all should co-oper- dl0ner was seryed t ghad SprIng
ate for the saving of people's lives . nf ta ma-: ,Jt
and preventini
injury and loss of,
There were thirty-five guests present
at this function.
The rrtrtma rf thA. rnm a urcra varv.
Many See Hock Island Wreck (charmingly prepared in decorations
Incident to the wreck on the Rock of- the summer flowers and pink crepe
Island about three miles west of bells that added their natural beauty
Alvo last Wednesday morning which to the scene of the pleasant gather
took toll of the lives of two of the ing and amid the nodding blooms
employes and injured as many a3 a the Jolly party spent the evening
score of people, the almost entire hours very happily,
population of Murdock went over to, The bridal couple were showered
view the wreckage. ; The represents-' with many handsome weddins gifts
tive of this paper- also- viewed the that thy will cherish greatly hm--results
of the catastrophe, which. . out the years to come.
SJe Are Headquarters
Hard Oils
Harvester Oil Axle Grease
All Kinds of Motor Oil
Buick Prices
22-Four-34 Two passenger roadster ..$ 895
22-Fpur-35 Five passenger touring 935
22-Six -44 Three passenger roadster 1365
22-Four-36 Three passenger coupe 1295
22-Six -45 Five passenger touring 1395
22-Four-37 Five passenger sedan- 1395
22-Six -49 Seven passenger touring. ........ 1585
22-Six -46 Three passenger coupe 1885
22-Six -48 Four passenger coupe 2075
22-Six -47 Five passenger sedan 2165
22-Six -50 Seven passenger sedan 2375
T All Buicks F. 0. B. Flint, Michigan