The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 03, 1922, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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MONDAY, JULY 3, 1922.
Cte plattemoutb journal
Eaterea at Postofflca, Plattsmouth. Neb., u second-class mU matter
H. A BATES, Publisher
And it came to pass, as Moses en
tered into the tabernacle, the cloudy
pillar descended, and stood at the
door of the tabernacle, and the Lord
talked with Moses. And the Lord
spake unto Moses face to face, as a
man sDeaketh unto his friend. Ex
odus xxxiii, 9 to 11.
The harder you step on the gas
the higher it goes.
' The one thing funnier than a man
who can't spit is the woman who can.
Whoever nicknamed George Ruth
"The Babe" certainly was Inspired
Up-to-date love is compounded in
snrinetime. cocoa cola and Swiss
fudge sundaes.
First adding machine was made
in 1642: but the banks are using
subtracting machines now.
Lenlne has been called a fox, but
le is a cat because tf the number
of lives he has lost to date.
Ohio Isn't furnishing any .presi
dential cahdidates this year that we
know of, of any pennent winners
visible at this moment.
o : o-
The American people are not only
turning their swords into plowshares
but they are also turning their veg
etable gardens into garage sites.
The crying need is for the motor
car that will count ten before it
runs into a telephone pole or tries
to beat the train to the crossing.
One list of "the twelve greatest
women" will get by about as well as
another, if you are careful to lead
off with your wife's name at the top.
. The things that, man do 'are of
"feeconflary ImportahcefWhat amounts
most is in the home and that is up
to the women, the makers of Amer
ica. - ?o:
Just think of It! Twenty years
ago the men were taking the cork
screw off their key rings and com
mencing to carry tin top lifters. Oh,
my, wasn't that nice? You bet!
i :6:
Although the horned toad can go
119 days without a drink, the gen
eral facial expression of the camel
probably will Insure him a steady
job as the emblem of prohibition.
President Lowell of Harvard de
cided that the world's need is for
clear thinking, and that the need
for it is greater today than ever. We
don't think that the need for it Is
any greater now than in the; past.
The world never has had enough of
It, and we admit that it is the most
needed thing of the hour. But how,
t)o. Lowell, are we going to get it?
It don't take a man long to
bag his pants at the knees,
and to make a finely tailored
suit look thoroughly disrepu
table that's the man of it,"
avers Dainty Dorthy.
But she goes on to explain
that the man who is making
use of our cleaning, steaming
and pressing services is keep
ing his clothes in much more
presentable condition than
when he got" acquainted with
us. And It doesn't cost much,
(foods Called for and Delivered
till. r,M .III NlliJ
I I k I 1 A. Lit A A I
166 .
The senate republicans have de
cided the .time has come to invoke
the cloture' rule and pass the tariff
bill, which means, broadly, that they
have said everything about the bill
they care, to say.
:o: ;
The chief reason why the voters
of Nebraska are going to send Hon.
G. M. Hitchcock to the senate is that
he is the best man available for the
office. This is not a mere opinion.
It is a statement of fact.
Everyone sympathizes with Gov
ernor Small in his bereavement on
account of the sudden death of his
wife, who died soon after his acquit
tal of embezzlement of states funds
while he was state treasurer.
The Hague conference hasn't suc
ceeded in breaking into the news to
any great extent so far, but with
the arrival of. the Russian soviet
delegates there is reason to believe
Its business may pick up a bit.
Moral conditions in Plattsmouth
have shown a wonderful improve
ment. There is no doubt about It.
Even the canteloupes you buy at the
grocery stores are better. You don't
get so many green ones as formerly.
. :o:
The only way to get rid. of flies is
to keep up an incessant warfare
against them. Traps, fly paper, and
the usual methods of capture, are
excellent, but the all-important
thing is to destroy the breeding
places. , ,
The senate is believed to be op
posed to the elastic tariff provision
of the pending bill which gives the
president authority to adjust its
rates to conform to changing condi
tions. The senate in short is opposed,
to anything snappy.
i :o:
' 'Many, strangers',, have visited
Plattsmouth this week and they all
seemed surprised to see the push
that is going on in the way of im
provement. The fact is that there are
no better towns of the class in which
Plattsmouth is classed.
:o: -
The shipping board declares that
it wants to sell liquor aboard Amer
ican ships so that it can make mon
ey and thus keep the merchant ma
rine afloat. Making money is also
the reason why bootleggers every
where want to operate.
-:o:- .
President Harding and Messrs.
Lasker and Daugherty have been
away on the Mayflower quietly dis
cussing the problem of rum-running
on American-owned merchant ships
in which these officials, after a fash
Ion, have been engaged.
You hear them knock Old Man
Summer on all sides, but to us sum
mer is the season of seasons. Why
should summer be given the most
criticism when it brings with it
fried chicken, cherry pie, corn on
the cob and watermelons?
Fear is expressed in some quarters
that the ex-kaiser may make a dash
for Germany in the event of a mon
archist uprising, but that fear Is not
shared by those who have a clear
recollection of the speed he showed
when he dashed out of Germany.
"Off again on again!" Is the
way Main street users of water are
i being served, on account of the wa
I ter company lowering their main
J pipes. But one thing certain, when
' the work Is completed we will be
much better served. Go to it, boys.
Quite a number of state officials
have visited Plattsmouth this week.
: And one of the most genial gentle-
' man among the number is Frank
Mills, democratic candidate for con
gress in the First district. He has
the appearance of a gentleman and
scholar, possessing the ability to
represent his constituents in a most
credible manner.
We are pleased to note that Messrs
Cloidt & Moore of the Parmele are
being highly appreciated in serving
their patrons with the very best pic
, tures to be had. "Smilin' Through,"
with that (popular and handsome
little actress Normal Talmadge as
the star, drew big audiences for
three nights. And last night, an
i other Tery popular and attractive
little star, Anita Stewart, in TOeL- . .
, . ...... tie on my my farm, two miles east
Woman He . Married delighted a( yjt
fine audience. Messrs. Cloidt oi Marraj
Mdore Ste nslnf terery elfoTt td please h T. H. POLLOCK,
their patrons and are doing It. j phone No. 1 ' Plattsmouth, Neb
Former Mayor of Lincoln Announces
Program on Which BY Will
Seek Demo Nomination.
In submitting my name as a dem
ocratic candidate for governor at the
primary election, I do so with the
assurance of many that my candi
dacy will prevent the injection of
the liquor question into the state
camoaien and encourage a mmiani
democracy to concentrate its efforts
upon tax reduction and business ei
flHonev in state management.
The rpnuhllcan beneficiaries of
high salaries and numerous political
inha ran not be emected to lower
their own salaries or to abolish their
own joDs.
I believe the taxes should be, ana
can be reduced.
I believe that the way to reduce
taxes is to reduce the cost of govern
ment, and to be more specmc:
I believe the- code bill should De
I believe that the duplication oi
administrative heads, as now in
force, has greatly added to the num
ber of employes on the pay roll, low
ered the efficiency of the service, of
the state government and is an im
position upon the taxpayers.
I favor placing the administrative
and departmental work of the state
back into the hands of the regularly
elected state officials, as intended by
the constitution.
I believe in a re-grouping of the
various departments in the hands of
the proper state officials where said
state officials can be held directly
responsible to the voters who elect
them, and that the great army of
useless employes now on the pay
roll should be discharged as a mat
ter of economy.
I do not believe that merely a
"modification" of the code bill will
purge the state's pay roll of super
fluous employes. "Modification" en
ables candidates to straddle the is
sue and enables irresponsible cam
paign managers to promise political
campaign workers an unlimited num
ber of jobs that the code bill makes
I am in favor of abolishing joy
riding at the people's expense by the
numerous state officers and employes
on mileage books paid for by the tax
payers. I believe that the cost of the new
state capitol should be kept within
the appropriation and that the very
apparent profiteering in the bids for
construction of the new capitol
building should be handled without
gloves. j
I believe that the recently enact
ed revenue bill should . be repealed
or amended to prevent discrimina
tion in favor of the. bond holders as
against the farmers and other own
ers of tangible property.
Recognizing the automobile as a
necessity to all classes of citizens, I
favor the reduction of the automo
bile license tax in proportion to the
reduction in income of the farmers
and wage-earners of the state.
Retrenchment should be the
watchword until the farmers and
wage-earners recover from the disas
trous effects of deflation caused by
the misuse of the federal reserve act.
In considering appropriations for
all state work and all state institu
tions, careful consideration should
be given to the people's financial con
dition. These questions deal with the tax
es and the peace of mind of the peo
ple, and until the unnecessary tax
eater is forced to take his hand out
of the taxpayer's pocket, the tax
payer is in no frame of mind to con
sider other subjects.
I favor the provisions of the Shep-pard-Towner
maternity bill.
I am a supporter of the primary
system and favor doing away with
the party circle, and am opposed to
the four bills becoming a law that
are to be voted upon under the ref
erendum. I am in favor of the repeal of, or
amendment to the indeterminate
sentence law and in favor of the
modification of the rules governing
the pardon board that permit and
encourage weak officials to release
from the penitentiary confirmed
criminals without proper punish
ment. Upon the prosperity and welfare
of the farmer and the wage-earners
depend the prosperity and progress
of the state as a whole, and I will
encourage and support in the fut
ure, as I have in the past, every le
gitimate effort to Improve their con
dition and to facilitate their pro
gress. .
For references as to my business
ability, or as to my devotion to the
cause of the common people, I refer
the voters of the state of Nebraska
to the voters of the city of Lincoln.
Three St. Louis brothers and wives
have just proved that divorce stat
istics do not tell the whole story.
The three couples have just cele
brated their golden anniversaries.
Eminent specialists meeting in
Paris declare that the best way for
a woman to maintain good health
and perfect brain balance is to per
form household work regularly. Thus
proving that all eminent specialists
are married men. v
Pacfcro fcr Rent!
I hare good pasture With run
inim water for a few head of cat.
Inability to Get Contractors to Really
Bid on New State House May
Bring About This Action.
Harry Byrne, of Omaha, visited
the state house at Lincoln Wednes
day with information that contrac
tors are likely to raise Instead of
lower their bids on the first section
of the state house superstructure.
The capitol commission rejected all
bids and called for new bidding on
the ground that there was lack of
competition not only on the entire
section of the superstructure but on
the twenty-six different portions of
it. Contractors were permitted to
bid on any of the twenty-six differ
ent trades or upon the entire struct
ure. Only one bid on the work in its
Mr. Byrne reports that contractors
say they should not be expected to
bid an amount equal to the sum of
the twenty-six different Jobs upon
which tradesmen were asked to bid.
This he says will allow nothing for
superintendence of the various Jobs.
At least 10 per cent ought to be al
lowed a contractor for his skill and
for the Use of his equipment and for
the keeping together of a working
force. Otherwise, says Mr. Byrne,
there is no Inducement for a con
tractor to keep trained men on his
payroll and to build up an equip
ment. "The contractors may be surprised
if the state should decide to build the
capitol on its own account without
the aid of contractors," suggested
Secretary L. W. Home of the gover
nor's office.
Mr. Byrne says the report that bids
are likely to be higher the second
time than at the original bidding is
supported by reports that building
material is going up rather than
down. His Opinion Is that the big
contractors are now becoming so in
dependent that they do not care
whether they bid or not. Many big
contracts In the east are now taken
on a per centage of cost, or a flat
fee for superintendence, the owner to
buy and pay for all labor and ma
terial. When a contractor Is thus
employed he superintends the work
and is paid for his knowledge of the
building trade and for managing
men employed on the Job. This elim
inates the risk of loss by the con
tractor due to fluctuation of prices in
material and labor, but holds the
contractor down to a rather definite
amount for his services. The three
million dollar technical high school
building in Omaha was awarded to
the lowest bidder on some such term,
the school district to pay for material
and labor and audit their own ac
counts. - .
At the recent' bidding when all
bids were rejected, Governor McKel
vie was quoted as saying the capitol
commission might leave the present
hole in the ground until such time as
contractors show some spirit of com
For a number of weeks the state
railway commission has been engag
ed in gathering information regard
ing the long distance motor bus lines
operating in the state for the purpose
of requiring the men or corporations
engaged in the business to give suffi
cient bond to cover any damage sus
tained by those who might suffer
personal injury or otherwise acquire
a cause of action against the opera
tors. The commission sent out to
commercial clubs in the various
towns queries as to the lines being
operated out of there, if any, with
the names and addresses of those
owning the vehicles.
Information has been received in
regard to twenty lines, seven of
which operate out of Omaha and four
out of Lincoln. It is believed that
there are a number of others which
have not been reported. The com
mission will require the owners of
these common carriers to give a
bond covering liability.
The lines running out of Omaha
are to Fremont, Nebraska City, Avo-
car Shenandoah, Iowa; Weeping Wa
ter, Lincoln. Those out of Lincoln
are to Omaha, Beatrice, Nebraska
City and Grand Island. Other lines
are: Private to Auburn or call trips
only. Columbus to Norfolk, Colum
bus to Albion, Norfolk 'to Orchard,
Beatrice to Fairbury, York to Colum
bus and Norfolk, York ti Hastings,
Kearney ti North Platte, Cozad to
Grand Island and Hastings to Kear
Former Plattsmouth Girl Stricken at
Her Work at Hollywood
Mother Leaves for There.
from Fridays Dally.
The message was received in Lin
coln yesterday by Mrs. Charles M.
Butler, formerly of this city, an
ouncing the serious condition of her
daughter. Miss Lois Butler Lee, the
well known film actress, at Holly
wood, California. Miss Lee has just
finished an important part in the
Rex -Ingram production of "The
Prisoner of Zenda," and has been af
flicted with a spinal infection that
made It necessary to have the lady
removed to the hospital tnd placed
in a plaster Cast.
Mrs. Butler wil leave at once to
be t the side of her daughter. The
many Plattsmouth friends of the
Butler family will regret very much
to team of the condition of this at
tractive and talented young lady and
trust that she may soon be able to
once mere grace the screen;
. ' ti , ,, rt i
Slank cooks! Yes you can get.
ci an ainas. Th6 Journal.
State of Nebraska, Cass county, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of
Amelia B. Haldeman, deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notified, that I will
sit at the County Court room In
PlattsmOuth In laid county, on the
11th day of July and the 11th day
of October. A. D. 1922, at ten (10)
o'clock In the forenoon of each day,
to receive and examine all claims
against said estate, with a view to
their adjustment and allowance. The
time limited, for the presentation of
claims against said estate is three
month from the 11th day of July,
A. D. 1122, and the time limited for
payment of debts Is one year from
said 11th day of July, 1932.
Witness my hand and the seal Of
said County Court, this 6th day of
June, 1922.
(Seal) Jun8-4w. County Judge.
State of Nebraska, County Of
Cass, ss.
By virtue of an Order of Sale is
sued by James Robertson, Clerk of
the District Court within and for
Cass county, Nebraska, and, to me
directed, I will on the 10th day of
July, 1922. at ten o'clock a. m. of
said day at the south door of the
court house In the City of Platts
mouth. In said county, sell at public
auction to the highest bidder for cash
the following described real estate,
The south half of Lots five
(5) and six (6) in Block fifty
two, (52) in the City of Platts
mouth, Nebraska, according to
the published and recorded plat
The same being levied upon and
taken as the property of Mifflin S
Briggs, Rachel C. Briggs and L. Lar
son (real name unknown) et al. De
fendants, to satisfy a judgment of
said court recovered by The Platts
mouth Loan and Building Associa
tion. Plaintiff, against said Defend
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, June 1st,
Sheriff. Cass County,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In jthe County Court.
In the matter of the estate of
Frank Lambert, deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notified, that
will sit at the County Court room in
Plattsmouth in said county, on the
22nd day of July, A. D. 1922, and
on the 24th day of-October, A. D.
1922, at ten o'clock in the forenoon
of each day, to receive and examine
all claims against said - estate, with
a view to their adjustment and al
lowance. The time limited for the
presentation of claims against said
estate is three months from the 22nd
day of July, A. D. 1922, and the time
limited for payment of debts is one
year from said 22nd day of July, A
D. 1922.
Witness my hand and the seal of
said County Court, this 17th day of
June, A. D. 1922.
(Seal) i County Judge
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of
Anna Hobscheidt, deceased.
To the creditors of said. estate:
You are hereby notified, that I will
sit at the County Court room in
Plattsmouth in said county, on the
15th day of July, A. D. 1922, and on
the 17th day of October, A. D. 1922,
at ten o'clock in the forenoon of
each day to receive and examine all
claims against said estate, with a
view to their adjustment and allow
ance. The time limited for the pre
sentation of claims against Said es
tate is three months from the 15th
day of July, A. D. 1922, and the time
limited for payment of debts Is one
year from said 15 th day of July, A.
D. 1922.
Witness my hand and the seal of
said County Court this 9th day of
June, A. D. 1922.
(Seal) J12-4w. County Judge.
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
in the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of Mary
C. Trent, deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notified, that I
will sit at the County Court room in
Plattsmouth in said county, on the
27th day of July, A. D. 1$22, and on
the 27th day of October, A. D. 1922,
at ten o'clock a. m. of each day, to
receive and examine all claims
against said estate, with a view to
their adjustment and allowance. The
time limited for the presentation of
claims against said estate Is three
months from the 27th day of July,
A. D. 1922, and the time limited for
payment of debts is one year from
said 27th day of July, 1922.
Witness my hand and the seal of
said County Court, this 28th day Of
June, 1922.
(Seal) Jun29-4w. County Judge.
The Same Everywhere.
The editor of Paisa Akhbar, a na
tive newspaper of Lahore, India, Bays,
"I have used Chamberlain's colic and '
Diarrhoea Remedy many times among I
my children and servants, for colic ,
and diarrhoea and always round it
effective." Weyrich & Hadraba.
Nebraska lands, 6 per cent inter
est. No commission. Address W. A.
C. Johnson, 208 So. 33 St., Omaha,
Neb. Phone Harney 1647.
Elanf SooEi at tie Journal Oflce
Last Monday, Mr. and Mrs. August
Standef were visiting in Plattsmouth,
driving over In their auto.
, Michael O'Leary was attending the
American Legion athletic show at
Plattsmouth Tuesday evening.
Roland Coon was attending the
American Legion's athletic show in
Plattsmouth last Tuesday evening.;
Mr. Ed Fleischman' and family of
Nebraska City were visiting with rel
atives in Manley last Sunday even
ing. Edward Kelly was a visitor at
Plattsmouth last Tuesday, being in
attendance at the Legion athletic
show there that evening.
Joe Maceney has been making
good roads by working on one of the
county graders recently and is mak
ing an excellent hand in that line.
The garage which is soon to be op
crated in Manley has been completed
and is now ready for the man who is
to run It, and will soon be in opera
tion. Robert. D. O'Brien of Cedar Creek
was visiting in Manley for a short
time last Wednesday and while here
was a guest at the home of Mike
Mesrs and Mesdames Albert Seiker,
Edward Seiker, Aaron Rauth and J.
C. Rauth were guests last Sunday at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. August
Miss Agnes Stander, who has been
visiting at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. August Stander, for
some time past, returned to school
last Monday.
J. L. Burns who is making his
home for the present at Plattsmouth,
was a visitor in Manley last Wednes
day and while here packed the re
mainder of his goods for shipment.
Last Monday Mrs. W. D. Higgins
and son. the Rev. Father Higgins,
were called to Omaha where they at
tended the funeral of Mr. John Mc
Intyre, a very close friend of the
Higgins family.
Mrs. James Murphy who has been
."T : :V. . ES; "VX
tured hip is getting along as well as
might be looked for.
S. C. Keckler formerly of Manley
and while here engaged in farming
and conducting an elevator, but now
making his home at Arriba, Colo.,
is visiting in Manley and looking af
ter some business matters.
A team belonging to Mr. Earl
Quinn became frightened at a piece
of paper which blew against them,
ran away from the lumber yard.
making a circuit of Main street and
stopped when one horse fell down
near the Andrus home.
.Mr. Eli Keckler was. a visitor in
Omaha a few days since, going to
meet and bring to Manley, Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Bauer, who had been
called to South Dakota on account of
the illness of a daughter, but who is
at this time much improved.
A. H. Duxbury, of Plattsmouth,
and withal an excellent young man,
was a visitor in Manley last Wednes
day looking after his political fences.
Mr. Duxbury, who is an attorney at
Plattsmouth, where he has lived for
the past fifteen 3rears, is an aspirant
for nomination to the position of
county attorney on the republican
ticket and was meeting the people
here, making friends with all whom
he met.
- Visited Ak-Sar-Ben Den
Last Monday evening a number of
the people of Manley and vicinity
visited the Ak-Sar-Ben den at Omaha
and enjoyed the occasion very much.
There were from here present on the
occasion Ed Kelly, Hans Nelson, Jo
seph Wolpert, John Crane, Walter
and Hugh O'Brien, Frank Earhart,
R. Bergman and "Bux" Roxwell.
' Picnicked at Capitol Beach
Last Sunday a number of the peo
ple of Manley, in their cars, went to
Lincoln where they picnicked at Cap
itol Beach and were there joined by!
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Frost and their
Three Good Bargains!
Three McCormick and Deering Binders; all in good con
dition, which will solve the problem for some one who wants
a used binder. One is for $150.00; one for $95.00 and one for
$50.00. They are all in good shape. Better hurry!
Farm Dmplement Co.
Manley, Nebraska
Better place your order for what twine you will need,
and for the repairs you will have to have, as well as
that new machine itself. While the getting is good, do
not wait too long. If you do the harvest will suffer.
Farm Dmplement o.
HERMAN DALL, Manager Manley, Neb.
daughter, Ramona. There were pres
ent from Manley on this occasion,
Messrs. and Mesdames R. Bergman,
A. H. Humble, Phillip Shafer and
Jesse Terryberry.
Distorted Vision and Clouded Brain
Halucinations Told in Rhyme
by Amateur Poet.
Hooch drinkers, Beware! Take
Imbibers of the extracted kick of
corn, barley, rye, and the Lord only
knows what not, are finding it to
possess a kick similar to that of the
well known mule that hails from
the Show Me state, and beside which
the worst effects of the former Squir
rel whiskey would be tame indeed.
Prohibition is with us but hand in
hand come its companions, the illicit
still, hidden away in musty cellars,
dug-outs, etc., not subject to even
the least enforcement of sanitation,
turning out thousands of gallons of
raw corn juice.
Some of the effects that follow
the drinking thereof are best describ
ed in the following poem, the title
of which has been very effectively
named "Hooch:"
It was a nice day in October,
Last September in July.
The moon lay thick upon the ground,
The mud shone in the sky.
The flowers were singing sweetly.
The birds were in full bloom;
Then I went into the basement
To sweep an upstairs room.
? TH time was Tuesday morning,
riOn a Wednesday just at night
I saw a thousand miles away,
A house just out of sight.
The walls projected backwards,
The front was round in back;
It stood alone with two others.
The fence was whitewashed black.
It was moonlight on the ocean,
Not a street car was in sight;
The sun was shining brightly,
For it rained all day that night.
It was summer in the winter,
Therain was snowing fast;
A barefoot boy with shoes on
Stood sitting on the grass. '
It was evening and the rising sun
Was sitting in the night;
And everything that I could see
Was hidden out of sight.
While the organ peeled potatoes,
Lard was rendered by the choir;
While the sexton rang the dish-rags,
Someone set the church afire.
"Holy Smoke," the preacher shouted.
In the rain he lost his hair.
Now his head resembles heaven.
For there is no parting there.
Mastin A. Stenger.
Washington, June 28. The total
white population of the country,
foreign born, or with one or both
parents foreign born, on January 1,
1920, was 36,398,958, the depart
ment of commerce announced today
in a compilation of the 1920 census
This was an increase in the "for
eign white stock" of the nation's
population from 1910 of 4,155,576,
or 12.9 per cent.
The 1920 total includes, it was
shown, 13,713,754 immigrants and
22,686,204 persons born in this coun
try, one or both of whose parents
were immigrants