The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 03, 1922, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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United States Senator
Primary Election Tuesday, July 18th
1 i fp-'fc I
V-i-i ! ;i"ft.r " w?i ttjv ,
v . -s
Born in Agricultural Nebraska and has his home and interests there.
Not a candidate of any Omaha political faction. Interests are closely
associated with farming and has always worked for agricultural de
Telopment of Nebraska. Attorney General for four years. Prosecuted
more than two thousand prohibition cases. Enforced the banking laws.
Protected the public by sustaining the uniform bread loaf law. Called
prand juries and cleaned up Nebraska business. Favors amendment to
Federal ReserTe Banking Act to extend more liberal credit to farmers.
Favors law promoting cooperative marketing. Favors law prohibiting
gambling in grain. Opposes cancellation of foreign loans. Stands for
reduction of freight rates. Favors laws protecting women and children.
Favors reduction of taxes by reducing the cost of government. Stands
steadfastly for law enforcement and clean government. ' '
CQaireirDce A. Davis
The Candidate with a Record of
Performances Mot Promises
Sparkin? with, the best of the
summer fiction, that will aid in
mating the hot days of summer real
enjcyable. The July Eed Book is
awaiting you. Call at the Journal
office and secure a copy of this pop
ular magazine. Also a line of the
popular fiction and educational
The friends in this city of Mr. and
Mrs. L. H. Cushman. formerly of
this place, have received the an
nouncement of the arrival at their
home in Leadville, Colorado, of a fine
little son and heir. Mr. Cushman and
family resided here for some time
when Mr. Cushman was superin
tendent of the water company.
No name is better known
or more highly respected
in Nebraska than
' A vote for Crawford Kennedy for
' Secretary of Stat is vote for
1 honesty and efficiency. His
'. name will strengthen tiie
Republican ticket.
I " i-4 - i - '
AD Davos
I desire to announce myself as a
candidate for the nomination for the
position of state senator, subject to
the will of the republican voters in
the primary election, July 18th.
Thanking those who in the past
have supported me and the measures
for which I have worked, I am, very
tf-daw Nehawka, Neb.
I am submitting my name to the
voters of the republican party at the
primary election. July 18th and will
appreciate the support of my friends
for the office of state senator.
Fresh extracted honey in 5-pound
pails, 21c per pound. James E.
Warga. Tel. 3205. Jl-6td,2tw
Fights Profiteers!
Republican Candldat for
Mr. Jeffen's as congressman obtained
valuable evidence for the government
In the war profiteering and fraud caaea.
for Congress
Republican Primary
July 18th
Physician, Editor, Lecturer.
Yours for Less Politics and
More Service!
Republican Candidate For
Born and Reared in lloone County
Farmer and Stock Raiser,
and Land Owner.
County Treasurer of Boone County
since January 1017.
We have bad a carnival of high spend
ing. Falling prices requires lower ex
penses and corresponding lower taxation,
consistent with efficient administration of
Public affairs. Expenditures of Public
funds should demand full value of service.
Chicago, June 30. the following
table, prepared from information
supplied by the federated shop crafts,
indicates the number of men in each
craft, scheduled to go on strike at
10 o'clock tomorrow morning:
International Asociation of Ma
chinists, 60,000.
International Brotherhood of Boil
ermakers, Iron Shipbuilders and
Helpers of America, 18.000.
Amalgamated Sheet Metal Work
ers" International Alliance, 11,000.
International Brotherhood
Blacksmiths, Drop Forgers and Help
ers of America, 10,000.
International Brotherhood of Elec
trical "Workers. 12,000.
Brotherhood of Railway Carmen
of America. 160.000.
- ."-""A
-" 1
V X "
Repairmen, not included in above, ! sire to inquire into possible viola
110,000. Itions of board orders.
Apprentices, 20,000. j Chairman Hooper anounced that
Lieutenant Governor Pelham A.
Barrows is In the race for the Re
publican nomination for congress in
this district. He is popular with the
people and has always been a vote
getter.- He was elected the first time
he ran for lieutenant governor by a
' majority over his principal opponent
of 22,864 which was increased the
last election to 77.400. In that elec
tion he polled 10,530 more votes in
this district than did his democratic
opponent and 4,206 more votes than
both his opponents combined.
One of the strong arguments in
favor of the nomination and election
of Mr. Barrows is tiie fact that if
elected he will not go into congress
handicapped by being unknown. Prob
ably no man has ever gone out cf Ne
braska for a good many years who has
become so well known over the entire
country as he. As Commander-in-Chic
of his national organization, traveling
from one coast to the other, speaking
in most of the important cities of the
United States, he was accorded enthusiastic receptions wherever he
appeared and was greeted by many of the prominent men of the coun
try. Naturally members cf congress, and he is personally acquainted
with many of them, will be interested in knowing the type of man
the First Nebraska district is sending to take the place of Congress
man Reavis, one of the very well known members of that body.
Should Lieutenant Governor Barrows be elected, he will go to "Wash
igton with the prestige of being known and step into that body
known either personally or by reputation by a large number of ita
members. This will mean a great deal for this district and with
the experience wMch the lieutenant governor has had in public life,
will be a valuable asset to Nebraska. NemaJia County Republican.
Workers in That Department Will Continue, as Their Agree
ment Over Wage Schedule is Not Out Until Feb
ruary Pickets Now on Duty.
This morning when the stroke of
10 o'clock was sounded the shop
crafts affected in the recent strike
order, ceased their labors in the lo
cal Burlington shops and to the num
ber of 415, quietly and without dem
onstration, laid down their tools and
left the shop grounds and the strike
that has been pending for the great
er part of the last year and a half
was on.
The local shops were practically
100 per cent in the strike as far as
the crafts affected were concerned
and only a scattered few of the older
men who were completing long years
of service, remained in the depart
ments affected.
The carmen, vblacksmiths, machin
ists, boilermakers, sheet metal work-
; ers and electricians were the crafts
' ordered out. The brass moulders, who
are not in the unions in the walk
out as well &s the laborers who are
in the maintenance of way union,
i are at work as are the clerks and
j platform laborers at the store de
The strike came very peaceably as
the men quietly left their work in
perfect order and the railroad com
pany adopted no hostile attitude in
the matter. The statement as to the
railroad view of the matter is that it
is a question between the railroad
board and the labor organizations
and not the railroad companies.
There will be no effort made by the
Burlington to import workers or to
operate their departments aside from
those which are not affected by the
strike and with this atitude there is
little probability of any violence or
The labor organizations will es
tablish a peaceful picket of the shop
plant as is allowable and look after
the interests of their cause.
Chicago, June 30. Federal inter
vention by the United States railroad
labor board today failed to halt the
strike of 400,000 railway shopmen
called for 10 o'clock tomorrow morn
ing. Flouting, according to Chairman
Ben W. Hooper, the board's efforts to
effect a settlement of the shopmen's
grievances before the walkout took
place, B. M. Jewell, head of the shop
crafts union and the six internation
al union heads, refused to appear for
an official investigation of the strike
by the board. No further attempt to
forestall the strike would be made,
Chairman Ben V. Hooper announced
in adjourning the federal body's in
quiry. A threatened strike of 400,000
railway maintenance employes was
at least postponed, however, by the
board's intervention. The strike of
this group which had been expected,
to parallel that of the shop men.
will wait further action of the or
ganization's executive council, ac-
cording to tne announcement ui ju.
X. vi i a Hie utLUlc luc uuaiu iua " 1 -
Labor Board Can Do No More
Chairman Hooper explained it was
not the board's purpose to "prevent
any one striking." but that it did de-
y ss -
t X v ... $
"no practical purpose could be serv
ed by compelling the presence of B.
M. Jewell, head of the shop crafts at
an adjoured hearing tomorrow, the
day set for the shop strike.
The board, Mr. Hooper declared,
has served the full extent of its au
thority, acting under the transporta
tion act. He declared that Mr. Jew
ell had "flouted a government body
in refusing to appear." The board,
therefore, would take no further
steps to prevent an actual walkout.
Chairman Hooper announced, and
the hearing was adjourned.
President Jewell's failure to at
tend the peace conference brought
severe condemnation from the chair
man of the board, who, in closing the
inquiry, declared the rail union's
chief blood was "on his own head."
"Mr. Jewell has flouted a govern
ment tribunal," concluded Chairman
Hooper. "He has shouldered the re
sponsibility of his own volition, and
the board desires to pursue the mat
ter no further."
Ignore the Board's Snmmons
Neither Mr. Jewell nor any of the
shop crafts heads answered the
board's summons. Instead they sent
a letter maintaining the right of the
shopmen to strike and expressing the
belief that the board's hearing would
but result in a "confused and disor
derly strike movement, lacking au
thoritative control and almost in
evitably resulting in a mob-like ac
tion, pregnant with grave possibil
ities." Timothy Healy, president of the
stationary firemen and oilers, like
wise failed to appear when the
board's hearing convened, and sub
poenas were issued for them, sum
moning both Jewell and Healy be
fore the board. Mr. Healy arrived
just before the close of the session,
but Mr. Jewell was not found.
In contrast to the complete fail
ure to throttle the shopmen's strike,
the labor board's inquiry met with
marked success in the case of the
maintenance of way employes and
the contract cases of the twenty
three railroads also cited to appear
at today's investigation.
Twelve railroad representatives
turned the session into a testimonial
meeting as they arose, one after an
other, and announced their willing
ness to cancel all existing contracts
for the performance of railroad work
by outside firms, if thereby the strike
crisis might be relieved.
Three other union heads, in addi
tion to President Grable of the main
tenance of way brotherhood, gave
assurance to the board that no call
to quit work would be issued imme
diately. Maintenance of Way Men to Stick
The announced delay of the main
tenance of way strike call, which
had been expected tonight came af
ter a lengthy discussion between Mr.
Grable and Chairman Hooper. Mr.
Grable told the board that more
than half of 288.000 votes had al
ready been canvassed, the results
thus far showing "a big majority in
favor of a 6trike."
The employes' grievances, he ex
plained, included the $60,000,000
pay cut which goes into effect to
morrow, the contracting of track la
bor and removal of the eight hour
day thru several rule changes re
cently issued by the labor board. If
the men could have some assurance
of a rehearing on these grievances,
Mr. Grable said, he volunteered to
"use his influence to prevent a
Touching on the wage cut, Mr.
Grable declared that the cost of liv
ing as shown by government statis
tics had actually risen in the face of
the impending wage cut.
Chairman Hooper immediately
agreed that, whenever fact warrant
ed the board would readily reconsid
er wages in the light of changing
conditions. Mainly upon this assur
ance of renewed consideration of his
men's wages, Mr. Grable agreed that
no strike call would be issued to
night. Biliousness and Constipation
"For years I was troubled with
biliousness and constipation, which
made life miserable for me. My ap
petite failed me. I lost my usual
force and vitality. Pepsin prepara
tions and cathartics only made mat-
iters worse. I do not know where I
should have been today had I not
tried Chamberlain's Tablets. The
tablets relieve the ill feeling at once,
strengthen the digestive functions,
helping the system to do its work
naturally," writes Mrs. Rosa Potts,
Birmingham, Ala. Weyrich & Had
The many friends in this city of
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Marshall, Jr., of
Dayton, Ohio, will regret to learn
of the death of their infant daugh
ter there this morning. The deepest
sympathy will be felt for Mr. and
Mrs. Marshall in their hour of sor
row by their friends.
Joe Bradley, of the U. S. Theatrical
Supply company, of Omaha, was here
yesterday and installed a new com
pensating arch machine at the Movie ,
Garden that will overcome the diffi- .
culty that has been found in pro-!
ducing the proper clearness and with i
the new machine the pictures should '
be the best that can be secured from
the standpoint of screening.
Mr. La r sen. the manager is striv
ing to give his patrons the best that
can be had in the way of moving pic
tures and the new machine is a part
of the program.
Western Electric Co. Awarded Bid
Tor Lamps and Stands at $3,
054; Installation, $1,701.
The city council met in special
session last evening and the full at
tendance of the membership was
present to take part in the decision
of the city on the letting of the con
tract for the new electroliers.
The various bids were opened at
the meeting of the council on last
Monday night and since that time
they have been threshed over by the
members of the light committee and
several sessions held with the rep
resentatives of tte various firms that
had bids on the work.
At the meeting last evening the
light committee continued their de
liberations until 9:15 and then sub
mitted the report on the matter of
the bids, recommending that the con
tract for the furnishing of lights, as
well as posts for the forty-eight new
lamps be awarded to the Western
Electric Co. and for the wiring and
installation to the W. W. Berger Co.
The bid of the Western Electric Co.
was $3,054. while the Berger com
pany on the installation asked for
S 1,701, both being the lowest bid
ders on the job.
There was some little discussion
as to whether or not the companies
should have submitted specimens of
the style of posts and lamps they ex
pected to use in the carrying out of
the contract, and on the adoption of
the report of the lighting commit
tee letting the contract, Councilmen
McCarthy and Howe voted no, and
Councilman McMaken passed, ' the
other seven members voted for the
report of the committee.
The lights decided on are of the
multiple system, single electrolier.
with twelve foot posts and fancy or
namental canopy globe and are very
classy looking lights of the latest
The council has not as yet decid
ed on the size of the lamps to be
used In the electroliers, as there is
some indecision as to whether 100,
200 or the present 400 watt lamps
would be the most effective.
This action of the council will dis
pose of the matter of putting in the
electroliers when Mayor Johnson
signs the contract, but the matter of
the current for the lights has not
been taken up yet by the council as
a whole, although the light commit
tee has been discussing the matter
with Manager Kuykendall of the Ne
braska Lighting Co., and it is
thought a very favorable rate can
be secured for the use of the new
lights, if it should be decided to
start their use in the immediate
First Gathering of the Class Since
Graduation in 1921, is a Very
Pleasant Event to All.
Last evening at the Modern Wood
men hall was held the first, reunion
of the class of 1921 of the Platts-
mouth high school and the occasion
was one that was quite well attend
ed by the members of the class at
the time of its graduation as well
as a number of those who had been
with the class in the school but quit
before the graduation.
The first part of the evening was
given over to games an! the reading
of a class prophecy, which proved
a very pleasant affair to all mem
bers of the party and brought forth
mucn merriment.
The officers of the class are Ma
son Wescott, president, and Wilma
Rainey, secretary-treasurer, but in
the absence of the president, G. E.
Brubacher, the vice president, was
in charge of the affair and was as
sisted by a committee composed of
John Sattler. Wilma Rainey, Verla
Becker and Gladys Listen.
The latter part of the evening was
given over to dancing and to the
delightful music furnished by the
Marshall orchestra. Fruit punch
served to add to the pleasures of the
This class has one of its members
married, Mrs. Fae Chase Martin, and
a large number attending colleges
and schools, and the occasion of the I
get-together meeting one or great
pleasure. This class had the largest
freshmen class that has ever entered
Plattsmouth high school.
Harry Knabe of Nehawka camei
up last evening from nis home, to
look after some matters of business
for a few hours.
Mrs. W. B. Campbell and children,
THliv nnrt l!H7.n het h . of Aberdeen.
: S. D., arrived this afternoon for a
visit with Rev. and Mrs. H. G. Mc-,
Clusky. Mrs. Campbell and Mrs. Mc
'Clusky were old friends at Park col
jlege, Mo.
Paint Nov
During the mid-summer
months the outside of a build
ing dries out and is in ideal
condition to absorb linseed oil
and white lead.
Stop decay and deteriora
tion now!
House painting includes
Cleaning, Nailing, Scraping,
Puttying to your satisfac
tion as well as mine.
My contracts include Decks,
Valleys, Spouting, Screens,
Storm Sash, Basement Sash,
Phone me for an estimate.
Call phone 597.
Herb Cotton
"Built for Paperhanging"
General Stores of City Will Observe
Next Tuesday by Suspension
of Work for the Day.
The committee of the Ad club of
the city which has been canvassing
the business houses realtive to the
closing up on the Fourth of July, has
succeeded in securing the signatures
of all of the general stores, clothing
6tores, dry goods, hardware and oth
er lines that do not find it necessary
to remain open, to close up lor lhe
entire day.
The pool halls, drug stores and
soft drink parlors will, however, not
be closed, but remain open Tor the
day in order to accomodate thocc
who desire deversion or some neces
sity from the drug stores.
The closing will be very genera!
as the proprietors of the various
business houses as well as the clerks
desire to have the opportunity of pot
ting the day off and enjoying them
selves to their heart's content. "
Fred H. VanWie, oped fifty-seven
died at his home in Waverly at 11
o'clock Friday evening following an
illness of some duration. Mr. Van
Wie has been an employe of the Bur
lington for thirty-four years and
since 1906 has been station apent at
Waverly. The deceased gentleman is
survived by his wife and two daugh
ters, Mrs. John Loder and Miss Har
riett VanWie of Wavery as well as
his aged mother, Mrs. Harriett Van
Wie of the Nebraska Masonic Home,
who tias been bedfast for the past'
few years.
The funeral services will be held
Sunday morning at 11 o'clock from
the home and the Rev. G. A. Ran
dall will have charge of the services
and the Interment be at Wyuka cem
etery, Lincoln.
Lost anything found anything!
Try a Journal ad. "They tatiify."
Poultry Vantetj!
A car load of live poultry wanted
to be delivered at poultry car near
the Burlington freight house. Platts
mouth on Thursday, July 6th, one
day only, for which we will pay the
Cash Prices
Hens, per lb 20c
Broilers, per lb 25c
Old Roosters, per lb. 7c
Beef hides, per lb 9c
Horse hides, each $3.00
Remember the date. We come to
buy and will positively be In Platts
mouth on the day advertised, pre
pared to take care of all poultry of
fered for sale.
I fflgj-l