The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 03, 1922, Image 1

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VOL. 170. xxxvm.
NO. 101
From Thursday's Daily.
One of the most charming home
weddings of the summer season oc
curred last evening at S o'clock at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. No
ble on north 11th street, when their
eldest daughter. Miss Golda. was
united in marriage to Mr. Clarence
L. Beal.
The home was lavishly decorated
with the flowers of the summer sea
son, the stair down which the uridal
party made their way being decod
ed with a profusion of smilax and
the purple clematis while the arch
way connecting the. large hall and
parlors was transformed into a brid
al bower with decorations of the
smilax and clematis interwoven with
festoons of white ribbon and making
a most appropriate setting for the
happy event.
Preceding the wedding ceremony,
Mr. Thomas Bonney of Omaha, a
cousin of the bride, sang "At Dawn
ing," by Cadman, the accompanist
being Miss Sylvia Noble, sister of the
bride, and as the bridal party des
cended the stair Miss Noble played
tho Mendelssohn wedding march,
the melody being played softly dur
ing the performance of the wedding
The bridal party took their sta
tions beneath the bridal arch, where
the Rev. Henry Neighbors of Forest
City, Mo., uncle of the bride, joined
the two happy hearts in the bonds
of wedlock, the beautiful and im
pressive ring service being used in
the solemnization of the vows. At
the conclusion of the ceremony Rev.
John Calvert, pastor of the Firsfr
Methodist church of this city, offered
the prayer, and the blessing on the
two estimable young people who are
to take up their journey on" the liigll
way of life as ane .
The bride was very winsome ' tQ ""a
gown of white canton crepe with the
flowing veil caught with orange
blossoms and carrying a bouquet of
white Bride roses.
The bride and groom were accom
panied by Miss Fern Noble, sister of
the bride, as bridesmaid, and Mr. Jo
seph II. McMaken, Jr., as best man.
Miss Fern Noble was gowned in a
striking costume of blue satin wtth
.overdress of gold net and carried a
bouquet of sweet peas. The gown of
Miss Sylvia Noble was of laver.dar
and white organdy.
Following the wedding ceremcnr
the family and friends joined in
showering the bridal couple with
their well wisbs. but the reception
was of short duration as Mr. and.
Mrs. Beal stole a march on their
friend3 and leaving the house unbe
knowst to the members of the bridal
party, were taken by auto to Oma
ha, and from where they will leave
on a honeymoon of some duration,
but leaving no inkling as to their
The young people on their return
to this city will be at home to their
friends in the home that they have
arranged in the south portion of the;Work 0n Street Means Less Room
ciry ana wnere mey win resiae in j
the future.
Both of the young people who have
joined thfir lives are well known I
in this city where they have made j
their home for almost all of their
lifetime and to them the best wiss
of the friends will be extended. The
bride has been one cf the most ef
ficient teachers of the city schools
and very active in the social life of
the city and a lady of more than us-
ual charm of personality. The groom
is the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. :
M. M. Beal. and one of the most pop- j
ular members of the younger set in
the city and quite active in the work 1
of the B. P. O. E.. of which he Is
the local secretary. Mr. Beal is a
former service man and was in the
naval service in, the World war.
From Thursday Dally. '
Yesterday was the twenty-third
wedding anniversary or Air. ana Airs, i
W. J. Streight. and in honor or tbe
occasion their daughter, Miss Mariel,
prepared a very pleasant surprise on
them and a number of the close per
sonal friends were invited in to Join
the happy gathering.
The time was spent at cards for a
few hours and dainty refreshments
served bv Miss Streicht aided in
i . - .! J:i.-- t Vh-nn"lty of ber lady friends at a kensing-
lumcl",b , J! " ' ; V f Vnrt ton at the pleasant home in the
s,on. Those attending Mr and, on Tfae
Mrs. E. A. Wurl. Mr. and Mrs. J. .rnma . raro ,w
Burnie and daughter. Miss E ; lean or . !
Mrs. Katherine Minor and daughter,
Miss Madeline, Mr. and Mrs. C. E.
Hartford and Miss Vivian Bahr, of
Broken Bow, who is a guest at the
Streight home.
From Thursdays Daily.
Fire yesterday afternoon at the
residence property occupied by Ed
Stacey and family, caused a damage! departed for their homes feel
er some ?22 to the furnit ure before n had feeen ft more thaQ
the blaze was extinguished and some enjoyable event.
little damage to the building. The ust"" ' J
property was owned by the Allen J
Land & Investment Co. of Iola, Kas. Blank books at the Journal Office.
Prom Thursday's taily.
Last evening the employes of the
II. M. Soennichsen store enjoyed a
very delightful outing along the
banks of the Missouri river in the
vicinity of the Burlington bridge and
which certainly was enjoyed after
the heat of the day in the busy store.
The trip was made by auto and the
jolly party enjoyed themselves until
late when they returned home. One
of the chief features of the evening
was the fine picnic supper served in
the pleasant shade of the towering
Fourth More Litters in State Than
Last Spring, and a Fifth More
Pigs Saved From Each.
The number of litters of spring
pigs in Nebraska is 26.5 per cent
greater and the number of pigs sav
ed twenty-one per cent greater than
last spring according to the results
of the pig survey announced "Wed
nesday by A. 7. Anderson, Nebras
ka agriculture statistician. The av
erage number saved per litter was
6.2 pigs as compared to 5.4 a year
ago. The number of sows bred for
fall litter is 59 per cent greater.
The corn belt states show an in
crease of 14.5 per cent of spring pigs
saved, and a 22.8 per cent increase
in litters. The average number of
pigs saved per litter was 7 per cent
less than last year, or 5.66 pigs per
litter compared to 6.1 pigs last
spring. The number of sows bred for
fall litters is 49.3 per cent greater
than last year in the corn belt states.
The number of pigs saved in east
ern states included in this survey
was 97.3 per cent and in southern
states 100.3 per cent as compared to
last year. The number of sows bred
for fall litters is 23.5 per cent and
27 per cent greater respectively.
If farmers carry out their express
ed intentions regarding fall farrow
ing9 the total number of spring and
fall litters for the year will be 28
percent greater than last year. Last,
year the number of fall farrowings
represented 28 per cent of the total
farrowings for the year while this
year they wil probably represent 35
per cent.
Stocks of pork products other than
lard in storage on May 1 are 33 per
cent les3 than the 5-year average
and 26 per cent less than a year ago.
Lard stoek3 were 37 per cent less
than a year ago and 16 per cent be
low the 5-year average. Stocks of
other meats are correspondingly
This survey gives the number of
hogs and not weights. Past records
show that the average weights of
hogs marketed has varied as much as
34 per cent, or from 193 to 262
pounds during the past five years.
For a Time Need System of
Parking to Save Space.
The work of installing the new
sewer and the repaving of Main
street is on in full swing at the pres
ent time and as the result the space
on the street for parking cars is lim
ited and brings to the forefront the
need of a system that will conserve
all the space possible and therefore
when parking cars be sure to take
up as little room as possible.
With each car driver parking
close to the next car there can be a
great deal of space saved that i3 now
alowed to be wasted and which will
be very badly needed in the next few
months as the street work is being
carried out.
Chief of Police Barclay will do all
possible to aid in the work of mak
ing as much use of the amount of
space allowed for narkintr as dos-
8ible and with the co-operation of
the citizens who drive cars, it is
hoped to be able to conserve space
for the cars that are desired to park
on Main street.
From Friday's Daily.
Yesterday afternoon Mrs. James
T. Begley was hostess to some twen-
ctive wUn Reason's flowers
whose natural beauty added a great
charm . to the occasion.
The ladies spent the time in their
sewing and social conversation that
served to pass the time very delight
fully and at an appropriate hour
light refreshments were served by
the hostess who was assisted by
Misses Kathryn Wadick and Gladys
The members of the very delight
, . . i ,
Farewell to Members Who Have At
tained Age of Twenty-One and
Initiation Cover Meeting.
From Thursdays Dally.
Last evening Cass Chapter, Order
of De Molay, held a very interest
ing session at their lodge rooms and
at which time they conferred the
work of the order in both the init
iatory and De Molay degrees and as
; well held a special convocation in
honor of the members of the chap
ter who have passed the twenty-one
year limit of the order and who now
close their activities as members of
the order.
There were a large number of the
members of the Masonic fraternity
in attendance at the meeting and en
joyed to the utmost the occasion and
the manner in which the boys put
on the degree work of the order.
Judge James T. Begley and Elmer
Hallstrom of Avoca, addressed the
members of the order very fittingly.
The special convocation was given
over to the honoring of the mem-
I bers having reached the age of twen
ty-one years and who automatically
cease to be members of the order.
The two past master councilors,
Harley F. Cecil and Raymond C.
Cook, were each presented witn a
handsome past master councilor s
jewel, the presentation speech being
made by Otto Trilety, junior coun
cilor of the chapter, and to which
the two gentlemen responded very
The older members who were re
tired from the activities of the or
der will in the years to come carry
with them the inspiration that the
order has given them, although they
are no longer members.
At the conclusion of the evening
very dainty light refreshments were
served in the banquet hall by Messrs.
Billie Matchalutt, Charles Richards,
Carl Schneider and Carl Ofe which
were very much enjoyed by the en
tire party.
Johnny Wolff Sells Stndebakers as a
Sideline and Makes Practice
of Boosting the Town.
One of the quiet but effective
boosters of the town is our good
friend and neighbor, Johnny Wolff,
who seems to make it his principal
business and only sells Studebakers
as a sideline occupation.
This year, as well as on numerous
past occasions, Johnny is giving a lot
of his time to looking after the af
fairs of the baseball team and in
this is proving most successful.
When seats to the Legion's athletic
show were placed on sale, Wolff pur
chased outright a block of 23 seats,
paying for them out of his own pock
et, knowing full well that a rain
might prevent those he was counting
on using them, and thus leave him
"in the hole." At the Legion's show
last September, Johnny purchased a
similar block of fifteen seats.
Not only in matters like this, but
when it comes to using one of his
cars or trucks, the Legion's appeal
has always met woith ready response
on the part of Mr. Wolff.
A few days ago when someone
was quibbling about what might hap
pen if it rained the night of the
show, Johnny countered by inform
ing the parties no individual was re
ceiving any of the profits, and that
a few years later when, the Legion
erects a fine community building
with the money it is able to make,
they wouldn't miss the 2 if they
never got to see the show at all.
- Mr. Wolff has well earned the
sobriquet we hooked onto him at the
beginning of this article a quiet.
but effective booster.
From Thursday's Daily.
This morning, Jack, the little son
of Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Hatt, was op
erated on at the Immanuel hospital
for a very severe case of appendicitis
with which Jack was taken very sud
denly. Reports from the bedside of
the little man this noon state that
he has come out of the effects of the
operation ; and is doing as well as
could possibly be expected in the
short time that has elapsed since
the operation.
From Friday's Dally.
The infant daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Ray McMaken has been very
poorly for the past few days and her
condition is such as to cause the
greatest apprehension to the parents
and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. I. P.
Dixon of Sidney, Iowa, parents of
Mrs. McMaken, arrived here yester
day called by the illness of the lit
tle grandchild and will remain here
until some change in her condition
takes place.
Have yon noticed that it the stores
that advertise which are always filled
with buyers t
From Thursday's Daily.'
Yesterday afternoon Mrs. James
T. Begley was hostesses at a very
pleasant bridge tea at her home on
north Cth street, and which was en
joyed by some twenty of the devot
ees of the fascinating game. In the
reward of prizes for the most skil
ful players, Mrs. lone Dovey Betts
secured the first prize and Miss Kath
ryn Wadick second prize. At a sea
sonable hour dainty refreshments
were served by the hostess who was
assisted by Mrs. Charles S. Dovey.
The home was very prettily arrang
ed for the occasion with a profusion
of the summer flowers and roses.
Hiatt Family, of Which Mrs. F. R.
Gobeiman of This City is a
Member, Get Together.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Gobeiman
of this city have been enjoying dur
ing the past week a very happy fam
ily reunion of the Iliatt family at
Sidney, Iowa, which was held at the
home of Mrs. Gohelman's parents.
Mr. and Mrs. David Hiatt. It was
the 'first time for a number of years
that all of the family were able to
get together and was an event of the
greatest pleasure to all of the party.
The Hiatt family are txlmoet all de
vcted to music in sorce form and
during the reunion many very
pleasant times were had in the ren
dition of the various programs of
instrumental and vocal music.
Miss Marjette Hiatt, one of the
daughters, has made a very distin
guished record as a pianoist and is a
graduate of the University of Ne
braska as well as of the musical
schools of Chicago and is now pre
paring for a trip to Europe to study
there under the old masters.
The members of the family par
ticipating in the gathering were Mrs.
Ann Fitchen, cf. Decorah, Iowa;
Misse3 Marjette, Lovy and Martha
Hiatt; Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Gobeiman
of Plattsmouth, and Ivon Hiatt, of
Sidney. - .
Mrs. Hiatt is an old resident of
Cass county, being a daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Ivon S. White, pioneer
residents of this community and is
well known to a great many of the
Cass county people.
Will Do Away with Unsightly Creek
Bed in Vicinity of New Tourist
Park and Prevent Flood.
The proposal of the city council to
go ahead with the work cf extending
the Washington avenue sewer for
some 500 feet from the present
mouth of the sewer entrance near
the O. K. garage is a move that will
be of lasting benefit to the city and
especially that section which lies in
the immediate vicinity of . the old
creek bed.
In making the extension the lines
will be straightened out so that the
sewer will not have to follow tho
winding course of the creek and
thereby make it easier to convey the
flow of the water.
The farther the mouth of the sew
er is placed away from the main por
tion of the city, the less daneer
there is of serious overflows, except
in extraordinary cases.
It will collect the flood waters
nearer their source and make an ap
preciable difference in the volume of
water that frequently overflows over
the street in time of very heavy rain
fall. Not only should the work of mak
ing the present extension be made,
but a portion should be completed
each year until the old creek is en
tirely eliminated from that section
of the city. The work is not only
a matter of safety to the main por
tion of the city but one that will
make the property in the vicinity of
the sewer much more valuable in
every way.
From Friday's Dally.
This 'afternoon at 2 o'clock at the
parsonage of the First Methodist
church, occurred the marriage of
Mrs. Hallie Black and Mr. A. Mar
shall, both of this city.
The wedding was attended by a
number of the relatives and a few
close friends of the contracting par
ties and following the marriage
ceremony the young people departed
for St. Louis and from there go to
Vandalia, 111., where they will visit
with the family of the groom for
some time.
The marriage lines were read by
the Rev. John Calvert, pastor of the
church, and the ring service used in
the ceremony.
The bride is a daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. James McKinney of this city,
and is well known to a large circle
of friends in the city and vicinity.
The groom has made his home here
for the past year, coming here from
Vandalia, and is very popular with a
host of friends he has made since
coming here.
Ltgsch, the Tailor, Last Eve
ning and Dees Damage.
From Friday's Dally.
A few minutes after 6 o'clock last
evening fire broke out in the clean
ing and tailoring shop of Fred
Lugsch on the north side of Main
street between 4th and 5th street
and in a very few minutes did a great
deal of damage to the building and
the contents. Mr. Lugsch had cross
ed the street to the Soennichsen
store to make some purchases and as
he was returning to the shop he was
startled to see a gust of smoke sweep
out of the doorway of his place of
business and running to the tailor
shop found the rear room a sheet of
liame. Fire extinguishers were pro
cured and an attempt made to check
the fire but without success and by
this time the fire wa3 gaining head
way when the call for the fire de
partment was put in. The Fire de
partment responded to the call and
soou had the fire well under control
but not until it had done much dam
age. The fire was started by a gas heat
er used in the cleaning and drying
of clothes and the heater was so lo
cated that in a few minutes after
the first start of the fire the blaze
tpread very rapidly.
Mr. Lugsch had the greater part
of the suits and dresses he was clean
ing and had on hand in a case in the
front portion of the establishment
and these were not damaged greatly
side from water and in a few in
stances being scorched and us soon
as possible they were removed from
he shop. They suffered some from
the effects of the smoke that was
quite dense in the building.
The smoke as well as the water
raused some little damage in the
barber shop of Percy Dunn, adjoin
ing the tailor shop and the work of
redecorating that has just recently
been completed by Mr. Dunn will
have to be fixed over as the result
of the fire.
Mr. Lugsch was well protected by
insurance on his machinery as well
ns on the clothing that he had on
hand and the building, which is own
ed by Mrs. V. V. Leonard, is also
protected against the loss by fire. It
will require some little amount to
put the building back in shape.
Fred G. Mclssacs Brings Action
Against 3p.nk of Commerce
for Sum of $1, 85.00.
from Friday's Dally
This! morning in the office of the
clerk of the district court was filed
an action by Fred Mclsacs, non-resident
plaintiff, by his attorney, Wm.
A. Robertson, claiming the sum of
S1.2S5.00 from the Bank of Com
merce for funds of the plaintiff with
held by the defendant bank.
The petition of the plaintiff states
that on or about the 8th day of June,
1917, the plaintiff commenced a
checking account with the defendant
bank and that this continued thru
the years 1918 and 1919. and ag
gregated something like $5,000 in
that period of time.
In the year 1917 the plaintiff en
tered the military service of the
United States and continued in ser
vice until June, 1919, when he re
turned home and found that there
was the sum of $1,285.00 still to
his in the Bank of Commerce
and that when he attempted to check
on this amount in the custody of
the bank, the checks were refused
and not paid by the bank, he then
learned, it is stated, that there had
been sums unlawfully charged
against his account in the bank in
the amount of 11.000, $200 and $85.
which had not been made by the
plaintiff. Mr. Mclssacs. The amount
of the deposits still remain in the
custody of the defendant bank and,
Mr. Mclssacs, through his attorney,
Mr. Robertson, asks the sum of $1,
285.00, together with interest at 7
percent from June, 1919. be award
ed him by the court against the de
fendant bank.
From Friday's Daflv.
The rain last night caused the
softening of the bank along the new
sewer trench near the Perkins ho
tel and as the result two of the Iron
pillars supporting the large balcony
in front of the hotel, were allowed
j to fall into the ditch. Mr. Cory with
a great deal of foresight, bad a false
work and support of timbers placed
under the balcony a few days aeo
and as a result the balcony itself did
not fall but had it not been for this
quite a serious accident might have
' occurred.
Call at the Journal office for fine
j gift stationery, in both large and
j small boxes.
From Thursday's DrJIj.
Last evening the local council of
the Knights of Columbus gave a very
delightful social dance at their hall
on Chicago avenue and which was
very largely attended by the young
people of the city and to the excel
lent music firnished by the Elks or
chestra the time was spent in danc
ing and a general social good time
until the midnight hour. The ladies
of the C. D. of A. furnished very
tempting refreshments during the
course of the evening and which add
ed to the general spirit of enjoy
State Sheriff Gus Hyers Nabs the
Four Passengers and Holds
Them for Quinton.
From Friday's Dally.
Yesterday afternoon State Sheriff
Gus Hyers was spinning homeward
to Lincoln from Omaha, and when
near Greenwood he passed a Buick
car by the roadside and seeing that
the buzz wagon was apparently out
of commission he stopped to see what
was wrong and incidently disclosed
some fifteen gallons of the well
known and very popular beverage,
"hooch," which was evidently head
ed for the state metsopolis.
The state sheriff found four occu
pants of the car, who gave their
names as Kent McLead, S. E. Russell,
Lois Caples and Verna Kelly, all of
whom claimed Omaha as their home
with the exception of the last lady,
who was from old Kentucky, and all
but Miss Kelly gave their residence
as the Hotel Millard in the metropo
lis. Miss Caples stated that her pro
fession was that of chorus girl and
all of the party were greatly shocked
to learn that the car contained booze.
Russell stated to the state sheriff
that he was the only one in the party
responsible for the booze and was In
full possession of it, but declined to
give the name of the party to whom
it was consigned when captured. He
also stated that the car belonged to
him but had an indebtedness of
$200 on it.
Mr. Russell stated to Sheriff Hyers,
"I haven't taken a drink for two
years, and what is more I wouldn't
take one for $100."
Sheriff C. D. Quinton departed this
morning for Greenwood, where he
will take over the prisoners and
bring them to Plattsmouth to be
given a course of the celebrated Cass
county brand of justice.
From FrJdsy's Dally.
This afternoon Lieut.-Col. McDan
iel, U. S. A., who is attached to the
Nebraska national guard as instruc
tor, was here looking after the rifle
range north of the city, where the
school of fire for the guard will be
held. The state troops will arrive
here on August 14th and remain
here' until August 28th and during
this time have a thorough instruc
tion in the art of soldiering. While
the encampment Is a few weeks off
now is the time to get busy and see
that the roads and streets leading
to the range are placed in first-class
shape and that will be a credit in
stead of a knock to the community.
1 1 8!
I'll rsi
The Old Time Stride!
Business is rapidly finding its old,
steady stride again. Haven't you noticed
a more confident attitude on the part of
those you meet and talk with daily?
If you haven't, come into The First
National Bank some time when some of
our farmer customers are discussing crops
and business conditions.
Our biggest job now is to keep busi
ness sound and rational. We can do it by
working together.
The First national Bank
Member Federal Reserve
Public Library Auditorium Filled
With Well Pleased Audience
To Listen to Offering.
From Friday's Dally.
Last evening the S. T. I. contest
of the W. C. T. U. was held. at the
auditorium of the public library and
was one of the most pleasing enter
tainments of its kind that has been
given here this season, and enjoyed
by a very large audience.
The young people who gave the
recitations were excellent in their
work and showed thought and care
in the preparation of tnoir subjects
and in the manner in which they
were delivered. In this portion of
the program, Alice Mason, Elizabeth
Wiles, Alice Crabill, Hf lene Perry.
Nina Hollowell, Edith Quinton and
Gretchen Warner participated. Mar
jorie Pickett, who was to have taken
part was prevented by illness in her
family. This portion of the contest
was very close as to excellence and
the prize awarded to Mis Gretthcn
Warner who won from Miss Hclene
Perry by one-third of a point.
The musical portion of the pro
gram consisted of vocal solos by Miss
Harriett Peacock and Mrs. Hilt Mar
tin, which were very much enjoyed
and the trio by Misses Helen Wes
cott, Edith Gapen and Alice Louise
Wescott was also one of the num
bers of the program most enjoyed.
In the essays prepared by the
young people, the judges found much
difficulty in making their selections
as the papers were all very timely
and well prepared and it was only
on the typographical work that many
of the awards could be made. On the
subject of "Wine and Beer," Helm
Wurl won the first prize and Mar
jorie Shopp the second prize. On the
subject of the "Dangers of the Cig
arette and Tobacco," Mildred Hall
won the first prize and Cleva Edgcr
ton the second prize. In the fifth and
sixth grade contests on the subject
of the evils of tobacco. Isabel Mar
shall reecived first prize and Geo.
OHen tE second.
Henry Dart, Rock Island fireman,
who was injured in the wreck of
train No. 7 early Wednesday morn
ing, died at St. Elizabeth's hospital
at 4:40 p. m. Thusrday. He was no
badly scalded that his life was de
spaired of from the first. This makes
two deaths resulting from the dis
aster, Engineer W. N. McLennan be
ing killed under the wreckage.
Mr. Dart was well known among
the railroad men in Lincoln, having
worked in the local yards for ome
time. Besides his mother, Mrs. Anna
Dart, he leaves three sisters. Cath
erine of Lincoln. Mrs. W. J. Moriar
ty of Omaha and Mrs. James Ferry
of Omaha, and two brothers, Thomas
of Portland, Ore., and Ray of Lin
coln. His mother wa3 in Portland vis
iting her son when the accident oc
curred and both left Portland Thurs
day for Lincoln.
New Haven, Conn., June 29. Jo
seph Pelletier, former district attor
ney in Boston, has resigned as fu
preme advocate of the Knights of
Columbus, it was announced at the
Knights of Columbus headquarters