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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1922)
MONDAY, JUNE 26, 1922. PAGE SIX PLATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOURNAL Yacht Sennets MANY WITNESSED WORKOUT LAST NITE Large Crowd Present "at Eagles Hall to See Training Bouts McCar thy to Finish in Omaha. There was a large crowd present at the Eagles hall last night to wit ness the training work-outs and all were well pleased with the action of the contestants. Big Jack McCarthy, the Portland heavyweight, let himself out a little more than the first night, and al though he "pulled" his jabs, several blows landed with considerable force upon Smetana, who went several fast rounds with the big boy. '"Smert" absorbed them nicely, however, and came up smiling for more. This morning following his road work, McCarthy journeyed into Omaha, at which place he will train at the Orpheum gymnasium today and to morrow meeting some of the heavy weight sparring partners of the me tropolis. Those interested in seeing him work will find him at the Or pneum gym tomorrow afternoon! The skill and speed showed by Frank Schmarder in wrestling with hi3 various opponents last night in dicates clearly that he is in tip-top condition and prepared to give Mr. Moormeier, who hails from Cortland, Nebraska, one of the hardest tussels of his career on the mat. While the show was on at the Eagles hall, Frank Blotzer was busy working out with Ermin Galloway in preparation for his bout with Sme tana as the curtain raiser of the Legion's big show Tuesday night. ANNESS ALSO WITHDRAWS NAME FOR VACANCY Confusion to Voters Will Besult if His Name Appears Twice For The Same Office. Wilber W. Anness of Dunbar, can didate for the Reavis succession in the First congressional district, withdrew his name Friday afternoon as a candidate ior ine snori term, from the November election until March 4th. A few hours before, Wal ter L. Anderson of Lincoln had set the example. Mr. Anness said that he had filed for the vacancy against his better judgment and only because all the other candidates for the regular term had done so. He says that, like Mr. Anderson, he doesn't believe that 51 Lower interest on Farm Loans! Perhaps you have a mortgage against your place. Maybe it is not due yet, but probably have an option or right to pay the loan in full when you pay the next interest. If you are paying more than SVlo now, don't wait for the loan to become due, but see me about a new loan before the next interest paying date. GEO. O. DOVEY We handle lots of Straws these days selling them about as fast as they come in. Some bran new ones just received. $2 Pencil Curl C. E. Wescott's "KVUKYDOnY'S STORB" election officials ought to be asked to overlook a violation of the letter of the law which says that no man's name shall appear on the same bal lot twice. He doesn't think the leg islature had this in mind when they passed the law, which was to prevent candidate from profiting by fusion nominations. Mr. Anness is also of the opinion that it isn't fair to the voters to ask them to exercise the unusual degree of care necessary to cast an intelli gent vote where one man is running for two offices on the same primary ballot. While in most cases the vot ers will understand the situation well enough to exercise their right of choice as they wish to do, there would be many others who wquld lose their vote in one instance or the other, since all cannot be presumed to know why the names are there twice. The candidates stand to lose also by thi3 duplication, as many sup porters would doubtless think they had done their full duty- to their( friend when they put an X opposite his name once. EADIO TELEPHONE HAS ITS , PRACTICAL USES, PEEHAPS A Nebraska City young man has. perfected'" what he says is a visible! radiophone. In other words the ap-j paratus has the power of transmit-, ting sounds through the ether, and, in addition, a cleverly-designed lit tle appliance in the face of the box makes it possible for the operator to see what's going on at the other end of the "line," when the machine is "tuned in." Merrit Mendenhall Is the inventor of the device. "It'll be mighty em barrassing for one who tries to sing while taking a bath," Mr. Menden hall said yesterday while describing the features of his invention. Ne braska City Press. PUT IN NEW LIGHTS The interior of the C. E. Wescott's Sons store has been added to mater ially in the last few days by the placing of a series of large lamps of the latest design and style in the store to replace the former smaller electric lights. The new lights will give a much greater volume of light and make shopping In this very at tractive store at night, a pleasure able task. For Sale: Minneapolis 36x54 sep arator, complete with Garden City feeder and wind stacker. Machine same as new. Price, $750.00. Chas. Dietrich, Louisville, Neb. J15-tfw Good Gas Engine International gas engine, excellent condition, 1 h. p. For sale cheap. See John Opp. tf. mm Panamas $3.50 Sons COMPLAIN OF BRIGHT LIGHTS ON THE AUTOS Law Eelative to the Adjustment of Lenses Seems to be Overlook ed in Many Instances. A number of the drivers of autos hava been complaining of the fact that the lights on cars which have been placed in service under the law of the last legislature, are not work ing as satisfactory as they should, owing to the fact that the lights are out of adjustment and shining with all the brightness of old. 1 The law says that the light from the lamps on the cars should strike the highway at an angle that would eliminate the light shining in the face of the driver of another car ap proaching, thereby curbing what ha3 been the cause of many accidents and annoyances in driving. Each auto owner was required to have their car equipped with new lenses to comply with the law, but from all reports this has not worked as satisfactory as it should, owing to the fact that many of the lights are out of adjustment and the rays shine not only on the highway but blind ingly in the face of the drivers of other cars. This is a matter that should ba looked into if the intent of the law 13 to be carried out, as the lights if not properly adjusted are as annoy ing as the ones in use prior to the enactment of the recent law. SURPRISED ON BIRTHDAY Last Wednesday evening at the pretty country home of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Lohnes was a scene of a de lightful surprise party when a large crowd of young people came to spring a surprise on their eon Harry who celebrated his 19th birthday, and as the young man was in no way aware of the event he was complete ly surprised but took it very good naturedly. This affair was arranged by Miss Elsie Lohnes and Mrs. Robert Troop, sisters of the young man. The evening was spent In play ing games on the pretty lawn, con versation and music furnished by Raymond Lohnes -one of, the talent ed musicians of near Cedar Creek. At a suitable hour dainty refresh ments were served consisting of ice cream and cake which added very much to the enjoyment of the eve ning. At a late hour the jolly party wended their, way homeward wish ing" Harry many more such happy birthdays. Those in attendance were: Esther Lohnes, Leda and Lorena Ragoss, Ella Lohnes, Fay Gregory, Velma Creamer. May Belle and Julia Troop, Helen. Minnie and Pearl Hild, Effie and Dorethea Smith, Elsie Lohnes. Raymond Lohnes. Murrel and Elden Ragoss, Fred Terryberry, Lloyd and Clovis Gregory, Louie Lohnes, Herb ert Rhodonze, Bernard Meislnger, Carl and Albert Kraeger, Edgar Mel- singer, Earl Troop. Carl Lang, Har- ley Meislnger, Earl Murdoch, Alfred and Richard Beverage, Gold Rice, Murrel Nichols. Glen Tyree, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Minnear and son, Har ley. Mr. and MrsGailen Rhoden' and daughters. Ella, and Barbara. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Troop, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Lohnes and the guest of honor, Harry Lohnes. HOME FROM WASHINGTON. Miss Agnes Stander arrived home Monday from Washington, D. C, where she has been engaged in teaching and will spend her vaca tion with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. August Stander and family, of near Manley. She was met in Omaha by her father and her aunt, Mrs. Catherine Erhart, her brother, John Stander, and her sister-in-law, Mrs. Frank Stander and little daughter Rose mary. Miss Stander is another of the splendid girls of this k vicinity who has made a great success of teaching and she enjoys her work very much, and her many friends will be pleas ed to have her at home for a few weeks. Louisville Courier. PLAN TO USE THE FLOOD WATERS OF THE PLATTE RIVER - Survey of Phelps, Kearney and Adams Counties to Determine Feasi bility of Irrigation. Washington, June 23. Senator Norris and Representative Andrews of the Fifth Nebraska district, intro duced In their respective houses to day joint resolutions authorizing the secretary of the interior to make a survey of Phelps, Kearney and Adams counties to ascertain whether it is practicable to convey for irri gation purposes flood waters from the Platte river onto the lands of the counties. The resolution ap propriates $5,000 for the survey. The interior department advised the delegates of the central Nebras ka supplemental water association, consisting of Messrs. George E. John son, of Lincoln; McConaughy of Holdrege, Griggs of Hastings and Kingsley of Minden, that it would gladly make the survey if congress would appropriate for the necessary expense involved. Accompanied by Representative Andrews the delegates today inter viewed Senator Norri3, Representa tives Mondell and Klnkaid, as well as several members of irrigation committees of both houses in rela tion to the proposition. They ex plained that this proposition differs from the ordinary irrigation project in that all of this land, consisting of 500,000 acres, is under cultivation and farmers living upon it; that it is composed of the best soil in Ne braska, but due to lack of moisture the fertility of this soil is gradually suffering depletion until now only one-third of a normal crop can be produced. The Nebraska department of public works, Mr. Johnson de clared, is agreed that no fertilizer will remedy the insufficient rainfall, which has become chronic. By flooding these lands when the Platte river is high the water would soak into the sub-soil, thus making nature furnish its own-reservoir, in stead of constructing expensive con tainers at government expense. If the experiment works for these counties, the ditches would be ex tended to other counties of the state, as the farmers to be benefitted might desire. , . Secretary of Agriculture Wallace today had a conference with commis sion men dealing with livestock pro ducts In the middle-west and gently hinted to them that their commis sion charges should be pared, down now that farm products were re duced. He will make further in vestigations in several cities, Omaha being included. j REAL DAYLIGHT STORE The installation of new lighting fixtures in the clothing store of Philip Thierolf has made this one of the brightest and -lightest stores in the city and one ,that certainly is right up to the minute. The lights were installed by Jess Warga and add much to the handsome interior of the Thierolf store that is a real city clothing shop in every sense of the term. , BEBE DANIELS PAYS FINE Los Angeles, June 23. Bebe Dan iels, motion picture actress, who was arrested in Glendale, a suburb of Los Angeles, for . violation of the speed ordinance, today was fined $15 by Justice S. H. Lowe. Miss Daniels did not appear in court, nor did her chauffer, who was said to have been driving the car when she was arrest ed. A representative of the automo bile club of southern California ap peared for her and paid the fine. VISITORS AT KAHLER HOME Charles Boedeker, accompanied by his son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Boedeker and little daugh ter. Flora Jane, of Murray, drove up Sunday to spend the day with Mr. Boedeker's sister, Mrs. Philip Kahler and family. Mr. Boedeker's daugh ter, Mrs. Howard Hutchman, of Kan sas City, Kansas, who is visiting her father and other relatives and friends at Murray, accompanied them to Louisville. Her husband is a Presbyterian minister in Kansas City and when she returns to her home, she and her husband will go to Colorado Springs for their summer's outing. While here, the visitors had the pleasure of going over the new home of Mr. and Mrs. Kahler which is now under erection and were de lighted with the arrangement of everything and complimented Mrs. Kahler highly upon her plans, as she designed the house almost en tirely by herself. Louisville Courier. WILL ORGANIZE TEAM The local camp of the Modern Woodmen -arc preparing to organize a snappy, drill team to put on the initiatory work in the manner that it should be and to make the ses sions of the camp much more inter esting. The team has had a few meet ings already and it is hoped to have them ready so that they can put on the work at the initiation on next Wednesday evening at the time that a class of some twelve members will be brought up for adoption. Why Suffer from Rheumatism? Do vou know that nine out of every ten cases of rheumatism are simply rheumatism of the muscles or chronic rheumatism, neither of which require any internal treatment? The pain may be relieved by applying Chamberlain's Liniment thus making sleep and rest possible, and that cer tainly means a great deal to any one afflicted with rheumatism. Weyrlch & Hadraba. Popular copyrights and the latest fiction at the Journal office. NOVEL ADVERTISING STUNT The management of the Airdome theatre announces that with every adult ticket sold Saturday, Sunday or Monday nights, ending on double 0 in other words, every one hxindredth ticket they will give free an order for a seat at the American Legion's athletic show Tuesday night. This will be a regular $2 seat and may be selected by the holder as soon as he secures the order for same. The Air dome is putting on a special boxing picture Monday night and it is large ly to advertise this that they are of fering the free tickets to the Legion show. BLAME FOR MAS SACRE IS LAID ON MINE OPERATORS First Shots Fired by Strikebreakers, Says Union Official Sheriff Refused to Call Troops. Herrin, 111., June 23. Attempts to sift through the maze of rumor3, re rorts, contradictions and facts of the mine war to obtain an uncolored ac count of the events leading up to it after everything was quiet, brought) two authentic reviews of the affair, one from a union official and anoth er from a state, military official. Hush Willis, district board mem ber of the miners' union, in the first statement from union officials con cerning the massacre, told newspaper reporters the blame lay squarely on the coal operators, who imported c r 1hrAo L'opc strikebreakers He declared that the first shots were fired by the strikebreakers and that these shots were without provo cation, and that one of the chief causes of the trouble was the high handed manner in which the import ed workers "held up private citizens and refused to let them traverse the TIi public highway by the mine made no attempt to deny that the; affair really was a massacre, but in sisted it was not started by the miners. Refused State Aid Col. Samuel Hunter, of the state adjutant general's office reviewed his oniciai investigation oi uie uisasier, the following being the salient points; of his report: That Col. Hunter on half a dozen occasions asked Sheriff Thaxton and other local county officials, if they wanted troops sent here but was told each time even after the fighting started that the local authorities could handle the matter. That he urged the mine officials to close to avert a disaster, but the re quest was refused. That an indignation meeting of 600 miners was held just outside Herrin the day the fighting began. That he persuaded the besieged workers to run up a white flag and obtain consent from miner officials for a truce, but that this truce was broken; by whom he did not know. Both reports termed the armed guards at the mine "gunmen." Mr. Willis' version follows in part: 1 "The Southern Illinois Coal com pany has been running this mine about a year. When work was sus pended on April 1, it was agreed by the mine union board members end the operators that stripping of dirti should be allowed, but that- no coal was to be loaded for industrial pur poses. Decided to Sell "After six weeks of stripping the company informed me by letter that they would no longer recognize the agreement and that they wanted to load and ship coal for industrial pur poses. I told them I could not give permission for this. "Ten days later Mr. Lester, owner of the mine, asked me to set aside the agreement. I told him I could not repudiate it. He said that unless I repudiated he would open the mine, even if he had to repudiate his agree ment. "Lester said his company was in bad financial straits and that he could not overlook a chance like this ! to make a financial cleanup. He said j he did not regard his contract with us as meaning anything, when het could make a lot of money by it. ; This statement was made to me when he knew the government had offici ally said there would be no profiteer ing in coal because of the strike. ATTENDING SUMMER SCHOOL Mrs. Christine Coughlin, one of the musically talented ladles of the city, is spending a few weeks at Chicago, where she is attending the American Conservatory of Music and taking tome post graduate work in piano and other lines of music. Mrs. Coughlin has been one of the most artistic pianoists In this portion of the state and her appearances in public have been very much enjoyed and her decision to spend the summer in her work promises added pleasure to the music lovers of the city. RAIN IN THE COUNT The lowering clouds at an early hour this morning threatened rain for some time in this locality butthe storm apparently made a detour of this corner of the county altho as near as Murray a heavy rain was re ported and from there south the rain fall seems to have been general. With the work on the street in nrmrresH here a real heavy rain in the city would cause a great deal of delay to the contractor on me sireei work if the general torrential rain fall proceeded to fill the streets, and It is very fortunate that the storm passed byv and gave a cjear day to push ahead with the work on the street. FOUND . f Stray mule came to my home June 2. Owner may have same by calling at my farm home. T. G. Klfmm. DEFENDING THE PRINCIPLE OF THE PRIMARY STATUTE League Circulating Petitions In Its Favor Would Do Away with Party Circle, However. Initiative petitions for a constitu tional amendment to perpetuate the direct primary and to abolish the party circle and party designation on all ballots used in the nomination and election of state and county of ficials are beginning to come in to the headquarters of the Nebraska non-party ballot and the direct pri mary league, with headquarters at Lincoln. The league states that there are no paid circulators of petitions. The W. C. T. U., the league of women voters, arid the Nebraska federation of wom en's clubs are working to put the movement over. Petitions have to be ready to file by July 4. Three thousand Nebraska women have received a letter signed by a group cf their leaders asking them to circulate petitions. This letter says in part: "This measure which we are init iating is of special interest to wom en. It will enable men and women who belong to different national po litical parties to work together in one group with reference to county! and state matters. The party circle J will stilt remain as lar as canuiuaie3 for national office are concerned; but the principle of the direct pri- ! m , t elective puD. fficeg pa cjrcles and t I designations on ballots exist only for the purpose of allowing the lazy, the ignorant and the illiterate to vote. Abolish them and voters will at least; have to be able to read intelligently."! These letters mailed the latter part; of last week are already bringing j responses, it is announced at head-! quarters in Lincoln. Mrs. George : aieveiisuii ui uruhcn iiu w hiucs. was out two hours this afternoon and secured twenty-four names. Will be 'off and supported him, never even able to furnish forty signatures." C. asking any kind of a favor in return. J. Israel of Maxwell, although sev-it shows what a GENUINE MAN enty-seven years old, has already j Wilber Anness is, unselfish and hon-s-ent in 160 signatures. W. H. Ault'orable, "a true sportsman" in the of Bartley, Red Willow county, ' highest sense. writes: "Enclosed vou will find one filled petition. I sent you four Satur I day. This makes 100 signatures for me, and if you must have any more to put it over please let me know and forward blanks." A. R. Christiansen of Roscoe, Keith county, writes: "We farmers haven't much time to spend circu lating petitions at this time, but I would rather take a couple of days to get another hundred signatures than see the proposition fail." L. P. Rote of Arnold, Custer coun ty, who reports that only one man out of one hundred turned him down, has enlisted the women's club of his community to boost for signers. Labor is with the movement. Peti tions sufficient for 4,000 signatures were requested by J. A. Lochray, of Omaha, editor of the Mid-West Labor News. Farmers, laborers, men, women, all are out to see that petitions enough are filed to assure the proposition being submitted to the voters. WILL ENTER CONTEST Verne Hendricks of Murray re- ceived a letter from the chamber of commerce of St. Joseph, Missouri, asking him to enter the field and track meet at that place the Fourth of July. FRESH COW FOR SALE Call phone 3411. j26-2d,2w WEEPING WATER BOY IS NOW A PH. G. Albert J. Behrn3 is now a Ph. G.. having passed his examination at the state university, also before the state board of pharmacy. He states there were fifty-five ap plicants before the state board and twenty-one failed to paps. I This is the third young man who has gained practical experience in I the Ora E. Copes drug store, and he ' feels Justly proud of the same; the two former being Ellis E. Lewton", who now owns a business of his own j at Craig, Nebraska, and Nieholas J Trook, who is doing exceptionally A "Dirt Farmer"! Si? ALBERT W. J EFFECT OS Republican Candidate for U.S. SENATE Mr. Jefferis, because he was born and raised on a farm realizes and ap preciates the-problems of the farmer. it ONE OF US. t .'!r.Jl I v . x S . J j i FOR CONGRESS WILBER ANNESS Dunbar Man Being Boosted to Fill the Shoes of Frank Reavis Is Well Known Here. THE NATURAL AND LOGICAL SUCCESSOR TO HON. C. F. REAVIS. Everywhere you go over the district, you will hear this kind of sentiment. WILBER ANNESS is the natural and logical man to succeed Frank Reavis. Why? There are many reasons. One is because of the good show ihg WILBER ANNESS made in 1914, when Mr. Reavis was first nominated and the way ANNESS took his coat 4 ' 'V t , 5 91 WILBER W. ANNESS ' Republican Candidate for Congress n irom me r irsi uisirict And Wilber Anness is capable; none question his ability, lie ha3 had legislative experience, and is one of the finest public speakers in the state, and can hold his own with the best on the floor of congress. He is a perfect gentleman, unas suming, but pure gold. Vote for WILBER W. ANNESS. the man who deserves to win AND WILL. Elm wood Leader-Echo. well at Syracuse. Mr. Behrns is here looking after the drug store for Mr. Copes while he is attending the con vention at Fremont. Weeping Wat er Republican. NOTICE There will be a meeting at the home of Mrs. Philip Hirz, west of this city, on Friday afternoon, June 30, at 1:30 o'clock. Miss Ida Wilkins will be present to demonstrate the uses of sewing machine attachments, besides "Short Cuts in Sewing." Every lady in Plattsmouth pre- cinct who is interested in this work ' is Invited to attend and take her i own sewing machine attachments j with her. MRS. C. L. WILES, j26-d&w Local Leader. FOR SALE Duroc-Jersey sows bred for early fall farrow. O. D. Sherman on Mark White farm, 10 miles south of Platts mouth. j2C-ltw ft H Farmers, Feeders, Dairymen! This is YOUR Alfalfa Mill, erected at a cost of $50,000, intended for your convenience and profit. Alfalfa is the most profitable crop you can raise. You can serve a double interest by seeing that the mill gets plenty of Alfalfa. This helps YOU, employs labor, helps the town and community and helps us. Cass county hillsides raise the finest alfalfa in the world. Put in a little more than you need for your self. Those who do not know any thing about alfalfa, how to plant and take care of it, send for the Govern ment Farmers' Bulletin 1229, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, Washington, D. C, or notify us and we will get it for you at no expense whatever. We are now in the market for 500 tons of good milling alfalfa. By this, we mean that it must be green cured. out of sweat, and plenty of leaves. We do not want stack burned, bleach ed stuff. All hay is GRADED BY COLOR remember that. We buy it for re-sale and the mar ket is particular. Just as easy to put it up right as wrong, and it pays. We are here to serve YOUR in terest. Help us by helping yourself. Youre for alfalfa. Tho Alfalfa Hill Phone PLATTSMOUTH 303 :- NEBRASKA 'VJ . - 4 K - i I I -T- I