The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 26, 1922, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3
ELATTSMOUTH SEMI -WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE THREE DEATH ' IN M R OLL NE WAR iAGHES 27 SPECIAL SALE ON ALVO DEPARTMENT M ANLEY NEWS J JIQUDAY, JUNE 26, 1922. F John Skinner autoed to Lincoln on Wednesday afternoon. , Mrs. Clyde Boyles, of Lincoln, is visiting relatives here this week. Prof. J. M. Worley of Lewiston was in Alvo Saturday afternoon. Miss Irene Sutton is attending summer school at University Place. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Murtey of Weeping Water spent Thursday even ing with Mrs. John Murtey. The Mothers and Daughters coun cil held a picnic in the Sam Hard nock grove Friday afternoon. Julian Sutton and wife went to Fremont Saturday to visit relatives, returning home Sunday evening. Mrs. Charles Skiles and son, John, of Lincoln, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Boyles for a few days. Melvin Sheedy and Mr. Kempster, of Harvard came down Saturday to attend the funeral of John Murtey. Mrs. Mable Foreman and son. Charles, of Scottsbluff, are visiting at the G. P. Foreman home for a couple of weeks. Miss Rhena Towle, of Lincoln, came down Thursday evening and stayed until Sunday with her cousin, Mrs. John Murtey. Mrs. A. S. Midlam, of Sioux City, Iowa, came Friday evening and re mained until Monday with her cous in. Mrs. John Murtey. Mr. Teegarden of Weeping Water, Mr. Brown and Mr. and Mrs. Arch Towle of South Bend attended John Murtey 's funeral last Saturday. J. C. Nauman, of Haxton, Colo., a former business partner at Burr, came Saturday to attend the funer al of his old friend John Murtey. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Jordan and son. Rex, left Friday morning to spend the week-end with their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John Fritchie at Alex ander. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Armstrong and son Ivan and Mr. and Mrs, Fred Prouty attended the funeral of Mrs. Oakley Hurlbut at University Place Monday. S. M. Pierce and wife who came Thursday night to be with the form er's sister, Mrs. John Murtey, during her hour of sorrow, left Tuesday for their home at Clay Center. Ernest Weir and sisters Miss Grace Weir of Clay Center and Mrs. "Wm. Fisher, of Lincoln, nephew and nieces of Mrs. John Murtey were here Saturday to attend Mr. Murtey's funeral. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Linch autoed to Lincoln Wednesday. They were accompanied home by their daughter. Miss Alta Linch, who has been visit ing relatives in Grand Island the past ten days. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Toland re turned Thursday evening from Oma ha, where they visited a few days with Mr. Toland's brother. A. W. Toland and wife. They left Sunday for Monument. Colorado, where they will spend the summer with their son, Albert Toland and wife. Mrs. Mary J. Frye and son Ralph Frye and wife of Clay Center and Thomas Murtey of Weeping Water; James and Henry Murtey of Stock ton, Kansas, came Thursday in re sponse to the news of the death of their brother, John Murtey, and re mained until after the funeral. JOHN MURTEY, OBITUARY John Murtey was born in Lincoln. 111.. Dec. 12th, 1861. He died in Alvo June 15th, 1922, aged 60 years, 6 months and three days. At about the age of ten years Mr. Murtey moved with his parents to Nebraska, settling in Cass county, near Wabash. After nine years, in 1879, the family moved to Kansas, which continued to be the home of the parents until their death, and where they are buried. About the year 1890, Mr. Murtey came to Alvo and engaged in the lumber and grain business; this was near the time that the Rock Island railroad was being built through Alvo. After a number of years in busi ness here he sold out and moved to Clay Center at which place and at Verona, he continued in the lumber and grain business till 1911 when he returned to Alvo bought back his old business and has continued In it till the present time. He was married to Miss Eva Wurl in 1889, to which union two child ren were born, a son dying in in fancy; the other a daughter, Aurel, who is sow married and living in Kansas City. Mr. Murtey was married the sec ond time to Miss Winifred Price of Clay Center, July 11, 1902, which union has been one of devotion and happiness between them till this time. Ill religious matter Mr. Murtey was liberal. Born a Catholic, and retaining his love and loyalty to that church, he yet recognized and re spected the convictions of those Harvest is Do not wait until you have to use your harvesting necessities. Prepare now. Orders for mowers, bind ers and haying machinery as well as twine will save you bother later. See us early for your needs in this line. We are here to serve you. Coatman Hardware Co., Alvo, known as Protestants and was ever liberal and generous to a degree, both in giving of money and -good will to their support. To the Metho dist church here Mr. Murtey has been' one of the most liberal sup porters in' a financial way that the community has had. In the remodel ing of the church recently he not only sold all material at cost to the church, but made a generous contri bution besides. His benefactions of this kind were not confined to Alvo, however, for it is known that in other places he has been a regular contributor to both Protestant and Catholic churches. To those who were in financial difficulty or in distress he was most kind and helpful. Many instances could be cited which are not knowa to the public, where he has given most timely help to those who would not have been able to keep going without it. Such things, however, were never mentioned by him, and perhaps w:ould never have been known by any act of his. Mr. Murtey will be greatly missed in this community. He was a good business man and a good citizen. He stood for progress along all lines, arid he never shrank from bearing his part of the burden the progress entailed. He not only made business for himself but he made it for the community, and he seemed as glad when others prospered as when his own affairs went well. Mr. Murtey was a member of the Nebraska legislature, elected in the fall of 1916. Besides his faithful wife, Mr. Mur tey leaves three brother and a sis ter to mourn his loss: Thomas Mur tey of Weeping Water. Neb.; Henry and James Murtey of Stockton, Kan sas, and Mrs. Mary Frye of Clay Cen ter. Funeral services were conducted from the home Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. June 17, by Rev. E. A Knight of the. M. E. church, assisted by Rev. M. E. Stair of the Brethren church. Interment was at the Alvo cemetery. CARD OF THANKS We desire to express our deep ap preciation of and sincere thanks for the many acts of kindness shown us by our many loyal friend3 during the death and burial of our beloved husband and brother, John Murtey, and for the beautiful floral offer ings. Mrs. John Murtey; Mrs. Mary J. Frye and son; Thomas Murtey and family; James Murtey; Henry Mur tey. LOCAL NEWS From Monday's DaXIy. George Everett of near Union was here today for a few hours return ing home this afternoon via the bus route. David LaRue was among the visi tors in the city today from near Ne hawka attending to some matters in court. Jack Patterson and family of Un ion motored up yesterday afternpon to spend a few hours visiting with friends. Mark E. Wiles and wife of near Weeping Water were here yesterday for a few hours attending to some matters of business. Mont Robb of Union was here for a short time yesterday afternoon and evening and returned this morning to his home in the south part of the city. Louie Rheinackle and family of near Murray were among the visi tors in the city today where they looked after some of the week end trading. Chris Ross and son, Herman C. Ross, of near Nehawka, were here today attending to some matters in the district court in which they are interested. P. J. Cosgrave, one of the leaders of the Lancaster county bar, was here today for a few hours attend ing to some matters of business In the county court and enjoying a visit with his Cass county friends. Henry Schoemaker of near Ne hawka, one of the well known and prominent farmers of that portion of the county, was here today for a few hours attending to some mat ters at the court house. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sebatka re turned home yesterday afternooi from West Liberty, Iowa, wherj they were called by the illness cf the mother of Mrs. Sebatka. The'r son, Vernon, will remain at tl i home of his grandmother for the summer months. Lost anything -Try a Jonrna ad. found anything 5 "They satisfy." Coming! Nebraska COAL FIELD AREA QUIET AFTER TWO DAYS' MASSACRE OF STRIKE BREAKERS. Herrin. 111.. June 22. Death toll in the disaster last night and today, when 5,000 striking union miners attacked the Lester strip mine being operated under guard of imported workers, may run past the 40 mark, it was said tonight by those in touch with the situation, although thus far only 27 ' positively are known as dead. In the morgue here tonight are 17 bodies, some riddled with buck shot, and others minus various parts In the morgue at Marion. 12 miles from here, lay the body of C. K. Mc Dowell, superintendent of the import ed strikebreakers. The Associated Press correspond ent and other newspaper men saw with their own eyes 27 bodies in dif ferent parts of the country and one man later died in the hospital here. What has become of the bodies not in the morgues is not known. Sev eral freshly spaded piles of dirt were noticed in the woods. Usual solem nity of death is lacking in the local morgue. Hundreds of persons filed past the lines of bodies today, fre quently commenting on their muti lated condition. Children laughed, women pointed and the men chuck led. Some Thrown in Pond In the Herrin hospital were eight wounded men, only one a miner, and six of them are believed to be fatal ly injured. There were nine, but one died. A miner told the Associated Press correspondent that he had seen fif teen bodies thrown into a pond with rocks around their necks today. About twenty Imported workers are missing. Checking the death list has proved almost impossible. The victims, all but three of. them imported workers so far as is known, were found scat tered over an area within several miles of the mine. Some were lynched, some were burned when the mine was fired, others were beat en to death, and the majority fell before the scores of bullets poured into them. Troops Ordered Equipped Waukegan, June 22. At midnight the governor telegraphed Brig. Gen. Black, adjutant general of the state, to assemble tire 132d infantry and the machine gun companies of the 130th and 131st infantries with such other companies as necessary to make a force of at least 1,000 men and hold them at the 132d infantry armory in West Madison street, Chicago, to be moved under further orders from him. -? " The- governor r directed that the troops should be given full nelu equipment. The governor's telegram to Gen. Black follows: "Despite assurance from the sher iff's office in Williamson county that the local authorities have established peace and order in that community, I am tonight reliably advised that life and property are in jeapordy in the vicinity of Herrin, in Williamson county. Pending definite advices you will assemble and hold in readiness the 132d infantry at their armory in West Madison street, together with the machine gun companies of the 130th and 131st infantry and such other companies as necessary to make a force of at least 1.000 men with ' full field equipment to be moved under further orders from me if necessary. Len Small, Commander-in-Chief of Illinois Nat. Guard." To the sheriff the governor tele graphed: "I insist on an immediate reply to my telegram of the 22d in relation to the riots and disorders in Wil liamson county, giving detailed and accurate information and what steps have been and are now being taken-l by you for the apprehension of the parties who committed these crimes and to prevent further difficulties or violations of the law. I insist upon prompt action and impartial en-i forcement of the law for the preser vation of and good order. Troops are being held in readiness. Len Small." AUTO INDUSTRY WILL HAVE A GOOD SEASON Detroit, June 23. Some of the automobile companies are hanging up records here that verify earlier predictions that" 1922 was to be a banner year for motor vehicle pro duction. The Ford Motor company in the first five months of the year turned out 409,309 vehicles compar ed with 319.813 for the correspond ing five months in 1921. The Hudson Motor company in those five months has sold more cars than during all last year. And the Chevrolet, Max well and other producers are piling up similar records. As a result some of the companies are back in the market for machinery for the first time in two years. Dril presses, grinders and millers are in good de mand. This has stimulated the mar ket for second hand machinery and prices are gradually rising. Furniture men predict that all at tendance records will be broken at the spring-summer buying exposition at Grand Rapids now in progress.' Fully 2.500 buyers and salesmen ! are in attendance. This is about 350, more than the average and means large wholesale buying of furniture for fall and winter. We appreciate your co-operation in helping ns to publish all the live news of the community. Call No. 6, 3 rings. Journal want ads pay. Try them. Mr. L. R. DeFrance, formerly of Julian, is the blacksmith at the shop of Herman Dall. Dr. B. F. Brendel of Murray was in attendance at the Cook family re union last Sunday. Herman Rauth overhauled the auto of his father last week and has the car running again. Herman Dall was looking after some business matters in Omaha and Council Bluffs last Tuesday. Mrs. Thomas Keckler, who has been spending some time in Lincoln, arrived home one day last week. Charles Rathburn, the Louisville carpenter, was in Manley looking af ter some work at the Krecklow pool parlors. August Graham shelled and deliv ered his last year's corn crop on last Thursday to the Farmer's Elevator company. Fred Fleischman and family were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller and family near Wabash last Sunday. Frank Slander of Omaha was a visitor in Manley and west of town for a few days last week, driving down in his auto. Walter Mockenhaupt and wife were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Mockenhaupt, parents of Walter, last Sunday. Theo Harms and family were visit ing last Sunday at Silver Cfeek with friends and on their return visited with friends at York and also at Lincoln. Frank Bonner, east of town, re ceived last Thursday a car load of calves which he will put on pasture and later will feed for returning to the market. A. Steinkamp, who has been sell ing stock medicine, has taken a lay off for a year and will look after the harvest on his numerous farms dur ing the time. Mrs. F. Brickia, of Lincoln, form erly of Weeping Water and also liv ing in the neighborhood of Manley, has been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Rauth for the past few days. J. C. Rauth and wife, with their daughter, Miss Anna, were in at tendance at the Cook family reunion last Sunday at the park in Weeping Water, where an excellent time was had by all. A. H. Humble and wife were visit ing at the home of the parents of Mr. Humble in Kansas City last week, staying over Sunday at the home of their parents and enjoying a most excellent visit. R. Bergman was a visitor in Oma ha last Thursday, where she was called to look after some business matters and while he was away the business was looked after by Mr. Joseph Wolpert. J. L. Burns and wife, who have been visiting at a number, of places, returned to Manley a short time since and visited for a few days and again the last of the week went to Omaha for a short time. Mrs. Mary Heeney departed on last Thursday for Medford, Oklahoma, where she will visit at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Farley Pitman, for some time. Mrs. Heeney depart ed from Murdock, where she took the Rock Island. Misses Maggie and Katie Wolpert accompanied by Miss Rose Kelly and Miss Sue Mockenhaupt were visiting with friends and also looking after some business matters in Platts mouth. driving over in the auto of the Misses Wolpert. What is known as "The Gang" and which is a number of little men of Manley, arranged while Judge Ger lich was here for a swim in the near future when he shall come down again. The judge and the boys of the gang are pretty close pals. Aaron Rauth and wife with their son John were visiting with friends in Omaha last Sunday, driving over in their auto, and had the misfortune to have, a party run into their car from one side and damage the ma chine by breaking one of the fenders. Three Good Bargains' Three McCormick and Deering Binders; all in good con dition, which will solve the problem for some one who wants a used binder. One is for $150.00; one for $95 00 and one for $50.00. They are all in good shape. Better hurry! Farm Dmplement Go. HERMAN DALL, Manager Manley, BflinidlDinig BINDERS, REAPERS AND MOWERS AND ALL REPAIRS Better place your order for what twine you will need, and for the repairs you will have to have, as well as that new machine itself. While the getting is good, do not wait too long. If you do the harvest will suffer. Farm Dmplement o. HERMAN DALL, Manager Manley, Neb. John Shoeman, of Louisville, the dealer in the Jordan car, was in Man ley last Tuesday looking after some business matters for the day. Mr. Shoeman is handling one of the best makes of cars, and one which will prove in every way the most satis factory. Charles Garlich and wife accomp anied by thrrr daughter, Miss Vera, were visitors in Manley last Thurs day and were guests at the home of A. H. Humble and wife. Mr. Gerlich had some business at Greenwood and Murdock and drove over there while the women folks visited. The small ball players of. Weeping Water and the like aggregation of Manley participated in a ball game last week at this place, and had a most exciting time, with many cli maxes of glee. The result was after ten innings had been played Weep ing Water, 20, Manley,, 19. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Rauth and wife, accompanied by their daughter. Miss Alberta White and three grandsons. Jack, Gerald and Gene Martin, have been visiting at the home of Mrs. White's brother, J. C. Rauth and wife of east of Manley for the past few days from their home in Omaha. See the ad of the Manley Farm Implement company, Herman Dall, manager, for three binders in ex cellent condition and selling as low as $50. with the highest one which is a McCormick and has cut but one hundred acres of grain and priced at only $150. If you are needing one better get this bargain before it is gone. Last Sunday August Stander and son John were visiting in Omaha, going to meet the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stander, Miss Agnes Stan der, who is located In Chicago, and where she is studying nursing in a convent, and who is coming home for a week's visit with the parents after which she will return to take up her work as a professional nurse. Andy Schmader, the Louisville boxer, is to meet Jack McCarthy at Plattsmouth Tuesday night in a ten round bout at the American Legion's boxing and wrestling show. Bills an nouncing the show have been well distributed in this vicinity and a large number of the local boxing en thusiasts as well as many from Louis ville will be on deck Tuesday night for the big event. GET YOUR NEW RED BOOK Sparking with the best of the summer fiction, that will aid in making the hot days of summer real enjoyable. The July Red Book is awaiting you. Call at the Journal office and secure a copy of this pop ular magazine. Also a line of the popular fiction and educational magazines. , BE INDEPENDENT ! , QUIT RENTING! OWN YOUR LAND Fine Southeast Nebraska Farms Best personally inspected Colorado land, some exchanges. Showalter Land Agency, Cook, Nebr. j22-3sw ATTRACTS THE THIRSTY The east window of the Morgan Sweet Shop is one that will tempt the thirsty on these hot days as they have a display of the white and purple grape juices as well as the foaming gingerale, one of highball memory but which is now being taken straight and proves a success as a thirst exterminator. FARM LOANS On eastern Nebraska lands, 6 per cent interest. No commission. Ad dress W. A. C. Johnson, 208 So. 33 St., Omaha, Neb. We can furnish you blank books most any ion a ax journal onice. Nebraska Tome ITQ Every article listed is in stock and wilj be sold at a great reduction. Come in while it lasts. Can give terms on some articles. This list of furniture consists of both new and used household articles, as follows : One $475.00 piano, like new, for. . . . $250.00 One music cabinet 7.50 One music cabinet 5.00 One mandolin 3.50 One $125.00 phonograph, new 65.00 One $125 phonograph and cabinet table, new. 75.00 One sectional book case 24.50 One new writing desk 22.50 One combination desk and book case 14.50 One 8-3 x 10-6 Axminster rug 15.00 Three 9x 1 2 ru gs $7.50 to 1 2.50 One 54-inch round extension table 29.50 One buffet 19.50 One large 8-piece dining room suite 95.00 One 7-piet;e genuine walnut dining room suite. 85.00 One drop leaf extension table 6.50 One kitchen table 3.50 One $15 mantle clock 7.50 One Singer sewing machine 45.00 Four refrigerators at $9.50 to 39.50 One $250 9-piece oak dining room suite 165.00 Eight library tables at $9.50 to 27.50 One Quick Meal range 27.50 One Quick Meal range 15.00 Five good gas ranges at .$10 to 20.00 One used kitchen cabinet 12.50 Five new kitchen cabinets $45 to 65.00 Two three-quarter size beds, each 3.50 New beds, al Isizes, from $8.95 to 24.50 New oak dressers .$19.50 to 35.00 One $55 walnut finish dresser 39.50 One $50 walnut finish dresser 34.50 One circasian walnut dressing table and chair. 32.50 One walnut dressing table, large size 39.50 One walnut chifforette 29.50 One chiffonnier 14.50 One large leather upholstered rocker 24.50 One 4-piece library suite, genuine oak with leather upholstering 49.50 One gate leg table, new:".' 18.50 WE ALSO HAVE ON SALE AT GREAT REDUCTIONS Rockers, Dining Room Chairs, Kitchen Chairs, Electric Washers, Power Washers, Hand Washers, Tubs, Boil ers, etc., Rugs, Mattresses, Bed Springs, Childs' Cribs, Buggies, Baby Swings, Lawn Swings, Porch Swings, Window Shades, Linoleums, Congoleums and Every thing in the Furniture Line. Come and see these goods. Christ & Christ FURNITURE STORE Opposite Court House South Plattsmouth, Nebr EUROPE IN NO MOOD TO PAY U. S. MONEY BORROWED Says Chicago Banker Great Brit ain Alone Able to Settle Fart of World War Debt. St. Louis, June 22. The problem of requiring payment of the allied debt, or cancelling it, is "the funda mental question, upon the answer to which will depend the future ot our own commercial and industrial wel fare, and that of the rest of the world," Walter Lichtenstein, Ph. D., the Chicago banker, said at the con vention of the Illinois bankers asso ciation here today. Dr. Lichtenstein then presented a summary of both sides of the controversy as voiced in a recent statement from the Chicago association of commerce. "Most of my future during the last months has been spent in mak ing an economic survey of this coun try on behalf of the American bank ers association," said Dr. Lichten stein. "It is evident that there is a much greater feeling of hopefulness in the country. The most thoughtful observers feel that we have probab ly gone as far as we can Jn a rehab ilitation of our condition unless we can bring some influence to bear up on Europe as it is Europe which is the sore spot and I believe that in the present Juncture of affairs this fact cannot be overemphasized. "With the exception of Great Brit ain none of the European countries is really in a position to brlrig about a net reduction of its governmental indebtedness to us in the near fut ure. ' "The world has become more and more interdependent, even tho it is Indisputable that this general truth is less applicable to this country than to any other. To quote from a recent speech of Mr. Reginald McKenna, the .very able chairman of the ixn don Joint City and Midland Bank: mil 'One nation, and still more a large group of nations, cannot be broken up and impoverished so as to destroy its ability to function, without throwing the entire machine out of gear. The trade of each country is linked up with that of the whole world. Our own trade cannot recover Its pre-war activity whilst so many countries continue in their present broken down condition.' And he well exemplifies that world-trade-interrelationship by showing that if Rus sia, for instance, fails to make pur chase of tea in China or India, as formerly, the result is to affect un favorably the capacity of those coun tries to buy cotton goods from Eng land, which in turn leads to a re duction of the purchases of raw cot ton by England in the United States and that again reacts unfavorably on England's business of shipping, banking, and Insurance." Lady with Large Acquaintance who is employed in a ready to wear department or who is dressmaking can become established in her own business and create a worth while income without competition. We will send you 'from fifteen to fifty new style dresses suitable for all occa sions, every month; constantly ex changing unsold models for new styles. Applicants who cannot give bank references, will not be considered. PEGGY 07TEIL Creator of Popular Priced, High Class Dresses 29 West 35th St. New York City Uncle Ben Beck man of near Mur ray was here today for a few hours looking after some trading and vis iting with his many friends. Journal want ads pay. Try then. t W. A. ROBERTSON h Coates Block Second Floor 4 J. EAST OP RILEY HOTEL .J. TTT TTtt Vlmk"lm'mimlmimi'