The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 26, 1922, Image 1

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NO. 99
The propects are very bright that
riattsmouth will be the scene of the
1922 encampment of the national
guard of Nebraska, and that for two
weeks the 1.500 men of the guard
will be quartered here on the land
east of the city and on the U. S.
government range north of the city.
It was some time ago that the mat
ter of the state encampment here
was first suggested to the chamber
of commerce of the city, and Mr. E.
J. Richey who recognized the real
importance and value of this en
campment, has been on the job in
looking after the plans and served
as the host for the visiting officers
who were here to look over the lo
cation. Mr. Richey took General H.
J. Faul and his party over the rifle
range and the surrounding territory
and it was found that this would
make a very satisfactory location
for the annual encampment of the
N. X. G.
The approval of the federal gov
ernment for the use of the rifle range
will be necessary and if this is grant
ed, as it probably will bo, there will
be- little doubt that the sound of the
bugles and the spirit of war-time ac
tivities be found predominating here
for the two weeks that covers the
annual state encampment.
In the national guard forces will
be the 134th infantry, as well as a
number of the special units that
have been assigned to Nebraska un
der the army reserve plans and all of
these troops will be camped here
for the summer training period.
For the camp grounds the Bach
farm east of the Burlington station
will be used and here the tented city
will be erected and the troops drill
ed in the military tactics that have
become familiar to many of the resi
dents of the country as the result of
the World war. The land secured is
level and will make excellent camp
ing grounds as well as drill fields
and there the men of the national
guard will live the real military life
for the two weeks' period. -
The encampment will bring many
points of interest to the residents of
the community in the parades of
the troops as well as the drills and
the soldiers wil lalso devote a por
tion of their time to the schdol of
fire on the rifle range north of the
Arrangements have been made by
Mr. Richey to have water lines ex
tended to the camp grounds and rifle
range so that the troops can have
proper bathing facilities as well as
water for their camp use.
This state encampment is a mat
ter that should be boosted as it will
be a good advertisement for the city
and an occasion that has never ueen
the good fortune of the city to have
before, and the city in general and
the business liouses derive a great
benefit from the location of the
troops here.
For his active and energetic work
in the matter Mr. Richey is certain
ly to be commended as he has een
on the job to see that every etfort
was made to bring the national
guard here for the summer camp.
Large Crowd Present to Witness the
Opener Difficulty in Getting
the Service Started Out.
From Thursday's raHy.
Last evening the new open air the
atre on the site ot tne oia airaome (
on South Fifth street was re-opened
for the season by the Plattsmouth
Theatre Company of whicn Air.
A. Larson is the local manager.
The attendance was very pleasing
. riliol tho contir"- ranacitv of
the theatre comfortably, but the:
hurried preparation for the opening I
night made more or less coniusion
and the haste necessary did not per
mit the arranging of all the details
as the management might wish.
The management hopes to .have
the machines thoroughly arranged
as well as music lor the pictures at
the next performance at the open
air theatre.
From Thursday's Dally.
Yesterday was the third birthday
anniversary of Jacqueline Grassman,
and in honor of the occasion the
little hostess had a number of the j
friends in to enjoy the afternooa In ;
the games of childhood days and at '
which much delight was derived. In
honor, of the occasion t'-ie young hos
tess received many very pretty and
attractive presents.
At a suitable hour, Mrs. Hillard .
Grassman. assisted by Mrs. Frank'
Rebal and Mrs. Charles Hitt, Sr.,'
served very dainty refreshments to.
the little folks and late in the af-j
ternoon the members of the party!
departed wishing their little friends!
many more happy returns of the day. ;
From Thursday's Dally.
The many friends of Miss Marion
Mauzy will be pleased to learn that
this charming and popular Platts
mouth lady has just completed her
course of study at the Leland Stan
ford university in California and was
graduated from that institution on
last Monday. Miss Mauzy. who is a
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Mauzy, is a graduate of the Platts
mouth high school and later studied
at the University of Nebraska and
for the past year has been attend
ing Leland Stanford. She has made
a very fine record as a student and
one that is very pleasing to her fam
ily and friends.
Exceptionally Large Crowd in City
For Purpose of Taking Part
In the Community Sale.
From Thursday's rally.
Yesterday was the first annivers
ary of the starting of the commun
ity bargain days and it proved one
of the biggest days that has beep
held here from the standpoint of at
tendance and from the early morn
ing until after 10 o'clock last eve
ning, the shoppers were to be found
on the street still seeking the op
portunities to secure the lines of
stock carried by the local merchants.
The success of the day was mark
ed in the fact that it found the far
mers of the county very busy in the
fields and despite this fact they came
out with their families to enjoy the
opportunity of snapping up the bar
gains that the live wire Plattsmouth
merchants had prepared for them.
From points as far south as the
Otoe county line there came the seek
ers after bargains and they found
their wants well supplied from the
stocks of the stores of the city, and
there were also many here from the
western portion of the county.
The auction sale did a lively busi
ness during the hours it was in op
eration and taken as a whole the an
niversary sale was one of the best
that has been enjoyed during the
twelve months that has ensued since
the matter of the community bar
gain day was first started by a num
ber of the enterprising men of this
city, and which have grown into an
established feature in the life of the
Recent Meeting of State Committee
Takes Stand in Favor of Law
and School Matters.
The recent meeting of the Amer
ican Legion state committee took a
stand on two -very important ques
tions that are now before the pub
lic and the state executive of the
organization has given to the press.
At a meeting at Lincoln on June
12-13, 1922, the following' resolu
tion was passed:
"Resolved that the executive com
mittee, American Legion, Depart
ment of Nebraska, call on all posts
of the American Legion and mem
bers thereof to assist in stamping
out in every possible way the crime
wave and disrespect for law and or
der, and in particular, the general
disrespect for our liquor laws. We
call on every good citizen and mem
ber of the American Legion to do
his share to stamp out this illegal
traffic by desisting from being a par
ty to it."
At the same meeting the follow
ing resolution was passed:
"Moved and passed that the ex
ecutive committee, the American Le
gion, Department of Nebraska, re
spectfully request all boards of ed
ucation of metropolitan districts
and superintendents of schools and
the board of regents and the chan
cellor of the University of Nebraska
to consider favorably the passage of
rules and regulations that all teach
ers certificated or employed to teach
by such authority, except exchange
professors, be required to be or be
come citizens of the United States."
The New York Bakery of C. L.
Herger is making a new departure
in the baking industry of the city in
placing in service two fine new de
livery wagons that will bring the
product of the bakery, direct to the
door of the purchaser each morning i
and insuring fresh bread, cakes and I
other -lines of baked goods to the!
householders. It is also planned to
have the cars make a large territory
each day with their deliveries and
supply the wants of the countryside
with the bread and other dainties of
the bake shop. One of the cars has
already been placed in commission
and will start at once on the work
of supplying the needs of the pat
rons. Mr. Herger is launching an
extensive plan of advertising to place
his bread before the public and the
new wagons are a part of the pro
gram. Blank books at the Journal OfLce.
Judge Begley and Attorney Kieck of
This City Will Officiate at Pa
pillion, July Fourth.
The laying of the cornerstone of
the Sarpy county court house will
take place at Papillion on the af
ternoon of July 4th and two Platts
mouth citizens will have a promi
nent part in the exercises of the day.
The American Legion will have the
ceremony in charge and W. G. Kieck,
the well known young attorney of
this city, will be the presiding of
ficer of the occasion. Mr. Kieck is a
native son of Sarpy county, having
been reared at Springfield and is a
gentleman well suited as a presid
ing officer. Another of the distin
guished sons that own Sarpy coun
ty as their former home is Judge
James T. Begley. the able judge of
the second judicial district, and
who is to be one of the orators of
the occasion and to see that the cor
nerstone of the new $150,000 build
ing is properly laid. Edgar Howard
of Columbus, for many years editor
of the Papillion Times, is also to
have an important part in the pro
gram of the day and assist in the
The Sarpy county citizens are very
proud of the new building that is
to be erected to house the county
government and replace the former
ancient structure that has stood for
many, many years, and the new
court house will be an object of
much beauty.
From Friday's Daily.
Last everting the friends of Ward
Whelan. the efficient and hard
working secretary of the Young
Men's Bible Class of the Methodist
church, decided to give this gentle
man a suitable surprise on the oc
casion of his birthday anniversary
and accordingly the members of the
class, assembling at their rooms in
the church, moved In a body to the
Whelan home where they proceed
ed to give their friend a real treat
of his lifetime. The event was ar
ranged by Miss DeHart, aunt of the
guest of honor," and who assisted the
young men in enjoying the occasion
to the utmost. Mrs. E. H. Wescott,
Mrs. John Calvert and Mrs. D. J.
Marshall were also in attendance at
the pleasant occasion.
The evening was spent in games
of all kinds and charades at which
much pleasure was derived. In the
hat trimming contest among the
gentlemen there was some very ar
tistic millinery work turned out and
the ladies of the city are busy get
ting the list of the gentlemen who
proved so proficient in the gentle art
of hat making. The four to win the
prize for the best hat and the quick
est time were: Rev. Calvert, Ward
Whelan. Roy James and Harley Ce
cil. At a suitable hour dainty refresh
ments were served by Miss DeHart
assisted by Mrs. Roy James, and
which completed a very delightful
From Thursdays Dally.
Yesterday afternoon in Omaha oc
curred the marriage of two of the
well known young people of this
city. Miss Mary Bennett and Mr. Ar
thur Corner. The two young people
decided to surprise their friends and
accordingly motored to the metrop
olis where the ceremony that was to
make them one was performed. The
newly weds have many warm friends
in the city who will be delighted to
learn of their new found happiness
and wish them much joy on the oc
casion. Mrs. Cotner has been making
her home in this city, and Council
Bluffs for the past few years and is
a lady possessing a great many
friends in all sections of the city,
while the groom is one of the em
ployes of the Burlington in the shops
here and a young matt of industry
and held in high esteem by those who
know him.
From Thursday's Dally."
Yesterday afternoon the Ladies
auxiliary of the Presbyterian church
held a very pleasant meeting at the
church parlors and which was quite
largely attended by the ladies of the
church. The hostesses of the occa
sion, Mesdames J. F. Gorder and C.
C. Smith, provided a very dainty and
delicious repast that was much en
joyed and served as a crowning fea
ture of the afternoon. During the
time of the session the ladies en-
joyed themselves in social conversa
tion and sewing.
George Conis, of the Palace Shin
ing Parlor has the real spirit of
improvement and believes in having,
his place of business present a neat'
and attractive appearance all the
time and the latest addition is in
having the room repainted and re
papered. The walls have been paper
ed in a light gray and the same color
prevails in the ceiling of the room.
It makes the room much lighter and
a real attractive place.
The persons who use the sidewalks
on North Sixth street have remark
ed more forcibly than elegantly on
the condition of the weeds along
sections of the sidewalk and partic
ularly in that section near Sixth and
Vine street where the weeds have
grown to the height and thickness
of a tropical junjie ..and certainly
ere far from a sightly advertisement
for the city. The weeds along the
walk are so thick that they cover a
portion of the sidewalk and make
traveling along there disagreeable in
the extreme. This condition on one
of the main streets of the city and
in the heart of the business and resi
dent district should receive imme
diate action.
James Murphy, Sr., Has Severe Fall
At His Home in Manley
Broken Hip Results.
Last Monday Mr. James Murphy,
Sr.. while pumping some mater at his
well had the misfortuae to have one
of his feet slip and which caused
him to fall with the result that he
sustained a very bady broken hip.
He was taken to Omsha by his son
Edward, and to the Saint Joseph
hospital where until the last of the
week the physicians were awaiting
for the swelling in a manner to sub
side when they would set the brok
en bone and place Uncle Murphy in
a plaster cast to mend. Uncle James
Murphy is an excellent citizen and a
character which does one good to
meet. Notwithstanding the fact
that he has been crippled and had
to walk only by the aid of crutches
he was always pleasant and met his
friends, who was everybody, with a
smile and a good bit of. encourage
ment with his good nature and witty
jokes. Indeed, it was a pleasure to
meet him. We are hoping he will
recover as rapidly as "under the cir
cumstances it can fce looked for.
The pumping plant which had
been giving trouble for some time,
has been undergoiix? a thorough
overhauling darii;"e paat week
Last Friday atd Saturday Mr. Fitch
came from Elmwood with his assist
ant and paraphernalia and pulled
the well and found the cyclinder in
bad condition. Members of the board,
after viewing the situation, decided
that the quickest and best way out
of the difficulty was to get 'a new
one, so an order was wired to Chi
cago to ship at once. Up to this writ
ing Thursday morning the cyclinder
had not arrived. In the meantime ef
forts were made to pull the old sand
point, the point and cylinder having
been in commission for about eight
years. Not being successful in the
effort to pull it, a stick of dynfmite
was lowered and discharged to blow
it out and clear the way for the new
repairs. The well will probably be
completed this week and it is hoped
the water business will be more sat
isfactory in the future. Eagle Bea
From Friday's Dally
A few men who were in this city
yesterday looking for work in the
harvest fields, said that they would
not work for less than four dollars a
day. Some of them were able to
"place" themselves, but a number of
prosperous farmers are balking on
wages because .as they say, the price
of wheat does not warrant such
wages. Plenty of men would like to
help farmers harvest their wheat
crop. However, in some parts of
Kansas, all outside help, including
the college men who usually make
for the wheat fields at this time, are
being turned down because the farm
ers are practicing the strictest econ
omy. In some places, all members
of the family, even including the
wives, are put to work harvesting.
There is a Russian aspect to this
situation when we think of the
women working at hand labor in the
fields. Nebraska City News.
Pender, Neb., June 22. District
.Tiirtf-e pnst after hearing all the tes
timony in the ouster proceedings
against Sheriff Kutieage, severely j
condemned methods used by state
and federal officers in trying to trap I
county officers, lie aiso neia tnai
Governor McKelvie did not nave au
thority to suspend Sheriff Rutledge
from office without a hearing.
Briefs are to be submitted -In the
Miss Laura Puis of Murray and
Miss Bessie Engelkemeier of Weep
ing Water, who have been making
their home in Omaha the past win
ter, left Tuesday morning from Om
aha for Minneapolis, where they will
spend the summer months at the
lakeshores of Minnesota, and escape
the heat of Omaha's mid-summer sea
Lose anything? Find anything?.
Try a Journal want-ad. !
Gathering at the City Park One
That is Very Largely Attend
ed fcy Aid Society.'
from Friday's Dally.
Yesterday afternoon the ladies of
the Methodist aid society held one
of the most pleasant gatherings of
the season at the pleasant city park
on Granite street and which was
very largely attended by the ladies
of the church.
Each of the ladies had provided
a part of the delicious repast that
had been arranged for the occasion
and which was spread in the cool
and inviting shade of the trees. The
ladies had made arrangements for
serving ice tea, coffee and lemonade
at the park and the younger ladies
of the Queen Esther society also had
ice cream for sale at the park and
which served to add to the general
enjoyment of the occasion.
During the afternoon games and
contests of al kinds were enjoyed
and which made the occasion one of
more than usual pleasantness.
Andy Schmader Stops in Plattsmouth
a Few Minutes Accompanied
by Sparring Partner.
From Friday's Dally.
Andy Schmader, the popular Cass
county boxer, was in the city yester
day afternoon on his way home to
Louisville from O'Neill, where the
night before he knocked out Vokac.
he Bohemian heavyweight, in the
seventh round.
One thing different about Andy
thnn most boxers, is that he goes
right home after his ring battles and
doeen't spend his time around he
admiring circle of bright light fol
lowers of the cities. Andy is one of
the cleanest young men in the game
today, which fact has won for aim
the admiration ol all who know him
and his splendid habits.
Accompanying him yesterday was
Billy Rolfe, Omaha welterweight who
has recently underwent an operation
for the removal of troublesome ton
sils and is training to get back into
the game again. Rolfe, who holds a
draw with Kid Schlaifer, is billed to
meet Budge Lamson at Columbus on
July 4th, and is working out at
Andy's Louisville training camp. He
will be here Tuesday night, as one
"f the seconds in Andy's corner when
the navy champion meets Jack Mc
Carthy in the Legion's show.
Washington, June 21. Generally
favorable conditions for the harvest
ing of grain and hay and for the cul
tivation of crops, except in some
northeastern and north central
states were recorded today by weath
er bureau in its weekly weather and
crop review for the week ending
The winter wheat belt had unsea
sonably high temperatures, the re
view said, the result being that the
crop ripened rapidly. The weather
was too hot in Kansas and reports
reached the bureau that the grain
in central and northern counties
was ripening prematurely and shriv
elling. Harvest was in progress at
the close of the week northward to
Maryland, central Indiana and Mis
souri, and in the eastern half of Kan
sas. Spring wheat continued to make
satisfactory progress in all sections
of the belt under favorable weather
conditions. Moisture was sufficient to
cause further improvement in south
eastern South Dakota. The crop was
described as in excellent condition in
North Dakota and looking well in
Montana. ' -
Corn made good growth in most
sections during the week. The condi
tion was described as very good in
Iowa and Illinois.
Chief of Police Barclay has issued
the announcement that there shall
be no premature of the Fourth of
July as far as the use of firecrack
ers and other noise producers are
concerned and the public both young
and old are notified that the ordi
nance of the city in regard to the
shooting of firecrackers or other
noise producing explosives must be
held in check until the great natal
day when the demonstration can be
put on to the limit. The shooting of
firecrackers and other lines of noise
producers has been protested by a
number of the residents of the city
and the chief is going to see that
there is quiet and lots of it up to the
Fourth of July.
Fred Wagner, proprietor of the
Wagner hotel in Plattsmouth, an
nounced yesterday that he had closed
a deal to take over one of the big
hotels in Omaha and will take charge
soon. Omaha Bee.
Word received here from Mr. and
Mrs. A. S. Will states that Mr. Will
is now spending a short time look
ing after his mining interests in the
state of Sonora. Mexico, while Mrs.
Wil! is visiting at Douglas, Arizona,
awaiting the return of her husband
and thes' will then proceed on their
way to California, where they are
expecting to make their home for
the present at least. Mr. and Mrs.
Will who left a week ago have been
making a very pleasant journey to
the south and with stops at various
points until reaching the border
Confer Royal Arch Degree on Three
Candidates and Enjoy a Fine
6 O'Clock Dinner.
From Friday's Dally.
The members of Nebraska Chap
ter No. 3, Royal Arch Masons, en
joyed a very fine time yesterday af
ternoon and last evening in the con
ferring of the Royal Arch degree on
three of the members of the chap
ter. The candidates taking the work
were H. R. Cole of Omaha, James
McBride and Arnold G. Johnson.
The impressive ceremonies of the in
itiation were conducted by the offi
cers of the local chapter.
At 6 o'clock the members were in
vited to the banquet hall where a
very delightful dinner had been ar
ranged by the ladies of the mem
bers and amid the attractive scene
the members greatly enjoyed them
selves. Tl5e - ladies who assisted in
the preparation and serving of the
dinner were Mesdames J. E. Sohultz,
O. C. Hudson, Guy McMaken and r'.
P. Busch.
From Thursday's Dally.
This morning at an early hour,
Frank Gobelman, the popular and
genial artist, in company with Dr.
A. D. Caldwell, departed via auto
lor the pleasant lake country of
northern Iowa and will spend a short
time at Lake Okiboji where they are
anticipating many hours of fishing
and will also enjoy the sights of the
beaches and at Arnold's park, the
well known pleasure resort of that
portion of the country.
Washington, June 21. Distinct
upward trend of prices, more marked
in May than in any recent month,
was noted tonight by the Commerce
department in a survey of the general
business situation. In most instances
the department declared the rise has
not been great but indicates a much
firmer demand than heretofore.
Reports received up to June 20,
the department stated, indicate that
the business revival is getting on
more substantial grounds. Favorable
features noted in the general situa
tion were the continued increase in
the production of automobiles and
trucks, lower interest rates, increas
ing demand for money, increase in
employment and decline in business
Have you noticed that it the stores
that advertise which are always filled
with buyers?
Betting on the
1 - k
A good many people wondered not
so long ago whether Liberty Bonds would
really be a good investment.
Seme folks even referred to the prop
osition as a gamble and bought bonds
with the remark that they were willing to
"bet on the United States.'
Liberty Bonds are steadily increasing
in value and are today a safe and attrac
tive investment. Interest coupons for the
First and Fifth issues became payable on
June 15th. If you haven't yet clipped
yours, do so at once.
The First national bank
Member Federal Reserve
Auditor Overruled by Supreme Court
and Mandamus Allowed Or
dering Registration.
The supreme court Thursday is
sued a writ of mandamus c-onuvand-
ing State Auditor Marsh to regi.sirr
the $50,000 worth of refunding
bonds issued by the city of Teka
luah. which he had refused because
not convinced of their legality
The question is of general in;-rest
because other ities besides Tekaninh
did not increase taxes in receM
years to keep pace with the increase
in cost of city government, with the
result that they accumulated a lot of
floating indebtedness for whi h no
appropriation had been made, but
which were charges against the city
in the form of warrants.
The court says that while it is
true that the manner of the law was
not followed and while the auditor
was justified, with the incomplete
knowledge he was given, in his re
fusal, the facts are the city had gen
eral powers to contract the indebt
edness, that it had received the bene
fits and it ought to pay. Besides that
the voters, when they authorized the
issuance of bond, ratified what the
city council had done and validated
the indebtedness.
The court holds that a claim
sounding a contract which may be
enforced in the courts is an indebt
edness for the payment of which
funding bonds may be issued, even
tho the debt was technically ille
gal because of failure to follow cer
tain forms, and not for lack of pow
er to contract.
Two of the young ladies, workers
in the church school of the St. Luke's
Episcopal church of this city. Misses
Elizabeth Wadick and Ursula Her
old, are attending the church school
summer school at the All Saints'
school in Sioux Falls, South Dakota
This summer school is attended by a
large number of the bishops and
clergy of the church and the teach
ers of various lines of relicious edu
cation there hold daily meetings and
give the young people an eyesight
into the modern methods of church
work that advances the Christian
The Plattsmouth representatives
have been very faithful workers in
the church school here and will
find much pleasure and profit in the
course of study at the Sioui Falls
Mrs. Webb Russell received an in
vitation this week to the wedding of
her friend. Miss Ethel Graves, to Mr.
Claude Dedman, on Wednesday, June
21, at the home of the bride's father.
near Raymond.
The bride graduated from the
Weeping Water high school in 191C.
She has been a teacher in the Lin
coln schools for a number of vears.
The groom is superintendent of
schools at Castle Rock. Colo., where
the young people will make their
home, after a couple of months spent
at Greeley, Colorado. Weeping Wat
er Republican.
Journal want adi pay. Try them.
United Stales!