The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 22, 1922, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5
I PAGE FIVE PLATTSJIOTJTH SEMI -WEEKLY JOTJEJJAL Murray Department Prepared In the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Reader! If any of the redden of the Journal knor of any aocia.1 eTent or item of Interest in this viclrJty. ard will mall IUM to this office. It will ap pear under this heading. We want all new Item Emtob il uilding Your Wealth! A bank worhs for you night and day, week after week, adding cents to 3-our dollars. Little by little the amounts grow till each addition is a respectable sum. "Where does the gain come from? Not from your pocket. Nor from ours. It is the result cf production. Money placed in a hank is given an opportunity to work and to produce. Thus a bank BUILDS your wealth. Start with a small deposit if you will. Add to it when you can regularly if you can do so. It will not be long till you can fairly see it grow. Murray State Bank MAKE THIS BANK YOUR BEST SERVANT Open an Account with us today NOW! Eliza Young who has been feel ing very poorly for Home time past is still not feeling her best. Floyd Rainey hauled thirty hogs to Nebraska City last Monday and Tues day taking thera in his truck. Roy Chriswisser and son. James, were in Omaha last Tuesday with a load of cattle which' they marketed. Mrs. Leroy Jarvis of Omaha was visiting last Sunday with her par ents Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Churchill. Uncle Joe Beedle in order to cir cumvent the fhes has been puting up screens to his horn? on lower Main street. Hans Christensen from between Nehawka and Union was looking af ter some business matters in Mur ray last Tuesday. Mrs. W. L. Kelly, cousin of Mrs. J. E. Hatchett, is visiting in Murray for the present and a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hatchett. 2Ir. R. A. Root wno passed his sev entieth milestone last Sunday says he is feeling very well, thank you, and was picking cherries on last Tuesday. Of org? Small of Union was a visi tor in Murray last Tuesday while waiting for repairs for the road maintainer which was broken slight ly. Postmaster Grover Hoback of Ne hawka and family passer through Murray for PlattsmoutL last Tuesday where they were visiting with friends. Mr. G. "V. Green and Miss Leona Gullridge of Lincoln the former a brother of Mrs. M. Bartlett, were spending last Sunday at the Bartlett home in Murray. Last week Robert Good made six trips to the Nebraska City market with hogs one day it being some mud dy and he did not go hut on another .lay made two trips. Jack West was hauling hogs to the Nebraska City market last Monday for W. T. Schlictemeier and on Tues day was trucking cattle for a num ber cf people to Omaha. Lee Kniss who has faithfully car ried the mail from the Murray post office is taking a well earned vaca tion at this time and his brother, Ed, is on the job doing time. Miss Leona Davis of Lincoln who has been visiting at the home of her fcister,' Mrs. V. E. Milburn for the past two weeks will remain some time yet before returning to the cap itol city. L3st Sunday F. T. "Wilson and J. E. Hatchett were visiting in Lincoln and Kavelock and on their return v.-cre accompanied by Miss Lorene Hatchett who has been visiting there for some time. Alvador Nickles departed last Monday afternoonfor Overton where he goes to assist in the harvest in Keel Kiddy Kfcfhss for Hot Days! THEIR COMFORT IS ASSURED IF THEY ARE DRESSED RIGHT LET US SUGGEST Athletic Style Unions Made of dimity checks, tap 2d, drop seat, no sleeves, no waist needed. Ages 4 to 1 2. Price each, 95c. Play Suits Made of genuine steifel cloth, three quarter sleeve, button back, drop seat. A fine little gar ment priced right. Each, 5c. Ptay Oxfords Brown, soft leather, stitchdown soles, foot form lasts. Protect their growing feet with a pair of these Sizes 5 to 8 $1.40 Sizes &y2 to 11 1.45 Sizes y2 to 2 1.50 Kiddy Sockc Made from the finest mercerized 3'ams, trimmed in combination colors. Also plain brown. All sizes, at per pair, 35c Play Hats Cloth and straws, neatly trimmed and made for shade. 35c and 50c VERY SPECIAL A few sizes in genuine Lee unionalls we are (Jl HA closing out at less than manuacturer's cost. . . t UU SATURDAY SPECIALS FROM OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT Sunbrite Cleaner Cleans anything and every thing. 3 cans or $ .25 DR. PRICE'S BAKING POWDER One 12-oz. can, regular price 25c One 12-oz. can, special price 5c Two 12-oz. cans, total price 30c jiffy Jell, lemon, strawberry, raspberry, mint 10 Good Luck jar rubbers, 3 boxes or .25 Picnic hams, boil them whole and slice cold. Lb. . . .22 Otoe brand hominy, large size cans 10 Gibraltcr peaches. Special Saturday only. 4 cans. . 1.00 Old fashioned ginger snaps, per lb 19 HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR PRODUCE L 1 Soennioiisen "& GOii that portion of the state and where the grain is rapidly ripening and getting ready for the binder. It is reported that a number of the young boys of Murray got pret ty boisterous with their Fourth of July machinery last Saturday. We like to see the boys have fun but not do some thing which will injure some one. Mrs. Fred Haller, accompanied by her physician, were in Omaha last Tuesday where Mrs. Haller under went an operation for the removal of an accumulation of water in the sys tem caused by dropsy and underwent the ordeal nicely. Mrs. Flora Sans who has been very Eick for some time is reported as be ing some better and was able to sit up a part of the time during the past few days. We with the many friends of this excellent lady are pleased to know of her improvement. Mrs. T. F. Jamison, mother of Mrs. J. F. Erendel. accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. T. "W. Boone of Lincoln, who have been guests at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Brendel for a num ber of days, returned to their home last Friday after having enjoyed a most pleasant visit. O. A. Davis was hauling his last year's crop of oats to the elevator last Tuesday preparing to begin the threshing of the new crop of oats and where as soon as they shall rip en he is getting the bins cleaned out in order that he may have some place to store the coming harvest. John Vantine and wife were visit ing in Murray last Sunday with rela tives and on their return were ac companied by Mrs. Vantine's moth er, Mrs. "W. A. Brown, and Mrs. C. D. Smith of Big City, Kansas, who is visiting here for a short time. Mrs. Smith was formerly Miss May Laugh rige. On account of the threatening weather last Sunday which was caused by the rain and bad roads the discourse which the Rev. Lee was to have given on religion and business was not given and will be' given on Sunday evening while in the morning the subject will be "The Value of Man,"- or what is man" really worth. . Mr. "W. G. Boedeker as agent of the Columbia Fire Insurance company of Omaha last Saturday adjusted and paid the loss claims of Mr. Ray Mur ray for the loss of a horse by light ning and settled the claim of Otto Puis for the loss of a calf by the same way. The gentlemen were both' well pleased the way the claims were ad justed and for the promptness as well. Mr. and Mrs. W. S.' Smith accom panied by little Miss Beatrice Rawls, who is spending the summer at the Smith home, made a trip to Platts mouth in the new Buick car the mis sion to take Miss Beatrice to the county seat in order that she might accompany her grandfather, Mr. C. A. Rawls, to the Presbyterian Sunday school picnic which was held in Om aha last Tuesday. Mrs. J. H. McCracken of Keller ton, Iowa, is visiting at the home! of her son G. W. McCracken, and ' family of Murray. Mrs. McCracken ' brought with her as a present for her son, the purse carried by the hus band and father who recently died, which was made in 1820, one hun dred and two years ago. She also presented her son for souvenirs two notes, one dated 1723, and the other Are Seeing the West Uncle Samuel Latta and son James departed a short time since in their universal auto for a trip in the west which shall embrace in its itinery Kenesaw, Red Cloud and many oth er places of the west. They are ex pecting to be away for some time. Mrs. Lee of North Bend mother of Rev. Lee, is visiting with her son and during the absence of Mr. Latta and son are looking after the Latta home. The Murray Community club will give a program on the church lawn Saturday evening, June 24. Be sure to attend the community program Saturday evening. The publicity committee is rust ling for an interesting program Sat urday evening. We will meet you Saturday eve ning at the community "do." Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bartoneck of Ogden, Utah, Mr. Lee Nickels and Miss Etta Nickels were entertain ing at Sunday dinner by Mr. and Mrs. John Hobscheidt. A. L. Hansen and family were guests of Harry Vantine and family , Sunday of Nebraska City. j For sale: A side delivery rake and ' a Badger cultivator. Searl S. Davis, j Murray, Neb. J 15.22 Accident Interferes With Plans Rev. Parke, rastor of the Chris tian church at Greenwood with the family had started last Tuesday for Kansas City where they were going to attend the National Sunday school convention which is holding there this week, had a mishap to their auto near the Mrs. Rusterholtz home ast Tuesday which prevented their making the trip. They telephoned for a car to come after them from their home at Greenwood and had to fore go the pleasure of the trip and the genefits of the convention. Grasshoppers are the Winners Last Sunday at the park four miles southwest of Murray the ball fans were privileged to witness a very hotly contested game of ball not withstanding the fact that a few errors crept into the web and worf of the fabric of the game. The Mur ray Coyotes were all in good trim for the fray but the Grasshoppers had to be re-enforced by one of the stalwart players from the vicinity of Rock Bluffs but with the result that they won the game by a score of 17 to 15 for the Coyotes. Files For the Legislature W. H. Puis, who served as a mem ber of the lower house of the Ne braska legislature several years ago and with credit to his state and the district which he represented, has again become a candidate for the po sition held before, having filed for the place last week. Mr. Puis demon strated his ability to secure votes and we see no reason why he should no: win in this contest' Fine Musical Program . The Murray Community club will give a musical program on the U. P. church lawn Saturday evening, June 24, 1922. Mr. Everett Spangler, chairman of the publicity committee, . has charge of the program. Mr. Spang ler has secured very talented people for this evening entertainment and it is honed the neoDle of Murray and surrounding community will respond ; generously with their attendance and thereby show appreciation of his efforts. Those appearing on the program: Helen Todd Vocal Solo Miss and Mr. LaRue Duet Mrs. Baird Reading Mrs. Wescott Vocal Solo Mr. Altman Violin Solo Mrs. May Loughridge Smith Vocal Solo Miss CI u gey Reading Miss Mable Lee Copenhaver Piano Solo Mr. Lee Vocal Solo Mr. Kieck Address Mr. ad Mrs. Savage, Mr. Miller Mrs. Minnier Quartet Miss Lintner Violin Solo Mrs. Pittman Vocal Solo Mrs. Savage, Mrs. Minnier Duet Miss Wescott Whistling Solo The Lcyal Neighbors This is not an auxiliary of the M. W. A. but a real live proposition of true-hearted Americans living in the vfcinity of Murray and imbued with the proper spirit. During the past few weeks Mr. J. B. Seyboldt has been in the hospital and in very critical health, no one knew wheth er he would be able to return home and while he is getting along as well as could be expected, still there is a grave danger existing. But while he was kept there his eon, William Sey boldt, and wife, were very attentive to the invalid and ministered and cared for him as best they could. The neighbors, and we claim the right to call them Loyal Neighbors, at that have slipped over into the fields of Mr. Seyboldt and son, and cared for them in a true neighborly way and the fields as we passed them only Tuesday with some of the true hearted citizens of that neighborhood Weil Moid Auction! Saturday Evening" a! 8:30 there will be an auction sale in front of our store, at which time we will offer Shoes, Overalls, Boy's Sport Shirts, Alumi num Ware, Women's Ready-to-Wear House Dresses, Play Suits for Children and a number of other articles to the high, est bidder. The sale will begin promptly at 8:30. s COiVSE AHD BUY AT YOUR PRICE! Wilson & Puis, The Service Store Murray, Nebraska working looked fine and we see no reason why they should not be a good crop of corn because of the high estimation in which Messrs Seyboldt are held by their neighbors. This is really a mannfestation of commun ity spirit. Kany Attended Cattle Sale John Young son of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Young who makes his home at Coldridge held a Shorthorn cattle sale at the stock pavillion at South Omaha last Wednesday which a num ber of Murray people were in at tendance. Edward Gansemer pur chased one and L. H. Young bought two of the fine herd which were sold. There were in all sold about 2G which was at for this time very good prices. The average being J15S.00. There were present at the sale from Murray and vicinity: C. H. Boedeker (Continued on page 7) T. J. BRENDEL K. L. KKISS Brendel & Kniss Real Estate and Insurance Your Business Appreciated and Given Careful Attention. BREC.DEL & (KISS, Murray, PJcbraska Get Your Orders in Our raspberries will soon be ripen ing. Better get your orders in. Mrs. H. C. Long. jl4-tfw LOST! LOST! LOST! A calf 3 months old. Call Minford, Murray, Nebr. A. M. FINE Musical Program GIVEN BY THE smmtHiiity no -OF R1URRAY- Safurday Eve, Jans m U. P. CHURCH LAWN Everyone Invited to Enjoy the Excellent Program Prepared. Threshing Coal! Did you ever think about your threshing coal? You all know the coal strike makes it impossible to buy any coal from the mines, but we were fortunate to have our bins filled before the strike. We handle the Franklin county nut coal, which can not te beat for threshing coal. Our prices are right. Better look after your needs before it is all gone, as our supply will not take care of all our customers. Phone: Office, 19 " Residence, 51 Farmers Eiouator Gompany LOCATED A T MURRAY J. Specialist on Swine and CattleTJiseases .J. I DR. G. L. TfiYLOB f t Veterinarian r TVill receive calls at resi dence, Murray. Phone No. 50 Harvest is Near! Just a few davs away at most, and have you made reservation for your BINDING TWINE? This is im portant! Do not delay the matter of getting the neces sary twine for your harvest, as it may be hard to get a little later. We carry both McCormick and Deering twine which we sell at right prices. If you are in need of a new- binder,, see our. McCor mick, Deering and John Deere lines. Peterson Hardware Co. E. L. PETERSON, Manager MURRAY -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA A CARLOAD JUST RECEIVED FROM THE MORTON SALT COMPANY f 1 eo lbs. i MET WKJOHT v TRY ANCHOR BRAND Recommended for general farm use. A fine even grain salt, kiln dried to remove excess moisture and to prevent hardening. Packed in convenient 25 lb. and 50 lb. sacks v 85 LSS. fl ' MKT WCIOMT I MORTON'S - SALT A Free Running Salt that Always Pours The Highest Grade for Kitchen and Table Use Packed in z IK Handy Caitont MORTON'S BLOCKS 50 lbs. each Plain and Sulphurized Made from Pure White Evaporated Salt Economical for Stock WILSON & PULS, GROCERS MURRAY, NEBRASKA Telephone No. 12. Murray, Nebraska. MURRAY NEBRASKA