The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 22, 1922, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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THURSDAY, JUNE 22, 1922.
'Cbz plattsmoutb journal
Entered at I'OBtofTJce, Plattaraoutb. Neb., as e.:ool-cUas mall mattar
R. A. BATES, Publisher
Thou shalt sow, but thou shalt
not reap; thou shalt tread the olives,
but thou shalt not annoit thee with
oil; and sweet wine, but shalt not
drink wine. Micah vi, 15.
Bobbed hair is still bobbing along.
How do you like the summer so
. :o:
Growing old is a habit. Keeping
It up will get you.
Work never hurts a man unless he
keeps away from it. i
A bachelor is a man who had no
auto when he was young.
People are born naked and some of
the flappers haven't outgrown it.
The girls have no edge over the
boys on the bobbed hair business.
Moving all holidays up one day
would keep them out of bad wcath-j
:o: j
They are selecting the 12 greatest!
women in America. Any June bride j
knows one. v j
Many callers on the first of the
month does not necessarily moan
many friends.
In the summer the young man's
fancy lightly turns to right and left
and all round.
It don't take a man long to
bag his pants at the knees,
and to make a finely tailored
suit look thoroughly disrepu
table that's the man of it,"
avers Dainty Dorthy.
But she goes on to explain
that the man who is making
use of our cleaning, steaming
and pressing services Is keep
ing his clothes in much more
presentable condition than
when he got acquainted with
us. And it doesn't cost much,
Goods Called for and Delivered
1 2 rZJzZ:TA
Sunday, June 25th
The Omaha Printing Co.,--
Plattsmouth Merchants
The Omaha Printing Co. has one of the fat base
ball organizations of the metropolis and one well
worth seeing in action. They are playing Class A
ball and are worthy opponents of the Merchants.
Admission Adults, including tax 40c
Woe unto him that giveth his
neighbor drink, that puttest thy bot
tle to him. and makest him drunk
en also. Habakkuk il, 15.
The bad man is usually the good
one who found out.
Now and then we encounter a na
tural born ice man.
Lending money is a fine
improve the memory.
way to
Might we suggest that the weeds
be cut through the town.
Nothing makes you see things in
a different light like a new moon.
A suggestion for June brides, the
; thing that divides a hitched team is
j the tongue.
j We ship Svi33 cheese to Switzer
I land and may start sending Eskimo
pje to the Eskimos,
who paints pictures for seed packages
open a beauty shop?
Ex-Kaiser wants $10 a word for
his book. His word to the Belgians
wasn't worth 30 cents.
Jud Tunkin3 says this is the time
of year when a snow shovel looks
like a memento of happy days.
We would hate to be rich enough
to have a Swiss livery stable keeper
want to marry our granddaughter.
There may be no connection, but
the hoboes convention meets July 4
and congress wants to adjourn July
High coal on the way. headline.
Even people without a prophet's li
cense pedicted that seveal months
I . :o:
j Love is the quality that persuades
i a mother to believe the neighbor's
brats are corrupting her little dar
ling. :o:
A prominent clubwoman wants a
divorce because she doesn't know
where he husband is.
He may be at
"Flappers are Fraternizing." They
always do at thi3 time of year. They
are getting ready to migrate to the
summer resorts.
There are many men in Platts
mouth who do not believe in prayer,
yet they place their conn ience in
bogus oil stocks.
I Fourth of July celebrations are get
j ting numerous. Indeed, they
seem likely to continue getting more
numerous until on or about July 5.
The question whether booze can
be sold on American ship.; seems to
j raise a ni.e legal point. WbJIe it is
I being determined the government
j might, at least, apply its profits from
such sale to the expenses of prohi
I biticn enforcement on land and thus
help the taxpayers out to that ex
tent. r3 L1 K H K J B
The United States is now endeav
oring to establish a permanent mili-
j tary policy. Such policy is necessar
ily controlled by the attitude of the
congress toward appropriations for
the maintenance of the army and
navy and for the training of reserve
At no time in our history has the
(subject of military appropriations
'been under discussion by the con -
! gress that pacifists and those who re
fused to learn the lesson of history
have not raised their voices in pro-,
test. j
The lessons of the great war have;
made no impression on these people.
.1 .1 : , . 1. 1 m
any mure inuu uiu me it-ssauiia vi um
nrovlous war imnress those who like
previous war impress those who, like
their fellows today, immediately af -
ter the ending of a war. prophesied
that wars would be no more and
..... ... , , , ,u!llth da' of July and tne 11111 day
United States, in it3 splendid isola
tion, would bs outside of any the
atre the war might develop.
The fallacy of these prophecies and
the confounding by history of these
prophets in no way prevents a new ;
crowd from following the Gods of'A- D- 1922, and the time limited for,cuted without consid
,p ment of debts is one year from without sufficient consi
isaia ma oay or juiy, lvzz.
These, unlearned in history's, witness my hand and the seal of
teaching, make emphatic statement
that over night a million men will
spring to arms and adequately de
fend the country; this quite regard
less of the- fact that all who think
know that men must be (mined to
use arms if they would be equal to
1 triind ind armed foe
a train.a ana armea roe.
The policy of the Lmtcd States to
have a small, highly trained rsgu-
lar army is established and accepted
of the nation-
f tr-L
or tn. country
as the correct policy
but the preparation o
otherwise against useless destruction
from war created by another, is by
no means an established policy. On
the contrary, congressmen are at all
times affected by voices that demand
in the interest of economy
preserve the country aga
tarism, that the regula
navy be further reduced
the trainine of men outside of the '
regular army be practically climi-iD.
Even before all of the American'
boys who gave their lives in tiie j title in said plaintiff to thirty-three
great struggle of 191S-19 rea?ii their (acres off the south side of Govern
final resting place in American soil, ment'Lot six; Olso Fractional Lot
the lesson of war in which they died'
are forgotten. The billions of dol- j
lars accumulated as a national debt
in the winning of the waT daily
pressing on our people In taxes, fail
to show, to those who will not learn,
the futility of unpreparedness.
It is to be hoped that out of this
present struggle of conflicting
thought there may come a wise judg
ment definitely determining an ade
quate preparedness and preventing
our country from "again meriting the
contempt bestowed upon it by the
German empire before and imme
diately after our entering the World
War because of our pitiful plight in
so far as having men trained in the
knowledge of modern warfare wa3
concerned, with the exception of our
efficient, but small, regular army.
That we were finally an effective
and victorious force was only made
possible by our allies holding onr
enemy in check until we could pre
pare. We would be foolish indeed to
believe that, in a future war, oth
ers will fight our battles while we
Will Maupin'has filed as candidate
for governor on the democratic tick
et. Mr. Maupin is n full-fledged
democrat, and competent to fill the
position. That is more than we can
say for some of those who have tried
for governor.
Are you planning to vacation in
the mountains or the seashore or on
the shaded front porch of your own
trusty home? If you stay at home
this summer you will trot with the
majority, if it is any comfort to
know that.
Sometimes we reach the point of
skepticism where we don't believe
any seer here can dictate what will
be and what won't be in the next
world any more than ho could dic
tate what will and won't be in this
Only one candidate
republican nomination
has come out for McKclvl
and that is Ch33. H.
dolph county. Of course,
pect the governor's
: :o:
The trouble with some'
that they use their feet
on the gas Instead of their heads for.t.e
guiding the wheel
Pasture for Rent!
I have ood pasture with run
nin water for a few head of cat-'
tie on my my farm, two miles east!
of Murray.
Phone No. 1 Plattsmculb, Neb
Princeton. N. J., June 20. As a
result of a ballot recently taken!
moner the alumni. Franklin D'Olier '
of Philadelphia, and Charles W.
Black of San Francisco, have been
elected trustees of Princeton uni-
versify. D'Olier graduated from
Princeton in 1898. He -was formerly
national commander of the Ameri-
trical engineer and was a graduate'1922' tne plaintiff. The Farmers' In-
( in 1388.
Blank books at the Journal Office.
State of Nebraska, Cass county, ss.
In the County Court.
i 'l iuc umier ui me csiaic ui
,. j . i '-" " ric, m - -- -
A ?eman; deceased Maude Warden, said deed conveying except 10 inches on tiie west side of,
To the creditors of said estate: J tbe east balf (Elft) of the southeast i the north 3 4 feet, and the undivided,
! "i ou are hereoy notified, that I will ; quarter (SE 14 ) of section thirty-two ; one-half of the west wall of thej
fit at the County Court room in:32) and the north half ( N ) of'brick building situated thereon. Al-
.attsmoutn. In said county, on the
J sni.l County Court, this Cth day of
Jl-Ee A mm w j. iji-j&u.,
(fcal) janS-4w. County Judge
Laura Lighten rnd husband Wil-
liam Ll jhton; Grace Zoil and "hus-
band George Zoll; Tim McCarty,
widower; the heirs, devisees, legatees,
per,.cnal representatives and all other
persons interested in the estate of M.
L. White, decenscd. also known as
'Marcus L. White, deceased; all per-
-ODS claiming or having any interest
thirty-three acres off the south
t .
sn Cf Government Lot six, (6) and
also Fractional Lot twenty-seven,
(27) being the couth half of Gov-
ernment. i.ot tnree. (3 an being in
Scticn thirty-three, (33) Township
."l... i mrth' of Ranee four-
i Z.' ,7 It" T C ' " x. j j lownsiiip eleven. Hi) i.ange nineti.iB n i.iK uutn . 72 -- "' , snydcr end Mptilda G. Snyder et al.
. rT I l"lfihir A II T ! at ton lllll ,. . . - - , , ' . i. n. n-! ir tt r.t
u iuc iuriuuuu ul cavn uaj, ( y ) Cass county, Nebraska, said deed; norm i,LVx ieet 01 saiu 10., an m , r,tfen.-2nts to satfv a Judgment and
to receive anu examine all claims purporting to be dated February 2C. i Block 35. and al! situated in the ' d,.ee of -aid Di-trk t Court recov, r
ar?in?t said estate, with a-view to1921i and recorded in the ofTice of City of Plattsmoi'.th. Cass county, vsnr-.i r nmn,i niinti-
their adjustment and allowance. The the ieRaeT of Deeds of Cass county. Nebraska. a-ai-'-t raid UefVndrnts ?nd al-o to
time limited for the presentation of v.),,.,,!,, tv r r, ac.". r.r m., to l rpcpivd iointlv uDon a-;V"; 1 i , V "' Ll Z V ,
- . ..v-i.. ion.., ,u mjuu. v , v.. . . ' saiiaiy a iuruit.r luuKiaeni anil us-
:ms agnio-jt said estate 13 .three , needs 011 Sentember 2. 1921. UDon all of the said real estate, or upon a fhD c. -,, fP;1Pt r,.rvorc,, iV.
months from tte 11th day of July, t hft o-rnnndK that said deed was exe-.the seosrate parts thereof ts the bid- " ., ',V. T..i, t..
and to teen, (14) east of the Sixth Principal 01 tins suit, anu ior general equuaoie . m., 01 saia any, at uic soun: ioor ci
inst mill-' Meridian, in Cass county, Nebraska, ' reiier. ; the court House in ido Liry 01 i'iai.-
. rojl names unknown; 1 u iiu cu ui jua ic i.t-ituv jin-juiu, m cm luuiv, .c-h i. iu.j..-
r army ana - h.rPhv ' required to answer the petition of the auction to the highest bidder for
and that' tfi rt that Tartin n Stava as plaintiff on or before the 10th day'cash the following described real es-
niiintitr on rho sist dav of Mnv. A.iOf July, 1922, or the petition of the
1922, filed his suit against you '
and each of you, in the District Court!
of Ca:
?s countv. Nebraska, the object .mis aay vi way, i.
rayw of' which are to quiet thej THE FARMERS' INVESTMENT
and p
! twenty-seven, being the south half
of Government Lot three, all being in j
. f0n thirty-three (33) in Town-
1 - T
ship twelve. (12) north of Range
fourteen. (14) east of the Sixth Prin
cipal Meridian in Cass county, Ne
braska, alleging that the plaintiff is
the rSnliitp nwnpr in fee simnle title
r oil -1 r c-M roil Mtittp hv rpa?on t
of adverse possession for more than
ten years prior to the commencement . , . The Ram; of Cass c ounty, now ro
of said action against you, and title) To Emma Wohlfartn, Fredrick H. vived in the name of Fred E. EoJ-.e
derived from other "sources, and is j Gorder, Anna Ploetz, Katharine Gor- Receiver, against said George W
that the title to said real es-der, William Gorder, Nellie Gorder, Snyder et al, defendants, and to satis-
, t v forever ouieted in him and tana .u.' y uoruer ana 10 an pc-rsuus.iy a lurener juceni 01 saia coMri.-"" ". '' i.ucuruj, vicin. ui
p,;h nf von be forever interested in the estate of Louisa recovered by the defendant. John Mc-; the District Court within and for
excluded from hiMng or claimin- Gorder, deceased: jNurlin, against the said George V..CnS3 cnmty, Nebraska, and to me
,nv rirt ti interest claim or On reading the petition of John F. ! Snyder and Matilda G. Snyder, de- dirrcte l. I wi:i on the 26th day of
MtJ fn and I to said real estate or Gorder, praying that the instrument fendants, and also to satisfy a fur- June, A. D. 1922, at 10 o'clock a. m.
estate in ana to saia reai esitie, or ' , ....! . ;J ir,r c-ii -.-u- cti,
anv portion thereof.
Y01 are required to answer said
petition on or before the 17th day
of July, A: D. 1922.
j3-4w. Att'y for Plaintiff.,
State of Nebraska, County of
Cass. ss.
By virtue of an Order of Sale is
sued by James Robertson, Clerk of
the District Court within and for
Cas county, Nebraska, and to me
directed. I will on the 10th day of
July, 1922, at ten o'clock a. m. of
said day at the south door of the
court house in the City of Platts
mouth, in said county, sell at public
auction to the highest bidder for cash
the following described real estate,
The south half of Lots five
(5) r.nd six (6) in Block fifty
two. (52) in the City of Platts
mouth, Nebraska, according to
the published and recorded plat
thereof .
Tbe rame being levied upon and
taken 03 the property of Mifflin S.
Eriges. Rachel C. Briggs and L. Lar
son (real name unknown) et al. De
fendants, to satisfy a judgment of
said court recovered by The Platts
mouth Loan and Building Associa
tion, Plaintiff, against said Defendant3-
, 1 .
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, June 1st,
1 9 2 0
C. D. QC4NT0N.
Sheriff. Cass County.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
aay 01
i99at 10 o'clock a. m., 01 eacn aay,1
to receive and examine all claims.
against said estate, wltn a view 10
their adjustment and allowance. The
time limited for the presentation of
claims against said estate is three
months from the 29th day of June,
A. D. 1922. and the time limited for
ia. y. xv sea iu "
payment of debts is one year from
""Sira. seal of
said County Court, this 31st. day 01
May. 1922. -
ALLEN J. t.-&u
; filed for the NOTICE TO CREDITORS ? . t0 J?ir.,dJUi1f "i f!L .I."id District Court, recovered by t!ie ; l.v. on t';e 1st ih v of juiv A 1)'
for governor The StaU of Nebraska. Cass coun- fift - - - 1Vr..f5.S00?1?n Plain-,12. at 9 o'clock ,. m.. 'to .how
les coae, ty, ss. estate ir, three months from the 22nd Cr in KOfi,fv f,..i, . ...,rIC " the pra-
Randall of Ran- n the County cour, ofday of July. A. D. 1922, and the time ,d "crt reoovVred bvf ' :V IJ V??1
he will ex- - V. r.V deceased.' , limited for payment of fiebt. is .one ant, Tne Bank of Cass County, now c H I . C,, !
support. -to the creditors of said estate: I gJ J " "l "Uiy' T- f ?" Eie' 'f n V Vn,
You are hereby notified, that 1 i w U p.f- hand and the seal of fee or aga in; t said defendants, interested In said n,tter, by publish-
motorists is'sit at tne county uu Count rourt, this 17th day of rrA 1: '.'' 'rTv il orr in the Platts-
. Plattsmouth tn saia roumy. vu T n !) I V iui- ueiorti- i-.: .:i,i o nn i. n scnil-wcrklv news-
for stepping u , A. n. 1922. and on Jae. A. D. 132- Unt, John.McNurlih. against the said mpc- minted in Z .1
(Seal) Jl-4w.
County Judfe.
In the District Court of Cass coun-
ty, Nebraska,
The Farmers' Investment Company,
Plaintiff, vs. Maude Warden, E. L.
- "
warden, real name unknown, ana," a. m., on u "J
j Warren J. LInch. Defendants,
To Maude Warden, E. L. Warden,
real name unknown, and Warren J.
; Linch, defendants:
You and each of you will take no-
Itice that on the 19th dav of Mav.
vestment Company, by the Lincoln
Trust Company, Receiver of said The
; Farmers' Investment Company, filed
its petition in the District Court of
jCass county, Nebraska, the object, of
said petition being to secure the
and the holding fort'Lot 4 in Block 3D. and the east one-j
a certain warranty deed! half of Lot 5, in Block 35, and thej
nane-ht nf a certain warranty
iexeciitAd hv Warrpn J. T.ino.h and Tv
T. Linch, husband and wife, to
tLe southwest Quarter SW14) of
Section tl-.irtv-three. (?,?) all
isideration and
ideraticn, and
was executed and delivered to the
said Maude Warden by the said War
ren j jncb nd Iva T. Linch with
tba intention of hinderinsr. delaying
land defrauding the creditors of the mu:;t br? sent, r r delivered to the Jlc
gaid Warren J. Linch, and for the . ccivcr. at I'latt-smouth, Nebr.
: purpose of placing the record title or i JOHN F. GORDEIi.
'said premises in such a condition! Receiver of K. G. Dovey
that a iudrment obtained asainst the' f- Son.
saul warren j. incn wouia no-, re
a lien upon the premises conveyed
by said deed; and to subject the sai:l
land to the lien .of this plaintifT by
reason cf the transcript cf a ju - Jg -
mc-nt cf Iwenty rnousand Dollars,
(S20.P0O.O0) against the paid War-j
ren J. Linch and in favor of the,
FarmVs' Investment Company, said
- A 1 1 1 1 .
transcript having been filed in thej
District Court of Ca3S county, re -
braska. on May is, iw ; anl ic!8 District Court within anu ior
uinci auu cm. n- 3 ikuuw. .n.-i.iaaa, ..
ef as tho plaintiff may be entitled j directed. I will on the 23th d::y cf
to in the premises; and for the costsiJune. A. D. 1922. at ten o'clock a.
Plaintiff will be taken as true.
Dated at Plattsmouth, Nebraska,
Clark Jeary, Clarence G.
Miles and W. A Robertson
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the County Court of Cass coun -
Stnt of NVhr.iska. Countv of Cass.
State of Nebraska, County of Cass, I
June. 1922. and DurDortiner to be the
last will and testament of the said
I men in iiiia court uu iue im uui n uitr juuyuieni. 01 citm luuri reiuvsi- . .vum uvu, I.-
deceased, may be proved and al-; Matilda G. Snyder, defendants,
lowed, and recorded as the last will! Plattsmouth, Nebraska, May lth,
and testament of Louisa Gorder, de-jA. D. 1922.
ceased; that sad instrument be ad- C. D. QUINTON,
mitted to probate, and the adminis-!
tration of said estate be granted to
John F. Gorder, as executor;
It is hereby ordered that you, and
all persons interested in said matter,
may, and do, appear at the County
Court to be held in and for said
county, on the 30th day of June, A.
D. 1922. at 10 o'clock a. m., to show
cause, if any there be, why the pray
er of the petitioner should not be
granted, and that notice of the pen-j
dencv of said petition and that the
hearing thereof be given to all per- directed, I will on the 2Gth day of
sons interested in said matter, by! June, A. D. 1922, at ten o'clock a.
publishing a copy of this Order inm., of said day at the south door of
the Plattsmouth Journal, a eemi-'ihe court house in the City of Platts
weekly newspaper printed in said mouth, in said county, sell at public
counts', for tnree successive wcess
prior to said day of hearing.
Witness my hand, and seal of
s?.id court, this 2nd day of June, A.
D. 1922.
(Se?l) j8-3w. County Judge.
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court. '
In the matter of the estate of
Frank Lambert, deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notified, that I
will sit at the County Court room in
Plattsmouth in said county, on the
22cd day of July, A. D. 1922, and
on the 24th day of October, A. D.
1922. at ten o'clock in the forenoon
of each day. to receive and examine
all claims against said estate, with
County Judge.
Poland China boars. September
farrow, weight 250 pounds.
Weeping Water, Neb.
Phone the Journal office when you
are in need of job printing of any
load. Ber.t rquivped shop in south
eastern Nebraska, -
Pursuant to an order of the Dis
trict Court of Cass county, Nebraska,
the Receiver of E. G. Dovey & Son,
will receive sealed bids until 10:00
ft i. o t. n 9
' T -, r. n r M . ilk ..11.--:.... A . -
ed property, to-wit: The entire stock
of merchandise, furniture and fix
tures not attached to buildings, and
bids may be made on the entire
stock, furniture and fixture1?, or sep
arate bids on the stock of groceries
or etock of dry goods, furniture and . fcHov.Vag described real es
fixtures as the bidder may elect. . t"" it- r
Also the following described real
estate used by E. G. Dvy & Son m i
.conducting their general mercantile
j business, being tiie wect one-nan oi(
! west one-half of Lot 5. in Block 35,1
and all or L,ot i, ana all or Lot s.
fo except ont-hilf of tha brick wall
inland 6 inches of gr-mnd on the west
der may elect. All inds shell be pc
ccmpanied by certified checks for
10 of the amount of the bid. Ail
bids received will be reported to tie
Court on June L'Ptli, 102
at :00
' o'clos.K p. m., of sm.1 day. ..U ids
Aorntj w . e. iviet-K, locaie-j in
Coates block, has a Key and will show
merchandise and buildings upon re-
quest. J5-swtf. e-od. I
"tate cf Nebraska, County cf Cass,
By virtue of rn Order of Sile is-1
,sued by James Robertson, Cl?i i: of . .
'tate, to-wit
The north half of the south
east quarter of Section twenty
seven, (27) in Township twelve, ,
(12) North, in Ranse thirteen, ;
(1") ea.-t of the Cth P. M.. in
Csss county. Nebraska, contain- j
ins 80 acres ;
The seme being levied upon and tak-'
on as the property of George W. i
m29-4wjSnyde-r and Matilda G. Snyder et al, '
1 defendants, to satisfy a judgment cf
the said District Court, recovered by.'
; George Sheldon. plainti.T, against the
said Georga W. Snyder and. Matilda I
iG. Snyder et al, defendants, and to
(satisfy a further Judgment of said;
I rnnrt. rprovprprl hv the defendant. I
court, recovered by the defendant,)
'ed by the defendant. Ottis McNurlin. I
against ssid Georee W. Snyder and;
Sheriff, Cass County,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
State of Nebraska, County of Cass,
By virtue of an Order of Sale,, is
sued by James Robertson. Clerk of
the District Court within and for
Cass county, Nebrask
a. and to me
auction to the hi.cnept mduer Icr;
cash, the following described real es
tate, to-wit:
The west half of the south
west quarter, and the northeast
quarter of the southwest quarter
of Section twenty-seven; (27)
the northeif t quarter of Section
twenty-eight; 2S) the south
enst qurrter of the northwest
quarter of Section twenty-eisht;
(28) and the routhwest quarter
of Section thirty-three. (H3) all
in Township twelve (12) North.
Rane thirteen, (13) east of the
l'th P. M., iu Cass county, Ne
braska, containing 4 SO acres,
subject to a lien of the Lincoln
Joint Stock Land Bank, now on
said premises Jrli
The same being levied upon and tak,!
en as the property of George W.
Snyder and Matilda G. Snyder et
: ue . e ii'Ki .1 u j rttx loi v r. iiiul'iiihiit nv 1 1" r t to j-- iini.v n w
1 V "" iimiiua ir. i wet-c prior to sail tliv nf hr-
Snyder, defendants, nnd also to sati- in- '
fy a further judgment cf said court. Jr v.itnc-ss whereof I have here
recovered by the defendant, Ottis Mc- mito t mv lunnd ami the fea of
Nurlin. against the- said George W 'Mid Court this Sav if isf?I
Snyder and Matilda G. Snyder de- I. 1922 V y "ne' '
fendants. 1 ... lv T,ix,
APDUlT XebraSka ICth.Wsoal) j22-lwV Cmnityi'dge.
-r ir.' i.v ?nwo - si nr
Sheriff. Cass County,
Attorney for Plaintiff. '
Journal want ads pay. Try them.'
State of Nebraska, County of Cass,
TW virtue of an Order of Sale is
sued by Jamos Robertson, Clerk of
the District Court within and for county, Nebraska, and to me
directed, I will cn the 26th day of
June, A. D. 1922, at ten o'clock a.
m., of siid day, at the south door of
the court hou.e i:i the City of Platts
mouth, in i 1 county, sell at public
tr Mfhpst li fl .1 f-r for
Tiie south half of the south
east quarter and the southeast
quarter of the southwest quar
ter" cf Faction twenty-soven,
(27) and Lot one. (1) contain
ing .f2 of an acre, in the north
east quarter of the northeast
quarter of Section thirty-four.
(34) all in Township twelve,
(12) North, Itanse thirteen,
(13) east of the eth P. M., in
Cars county, Nebraska
The same being levied upon and
taken as the property of George W,
hi? ro-dtf-.iidont?.
G, r.r.'-e W.
tr.yuer an-i -
aiiicl;1. U. fcnyd'1
r et al.
?nd a
r.d decree of taiJ court r -cov-
erei hj the defendant, John M"Nur
lin, agr.inxt hii co-defendant-;. George
V.". Snyder et r.!. and o'.-o In t?.ti-fy
n furti er y )r.,(r.i r.ziA 'lerr'-e of
crirl court, rf"cv..r; 1 ly the defend
ant, Otti ; ! : X'!r'!r.. niinst l;l j co-'jrc-ri-.'ants,
Gcc-r--? V.'. Snyder et al.
Piatts-n:outh, Nebraska, May ICth,
A. I). 192 2.
".:..r:.T, Cass County,
. Attr:::oy far Plaintiff.
TJ10 SiUtc of Nebraska, Cass to'in-
- Jn
the County Court.
In t'.e r.; of the eitta
Anna Ilohschf-idt, deceased.
To i''.f; creditor? of r.aid estate:
Yen are hereby notified, that I will
sit 't th? ( .'o'.;niy Ccurt rcom in
Plattnnouth i:". said county, cn tl.e
l'th diy cf July. A. D. 1922. anl on
the 17th d?y of O-'lnbt-r, A. D. 192'?,
.it te.zi o'clock in the forenoon of
each d3y to receie and examine all
claims ar& said estate, with a
viev to their adjustment and allow
r.nee. The time limited fcr th pre
fenlation of citiini raid es
tate io three months from tie loth
day of J.i'.y, A. D. 11; 2 2, and ths time
iimited for payment cf dbts is one
veer from srii 15th day of July, X.
1). 1S22.
Witness ay hand and the seal of County Court this 9th day cf
V" in-"
Jun.e.A- u:1;-
n , ri
cai J--'--
County Judge.
State of Nebraska, County of Cass,
court ' in Plattsmouth, Cass
county. Nebraska.
sell at public auc-
i tion to the highest bidder for cash
the following described real estate,
The north half of the north qunrtcr (NW4) of Sec
tion four, (4) Township eleven,
(11) north of Ranre thirteen.
(13) cf the Cth Principal
Mc-ridir.n, ia Cass county, Ne
Iraik.i, containing eighty (SO)
acres more or less, together with
all the appurtenances thereunto
The E3K being levied upon and
tukf-n as the pronertv of .Taroh P.
Falter, Mary Falter. Georrc W. Sny-
der, Mmi-chi G. Snyder. Jnfcn McNur-
lin and Ottis McNurlin. defendants,
to satisfy a judgment of said court
recovered by Martha Ce!estia Reed,
plaintiff, against said defendants.
Platt?moTLth, N
A. D. 19 2!r
ebiafka, May 20th,
Sheriff. Cass County,
Tini). Attorney.
A. L.
and Nrtk-e on IYtition for Set
tlement of Account.
In the County Court of Cas coun
ty. Nebraska.
State of Ncbiaska. Cass county, S3.
To a'! ;,ercr? interested iu the
: e? of Geortro Grbe. deceased :
I On reading the petition of Ros-elia
j II. Grel e. jw'.miuL- trntrix. praying a
final .rettlement and aUowan.-c of
, her .-:ccou".t fi'cd in this Court. 0:1
C;r ?Ut dsy of June. 1922, and for
- hnrre of rdmini' tratrix
It is hereby nr.krprt tbt' u,i
,:11 per?r.n3 Interested in s aid matter
Py virtue of an Order of Sale i3-
al.-moy. rr.:! dc, appear at the County
Your ad - will carry punch if yoa
write it as a plain "selling talk" in
stead of trying to fuss it up rith
frills and exagerations.
. Phone ua the tewsi