The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 22, 1922, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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THURSDAY, JUNE 22, 1952.
I). Brsnn was an Omaha passen
per where he was looking after some
business matters last Friday.
The Short C'.its sewing club met
last Thursday at the home of I.Irs.
Aaron Kauth, southwest of town.
V.'m. Ilechner and wife were visit
ing and looking after some business
at Omaha during a portion of last
weelt. ,
" Glzn Falischman was a visitor for
over Saturday and Sunday at the
home of his friend Charles Boyce,
having an excellent time.
Sam Goodman was a visitor in
Plattsmouth last Wednesday, attend
ing the county convention of the
Modern Woodmen of America.
Mrs. Walter Mockenhaupt was a
visitor in Omaha for a few days be
ing a guest at the home of her par
ents. Mr. and Mrs. John Tighe.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Rauth and Anna
were in attendance at the Musical
given by the class of Mrs. Carl Day,
in vhlch Miss Anna had a part.
Herman Dnll of the Manley Farm
Implement company was a visitor
looking after some business matters
In the county seat last Tuesday.
Fred Fali"chman and family visit
ed I.-'st Sunday at the home of Hen
ry Taylor and family at Louisville,
they being parents of Mrs. Fal isch
ium n.
County Attorney A. C. Cole was
looking sifter some business matters
In and about Manley last Thursday,
and also visiting with Mr. W. J.
George Ccon was relected as a
member of the Federal jury at Lin
coln and departed last Thursday to
serve as one of the panel for thej
Just what he has concluded to do is
not known at this time, but some
ken looking to that end.
Kdward Kelly. Daniel Iiourke. ,
Theo. Harms and R. Bergman were
in attendance at the ball game at
Greenwood which was played last
Sunday between Manley and Green
wood. The game was a fine one and
enjoyed by all. The results were
Manley 5 to Greenwood's 10 when
the smoke of battle cleared away suf
ficiently to see the score board.
J. L. Burns was a passenger to
Omaha accompanied by Mrs. Burns,
where they visited at the home of
their daughter, Mrs. Charles Craig,
and husband, and also visiting at
Plattsmouth with their son E. A.
Burns for a number of days. Mr.
Burns has not exactly decided as to
what he will do in the future. How
ever, he will return to Manley for a
short time after he shall have con
cluded his visit.
Mrs. W. D. Higgins and Misses
Mnggie and Katie Wolpert, with Mr.
Jo-eph Wolpert drove over to Platts
mouth last Monday evening to at
tend the reception tendered the Rev.
H. F. Haukap, who is resident priest
at Plattr.mouth during the inability
of the Rev. Father Shine, who has
been at the hospital for so many
months. The party from Manley
v.era unfortunate in that they were
caught in the storm of Monday even
ing ?nd wero compelled to remain
ovr night.
Mrs. Schaffer Given Surprise
The many friends in number
many a score gathered last Saturday
evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
here they sur
on her birthday
ng one of much
excellent lady, as
occasion them-
Clarence1 Eirliart purchased a load wives. Tnere were prese nt from
of calves at Omaha a few days since 'Manley Mr and Mrs A H. Humble
and is putting them on his farm for and from Lincoln W. H. Frost and
feeding and when they are ready ex-!fe. while from the neighborhood
pects to return them to market. cast of Manley. there were some six-
La-n Wednesday evening. Lester i ty present. A musical program was
Rvdcn and familyof Weeping Water Riven, many of the ladies presiding
wpr3 cuets at the liome of Mr. and ! ii-'v"-""' ""V"
Mrs. A. II. Humble for the evening
Schmoiler & Mueller
With Two Fast Preliminaries Seats
Go on Sale Wednesday Local
Championship at Stake.
.... PMllln n fTor- VI
Tied Weaver, who lias oeen Avun '
r.-, imioniont r.m. prised Mr3. bcha ner
. .,. rnr n-ot! rodim. and made tne eveni
,-..,.. ,T,i rDturno,! tn Dma- pleasure to this
i, well as enjoying the
and taking supper with them
John Brush and family of Minne
sota have been visiting at the home
cf their uncle and aunt, Mr. and
dial in an admirable manner
Interesting School Meeting
At the meeting of the members
this school district
umber of things were
Floyd Ruby, son of Mr. and Mrs. I . M. , j;p,.,. a t,0 ohniop
j-.uw-.iru uuoy easi 01 ;uaniey. clloice fell upon Mrs. R. Bergman
built r.nd installed a radio receiving". w xfra t
Mrs Fter U? cr. and also visited d atrons of
with the families of George and ,agt Mondav a n
1-red cglcr. oMr.Ho.1 t.. ar.i
The board now stands. Mrs. R. Berg
man, director; H. J. Livingston, mod
erator and Wm. Scheehan, treasurer.
There was much talk about increas
ing the course of study from the now
Sth grade to the 10th or 11th grade,
and many reasons were offered for
the change. At the present time there
is being paid out from this district
$108 for each pupil, per year sent
from this district to another school,
and during the past year there were
' covnn t- 1- i " Vi nrj-nill o tit ah n t r rt
both being members of the firm at T f ?S35 th jd t and
I.i.-TPlry who own the lumber yard. h arrangementg s made as to teach
Rev Higgins was during the Pastth fal h d man frQm t ,n
week for a number of days attending ( tfa ntry would come here, which
the Mlvc-r jubilee of tae Rev Father. fa ,d f h' ddi.
P.oll who is the resident priest at tional cxpense iGCuryred. Besides ex-
liV'Zt whirf P s to send away to another high
? . , . school would cost another hundred
t. tu 9 , . 4Urtiuoliar3 in the course or the year, in
pet w'lich is v.-orking very satisfac
tory and picking up broadcasts from
a lrge radius.
The Missouri Pacific railway, has
been touching up its property at
Manley, giving everything in sight
a rat of yellow paint trimmed in
red. and the result is that things are
looking brighter and better.
George Curyea. of Alvo, was in
Manley looking after some business
milters v ith Mr. John Crane, they
car fares and other expenses which
would not be incurred at home.
home of Frank Stander in Omaha,
and went to visit Mis3 Lillian Stand
er who has just returned from a
period at the hospital and is doing
V K" T'ortpr rf l.inmln a ilonntvl for the Modern Woodmen' The marriage of Miss Ida Frances
of America, has been in Manlev forj arr l. Xoel Lewis Tyson took place
the past few days looking after the
interests of the order and will try
and get the order again in good
working condition. 1
Last Sunday evening, Messrs and
Mesdames Fhillip Schaefer, R. Berg
man, A. II. Humble and W. H. Frost
of Lincoln, with well filled baskets,
went to the Kraft grove where T.hey
enjoyed a picnic supper and had a
general good time as well. ' '
Mrs. Catherine Earhart was a vis
itor in Omaha one day last week.
and after looking after some busi
Saturday evening at 8 o'clock at the
home of her uncle, Guy Butler, and
Mrs. Butler, 3236 R street. Rev. A
J. Hollingsworth performed the cere
mony in the presence of thirty-five
relatives .nd friends among them
the following were from out of town
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Carr. Curtis; Mr.
nd Mrs. H. A. Butler, Mr. and Mrs
C. A. Tyson, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Ty-
! son. Omaha; Misses. Ethel and Lois
I Tyson. Elmwood; R. W. Tyson. Clar
lnrta. la.; Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Robb,
Billings. Mont.; F. A. Tyson, Chug
water, Wyo. Both Mr. and Mrs. Ty
ness, accompanied her daughter, Miss! son are graduates of the University
Anna Earhart home, who has been of Nebraska, where she is a member
attending tne uucnerne college, tne.o? Omicron Nu and he of Phi Delta
year cf school closing last week. Kappa. Mrs. Tyson has been assist-
Mrs. Earl Quinn returned last ant state supervisor of vocational
week from a visit at Carroll, Iowa, i home economics during the past year,
where she went to the ceremonies ! Mr. Tyson has been superintendent
and meet friends at the commence- of schools at Scottsbluffs during the
ment of the St. Angelus school, which ! Past three years. They expect to
was held last week. Mrs. Quinn 'make t&eir Home; at Scottsbluff
graduated there a few years ago. Lincoln State Journal.
There 'was a man from the .south " " "
portion oi tne state in aianiey a lew, i-'or dyspepsia, our national ail-
Mays since looKing over tne situation ment, use Burdock Blood Bitters
nil i Tier, i cuiti uif, uu.tium xvinjuiuieiiuu mr sirengiiiening ui-
here in the line or establishing a gestion, purifying the blood. At a
garage for the repairing of cars here, drug stores. $1.25 a bottle.
The American Legion's combined
boxing and wrestling card for Tues
day evening, June 27th. is now com
pletely arranged for and will include
24 rounds of boxing and a best two-out-of-three
fall wrestling match.
The show will be held in the Air- i
dome theatre in Plattsmouth, begin-;
ning at 8:30 p. m. Plenty of cool,
comfortable seats, all close around
the ringside and free from posts or
other obstructions to a clear view
are available and will go on sale
Wednesday. June 21st. at Dunbar's;
billiard parlor and at the Palace
Shining parlor, in Plattsmouth, as
vell as at Louisville. Murray. Oma
ha and Nebraska City. From the
latter town, arrangements are being
made to charter the Green bus line s
cars to bring the fans up for the big
ehow. ';
Jack Fitzgerald, the well known
Om:i!ia referee and ex-fighter will be:
the third man in the ring. j
Double Wind-Up j
The first half of the double v.ind-
u) bill will be the ten round boxing:
match between Andy Schmader. the :
ex-navy champion, of Louisville, and
Jack McCarthy, Portland (Oregon);
heavyweight, who has recently com-,
pleted a victorious tour of the south-;
west where he met and defeated some ;
of the most promising heavyweights!
of that section of th3 country. Mc
Carthy was a training partner of;
Jack Bempsey, during the time the;
presant champion was engaged in
his rapid rise to championship class,
and among others has met Bill Bren- j
nan, in Madison Square Garden, on i
February 12, 1017, being knocked j
out in the" second round. j
McCarthy is expected to rrrive in!
Plattsmouth tomorrow, and will com-;
plete the last week of training forj
this bout here. i
Guaranteed for twenty-five years
are being sold in every state in
the union and :;re delivered di
rect to you from the factory.
Th!5 gives you the saving which
otherwise would go to the mid--!
Freight on all instru
ments is prepaid.
GRA1JB3, $635 AND UP
Three to Five Years' Time
We carry at all times a complete
stock of new Sieinway, Steinert,
Ilar Jiaun, Steger c , Eons, Scho
: lacker, E m e r s o n. McPhail,
Lindeman & Sons. Behr Bros.,
JL'chmolIer &. Mueller and Prc
:.:icr Fiar.03 and Columbia Graf
orolan. If you are interested in a
I" bed Piano or Player bargain,
vrite us for detailed information
.-n the many we have taken in on new ones.
ichmciler & Fueller
1514-1G-13 Dcdge Street
Omaha, Nebraska.
Tear Oat and Mail -
L 0 C A Ll E W S
From Mondays Daily.
C. A. Gauer of Cedar Creek was
here Saturday for a few hours look
ing after some matters of business.
John Lynn of Union was a visitor
in the city today for a few hours at
tending to some matters of business.
Attorney C. E. Tefft of Weeping
Water was here today for a short
time looking afler some legal mat
ters, j
Attorney C. L. Graves of Union
was in the city today for a few hours'
looking after some matters in the
county court. j
W. G. Boedeker of Murray was
hen; today for a few hours today i
looking after some matters in the
county court. 1
L. R. Snipes, county agent, was
herehere today from Weeping Water
to look after the interests of the
farmers in this portion of the coun
ty. John I). Bramblett cf Union, asses
sor of the Liberty precinct, was here
today looking after seme business
matters at the office of County As
sessor Will Rummell.
William P. Sitzman, wife and
daughters, Mrs. Herman Yost and
daughter of Omaha and Paul Sitz
ii'.an motored down yesterday to
Kenosha where the-y were guests at
the Chris Beil home.
", quick, look
U'hai- Kilty has gone
enr! spilled a whole
vox of Kellogg' a
Cora Flakes. I'll say
be l.c thorn Ml"
n .'in . . .
r&z v. irf."-,-
y all means tsy
j Name
t Address
I run intrrefcted in a new or nst-d
l'rriKrt!t Gram!, i'layer Piano,
.. r.
.; i : :
f.".. ft r.
Hard-Hitting Navy Champion Who is
to Meet Jack McCarthy.
BiiidlSBiq.. Twioe
Belter place your order for what twine you will need,
and for the repairs you will have to have, as well as
that new machine itself. While the getting is good, do
not wait too long. If you do the harvest will suffer.
Farm Implement Co.
HERMAN OALL, Manager fflanley, Neb.
Same Type of Fighters
Both men are of the same type of
fighters not boxers and from th?
sound of the opening gong will be,
to use an army expression, "up an'
at "cm." One can never tell just
when a fight of this type may end
abruptly, but this much i3 certain,
there is as much actioir crowded in
each round as in five of the sparring
tactics of professional boxers.
Jack Dempsey, himself, is of the
fighter type and throughout his ring
career has never failed to give the
fans plenty of action.
Wrestling Match
The second half of the wind-up is
to be the beat-two-out-of-three falls
wrestling match between Frank Sch
marder of Plattsmouth and Fred
Moormeier, of Cortland, Nebraska.
These men wrestled a 30-ininute
match at the Woodmen picnic here
neither having any apparent advant
age, and everyone who saw the ex
hibition was loud in praise of Moor
meier, who be it caid, has met some
pf the best known wrestlers in the
state. As for Frank Schmarder, no
comment is necessary. Like hi3
brother, Andy, Frank is noted for
delivering the good3 every time lie
goes in, which statement his past
record well proves. Frank has been
out of the wrestling game for two or
three years until a month ago, and
is putting in lots of hard training to
condition himself for this match and
one he will have at Fremont in the
near future.
' Semi-Windnp Bout
Another member of the illustrioiu
non-stalling Schmarder family is
George, who it will be remembered
put Mike (Kid) Rosgoe, of Omaha,
out in the early rounds of their bout
here last September. George has had
Beveral years -experience under the
tutelage of his brother, Andy, and
the fans who have seen him fight
: l e pleased to know he is to be
participant in the eight round serui
Vv'iudup match. "Cyclone" Woolsey,
the fast Nebraska City boy will be
Ca rte's opponent in this bout. Al
though Woolsey was knocked out by
Jack Hunt of Omaha, who outweigh
ed him nearly 15 pounds, in their
f.fht at Nebraska City last week,
r-.enibers of the Legion committee
- were at the ringside say that
v.hile the f.ght lasted Woolsey was
all that his name implies a veri
table "cyclone." In addition to be
ing a hard hitter he is--also a vers
scientific young boxer and he and
Ccorge should put up a whirlwind
eight round fight.
Smetana vs. Blotzer
The bout that seems to be arous
ing the most local interest is the six
round preliminary for the welter
weight championship of Plattsmouth
between Jo.seph Smetana and Frank
i:;oizr. In vinning his fight with
Err-iin Galloway at the Legion's show
lst September, Smetana earned the
title, "but will have a real fight on
his hand:? to retain it. Blotzer is a
hard hitting boy and the two are
cry evenly matched in weight. On
the ether hand Smetana had con
siderable boxing experience while in
the navy that will stand him handy
in this cer.test.
As a .vhole this card i? thought
to be even better than the show stag
ed by the local Legion post last fall,
and which received commendation
on every hand, including the state
boxing commissioner himself.
The list of democratic judges and
clerks of election for the county has
lK-cn completed by the receipt by
Clerk of the District Court Robert
son of the list for East Rock Bluffs,
which has been sent in by Mrs. Paul
ine Oldham Young of the county
committee. The list nominates Mrs.
Mario Wheeler, Mrs. Evelyn Stamp,
Robert Fitch, Capt. Harrison Gayer
and Perry Nickles as the board for
the forthcoming elections.
FrciT.i Wednesday's l.aJlv
This morning at an early hour
. the stork made a visit to the home
! of Mr. and Mrs. Webster Warthen
, and left in their care a fine little
nine pound daughter, who with the
mother is doing nicely. The occasion
his brought much pleasure to the
grandparents of the little one. Mrs.
Warthen in a daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Harris of thi3 city.
Any skin itching is a temper test
er. The more you scratch the worse
it itche?. Doan's Ointment is for
piles, eczema ank skin itching. 60c
at all drug stores. ')
All riirties indebted to the firm of
E. G. Dovey & Son are requested to
settle accounts immediately with W.
G. Kieck, in Coates block.
If vou want good printing let m
do yoar work. Best equipped job
bor a southeastern Nebraska.
From fursiuv's U.-.llv.
E. A. Furlong of Steamboat
Springs, Colorado, is here enjoying
a visit' with his relatives and friends
in this portion of Cas county.
Miss Etta Nickels, one of the school
board in the Lewiston district, near
Murray was here yesterday for a few
hours attending to some school mat
ters. Br. B. F. Brendel of Murray was in
the city today for a few hours, en
route home from Omaha where he
has been on some professional mat
ters. Arthur Kellogg of Greenwood was
here yesterday for a few hours look
ing after some matters of business
at the ofSce of the ountj superin
tendent. Mrs. Frank Dahlstrom and little
daughter of Alda, Nebraska, are in
the city visiting at the home of Mrs.
Dahlstrom's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
S. G. Stone.
II. J. Utter, wife and three sons,
DcLough, Demonte and Dudley, de
parted this morning for a trip to St.
Joseph, Mo., for a few days and later
to Kansas for an outing and thence
to Lincoln where they will visit with
- Mrs. R. F. Keller of Minneapolis
and little daughter are here for a
visit with Mrs. Annie Britt, mother
of Mrs. Keller, and other relatives
and friends for the next two weeks
and then Mrs. Britt and Mrs. Kel
ler will return to the Minnesota
G. S. DeWolf, superintendent of
the public schools of the city, was a
visitor at Peru yesterday where he
was called to look after some matters
in connection with the forthcoming
convention of the state teachers as
sociation. Mr. DeWolf is the district
president of the association, succeed
ing W. G. Brooks.
Stray mule came to my home June
2. Owner may have same by calling
at my farm home. T. G. Klimm.
&llrfcrfda(. nrra H3k
Tomorrow morning set KELLOGGS Corn Flakes
' before the family! A feast for the eye and a fcact fcr
keen appetites! For, Kellogg's are as extra-delicious as
they look all sunny brown and wonderfully crispy,
crunchy! My, but how they delight everybody!
Kellogg's Corn Flakes are not only distinctly superior
to any imitation, but are the most fascinating cereal ycu
ever ate! Kellogg's appeal to every age ! Little folks and
old folks find in them the same joyous pleasure! Fcr
Kellogg's have a wonderful flavcr
and Kellogg's are never tough or leath
ery or hard to eat!
Insist upon KELLOGG'S the crim
inal Corn Flakes in the RED and
GREEN package! It bears the signa
ture of W. K. Kellogg, originator of
Kellogg's Corn Flakes. NONE ARE
SiS f'ferZi 171 -rl
AIm makers of KELLOGG'S KRUMBLES and KELLOGG'S BRAN, cooked anJ krsrjl
ft f mt ZW
inosr ana xm i wins
Thoseare the things that arc going to be important to the
farmer in the next few weeks, and why not make provisions
for the situation, which is sure to come. Do not let the grain
ripen on you unprepared to harvest the crop.
See us early for Binders and arrangements for the very
best Binder Twine.' -.- -
W. H. P13LS, Proprietor
D. B. EBERSOLE, Manager
Plattsmouth -:- -:- -:- Nebraska
Subscribe for The Joiiraa
STUDEBAKER builds more
six-cylinder cars than any
other manufacturer because
Studebaker builds them better.
We can show you 84 definite
points of superiority in the
Special - Six over Studebaker's
nearest competitor.
In times of close competition,
merit wins. Today competition
in automobiles- is keener than it
ever was, because people are
buying more carefully than ever.
Studebaker increased its sales
29 in 1 92 1 , though the industry,
as a whole, showed a falling off of
nearly 45. 1922, up to May
1st, shows a gain in Studebaker
production of 43 , sver the
same period of 192,1.
Studebaker sales records tell their
own story. The buying public
has declared forStudebakersupe-riority.
Tourmg.$l47S;Roadster(2-Pasa.),SI425; Roadster 4-Pass.), $1475;
Coupe (4-Paxs.y. $2150; Sedan. $2350. All prices f. o. b. factory.
- -- ' -
'ir ' "ill: