The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 12, 1922, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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MOOT) AY. JUNE 12, 1922.
When Summer Comes
Discriminating people will find at our store the
most approved merchandise for all sports, indoor
or outdoor, land or water.
Modern designers have worked wonders in
materials and fabrics. Every woman can now look
as well as those she used to view enviously on the
pages of the popular magazines.
This i3 the season when you will want new
things. Our entire summer display of quality mer
chandise is endless in variety and charm.
Display of Summer Fabrics!
Our fabric displays this summer are the result of careful
search throuph all the markets. Only the most reliable source
of supply was chosen only the most attractive patterns and
color designs were selected.
Burton's Tissues for Summer Dresses
Soft finished, finely woven tissues In bright new checks
end plaids. If you are unfamiliar with this very fine tissue
poll ing short of actual examination will demonstrate the
excellence of this fabric. 3G inches wide and selling very
rapidly at T5 per yard.
Other Much Sought After Summer
Fabrics You Will Find Here.
"Non-crush" linens, all colors of rainbow, 36" wide, yd.91.00
Imported ratine, 3 6" wide, in sport colors. Yd l.OO
Silk-striped volies. that look like georgette. Yard l.OO
Colored pongee, natural pongee and white pongee, at
per yard, $1.C5 and 1.65
Fine French ginghams, in checks and plaids. 50 to .83
"Utopia" ginghams, "Highland Lassie" Zephyrs. Priced
at 25c and .30
Dotted swiss, navy blue with white, red with white and
white with red. Per yard 1.50
Organdy in colors and white. Imported, guaranteed
permanent finish. 45" wide. Per yard, S3? and l.OO
Special Values in Cool
Under muslins!
Fashion's latest decree Is the Vest Chemise and Step-in
set. The designers of our underwear have created styles
which will have an Irresistible appeal for you In the style
and the quality, the workmanship and the fit, which they con
tain. Princess slips, double or panelled petticoats and bloom
ers made of cotton wash satin are indispensable items of
this summer's wardrobe. The important fact of this special
showing of undermuslins is not only the quality, but the
unusual prices at which you may purchase them.
Just What Skirt Have You to
Wear With Your Silk Sweater?
You will want one of course, because the skirt and sweat
er outfit makes a most attractive afternoon sports costume.
White is the predominating color for skirts this summer, and
the variety of weaves and textures you may choose makes
your purchase a pleasure.
36-inch white gabardine, per yard $ ,G5
Silk and wool sport skirting, all silk brocade and Can
ton crepe, per yard, $-1.50fto (i.OO
Baronet Eponge in a pretty new sport shade, per yd S.OO
White krepe-knit, soft and drapey, per yard 3.30
Mrs. A. D. Caldwell, Edna M. Eaton
and Christine Coughlin Give
Kecital by Their Pupils. !
Many Things the
Youngster Needs!
5j CniLDBmsiTcUtiDicg ;s
Keep the Children
Cool in Summer!
"Sing a song of Summer Time
Up and down the blocks.
The children, big and little,
Have all turned out in socks."
We have a complete stock of mercerized and silk socks for
children, for little baby and Sister Sue. Moderately priced, too.
"Koveralls" for Playful Children
Solve many a problem for busy mothers. Dress them In a
pair of these "Koveralls," turn them out In the yard to play,
and you need not fear for torn hose, ripped buttons or torn
garments, for these little play suits are practically "tear"
proof. In dark blue or khaki, in denim or twill, they sell at
$1.23 each.
by dressing them in those wonderful "M" dimity checked one
piece undergarments. For girls they have the bloomer knee,
for boys the straight knee, and are taped over the shoulder,
have metal attachment for garters and taped-on buttons. There
never was a garment designed that answered all purposes to
well as does this one. Sizes 2 to 12, price is 93c.
Muslin panties for' little girls, with sturdy" embroidered
ruffles, buttonholed band and made of best quality muslin,
sell so moderately that you wouldn't bother to make them
yourself. And then there are muslin and dimity bloomers and
black and white sateen bloomers, different kinds for different
occasions. 25 to 50C-
PHONES 53, 54 and 144
Spangler Family Gather at Dent
Hite Home At Hastings, la.,
For Big Reunion.
Beatrice Legislator, Who is a Can
didate For Governor, Visits
Republicans of City.
The Spangler family, one of the
best known in thi.? portion of Ne
braska as well as in the western por
tion of Iowa, enjoyed a pleasant re
union the fore part of the week at
Hastings, Iowa, where the day was
spent at the pleasant home of Mr.
and Mrs. Dent Hite and which was
very largely attended. There are
eleven members of the immediate
family of which Mrs. Hite is one and ,
each year one of the family acts as 1
the host or hostess for the relatives
at the big reunion.
The day was spent in visiting and i
renewing the ties of relationship and I
friendship and was an occasion that '
will long be remembered and the 1
host and hostess proved royal enter
tainers for the event. The Nebraska
members of the family to attend the
gathering were: Mr. and Mrs. Ed
ward Lutz. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Spang
ler and two children of Plattsmouth,
Peter Spangler and wife of Weeping
Water, John Spangler, wife and two
children of Louisville, Val Gobble
man, wife and two children of Un
ion and Dewey Spangler of Merna.
The furniture from two good
- Everything used in the household
tables, chairs, kitchen cabinet, buf
fets, rockers, dressers, commodes,
hall' trees, library tables, mirrors,
beds, bed springs, mattresses, gas
stoves, washing machine, 2 refrig
erators, two good kitchen ranges,
glass Jars, stone jars, water jar with
faucet, tubs, boilers. Call at Christ
& Christ Furniture store, across from
court house, Plattsmouth, Neb.
Yesterday afternoon Adam McMul
len, who is one of the four states
men in the race for the republican
nomination for governor of Nebras
ka, arrived in the city for a brief
stay, and to meet as many of the re
publican voters as possible and get
acquainted with the residents of the
Mr. McMullen is perhaps the best
known of the republican candidates
as he has been very prominent in the
southern part of the state and has
represented Gage county in the state
legislature at various times and is
t present state senator from that
district. Mr. McMullen was a mem
ber of the memorable session of 1907
in which was the most progressive
legislature the state has had and
when the railroad rate bill that re
moved the railroads from Nebraska
politics was enacted as well as other
progressive legislation framed.
With the candidate for governor
was Alex Laverty, well known busi
ness man and politician of Ashland,
and Marcus Poteet, the late com
mander in chief of the McKelvie
campaign, one of the younger re
publicans leaders of the state.
Announces It Will Give Every Pos
sible Assistance in Prosecu
tion of Alleged Graft.
Washington, June 9. The War
department, it was announced today,
is planning to give every possible as
sistance to the corps of assistants
which Attorney General Daugherty
has surrounded himself with in the
prosecution of alleged war frauds.
The report of the army liquidation
commission, which .has never been
published, will be placed at the dis
posal of the Investigators together
with all the evidence that has been
collected. Much Of thi3 refers to
settlements of claims in the quarter
master department, which will come
within the province of former Con
gressman Reavis of Nebraska, and his
assistants. Major H. E. O'Neil and F.
B. Enfield.
The secretary of war announced
today also, that $30,000,000 worth of
claims, which have already . been
liquidated, but which have a suspi
cion of criminality about them, have
already been handed over to the De
partment of Justice. .
Gen. Lord, who is the head of the
finance division of the War depart
ment, is the man who is empowered
to deal with Mr. Reavis in handling
the war cases.
From Saturday's Daily.
Yesterday afternoon John Lohnes,
Sr., one of the well known and prom
inent residents of the county, depart
ed for Pekin and Peoria,. 111., to visit
again the scenes of his younger days
and primarily to spend a short time
with his sister, Mrs. Margaret Diss
man, who has reached the ripe old
age of eighty-six years and who is
the senior of Uncle John by four
years, as Mr. Lodines is now in his
eighty-second year. Mr. Lohnes was
accompanied by his neice. Miss Flor
ence Terryberry, who will enjoy the
stay back with the relatives in the
old home. Mr. Lohnes is anticipat
ing a most delightful visit and one
that will be greatly appreciated by
both the brother, and sister as they
are the last of the family of eight
children. This is the first visit in
two years back to the old home for
Mr. Lohnes.
Cyrus Livingston and August Gra
ham, from the vicinity of Weeping
Water, were here today for a few
hours visiting with friends and at
tending to some matters of business.
Special M. 0. P. Agents of Opinion
Sending of Freight Before Foil
ed Plans at Nebr. City.
Nebraska City, June 9. Missouri
Pacific special agents working here
on the derailment of the Missouri
Pacific freight train early Thursday
morning are satisfied that an at
tempt had been made to rob the
south bound passenger train, and
that the departure of the freight ear
lier than anticipated is all that saved
the train for which the iron had been
wedged in the switch.
It was learned yesterday that a
large amount of currency was aboard
the passenger train, and it is be
lieved that the parties who attempt
ed to wreck the train were aware of
this fact.
The railroad detectives believe
they will be able to apprehend the
guilty parties.
The attempted wreck was not re
ported to the sheriff's office and it
was not until the arrival of the spe
cial agents here that it was general
ly known that an attempt had been
made to wreck the train.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Rea
McMaken was gladdened Thursday
evening by the advent of a fine little
daughter, who with the mother is
doing nicely and the event is one
that has brought a great deal of
pleasure to the proud and happy
father, as well as Councilman Joe
McMaken and wife.
Kanred wheat for seed. Last year
one field of my Kanred wheat aver
aged forty bushels per acre. This
wheat I used for seed. If you want
any of this high yielding wheat, see
me at once.
J5-3sw. Murray, Nebr.
No man is stronger than his stom
ach. Tanlac will make your stomach
strong. F. G. Fricke & Co.
From Saturday's Dally.
One of the most delightful musical
treats of the season was the recital
given last evening at the M. W. A.
hall by the pupils of Mrs. -A. D. Cald
jwell, in violin work, Mrs. Edna Mar
shall Eaton in voice and Mrs. Chris
j tine Coughlin in piano. The recital
was one that reflected the greatest
credit on the young people taking
part as well as the instructors who
have so carefully trained the young
people in their various musical stu
dies. The hall had been well and artis
tically arranged for the occasion
with a profusion of the flowers of
early summer and the relatives and
friends of the participants filled the
hall to overflowing and their de
light at the cleverness of the per
formers was evinced by the contin
ued applause that the various young
artisls won by their playing.
The opening number was the "Lar
go," by Handel, played by the striner
ensemble composed of the pupils of
Mrs. Caldwell and consisting of Grace
Linder, Mrs.. O. Sandin. 1st violins;
Margaret Sitzman, Effia Patterson,
Violet Begley, Marie Horn, George
Caldwell, 2nd violins; Mrs. Frank
Gobelman, viola; Mrs. Sherman Cole,
'cello; Helen Farley, double bass.
and was given very artistically by
the members of the string orchestra.
The program consisted of twenty
five numbers,' well divided between
the violin, voice and piano, and was
one that afforded all of the partici
pants a great opportunity to dem
onstrate their skill.
The piano pupils participating
were Esther Sliindeibower, Aurelia
Reichstadt. Wilma Pickard, George
Rebal. Elizabeth Hatt, Jean Cald
well, Raymond Smith. Fern Jahrig,
Wilma Decker and in their solo num
bers the young people showed a very
pleasing appreciation of the music
and an exceptional clearness in their
playing. Misses Dora Soennichsen
and Fern Jahrig were heard in a
pleasing duet, and Jean Caldwell,
Wilma Pickard and Elizabeth Hatt
in a trio that pleased the audience
to the utmost. Mrs. Christine Cough
lin the instructor of the young peo
ple, has certainly secured splendid
results in the course of instruction
and even the smallest members or
the class showed the greatest skill.
The violin pupils of Mrs. Caldwell
showed wonderful touch and artistic
ability in their various numbers giv
en. Ira Mumm, Mrs. O. Sandin. Rich
ard Frederick, Bernese Fogarty, Mrs.
F. R. Gobelman. Grace Linder. Wil
lie Rocksien. Lyle Lawton. offering
solo numbers that were delightful
in the extreme and the ensemble of
the string orchestra which closed the
program was more than usually
In the presentation of the voice
pupils of Edna Marshall Eaton, the
young people showed an ability well
worthy of those of mature years and
their voices showed the possibilities
that the future holds for them. In
this portion of the program little
Dorothy Hirz, Violet Begley, Alice
Sclniltz, Catherine Schneider, won
the warm approval of the audience
by their charming voices and the
well sele'cted numbers that they presented.
George Nelson and Miss Thelma Hud
son Joined in Matrimony De
part for East cn No. 2.
From Saturdays Dally.
This afternoon at 2 o'clock at the
residence of Rev. and Mrs. A. G.
Hollowell occurred the marriage of
Miss Thelma Hudson and Mr. George
Nelson, two of the estimable young
people of this city. The wedding was
very simple, the bridal couple being
unattended and at the close of the
ceremony that made them one, they
returned to the home of the bride's
parents on High school hill.
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson departed cn
No. 2 for Chicago, where they will
spend a few days and go from there
to Minnesota where they will enjoy
a visit at the home of the groom's
parents. .
The bride has been one of the
most prominent figures in the musi
cal circles of the city as well as in
the activities of the Christian church,
of which she has been a very devout
member. She is the daughter of
Mr. and O. C. Hudson and has
been reared to womanhood here.
The groom is one of the most pop
ular and well liked young men in
the city and is at present in the
employe of the Burlington in the
shops of the company here and a
young man held in the highest es
teem by those who know him. He is J
a former service man and also a
member of the local base ball team.
to witness demonstration of culti
vating corn with
H 1
Wednesday, June 14th
Using Am sco 2-Row
On Chas. Cook's Farm, One Mile South
of Plattsmouth.
mouth Motor Go.
be represented by George W. Miller,
the general secretary, and Missouri
will send Mrs. L. E. DeShazo, a spe
cialist in the children's division. Sev
eral missionaries will also be pres
ent. The Congregational church in Fre
mont will be used for the children's
division, one room of which will be
reserved lor the cradle role under
the supervision of trained nurses.
There will be a room for beginners,
one for the primaries and another
for the intermediates. A demonstra
tion of the all-day Sunday school
will be given.
In the Christian church building,
a conference for older girls will be
conducted, and in the Presbyterian
a conference for older boys. The
high school auditorium will contain
the main convention.
Four banners and flags will be
awarded for the largest attendance
of any county in the state except
Dodge, and for the greatest number
of miles traveled by any one delega
tion. Harlan county won the largest
delegation banner last year with five
hundred and fourteen in attendance.
Butler county reports that its car
avan will have fifty cars, and Lan
caster is said to have twenty-five or
Miss Adelia Sayles of this City and
Dr. Philip T. Campbell of Om
aha United in Marriage.
Friday evening at 7 o'clock at the
rectory of the St. Luke's church oc
curred the marriage of Miss Adelia
Sayles of this city and Dr. Philip
T. Campbell of Omaha.
The impressive marriage service
of the Episcopal church was cele
brated by Father W. S. Leete, rector
of St. Luke's church, the ring service
joining the lives and hearts of these
two estimable young people. Mrs. W.
S. Leete and Madame Leete were the
witnesses of the wedding.
Both the young people are well
known and very popular in this city
where they have spent their child
hood and both are graduates of the
Plattsmouth high school. The bride
has for the past three years been a
teacher in the city schools and one
of the most efficient members of the
teaching force of the city and her
many friends regret greatly to lose
her from their midst but extend to
the happy bride and groom their well
wishes for years of success and hap
piness. Dr. Campbell was graduated this
spring from the Creighton medical
college and is one of the young men
coming- from this city of which the
community can feel proud of.
After, a short stay in Nebraska
Dr. and Mrs. Campbell will leave for
Salt Lake City, Utah,' where they in
tend to make their home for the com
ing year.
Journal want ads pay. Try them.
State Opens Action in Attempt to
Fix Charge of Illegal Borrow
ing on Bank President.
Prom Satur Jay's Daily.
This morning the preliminary
hearing of the charge that the State
of Nebraska through the office of the
attorney general, has preferred
against Charles C. Parmele, former
president of the Bank of Cass Coun
ty, was taken up in the county court
with Hon. William Deles Dernier of
Elmwood, acting county Judge, oc
cupying the bench.
The charges embrace sixteen
counts and include the claim of ille
gal borrowing as well as taking up
the matter of overdrawing the ac
counts of the defendant at the bank.
The state was represented by Jack
son Chase, assistant attorney gener
al, while Mr. Parmele was defend
ed by JO. A. Rawls of this city, and
John Wright of Omaha, associate of
former Justice J. J. Sullivan, ami
one of the leaders of the Omaha bar.
The first witness called in the
case was It. F. Patterson, who was
connected with the Bank of Cass
County from 1900 to the close of the
institution on December 13, 1921,
and ranging from his work as clerk
to the position of cashier, which he
occupied at the time of the closing
of the banking house.
They had an auto load of the rec
ords of the defunct bank present at
the hearing and introduced in evi
dence the ledger accounts of Will
Jean, personal, the firm of Jean &
Co., and Charles C. Parmele, as the
state has alleged that the borrow
ing was made through the firm of
Jean & Co., of ,which it is claimed
Mr. Parmele was a member. Mr. Pat
terson's testimony was devoted to
the identification of the records and
the various items which were charg
ed to the accounts of Jean & Co., and
Will Jean as well as Mr. Parmele.
and covered the entire morning and
the noon recess found Mr. Patterson
still on the stand under the cross
examination of Mr. Wright.
The defense in their cross exami
nation sought to show that the rec
ords of deposits were strictly those
of money an dnot other property or
security and also questioning the en
teries on certain of the records.
The state will also have Will Jean
on the stand in the case to attempt
to show how the funds were procur
ed and their use.
The hearing will probably run over
until Monday to complete the tak
ing of the evidence.
Julius A. Pitz brought to the Jour
nal yesterday a box of, the finest
strawberries that have been seen this
season and presented them to the
publisher as a sample .of the Nebras
ka product of; this delicious fruit.
When it comes to raising the straw
berries Julius is surely an expert.
State Convention to be Held at Fre
mont June 13, 14 and 15
5,000 Delegates Expected
Fremont, Juie 9. A convention
of the state Sunday school associa
tion will be held in Fremont on June
13. 14 and 15 in the churches and in
the high school auditorium here.
Two thousand, five hundred Sunday
schools in the state with a member
ship of 200,000 have been invited,
and at least 5,000 members are ex
pected to attend. South Dakota will
Get After That Corn!
Remember, we have the necessary implements for
the purpose of cultivating your corn. Riding, walking,
and two-row machines. Also, all other implements
needed on' the farm for any purpose. Stock and office
at Plattsmouth. Delivery made immediately.
W. H. PULS, Proprietor
D. B. EBERSOLE, Manager
Plattsmouth -:- -:- -:- Nebraska