The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 12, 1922, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    MONDAY, JUNE 12. 1922.
Fred Thomas returned Saturday
from Lincoln.
Miss Irene Friend was in Lincoln
on business Wednesday.
C. R. Jordan is reported very
weak the past few days.
Miss Aurel Foreman spent several
days last week in Lincoln.
Dr. and Mrs. L. Muir autoed to
Lincoln Tuesday afternoon.
Henry Bennett, of Waverly, was in
town Wednesday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Jordan autoed
to Lincoln Thursday morning:.
M. S. Bribes, of Plattsmouth. was
calling on friends here Wednesday.
Mrs. Ellis Coon and children spent
the fore part of the week in Bethany
with friends.
Orville Quillhorst and family were
dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ellis
Coon Sunday.
Mrs. A. J. Brobst entertained at a
kensington Wednesday afternoon for
the Pythian sisters.
G. P. Kahler, who has heart trou
ble, has been confined to his bed the
past couple of weeks.
Ed Casey, of Lincoln, is building
a new corn crib on his farm now oc
cupied by E. G. Harlan.
Mrs. A. I. Bird went to Lincoln
Monday evening, where she attend
ed a convention and visited relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Boyles and
daughter, Mrs. C. D. Ganz and H. D.
Toland autoed to Lincoln Wednesday
Verl Linch. of University Tlace, is
visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. P.
J. Linch and sister. Miss Alta Linch,
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Muir of Mil
ford autoed down Sunday, spending
the day with their son. Dr. L. Muir
and family.
A. J. Brobst and family autoed to
Bradshaw Sunday and spent the day
with Mrs. Brobst's father, who is in
very poor health.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Yaeger spent
two weeks in Omaha recently, where
Mr. Yaeger took treatment for his
rheumatism in the wrists.
Mrs. Wm. Yaeger fell down stairs
Thursday forenoon, bruising her
head and arm and cutting her face.
She is resting easier at this writing.
Mrs. E. A. Knight returned home
Tuesday evening from Frankfort, In
diana, where she was called some
two weeks ago by the death of her
J. A. Shaffer is able to walk up
town once or twice a day now after
having been unable to be at his drug
store since January 16th. until the
1st of June, on account of sickness.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Zeman of
Havelock visited here Sunday with
relatives. Mrs. Zeman was formerly
Mi3s Ella Vincent. Mr. and Mrs.
Zeman were married in Omaha on
May 26th, last.
Foirdl airs!!
Mobile Oils Miller Tires
Genuine Ford parts used in all
Ford Repairs
You Always Get the Best Service at the
-MBwo a cage-
Arthur Dinges, Propr.
I can now furnish money at 5 J2 or good farm
loans. If you are paying more than 5J 'r see me be
fore your next interest pay date and make arrange
ments to take up your present loan and thus save your
self from one-half to one per cent per year in interest.
Secretar-Treasurer Alvo National Farm Loan Associat'n
Harvest is
Do not wait until you have to use your harvesting
necessities. Prepare, now. Orders for mowers, bind
ers and haying machinery as well as twine will save
you bother later. See us early for your needs in this
line. We are here to serve you.
Coatman Hardware Co.,
Alvo, Nebraska
The members of the Woman's
Reading club and their families held
a picnic and wiener roast about five
and a half miles southeast of Alvo
Thursday evening. Buns, pickles,
coffee, ice cream and cake were serv
ed. There were fifty-seven present,
and a very delightful time reported.
Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Toland and lit
tle son Earl returned home Wednes
day noon from Lincoln, where they
had taken their little son for an X
ray examination and treatment some
two weeks ago. The little fellow is'
doing nicely and has a better appe
tite, and it is hoped he will continue
to improve.
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Toland arrived
Monday from Monumont, Colorado.
where they visited their son. Albert!
Toland and wife a few days, while,
enroute here from Los Angeles. Cali-!
forma, to visit their 6on, Harley To
land and family and other relatives
a few weeks. Thev snent Wednesdav
with Mr. and Mrs. James Christian-'
son, near Elmwood.
Washington, June 6. A resolu
tion inquiring of the federal reserve'
board whether it maintained a pub-j
licity bureau and asked also con-,
cerning an alleged fund for the pur-j
pose oi conducting a publicity cam
paign, was introduced today by Sen
ator Heflin, democrat, Alabama.
The preamble stated it was charg
ed that such a publicity fund exist
ed and that the board used the mon
ey to pay for "propaganda praising!
while condemning senators who dis
agree with the board."
Mr. Heflin asked for immediate
consideration of the resolution, but
Senator McLane. republican. Con
necticut, chairman of the banking
committee, objected and considera
tion went over until tomorrow.
The Home of the Soul
In olden times, it was believed
that the seat of the soul was the
stomach, most likely for the reason
that a man is never so completely
used up as when his stomach is out
of order. For the cure of ordinary
stomach troubles, there is nothing
quite so prompt and satisfactory as
Chamberlain's Tablets. They streng
then the stomach and enable it to
perform its functions naturally. They
only cost a quarter. Weyrich & Had
raba. Your ad will carry punch if you
write it as a plain "selling talk" in
stead of trying to fuss it up with
frills and exaggerations.
Cincinnati, June S. President
Harding will be appealed to by the
leaders of 1.200,000 railway work
ers, part of whom have already re
ceived wage cuts from the railroad
labor board, due July 1, in an effort
to stave off further reductions in
treir pay envelopes, it was decided at
a conference of rail union heads to
night. Leaders of the 11 railway em
ployes organizations which decided
Tuesday to take a strike vote of their
memberships, agreed tonight to out
line a letter to the president present
ing their argument for higher wages
or at least no further reductions. A
committee of union executives was
appointed by B. M. Jewell, presi
dent of the railway employes depart
ment of the American Federation of
Labor, to draft the letter.
Cut Due July 1
Approximately $ 110,000.000 will
be lopped from the payrolls of the
400.000 shopcrafts and the 500.000
maintenance of way men under or
ders of the board July 1. The new
rates were branded as "starvation"
wages by union leaders and it is their
intention, in a letter to President
Harding to demand whether the
country's chief executive thinks these
wages sufficient "to maintain an
American standard of living and
properly sustain a family."
It is understood that the letter
will contain specific figures on what
the railroad men consider an ade
quate wage and will endeavor to re
fute the position of the railroad la
bor board as set forth in their re
cent wage reduction decisions.
Plan to Avert Strikes
Is Urged at Convention
Cincinnati, June 8. Establish
ment of national agencies to elimin
ate strikes and solve other troubles
of the building industry was favored
by John Donlin. president of the
Building Trades department of the
American Federation of Labor, who
told the department's annual meet
ing here that the "whole nation is
tired of strikes and lockouts and dis
gusted with institutions that make
them possible."
"Unless the industry remedies its
troubles," he said, "we must admit
the industrial court is necessary."
For solving the strike problems
Mr. Donlin advocated a board of la
bor union officials with responsibil
ity for strikes, and he compared its
authority in strike control with that
of congress in making war. For oth
er troubles of the industry, he favor
ed periodical meetings of the union
chiefs to promote harmony among
the various crafts and also the crea
tion, under supervision of a govern
ment department, a council of all
elements in any way connected with
the industry.
"The only way to minimize strikes
and lockouts is to minimize such au
thority as can order a lockout or
strike,'? he said, adding that persons
responsible for strikes in cities are
"always in the minority" and often
include "hired disturbers."
Two other departments of the fed
eration also held their annual meet
ings, the gathering of the metal
trades union delegates being marked
by the adoption of a resolution ap
proving President James O'Connell's
report complaining that the govern
ment; administration was hostile to
labor and added that President Hard
ing favored a national board found
ed on the principle of the Kansas
industrial court.
Lincoln. June 8. Announcement
today by Governor McKelvie that he
intended to have the special primary
and election to elect a successor to
Congressman C. Frank Jleavis of this
district held at the same time the
regular primars- and election are
held, has caused much concern among
the five republicans and two demo
crats seeking the nomination.
They don't know whether to file
for the unexpired term and the regu-
jlar term or whether to file merely
for regular term and permit someone
who wishes to have the word con
gressman attached to his name for
the remainder of his life, to get the
honor unopposed.
The fear is that if their names
appear as candidates for two offices,
it will confuse the voters.
Lieutenant Goveronor P. A. Bar
rows, one of the regular candidates
for the nomination, took the bit in
his teeth and filed for the unexpired
term. Other candidates were con
sulting with political advisers on the
wisdom of the Barrows course.
Elizabeth, N. J., June 9. Proper
ties of the Willys corporation here
. were bid in today at auction by the
! Durant Motor car corporation for
$5,525,000. The second highest bid
was made by the Maxwell Motor car
I company and was for $5,500,000.
bale or the Willys plant which cov
es thity-seven aces and had an esti
mated value of appoximately $11,
000.000, must await the confimation
of Judge Bodine in the fedeal dis
tict cout at Newak.
The new June Bed Books are now
, on sale at the Journal office. Call
!and secure your copy at once. The
new Hearst's, Motion Picture, Pho
toplay and Classics are also here.
Journal want ads pay. Try them.
Poultry Wanted!
A car load of live poultry wanted
to be delivered at poultry car near
the Burlington freight house, Platts
mouth on Thursday, June 15th, one
day only, for which we will pay the
Cash Prices
Hens, per lb 19c
Broilers, per lb 27c
Old Cox, per lb 7c
No. 1 beef hides 9c
Horse hides, each $3.00
Remember the date. We come to
buy and will positively be in Platts
mouth on the day advertised, pre
pared to take care of all poultry of
fered for sale.
Senator Borah, of Idaho, Declares In
vestigation Will be Launched
If Methods Ineffective.
Washington, June 9. Congres
sional investigation of prices charg
ed by bituminous coal operators and
retailers was promised by Senator
Borah of Idaho, chairman of the
senate labor committee, at a confer
ence with Secretary Hoover of the
Department of Commerce, if the basic
price scale established at conferences
between Mr. Hoover with committees
of producing operators are made the
basis for profiteering.
Secretary Hoover was said to have
assured Senator Borah that in fur
ther conferences with operators and
dealers he would do his utmost to
prevent profiteering and to obtain
price adjustments to protect the pub
lic, and Senator Borah was under
stood to have agreed to withhold any
investigation pending the outcome of
Mr. Hoover's action.
The subjects discussed between
Secretary Hoover and Senator Borah
were said to have been the price
agreements negotiated through Mr.
Hoover and possible congressional
action, including legislation.
It was said that Senator Borah
had no desire to interfere with Mr.
Hoover's price negotiations, so long
as they were not made the means
for charging excessive prices, but it
was said Senator Borah had ques
tioned the legality of the Hoover
price agreements.
The conference lasted an hour.
It was understood that Mr. Hoover
would proceed forthwith to securing
adjustment of prices based on a
maximum price of $3.50 a ton and
also to take steps to prevent opera
tors from charging unreasonable
prices to retailers.
Freight Bates and Bailroad Wages to
be Dealt With from Stand
point of Patrons.
Chicago, June 9. Freight rates
and railroad wages will be dealt
with from the point of view of ship
pers and carriers by the newly orga
nized associated traffic club of
America, in an effort to influence
public opinion and policies, accord
ing to an outline of its objects made
by the officers here today. Those
who have promoted theorganization
sav that its work will be much the
same as that contemplated in recent
proposals of a national transporta
tion institute, supported by both
shippers and carriers, "for the edu
cation of the public and the support
of wise transportation policies."
They announce that the organiza
tion hopes to impress upon the presi
dent and congress "the kind of men
that should be appointed to the in
terstate commerce commission," al
though it will refrain from recom
mending individuals.
Some of the questions to be con
sidered will probably relate to the
value of the United States railroad
labor board; proposals to amend the
rate-making section of the transpor
tation act so that "there shall not be
a mandate to the interstate commerce
commission to make the level of
rates such that the carriers will earn
an adequate revenue; restoration of
power of the state policy in respect
to a merchant' marine, and the pro
posed St. Lawrence canal.
It is estimated that there are twenty-five
or more "industrial" traffic
clubs in which shippers, but not
carriers, are represented.
The association which was organ
ized at a meeting attended by fifty
representatives of twenty-five of the
seventy-five or eighty traffic clubs in
which both carriers and shippers are
represented, will seek to Induce th
industrial clubs to become eligible to
membership in the association by ad
mitting representatives of carriers.
Blank bOOkS at the JOUrnal Office.
Prom Saturday s raiy.
J. T. Reynolds of near Union was
here yesterday for a few hours look
ing after some matters of business.
Paul H. Roberts of Cedar Creek
was here today for a few hours look
ing after some matters of business.
Cameron Cathey and Otto Lutz of
near Murray were here yesterday
for a few hours looking after some
matters of business.
L. V. Appleman of near Alvo was
in the city today for a few hours
looking after some matters of busi
ness at the court house.
A marriage license was issued to
day in the office of County Judge A.
J. Beeson to Miss Thelma Hudson
and George Nelson, both of this city.
D. W. Foster of Union, one of the
pioneer residents of the county, was
here today visiting with friends and
looking after some matters of busi
Attorney C. E. Tefft and son, Shel
don Tefft, were here today from
Weeping Water to spend a few hours
at the court house looking after some
legal matters.
J. W. Tritsch was a passenger
this morning for Omaha where he
was called to spend a few hours at
tending to some matters of import
ance in that city.
T. O. Schroeder, who has been
here spend a week at the home of
Mr. and Airs. Emmons Ptak, depart
ed this afternoon for San Francisco
where he has been transferred from
his former position in Minneapolis.
Mrs. Schroeder, who is a sister of
Mr. Ptak, will remain here for a more
extended visit.
Washington, June 9. Approxi
mately 103,000 head of Arizona cat
tle will be available for market this
spring, according "to a forecast today
by the department of agriculture,
the first to be made by the depart
ment, it was said, since the organ
ization of a nationwide livestock re
porting service was played underway
to inform producers and buyers of
prospective supplies.
Organization of the livestock re
porting service, the purpose of which
the department said, is to stabilize
the livestock and meat industry by
permitting closer co-relation of sup
ply and demand, contemplates divis
ion of the livestock producing area
of the country into four or five dis
tricts, each to be manned by experts
co-operating with marketing agen
cies, producers and state officials in
learning the market movements,
available supplies, condition of the
animals, etc. It is expected that
monthly reports will be issued for the
corn belt section, when the plan Is
perfected, it was said.
The County- Board of Equalization
will meet for the purpose of equaliz
ing the assessment of Cass county for
the year 1922 in the Commissioners'
office at the court house in Platts
mouth. Nebraska, commencing on
Tuesday, June 13, 1922, at 9 o'clock
a. m. and will continue in session
from day to day until NOON on Fri
day. June 16, 1922.
All claims for equalization to be
filed on or before Thursday, June 15,
Clerk County Board of
jlO-ld, lw Equalization.
Los Angeles. June 9. Raymond
Havens, of Kansas City, Mo., was
chosen president of the International
Association of Rotary clubs at the
final business session of the thir
teenth annual convention of the or
ganization this afternoon.
The selection was made unanimous
by the delegates after the election
committee had announced the result.
Mr. Havens' closest rivals were H. J.
Lutcher Stark of Orange, Tex., and
William Coppock of Council Bluffs,
Revised figures showed Havens re
ceived 581 votes. Stark 291 an1 Cop
pock 137.
Friends here have received the an
nouncement from J. C. Yost of River
side, California, of the fact that he is
now a proud grandfather, a son hav
ing been born to Mr. and Mrs. Har
low Metzger June 1st. The mother
was formerly Miss Gillie Yost and
well known in this county and the
many old friends will be pleased to
learn of the happy event.
Already the furniture of two
houses listed. Please get in early," we
advertise the goods for you. Phone
645, or call at Ghrist & Christ Fur
niture store.
Des Moines, June 9. Colonel
Smith W. Bookhart of Washington,
who was given the republican nomi
nation for United States senator at
last Monday's primary, spent less
than $500 in his campaign, he an
nounced here today.
The best results are obtained from
the carefully written ad placed in
the printer's hands in time to permit
of artistic "set-up." Don't neglect
your advertising or compose it hur
riedly if you would get the greatest
value for the money you expend.
I" M"I,I'
tV Vuaies shock. oeconu xioor
1 - A - Tl T- C J TT1
J. C. Rauth and family were to see
Miss Anna Murphey last Sunday af
ternoon. John Falischman has been work
ing at the home of Jesse Terryberry
for the past week.
Earl Terryberry has had his name
added to the list of ceaders of the
Journal on the Cedar Creek route.
Mesdames J. M. Carper, of Lincoln,
and John Carper were guests at the
home of Mrs. Charles Murphey last
James Murphy was attending the
ball game at Weeping Water last
Wednesday and enjoyed the exhibi
tion very much.
Mesdames A. II. Humble, William
Heebner and R. Bergman were visit
ing and looking after some shopping
in Omaha last Saturday.
J. C. Rauth has been making some
improvements at their home in the
shape of redecorating their kitchen
and varnishing the floors.
Fred Weaver, the new blacksmith
at the Herman Dall shop, is having
all the work he can do, and is do
ing it in an excellent manner.
August Stander and wife, accom
panied by their son John, were visit
ing and looking after some business
matters in Omaha last Saturday.
C. E. Mockenhaupt has been busy
painting and putting up the screens
to his new house preparatory to the
keeping out of the summer pests.
David Brann and wife were visi
tors in Omaha last Tuesday, where
they drove in their car to look after
some business matters for the day.
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Carper, of
Lincoln, have been visiting at the
homes of their sons, John Carper and
family and Will Carper and family.
Edward Hessenflow, who is work
ing with Earl Wiles, was a visitor
last Thursday at Omaha, where he
was looking after some business mat
ters. Dan Bourke has been painting the
house of Theo Harms for the past few
days refinishing the work that was
done some time since, by another
The Royal Neighbors had a most
interesting meeting at their hall last
Wednesday and which was filled with
fun and mirth for all those who at
tended. The Farmers Elevator company has
been making some repairs, having re
moved the office a short distance
from the scene and made some need
ed repairs.
Banker Thomas Murtey of Weep
ing Water was a visitor in Manley
last Wednesday, having some busi
ness at the Crane, Curyea & Murtey
lumber yards.
Albert Seiker and family of Elm
wood and Aaron Rauth and family,
east of Wabash, were guests at the
home of Mr. anud Mrs. August Stan
der last Sunday. . ."
Theo Harms and Edward Kelly
were in attendance at the ball game
which was "played between Manley
and Greenwood at the Greenwood
park last Sunday.
Joseph Heeney, who is at the St.
Joseph hospital, where he under
went an operation for appendicitis
some days since, is reported as doing
very nicely at this time.
George and Clarence Curyea. of
Alvo. were in Manley last Wednes
day, looking after some business mat
ters for a f hort time, coming to con
sult with Mr. John Crane.
Joe Mockenhaupt of Plattsmouth
was a visitor in Manley and a guest
with C. E. Mockenhaupt and with
John and Walter Mockenhaupt and
families, remaining for a number of
Theo Harms, Dan Bourke. Venie
Rockwell, Ralph Coon and Edward
Kelly were in attendance at the ball
game at Weeping Water, when they
won over Greenwood by a score of
9 to 0.
W. H. Frost, wife and daughter,
Ramona, were visiting in Manley on
last Saturday evening with their nu
merous friends and were guests at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. H.
Mrs. Frank Allbee, sister of C. E.
Mockenhaupt, was a visitor at the
home of her brother in Manley last
week and returned to her home in
Lincoln, after having enjoyed the
visit very much.
Messrs and Mesdames August
Pautsch, of Louisville; John Rohr-
danz and wife and Rev. and Mrs. T.
Hartman were guests last Sunday at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Theo
Harms of Manley.
Fred Krecklow who has taken over
the amusement parlor, which was
formerly conducted by J. L. Burns,
has been having some extensive im
provements made on his tables, which
is putting them In excellent condi
Miss Anna Murphey, who was at
a hospital in Omaha for some time,
is still feeling quite poorly and Dr.
Better place your order for what twine you will need,
and for the repairs you will have to have, as well as
that new machine itself. Vhile the gettingis pood, do
not wait too long. If you do the harvest 'will suffer.
Farm Omplement Co.
HERMAN DALL, Manager Manley, Neb.
J. Dwyer of Omaha was down last
week to see the patient and give
hope of her improvement in the
near future.
Andrew Dietrick. of near Louis
ville, who is crcJited with having
five acres of excellent straw berries,
was through Manley one day lust
week with two loads of the luscious
fruit and supplied the needs of Man
ley with his wares.
Walter O'Brien and family and
Sollie Stander and w ife were visiting
at Omaha last wevk, calling to see
I Miss Lillian Stander. who is at tho
i St. Joestph hospital, where Mie m
convalescing after having undergone
an operation for appendicitis.
Miss Cecil Phillips of near Spring
field, was a visitor at the homo of
Fred Flaischman and John Fluisch
man for some days past and with
their families were guests at tlio
home of a cousin of the Flaischman ,
Herman Wachter, "w liere an annual
picnic was held, there being a large
number of relatives and acquaint
ances present.
The Ball Game
The ball game which was played a
week since at Manley, was one pretty
hotly contested game and in which
at the end the visitors carried off
the honors by a score of 5 to 4. A
return game was played at Green
wood yesterday (Sunday) which al
so promised to be pretty warm, as
both teams were going in to win.
How the game resulted we do not
Praises Newspaper Advertising as the
Best of All Suggests Support
ing with Other Forms.
Aberdeen. S. D.. June 8. Competi
tion in business is coming back into
the world with a vengeance, and the
merchant, manufacturer or banker
who expects to get ahead from this
time on must realize that lie must
fight his -way upward, declared Geo.
Woodruff of Chicago, vice president
of the National Bank of the Republic,
in an address before the South Da
kota bankers' association here today.
"Advertising a Bank" was the sub
ject cf Mr. Woodruff's address.
Advertising, he asserted, is the
most effective of all weapons in the
fight for business, and among the
various kinds of advertising news
paper advertising is unquestionably
the "Big Bertha" of them all.
"The big idea." said Mr. Woodruff
spelling the word "idea," "is to ac
complish four things. These four
things may be easily remembered be
cause written in acrostic style, they
spell the word idea.
"The four words for which the
letters stand are Interest. Desire,
Enthusiasm and Action."
Newspaper advertising must be
supported by more direct advertisinc,
he continued This, he said, can be
done through house organs, personal
appeal letters, blotters, folders, book
lets, calendars and novelties.
"Bankers who do not believe that
advertising pays are steadily retiring
to the background," Mr. Woodruff
continued. "This is surely not to
the advantage of our country, fur
bank publicity is daily turning
spenders into savers and creating
that spirit of universal thrift upon
which the future economic stahility
of America must necessarily bo
Portland, Ore, June 9. Repre
sentatives of Shrine temples from
many parts of North America were
gathered in Portland today to wit
ness the turning of the first sod for
crippled children by W. Freeland
Kendrick, past imperial potentate
and "father" of the hospital move
ment in the Shrine fraternity.
Assisting Mr. Kendrick at the
ceremony today will be the bands
and patrols of He 11a temple of Dal
las, Tex., and Al Kader temple of
Portland and three of the national
trustees Dr. Sam Cochran of Dal
las; Bishop Frederick W. Keator of
Taeoma and Dr. Oscar M. Lantrom
of Helena, Mont.
As soon as the hospital is com
pleted any crippled child in the
northwest, regardless of race, color
or creed, whose parents are unable
to defray the cost of medical atten
tion, will be admitted for treatment.
m 9