Webragka State H3itfl. cal Society VOL. NO. ZXXVIIL PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, MONDAY, JUNE 12, 1922. f NO. 95 i MASONS VOTE $50000 FOR NEW BUILDING HERE GRAND LODGE OF NEBRASKA, A F. & A. M., GIVE LARGE SUM FOR INFIRMARY. From Thursdays Daily. The grand lodge of the Nebraska Ancient, Free & Accepted Masons, at their session at the Masonic temple ia Omaha last evening after a delib eration of some hours voted the sum of 530,000 for an additional build ing for the Nebraska Masonic Home in this city, which has in the last three years grown into a great mon ument to the Masonic order in their work of tender ministry to the aged and afflicted of tteir order and has been a real home to those who were in need of care in their old age. The grand lodge was much pleas ed with the presentation of the mat ter of the new building made by Judge James T. Begley. past master of Plattsmouth lodge No. 6, who urged the necessity of the building in the great institution that the great heart of Masonry has reared as a duty of love and kindness to its members. Judge Begley made a mas terly plea for the cause and which won the approval of the delegates of the grand lodge and their offer to do all possible to advance the con veniences of caring for the old Ma sons and the ladies and children of the order. In addition to the sum of $50,000 appropriated by the grand lodge there is also $20,000 available for building purposes, $10,000 appro priated by the last conclave of the Knights Templar, and $10,000 do nated to the order by the late George V. Lininger of Omaha for a chapel building. It is expected when the plans are drawn for the new building to have one in keeping with the dignity of the order and a structure that will be a credit to the great order that it represents. The new building will have a portion set asidj for use as an infirmary, where the bedfast 'pa tients can be cared for much more conveniently than at present and al so have operating rooms and other aids to the care of the sick. Included in the building will be a auditorium for the entertainments, for the entertainments of the home as well as services that are held by the different ministers of the city and also administration offices that are used in conducting the affairs of the home. The action of the Nebraska Grand Lodge is one that will bring a sense of the deepest gratification to every citizen of Plattsmouth and the Ma sons of the state can rest assured that they will be given anything that the city and its people can give to make the home the greatest insti tution of its kind in the state. The warm cordial feeling of co-operation demonstrated last year by Platts mouth toward the Home and the or der made a deep impression on the grand lodge and they are showing that they appreciate this feeling and the citizens of Plattsmouth should see that they lend all possible aid to the officials in making the Home a place that is truly a home. Incidentally while on the subject of the great Nebraska Masonic Home Dr. George Condra has sent a force of landscape engineers from the state university to the Home and who are engaged in making a sur vey of the grounds with a view of making plans for driveways, walks and the placing of the trees and shrubbery that will be used in deco rating the grounds of the Home. President James M. Robertson of the board of control of the Home and Superintendent . t . Evers nave la-, bored long and earnestly in the past two years to make the conditions at the Home the best possible and have received the strong support of the members of the governing board and the result is zn institution that will be hr.rd to equal in the state. ENTERTAINS AT PICNIC Last evening the employes of the office of Storekeeper W. F. Huneke of the Burlington shops, enjoyed a very pleasant outing and picnic in the cool shade of the bluffs along the Missouri river and spent several hours most delightfully in the open, near the ferry landing. The members of the party had taken their well laden baskets with them to the scene of festivities and -when the heat of the day had subsided they spread their repast, and with the delicious coffee brewed by Mr. Grometer, pro ceeded to have a feast that will long be well remembered by all of the jolly party. During the course of the gathering while the feast was being disposed of. Mr. Huneke gave a very spirited talk that was much enjoyed by the members of tha party. When the evening had arrived and the moon cast its soft glow over the land scape the party wended their way homeward. Those enjoying the occa sion were: Misses Mary Clark. Nel lie Cowles. Madeline Minor, Mariel Streight, Mrs. Grace Sperry. Messrs. F. Jupiter Warren. John Wickmann, Jr.. A. W. Hallmeyer, Paul Grometer. Frank Palacek. W. F. Huneke and Mr. G. E. Hahn of Chicago, new traveling storekeeper, and who was the guest of honor of the occasion. HERE ON A VISIT From Thursdays Daily. Mrs. P. J. Flynn of this city and her family are enjoying a visit from her nephew. Ensign Milton S. Nich olson, U. S.- N. Mr. Nicholson is one of the class of 150 midshipmen grad uated from the Annapolis naval acad emy this year and is enjoying a short visit before taking up active duty. The young man will leave for New York tomorrow to -report for duty on the battleship Arizona, and ex pects to leave soon for Australia, where the battleship is going to join the Asiatic fleet. TENDER RECEPTION TO NEW MEMBERS OF THE GHURGH Pleasant Gathering Held Last Eve ning at Christian Church and Quite Largely Attended. From Thursday's Daw. Last evening there was a very not able gathering held at the Christian church in this city when the church through the official board and the pastor, tendered a reception to the members of the church who have been received during the pastorate of Rev. A. G. Hollowell, the present ef ficient minister of the church. There were forty-eight of the men and women who have been led into the life of the church, present and this showing of growth was one that was truly inspiring to the older mem bers of the church and speaks well for the splendid efforts that Rev. Hollowell and the church member ship have made to build up the ac tive working membership. During the evening there was a short program enjoyed, Mrs. George Decker, Miss Ruby Winscot, Miss Hazel Clugy and Miss Nina Hollo well furninshing several very de lightful readings and Misses Leone Hudson and Florence Connor a vo cal duet that was very much enjoy ed by all o the large congregation present. In addition to the program there were a number of the old fa miliar hymns given by the members of the congregation. At the close of the evening tkere were very delightful refreshments of strawberries, ice cream and cake served and which aided in making an evening filled with the most un bounded good fellowship and enjoy ment to all of the church member ship. HAS CHANCE TO SECURE NATIONAL GUARDCAMP HERE National Guard of Nebraska May be Brought Here For Annual Drill on the Range. E. J. Richey. one of the leaders in the activities of the city, has receiv ed a call from Adjutant General John H. Paul, at Lincoln, inquiring as to the possibilities of this city caring for the annual encampment of the Nebraska National Guard that will be held in late July or August. The government range north of the city is one of the best that can be found and the situation of the city with its excellent railroad service makes it a point highly desirable for a place for the encampment if a suitable site could be found for the various organizations to be quar tered. There will be at least 1,500 men in the encampment and their pres ence would be of material benefit to the city and as well as affording the residents here the opportunity of see ing the military life of the guard that they undergo in the period of the summer camp. Mr. Richey has laid the matter be fore the chamber of commerce and it will be taken up with General Paul to see if suitable arrangements could be cade that would allow this city to entertain the national guard for the first time in the history of the state. The securing of the encampment should be pressed and if possible this gathering of the soldiers of Nebras ka brought here for their two weeks of intensive training. Certainly no better spot could be found in the state for a gathering of this kind. ANATHER FALSE ALARM From Fridays Dally. This morning when Burlington train No. 4 arrived from the west they reported at the station to Agent R. W. Clement that there was a very suspicious looking character lurking in the west yards near the pumping station and who answered to some extent the description of Fred Brown the well known gentleman who has been keeping the officers of the law guessing for the past few weeks. Mr. Clement securing the assistance of Frank Detlef, county constable, visited the scene of action and round ed up the gentleman, who, however, was not as dangerous as the train crew had represented as he was merely one of the many thousands of former Harding voters who are floating around over the country at the present time. GO. TREASURER'S OFFICE MAKES A FINE SHOWING Auditor Finds That Condition of Of fice is One That Should Please Taxpayers of the County. From Thursday's Dail;. For the past few days "Walter B. Larzelere, auditor and adjuster of the Fidelity and Deposit Co. of Mary land, has been engaged in checking over the books in the office of Coun ty Treasurer Mike Tritsch, and the result is one that is very gratifying to Mr. Tritsch and his assistants as well as to the taxpayers of the coun ty to learn that the office is in such splendid shape. Mr. Larzelere has been thorough and systematic in his work and has checked the office and its records thoroughly. ' In the check of the books from January 1. 1921. to June 5, 1922, the auditor reports that on the date of January 1, 1921, the balance was $231,4C4.49, and the receipts to date have been $601,291.33, making a total of $832,755,82. In the period of the time since January 1, 1921. there had been disbursements of $402,939.92, and which left a bal ance of 428,815.90 at the close of business June 5, 1922. Of the balance on hand is $417,879.51, carried on deposit in the banks of the county and carries a cash and cash items the sum of $10,936.39 and which tallies the balance on hand at date of $428,S15.90. The total amount of monies to be raised by the 1921 tax levy was the sum of $841,471.92, and included all state, county, school and special tax es, and of this amount the treasur er's office shows splendid results as $746,323.53 has been collected and leaves only $95,148.39 as uncollected and which is a very fine showing and verified by careful check of the books by the auditor. In the delinquent taxes the col lections have gone back as far as 185S and brought the sum of $S,- 929.98. There are few counties in the state that can show better records than Cass county in the way., in which the taxes are collected and the business handled and' the effi ciency of the office of the county treasurer is responsible for the ex cellent showing. NEXT WEDNESDAY WILL BE FLAG DAY Birthday of the Flag Honored by the Elks Lodge and Other Patri otic Organizations. On next Wednesday, June 14th, will be celebrated the national holi day known as Flag day and one of the anniversaries that the patriotic societies of the nation honor. It was on June 14th, 1776, that tne com mittee from the congress of the struggling colonies visited the home of Mrs. Betsy Ross in Philadelphia and placed their approval on the em blem that she had prepared under the direction of congress and from which the present national flag has been secured. With the passage of time changes have been made in the number of stars and stripes until the present day when the alternating red and white stripes represent the valor of the thirteen original colon ies while eac hof the states of the union is represented with a star of white on the azure field. The B. P. O. E. has made flag day a notable event in the annals of their order and wil lobserve it fittingly and other of the patriotic societies will also urge the observance of the day by at least the display of the flag and lessons that will bring the ideals for which it stands more forci bly to the minds of the residents of the community. VERY PLEASANT TIME From. Thursday's Dally. The ladies auxiliary of the Pres byterian church was very pleasantly entertained yesterday afternoon at the church parlors by Mesdames Jas. Burnie, John F. Wolff and J. H. Becker, who left today for Denver, and Mrs. J. J. Meisinger, who is to leave in a few weeks for California to reside in the future. During the afternoon a short program was given consisting of a piano number by Miss Ethel Quinton and a reading by Ef fa Patterson, both of which were very much enjoyed. Dainty refresh ments served at a suitable hour add ed much to the deilghts of the oc casion. CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY From Thursday's Daily. Today was the birthday annivers ary of C. C. Wescott, president of the Plattsmouth Ad club, and in honor of the occasion, Mr. Wescott gave a treat to the members of the club at their weekly dinner at the Hotel Wagner this noon and delicious ice cream .and cake was served to the members of the club and their guests. Just how old Cliff is, we are not in a position to say but he acknowledges that it is more than his sixteenth birthday. PICK UP WANDERERS From Friday's Dally. Last night Officers Al Jones and William Heinrichsen, in their rounds discovered two men camped in the Burlington station and who wre apparently at a loss where to find accomodations for the night and when questioned by the officers they stated that they were residents of the Glenwood institute and had sneaked away from the institution shortly after 5 o'clock yesterday and walked over to enjoy a flyer in city life here but were tired and ready to seek rest. The men were taken to the city jail and quartered for the night and this morning turned over to the Glenwood authorities who took them back to the shelter of the institute A VERY PRETTY WEDDING HELD AT WEEPING WATER Miss Faith Allen Murfin and Mr Seward P. Day United in Mar riage on Wednesday. An out of town wedding of inter est was that of Miss Faith Allen Murfin and Seward P. Day, both of Weeping Water, which took place at 2:30 .Wednesday afternoon at the home of the bride s parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Murfin of Weeping Water Rev. W. H. Riley, pastor of the Con gregational church, performed the ceremonv. The briue was attenaea by the Misses Ranit na and Frances Chamberlain of Blue Springs. David Noble of Omaha va best man. and little Leonard S wither carried the ring in a lily. As the bridal party entered the living room. Miss Marry Louise Bry an of Lincoln played the wedding march ,from Lohengrin. During the ceremony she played "To a Wild Rose," and the Mendelssohn wedding march as the recessional. Yellow and white daisies were the decorations thru the houre. The wed ding ceremony was performed be neath a white wedding bell, with a background of ferns and daisies. The windows were hung with smilax in terwjned with f3.isrjp The bride wore an attractive gown of peacock blue canton crepe with panels of white lace and carried a shower bouquet. Ices and cakes in yellow and white were served follow ing the ceremony. Mrs. A. O. Specht and Mrs. John Robinson cut the ices, while the Misses Maude and Jessie Baldwin and Catherine Thomas serv ed and Mrs. W. W. Swisher-served th'e punch. A sister of the bride groom pinned yellow love knots on the guests after the wedding. About sixty guests were present, including a number of friends from Lincoln, Omaha, Wabash and this city. Mr. and Mrs. Day will make their home in Weeping Water, where Mr. Day is in business. They left Wed nesday afternoon by motor for Oma ha and from there went by train to Colorado to spend a month. Mrs. Day is a graduate of Lincoln high school and has attended the University of Nebraska and taught school in Weeping Water. Mr. Day has also attended the university. 80Y FROM GLENWOOD CAUSES SOME ALARM Lad Who Wandered Away From the Iowa Institute Causes a Stir Near Cullom Yesterday, From Thursday's Ially. Yesterday near the noon hour a young man called at the Fritz Sie moneit home in the vicinity of Cul lom and asked for something to eat as he claimed he had been walking some time and was tired and hungry. The hospitable family gave the stranger his meal and he then re quested a place to lie down to rest and was allowed to repose and in the meantime Mrs. Seimoneit called up one of the neighbors, talking in Ger man 6o that the stranger would not get wise to the subject under discus sion, and asked that Sheriff Quin ton be notified of the visitation of the stranger. As the report circulat ed of the fact of the stranger being in the neighborhood it caused more or less excitment, but the young man gave no indication of doing anything out of the way and was apparently desirous of only securing some shel ter. Investigation by the sheriff on his arrival at the'scene revealed the fact that the stranger was one of the residents of the Iowa State In stitute at Glenwood who was A. W. O. L., to use an army expression, and had decided to see what Nebraska looked like. The young man was re turned to Glenwood last evening well satisfied with his 6purt out in the ; open and ready to remain at tne in stitution and receive his three square meals a day. Word was received Friday from Ed gar Wescott announcing that th young man had arrived in Los An- ; geles safely and was beginning to en- ! joy to the fullest extent the coast country. Popular copyrights and the latest fiction at the Journal office. AUDITOR MAKES A REPORT ON THE CITY TREASURY Representative of Fidelity and De posit Co., of Maryland, Com pletes Audit of Books. The Fidelity and Deposit company, of Maryland, which company has the J bonds of both the county and city treasurer for the present year, has through their representative, Walter B. Larzelere, of Omaha, auditor and adjustor, just completed a check of the books of City Treasurer C. E. Hartford and which is given below. The company is one of the few that makes a yearly check for their pa trons and thereby renders a great ser vice to the public as well as to the officials who have an accurate check made on their books thereby. In the statement of the auditor on the city treasury, there is much that shows improvement in the clearing up of the overdrafts on various funds. The report is as follows: The report covers the period from January 1, 1922. and ending May 31, 1922. and since the close of the per iod for which the report has been made there is a greater amount of funds ready to be turned over by the county to the city treasurer. On January 1. 1922, there was a balance in the treasury of $37,681.75 and during the period to May 31st, there was collected $167,523.21, mak ing a total of $205,214.96. There were disbursements made of $166, 462.36. and which leaves the balance as of May 31st, $38,752.60. The actual amount on deposit in the banks is $35,068.17 and the cash on hand is $2,684. The various funds of the city are divided as appears below: Overdrawn General City $ 1,929.03 Police fund 248.59 Library fund 99.28 General School fund 2,504.22 Paving Dist. No. 14 119.67 Total Overdraft $ 4,900.89 $ 3,392.61 2,307.7? 646. oV .2.086.28 469. OS 2.019.43 199.12 3,107.23 808.11 5.848.95 886.38 2.120.68 183.99 269.49 s 5,031.84 6.677.1G Balances Road fund Siiswalk fucd Business fund Iiefundinz Bonds Sewer Dist. No. 2 Fire Hydrant Rental Park fund Fire Department fund Street Lighting . Sinking fund Cemetery fund '. Building fund Dog Tax fund Teachers' fund . Curb and Guttering Int'sns Refunding Warrants, Int. Sewer Dist. No. 1 905.09 94.33 441.44 225.10 439.53 349.99 1,382.43 382.76 678.41 202.11 349.67 176. S9 832.41 692.45 396.22 Paving Dist. No. 5 Paving Dist. No. 6 Paving Dist. No. 7 Paving Dist. No. 10 Paving Dist. No. 11 Paving Dist. No. 12 Paving Dist. No. 13 Paving Dists. 15-1C Paving Dist. No. 17 Pavinc Dist. No. 18 'aving Dist. aving Dist. No. 19 No. No. No. 21 Paving Dist. Paving Dist. 24 Total Balances $43,653.49 Less Overdrafts 4,900.89 Balance on hand May 31 $38,752.60 Ed. Note In addition to the sum named above there will be available soon from the county treasurer the sum of $16,000 that will aid in boosting up the showing of the var ious funds. 'THREE MEN IN A BOAT' From Friday's Daily. This was the title of a well known fiction work by Jerome K. Jerome, the well known English humorist, but in our tale there happened to be five men. These five young men had gone down toward the river in search of a suitable place that they might disport amid the rippling waves of the Missouri and enjoy the delights of swimmin' e.s of old. When they reached the locality where the "dump"' is located, tbe five young men found that they wrould have to take a skiff and row over to the first channel of the riper if they desired any good swimming. With shouts of glee they hurled themselves in an old row boat that was nearby and start ed out but had traveled only a few feet when they discovered that the boat was a delusion and a snare and that they were in a few minutes in the dirty, stinking water that had formed from the accumulations of debris that had. been dumped there. It is reported that the gentlemen had to be assisted to shore but more reliable information states that af ter the first fright was over they were able to wade out and were as sisted to the river by a number of other boj's who were returning home from bathing. The gentlemen return ed late in the evening to the city, having been compelled to make a detour of the town on account of the peculiar odor that they threw off. An extensive line of high class stationery on hand at al1 times at the Journal office. MARRIED AT PARSONAGE From Thursday's Tally. Yesterday at the Methodist par sonage occurred the marriage of Miss Florence Wheeler and Mr. Louis H. I Howe, both of Lincoln. The bridal couple accompanied by Mrs. Helen Wheeler and Miss Annetta Wheeler, motored to this city and at once vis ited the home of Rev. Calvert where the wedding was performed. The ring service was used in the tying of the nuptial knot. The bridal party re turned in the late afternoon to their i home in the capital city. YOUNG PEOPLE MARRIED WEDNES DAY OF THIS WEEK Miss Freda Fifer and Mr. Roger Reeve are Joined in the Holy Bonds of Wedlock. On Wednesday evening promptly at eight o'clock occurred a beautiful home wedding at tire home of Mr. and Mrs. George Fifer, when their daughter was joined in the bonds of wedlock with Mr. Roger Reeve. The wedding march was played by Mrs. Emily Gonzales and the bridal party marched through little gates to the beautiful arch where hung a wed ding bell and where the wedding ceremony was performed by Rev. F. E. Sala of the Elmwood Methodist church. The bridal party was at tended by Verne Fifer and Miss Edith Reeve, and Herbert Reeve and Miss Delta Fifer, the bride being given away by her father. The relatives of the contracting parties and intimate friends were present. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fifer and is a young lady of a lovable disposition and many fine at tainments. The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs., Horace Reeve and has spent most of his life in this community. He is a boy well known to all and ia a young farmer and man of excellent character and liked by all. The bride wore a dress of white satin with a covering of shadow lace and an orange blossom veil. The groom uor&.the conventional eu'iL. . This happy young couple have the best wishes of their host of friends for a long, happy and prosperous voy age over life's matrimonial sea. Elmwood Leader-Echo. ATTEND WEDDING From Friday' Daily. Sheriff C. I). Quinton and family were at Avoca last evening where they attended the wedding of Miss Margaret M. Bogard of that place and Mr. Averil E. Thomas of Ches ter, Nebraska. The bride is a daugh ter of Postmaster Williem IL Bo gard of Avoca. and the family are old friends and neighbors of Sheriff Quinton. The newly weds will live on a farm just over the Kansas state line from Chester. CALLED EAST BY ILLNESS James Kuykendall, superintend ent of the Nebraska Lighting Co., was called to Neoga, 111., by the ser ious illness of his father at that place. Mrs. Kuykendall has been at Neoga for several days past assisting in the care of the aged gentleman and they will remain until there is some change in the condition of the father. Proiection p ft!! I i Here is something you may never have realized. A checking account at this bank offers you a safe place to keep your money and an arrangement whereby you can pay it out under your personal directions and in such amounts a3 you may wish. We are calling the attention of farm ers particularly to the advantages offered by a checking account here and if you will come into the bank tomorrow or the next day, we will gladly explain these advant ages in detail. First National Bank Member Federal Reserve NEW RULING AS TO THE RIGHT OF SCHOOLELECTORS Attorney General Gives Opinion All Persons 21 Years Old Voters Regardless of Property. County Superintendent Miss Al pha Peterson has received from the state superintendent an opinion cov ering the rights and qualifications for voters at the school elections and which will be of great interest a the yearly school elections in the rural districts will be held on June 12th. Heretofore those who have had children or property interests have been the voters but this has been changed recently and the following statement for the state superintend ent makes the matter more clear to the public: "In our opinion the restrictions of section 6733, revised statutes. 1M3. restricting the right to vote at school elections to citizens of the I'nited States over 21 j-ears of age who ci ther own property assessed in the district or who have children of school age, are in confl'ct with and are superseded by section 1. article VI. of the new Constitution tt Nebraska, which extended the ripht of suffrage to every citizen, man or woman, over 21 years of age. In such case the constitution takes preced ence. "When the statute was first enact ed it operated as an extension to wo men of the right of suffrage in school elections, our state constitution at that time granting the right to vote to men only. Since the adoption of the new constitution, what was for merly an extension of the right to vote now becomes a restriction of the right to vote. This interpreta tion is substantiated by chapter 92 of the laws of 1921. which provides that every person 21 years of age shall have the ripJit to vote for all offiers to be elected to public office and upon all questions and proposi tions submitted to the voters at any and all elections, authorized or pro vided for by the constitution or lows of Nebraska. The language of Judge Maxwell in the Cones case, 15 Nel. 54 4. when considered apart from th actual determination in such case, would lead one to think that the constitutional provisions do not ap ply to school elections. Such language however, was not necessary to the de cision. The new constitution grant ing an absolute right to vole, in our opinion, cannot be changed or re stricted by legislative enactment. Therefore, our conclusion is that every citizen, man or woman, over 21 years of age, who has resided in the district forty days, has the right to vote at school elections regard less of whether he or she owns prop erty or has children. The legislature may extend the right of franchise, but it cannot restrict it. The prop erty and parentage restrictions in section 6733 are superseded by the absolute constitutional grant of suffrage to all citizens." Miss Viola Oelke and Herbert and Orville Oelke of Paul, Neb., passed through this city Thursday enroute for Omaha where they attended the graduation of their sister, Mrs. Paul Hunter, from the Lord Lister train ing school for nurses. Enroute home ; last evening they had car trouble and I the two young men with Harry Fos ter came on to this city where thy visited at the W. C. Foster home. Without Cost!