The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 08, 1922, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Murray Department
Prepared in the Interest of the People
Hczp p in es
Does each year find you
v wishing and hoping for
better things in the future and
regretting lack of accomplishment
in the past?
There is one sure way to fill your
horn of plenty to the brim with all
the good things of life. It entails
no sacrifice row. It merely means
the forming of a good habit
Save! That good old formula for
success is as true now as when
it helped build the fortunes
cf our pioneer 'railroad build
ers, manufacturers and
Mac This Tlanfcxir "Best Scr-cJant
Open an Account teiih Today JVOWf
Interest pad on time deposit.
Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law.
All business transactions held in strict confidence
Your Personal Buck.
W. G. Boedeker, President Fred L. Nutzansn, Vice Pres.
L. J. Hellas, Asst. Cashier
Orville To;:d tcai: a load of Logs j !::rj to ti c South Omaha market
to the market at Nebrai-ka City on ' Iror.i Murras- last Monday,
last Tuesday. Joseph M jask was a visitor ac-
U. I. Hoot denam-d lai.l Monday ccmpaiiied ly the iamily at I'latU
fori visit c f a tev.- dys at the , home mot-tu hurt Eunuay afternoon,
cf his ton at York. J; cl: V.'es-t totk a load of hops to
Jack Philiiot rhipped a car lead of t!'c Scutl' Or.: a ha market last Tues-
-snappy gfylss in nasd ilress -
The Season's Most Popular
Patterns and Colors!
Men's Iweed caps, brown, gra' mix, tan mix, gray
and black mix colors. A 2.50 cap, priced to sell, $2.
Men's tweed cloth in tan, a gray mix with a sprink
ling cf color combination. A real buy in a snappy cap.
Priced at $1.75.
Men's caps, small check pattern in green and black
combination. Real style in this cap. Only $1.25.
Boys dress up caps made on sam3 pattern lines as
the men's. Gra3 blue, brown and checks. GOz and $1.
Little men's caps, made of check and hairline pat
tern suitings. Nicely lined and finished. 60c.
Men's fell hats. A fine selection of this year's
styles and colors. City stores will ask $4.50 for these
hats. Our price, $3.50.
Men's every day hats in the popular wide rim and
Dakota st3'le, gray color. 2 and $3.50.
STRAWS We have them for the whole family,
and hot days are here. They are reasonable in price,
too. 35c, 40c, 70c and SCc
Carhaili Overalls
Moore Work Shirts
Children's Play Suits
Hose Supporters .
his I
Telephone No. 12.
of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Keaden
Applying it cn a small scale
in your own way will bring
ycu results in proportion.
Work and Dress Shoes
Belts, Neckties
Dress Lisle Socks
Silk Socks
Dress Shirts
Murray, Nebraska.
& Go.
day morning for Mr. George Shields.
Henry Creamer was looking after
pome business matters in Omaha last
Monday, returning home in the even
ing. Mr. and Jlrs. Louis Hallas and
their little one were visiting vith
relatives in Plattsmouth for over
"W. H. Puis was a visitor in Tlatts
mouth last Tuesday, where he was
looking after some business matters
for the dry.
M. G. Churchill held an auction
sale of his pictures at his place of
business last Saturday evening with
good results.
Frank Mrasek was a visitor in
braska City Tuesday, taking a truck
load of hogs to the market for Mr.
George Shields.
Mrs. John Campbell was a visitor
for a number of days at Union ar.d
Weeping Water, guests of relatives
at those places.
C. A. Trent was a visitor in Flatts
roouth last Tuesday, where he was
looking after some business matters
for the morning.
Messrs T. J. Brendel and K. L.
Kniss were looking atter some busi
ness matters in Plattsmouth last
Monday afternoon.
Frr.nk Mrasek was a Rvisitor in
Nebraska City last Tuesday, taking a
truck load of hogs to the market for
Mr. George Shieids.
Mrs. Robert Shrader cf Omaha and
son Chester, have been visiting at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Long
for fome days past.
Wm. Hunter and wife and Miss
Helen, of Plattsmouth, were guests
at the home cf Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Gensmer last Sunday.
S. S. Davis had a load of hogs cn
the market at South Omaha last
Wednesday, where they were truck
ed by Frank Mrasek.
Edmund Peterson. W. A. Weten
csmp and Herman Iiichter were look
ing after tome Lusiness matters at
Lincoln last Tuesday.
Last Monday Harry Todd shipped
six cars of cattle to the South Omaha
market, which he has ben feeding at
his home for same time.
Grandma Jenkins has been feeling
very poorly for some time past, but
is reported as being slightly better
during the past few days.
J. L". Grubcr is painting hio house
ai'd preparing for living ia it, which
frnm the progress that is being
made will not be far in the future.
Joseph Starka, the accommodating
agent of the Missouri Pacific at Mur
ray, is taking a vacation at this
time and is seeing some of the world.
Dr. Brendel had picked from his
garuen Itjtt Monday one and two
quarts of excellent strawberries that
equaled those being shipped in from
out of town.
Phillip Lambert, the painter and
papcrhangr r, has just completed two
jobs one at the house of Mr. L. F.
Hiatt end the other at the home of
Mrs. Hen Dill.
Mr. Glen Boedeker who was so
seriously ill during a portion of last
week is feeling much better and is
able to work again and says he is
feeling fine now.
Messrs and Mesdames Morton Bart
!ett and W. C. Gilmore were visiting
and looking aft?r Fonie business mat
ters in Omaha last Monday, making
the trip in their auto.
M. G. Churchill and wife and Mr.
Ralph Kennedy were viting at the
Four Mile creek last Monday and
watching some of the Plattsmouth
folks do some fancy fishing.
Morton Bartlett and wife, with
their daughter. Miss Florence, were
visiting last Sunday at the home of
the parents of Mr. Bartlett at Imo
pene, Iowa, making the trip in Mr.
Bartlett's car.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Snell of Omaha
were visiting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Otto Puis, and were accompan
ied by the children, Mrs. Snell and
Mrs. Puis being sisters, they all had
a most excellent time.
W. H.- Frost, formerly of Manley,
where he was engaged in the lum
ber business, was a visitor in Mur
ray last Tuesday, where he was look
ing after some business and visited
with Mr. George Nickles.
Alfred Xickles, who lias been at
the hot springs for some weeks past,
returned home a short time since and
is feeling much improved in his gen
eral health and feels that it was
worth while for the going.
Postmaster TV. S. Smith, who was
feeling poorly last week, has im
proved greatly and was able to go to
Omaha last Tuesday, and was accom
panied by Mr. O. E. Hinkle. where
the,y went to look after some business
Lloyd Scott, who has been at the
hospital in Omaha for some time,
where he underwent an operation
for appendicitis and gallstones, and
who returned home some time since
Get After
Remember, we have the necessary implements for
the purpose of cultivating your corn. Riding, walking,
and two-row machines. Also, all other implements
needed on the farm for any purpose. Stock and office
at Plattsmouth. Delivery made immediately.
W. H. PULS, Proprietor
D. B. EBERSOLE, Manager
Plattsmouth -:- -:- -:- Nebraska
If ny of the readers of the
Journal kncrr of anr social
erent or item of Interest in
this vicinity, and will mail
itme to this oflice. t will ap
pear under this beadit-. We
want all newsltenu Eiitob
was able to be over to town on last
TV. B. Virgin, who is making his
home irt that of his son near Syra
cuse, was a business visitor in Mur
ray last Saturday and was a guest
at the home of his daughters. Mes
dames Robert Burr, C. M. Reed and
Phillip Keil.
Mrs. Flora Sans, who was so
critically ill last week, is under the
best of medical attention and the
best of nursing, making some very
flattering gains and was able to sit
up for a short time during the first
of the week.
Messrs and Mesdames Eddie Todd
and Russel Todd and their children
from Plattsmouth and L. G. Todd
from Union were visiting at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Todd, of
south of Murray last week, and all
enjoyed the gathering ry much.
Mr. J. B. Seyboldt, v.-ho has been
very seriously ill and who after the
operation under which lie went, was
critical for a number of days, is re
ported as showing very good im
provement and is hoping that he may
be able to return to his home here
in due time, but it will be some time
Albert Philpot, who has been mak
ing his home near Overton, where
he has been engaged in farming and
cattle raising, brought two cars of
cattle to Omaha last week, and ac
companied by his sister. Miss Irene,
were visiting at the home west of
town for over Saturday and Sun
day. A letter from Warren Wiley, who
is making his home in the western
part of the state, and where he has
been confined to his bed with pneu
monia for some time, tells of his
making very satisfactory improve
ment. He was able to sit up and
wrote the letter to his mother an
nouncing the progress towards re
covery himself.
Mr. E. J. Wasson, who has been
at Colfax. Iowa, for some time past,
arrived at Murray last week and on
Friday, accompanied by Mrs. Watson
and little Edward departed for their
home in Haveloek after having vis
ited at the hDiiie of Mr. and Mrs. J.
H. Hatchett. Mifs Lordie Hatchctt
accompanied ' them and will visit at
Haveloek for some time.
Arrold Ma-ifs Wild Cats and the
t' am from Springfield in S;irpy coun
ty played west of Murray last week,
snd a most enjoyable time was had.
There was much sport and raiiery
hr.u over the excellent plays which
were made on both sides. All were
satisfied. While we are endeavoring
to be friends to both sides in the
contest, we will not report the score.
Here is Your Bargain
Team cf horses, good ones. v.T.gon
and tcp buggy, like new. Mower and
hay r;;ke. Will sell cheap for cash.
Henry C. Long. tf.
Had an Excellent Time
L.a;t Sunday at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. J. TV. Berger there were
gathered a number of their friends
and relatives which made a merry
gathering and where all had a good
time. No one could be in a gather
ing at the heme of Mr. and Mrs.
Berger and not enjoy themselves.
l- Specialist on Swine and
- Cattle Diseases v
I DR. 6. L. TAYLOR f
r Veterinarian ;
4. Will receive calls at resi-
dence, Murray. Phone No. 50
Brendel & Kniss
Real Estate
and insurance
Your Business Appreciated and
Given Careful Attention.
Murray, Nebraska
That Com!
There were present to enjoy the
occasion, Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Trimpe
and their two little daughters, Hazel
and Helen, of Omaha; Mrs. Oscar
Gilhertson of Elair, Mrs. Earnest II.
Johnson of Herman. Miss Leora M.
Brown who has just returned from
the state university and her school
friend. Miss Opal Hoohstra of Ansley,
Mr. Dn'.e Top'.ifT of. Kansas, J. II.
JJrown and wife. Miss Catherine
Crown and Mrs. Ivan Deles Dernier.
Hears Brother Drowned
Mr. Frank Haller, proprietor cf
the Murray cafe, received a telejrram
telling of the drowning of his broth
er, Mr. Charles Haller, of Sioux City,
last Sunday. Mr. Haller departed
for the heme of his brother to ren
der assistance he could and to
be present at the funeral.
Services at Christian Church
C. E. Whitaher, of Plattsmouth,
was a visitor at the Christian church
last Sunday and spoke to the sub
ject of Foreign Missions after the
close of the Bible school and was
listened to with much interest 'by
those in attendance. Wr. Whittaker
has been ashed by the teacher of the
adult class of the Christian Bible
school to act in the capacity of teach
er of the class for the coming Sun
day. With an excellent subject and
his ability to interest one in the
subject at hand, there is looked for
a most interesting study hour. All
members of the class and others are
urged to be in attendance. As -there
will be services next Lord's day, we
are hoping that rnany will attend.
International swinging hay stack-'
er itnd bucks in good condition. Also i
a Badger cultivator.
j5-2sw. Murray, Nebr.
Will Hold Meeting of Society
The Ladies Aid society of the Mur
ray Christian church will bold their
next regular meeting at the home of
Grandma Wilej-, at which time they
will look after the business of the
meetings and will sell extracts at the
same time and supply all who may
want same. Mesdames Perry Nickels
and George Parks will be assistant
hostesses and an excellent time is
anticipated. Mrs. Wm. Sporer will
be the leader in the study, which will
be a portion of the program.
A calf 3 months old. Call A. M.
Minford, Murray, Nebr.
Were Good Runners
The Murrey Coyotes, the ball team
managed by Ben Edmiston and Har
ry Puis, but which can piay hall and
no mistake, ' encountered the Rock
Uluff teams at the latter place last
Sundav, with the result that they
made about an equal amounts of;
scores, but after playing about half ;
the game stopped and reorganized
their teams and started in again. ;
They then played on for a time andi
quit because they were tired, butj
neither term having mude a hundred;
Fcores. I lie iact was ciemor.siraieu
that the Murray team were excel
lent runners, that is base runners, of
Kanred wheat for seed. Last year
cne field of my Kanred wheat aver
aged forty bushels per acre. This
wheat I used for seed. If you want
any of this high yielding wheat, see
me at once.
Murray, Nebr.
Have Picnic and Good Dinner
The members of the Lutheran
cl;urch west of Plattsmouth and of
which there are a number of mem
bers in and near Murray, enjoyed an
all day meeting at the church last
Sunday, following: an excellent ser
mon delivered bj- the pastor. They
had a picnic dinner and visited for
the day, having ice cream, strawber
ries and cake during the afternoon,
and a most enjoyable daj A num
ber of families from Murray and near
here were in attendance.
Ladies Aid Society
The Ladies Aid society of the Chris
tian church will meet at the home
of Mrs. Wm. Wiley Tuesday after
noon June 13th, instead of on Wed
nesday. Mrs. George Park and Mrs.
Perry Nickels, assistant hostesses.
Mrs. William Sporer, leader.
Combination Celebration
Now it looks like two birthdays
and" a wedding anniversary should
be a good combination for a picnic,
with the people coming from Vir
ginia, Indiana and Nebraska. And
it should, and did, make a good set
ting. In the green wood just south
east of Murray, where John Farris
and wife live was the place selected,
and the arrangements were carefully
ICoked after by Mrs. John Farris,
daughter of Grandpa Copenhaver,
who came to America June 5th, 1839
and was 83 years of age yesterday.
Dr. J. F. Brendel was born 46 years
ago last Sunday and 48 years ago in
Indiana, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Brendel
were united in marriage. Now why
should they not celebrate, and they
did. Such eats and such a good time,
it comes only once in a while even in
a parson's life, but it was here last
Sunday. There were present from
Union Messrs. and Mesdames Blair
Porter, J. C. Snaveley, W. S. Copen
haver of Lincoln, L. V. Copenhaver
and D. C. York and all their families
of Plattsmouth, ' besides the people
from in and near Murray. County
Commissioner C. F. Harris and wife,
former residents of
were also present.
'Ole Virginy"
jtjue eed book
The new June Eed Books are now
on sale at the Journal office. Call
and secure your copy at once. The
new Hearst's, Motion Picture, Pho
toplay and Classics are also here.
Here Are the
Just at the time v.hen the' will do you the most
good, we are making a list of specicil prices on farming
implements. These will last during the coming six
weeks and will give all an opportunity to take advant
age of them. They are all reliable and first class goods.
Come examine and be convinced that they are as we
Internationctl side delivery rake $ 75.00
McCormick, 5-foot mower 70.00
Hoosier grain drill 120.00
John Dsere stag plow 73.00
Jchn Deere disc harrow 53.00
International disc harrow 55.00
John Deere 4-wheel lister 60.00
John Deere walking cultivator 23.00
New Departure cultivators 20.00
Jenny Lind cultivators 2700
Case high lift gang plow 90.00
John Deere truck wagon 5d.00
Triumph wagon box 35.50
70 bushel John Deere spreader 138.00
International hay loader 80.00
P. and O. riding cultivator 43.00
P. and O. wide tread lister 85.00
P. and O. tractcr plows 130.C0
John Deere two row machine 72.00
Case two row machine 72.00
New Century cultivator 40.00
Overland cultivator 34.00
Van Brunt grain drill complete with grass seed
attachment 135 00
Peterson Hardware Co.
tZ. L. PETER&OH, flflanager
From Wednesday's IaP.y.
Mrs. J. II. Iiecker will leave to
morrow for the west where lie ex
pects to locate at Denver, Colorado,
and make her home there in the fu
ture and enjoy the pleasantness of
the mountain climate as her health
Make Motoring
Weed chains insure safety, with wet and slippery
roads. We are offering some exceptional bargains in
weed chains.
Tires, in all sizes and styles, all good and prices
are much lower.
Some used cars and trucks, which we will swap,
all in good condition.
s We can handle your repairs at this time, when you
are not needing the machines badly, so you can have it
when jrou do need it.
Accessories, Supplies, Gas e.nd Oil.
The Murray Garage,
isre is Your
Men's Overalls, standard brands $1.45
Men's Overalls, Lee and Oak brand, for Saturday only 3.25
Men's Work Shirts with collars attached 100
Men's Work Shirts, all sizes ' 1
Men's and Boys' Dress Caps $1.00, $1.50 and 2.00
i Discount on All Gross Goods
This is the Time to Purchase Your Sugar!,
Come! See! and Get Prices!
Don't forget our Grocery Specials as quoted in our former
advertisement. They are for Saturday.
You can purchase any article in Aluminum Ware for one
dollar. Take your choice of Perculator, Dish Pan, Stew Kettle
of any size. All more than the money's worth.
The Service Store
Special Prices!
has not been the best here and it is
hoped to derive much ben flit from
the (hanpre. The many friends here
in the old home will regret very
much to see This estimable lady re
move but trust that she may find
much pleasantness in the new home.
Ecs.3 the Journal want-ads.
Speeial Prices!
& Puis,
Murray, Nebraska