The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 08, 1922, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Cbs piattemoutb lournal
Entered at PostoTlca. Plattamouth. Neb., i second-class mall matter
R. A. BATES, Publisher
And there shall come forth a rod
out of the stem of Jesse and a branch
Bhall grow out of Its roots: and the
spirit of the Lord shall rest upon
him, the spirit of wirdom and under
standing, the spirit of counsel and
might, the spirit of knowledge and
of fear of the Lord; but with right-
eousness shall he judge the poor, and
reprove with equity for the meek of
the earth. The wolf shall dwell with
' the lamb, and a little child shall lead
them. Isaih XI: 1-6.
Fatty Arbuckle is now a
Fear of consequences makes cow
ards of us all.
If the sun won't make it hot the
candidates will.
The week-end motor accidents read
like an old time Fourth of July cas
ualty list.
:o: .
The use of concrete houses is be
coming common in various sections
of the country.
Any boy can tell you an apple a
day won't keep the doctor away if
it is a green apple.
In the annual race between weeds
and vegetables, the cabbage is try
ing its best to get a head.
Movies can't have them kiss in the
first reel, because everybody would
think it was over and go home.
"There are not so many home
brewers," says the dry chief. Many
have worked themselves to death.
Edison says he gets along well
because he keeps out of ruts. That's
his method of avoiding the ditch.
Some of the men in the doctor's
waiting room are not ill. They are
fishermen and their hearts are full
of hope.
According to the latest war-graft
rumors, the ex-soldiers can't have a
bonus because the ex-slackers al
ready have It.
The new "cold light" the scientists
talk about isn't so new after all.
It's the light that shines in a wom
an's eye when she is mad.
Probably the two states referred to
In a recent story about a man hav
ing two wives i that many states,
meant the state of poverty and un
happiness. ' :o:
A Kentucky farmer at the age of
92 found himself inconvenienced by
the lack of teeth. He said he could
not smoke his pipe while plowing, so
he began smoking cigarettes, and
will now go to the bad. The old
"It don't take a man long to
bag his pants at the knees,
and to make a finely tailored
suit look thoroughly disrepu
table that's the man of it,"
avers Dainty Dorthy.
But she goes on to explain
thai the man who is making
use of our cleaning, steaming
and pressing services is keep
ing his clothes in much more
presentable condition than
when he got acquainted with
tis. And it doesn't cost much,
Goods Called for and Delivered
-I I
And still they come candidates.
In apt phrases have many adopted
An alibi is the last thing to get
Usually the head of the transgres
sor is hard.
We wonder why some restaurants
hire dishwashers.
Sunday was a lovely day, and
summer dresses were in evidence.
The man who borrows trouble
never pays back much as he get3.
The roads are much better and;
the grader has made them so. Keep
moving, boys.
"The world is a mass of jrlly."
says a British lecturer. Others think
it is in a pickle.
Fine weather and everything is O.
K.. even if the goose doesn't hang
as high as it ought to.
It has. been pretty well establish
ed that tf Ananias was not a fbher-j
man he wa3 a politician.
These mornings the bird3 begin to
twitter at 4 o'clock and every bird
in the woods is on the job by 4:30.
: c :
The reparations commission has
given Germany a year's grace, and
now it seercs to be up to Germany to
show in return that she has some
grace of her own.
., .... '
The possibility or the re-occupa-l
tion of Ireland by Brittain doesn't,
in fact, seem to be the highest en
couragement for the hope that Irish
home rule would justify itself.
A scientist now says that tears
don't kill germs. We suppose the
hard truth to be that tears don't kill
anything, but many parsons will
continue to find them satisfying.
In Iowa tomorrow the battle of
ballots will be on. There are six re
publican candidates for United States
senator and the law provides that if
no one receives a third of the votes
cast, the nomination shall be made
by the party convention.
Robert G. Ingersoll and Jack
Dempsey are among the notable
Americans who looked upon Napol
eon's tomb in Paris and made not
able comments. Your book Z Amer
ican oratory conains Ingersoll's re
marks, which are much more elab-
orate than Dempsey's.
"Some boy!"
Jac: said:
People know lots about the de
stroyers of the past, very little about
the past's inventors and construct
ors. That Is the fault of hero-worshipers
who wrote our history books.
The public instinctively realizes
that one constructor is worth an ar
my of destroyers. That is why the
famous men of todav, the ones most
talked alrvit are the Henry Fords,
Edisons, Steinmetzes, Marconis and
Historians will change it all. When
they get through with the records
militarists will eclipse the others.
That is, unless the movement to
write history sensibly becomes suc
cessful. :o:
Tho United State3 representative
who is said to regard himself as the
! dare devil of congress," Is alsocrcd-
ited with the following bright
! thought:
"I see great possibilities In the
; pastime of shooting ducks fror.high
; power air boats, and am inclined to
.think a De Haliland machine would
be the best to experiment with in
this connection. I entertain hopes
Jof pursuing this sport either in Cal-
ifornia or Florida next winter."
J One cannot help wondering wheth
jer the sportsmanlike congressman
:will equip his airplane with machine
guns. He should, of course, to en
Jable him to wipe out a whole flock
jof ducks at one swoop,
j Eventually there will be new game
j laws to protect duch3 and other pos
sible victims of such wholesale hunt
ing methods. In the meantime, na
tural decency and true sportsman
ship will undoubtedly keep the num
ber of airplane hunters down to a.
very small group.
Discussing fake trance mediums
Walton, r-meririan known on
the stno a Prnffor Heller sav3ihltliy increase and a number
tne staae as i rortssor nener. says
,in a letter to Detective Story Mag-
,azine: -
"As for the evidence of scientific
mp u.nij tint , p vuririnn
t , ,. . ... 4. i mill will be put back on the six-dav i Lmcli, defendants:
and medium I dread the ejes' of thef wpck for th3 present at loast. The I You and each of you will take no-
j average boy more than those of the .increases to the working force are'te that on the 19th day of May,
average scientist, so far as the de-i being made ps the demmd for the 1922. the plaintiff, The Farmers' In
fection of deception of deception is I material grows and from the indi-j vestment Company, by the Lincoln
. ... , t cations show a much better eondi-1 Trust Company, Receiver of said The
concerneu. aeu i miov,. ior i I,avc
worked before both audiences."
Children are keen observers bc-j
cause, to them, everything is fresh j
and new, hence interesting. j
As we become older, we observe j
that life is a series of repetitions,
generally dull, frequently stupid and
boresome. We lose interest, and with
self that it has become fairly famil
iar with life that the routine of ex
istence is comprehended to the last
The individual losc3 interest,
stops observing becomes "set in his
ways." It is difScult to drive a new
idea through his head. Drain cells
are closed and locked instead of open
and receptive.
That is the reason why middlo-
iged people are not as quick to s
it the calcuably valuable power of You hereby notified, tlir.t I will . (32 d th; no;.,h' !;aif (NH) of!(Sea!) ml5-4w. C
Close ooservauon. i,: , ro-nr on th ..y"JlltJ,Pv ' .l! - NOTICE TO CR
ou have noticed how easy it is toj11th dnv of j,.,,, t;iellth dav ec-iC:J . tii ty-ti:ree I-;--" TLe st;Ue of Xebraska,
" put something over" under the of Ortcber. A. I). 1922. at ten ( 1 C )' P(T Vi 5ri-M dee-1"' S3'
r h ntrnA o'clock in the forenoon of ech dav. ! LVl'0"?: .ll. i -In the County Court.
-" i - . . - purporting u m uatcu r L-iirtiary r-,: , ti1a
..... , ' tn vr-rivp r a rr 1 ti p all lniric I,.,.. P J I Jn tIG matfcr Oi 1118 e
Atter tne average person reacnes . said c?t wlth R v5e,v to i -- ,V'?.e, I ban-. A. Taylor, deceased.
40, his brain cclis become "set, nice Vcir ndinst'ntPt inr: nllov:nf.p tti.-:;: . . .? 1 .;"'- .; To the crerlitcrs of said
I . ,. '.. , , . ., - : ' iNCDr:: Ka, :n i:ock ol', pare it6, or ,, rrti,iP
concrete. - time limited for the prosentTtfcn of ! I)e.,, .. i ,q, ',., ' 0,1 are tiety notnie
Vanttv cnnvbPM tliP riro or inner claims againrt raid estate is three , u,7 -.f, "A -. V " I . ! v.'i!I sit at the County Cour
and grasp opportunities as the young !Kr?oaa! rrpre e ntatives and all ether
fellows, despite their superior abil-j---
ity and "background" of experiences. ; Marrn3 L. v.'hite, decerned; all per
Ancient alchemists searched for j., or.-, claiming or having any interest
the universal solvent a fluid thrt a thirtv-thrce acres eff the south
lasted centuries, consumed an infin-
. ..
uuiu .t3ivyic uuj iiiium. x -.ut v
ite amount of energy and time. It
stopped when an observant young
man said, "If you get it, what will
you keep it in?"
When the power of close observa
tion: becomes feeble or nearly para
lyzed goodbye to opportunities!
Without a keen and unflagging
sense of observation, success is elus-
ive or if already achieved, slips from
one s grasp.
Force yourself to become interest
ed in every detail of life. Develop
thereby, your powers of observation
and analysis. Like flabby muscles,
they can be trained into strength.
Observation is the key to success
also the handcuffs that prevent
youth slipping away from you.
The man who said that nothing
ever happened in Delv.are was slight
ly mistaken.
True, the real happenings in the
second smallest state in the Union
are rather few an dfar between, but
occasionally it does break into print.
The Associated Press dispatches
tell us that other day a Delaware
man 80 years of age stole a horse
and buggy aDd drove 150 mil?s hunt
ing for a job, lie also rendered a
patriotic duty by bringing his poor
little state in to limelight.
Nobody ever consults Delaware
about anything except when a char
ter for a corporation is desired. One
never hears of anybody who i3 from
Delaware, unless it is one of the Du
Ponts. Not one person in a thousand
ever met a- man who admitted he
was from Delaware. The politics of
the state are unimportant. The com
monwealth never has a crime wave
large enough to attract attention iu
the newspapers. There is never a Del
aware end to any of our1 interstate
romances. - You never saw a movie
picture with its settings in Dela
ware. Nothing in fact, ever happens
there that is worth worrying about.
But it is a good slate, with good
people, so far as we know, and it is
refreshing to read of the exploit of
this octagenarian horse thief. A
state needs publicity occasionally,"
even if it must resort to desperate
experiments to get it.
o: o
A boom pamphlet from southern
Texas offers the inducement to im
migrants that "you can work out in
the open every day in the year." That
is one reason we shall stay away
from there. What we are looking for
is a place whe-re a fellow can make
a living and not work more'n half
the year.
o : o -"'
Attorney General Daugherty
thinks the states ought to lake over
a larger share of the work of en
forcing the laws. Possibly so, but
the states can't take any chances on
losing their constitutional rights.
- o:o-
Blank Books at the Journal 0f2c&
Pasture for Rent!
I have good pasture with run
ning water for a few head of cat
tle on my my farm, two miles east
of Murray.
Phone No. 1 Plattsmouth, Neb
The workin-r conditions at the
. Rurlinrrtou shoos are showinir a verv
b,atk.smith shop have becn restored
to duty and this department of the
shops, together with the freight car
i repair department and the planing
j .jon over the system that is supplied
from this point.
In the County Court
In tie matter of the estate
Ame-ia 13. IJahleman. deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
month"; from the 11th dav of July
A. V. 1922. and the time limited for
::ivinent &f dtbts is cne year from
:;aid 11th day of July. 1922.
Witness my hand and the seal cf
Ccunty Court, this Cth day of
Jui.e, 1922.
(Seal) junS-iw
Countv .Tnd-o
La:i:v. Lighten and husband Wi!
Ham IJs.'hton; Grace Zoll and hus-hii!-'.
George Zoll; Tim McCarty,
"'.'ev er: t'.iC ludrs, devisees, legatees,
t de- of Oovernment I-.ot srx, (R) and
touVn "a! "cf Gov-
it - ' Ufr'" ue ouul -ullL 11 ,j0
i , . . a .
ernnient Lot three, (3) all being in
thirty-three, (33) Township
teen. (14) east of the 3. xth Principal
.vena mn. m i ass county, iNeurasKa,
rit at tne ouniy rourt room in ,tm " i
re.ii r.ames unknown. : required to answer the petition of the
fn and each of you are hereoy piaintiff on or before the 10th dav
nntifir.'l thrt Martin C. r."V ns.e t..i.. ...:.!.. ,. 11.'
- - i
rdrintiff. on the 31st day of May, A. '
!). 1D22. filed his r.iiit j'Tainst vou
ctn vi you, in me ui'unci v tuirt i
of .??. county, Ncbraslca. tne object.
:'".d rr-Tyrr of which arc to ri'iet tl?e'
title in said plaintiff to thirty-three!
11: e south side of Govern
'rent 'jO fix; airo fractional Lot
'.we nty-reven, being the south half
of Government Lot three, all being in
SriioT! thirty-three, (33) in Town-i"
-hip twelve, (12) north of Range
fourteen. (14) east oi tne Kixtn I'rin-j
cipal Meridian in Oas3 county, Ne-j - the D' tret Court recovered bv Uli ""-"-"i 'V'"1.1
niint-i-i"- tint thp rlainii7 is t u r. . o ' , V-r , , cl , . .Vreto . Vi may, and do, appear at the County
nl ohito - 6 " CUn" iGe.1r Sfce!d?n- Plai"tiff'riaViSt.,e . Court to be he'd in and for said al. solute owner in lee simp. e euie . ty Nebraska. said George 7. Snyder and Matilda ,v j,v , Tl,no .
to all of said real estate by reason, sute of Nebraska, County of Cass, G. Pavder et al, defendants, and to 1 to ennw
of advrr-.e pesression for more than!,,., -ati fy a further judgment of said!3" at 10t , ClC, a- m- to Edow
ten yeirs prior to the commencement j To Emma Wohlfarth. Fredrick IlJc-.u :. recovered by the defendant, retiUoneV' should noY
of said action against you, and title !Gordcr. Anna. Picotz. Katharine Gor-iTha Fank of Cass County, now re-j I nh t t -o'ice o t-ie dcin
derived from other sources, and is Jer vil!i"m Gorder Ne'Me Gr lT 'viv-d in the nam.- of Fred E Bo lie !Sr'-aa. ana tnt ..oice oi tae pen
l-iof t'nt tho tttlo to ?ifi real ps-'n, U "A oruer Ay t.r.i.r, u, .u in .ne nam., oi i rtu L.,uo.iie, (J of smJ j)6.titicn and that th?
a -king tiiat tne title to s.hi real es :E(lna May Gorder and to all persons Receiver, against .raid George W. ,sfrpof k -ivpn t.- Til nPr
t,.te be forever quieted in him and ; ; lnter te.l in the estate of Louisa : Snydor et al, defendants, and to satis-; "torrVted in said matter by
that vtt sind each of ycu be forever Horde- decaed" I f v f--rtb-r iu lament of i 1" co irt ' , , V - saici manor uy
nvr'.- i d fri hn-in- or o'linir" a.. ,.' . t i . - " ' , ; A , , j 'i i n 'J I publif hing a copy of this order in
excn.t.u irom or caimin-, On reading tne petition of John F. ' recovered bv the defendant. John Mc- iu t..? .i. t i
any title, interest, claim or:Gordci rrnving that the inrtrunont
cstate in and to said real estate, or.flled in this court on the ut ,lcy oE
any portion thereof. .Ti:no. 1922. anil nurnort'ne- to hp the
You are required to answer f.aid!r
petition on or before the 17th day
of Ju'.v, A. D. 1922.
C. A. RAWL3.
jC-4w. Atfy for Plaintiff
State of Nebraska, County of
liy virtue of an Order of Sale i?
nu 2d" by James Robertson, Clerk of
the District Court within and for
Cas county, Nebraska, and to me
directed. I will on the 10th diy of
July, 1T22. at ten o'clock a. m. of
f.nil d?y at the south door of the
court house in the City of Platts
mouth, in raid county, sell at public
ruction to tin? highest bidder for cash
the following described real estate,
The pouth half of Lots five
(5) and six (6) in Meek fifty
two, (G2) in the City of Platts
n'out'i. Nebraska, according to
the published and recorded plat
! thereof
The Fame being levied upon anel
taken as the property of Mifflin S.
Priggs, Rachel C. Rriggs and L. Lar
son (real namunknown) et al. De
fendants, to satisfy a judgment of
said court recovered by The Platts
mouth. Loan and Building Associa
tion, Piaintiff, against said Defend
ants. Plattsmouth, Nebraska, June 1st,
Sheriff. Cas County,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, 6.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of
John W. Yard'ey, deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
Ycu arc hereby notified, that I will
s't a the Co'Uity Court room in,S!lia petition ll"u "eans mtie-,
piTncror.iit'h in ctlS rountv. on the ' ot be given to all persons interested !
9th day of June A D. 1922, and on m said matter uy puDiisnmg a topy,Hnti to satisfy a further judgment ot j-int.;uiour. in mwu county on june
the 2Sth dav of September, A. D.,f U-i3 order in the Plattsmouth 1 pia court recovered by tifa defend- 19, 1922 and September 19, 1922.
190 at 10 o'clock a m , of each day, j Journal, a semi-weekly newspaper ! :mt., John McNurlin, against the said at 10 o'clock a. m. each day, to re
r "rVriv n n ,1 famine all dMms printed in raid county, for three sue- j George W. Snyder and Matilda G. ceive and examine all claims against
against said estate, with a view to
tVrir nrHnttmont anrl allowance. The
finp limitort for the Dresentation ofi
r.';iinic n"-;llTlt!t 'state Is tlirRftlD. 1D22.
months from the 29th day of June,
A. D. 1922. and the time limited for
pavment of debts is one year from
said 2Dth day of June. 1922.
Witness my hand and the seal cf
said Countv Court, this 31st day of
May, 1922.
(Seal) jl-4w
County Judge.
In the District Court of Cass coun- !
1 1 eorash.a.
ofi The Farmers' Investment Company,
, riaintifr vs Mailll warden. E. L.
j Warden, real name unknown, and
hVarren J- Linch, Defendants.
! To Claude Warden, E. L. Warden,
i real name unknown, and Warren J.
Farmers' Investment Company, filed j
jits petition in the District Court of :
jCass county. Nebraska, the object of Vte lhree uAlon.lhs1 fm Ul9, "I,111!
'raid petition being to secure thel?. ' J.unf- A" 19v ,a?' d';c !
.cancelation and the holding for: tmie limited for payment of debts is!
'executed by Warren J. Linch and Iva
T. Linch. husband and wife, to!
of , m,,,. war-in i,i ,1,1 n-i-.-.v-r."
fn , n, A. fllV o;f
3 i..V,X XtA
cutvd without consideration
sail Warren J. Linr-h.
' : . : ,
jPipoge ci piacms tne rcecrq title ot
i v". 'V. , i
tuat a judgment obtained against the
s.iid Warren J
re:i J. Linch and in favor of the
Favmers' Investment Company said
transcript having been filcl in tlie
District Court of Cass countv. Xe-
------ . - w . . -
h ' "22; and for
. r.vch otrer further p.vd d.ffprent re-
7ipf thp r,'ri'itir? ho rntitipd
t in 5; nremi.-es? sml'fnr th rr;.r
j You and each .of you are hereby
ui JU'J, or 1. lie i'iniuii ui iiiu
r,la!ntiff will be takrn as tr.'.-.
Dat:l at I'lnttrmouth. Nebraska,
tiijs t'nd dav of Mav. 1D22.
p.. t ivpt.v TRT'T ro
cinrk Je-ry. Clarence G.
,Tj;ts art; v. A. Robertson,
j ttf.riK vs for PlaintiT.
ntr tne tip
st .jh an(j testament of the said
deceased. may be proved and al-
''ix-r r ti i1 rorr.rrlcid n r: flio tatf '.I'll
and testament of Louisa Gorder, de-
ceased; that said instrument be ad-j
mittcd to probate, and the adminis -
tration of said estate be grant2d to I
John F. Gorder, as executor;
It is hereby ordered that you, and
all persons interested in said matter,
niciy, an 1 do, appear at the County
Court to be held in. and for said
county, on the 3-0 th day of June,
D. 1922 at 10 o'clock a. m. to show
cause, if any there be, why the prry -
or of the petiticflpr should not be
... , y i
r-r-T)t.-rl trf f 1tti nt lrf nf Hip Tipr.-
dency of said petition and that the
iiaiiiii, ninra uc .i.r-n iu u.. t'
sous interested in said matter
11 y
publishing a copy of this Order in ,
the Plattsmouth Journal, a temi
weekiy newspaper printed in said
couniv, for three successive weeks
prior to cnid day of hearintr. i my hand, and real of
sail court, this 2nd day of June, A
D. 1922.
(Seal) jS-3w. County Judge
on l'ctition fnr Appointment of
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of
Frank "Lambert, deceased.
On reading and filing the petition!
of John P. Sattler praying that ad
ministration of said estate may be
granted to C. A. Rawls as Adminis-I
trator ;
!,u,lll!a su.i.cjeiu toiis.r.eraeion, c:iu;tl,e l2th dav cf September, A. B.'Snvder and Matiida G. Snyder et al.
;was executed and uiyereJ to the l92, at i0:00 o'clock a. m. each dav !r nil alo to satisfy a further Judg
said .daude Warden by tho raid ar-;to rece!ve Gnd examine all claims ; ment and decree of .said court recov
ren J. anu Iva T. Lmch vnthj rinst p.:id cstate v:ith a v5ev tolered bv the defendant, John MeNur
Lhc intention of hinderm?. do -.vinT ., . ......... i ... -
, , , ,. ; :: i f.r.c-r acMusimenz ana allowance, ine n:i, bk;.im.ii ni; cu-utici;umn,
end defrauding the creditors of the f nrentnHn r.f w Pnv.i.r ct r.1 and ai?n to Patisfv
n linn ti rtnn tno nraniKao 'nnvovtil .
i . r i -t j . i i . a. j - - -
' , t i- VX- ir County Court this Sth day of
land to the lien of this plaintiff by,T jgoo ,
reason cf he transcript cf v. judft- '' ' """ ,T T rv T pppe-nv '
raent cf Twenty .Thousand Dollars, c . , . . 7 t.i o 0 ;v
(?-0.000.00) aurinn the said W:.r- "U.Elil z County Judge. A
TICE OF PRORATE OF WILL ' defendants, to satisfy a Judgment of-. T-.Z''Z, 11: ' V1
uruerea, mat ine x in uay uj. j ui;c, ; cn a3 tne property oi ueorge v.
A. D. 1922, at ten o'clock a. m., is ! Snydor and Matilda G. Snyder et al,
assigned for hearing said petition, j defendants, to satisfy a judgment of
when all persons interested in said c-,aid District Court, recovered by the
matter may appear at a County Court j Lincoln Safe Deposit Company, plain
to bo held in and for said county i tiff, against said defendants, and al
and show cause why the prayer cfJEO to satisfy a further judgment of
uetitioner should not be granted;
and that notice of the pendency cf
ecssive weeks, prior to said day of
Dated thi3
22nd day of May, A.
(Seal) m25-2w.
County Judge. '
Poland China boars, September j
I farrow, weight 230 pounds. i
r II? 1 i ri "T T" 1
it. . 1-unit.m
Weeping Water, Neb
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of Lil
lian L. Sage, deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
Ynn arfi lirehv notified, that I will
sit at the County Court room in! directed, I will on the 2Gth day of
Plattsmouth in said county, on the! June. A. D. 1922, at ten o'clock a.
12th day of June, 1922, and the 12th 'rn., cf said day, at the south door of
dav of September, 1922, on each of the court houfe in the City of Platts
said days, to receive and examine all raouth. in said county, sell at public
claims against raid estate, with auction to the highest bidder for
T-ir.w tn HiPir fl(Uiv(mf.nt and n How
nn."fi. The time limited for the nre
sentation of claims against said es
year from said 12th day of,
J , , , ,i
my hand and the seal of ,
County Court, this Sth day of.
, 3Iay, 1022.
Cass coun
'tate of Bar -
t-i ., ..., : rnunlT rn thp
! 1 oK rl , Tnfirt 11 1 Q 9 o t-w? r.n
chnrm ii'.amst raid estate is tnrce
moarhs froni tl-e 1ti. day of June,
A. D. 1D22. and the time linked for
. ,,.,, .,. ic no ..r frril
th day of June, 1922.
hand and the seal of
Ct-ite of Nebraska, County of Cass,
By virtue of an Order of Sale is-
sued bv .bnoii Robert?r.n. Clork of
: t: nitrirt fnurt vi-ithin and for
.-a rrnntv W'.rasVd nr.d tn me
.Tutio n I?,?, nt ten o'clock a.
jm., of said day, at the south door of
the court house In the Citv of Platts -
I mouth, inVaid ecuntv, sol! at public
! n . '1 v.r.i.i,
i ire1 :i)!i lu iu iiif.jinM. uiuur ioi ;
!rr - tl.r fnllnwlnir d.rril ed real cs-
tate. to-wit:
The north half of the south
east ruarter of Section tver.ty
Ecv n, (27) in Township twelve,
(11) North, in Range thirteen,
(!:; e;.:t of -the 6th P. M., in
C: s cciinty. Nebraska, contain
ii:g SO acres
ic Fane being levied upon and tak-
: TI
jen rs the property of George W.;Charjes A. Trent a3 executor;
uii'i -Met Lt i'.iii vj . nu ut'i ei a if
j Nurlin. against the said George W.
SnV(1cr ami. Matilda G. Snyder, de-
' an.l jilao to satisfv a fur-
j ther judgment of said court recover-
el bv the defendant, Ottis McNurlin,
icoinr:t Honro-n Wr Qnrrlor a TI rl '
Matilda G. Snyder, defendants,
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, May 16th,
! A. D. 1922.
i Sheriff. Cass County,
i Nebraska,
j Attorney for Plr.intiff.
j f Xebl.7 County of Ca5S !
j j
. ' s' '.. ..... nf ci jt
By virtue of an Order of Sale is -
'sued by James Kobertson, uierK ocoure nonce :n I'laiismouin, cans
nfv Vohrasl-fi nn,l-fo mf
I 1 i r- nil T -v 1 11 rn tha 9 ft t h rl n v nf
mo. A. D. 1922, at ten o'clock a.
r-.., of raid day at the south door of
the court house in the City of Platts
mouth, in said county, sell at public
auction to the highest bidder for
leash, the following described real es
jtate, to-wit:
ine we.stj na:i oi me poiun
v.?t quarter, and the northeast
quarter of the southwest quarter
of Section twenty-seven; (27)
the northeast quarter of Section
twenty-eight; (28) the south
east quarter cf.the northwest
quarter of Section twenty-eight;
(2S) and the southwest quarter
cf Section thirty-three, (33) ail
iu Township twelve (12) North,
Range thirteen, (13) cast of the
Cth P. M., in Cass county, Ne
braska, containing 4S0 acres,
subject to a lien of the Lincoln
Joint Stock Land Bank, now on
said premises
The same being levied upon'and tak-
mid court recovered bv the defend-:
!ant. The Bank of Cass Countv. now
revived in tne name or i rea u. l'.ouie,
Receiver, against said defendants. :
Snyder, defendants.
fy a further judgment of said court,
recovered by the defendant. Ottis Mc-
Nurlin, against the said George W. ;
'Snyder and Matilda G. Snyder,
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, May 16th,
V D. 1922. j
Sheriff. Cass County,
! Attorney for Plaintiff. ,
nd also to satis- . rani e.state, wiui a
State of Nebraska, County of Cass,
Ey virtue of an Order of Sale is
sued by James Robertson, Clerk of
the District Court within and for
Cass county, Nebraska, and to me
- ' CilSll tlie I01I0W1I1
described real es-
- tate, to-wit:
The routh half of the south
east quarter and the southeast
quarter of the southwest quar
ter cf Section twenty-seven,
. (27) and Lot one, (1) contain
ing .5.'! of an acre, in the north
east quarter cf the northeast
quarter of Section thirty-four,
(ol) all in Township twelve,
(12) North, Range thirteen,
(13) east of the Cth P. M., in
Cass county, Nebraska
jThe same being levied upon and
- j taken as the property of George W.
Snyder and Matilda G. Fnyder et al,
'defendants, to satisfy a Judgment and
; decree of raid District Court recover
ed by Edward C. Runjrael, plaintiff,
agaia.-t said defendant and ano to
d that I (satisfy a further Judgment and de
t room in'crce of the paid court recovered by
. thp (lpfriwi:, i ri t Anhn-- V. I. order.
.otTi'Tiet li: j roil r f - n tl n T t Q flpnrfp W
said oo-.irt, recovered by the defend-
ant. Otti- McNurlin. against his co-
.w.-mus r.wr-c w snvdor n al.
D. 1922.
Sheriff. Cass County,
Attorn?y for Plaintiff.
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty, Neb'.'atka.
State cf Nebraska, County of Cass,
To Charles A. Trent. John C. LJris-
, bin, Dorothy E. Trent, and .to all
' .
! 1 "u
sons interested in the estate of
y C. 7re:'t, deceased:
Brisbiu praying that the instrument
filed in thin court on the 20th day of
May, 1522. aril purporting to be
tho lart will and testament of the
i said decerned, nay be proved and al
lowed, jnd recorded as the Inst will
aiul testament of Mary C. Trent, de
ceased ; that said instrument be ad
mitted to probate, and the adminis
tration of said estate be granted to
the Plattsmouth Journal, a semi-
weekly newspaper printed in said
county, for three" successive weeks
prior to said day of hearing.
Witness my hand and seal of sail
court, this 20th day of May, A. D.
(Sea!) m2-3w. County Judge.
State of Nebraska, County of Cass,
Ey virtue of an Order of Sale is
sued by James Robertson, Clerk of
the District Court within and for
Cass county, Nebraska, and to rce
directed, I will on the 2Pth day of
(June, A. D. 1922, at 10 o'clock a. in.
of eaie. ciay at the south door of tie
tion to the highest bidder for cash
the following described real estate,
The north half of the north
west quarter (NWU) of Sec
tion four, (4) Township eleven,
(11) north of Range thirteen,
(13) east of the Gth Principal
Meridian, in Cass county, Ne
braska, containing eighty (80)
acres mere or less, together with
all the appurtenances thereunto
The same being levied upon and
taken as the property of Jacob P.
Falter, Mary Falter, George W. Sny
der, Matilda G. Snyder, John McNur
lin -and Ottis McNurlin, defendants,
to satisfy a judgment of said court
recovered by Martha Celestia Reed,
plaintiff, against said defendants.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, May 20th,
A. D. 1922.
Sheriff. Cass County,
A. L. TIDD, Attorney.
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In tho County Court.
In the matter of the estate of
v imam i. jiciarron, deceased.
To the creditors of snid estate:
i uu ai e r.r 1 1 -u iwuncu, mat i win
sit at the County Court room in
view to their fcd-
justir.ent and allowance. The time
limited for the presentation of claims
against said estate i3 three months
de-'from the 19th day of June. A. D.
;1U22, and the time limited for pay-
r:?nt of debts is one year from said
19th day of June, 1922.
Witness my hand and the seal of
said County Court, this 15th day of
May. 1922.
(Seal) m22-4w. County Judge.
H'.rtner I'.iagmeni ana aecree oi
Tf ic- V prph v nrvlrffui t h 1 1 vmi . nnn