The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 08, 1922, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Union Department
Prepared Exclusively for The Journal.
at the James Fitchhorn pasture, and
for real fun they were there and
over, for they made fourteen runs to
one two by the Rock Bluffs team.
They will play with the Nehawka
team the coming Sunday, and expect
to have an excellent time.
Hot, Woll H Would Say So!
How would you like to sweat over a roaring hot
fire in a kitchen stove, while the remainder of the fam
ily could get away where there was a breath of air?
Say, do you net think the wife and mother and
the daughter also should have something comfortable
to cook a meal on?
Our Perfection and Puritan oil stoves solve this
problem. See Joe Banning for one! He can deliver it
at ence and give the wife, mother and daughter an equal
show with the rest of the family.
n 9 s
J. n. Cross was busy during the
first of the week painting the new
fence at the Hank of Union.
Mr. J. X. Larsh has been doing: a
very thriving business selling straw
berries from his farm near the river.
Danker J. M. Patterson was a vis
itor in Plattsmouth last Monday,
driving over to the county seat in his
Sheriff C. D. Quinton was a visitor
in Union last Monday, coming to look
after some legal business for a short
Mrs. J. E. McCarroll was a guest
of her niece. Mrs. Cari McSpailden, at
Syracuse for a short time, going last
Frank Rhoden of Omaha was look
ing after some business matters in
Union both on last Saturday and
Monday as well.
Mr. and Mrs. Li. G. Todd and
children were visiting at the home
of Harry Todd near ?.Iurray for a few
hours last Sunday.
Mr. A. V. Propst was a visitor In
Omaha last Monday, where he went
to secure an automobile which he
sold to a r.arty in Nehawka.
Charles Schwab of Xehawka was a
brief visitor in Union last Monday,
accompanied by Mrs. Schwab while
on their way to Plattsmouth. -
Mark Burton of near Nehawka was
in Union the first of this week and
was doing some work at the homes
of Miss Jessie Todd and L. G. Todd.
Itev. and Mrs. V. A. Taylor were
looking after some business matters
in Plattsmouth last Monday, driving
over to the county seat in their auto.
John Irvin was running the road
maintainer for a number of days past
while Frank Glaublitz was off not
feeling very well, and was not able
to work.
Ben King, the man who was killed
at the Decatur attempted bank rob
bery recently, was at one time a res
ident of Union being a young last at
the time.
Mr. A. L. Becker the merchant.
That is Our Business!
Sure it is our business to please the trade, and to
do this we are doing the very best work. Auto supplies
also standard and always the best. We are here to
succeed, and we can do it only by giving the best of
service in every instance.
The Auto Man
Low Shoes!
We have just received a new invoice of new shoes of 1hc
latest style, which we are offering at lower prices than coiJJ.
have been made formerly.
Remember we are furnishing Fresh Meats and Groceries
at prices which are as low as can be made.
Do not wait to long to secure your needed binding twine,
for harvest will soon be here and you will want twine, and yoa
had better have it and not delay the harvest at a loss.
A mild
Chloroform. Etliar or other general anaeatnatia
enrt e-carajitaed la every eaae accepted for treatment, and no money to bo
IMU1 tnUI earad. Write for book on Rectal Uloeaeea. wnn narova ana f
etf mora than l.frOO prominent people who hare been permanently f " re 1 -OK.
K. K r VUJIY. MiMterim. Pete re Trnmt BWf. Bee lid.). OM.4IIA. jTIES,
. ) um. K. M. Jnh .!. Medical Paraea . t
was shelling and delivering his last
year's crop of corn last Monday, the
Farmers Elevator company getting
the grain.
Mrs. Mary Taylor and daughter,
Miss Rachel, of University Place, was
a visitor for a number of days at
the home of Miss Elsie Taylor at
Union last week.
V. H. Marks is not feeling the
best at this time, but is able to get
around though not able to do any
work. It is hoped he will soon be
feeling better again.
Leo Finkle purchased a new cul
tivator from Joe Banning, which he
immediately put to use in the fields
and was killing wcedo in gocd shape
the remainder of the day.
Mr. G. L. Brinton and son are put
ting in the foundation at the home
of Isaac Dye. where
they will begin
constructio: of a
immediately on the co
new modern farm residence
Attorney C. II. Taylor and family
of Omaha were visiting last Sunday
at the home of Mr. Taylor's sister,
Miss Elsie Taylor and other friends
and relatives in and about Union.
Mrs. Sam Kellog, Jr., of Lincoln,
visited last Sunday at the heme of
Mr. and Mrs. J. X. Larsh, while Mrs.
Sam Kellogg has been a guest at Die
same hospitable home for .ome time
Edward Dowler and family of the
Dowler Brothers garage, was a visi
tor at Weeping Water last Sunday,
bein& a guest for the day at the hoire
of Mrs. Dowler's mother, Mrs. C. C.
The secretary's office of the Key
stone Pipe company, which has been
located in Union f o r a number of
years, was recently removed to Ne
braska City, where the work of man
ufacture is done.
Merchant Itucben Dundore Stine
was assisting his son George put up
alfalfa latt Monday and made much
hay while the sun was shining, not
withstanding they had to sweat a lit
tle in the operation.
Union, Neb.
Fistula-Pay When Cured
aratam of treatment that eurea Pti
sthar Rectal laeaaea In I
without a eevere eurrtcaJ operation. Na
R. L. Propst, who has just re
turned to his home in Plattsmouth
from the winter's stay in Florida,
was a visitor at the home of his son,
A. W. Propst in Union last Sunday
and a part of Monday.
The Rev. Walter Anderson, of Om
aha ministered unto the church at
Union of the Baptists, he being a
minister of this church, and deliver
ed a very telling sermon both in
the morning and evening.
The elevators at Union are both
kept very busy at this time in receiv
ing and shipping corn, which is now
pressing on the market in the in
ternal between the planting and cul
tivaticn of the. corn crop.
Miss Helen Todd, of Murray, who
has just returned from a stay in Lin
coln, where she has been attending
the state university, was a visitor
with her aunt. Miss Jessie Todd, and
uncle L. G. Todd and family.
John Eehrns from west of Xehnw
l;a was a Union visitor last Monday,
and while here purchased a mower
from Mr. Joseph Banning, which he
went home and immediately used in
making hay in his alfalfa field.
Mr. Garrett Taylor and Miss Ad-
die Lehman, of Omaha, were guests
at the home of Mr. W. A. Clarence,
and also enjoyed a good visit with
friends as well as a fishing at the
Weeping Water creek near its mouth
Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Straight, ac
companied by Mr. Richard Bruce, all
of Hamburg, Iowa, were visiting at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Mc
Carroll and were met at Nebraska
City by Miss Kannie McCarroll, who
accompanied them to Union.
Earl Merritt finished painting the
front of the Farmers store building
and which has made a much more
pleasing effect than before the work.
Karl well knows how to enhance the
appearance of a structure by the lire
of his brush and pail of paint.
Many of the members 'of the W. C.
T. U. of Union accepted the invita
tion of the society at Platf mouth to
meet with the Union there on last
Monday. Among those oing from
Union were Mesdames Ivan Balfour,
W. B. Banning and L. G. Todd.
The Frans Lumber company of
Union has sold to the county build
ing blocks for the construction of a
patrol house which the county will
use for the housing of their imple
ments that are used in the mainte
nance of the highway running out
of Union.
A. R. Bowler last Monday trucked
three loads of hog3 from the home of
Mr. E. M. Smith, east of Union, to
Nebraska City, doing the work in
the forenoon, but it took hustling'
and Aria is the one who can do it
On Tuesday he repeated the Monday's
work, hauling hogs this time for Mr.
Joe Everett.
Messrs. T. M. Patterson, of Platts
mouth. connected with the Farmers
State Bank of that place, and Samuel
Patterson his brother, making their
home in Omaha, were visiting last
Sunday for a short time at the home
of J. M. Patterson of Union, and at
tended the ball game.
Milton's Colts are feeling pretty
good thank you, having been win
ning a number of games lately, and
also have just been fitted out with a
brand new uniform. Ralph Larsch.
who is their mascot, has also treated
himself to a suit to correspond with
those the members of the class se
cured. His aunt, Mrs. John Larsch
making the suit for the little ball
Mr. and Mrs. Flemming Rabb and
the children arrived from Montana
last week in their auto, having been
on the road for two weeks. They
followed the storm which occurred a
week or more ago, and came in just
after the rain, and found the bad
roads, but missed the storm. They
will probably make their home here
in the future, but as yet he has not
decided just what he wilhdo and they
are at this time resting up after the
trip. C
Enjoyed Musieal Tea
The members of the W. C. T. U.
of Union enjoyed a most pleasant af
ternoon at the home of Mrs. J. M.
rutterson last Saturday afternoon.
Following the most pleasant after
noon, which was enjoyed by a large
number of the order in and about
Union, a silver offering was received
for the expenses of the society and
for the furtherance of their work.
Joseph Lidgett Very Sick
Joseph Lidgett. living north of
town, was suddenly taken very sick
at his home last Saturday morning
just as he was preparing to go to his
work and had been kept at home
ever since. Mr. Lidgett is being
treated by Dr. W. F. Race and soon
hopes to be able to be out again.
Jleeting Excellent Success
Miss Caroline Walbridge, who is
keeping a musical studio at the par
lors of Miss Jessie Todd, where she
gives very high class instruction in
music, is meeting with an abundant
success, and has a most appreciatable
Had Picnic in Park
The members of the Epworth
League, the young people's society of
the Methodist church of Union, gath
ered at the old settler's picnic park
southwest of Union and enjoyed the
evening with games and eats, having
a most splendid time.
Two Ball Games Lost and Won
Last Sunday saw two ball games
for the Union fans, one of which was
won by the second team called Milt's
Colts, and the other lost by the reg
ular team of Union. The game play
ed by the first team was with Avoca,
and was a good game from many
angles, one for the man who likes to
see a team make many runs was sure
ly pleased for Avoca the visiting team
made 23 (skidoo) and held the local
team down to a bare half dozen.
However, all were happy.
Milton's Colts played Rock Bluffs
Will Eold Children's Day
There will be regular services in
all departments of the Methodist
church on the coming Sunday. Dur
ing the day there will be the Bible
school in the morning, followed by
preaching and in the afternoon the
junior league will meet, but in the
evening the entire time will be given
over to the Children's day exercises,
for which preparations are being
made during the week. Better plan
to go to this evening's entertainment,
for if you do not you will be the
Rains of Past Fortnight Prove of
Great Benefit Fruit Prospects
Continue Favorable.
Lincoln, June P. Improved con
tions cf small grain, general comple
tion of corn planting and cultivation
and satisfactory soil and moisture
conditions with the exception of a
few north central counties, are re
ported in the Nebraska crop summary
issued by the federal and state bu
reaus of markets and crop estimates.
The alfalfa harvest also is under way,
according to the summary.
"Winter wheat has improved, but
cannot recover completely from the
damage caused by the previous dry,
unfavorable conditions," says the re
port. "Present indications point to
an average yield in production. The
crop is heading throughout the east
ern two-thirds of the wheat belt, and
the present moisture supply is suffi
cient to finish the crop. a3 dry weath
er is preferable during the last two
weeks of the filling period.
Sains Beneficial
Spring grains have made marked
improvement since the recent rains.
continues the report, and present
prospects are highly favorable, ex
cept in a few of the northeastern
counties. Boyd, Holt, western Knox
and Keya Paha counties of north!
central Nebraska are still in need of
moisture, according to the summary.
"The planting of corn is completed
and cultivation is in progress in the
southeastern quarter of the state,"
continues the report. "Some of the
counties have larger acreages th,an
anticipated, due to the abandoned
winter wheat. The crop is advanced
fully as far as it was a year ago this
Reporting other conditions, the
summary adds:
"The fruit prospects remain very
favorable, comments from most
countiss indicating conditions among
thebest experienced.
"The condition of potatoes, also,
is satisfactory, and plans are being
made for the marketing of the early
commercial crops. Sugar beets were
somewhat injured by high winds pre
vious to the .recent rains.
"The harvest of the first crop of
alfalfa started early in the week. The
crop ranges from fair to excellent
and averages considerably better
than the first crop of last season."
Washington, June 5. The su
preme court denied Mrs. Emma C.
Bergdoll, Charles Braun, James E.
Romig, Albert S. Mitchell and Harry
Schuh permission to bring up for re
view the cases decided against them
in the United States district court at
Philadelphia and affirmed by the cir
cuit court of appeals.
They were convicted ot having aid
ed Edwin R. and Grover C. Bergdoll,
sons of Mrs. Bergdoll, to evade mili
tary service and were sentenced to
fines and imprisonment, the prison
sentences to be remitted provided the
fines were paid by a date fixed by the
While the case was on appeal to
the supreme court, the fines were
paid under protest, and it was held
by the courts that this disposed of
the issue, the judgment of the court
having been satisfied.
Fire Chief Sandin Has No Off Days
In Regard to Keeping Down
Any Fire Dangers.
Dr. O. Sandin, chief of the Tlatts
mouth fire department, was out to
day looking over the condition of
ihe back doors of the business sec
tion and the interiors of the places
where there might lurk any menace
to safety In the way of rubbish or
dirt that might cause fires.
The work of Chief Sandin in this
line is to be commended as he has
conducted an unceasing campaign in
his term of office, to see that all pos
sible danger was eliminated" in the
way of fire traps a,nd piles of rub
bish that used to be found in the
rear of many of the business houses
but with "Doc" on the job he has
cleaned up all of these places and
sees that they are kept as clean as
is posible to do. The result has been
that there has been few fire losses
in the main part of the city and with
a constant program of watchfulness
there will be even less.
I Tho itifn certalnlv fppl well
pleased that they have a man that
takes the keen interest that Dr. San
din does in the work of the fire de
i partment and the care of the clean
liness of the city.
We can furnish yon blank books
most any kind at Journal office.
1 &irtrfrW 1 - -------;
.For the Cadillac we
recommend the f ol
io wing grades:
Scottsbluff Attorney Completes Filing
at Lincoln Yesterday Tired
Waiting on Kinkaid.
T? fi Simmons. of Scottsbluff.
called at the state house Monday and
filed as a candidate for congressman
in the sixth district. He is a repub
lican and is the second representative
of that party to enter the race in
spite of Congressman Kinkaid's re
cent intima tion that he might re
call his withdrawal and again get in
the race.
Secretary of State D. M. Amsberry
Co2a$?c2' Lz&hriez&iozii ns Easy
Wihen you us this C&asS:
13 your motor being scient-'fiCiliy l'jbric&Nii!? How sura sire ycti
that you are buying the riph; oil? Can you 1 o ccrta'n you aro
right without the guidance cf lubrication er.gne?rs, who ur.t cniy
understand your motor but who have &!ao rnaciurtd the tremen
dous complications of oil supply and oil refining ?
Automotive engineers agree that fully SC, t ct" all rr.ctor rcrcir and
replacement costs are directly caused by the us: of low .- hJaO oil
or oil of unsuitable body. To meet th: j coi' Jitlo". our erei is havo
prepared a simple chart the Pclarine Chart which you
against costly mistakes of this nature.
This chart is included in the Red Crown Head Map which his been
mailed to every motorisit in the state cl Nc-brs ,l:a. If ycu have
not received a copy one will be sent upon request. It gives speci
fications for practically every car made; rpecifjcauons tested ar.J
proved beyond the possibility of doubt.
Polarine is the highest quality of oil j-ou can buy. Its stability
under high engine heat ussures a fual-i:ght an-J f;as-tight sen! h
the cylinders maximum power and mileage from the gusoli.u.
Its smooth, penetrating f.lm protects hearings and tr.sagmj p&rts
against wear, vibration at:d breakage.
Polarine Oil is made in four grades mr-HuT: Htiht, r.iedium
heavy, heavy and extra heavy but in only one quality.
You can get the proper grade for your cr v.hi.ra you buy your
clean-burning, scientifically balance! Ped Ciow n Casolir.e -and
ycu will avoid a lot of bother ar.d expense. Prevent costly lubri
cation mistakes. See the Polarine Ctart today, make sure ycur
oil is right, and stick to it. It pays big!
of Broken Bow is the other repub
lican who has filed nomination pap
ers as a republican. Mr. Amsberry
announced at the time of his filing
that he would get out of the way if
Kinkaid desired to withdraw his
Mr. Simmons, in filing issued a
statement in which he said he had
waited five days since Mr. Kinkaid
indicated that he might get back in
to the running. Mr. Kinkaid has not
re-entered. So, Mr. Simmons is in
the race and apparently in to stay,
regardless of whether Kinkaid has
another change of mind.
Mr. Simmons is tbirty-cne years of
age. He is engaged in the practice
of law and is a graduate of the uni
versity collegia of law, being one of
fiev honor students of the class of
1915. He has served as county at
torney in Scotts Bluff county, where
he was born. He enlisted in the army
in October, 1917, and was in the air
Always Uniform
Properly Balanced
'"pHE uniformity of Red Crown Gasoline has
long commended it. Under all weather
conditions it assures quick starts and maxi
mum power range, whether creeping along a
crowded street or hitting the high spots on
the open road.
This power flexibility is due to several
things correct volatility for easy starting
high flame speed for maximum power the.
proper proportion of certain petroleum frac
tions for big mileage per gallon clean com
bustion for keeping down carbon troubles
found only in carefully refined, balanced
Red Crown Gasoline is certified to meet all
U. S. Government specifications. It is so
well balanced that you can always run on a
lean, economical, clean-burning mixture. Sold
everywhere, and always dependably uniform.
Drive in where you see the Red Crown sign.
Wherever you go you can get Red Crown
Gasoline. Wherever you buy Red Crown
Gasoline you get properly balanced, eco
nomical motor fuel.
Zm ' !) ' 'TM''- ' ,:r' " i'i " 'II . 1,1 :i ir ! : -!i ir iV !;. !'t,:. , M i" .' i, ; .,
For the Ovrr:,nd
WO rrrn '. : :
folJov.ii J
Jh hv
medium i ::::it
Trj.NVMi'Lfi zr.
DlfTcre r.: 1
service rt Omaha. Pefore rnteriiii;
the university in 1911, he was a stu
dent two years in Hastings college.
He was formerly state commander of
the American legion.
Mr. Simmons is president of tbo
university alumni association and in
thrt ofl'ice will bo succeeded in July
by Judge 12. Ii. Perry, of Lincoln.
Stste Journal.
Hare you noticed that it the stores
that advertise which are always filled
with buyers?
-b Coates Block Second Floor b
-. .iAM?. t-,t-,T
in u b a u u q
U ' LJ
13 vum; to. titfur v must Q
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