The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 08, 1922, Image 1

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    cal Society
VOL. NO. XXXV 111.
NO. 94
Iing her some relief. She has been in
a rather dazed or semi-conscious con
xlluui, uxi .wv v.uu j , dition since the auto accident near
by 4 to 0 Score Seven Hits
to Portsmouth's Four.
From Monday's Dally.
Yesterday afternoon the Vinton
Street Express team of Omaha proved
too much for the local base ball ar
tists and journeyed back to the me
tropolis at the close of the conflict,
winners by the score of 4 to 0.
The visiters proved lucky In the
breaks of the game and the locals
found in their lone drives that there
va.s one of the visitors at the spot to
grab off what seemed certain to be
mis. siacy, cemer neiuer oi me visi
tors, was the chief figure in nipping
off the chances of the Merchants on
several long drives in his territory.
Garvey did the work on the mound
for the Vinton Express and the locals
were unable to solve his change in
pace and only snagged four hit in
the game while the visitors garnered
five hits, one a two sacker off Mason
in five innings and two off McCarthy
in four innings of the struggle.
The first run of the game was in
the third inning when L. L. Spenser
secured first when he drove a hot
one to Mason and advanced to sec
ond while Garvey was striking out.
Freeh in was out on a grounder, Ma
son to O'Donnell and Spenser scored
while Stacey was striking out. The
second score came in the fourth
frame. R. Spenser was out, McFar
land to O'Donnell, Empty, the visi
tors' backstop, lifted a high fly to
"Wink" in the center garden, and re
tired, while McCulloch was able to
beat a grounder to first and when
Bryant reached first on the third
strike that Shepherd failed to hold.)
the runner advanced. Schewer then
rapped a safe one to the 'left field that
tallied McCulloch. L. Spenser closed
the inning with a fly to O'Donnell.
In the fifth inning Garvey. the
vifitir.g pitcher, snagged one of Wil
liam Harvey's fast ones and lifted it
to the center field for a hit and was
followed by McAurliffe, who had re
placed Frechin at short, and who al-
secured a hit into the left field
that advanced Garvey and when
St-icey hit safe over short. Garvey
scored. The seventh inning also
pave the visitors a run. Garvey was
whiffed by McCarthy. McAurliffe was
declared safe on a close play at first
base. Stacey hit safe to right fiield.
and when McAurliffe attempted to
steal third. Herald threw wild and
allowed the runner to tally on the
In the fielding department of the
game McFarland at short showed the brilliant playing for the locals,
while Spreacher in the center garden
also robbed the visitors of several
runs. McCarthy pitched a good game
but the odds were decidedly against
the locals at the time he went in to
try and stem the tide of defeat, and
despite their rally in the eighth and'
attempted come-back In the ninth,!
the Merchants were unable to garner'
in a single score.
The tabulated box score was as
An n
Herald, rf. c 4
O'Donnell. lb 4
Newmann, 3b 3
Shepherd, c, rf 4
McCarthy, p. If 3
GrometT, 2b 1
McFarland, ss 4
Spreacher, cf 4
Mason, p, If 3
30 4 27 10
Vinton Street
Frechin. ss
McAurliffe, ss
Stacey. cf
R. Sponger, 3b
Empkey, c
McCulloch, lb
Bryant, If
Schwer, 2b
Spenser, rf
Garvey, p
S6 7 2',
Saturday evening for a few hours,
Hon. A. W. Jefferis of Omaha, pres
'ent congressman from the second dis
trict, and a candidate for the repub
lican nomination for United States
senator, was in the city visiting with
his friends and stopping to look over
the situation for a short time.
Mr. Jefferis had been in a number
of towns in the southern portion of
the state, and feels well pleased
over the outlook in the state. He will
be opposed in the primary by a num
ber of candidates including R. B.
Howell of Omaha and Attorney Gen
eral Clarence A. Davis.
From Monday Daily
The pleasant summer like day yes
terday drew out a large number of
the auto owners with their families
and friends to spend the day driv
ing over the country and on into Om
aha and the roads were filled with
cars the greater part of the time as It
was the first really pleasant Sunday
for some weeks that wonld permit
any extensive traveling.
From Monday's Iany.
The condition of Mrs. Albert Funk
at the Lord Lister hospital in Omaha
is reported as about the same as it
I has been, although Mrs. Funk was
.operated on Friday in the hope of giv-
Waverly two weeks ago and her fam
ily as well as the attending physi
cians have been very much worried
over the case and it was finally de
cided that an operation on the por
tion of the head which was injured
would be necessary. She is still in
a very serious shape, but seems some
brighter than she had been prior to
the operation.
Claude Eichardson Captures Body of
Drowned Man Floating m the
Waters of Big Muddy
Saturday evening about 7: SO as
Claude Richardson was bringing the
ferry boat across the Missouri river,
he was startled when in the middle
of the river, to see the body of a
man floating down the center of the
stream and at once Mr. Richardson,
taking a row boat, put out after the
body and brought it into the Nebras
ka bank of the river, where it was
held pending the action of the au
thorities. The man had been in the
water for at least ten days or two
weeks and was in a very bad state of
decomposition at the time he was
The body was apparently that of
a man between thirty-five and forty
years of age, and of a rather robust
! !? " , j?
uiiu j t v i cw to. ins a l ljci i a. u v c v as
hard to fix as he had been in the
water so long that his hair was about
the only point that could be used in
identification a he had no papers or
anything that might give a clue to
his identity on his person.
It was thought at first that he
might be one of the two men who had
been drowned while working for the
"Woods Brothers eompany. on their
riprapping work near Bellevue, but
the superintendent and one of the
men employed there, who were brot
here by Sheriff Quinton and County
Attorney Cole failed to identify the
man as one of their employes.
The body was taken to the Sat
tler undertaking rooms to be pre
pared for burial and his identity will
be ay matter of conjecture.
Cass Chapter of this City Visits Ne
braska City and Institutes
New Otoe Chapter There.
The officers and members of Cass
J , Chapter, Order of De Molay, drove to
1 ' Xphrnskn f!itv Saturdav whprp thpv
i - - j j
j- j officiated at the instituting of Otoe
the new chapter was started with a
membership of forty-four of the
young men of that city.
Dr. Zoro D. Clark of Omaha, mem
i ber of the grand council of the or
der, was in charge of the work of in
stituting the new chapter and was
assisted by the members of the local
chapter in installing the newly elect
ed officers of Otoe chapter. Allen
Wilson was appointed as master
councilor of the new chapter and
Arthur Sweet as scribe, these two
young men having been Initiated by
Cass chapter at their meeting last
0 i Tuesday.
The meeting was held at the Ma
sonic Temple and was largely at
tended by the members of the var
ious Masonic bodies, Walter Ander
son of Lincoln, and Wilber Annes
of Dunbar gave short addresses. The
new chapter is sponsored by Key
stone Chapter, No. 2, Royal Arch
Queen Esther chapter of the Or
der of Eastern Star, served a very
fine buffet luncheon at 6 o'clock to
the members of both chapters and
which was very much enjoyed by the
The work of initiating the candi
dates occupied until a late hour and
it was quite early Sunday morning
when the local De Molays returned
home feeling that they had assisted
materially in advancing the good
work of the order in the planting of
the new chapter.
Edgar Wescott Is a very happy
young man over a present received
by him from his grandfather, C. E.
Wescott of Los Angeles, and which
consised of a round trip ticket from
this city to Los Angeles and return.
The voune man will leave tomorrow
! morning over the Union Pacific from
I Omaha to the coast and will join his
'father there in a few weeks' visit
i with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
c. E. Wescott and Is anticipating a
' fine time there.
Miss Selma Gregerson and Mr. Flace
S. Phebus to be Married at
Willard, Mont., June 7.
From Mondays Dally.
In a letter from D. H. Phebus, at
Miles Citv, Montana, comes the an
nouncement of the fact that his
brother, Flace S. Fhebus, a former
Plattsmouth young man is to be mar
ried on Wednesday, June 7th, to Miss
Selma Amanda Gregerson, at the
home of the bride's parents at Wil
lard. Montana.
The groom is well known here,
where he spent his boyhood days and
the old friends will be pleased to
learn cf the happiness that is to come
to him. Mr. Phebus is warehouse
foreman for the C. M. & St. Paul
railroad, having been with this com
pany since 1916, barring the time
he spent in the army. He graduat
ed from the Plattsmouth high school
in the class of 190S and lived in this
city from the time he was six j-ears
old up to reaching manhood, coming
here with his parents from his birth
place, at Beaver City, Nebraska.
After leaving school he was in the
employe of the Burlington in the
local shops until 1913 when he left
for eastern Montana to take up a
homestead and has been in that lo
cality since.
From MnSay Dally.
The entertainment that was given
Friday evening as a part of the clos
ing exercises of the St. John s school
of this city, was repeated last even
ing at the school building before an
audience that filled the auditorium of
the building to its utmost capacity.
The little folks who took part in
the two operettas as well as the spec
ial acts, are deserving of every com
mendation as' they showed remark-
able talent for their years ana the
Sisters of the school, as well as the
others who assisted in their training
certainly were very successful in ar
ranging the pleasant event.
The "Daisy Drill" by the little
girls and the "Dolly Song" by these
same little ladies were received with
the most marked approval, while the
dancing number of the old fashioned
dance of Grandma's days by six of
the smaller boys and girls, was the
big hit of the evening and heartily
encored by the delighted audience.
In the operetta. "The Golden Slip
per," Catherine Flynn, Teresa Liber
shal and Mary Schlater divided hon
ors in the dramatic portion of the
play with Louise Fogarty, Eleanor
O'Brien and Teresa Hausladen also
proving very pleasing in their roles.
The boys of the school in their
offering, "A Grain of Salt." were very
entertaining and kept everyone in a
laugh over the troubles of "Dr.
Curem." William McCarthy and John
Uhlik being cast in the leading roles.
The two entertainments were very
pleasing throughout and the little
folks who participated can feel that
they have given a most fitting close
to the year of school activities.
From Monday' Daily.
The time for filing for the com
ing primary election is growing
shorter as there will be only twelve
days more for filing left. The lists
will close on Saturday June 17th,
and those who desire to come forth
as candidates should cast aside their
timidity and announce themselves as
County Clerk George Sayles has a
large stock of blanks that he would
like to use up in this way and the
county treasury is ready at all times
to receive the filing fees. So far
the democratic and progressive fil
ings have been very slow in coming
out and the parties who are expect
ing to become candidates should get
busy ere the bars are put down.
Saturday evening there was a not
able gathering of the members of the
second district Rebekahs held at the 1
I. O. O. F. hall in Omaha to attend t
the reception tendered by Mrs. Ben
jamin DeNaud, past assembly presi
dent of District No. 2, and the offi
cers of the district were present in
force to enjoy the very pleasant
social gathering. Mr. and Mrs. J. H.
Short of this city were present as
well as Grand Marshal Paddock, Sam
Greenleaf of Omaha, and Mrs. Talbot,
assembly secretary.
The announcement of the death of
Edward Morrison, a resident of this
city a number of years ago, and
which occurred at New York City on
the morning of June 2nd, has been
received here. The deceased man was
fifty-eight years of age and was born
in Plattsmouth and made his home
here until eighteen years of age,
when he left this city to follow up
his profession as telegraph operator.
He leaves a brother, Charles F. Mor
rison, of Kansas City, Missouri, to
mourn his death.
From TuesGays Dally.
This afternoon the passengers on
Burlington train No. 24, from Om
aha to this city, were treated to a
) thrill that comes only once in a life
time, when it was rumored that
"Brown" the much songht after and
little known of Omaha kidnapper,
was sitting in the smoking car of the
train1. The man in question got on
the train at Bellevue and did not
purchase a ticket at the station as
is the rule, but insisted on paying a
cash fare to Pacific Junction and al
so stated that he intended to go from
the Junction to St. Joseph, Mo. How
ever, after a general conference it
was decided that the man was prob
ably some honest son of toil irom
Bellevue and not the well known out
Miss Teressa Sedlak end Mr. John
H. Toman United in Marriage
at Holy Rosary Church.
From Tuesday's Dally.
This morning at 9 o'clock at the
Holy Rosary Catholic church on
west Pearl street, occurred the mar
riage of Miss Teresea and Mr. John
Toman of this city. The ceremony
was attended by a largo number of
the relatives and close friends of the
contracting parties. .
As the strains of !the wedding
march were played very softly by
Mrs. Vincent Slatinsk, at the organ
the bridal party entered the church
to plight their vows of love at the
altar, where the Rev. Ferdinand
Suesser, celebrated the beautiful and
impressive nuptial mass of the Cath
olic church.
The bride was very handsomely
gowned in white gorgette crepe,
wearing the long flov.-iTig bridal vtil
that was caught and held by the tra
ditional orange blossoms. Miss Sed
lak carried a shower bouquet of
bride roses.
The bride was av cvpanied by
Miss Rose Jlrousek, who- was very
attractive in a costume of pink gor
gette and carried pink roses.
The groom and his best man, Mr.
Anton Hula, were dressed in the con
ventional dark suits.
Following the wedding ceremony
the bridal party returned to the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Toman.
Sr.. parents of the groom where a
luncheon was served and the young
people showered with the well wish
es of the host of friends and their
This afternoon Mr. and Mrs. To
man departed on a two weeks' hon
eymoon in the west and will then
return to this city where tlu-y will
make their home for the present at
the home of the groom in the west
portion of the city.
Both of the contracting parties are
known to a large circle of warm
friends, who will join in wishing
them all of the joy and harpincss
that life can possibly unfold for
them in the coming years. The bride
is a sister of Joseph Sedlik. Jr., and
Mike Sedlak, and has resided here
for the past year and a half, com
ing here from her home in Bohemia,
and during this time she has made
many warm friends who learn with
pleasure of her new happiness. The
groom is one of the industrious
young men of the city and is in the
employ of the Burlington in the local
shops weh ere he has been employed
since completing his school work in
the city schools.
From Tuesday's Daily.
Yesterday Rev. John Calvert had
the first meeting of the boys of the
city who are interested in the good,
clean, healthful sports, at the base
ball park and nineteen of the boys
were present to participate in the
business of the occasion and the lads
proceeded to loosen up in a red hot
game of baseball and this sport
seems to be the favorite with all
of the boys who are getting enrolled
in the summer program oi supervised
play. Rev. Calvert is devoting as
much time as possible to the aiding
of the youngsters in their sports and
games and feels well repaid if the
boys will show the interest in the
work. The chamber of commerce has
offered to assist in securing equip
ment for the kids and a season of
real enjoyment may be looked for
ward to.
From Tuesday' Dally.
Andrew P. Moran, Nebraska City
attorney, was here yesterday after
noon and last evening for a few
hours and incidently Andy let out
the information that he is in the
race for state senator to a finish,
that is, as to the republican nomi
nation for the office and will be in
the battle on July 18th as opposing
A. F. Sturm of Nehawka, the pres
ent occupant of that office and who
is also seeking the republican nomi
nation. Mr. Moran is well known
over this portion of the state having
been the state president of the Ea
gles and has for years been one of
the active figures in the Otoe county
republican politics.
From Tuesdays Dttly.
Yesterday was observed the twenty-fifth
anniversary cf the ordina
tion of the Rev. Wilbur Scranton
Leete of St. Luke's church, into the
priesthood of the Protestant Episto
pal church, and the occasion was
very fittingly observed by the mem
bers of the parish and the able and
popular rector enjoyed the pleasure
of a visit from a number of the cler
gy of Nebraska, who came to greet
iheir co-worker in the field of the
Master and to assist him in seeing
that the event was fittingly remem
The visiting clergy arrived on the
8:10 Burlington train yesterday
morning from Omaha and consisted
of the Rev. Lloyd Holdsaple, rector
of St. Barnabas church; the Rev.
Stanley Jones, rector of St. Paul's
church; the Rev. Ralph Blanning,
Church of the Good Shepherd: the
Rev. John Albert Williams, St. Phil
ip's church, all of Omaha; the Rev.
James Noble, rector in charge of St.
Mary's church. Blair; the Rev. Sher
man cf Sterling, Colorado; Dean
Mcore of Trenton. New Jersey, for
mer secretary of the diocease of Ne
braska, and John Wilkinson, who is
to be ordained a minister of the
church on June ISth at Omaha.
At St. Luke's church at 8:25 there
was a choral celebration of the Holy
Eucharist, Father Holdsaple presid
ing at the organ and the visiting
clergymen singing the services, Fath
er Leete was the celebrant of the
Eucharist and Jack McCarthy served
for the occasion.
Fatter Holdsaple gave the sermon
for the service taking as his subject
"Faithfulness," and in which he paid
a fitting tribute to the quarter of a
century of service of Father Leete
that is being celebrated now and al
so gave tb the members of the par
ish the lessons of the reward of the
good ard faithful servant of the
The number of communicants pres
ent was the largest in the history of
the service of the present rector and
which was one of the features of the
anniversary that most deeply appeal
ed to the worthy rector as a reward
of his services.
After the church service the mem
bers of the visiting clergy and Mrs.
Lloyd Holdsaple of Omaha, were en
tertained by Father and Mrs. Leete
and Madame Leete at breakfast at
the rectory and with the visitors
was included Jack McCarthy, who
had assisted in the service. At this
time the members of the Church
School Service League and the Girls
Friendly, presented thir rector with
a purse, each of the chapters mak
ing appropriate presentation of their
remembrances. The members of the
parish also gave the worthy rector
a purse in commendation of his ser
vice to them in the past eight years.
Following the breakfast Misses
Margaret Donelan and Mable White
gave the visiting clergy an oppor
tunity of viewing the city by taking
them for an auto ride over the beau
tiful drives and tree-clad hills of the
city that was very much enjoyed by
all of the party.
At 1 o'clock the visitors as well
as the Leete family were entertained
at lunch at the rectory, several of
the ladies of the parish serving the
delightful repast that had been pre
pared for the occasion. The tables
were very handsomely aranged in
decorations of pink roses and bach
elor's buttons and made a very tasty
setting for the pleasant occasion. Af
ter the luncheon the members of the
party enjoyed the time in an infor
mal visit with the rector and his
family, returning at 3:20 to Omaha.
In addition to the gifts of the par
ish Father Leete received a large
number of bouquets of flowers as
well as congratulatory messages from
various places as greetings of old
friends on the observance of his an
niversary. The ordination of Father Leete oc
curred at Baltimore, Maryland, and
he has been in charge of St. Luke's
parish here for the past eight years,
being one of the most popular priests
that has served here in the history
of the church and in his personal
touch with the members of his
church being a worthy successor to
the venerable Canon Burgess, who
labored so long here with the parish
Frm Tuesday Dally.
Three suits were filed this morn
ing in the office of Clerk of the Dis
trict Court James M. Robertson, by
Fred E. Bodie, receiver of the defunct
Bank of Cass County, in which the
receiver seeks to recover from a num
ber of the stockholders the cash val
ue of their stock. The largest stock
holder, R. F. Patterson, is listed at
having eighty-five shares of the val
ue of $100 each and the sum of $8,
500 is asked by the receiver. The
other actions are against T. H. Pol
lock listed with 25 shares valued at
$2,500, and Mrs. Lyda Pollock -ith
22 shares of the value of $2,200.
Truly the coming of summer with
its brightness, the long and cool in
viting grass, the bright flowers, the
soft and inviting streams and the
Ion gdays of play of the "vacation
time are truly the days o fyouth and
which the youngsters take tho full
est advantage. Each day tno flocks
of boys wending their way rirerward
with fishing tackle and the siyslic
signal that means "swimfn " are
more noticeable and to the lads of
the community the good old summer
time holds treasures that many a
worn and harassed man of affairs
would give the world to possess once
more, but this is the kingdom of the
young alone and within its portals
there is no room for those who have
passed beyond their youthful golden
W. C. T. U. HOLD
Meeting at the Home of Mrs. Walter
Propst Very Largely Attend
ed By Membership.
From Tuesday's Dally.
Yesterday afternoon the ladies of
the W. C. T. U. held their annual
flower mission at the home of Mrs.
Walter Propst, the event being in
memory of Miss Jennie Cassidy, one
of the early temperance workers and
who had originated the thought of
the flower mission that would bring
the offerings of beautiful flowers to
the bedside of the sick and and ail
ing. The Propst home was very pret
tily arranged for the occasion and a
number of visitors from Union were
present to enjoy the occasion with
the Plattsmouth ladies. The 'pro
gram which was under the direction
of Mrs. John F. Gorder, was very in
teresting in the extreme and consist
ed of a sketch of the life and good
works of Miss Jennie Cassidy, given
by Mrs. Luke Wiles, while musical
numbers were given by Catherine
and Leonard Terryberry and the lit
tle folks pleased the auditors with
their cleverness. Mrs. John Calvert
and Miss Glad-? Elliott also added
to the delights of the afternoon with
two readings that were very appro
priate to the occasion.
At a suitable hour a very dainty
two course luncheon was served that
aided in making the afternoon one
of the greatest of enjoyment and the
union received a large number of
beautiful flowers that will be used
in remembrance to the sick of the
Those attending from Union were
Mrs. W. B. Banning. Mr3. Edvin Bal
four, Mrs. L. G. Todd and daughter,
Mrs. W. R. Cross and Mrs. Nettie
From Tuesday's Dalli.
District Judge James T. Begley,
William A. Robertson, William F.
Evers, past masters of Plattsmouth
lodge No. 6, A. F. & A. M., Leon L.
McCarthy, worshipful master, and
Leslie Niel, senior warden of the lo
cal lodge of Masons, were in Omaha
today attending the session of the
grand lodge that is meeting in that
Blank Books at the Journal Office.
Time Deposits
Our farmer patrons make their larg
est deposits in certain periods of the year
usually after the crop season or follow
ing the sale of live stock. At such times
we recommend.a Time Deposit which pays
interest at the rate of 4e .
If time deposits are good for farm
ers, they are good for you. Try this fine
method of safeguarding your funds and
keeping every dollar at work.
First National Bank
Member Federal Reserve
K. S. Society Will Hare Interesting
Program of Athletic Events
For Nation's Birthday.
This city is to have some measure
of observance of the Fourth of July,
the nation's birthday, at least, as the
K. S. society will on that day be
holding their three day athletic meet
at which the various turring soci
eties of the eastern portion of Ne
braska will be here to take part and
to furnish the Plattsmouth people
with some good events in the way
of drills and exhibitions of appa
ratus turning.
The turning festival will open on
July 1st and run over the 4th so
that there will be a very enjoyable
opportunity for the public to enjoy
the day here at home and among the
other rlans for entertainment will
be a parade given by the different
societies that will be present at the
festival and which will include rep
resentatives from Omaha, South Om
aha, Wilbur and other points in the
east part of the state. The commit
tee in charge of the gathering is
busy arranging for speakers and oth
er forms of entertainment that will
aid in making the day pleasant for
everyone. As soon as the full details
are completed the committee expects
to make their announcement and
give the public time to make their
plans to attend the big festival.
On Sunday, July 2nd. the K. S.
dramatic club will present a com
edy, "Papa's Boots." at their hall
on west Locust street, and on Mon
day will be busy arranging for the
program of the 4th.
It is expected as far as the com
mittee can determine now to have a
parade as well as speaking in the
morning hours of the 4th of July and
to serve a dinner at the hall for those
who desire to spent" the day at their
park. In the afternoon there will be
turning exhibitions by the Sokols and
drills by the girls' classf3 from the
various cities represented, and later
a dance that will be continued into
the evening. Fireworks will be shown
in the evening at the park to com
plete the pleasant, safe and sane
Another Fast Omaha Aggregation to
Be Here Next Sunday to Op
pose Local Performers.
Manager John F. Wolff of the
Merchants has secured the Ramblers
of Omaha as the opponents of the
Merchants on the local lot next Sun
day and if all the promises of the
visitors are true they will furnish
the material for a real baseball game
as they come very highly recom
mended and ready to do business
with the locals. The Merchants feel
however, that they will be able to
defend the long end of the gate re
ceipts successfully and propose to
show their supporters that there is
a real baseball team here.
for Farmers!
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