The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 05, 1922, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    MOJTDAY, JTHRlE 5, 1923,
Had Lived in This County For Many
Years and is Well Known All
Over tie Connty. . ,
Again this community is visited
by death and one of its citizens tak
en from their midst. On last Friday
John Daniel Fentiman answered the
final summons.
It is needless to comment upon the
life of Mr. Fentiman nor to tell of
his deeds of kindness his neighbors
and friends know this. He was ready
und willing always to help anyone
in time of sickness and trouble. Dan
as he was always known was a man
with a big, kind .heart and he was
of a sympathetic nature which made
him a good and respected citizen.
His loss will be keenly felt. Fol
lowing is the obituary:
John Daniel Fentiman, oldest son
of John and Christine Fentiman.
was born September 4, 1S56, at
Plainfield, near Chicago. 111.
At the age .of nine years he re
moved with his parents to Waterloo.
Ia. Here he spent his boyhood. At
the age of eighteen years he worked
with a Mr. Gault. learning veterin
ary surgery. In 1877 at the age of
twenty-two years he started in farm
ing for himself in Atchison county.
Missouri. On October 24. 1882. he
was united in marriage to Miss Ra
chel Alice Fine at Burlington Junc
tion. Missouri. The following spring
the young couple came to Nebraska
and established their home on the
farm five miles south of Elmwood.
The lot of pioneers has been their
part in the growth of Elmwood and
vicinity. Five children have been
born to them. Cora May Nash of Pal
myra, Neb.; Myrtle B. Robertson of
Lincoln, Neb.; Ray D. and Pearl Ma
bel Fleischman. twins, and Clifton
J., all of Elmwood. Mrs. Fleischman
preceded her father in death Novem
ber 18, 1918.
In December 1913 he retired from
active farming and moved to Elm
wood where he has enjoyed the com
panionship of friends and acquain
tances. In 1916 he was granted a
state permit and continued in active
veterinary practice until overtaken
by the illness that called him over
the great divide. After a severe ill
ness of over two weeks passed away
at his home at five o'clock in the
morning of May 26. 1922. aged 65
years, 8 months and 22 days. He is
survived by his wife, two sons and
two daughters, two brothers and two
sisters, Frank J. Fentiman, Liberty,
Neb.; George D. Fentiman, Oelwein,
Iowa; Mrs. Hattie Root, St. Paul.
Minn., and Mrs. Grace Loomis, Sac
ramento, Cal.
There are also 13 grandchildren
left to mourn his loss.
The funeral servicea were conduct
ed at the- Methodist xhurehSunday
afternoon May 8, and the body laid
to rest in the Elmwood cemetery.
Relatives attending the funeral
from a distance were Frank J. Fenti
man of Liberty, Neb., and Mrs. Grace
Staples and daughter, Weltha, Bur
lington Junction, Mo. Elmwood
Says It Costs Real Mamma to Oper
ate Trains Claims Busses are
Getting the Business.
Lincoln. June 2. No evidence of
any kind of irregularity of expendi
ture in the state department of pub
lic works was found by the Joint
committee appointed by the special
session of the legislature to investi
gate the relative cost of road con
struction by the state and counties,
according to a final report made pub
lic today, but rather "a splendid set
of records of expenditures and appar
ently a perfect transcript of its acts
and doings since the beginning."
"While it was not possible to per
sonally visit all counties, sufficient
were visited and through the depart
ment of public works learned enough
about others to convince us that the
general standard of integrity in the
expenditure of road money is very
high," the report states, signed by
all members of the committee, which
included the governor, attorney gen
eral, state auditor and two members
from each the house and senate.
"We have no doubt that it might
be possible to find isolated instances
of a minor nature, as it would in any
other business, but these are hardly
of sufficient importance to justify
serious attention," according to the
report. "We found that perhaps
there was less irregularity than the
public would expect there to be
under the circumstances."
"The condition of the bookkeeping
and record of expenditures in the
various counties, with three or four
exceptions," is indeed deplorable,
says the report, which made it "ut
terly impossible In the vast majority
of counties to form any intelligent
opinion of the costs of county road
construction and maintenance."
"We find that in comparing the
cost of roads in-Nebraska and neigh
boring states, that our cost per mile
Is lessening," continues the report.
Recommendations made by the
committee include:
Complete segregation of state and
federal aid roads from the county
roads, both as to construction and
Election of a county highway en
gineer for a longer term than two
years, cloaked with authority In all
road matters;
A county system of road projects,
similar to that used by the state;
Adoption of a uniform standard
of accounting for expenditure;
Submission of quarterly reports of
expenditures to come central agency.
Poultry Wanted!
A car load of live poultry wanted
to be delivered at poultry car near
the Burlington freight house, Platts
mouth on Thursday, June Sth, one
day only, for which we will pay the
Cash Prices
Hens, per lb '. 20c
Old cox,' per lb 8c
Springs, per lb . 33c
Turkeys, per lb 20c
Ducks, per lb 15c
Beef hides, per lb 7c
Horse hides, each $2.50
Remember the date. We come to
buy and will positively be in Platts
mouth on the day advertised, pre
pared to take care of all poultry of
fered for sale.
From .Saturday's Daily.
George W. Snyder was in Omaha
today for a few hours looking after
some business matters of Importance.
County Commissioner Fred II.
Gorder of Weeping Water was here
today for a few hours attending to
some matters of business.
Hiss Clara Dean of Glenwood who
has been visiting with her sister,
Mrs. Ray Wiles, returned this morn
ing to her home in the Iowa city.
Mrs. George South, who has been
at. the St. Catherine hospital in Om
aha for the past two weeks recover
ing from an operation for appendi
citis, returned home this afternoon.
Mrs. Elmer Hallstrom and babe,
who have been visiting at West Palm
Beach, Florida, and other points in
the south, have returned to Avoca,
and were accompanied by Mr. and
Mrs. R. L. Propst and daughter, Ro
berta, who will spend the summer
u Kanred wheat for.seed. Last year
one field of my Kanred wheat aver
aged forty bushels per acre. This
wheat I used for seed. If you want
any of this high yielding wheat, see
me at once.
j5-3sw. Murray, Nebr.
Pursuant to an order of the Dis
trict Court of Cass county, Nebraska,
the Receiver of E. G. Dovey & Son,
will receive sealed bids until 10:00
o'clock a. m., on the 2Gth day ol
June, 1922, for the following describ
ed property, to-wit: The entire stock
of merchandise, furniture and fix
tures not attached to buildings, and
bids may be made on the entire
stock, furniture and fixtures, or sep
arate bids on the stock of groceries,
or stock of dry goods, furniture and
fixtures as the bidder may elect.
Also the following described real
estate used by E. G. Dovey & Son. in
conducting their general mercantile
business, being the west one-haif of
Let 4 in Block 35," and the east one
half of Lot 5, in Block 35. and the
west one-half of Lot 5, in Block 35,
and all of Lot 9. and all of Lot 8.
except 1G inches on the west side of
the north 34 feet, and the undivided
one-half of the west wall of the
brick building situated thereon. Al
so except one-half of the brick wall
and 6 inches of ground on the west
side of the south 27 H feet of the
north 51 feet of said lot, all in
Block 35, and all situated in the
City of Plattsmouth, Cass county,
Bids to be received jointly upon
all of the said real estate, or u;on
the separate parts thereof as the Lid
der may elect. All bids shall be ac
companied by certified checks for
10 of the amount,' of the bid. All
bids received will be reported to ;he
Court on June 26th. 1922, at 2 00
o'clock p. m., of said day. All 1 ids
must be sent, or delivered to the Re
ceiver, at Plattsmouth, Nebr.
Receiver of E. G. Do:ey
& Son.
KAttorney W. G. Kieck, locatec in
Coates block, has a key and will si ow
merchandise and buildings upon re
quest. j5-swtf, eel.
Autos for Sale!
1917 Ford
'touring car
Ford ton truck in good
I condition, with stock rack.
Five passenger
Phone No. 1
Plattsmouth, Neb.
Glen York was visiting in Platts
mouth during a portion of last week.
Walter Mockenhaupt had the mis
fortune to have one of his horses get
a shoulder broken.
Earl Wiles was a business caller
in Omaha last Saturday, making
the trip via his auto.
Herman Dall was a business visi
tor in Plattsmouth last Saturday,
driving over in his car.
Frank Stander was visiting in this
neighborhood last week, and also as
sisted in hauling corn at Murdock.
Joseph Walpert was looking after
some business at the Bergman store
and postoffice last Friday, while Mr
Bergman was at Lincoln.
Mf. and Mrs. Frank Wanamaker
were visiting at the home of Mrs
Dora Falischman last Sunday, driv
ing from their home at Weeping
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Rau and Dan
iel Bourke were visiting in Elmwood
last Monday evening, where they
were doing some work at the ceme
tery there.
Theodore Harms and wife were
looking after some business matters
in Omaha last Thursday and were ac
companied by Mr. Dan Bourke, they
all going in Mr. Harms car.
Samuel Goodman was a visitor
with friends and was also looking
after some business matters in Platts
mouth for a few days last week, re
turning home last Thursday even
ing. August Stander and son, Johnnie,
were in Plattsmouth last Saturday,
where they attended the horse sale
at the old Jones livery stable, and
where Mr. Stander purchased a fine
team for his farm use.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Burns were
visiting for the Sunday at the home
of Charles Craig at Omaha, and also
were visiting at Plattsmouth at the
home of Mr. E. A. Burns, their son.
for a short time as well.
Howard Johnson lost one of his
horses and had another very badly
cut in the wire fence during the
past week. This is a very severe
blow to Mr. Johnson, ss he is in the
midst of his corn cultivation.
Charles Schafer and wife, of Mur
dock were callers here last Sunday
and were accompanied by Miss Car
rie Schafer of Manley. they all go
ing to Weeping Water, where they
visited for the day at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Pankonin.
Fred Weaver, of Omaha, arrived in
Manley last Wednesday, coming to
work in the blacksmith shop with
Herman Dall for the Manley Farm
Implement company, and is a nice
appearing young man, and says he
thinks he will like Manley fine.
H. A. Shipman and family, who
are making their home in Havelock,
were visiting at the homes of Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Flaischman and Mr.
and Mrs. John Falischman last Sun
day, and Monday. Mr. John Falisch
man taking tliem home on last
Messrs. J. L. Breckenridge, W. J.
Rau, Herman Dall and Rudolph H.
Bergman were in Lincoln last Friday
to attend a meeting of the state rail
way commission, when a hearing of
the matter of removing the trains
from the Missouri Pacific schedule
was being heard.
Fred Krecklow, who has recently
moved into Manley, is as the shap
ing of his other work affords, tear
ing down the house which was forra
ery occupied by W. H. Frost and will
have erected on the site a modern
bungalow, which will be a great im
provement to what the present house
Fred Krecklow has gotten moved
into Manley and is engaged in busi
ness, succeeding J. L. Burns, as man
ager of the amusement parlor and has
moved into the house which he pur
chased, Mr. J. L. Burns having
moved south across the street. Mr.
Burns will expect to move from Man
ley within the next few weeks, but
just where he will locate is not as
yet known.
Will Erect Building at Once
Louis Gaebel. who has been plan
ning on building a modern home at
his farm, and who has had the
foundation laid gome time since, even
during the war, and who had defer
red the construction of the building
on account of the high cost of con
struction then, is now starting the
erection of the home, which when
completed will make a nice place for
the family. The lumber is to be
furnished by the Manley Lumber
company, and work will be begun
immediately on the erection of the
Are Showing Progressive Spirit
Co-operation in the matter of base
ball has taught Manley and its im
mediate community that they can do
things when they work to that end.
Last week the citizens of the village
and the community adjacent held a
meeting and organized a commercial
club for this hustling village.
At the meeting when the organi
zation was effected, they elected for
their officers for this year Mr. W. J.
Rau, president; Omar Coon, vice
president and Rudolph Bergman as
secretary. They are to have regular
meetings every two weeks, on the
first and third Thursdays of each
The members of the Manley com
mercial club are alive to the best in
terests of the town and territory
surrounding it and are working for
the betterment of this section of the
country. Last Friday a delegation
went to Lincoln to appear before the
state railway commission to prevent,
if possible, the removal of the pas
senger trains from service as Is con
templated by the Missouri Pacific on
Its line through here.
International swinging hay stack
er and bucks in good condition. Also
a Badger cultivator.
j5-2sw. Murray, Nebr.
Mrs. John Murray, of Hennessey,
Oklahoma, is visiting relatives here.
Mrs. Murray is much in love with,
She said the alfalfa had been cut
once and was a foot big now, wheat
and oats were headed out, and they
had harrowed their corn twice and
plowed it.
There will be an abundance of all
kinds of fruit. She said she noticed
all the way up here the fruit trees
were loaded the same as they are
here. Weeping Water Republican.
Miss Bose Scheel Married May 22nd
to Wymore Man Who is Sec
ond Cousin of Bill Hart.
Miss Rose Scheel, one of the pop
ular young ladies of this vicinity,
gave her friends a great surprise
when they learned of her marriage
on Monday. May 22, 1922, to Frank
Hart, of Wymore. The ceremony
took place at Marysville. Kansas.
The bride is a daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. John Scheel, a pioneer Cass
county family. She is a graduate of
the Louisville High school and has
taught school several years with
great success. She has been teach
ing near Edgar, where Mr. Hart s
parents are prominent and prosper
ous farmers, and that is where the
romance began which terminated in
a happy marriage.
The groom had every opportunity
to farm on a highly improved place,
but chose a business career instead
and is manager of the elevator and
lumber yard at Wymore, where they
will reside in the future. He has the
distinction of kinship with William
Hart, the famous movie actor, being
a second cousin of the screen favor
ite. The many friends of the bride and
her old school mates will join the
Courier in wishing her much joy and
happiness and will extend congratu
lations to the groom and will hope
to have the pleasure of his acquaint
ance as no doubt they will drive
down often for a visit in the old
home town. Louisville Courier.
Final Date for Receiving Applica
tions Advanced to June 20
Quota Yet Unfilled.
Young men who desire to avail
themselves of the citizens' military
training camp at Fort Des Moines in
August may still have the opportun
ity if they hurry their application in.
Local Legion officials have received
word that the quota from Nebraska
is not yet completely filled and the
time of accepting applications has
been extended to June 20th.
Since the closing of school, Rev.
Calvert of the Methodist church has
assumed charge of the work of in
teresting boys in this military train
ing that was undertaken by Prof. G.
E. DeWolf, and has a supply of the
application blanks.
The importance of this training to
growing youths is inestimable. It
teaches them self reliance, obedience
to constituted authority and builds
up their undeveloped bodies in won
derful shape. Best of all it gives
them a month's outing in the open,
with fun and pleasure mixed into the
training schedule in just the right
And the cost you ask! Not one
penny. The government provides for
everything including medical care,
necessary vaccinations, meals, sleep
ing quarters, clothing and expenses
to and from the camp at the rate of
5 cents per mile.
What better vacation could any
red blooded young man want? Get
busy, fellows, fire in an application
and assure yourself of this splendid
opportunity. Blanks may be secured
of Rev. Calvert, Prof. DeWolf or
Elmer Webb, Legion adjutant.
t t
I I 1 1 1 I I I 1 1 .;..;,,,,! ft 1 1 1 I 1
Spraying for the Potato Bug
Now is the time to watch for Mr.
Potato Bug. Spray before he comes.
Use one-half pound of lead arsenate
to twelve gallons of water. Lead ar
senate will not burn the vines, but
it i? a slow poison and if you wait
until the bugs are here it is not so
j effective, so spray now. It is also
good for spraying for the striped
j cucumber beetle, but one must 6pray
before the beetle comes. If the strip
ed beetle is already on the plant use
I Paris Greer, one-third Paris Green
' and two-thirds dust or old flour.
I Spray for louse on the plum trees,
melons, cucumber vines, etc. Use one-
fourth bar of laundry soap dissolved
in a small amount of water. Then
add five gallons of water and one
pint of kerosene. This is good for
the plant louse. Also Black Leaf 40
is a good spray and can be obtained
from most any drug store.
Crop Inspection
Only one call; has come for in
specting the new strain of grain,
Nebraska No. 6 and No. 60 wheat,
Nebraska No. 21 oats and Kanred
wheat. Write the Farm Bureau if
you are interested in this.
Mrs. E. Secord and Miss Betty
Sehnherfc were amnnp fhnse rnirip-
to Omaha this morninc to snend a
few hours there looking after some
matters of business.
Blank Books at tie Journal Office
Committee Appointed by Legislature
Reports Nothing "Irregular"
but Flays Counties.
Lincoln, June 2. Twenty-five rep
resentatives of Missouri Pacific towns
between Auburn and Springfield took
luncheon at the chamber of commerce
Friday with Secretary W. S. Whitten.
They were here to present to the
state railroad commission their op
position to the proposal of the Mis
souri Pacific to cancel two local
passengers and substitute mixed
trains. Towns represented were
Auburn, Talmage, Otoe, Brock, Lor
ton, Dunbar, Avoca, Weeping Water,
Manley, Louisville and Springfield.
Thirty protesting representatives
of ten towns along the line of the
Missouri Pacific between Talmadge
and Omaha were present in the sen
ate chamber at Lincoln yesterday
morning when the state railway com
mission took up the application of
that road for permission to take off
trains No. 637 and No. 638. which
operate daily between Falls City and
Omaha, says the State Journal.
The morning session was largely
taken up with the presentation of
the company's case and cross-examination
of Superintendent Kirk had
but fairly begun when the lunch hour
arrived. Mr. Kirk said that the com
pany's operating deficit in the state
last year was $659,000, and that it
is necessary to eliminate these two
trains in the interest of economy,
proposing to substitute a mixed train
once each way each day that now
operates every alternate day. He
said this would save $31,500 a year.
The operation of the train costs
SI 81 a day, and to pay expenses it
would be necessary to have thirteen
passengers a day on the average from
each of the ten stations into Omaha,
which is the principal traffic. The
number is much below this, some sta
tions averaging less than one person
a day.
The train now operated leaves
Falls City early in the morning, at
5:53 and reaches Omaha at 10:25.
Returning, it leaves Omaha at 2 p. m.
and reaches Falls City at 6:45. The
substituted mixed train would leave
Auburn at 7:25 in the morning and
reach Omaha at 2:40, laying there
over night, while its companion train
south bound, would leave Omaha at
6:20 a. m. and reach Auburn at
1:15 p. m.
The objecting towns say that this
deprives them of a service that they
are justly entitled to, having been
built up on this schedule, and that
the question of whether the trains
pay or not is not the vital thing,
which is adequate service. The com
pany retorts that the bus lines and
the privately-owned automobile have
left it but very few passengers to
carry. It submitted, figures showing
that there is an average of 3.6 auto
mobiles in the territory, counting in
those of the farmers, but not the
farmers themselves in the equation.
Mr. Kirk said that every morning
at 7:25 a bus started from Syracuse
and stopped at every town along this
line of railroad, reaching Omaha at
9:45 and returning at 5:10 p. m.
from Omaha, reaching Syracuse at
8 o'clock. He said there is another
bus which starts at Weeping Water
and runs just before or behind the
other bus. One of the men present
Interrupted to say the latter bus had
been taken off.
Superintendent Kirk said that be
cause of the rates of pay for engine
men and trainmen it is cheaper to
run the trains the 220 miles from
Falls City to Omaha and back than
the 160 miles from Auburn to Oma
ha and back. He said this was be
cause of the extra time that would
be required at Auburn and the mini
mums for the train crew members.
The engineer draws $13.20 a day
for his eight hours work, which Mr.
Kirk said was $23 a month more
than any division officer, except him
self received. By an agreement with
other members of the crew the en
gineer and fireman lay off four days
a month and the conductor and
brakemen two days to equalize pay.
The engineer is paid six cents a mile
and when he has run 4,800 miles he
lays off the remainder of the month.
The conductor and brakemen draw
overtime each day because their min
imum is 150 miles, whereas the run
is only 110 miles. This does not
work out in the case of the engineer,
whose minimum is 100 miles, but
it would if the train were run from
Auburn, a distance of 80 miles.
Prom Saturday's Xaily.
Hans Tarns is one of the residents
of the city, who can claim title to
being one of the old residents of the
community as he is today celebrat
ing his fortieth anniversary as a res
ident or nattsmouth. Mr. Tarns ar
rived here at 6 o'clock in the eve
ning of June 3, 1882, over the Bur
lington, having come direct to this
city from his birthplace in Germany
and has since made his home here,
being numbered among the best
known and popular residents of the
community. It is the wish of his
many friends that he will continue
to dwell here for the nextforty
On Sunday afternoon, June 4, be
tween Nehawka and Eight Mile
Grove, one wire wheel for Paige car,
with Goodyear cord tire, 35x4.
Finder please notify Glen Perry, on
Murray phoae 1512, or Plattsmouth!
phone 3512, and receive reward.
J5-2sw, 3d
I hereby announce my candidacy
! for congress in this district, both for ;
the regular term and for the vacancy, I
'subect to the republican primary.'
The AnkGr-Holfli Cream Separator
The Anker-Holth bowl can never get out of bal
ance as the self-shifting discs create a perfect balance of
the bowl. The discs are interchangeable and do not
have to be placed in numerical order as in other makes
of separators.
Old discs can be replaced by new ones which cost
only a f ew cents and the bowl will never have to be
sent to the factory for re-balancing.
The Anker-Holth separator is a self oiling machine,
having no oil cups or oil holes to care for. It will out
last any other separator, as all the gears and bearings
are continually flushed with oil.
We ask that you call and see this machine on our
floor. Sent out on 30 days trial in competition with
any make separator you may want to select. You to
be the judge and if the Anker-Holth doesn't do the most
for you, just load it in the car and return to us.
Bestor & Swatek
the WmCffSTIi store
Goes Into
Just what many a man does when his lights are
bad. Then why have the trouble of starting incident
to the weak battery? ,
Our service is at your command. Our work is
absolutely the best, and the batteries we sell guaranteed
in every respect.
The Plattsmouth
Charles R. Crane, Chicago million
aire, and former minister to China,
has been sentenced by the French
to 20 years in the penitentiary for
stirring up political strife in Syria.
Dig Field of Kentucky Thoroughbreds
55 nn n
40,000.00 in Purses
June 3rd to 17th
Jump in Your Auto and Take in these Races.
Good Roads Via
T. H. Pollock Bridge
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
Fg mjtiT2 f -..-; I
Imi I imii mil mM
the Ditch!
Battery Station
As he is not in the custody of the
French, or likely to bo. nobody b -lieves
Charles will crat k any ro ks.
Blank Books at the Journal OSce.