The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 05, 1922, Image 1

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5etaete Stale Histori
cal Society
NO. 93
From Friday's Dally.
Yesterday afternoon in the federal
court at Lincoln, before Judge T. C.
Munger, the Plattsmouth Water Co.,
throught its attorneys Jesse L. Boot,
of Omaha, and W. A. Robertson, of
this city, filed an action asking the
court to grant an injunctioin re
straining the City of Plattsmouth
from enforcing the rates that "were
adopted at the last council meeting
to go into effect on June 1st.
The water company has also pre
pared a scale of rates that were made'
effective on June 1st the date of
the expiration of the first ten year
period of their franchise and which
under the terms of the injunction
will be the rates charged until the
case is disposed of in the federal
The city, upon refusal to accept
the ordinance presented by the water
company for adoption, and which
contained a sharp advance In rate3
to both the city and private con
sumer, had . prepared the ordinance
which is now being: published in the
Journal and which was passed upon
second and third readings by unani
mous vote of the council under sus
pension of the rules a week ago Mon
day night.
This ordinance contains a schedule
of rates that is something like 50
per cent lower than the boost that
the company has made, and is in suns
end substance practically that of the
rates heretofore charged, with sever
al minor changes affecting the use of
meters, installation serv4 --charge
and eliminating rauch' of the flat
rate charges.. ..- ..; .- ' .' .
The water company's proposed
rate to private consumers is 40c per
100 cubic feet on the first 2.000 cu
bic feet, while the rate set by the
new city ordinance was 22 cents
per 100 cubic feet on the first 400
cubic feet.
On the second 2,000 cubic feet, the
water company asks 30c per 100
cubic feet, while the city proposes
for the 600 cubic feet above the first
400. 18 cents per 100 cubic feet.
The rates vary in the same pro
portion throughout the ordinance
and the company's schedule.
Musical Aggregation that is a Credit
to the City and Should "Receive
the Support It Deserves.
During the winter months the
members of the Elks band of this city
have, under the direction of E. H.
Schulhof. the veteran band leader,
been diligently practicing and get
ting ready for the playing season of
the summer, and as the result of
their efforts they have reached a
state of efficiency that should make
them sought for as entertainers for
public gatherings in thi3 portion of
the state.
Mr. Schulhof, the director, is a
bandmaster of many years of experi
ence, and has had charge of the
bands in this city as well as at Glen
wood and Pacific Junction, and his
work with the twenty-five skilled
musicians that comprise the Platts
mouth band bas resulted in a first
class organization that will give the
city czi? of the best bands that it
has had for the past few years.
The city will if possible raise the
neccrsary funds for concerts this
ceason and certainly the community
should do all possible to boost this
high class aggregation of musicians.
From Thursdays Oaiiy.
Receiver John F. Gorder, in charge
of goods of the E. G. Dovey & Son
store, is still on the job as the bead
of the concern as the result of reach
ing an agreement this morning for
the sale of the stock of goods that is
carried by the firm. Mr. Gorder has
been in charge of the stock for sev
eral months and is daily conducting
the business and disposing of what
is possible, without the purchase of
new stock, but it has been hoped
that purchaser could be found for
the whole stock. The bids received
today were considered not high en
ough and the matter will be left
open for thirty days longer so that
anyone who desires can make a bid
on the stock.
An extensive line of high class
stationery on hand at all times at
the Journal office.
The water company also proposes
a meter rental of $3 while the city
ordinance decrees that the company
shall maintain these at their own
On the flat rate proposition, the
water company asks that there be a
charge of 10 per annum, while the
city limits the charge to $6.
On the fire hydrant rental which
is paid by the city from a special tax
fund collected for that purpose, the
water company proposes to charge
$C0 per annum. The amount here
tofore and which was continued in
the new city ordinance Is 40 per an
num. At Nebraska City the water
company receives f 35 per annum, but
is now pleading with the city com
mission for a 110 raise.
Plattsmouth has at the present
time ninety-two fire hydrants upon
which it has been paying the rental
of $40 per annum. Under the new
schedule of rates. $1,840 additional
will pour into the coffers of the wat
er company on this one item alone,
while new extension will bring the
number up to 100 and raise the ad
ditional revenue to $2,000.
This morning Deputy U. S. Marr
shal J. C. McClung, of Lincoln, was
in the city serving the summons on
the various city officials, the mayor
and members of the city council,
who will represent the municipality
in the battle on the water rate
Mr. L. O. Minor of the Water com
pany, when interviewed stated that
he did not know the particulars of
the suit aside from the fact that the
company was seeking the enjoining
of the rates proposed by the city.
The head off iees - of - the - company
are at Portland, Maine." where the
president, Mr. George F. West, re
sides. "
It was stated by a number of the
prominent residents of the city that
a mass meeting would undoubtedly
be called by the city officials in the
near future to discuss the matter of
voting on the proposition of issuing
bonds for the erection of a municipal
water plant to operate in this city,
as thLs matter has been agitated quite
often in the last few months and it
Is believed under the conditions can
be successfully accomplished.
From Thursday's Ially.
One of the newest stunts of the
social leaders of the city masculine
i3 that of fishing by moonlight.
Last evening as the golden orb of
day descended to rest behind the
seven hills of Plattsmouth, two of
the young men that decorate the
smart set. wended their way toward
the purpeling bluffs of the old Mis
souri river and selecting a romantic
spot along the river bank cast in
their hook and line and musingly
awaited results. One of the party, it
is reported, succeeded in snaring a
small minnow but the other was out
of luck as he is more adept at fish
ing for hearts rather than fish. As
the moon shown bright, not over the
moonshine, however, the two fish
ermen wended their way homeward,
giving the unfortunate residents of
the vicinity several musical selec
tions that were much appreciated by
the singers, if no one else. We are
anxiously awaiting the further de
velopments, now that this fad has
been started.
From Thursday's Dally.
This morning a message was re
ceived here announcing that a sec
ond operation would be performed
on Col. J. B. Seyboldt of Murray at
the Fenger hospital in Omaha at once
in the hopes of giving the patient
some relief from his present condi
tion. Mr. Seyboldt was operated on
last week but the first operation was
not as successful as had been hoped
for and the attending surgeons have
found it necessary to perform the
second operation. The family of the
patient is greatly depressed over the
condition of the patient and the ser
iousness of his case is quite appar
From Thursday's Dally.
Miss Katherine Lahoda departed
yesterday afternoon for Omaha
where she will undergo an operation
for appendicitis at one of the hospi
tals and was accompanied to that
city by Jack Lathrom, Claude La
hoda and Miss Lillian Kopischka.
Miss Lahoda has been very ill for
the past week and her many friends
are hoping for a speedy recovery.
Have yon noticed that it the stores
that advertise which are always filled
with buyers?
From Thursday's Dally.
Yesterday afternoon the young
ladies comprising the Queen Esther
society of the Methodist church, ac
companied by their leader, Mrs. C.
C. Wescott. were in Omaha to attend
; the convention, of the Woman's Home
Missionary society that is being held
at the Hanscome Park Methodist
church. Last evening was set aside
by the convention as Queen Esther
night on the program and a very
interesting time was enjoyed with
the reports of the various societies
and the pageant that was arranged
for this part of the program. Those
attending from this city were Misses
Florence Peacock, Dorothy Sat tier,
Esther Pratt, Helen and Alice Louise
Wescott. Edith Yelick, Florence Ce
cil. Tillie Wandra and Mrs. Wescott.
Miss Bernese Newell of this City and
Mr. Boy Fuller of Miami, Fla.
Married Yesterday.
From Thursdays Dally
Yesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock
at the residence of Rev. and Mrs. H.
G. McClusky occurred the marriage
of one of the well known and popu
lar young ladies of this city. Miss
Bernese Newell, and Mr. Roy Fuller
of Miami, Florida. The wedding came
as a surprise to the host of friends
of the bride as only a few of the
very closest friends were aware of
the nearness of the date of the happy
The bridal party was accompanied
by Dr. and Mrs. R. P. Westover who
witnessed the service. The -marriage
lines were read by Rev. McClusky
and the ceremony while simple was
very impressive.
At the conclusion of the wedding
Mr. and Mrs. Fuller motored out to
the country home of Mr. and Mrs.
H. L. Gamer near Cedar Creek where
they will enjoy a short stay before
returning to this city.
The bride is one of the talented J
young ladies of Plattsmouth and has
spent her ' life ti ma , here, and is a
daughter of Hon. W. H. Newell and
wife, and has been quite active in
the church and social life of the
community and with her unusual
dramatic talent has been very prom
inent in the various local activities.
The groom is a well known real es
tate dealer of Miami, and has been
very successful in his profession in
the South. He is known to a num
ber here having been a visitor here
in the past.
To the newly weds will be extend
ed the best wishes for their future
welfare and happiness and they well
deserve any of the good fortune that
may be their lot to receive.
Manager Kuykendall Arranges Most
Pleasant Event that is En
joyed by Everyone.
From Friday's Dally.
Yesterday afternoon about 4
o'clock the employes of the Ne
braska Gas and Electric company en
joyed one of the pleasant social
gatherings that have characterized
the regime of J. B. Kuykendall as
the district manager of the company
here. On this occasion the members
of the families of the employes were
also invited to participate in the
afternoon and it was truly an oc
casion that will long be very pleas
antly remembered in every way.
The scene of the picnic was near
the Burlington bridge and there
were some fifty to participate in the
happy occasion.
Mr. Kuykendall served as the mas
ter of ceremonies and William High
field as the chef of the occasion, and
the array of sports and boating which
Jiad been planned by Mr. Kuyken
dall served to keep the crowd in the
best of humor.
At 6 o'clock the announcement
was made that supper was ready and
the members of the picnic party in a
very few minutes made great in
roads on the good things in store
for them.
III order to give Plattsmouth the
best train service possible the Bur
lington has arranged to have No. 1,
the west bound passenger train due
here at 6:15 in the morning, to stop
for passengers. Mr. Baird, who was i
in Lincoln this week Secured the
consent of the company to making
a stop or lo. 1 here regularly In
stead of for passengers east of Pa
cific Junction. This will be a great
advantage to the visitors here over
Sunday from Omaha, who can return
to Omaha -on this train in plenty of
time and not make necessary their
return Sunday evening as hereto
fore. This is a good train for the
city as it makes excellent connection
from Chicago and is one that will be
appreciated by the traveling public.
From Friday's I?aiiy.
. Today at his home in this city Col.
M. A. Bates is observing the passing
of the eightieth milestone on the
highway of life and despite his years
of strenuousness he is stilr a vital
factor in the newspaper work in
which he has been engaged for the
past fifty-eight years. While not as
active as in the years past he is still
a keen observer of'the march of pro
gress and unswerving in his alle
giance to the things American and
Milford A. Bates is a native of the
state of Ohio, having been born at
London, Madison county, June 2,
1842, the son of Sylvanus and Eu
nice, pioneer residents of that por
tion of the state and where he spent
his childhood days. While a youth in
his home city he entered the employ
of the Madison County Chronicle as
an apprentice and the romance and
lure of the printers' ink formed so
firm a hold on his youthful charac
ter that he has since been a laborer
in the field of journalism, both as a
printer and writer. In this career he
has come in touch with many of the
political leaders of the nation at the
different periods of their greatness
and which are still vivid memories
of these men. While a boy he was
a page in the Ohio state senate in
1856-58, and there was attracted by
the appearance of General James A.
Garfield, then a member of the leg
islature and later destined to fill the
highest office in the gift of the Amer
ican people. From the atmosphere of
political association in the legisla
tive halls it was an easy step into
the newspaper gatno and here Col.
Bates has found his' real career. ,
Like many others of the young
men of the nation Mr. Bates found
in the dawning of the days of '61
an inspiration to do their part for
the cause of their ttun try and en
teed the Union amy. then forming to
maintain the unity of the states of
the union. He was a soldier in. the
70th Ohio infantry for three months
and re-enlisted in the 40th Ohio reg-
x or
1,1 - -
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imental band and which was assign
ed to the brigade of his former
friend, Gen. Garfield. On the expira
tion of his enlistment at the end of
eight months hei entered the 95th
Ohio where he served until discharg
ed from the service.
Returning to his Ohio home at the
end of the war he felt the unrest
that was drawing the greater part
of the veterans westward to find
homes and he too joined the west
ward flowing stream of humanity
and removed to Illinois and Seated
at Monticello, in Christian county,
where he established his first news
paper, and it was in this city that
he was married on April 16, 1S65,
to Miss Virginia Barnett. He made
his home in Monticello for the great
er part of his stay in the state of
Illinois, but during the time that he
was a resident of that established
many newspapers and at one time
was at Spencer, Indiana, in charge
of the Owen County Journal. In the
array of papers that he placed in the
field in the state of Illinois wore pa
pers in Toledo. Marion, Monticello,
Bement, Morrisonville, Taylorville,
Shelbyvllle, as well as Tower Hill,
and these papers were largely of the
democratic faith altho he at one
time was interested in the Green
back Herald at Tower Hill. At the
death of the wife in 1881. Col. Bates
decided to move from the -Illinois
home and accordingly was for a short
time at California, Missouri, and
from there moved to Winfield, Kan
sas, and was engaged in work as the
advance man of one of the large In
dian shows than so popular, and
later returning to his first love
the newspaper game was in charge
of a paper at Winfield, owned by
Judge Tipton, noted jurist of the
early days in Kansas and later Col.
Bates moved this paper to Hopkins,
Missouri, where it was dedicated as
the Hopkins Herald and which he
i continued to publish until removing
I to Grant City, Missouri, in 1884,
when he purchased the Grant City
Times, continuing there until 1892.
While a resident of Hopkins, Col.
Bates was married to Miss Sarah
Carpenter, July 3, 18S4, and who is
assisting him today in the observance
.of the birthday anniversary. From
Grant City Col Bates and family re
moved to Memphis. Missouri, where
he secured the Scotland County Dem
ocrat and operated it until 1S9G, and
in which he was assisted by his two
sons, T. B. and R. A. Bates, for a
greater portion of the time. After
disposing of this paper he was en
gaged in work in several of the
small cities of Missouri until 1900
when he was called to Lewiston.
Montana, to serve as editor of one
of the leading papers owned by Sen
ator W. A. Clark, then political lead
er of the state and engaged in the
famous Clark-Daly fight in the dem
ocratic party. From there he return
ed to Memphis and was engaged in
special field work in a number of the
small Iowa towns until in 1902, his
sons. T. B. and R. A. Bates, having
purchased the Plattsmouth Journal,
he came to this city to reside and
has since been here as editor. The
Journal has under the ownership of
Mr. R. A. Bates, the present publish
er, grown greatly in the past years
and during this time Col. Bates has
added his part to the advancing
steps of the paper.
Politically always a democrat.
Col. Bates was in 1908 persuaded by
Lis friends in Cass and Otoe county
to enter the race for representative
and was given a good majority and
served in the 1909 session of the leg
islature from this and Otoe county.
Thirty-Third Yearly Gathering of TJ.
P. M. C. of Omaha Presbytery
on June 8th and 9th.
The thirty-third annual conven
tion of the United Presbyterian Mis
sionary societies of Omaha Presby
tery. 11 be held in Murray on- next
Thursday and Friday, June Sth -and
9 th. The following program 'will be
presented: '- '
2:00 O'Clock
Mrs, J. W. Dodds, presiding.'
Song service. Congregation.
Devotional, Mrs.' W. C. Davidson.
North Bend.
Words of Welcoms, Mrs. W. S.
Smith, Murray.
Response, Mrs. J. H. Vance, First
Business session, consisting of (a)
Minutes, (b) Roll call, (c) Reports
of secretaries, (d) Discussion and
questions; (e) Two minute reports
from societies, (f) Report of treas
7:30 O'Clock .
Mrs. J. H. Vance, presiding.
Song service.
Devotional, Mrs. W. C. Davidson.
Appointment of committees.
Report of delegate to W. G. M. S.
convention, by Miss Lydia McCague,
Central King's Daughters.
Special music.
Address, Rev. Paul Calhoun, Cen
tral Omaha.
Offering. (
9.: 30 O'Clock
Mrs. J. E. Dodds, presiding.
Song service.
Devotional, Mrs. W. C. Davidson.
Home Missions, Mrs. Albert Gor
Questionaire conducted by Mrs. W.
M. Jackson and Miss Emily Robin
Value of Young Women's Work to
Young Women, Mrs. Clark Carnaby.
1:30 O'Clock
Mrs. J. E. Dodds, presiding.
Foreign Mission Work, Mrs. Paul
Smith, Sudan.
Questions and discussion.
Reports of committees.
Election of officers.
Presentation of new officers.
From Friday's Dailj.
Yesterday afternoon a very enjoy
able shower was given by Misses Ag
nes Young and Nora Baughman at
the Baughman home in honor of
Miss Beulah Henry, whose marriage
to Mr. Earl Schwenneker is to oc
cur soon. The home was very charm
ingly arranged with decorations of
the spring flowers and the time was
spent by the ladies in preparing a
scrapbook for the bride-to-be, as a
remembrance of the friends from her
girlhood up. Each guest presented
Miss Henry with their favorite re
cipe, and as well the guest of honor
was tendered, a number of very
handsome presents.
Dainty refreshments were servefl
at a late hour and the guests depart
ed wishing-the bride-to-be much joy
and happiness in her new home.
Phone the Joiirnel office when yoo
are in need of job printing of any
kind. Best equipped shop in sonth-
j eastern Nebraska.
Residents of Weeping Water, Man
ley. Avoca, Otoe and Other
Points at Lincoln Today.
The proposal of the Missouri Pa
cific railroad to withdraw their
daily passenger train from the line
operating from Auburn to Omaha
through Avoca, Weeping Water,
Mauley and Louisville, has drawn
forth a etorm of protest from the
residents of these places and they
are making a determined effort to
retain the present service that Is
badly needed in a number of places.
Weeping Water has connections with
Lincoln on the Union line but the
change will give them only one train
a day to Omaha and this by a mixed
freight and passenger train that is
at present operated on a tri-weekly
schedule, but which under the new
arrangement would make one round
trip daily.
The railroad has contended that
the operation of the train was at a
loss of 140,000 a year, owing to the
lack of patronage given it, and they
have therefore appealed to the state
railway commission for the permis
sion to make the change in their
service so as to eliminate the cost of
the one train. On the other hand
the residents of the towns affected
urge the starting of the train from
Auburn an hour earlier in the morn
ing and returning an hour later
from Omaha, and contending that
the change in time will give a great
er patronage to the company.
This morning the matter was
taken up by the state commission
and the Missouri Pacific company rep
resentatives as well as the parties in
terested in the change were at Lin
coln to lay their case before the
state board for action.
C. E. Butler, of Weeping Water,
was the spokesman for the Cass
county delegation and a number from
Avoca, Otoe and Manley were also
present to add their voice to the
general protest. W. J. .Rau. J. L.
Breckenridge, Herman . Dull and-i
Rudolph Bergman were among the
Manley citizens, to gather to protest
the change in train service.
From Friday's Daily.
This morning while a delivery
gang was handling steel sills at the
Burlington shops in this city; the
rubble car on which they were con
veying the sills overturned, and as
the result the men, who were on the
car were in danger of having very
serious injury. As the sill fell from
the car it caught the right foot of
Johnnie Newton as well as the left
foot of John Hable and very severe
ly bruised the lower portion of the
leg. While the injury was very pain
ful the workmen are fortunate that
they did not suffer even more severe
injuries from the result of the acci
dent. The sills weighed 2,700 pounds.
From Friday's Dtly.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Max
Baumeister in Eight Mile Grove was
gladdened last evening when a fine
little daughter arrived to make her
home there in the future. All con
cerned are doing very nicely.
One Biz
One big reason why people say,
"Your business is safe with them," when
speaking of this bank, is because it is a
National Bank and therefore a member of
the world's most powerful financial or
ganization the Federal Reserve System.
No matter whether you are a farmer,
railroad man, merchant or individual citi
zen, strength, security and capacity to
serve in a broad and helpful manner is
placed at your disposal when you become
a customer of this bank, which is under
government supervision.
First National Bank
Member Federal Reserve
From Friday' Dally.
The many friends over Cass coun
ty of former county comnii-ssiiner,
Charles R. Jordan, of Alvo. will re
gret to learn that Mr. Jordan is in
very serious condition at his home
as the result of a stroke of paraly
sis, and he is now In a senii-con-stious
condition the greater part of
the time and as the stroke has af
fected his throat, he is unable to us
the vocal chords and has for the past
several days been lying in a etate of
Miss Esther Noyes and Mr. Lloyd
Schneider Married at Home
of Bride's Mother.
From Thursday's Dally.
Last evening at 8 o'clock at the
home of Mrs. Rachel Noyes at Louis
ville, occurred the marriage of her
daughter, Miss Esther, to Mr. Lloyd
Schneider. The home was very hand
somely arranged for the occasion
with a profusion of the spring Mow
ers and in the parlor a handsome
bridal arch of white syringa and
roses formed a very beautiful setting
for the happy event and beneath its
lovely blooms the two young people
took their station to have their
hearts and lives joined as one.
Preceding the ceremony. Miss
Edith Stander sang very sweetly, "I
Love You Truly," and as the notes
of the song were hushed Miss Stand
er played very charmingly the "Lo
henghrin Wedding March," to which
the bridal party entered the parlors
for the ceremony. The bride was
gowned in a very beautiful creation
of white Canton crepe and carried a
bouquet of bride roses. Miss Noyes
was attended by Miss Grace Noyes,
her siEter, as bridesmaid, while Mr.
Lawrence Meisinger attended the
groom, as best man.
The beautiful ring service was
carried out and made a most Impres
sive ceremony for the event that was
to join in wedlock these two estima
ble young people.
Following the wedllng the bridal
party and guests were served with
light refreshments and the newly
weds showered with the well wishe
of their friends and relatives who
were in attendance.
The bride is one of the popular
young ladies of Louisville and loved
by a wide circle of warm friends in
her childhood home. The groom is a
son of Mr. and Mrs. William Schnei
der, one of the prominent and will
known families of Eight Mile Grove
precinct, and the new home of the
bridal couple will be on a farm In
the locality where the groom has
been reared to manhood.
Mr. and Mrs. Schneider will re
ceive the best wishes of their friends
who are legion in this portion of the
county, on the happiness that has
come to them.
On Wednesday at the St. Cather
ine's hospital in Omaha a fine son
and heir was born to Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas E. Dunbar of this city. The
mother and little one are doing very
nicel' and the occasion has brought
the greatest of pleasure to the proud
and happy father.