The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 29, 1922, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    MONDAY, MAY 29, 1922.
The tirs section above at the left shows
the condition cf a Firestone S3xii Cord
Tire cfier 2D,94 miles on a Yellow Cab
in Chicago.
The section at the right was cut from
a new Cord of the same sice. Careful
measurements show that only 13 of the
tread cf the tire on the Yelicw Cab has
been worn away after this long, gruelling
test. The carcass is intact after more
than 11,000,000 revolutions.
Firestone Cords have averaged over
10,000 miles on Chicago Yellow Cabs
(1,200 cabs all Fire
stone equipped). In
thousands of in
stances, they have
given from 15,000 to
S0.000 miles.
C 1 A 65
20 x 3 size SS.95
ew Ti-.ctn rhw Tlx
tSecav A-y Jt
Look at the tread
scientifically angled
against skid, massive
and heavy in the center where the wear
comes, tapered at trie edges to ma&s
steering easy and to protect the carcass
against . destructive hinging action of
high tread edges. The carcass is air bag
expanded to insure uniform tension and
paralleling of every individual cord. It
is double "gum dipped" to make sure
that each cord is thoroughly insulated
with rubber.
This is the . reason why Firestone
Cords unfailingly deliver extraordinary
mileage. It explains the unanimous de
mand of thoughtful - -
tire buyers for these
values. The local
Firestone dealer will
continue to provide
the personal service
that makes Firestone
tire comfort and econ
s orny complete;. '
30 x 3 size $7.99 W
Effnetiv Hv '. i
- -
Plattsmouth Motor
Plattsmouth, Neb.
Co. J. F. Wolff
Plattsmouth, Neb.
The famous "Buddie Lee" dolls
in the Wtscott store window have
bfen busy the past week in advertis
ing the no button underwear that
is fast becoming a great favorite
with the public. The kewpies are en
gaped in tho duties of washing at
the tub and board, the ironing board
and hanprinp: out the clothes an.l as
well as a tennis umpired by Mayer
Johnson is on in full blast.
Washington, May 25. "Don't run
for congress until you have made
your pile; wait until you have a sure
That's 'the advice or "Uncle Joe"
Cannon, for forty-six years a mem
ber of the house, who retires this
year. He handed the advice today to
Representative Vincent Brennan, "of
Detroit, who came - to ask : Cannon
about running again or going back
to private, law practice Brennen is
the youngest member 1 in the lower
house of congress. .
John M. 'Hallstrom departed this
morning for' Princeton, Illinois,
where he will spend a few days look
ing up old friends and relatives. Mr.
Hallstrom formerly resided in that
city prior to coming to Plattsmouth.
uttonless Underwear!
Oh, Joy! Not a Button Anywhere!
What's the use of a lot
of bothersome buttons
anyway ?
Cancel your underwear
troubles by aclopting the
No Buttons
No Troubles
That's All
The Hatchway ;
is the ideal union suit for
a man or boy.
Nainsook, athletic style,
knee length
$11 -M
Fine elastic rib, short
sleeves, long legs
Not a Button Anywhere.
' Boys Sizes, 90c
C E. Wescotfc's Sonus-
As Well as General Public Invited
to Join in Gala Occasion that
Will be For Everyone.
When the morning of June 14th
dawns there will be a general move
ment of the members of the Modern
Woodmen in Cass county, as well as
the members of their families toward
the city, of Plattsmouth and the big
picnic -that Cas3 camp No. 332 is pre
paring for that date.
It ,has been a number of years
since the Woodmen have held one of
their log-rollings or picnics and they
feel that it is time that the follow
ers of Woodcraft over the county
gather and have at least one day of
real fraternal spirit, with their fam
ilies and friends joining in the oc
casion. The result of the desire of
the members of the order, is the fact
that this occasion will be held on
Wednesday, June 14th at Platts
mouth. Tho gathering will be held in the
city park and will embrace a pro
gram extensive enough for the en
tire day and will cover everything
that the desire of man could demand
in the way of entertainment, amuse
ment or refreshment.
County Judge A. J. Beeson is the
chairman of the executive commit
tee and has a force of hard-working
committees that are arranging a real
program for the day. In the line of
sports there will be races of all kinds
with suitable prizes for the men,
women, girls and boys, fat and lean
and every other kind and condition
of the human race. One of the fea
tures of the athletic program will be
the tug pf war from among the
Woodmen and in the evening tho
victorious team will pull the team
from the Burlington shops.
Dr. Sloccumbi state lecturer of the
order, will speak at the picnic and
his well known reputation as a
speaker guarantees that this depart
ment of the rrogram will be well
looked after.
There will be two of the crack
drill teams of the order from Omaha
and Lincoln present at the picnic
that will give a number of highly
entertaining drills and these teams
will also stage an open air public
initiation and take, a. tip, this is go
ing to be one of the best things that
has been pulled off , here for a great
many years.
All those attending the picnic are
urged to .bring . their dinner with
them and prepare for a real day of
sport for every member of the fam
ily from the old man down, and not
only the Woodmen and their families
but the general public as well is in
vited to join in and make the day a
record-breaker in every way.
Edgar Barker, cf Perry, Oklahoma,
Finds Misfortune Never Comes
Except in Bunches.
Grant Wetenkamp of this city has
received a letter from Edgar Barker
of Perry, Oklahoma, a former resi
dent of this vicinity where he made
his home on the William Wetenkamp
farm near this city, and who moved
to Oklahoma nine years ago.
In his letter,. Mr. Barker tells of
a very severe wind, hail and rain
storm that swept over that portion
of the, country, destroying wheat,
oats and fruits. The corn wag badly
beat up by the force of the storm,
but will come out of the ordeal much
better than the other crops and little
damage to this crop is expected.
Mr. Barker states that never in
the history of that country has there
been such rain and hail. The force
of the hail broke the window lights
and the rain drove Into the home
until water stood . three and four
inches deep on the floors and the
members of the Barker family suffer
ed the greatest Inconvenience from
the effects of the storm. Neighbors
of the Barkers had their bedding
soaked in the storm and -were forced
to spend the time standing around,
unable to secure any rest. In the
residences and places of business at
Lucerne, a small town a few miles
away, there is not a window light
Owing to the shortage of glass
and the inability of the dealers to
secure a sufficient supply for the de
mand, there is more or less annoy
ance felt by the residents of that
part of Oklahoma.
Mr. Barker had his barn blown
down in the storm to add to the other
losses, but was fortunate in having
this covered with insurance, but the
loss to the crops is complete, as he
carried no hall insurance whatever.
Mrs. Isaac M. Ward Passes Away at
Family Home in Elmwood and
laid to Rest There.
Farm Loans!
From Saturday's Daily.
Mrs. M. M. Beal, who has been
at St. Joseph, Missouri, for a short
time, recovering from an operation
for the removal of a goitre, has re
turned home. Mrs. Beal was accom
panied by Mrs.- Harry Beal and the
many friends of the family are pleas
ed to know that she is doing so well.
Misses Martha and Emma A. Stohl
' man. Marie Barker and Inez Fosburer
j of Louisville were here yesterday
and this morning looking after some
matters at the office of the county
superintendent of schools.
Juliette Warford was born near
Toledo, Ohio, on May 23, 1852, and
departed this life May 21. 1922, at
the age of G9 years, 11 months and
29 days. While a small child she
moved with her parents to Savannah,
Mo. When but seven years of age
she was left motherless. Her father
soon answered his country's call and
like many others never returned.
She was taken into the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith of Savan
nah. Mo., where she was cared for
until the age of seventeen, when she
came to the home of her sister near
Louisville. She was the youngest
and last of a family of eight children.
She was united in marriage to
Isaac Marion Ward on February 19,
1871, at the age of eighteen years,
and with her husband homesteaded
near Greenwood, Nebraska.
To-this union seven children were
born. Mrs. W. H. Critchfield, of Kan
sas City, Mo.; Mrs. M. G. Keedy and
Verna of Elmwood; Arthur H., of
Murdock, and Troy M. of Kansas
City, Mo. Two sons, Oliver Marion
and Raymond De Loss preceded her
to the Great Beyond.
Mrs. Ward became a member of the
Church of Christ in early life and
continued faithful to the end. She
wa3 a devoted wife and loving moth
er, and her departure will be greatly
felt by her children, neighbors and
Fifteen years ago the 18th of last
December she was stricken with par
alysis which left her an Invalid. She
with her husband, daughter Verna
and son Troy came to Elmwood,
where they lived for a number of
years. Then feeling a change would
be for the best, they went to Kansas
City. Mo., where they spent a year
and a half with their daughter, Mrs.
V. II. Critchfield.i: Later they came
to Cass county, where they spent the
remander of their, lives in the home
of their daughter,? Mrs. M. G. Keedy.
Just six months ago the 15th, her
husband was called to the heavenly
home. She departed this life on the
birthday of her oldest son, Oliver,
who preceded her on December 12,
1921, and was laid to rest on her
seventieth birthday.-
Mesdames J. B. Goodridge and C.
R. Trenholm and Misses Ida McFall
and Hazel Harnsberger sang very
beautifully "Just When I Need Him
Most," "Keep Praying Training On"
and "God Will Take Care of You."
Those acting as pall bearers were
Dr. C. R. Trenholm, J. B. Goodridge,
L. L. Caygill. F. J. Fitch, Lisle Ilor
ton and Marion McCrory.
The funeral services were held on
Tuesday afternoon . from, the home,
conducted by J. F. Hay, pastor of the
Church of Christ and interment was
made in the beautiful Elmwood cem
etery. Relatives attending the funeral
from out of town were -Mrs. W. H.
Critchfield and T. M. Ward, of Kan
sas City, Mo.; Mrs. Pearl Ward and
laughter Faye, Eddie Critchfield and
Mrs. Roy Kohler, of Lincoln; Mrs.
Margaret Livin03ton. Charles Ward
and son Herbert and Rule Saok, of
Weeping Water; Mrs. and
Nettie and sons Guy, Charles and
wife . of A voca. -Elmwood Leader-Echo.
Perhaps you have a mortgage against your place.
Maybe it is not due yet, but probably have an option
or right to pay the loan in full when you pay the
next interest.
If you are paying more than 6 now, don't wait for
the loan to hecome due, but see me about a new
loan before the next interest paying date.
Plattsmouth Alumni at State Univer
sity will Join in Festival to
be Held June 1st to 4th.
American Legion Auxiliary Tenders
Farewell to One of Members .
Soon to Leave the City.
From Saturday's Dally.
Yesterday afternoon the members
of the American Legion Auxiliary
enjoyed a well attended meeting at
the club rooms In the Leonard build
ing and on which occasion the lavlies
joined in a farewell to Mrs. Charles
L. Creamer, who with her children
is soon to leave for San Jose, Cali
fornia, to make their home in the
Mrs. Creamer has been a member
of the local auxiliary since its orga
nization and has always been a hard
worker In the cause, and her depart
ure will bring much regret from the
membership in general that has
grown to know her so well. As a
token of the occasion, Mrs. Creamer
was presented with a very attractive
piece of silver that will be cherished
as a remembrance of the old friends.
The hostesses of the afternoon,
Mrs. F. R. Gobelman and Mrs. L. G.
'Larson served very dainty and en
joyable' refreshments during the af
ternoon that added much to the
pleasure of the occasion. ,
The Cornhusker Roundup that is
to be made a feature of the gather
ing of the alumni of the University
of Nebraska on June 1 to 4th, will
be one of the greatest gatherings of
the kind that the state school has
enjoyed, and from all sections of the
country has come the assurance of
the former students that they will be
there with all the old' pep and en
thusiasm of the school days. Ivy day
exercise3 on June 1st, the ceremonial
of the planting of the ivy and the
musical program that is being ar
ranged will launch the big event in
proper snapo. -
Responses have been received from
over the state and distant points
f rom former students that there will
be a general movement of 'the form
er students back to Lincoln for the
three day gathering and it is expect
ed that it will be the greatest event
of its kind held in any of the west
ern universities.
' The Plattsmouth alumni have been
much interested in the proposed
roundup and all who can will avail
themselves of the chance to be back
in the good old student days for a
short time. Those in this city who
are alumni of the university are Dr.
T. P. Livingston, 85; Dr. j: S. Liv
ingston, 9S; W. Gt Kieck, '14; E. A.
Fricke, '10; Blanche Horning,, 05 ;
George E. DeWolf, '12; Mrs. A. G.
Cole, '07; Raymond G. Campbell,
'21; Dr. R. P. Westover, '18; Judge
James T. Begley. '06; Miss Pearle
Staats. '06; William A. Robertson,
'09; Miss Jessie M. Robertson, '20;
Miss Jessie R. Moore. '04; Miss Mary
E. McHugh, '20; Mrs. William A
Robertson, '09; Mrs. R. P. Westover,
'15; Harrison L. Gayer, '16; Miss
Hazel Dovey, 'OS; Mrs. Harrison L.
Gayer, '16.
On June 1st and 4th Children of
the Parish School Will Hold
Closing Exercises.
The closing exercises of the St.
John's Catholic school will be held
at the school building on June 1st
and 4th and for the occasion the lit
tle folks of the school, ranging from
5 to 14 years of age, will present
two very clever musical entertain
ments. One of these will be "The
Golden Slipper," presented by the
girls of the school, while the little
boys of the school will present "The
Grain of Salt."
The Ursuline Sisterhood that has
charge of the school In this city as
well as the St. Bernard academy at
Nebraska City, have been training
the little folks and arranging the
costumes that will be very attract
ive and suitable to the occasion.
The complete program will be an
nounced later by the sisters and the
entertainment will be one of the
greatest enjoyment to the parents
and the public.
Held at Home of Allison Flynn on
Rock Street Last Night and
Very Largely Attended.
From Saturday's Dafly.
Last evening the senior class of
the Plattsmouth high school held
their last formal gathering of the
year at the home of their president,
Allison Flynn. and the occasion was
one, while filled with regret at the
breaking of the school friendships,
was enjoyed by the young men and
women who comprise the class.
The evening was devoted to danc
ing by a part of the members while
others found diversion in card.i anJ
other games that served to pass the
time most delightfully. During the
evening vocal numbers were given by
Jack McCarty and a few piano se
lections by Miss Minnie Klinger aid
ed in making the event one of the
rarest enjoyment to all.
At a suitable hour dainty refresh
ments were served by the young la
dies of the class that were much ap
preciated by the class membership.
The members of the class and the
faculty of the high school were the
guests of the occasion.
Did You Ever Think
what an important item to your
comfort and dress your socks are?
A snug fitting ankle, a foot that
fits the foot, not one that rolls at
L the toe, heel and instep no
' 1 1 i 1 A it 1 1
wnnitjes to lrrnaie me mosi auus
ed part of your entire anatomy.
A sock that is re-inforced at the
toe and heel,' a ribbed top that re
tains its shape and is not uncom
fortable. Truly it's a wonderful sock to
Lately revised prices
Pure Thread Silk, 75c
Fiber, 60c
Mercerized Lisle, 40c
fpr in,, j f 1
a n . , f r . .1
A. Hi. Jeesiey ul ureeiiwuuu was i ... . r
in the city today for a few hours at-! VVc carry a complete line or
tending to some matters at the court
house. .
Ladies ' Holeproof Hosiery!
C. F. Creeley and family will soon
become residents of this city, hav
ing purchased the residence property (
of T. J. Skoda on West Marble St., '
and will move in the near future to
their new home. Mr. Creeley .gave
$4,000 for the fine modern home and
four lots and feels that he has a real
bargain. A. C. Mutz was the engi
neer of the transaction.
Prom Saturday's Dally.
This morning in the district court.
Frances McCart was -granted a de
cree of divorce from Floyd McCart, '
non-resident defendant, by Judge J.
T. Begley. The court granted the
plaintiff an allowance of $200 all-'
mony as well as $25 per month for ,
the care of the minor child of the J
couple. j
Wall. Fapeir
The Background for a Happy Home!
Frank Gobolmnn's Point Store
North 6th Street.
'Get the Habit!"