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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 29, 1922)
MONDAY, MAY.: 29, 1922. ,PIATTSMOUTHSEIn-WEEKLY . JOTJBNAL PAGE FIVE tne service df the WABASH HAPPENINGS PREPARED EXCLUSIVELY FOR THE JOURNAL. a MURDOtSK BEPMR TMEMT. t 99 B- it3 On Am Hero to Sorve You! Notwithstanding the interference by the fire fiend, I am still here to give service to the farmer in supplying their wants and needs in the line of farming machinery and repairs. We have the agency for the International line, including McCormick and Deering harvesting ma chinery and the tillage machinery, including plows, discs, cultivators and in fact anything in the farming machinery line I can furnish you. Repairs for all and any kind of farm utensils. I would like to give you service. Phone 1 4-J. MURDOCK :- -:- -:- NEBRASKA Case Farming Machinery! I have the agency for the full line of Case farming machin ery. Snch as Plows, Tractors, Threshing Machinery, Haying Machinery and fn fact a full and complete line. We can fur nish all kinds of repairs. See us, we will make it well worth your while. A. H. WARD, Phone Fo.7-W Murdock, Web. To the Peopfe cf F.lurdocFc and Vicinity: When you buy Petroleum Products from. us you are patro nizing a strictly HOWE CONCERN, not an eastern corporation. We pay our taxes and spend our money in Cass county. Our Penn Franfclin Motor and Tractor Oils are a pure Pennsylva nia product - every drop made from Pennsylvania crude and shipped direct from Pennsylvania. We buy in car load lots, thereby getting the rock bottom price. Remember Pennsyl vania oils will not carbon your motor, will stand up under ter rific heat and will wear longer. See our Mr. Schafer for sam ples and prices. -GEO. TRUfiKEflBQLZ OIL GOHPAUY- All kinds of mower sections, $1.25 ! short time with relatives and' old per box of 25. J. H. Buck. tf-M friends. " Fred A. Stock was a visitor inl E. W. Thimgan, the garage man. Omaha l;;st Thursdas', where he was looking after some business for the day. Little Mary Helen Pothast has been suffering from a case of the chicken pox, but is doing as well as could be Loped. Mrs. H. P.odanz and son, Daniel, of Wahoo, was visiting here for a The Style the Sieason and the Price Everything is favorable to men who buy a summer's supply of athletic underwear here this week. Garment styles that prefer the "brand of weather" to go with them and prices that will please all lead to a gratifying Change" from medium weights to Allen A Summerwear : FbrMen&Boys The fine quality of "ALLEN A" Summerwear appeals to all men who look for and ex pect the better things of life. We offer a complete range of sizes for Men and Boys Union Suits of light; cool comfortable Sill:, Soisette, Madras or mercerized net. Prices on a few of these splendid garments follow: EVJurdock RSercantile Company at the home of a brother of Mrs. Welton, Mr. J. H. Buck and family. Mis3 Estella Trltsch, who has been teaching at the Rose Valley school during the past year, having closed her school last Friday, returned to her home, in Plattsmouth. . Miss Tritsch has made an exceptionally good teacher. Miss Viola Everett, who Is the leading saleslady at the Bauer & Kraft store in Murdock was a pas senger last Thursday . to Lincoln where she went , to make purchases for the business firm with which she is connected. Miss Amanda Stroy, wno has been teaching in the schools at Merna, and where she has made ah excep tionally good record, and with the closing of the school there has re turned home for the summer, and ar rived here last Tuesday. Track foreman of the Rock Island has been with his crew or workmen working in conjunction with the track crew of the Burlington pre paring to put In a new crossing where the Burlington and the Rock Island intersect at South Bend. They will put in a heavy rock foundation before installing the new crossing. The Rev. I. Laipply, pastor Of the church In Murdock departed on last Thursday evening for Milford. where he went to attend the graduating exercises of the Milford schools, two of his grandchildren completing the high school course there this year. From there he went to DeWitt, where he officiated at the funeral of a form er member of the church to which he had ministered. Cultivator shovels sharpened and readv for use. Price $4.00. J. H. Buck. tf-M- Mrs. L. Neitzel, who has been ill for the past flve months and has re ceived much treatments and suffered much during the time, is now doing nicely and is at this time so she is able to get around and is doing her house work, though a little trying on her strength, but which Is gain ing with every day, and she is well pleased with the good improvement she is at this time having. Miss Naomi Coglizer, who has been with the Murdock Mercantile company for some time past, coming from Omaha to work at the institu tion here, with the closing of this month will discontinue her services here and accept again the position from which she came at an Increased salary. Miss Coglizer has made an excellent saleslady and leaves here with many very warm friends. George Dalrymple and Sidney H Strome of Omaha arrived in dock last Thursday evening and im mediately went to work with the Dusterhoff shops and will assist In caring for the work which Mr. Dus terhoff now has on hand and will A number from here attended the "t tt r r 11 petrate a joke on the banqueters, ! "l i,iia-" am xh- slipped the ice cream away just be-!woTod- , fore the banquet was to begin. After' - R. Stanley accompanied by H. some anxietv on the part of those giv-, p- Hl.nd3 autoed to Lincoln Saturday ing the banquet the coveted dainty ; ino".,? . ,, , was returned and till. went well as k v. 1,1 TanEvery is on the sick list The home had been.1"" , o. a. jacKman accompanieu Dy ai. marriage bell. decorated in the two class colors, the colors of the Juniors being scarlet and cream .while that of the Senior class was pink. . An excellent banquet was . prepar ed by the members of the Junior class, which consisted of five mem- ueis, " t but is now able to be uu and around. man, urace uaKeuieier, iare scneei, . . yv(,. . Harold Luet-1., .;.,.,,', E. McDonald autoed to Lincoln Sat urday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Golden and family. Miss Esther Muth autoed to Lincoln Saturday morning. Ollie Allis has been home for the past week, having been quite sick Mary Rush and Master chens. The members of the Senior: class being Misses Selma Schliefert, Dell and Alina Oehlerking and Mas ter Richard Tool. Four members of the- Freshmen and Sophomore classes served during the banquet, they be ing Misses Irene McDonald, Hilde- B&&i B.tUSa ' Hennetta Bauer'to Lewiston Saturday and spent an?..ut,?rt2?i, - - Uy Pr with Mr. Lane's brotl Miss Clara Scheel was chosen asj ily autoed to Lincoln Sunday and spent the day with Grandma Wil son. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. -Jackman and family spent Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Cole and family. . . ' Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lane autoed a brother , ! and family. over the t mumps and back in the store. It i"ov" -""r "rr.-r r " : Air. w. s. . naraway is sonded to were as follows: "Jun , i j i 1 ",.v,i 1,: . t "Union," Hiss Marssret Shephard, LaVerna and Irene Gibson of one of the teachers; "Nothing," byiuw onont r tv,0 f, I week with their cousins, Marion and j Rula Jackman Meta-Reichman; "Ihside," by Miss Mies Helen Gakemeier; "Opinions, by Richard Tool; "Realities," Miss Mary Rash; "Seniors," Professor H. Way. The closing cf the banquet was made more pleasant by the wish of I Several from here autoed to Platts- 1 mouth Saturday evening and attend- ; ed the carnival that had been go- j ing for the past week. j Mr. and Mrs. Tom Colbert and Lumbago This is a rheumatism of the nius-i was a visitor In Omaha last Tuesday, going on the noon train and remain ing for over night. Charles Long and wife and Mrs. C. L. Miller were visiting in Lincoln last Thursday, making the trip in the auto of Mr. Long. Little Varona Landholm is suffer ing at this time from pink-eye, which is giving her some trouble, but she is getting along nicely. J. H. Buck was a visitor last Tues day at Ashland, where he was call ed to - look after some matters of business for a short time. August and Herman Wendt were visiting and looking after some busi ness matters in Plattsmouth on last Saturday, driving over in their auto. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Veach of Lin coln "are rejoicing over the arrival of a son at their home last Satur day, the con and parents are doing nicely. Mr?. Lucy Lyle, manager of the telephone exchange at Elmwood was a visitor for over Sunday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Charles Buell, south of Murdock. A number of the young people of rIun!ock and vicinity enjoyed at the Modern Woodmen hall last Thursday evening a very pleasant evening in their social dance. Mr3. Wm. Knaupe has been feel ing very poorly for the past ten days and was kept to her home and bed for a number of days. She is so she "can be up at the present time and is Improving. Two . creameries came to Murdock a short time since and then went away again. Mr. E. K. Norton, who has been here and has been handling cream Is still here and can care for ; the business. I Pitman and pitman boxes, sickle heads, or anything in this line at J. H. Buck's. tf-M. While the nightwatchman's atten tion was called 'to another portion of the town, an entrance was made at the Murdock Mercantile company's store and sixty cents in money and a pair of shoes taken. John Amgwert and family were visiting last Sunday at the home of Louis Hite and wife of Chenery and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Maves of Ben nett. Mr. Amgwert with the family drove over in their auto. The Rev. Ostertag of Scottsbiuff, has been visiting in Murdock at the homes of a number of their friends and especially with Grandma Thim gan and with the families of Messrs Matt and Edward Thimgan. Speaking of the excellent rain which came to the whole country, L Xeitzel had to say that in Nebraska it has always been his observation that the rain always comes fifteen minutes before it is too late. Mr. H. A. Guthman of the Bank of Murdock. which bv the wav i rtntt lot the most substantial banks in the country; departed last Wednesday for Lincoln, where he was In attendance jat the district bankers' convention. , Mrs. A. A. Welton and sons, Ken neth, Ralph and Alvin, of Guernsey, i Wyoming, arrived in Murdock a the junior wnicn as. 10 tne en-,family spent Saturday at the home, iors May each step of your future of Mrs Colbert's sister and family,' life be upward, a pleasure to yourself Mr And Mrs j w Jones of Earle. i and a blessing to your fel'ow man. 1 M- E(1 rjorr nasscd awav Fridav , The Juniors." evening about 11 o'clock. The fu- The evening following the toasts ' nerai services were held Monday af and banquet was filled with social I ternoon at the Baptist church. The conversation, music anu songs. DO(jy v-ras laid In the Wabash cenie- ; 'tcry. mUfAIirtl Olirrrn' -Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dehning and WUhlCfl OUrrL 1 family, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Dehning ' I ing and Mr. Ed Krecklow autoed to Many Plattsmouth Women are Learn-! north of Lincoln and visited withj fhi Tantip i relatives. ing tne tause. j Mrg A M VanEvery was a pas ! Women often suffer, not knowing ' gto incoin Saturday e. headache, dizziness, ner-; Kath- v VSnl ; VO US 11 GSS, i f t x ti t Irregular urinary passages, weak- gquJres caHed tQ Qmaha j ness, languor . , . d , t k b f hig Tnh, Mnf t ' L,, ' daughters, Mrs. Woolheiers. She was Together bint at weakened kid- i0perated on for appendicitis. Mr.! ciriKe at uue Bi iu throe sons caRie in Saturday evening. Nc other remedy, more highly en- Mur-lorsed than Doan's Kidney Pills. Recommended by thousands Endorsed at home. lit rn'a rnn vinrin? tpstimnnv from i k Tt r.mno on onil. ! --3 -. ejea J L 1 11 U Ul&lH. l. Wlli V OUU i a Plattsmouth citizen. . , . & . . ! denly and is quite painful. Every j Mr3. Joseph Altman, 327 Chicago movement aggravates the disease. Goj allow of his getting caught up with! avenue, Flattsmouta,. says; l naq to Jed. keep quiet and have Cham- the work which has been pressing at an attacK or trie nu and it leit my berlain's Liniment applied and as this time. The force of now five men back in a weak and tired condition 0ui?k recovery may be expected. Mrs. j are making excellent progress on the and my kidneys were weak. Some- p. j. Dann, Erockport, N. Y.. writes: j Christian church at Elmwood and times I could hardly bend at my t ran honestly sy that Chamber-' which Mr. Dusterhoff and lis men housework on account of the sharp ain'r. Liniment cured me of lumbago i are decorating in the most approved stitches in the small of my back and a year ajro ast summer. When I be-( manner. ; through my kidneys. I felt weak all -an using it, I was flat on my back1 lover. I had-heard so much about in bed and could not turn to the left! High School Picnic j uoar. s Kianey J-uis neiping otner or richt. I had a bottle of Chamber-j Last was held of the large cro Kfvi avniuita that tho rothflrincr would have been on the lawn of the M7 trub3e f " of the persistent raining it was de- Ior dnei' "medy g et - cided to have the gathering indoors. Pan s Kidney Pills the same that. Poughkeepsie, X. Y., May 25. " r ni -- -i r -f i. 'y-w r- r i I rn ... i "u"1" itu. x-u-.i-utiuuiu bounty autnonties tomgnt expressed Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. doubt that Frank A. (Mac) Doran of ' Chicago, arrested today near Fish ' kill village, had any connection with the murder of William Desmond Tay lor, motion picture director. Doran ! asserted that he could not remember ' having told Herbert Harnhart of Wa terbury. Conn., a chauffeur, who caused his arrest, that he had been implicated in the killing. The arrest ' followed an all night taxicab ride , from Waterbury, during which at the Doint of a revolver, Doran forc- ! cd Barnhart to drive him to Dutch- s en dbes hot ceasb with th2 acctfrnplistied tohtract. talce pleasure in iuggtf tioiii Fcir furnishings. A,' VV It rhhy be oF value to you to have your drapsries especi ally designed .o match your new Wall in color or design or to receive other sugges tions pertaining to make your interior decorating a . com plete success. We aim to serve as "Interior DECORATORS" inttead of interior PAINTERS! It will be wise to get reservations NOW for August for Fall work! Prospects are pending new for Fall and Winter. Why Not Call Today! Thursday the annual picnic vt-i "V" "JU uct" """"" ? i inn s Liniment in tne nouse ano mis at the high school building 11 "' " was appuci to my Dacs. ii prompt- . Murdock schools, with a very ' a: . u"e UUi ,r WT t Y aWRy P 3 acnes- xw'A f tt ottnrionno Tt hart vx o xa u& w 44 "v eyricu oc naufdua. i use and I have not had a sign of any Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't NOT IMPRESSED BY HIS STORY However, they had a good time. Royal Neighbors Meeting ! ., Last Thursday after some days of AJNX4lJi4CES SERUM FOR very damp weather the. members of j SLEEPING SICKNESS the Royal Neighbors of America met i at the home of Mrs. Jesse Landholm. ; where they enjoyed one of the best ' meetings of the season. Mrs. Land holm was prepared for the occasion with a very beautifully decorated home, where flowers of the season ! St. Louis, May 26. A serum, which wen injected into humans in the early stages of sleeping sickness, has produced a cure, has been dis covered by Dr. E. C. Rosenow of Ro chester, Minn., he announced today Wq Are Headquarters for GAS ENGINES ENGINE OILS TRACTOR OIL Harvester Oil Axle Grease Hard Oils All Kinds of Motor Oil ALL STANDARD MAKES OF TIRES AND TUBES Buick Prices 22-Four-34 22-Four-35 22-Six -44 22-Four-36 22-Six -45 22-Four-37 22-Six -49 22-Six -46 22-Six -48 22-Six -47 22-Six -50 Two passenger roadster $ 895 Five passenger touring 935 Three passenger roadster 1365 Three passenger coupe 1295 Five passenger touring 1395 Five passenger sedan 1395 Seven passenger touring 1585 Three passenger coupe 1885 Four passenger coupe 2075 Five passenger sedan 2165 Seven passenger sedan '. .. 2375 All Buicks F. 0. B. Flint, Michigan W. THISfiGAN, MURDOCK -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA BRYAN AT LINCOLN, SEES VERDICT IN PRIMARIES :?nf 're?iLnde.d-ee.0f lit h"?;' Medical association. 1HK JL iue iiay uasncis, iue liitie, n m...... : i . ,T . , P-lrls who vere felected for the nnsi-! " llUBeu)w exmoiieu muiiuu pic- ess county, lie was tayiureu autr f, Z ?a?JZi till 1,1 wtu"s of tae isolated and hitherto he had taken to the woods when unknown germ whcih caused this ! disease. tion of serving, they being Marvel; Amgwert and Mary Isabel Tool. Mes- dames Louis Bornemeier and Frank Buell were assistant hostesses and when the matter of the very bad roads was considered there was a very large crowd present. Mr. J. E. McHugh took the pictures of the girls serving, they being represented as May baskets. The malady, it was explained, is an improper functioning of the brain, which produces unnatural Barnhart fell exhausted at the wheel of his cab. Lincoln, May 26. W. J. Bryan arrived here today to remain until tomorrow night on his way east from Los Angeles. He and Mrs. Bryan made the 1,500-mile trip from San Antonio, Tex., to the southern Cali fornia city by automobile. Mr. Bryan said Mrs. Bryan enjoyed the trip and was benefited by it. Asked if in his opinion there was any significance in the victories of former Senator Beveridge in Indiana and Gifford Pinchot in Pennsylvania Mr. Bryan replied: "Yes, these successes are very sig nificant. They show a decided reac tion against the leadership of the republican party, and that, of course, brightens the prospects for the dem ocrats. The greater the split between tho reactionaries and progressives in the republican party, the better the democratic chances this fall and two years hence." Chanberlain's Tablets are Mild and Gentle in Eject The laxative effect of Chamber lain3 Tablets is fo mild, and centle that you can hardly realize tliat it has been produced by a medicine. Wcyrich & Hadraba. Phone ns the newsl en sleepiness, or, contrarily, an unna- fj tural waltpf ill ness. or. asrain. muscu- H lar spasms, such a severe jerking of the head. The. death rate is about 130 per cent. Dr. Rosenow stated. i 39 Murdock Schools Close The year 1922 of the Murdock schools has drawn to a close and the students are again out In life, those of the graduation class ,to tackle the problems of life and of the other classes to return after a vacation. The exercises were had Friday even ing, the Rev. J. Hartman of the Bredck church east of Murdock de livering the principal address of fhe evening. Mr. Hartman, who is a pleasing speaker made an excellent address which with the other exer cises made a very worth while meet ing. Those to graduate at this year making the class of 1922 were Mr. Richard Tool." Misses Selma Schlie fert, Delia Oehlerking and Alma Oehlerking. EXPRESSES THANKS To the citizens of Plattsmouth and I Cass county, who, by their patronage and assistance, made the recent car nival such a splendid success, Hugh J. Kearns post of the American Le- , gion desires to express their sincere . thanks and appreciation to the good j people of the city and county. The Junior-Senior Banquet The graduates of the Murdock schools and those of Murdock who have graduated at the Elmwood high school, will endeavor to organize an alumni for the Murdock high school and which Is expected to take form in the near future. Will Endeavor to Organize Alumni . Last Wednesday, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Matt Thimgan, the Junior class of the Murdock high school or that class which is to grad uate in 1923 entertained the Senior place vtv f Vi A rna r Mn4nrv ViX. at a regular banquet at which a most Eecure Jcl?- J l Rumley Oil Pull Tractors Makes the Best Record! FOR SALE Four and six-sevenths acres. Sub. lot nine (9) of original lot nine (9) in Porter Place addition to Platts mouth. Will take Ford or Dodge car as part payment. F. G. BOBBETT, Weeping Water, Neb. NOTICE! By order of the court the under signed was appointed receiver of the B. G. Dovey & son store, rariies . owing the above firm are requested i to settle their accounts immediately.!' JOHN F. G ORDER, 'lmod&w . . Receiver. JUNE RED BOOK I The new June Red Bocks are now on sale at the Journal oSce. Call once. The FUEL ECONOMY RESUL T5 OF VARYING LOAD TEST fxs f?j? 7?? imrcRZoo Hoy 2-25 fLi 3 Cise O-' 3 - e c.vse o-ze , 454 o -CTL.7ui.L.i2-2o ftg H !' 2 -fuee Li;nr4- Z-2S A3 -IZA '3 Wvampcs Z-Z5 Jc L C2-2Q oi : J?fL 18 roXDso-v S SJ?? i JA 7Wv CVry S-ZO i. zo jjjzseri-3ftrt -Yr?'-iGHi?!rf 'u tite 23 7 revsv 0-?Q I 434 -C 27 yov Vf 1 fefl iS-L 29 LevCftosse G Z 3t 3 4-1 rtraY 2-2Q . ' . i-L?- 7 .vecr-c- 3-2Q 333 5A 4-9 cill,S 5-2S &2Z i-L? o res S-eci. Mljl e S-2Z J.Z , Z g9 &3?r rs?orw S-2-3 2 LZ JiJZ -h'srwic 7 --iSLKTflfiK 2Q m VVGe9GOr&tl.7fcc9CT&ii3 3&9 34.4 (JixccuOiHS 0'- Ait) -?:rt 9- eg B?f3rssi.MuLe '3-22 343 36 J 7 . rtV.fer 2-20 vt ?A 7 S T-?ov S2-2S Zii. 3 2 cVl l is Cmxlmsks 2-2Q 2AZ ; CVVCZVCTZ 63Q 3 1.2 t pleasant time was had. Some of the new Hearst s, laouon Picture, Pho- short time since to visit for a while members of the high school to per- toplay and Classics are also here. . SeSd by Murdock, UlLSTOFF, Nebraska i 3 1