The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 29, 1922, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    MONDAY, MAY 29, 1922.
Mrs. Sherman Wolfe has been ill
the past few days.
Born, May 23rd to Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Foreman, a daughter.
. , The Woman's Reading club met on
Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Harry
Dr. J. W. Thompson and - John
Gaffney, of Lincoln visited J. A.
Schaffer and wife Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Strain, of Uni
versity Place spent Sunday evening
with their aunt, Mrs. D. A. Vincent.
The high school teachers enter
tained the play cast Thursday night
at a party at the high school build
ing. Miss Lois Keefer, who has been at
home ill for the past week, left on
Thursday evening to finish her school
duties at Mllford.
Mrs. Sarah Vanlligning of IIIlls
boro, Illinois, who has spent some
time at Glenwood, Iowa, is visiting
her nieces, Mrs. M. C. Keefer and
Mrs. S. . Payles.
The Alvo schools closed Friday
with a picnic at the Boyles grove and
a baseball game played on the school
grounds. Quite a crowd was in at
tendance despite the very muddy
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Curyea and
daughter. Miss Lillian Curyea, of
Lincoln visited Sunday at the John
Wood, Sr.. home. Miss Carmen Muir
accompanied them to Lincoln Sunday
Miss Marie Stroemer returned
home Saturday evening from Gothen
burg, where she finished a successful
term of school in the Primary depart
ment of the city schools. Miss Stroe
mer was re-elected there for the com
ing year.
Corn Machinery Wbw!
With the new "RED BABY" that is 'our service
truck, we are
in a position to
want in farm machinery the day following the order,
and in many cases the same day.
Time to work the corn how! We have cultivators,
two row listers, and two row cultivators. Repairs for
Deering and McCormick machinery,. Harvesting and
Haying machinery and binder twine. Better anticipate
your wants in this line and have your supply sure and
not have to wait. ' v ,. -
Coatman Hardware Co., "
Alvo, Nebraska
Don't let that miserable tired feel
ing become a habit. Get rid of it
today by taking Tanlae. F. G. Fricke
& Co.
I have the agency
for these celebrated
cars for Cass county
and will be pleased
to give a demonstra
tion at any time to
prospective pur
chasers in any part
of the county by ap
pointment. I will
be in Plattsmouth
almost every week
and will be pleased
to demonstrate the
superior power of
this wonderful car.
Louisville, Nebr.
mm Mtiiuite!
The proper cultivation of corn is the prime essen
tial of the raising of a 'good crop.
Just now things look favorable for a bumper corn
crop this year. But the fields must be worked and the
best of machinery is needed.
We are handling the leading lines of farming im
plements. Four different styles of riding cultivators,
walking cultivators and two row machines. The prices
are right.
Do not wait until you are really heeding them, but
see us early and be assured of prompt delivery.
Farm Implimehts
11- in ""n iiin?
Mr. and Mrs. L. II. Mickle and
children of Denton, 'visited briefly
Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs.
J. A. Shaffer. They were enroute
home from a family reunion where
all the children were at home with
their mother, Mrs. Doty at her home
at Weeping Water last Sunday, the
first time in twenty-five years.
Commencement Events
The Senior play, "The Fascinating
Fanny Brown" was given in the high
school auditorium May 19th and
Oth. Large crowds enjoyed the play
both evenings and the Seniors felt
well rewarded for their work by the
sum of money received.
The Baccalaureate sermon was de
livered Sunday evening, May 21 by
Rev. E. A. Knight. The church was
crowded. Miss Irene Friend played
the march.
Commencement was held in the
High school auditorium on Tuesday
evening, May 23rd. Quite a large
crowd assembled in spite of the mud
dy roads. Miss Irene Friend played
the march. Then followed the Salu
tation by Pauline Burllngame; Ad
dress, Paul (Sunshine) Dietrick;
Solo, Doris Arnold; aVledictory, Mil
dred Mickle; Presentation of Scholar
ship, Supt. Kelley; , Presentation of
Diplomas, Roy Coatman. The stage
was attractively decorated, repre
senting a porch of vine covered lattice-work.
Red and white roses were
effectively arranged in vases. The
eight graduates were the Misses Ma
bel Hunt, Claire Wills, Pauline Bur-.
Iingame. Mildred Mickle, Ina Ander
son, Christine . Chrlstianson, Irene
Sutton and Helice Groff.
supply you with what you
Cloudburst Hoods the Manufacturing
and Jobbing District, Tearing
Up'Sewers and Paving.
Burlington, la.. May 26. A cloud
burst at 2 o'clock .this; afternoon has
flooded Burlington's manufacturing
and Jobbing district, washing out
sewers and tearing up paving and has
done damage amounting to hundreds
of thousands of dollars.
Old Hawkeye creek, long covered
over with business streets and used
as a sewer, went on a rampage such
as has not been known in many
years, tearing out retaining walls
and flooding cellars.
Peoria, 111., Hay 26. Thousands
of dollars worth of damage was done
to Peoria and surrounding territory
this afternoon by a cloudburst which
fell within a radius of several miles.
Work trains tonight are busy repair
ing railroad lines, on several of which
traffic was. stopped.
The rainfall was measured at the
United States weather bureau as
1.7 inches between 2 and 3 o'clock.
The Itock Island railroad was the
principal line hit by the water. It
is reported four hundred feet of track
have been washed out. There was
no loss of life.
Display the colors Decoration day.
All sizes and qualities of flags at the
Journal office.
Watbmbuth, ftebr.
Eesult of Freight Decrease Nothing ;
Said as to , How Much Wage
Reduction Will Be.
W.n shine-ton. llav 25. The na
tion's cost of living bill probably will
be reduced nearly $1,000,000,000 a
year as the result of the 10 per cent
reduction in freight rates, ordered by
the interstate commerce commission,
government -statistical ' experts said
This means. a saving ol iu a year
for each person in the country.
It is quite likely rail employees
will be asked to absorb a loss of sev
eral times that amount in their an
nual pay roll when the wage cut ex
pected to be ordered by the railroad
labor board In the near future as a
sequel to the 10 per cent freight re
duction Is announced.
Tt is stated the administration con
siders a Avage reduction would enable
the carriers to help carry the freight
The freight reduction will cut the
nation's freight bill from $300,000,
000 to S400.000i000 a year according
to official calculations. The govern
ment experts,. who have been follow
ing the trend of the cost of living.
osHhiate a decrease or an increase in
freight charges is more than tripled
when it is finally passed on to tne
consumer. On this basis they figure
the billion dollar reduction a year.
or $1 per person, although it is ad
mitted the rule does not work nearly
so well when prices are going down
as "when they are going up.
Washington. May 25. The de
partment of justice, It was learned
today, has orders from President
Harding to see that the rate cut is
"passed down" to the consumer, just
as rate increases during the war
were quickly "passed on."
The rate reduction is to become
effective on" or before July 1, and
administration ofiicials look for its
reflection in cost of living figures
shortly thereafter.
"Administration leaders also hope
the rate ctit order will have an im
mediate stimulating effect on busi
ness. ' , ' '
The decision ' on freight rates
clearly indicated a strong sentiment
among some of the commissioners
for a passenger fare reduction, but
the majority apparently still is
against such a cut. The number of
railroad passengers decreased from
102,000.000' in June. 1920, to 81,
278,000 in January, 1922, and it was
admitted that the high passenger
fares were partly responsible.'
' The two stage, amplifying-radio
set and chopping bowl type of Jond
speaker operated by the Kettleson-Holly-Dalton
corporation at the Wil
Jard battery station In the M. W. A.
building, although entirely home
made, is getting some good results in
intercepting the ethereal waves of
speech that are being hurled through
the air daily by. tbe various broad
casting stations.
Thursday , night a concert and a
number of short speeches sent out
from the Omaha grain exchange sta
tion were audible over the entire
room occupied by the battery station
and a large num.ber of- people ''were
present to "listen in" on the concert,
which came-.out clear and distinct.
Among the, interested listeners was
State President Barclay of the Fra
ternal Order of Eagles who heard the
message to Eagles being broadcasted
by a prominent Omaha Eagle and
past president of the state Aerie.
Last night a concert was given by
the Ralston-Frush trio and It too
cams in very satisfactorily, although
the presence of static made the re
ception considerably more noisy than
the night before.
- The receivingoutfit has picked up
messages from as far away as the
powerful sending station at Newark,
New Jersey," but of course atmospher
ic conditions niust be Just right when
this Is possible.
Numerous changes have been made
in the tuning apparatus since the
boys first constructed the set about
two months ago and marked : im
provement is niticeable.
Fifty Congressmen Ask House Com
mittee For Prompt Eeport on
The . Hill Measure.
Washington, May 20. Fifty con
gressmen joined In a request to the
house ways and moans committee
for a prompt report and opportunity
to vote on the Hill local option 2.75
per cent beer and cider bill.
The bill provides that each con
gressional district shall constitute
a federal local option district and
that In the next November clectibn
the voters shall decide whether they
wish beer or 3,-ider as defined In the
bill. Deer is defined as meaning any
beverage obtained by the alcoholic
fermentation of an Infusion or de
coction of barley, malt and hops in
drinkable water, containing not more
than 2.75 per centum of alcohol by
volume; cider means any beverage
obtained by the natural fermentation
of apple or other fruit, vegetable or
herb juices containing not more than
2.75 per centum of alcohol by vol
ume. The bill also provides that there
be levied on all beer or cider so man
ufactured, a tax of 20 cents -a gal
lon. On the basis of 2.000,0u0, 000
gallons of'beer legally "produced in
1914. Representative Hill claims that
this bill would produce from $400,
000. OaO .to $500,000,000 a year of
needed revenue for the treasury..,
Poultry Wanted!
A car load of live poultry wanted
to be delivered at poultry car near
the Burlington freight house. Platts
mouth on Thursday, June 1st. one
day only, for which we will pay the
Cash Prices
liens, ner lb . 20c
Broilers, per lb 28c
Old cox, per lb : 8c
Eeef hides, per lb 5c
Horse hides, each q.ou
Itemember tbe date. We come to
buy and will positively be in Platts
mouth on the day advertised, pre
pared to take care of all poultry of
fered for sale.
First District Congressman Sets June
4th as Date His Resignation
to Become Effective. .
,WashingtooMay 2 C Following
t';e amount rnent last night by Mr.
l'.ugherty that Representative C. F.
Itcavls had been named assistant at
itfVney general of the United States
Tor the prosecution of war frauds, the
First district representative today
submitted to Speaker Gillette his
res-lunation, effective June 4.
Mr. Iteavis is to be in virtual
charge under the attorney general,
;vt his particular work will be In
connection with the quartermaster
corps expenditures, involving a great
deal more than half of all the money
pcid out during the war.
Scores of col leagues called on Mr.
Her. vis thi.3 morning expressing their
fc'ilht at his appointment and as
suring him of their confidence that
he would put thru his task faithfully
nnd with success. It is thought that
the naming of the Nebraskan on ac
count of the high standing in con
cress will go far toward alleviating
the criticism that has arisen over
i! e slow start given the prosecution
It is understood that the appoint
ment came utterly without solicita
lion on the congressman's part, as
a result of the work he has done as
p. member of the special house com
mlttee that investigated war expen-
cMtures. He hid also come signally
to the attention of the attorney gen
oral through his record on the Judlc
lary committee which has many con
tacts with that official, and had
gained prominence as house chalr-
rvin of the joint committee on re
organization of the administrative
Mr. Reavi.; hr.s served a little over
rev n years. lie had announced his
intention to retire at the close of his
present tern and to practice law in
Lincoln. The appointment came un
expectedly and ho issued the follow
ing statement today, readjusting his
plans in the latter respect, but not
changing them materially:
"I regret any inconvenience my
resignation may occasion. To mini
mizo-It as much as possible, I will
erip'oy a competent man to carb for
all departmental requests until my
successor is selected. 1 I). Enfield
of Lincoln, who has been my secre
tary, will go with mo as an assistant
attorney. I entertain no illusion re
garding tlio work which awaits me
No crook outside ever robbed the
government without the assistance
of sopi4 crook . on the inside. As a
result the files are so fixed or con
fused as to make the trial of the
scheming grafters who are well
fortified financially and otherwise
throughout the nation, and will have
powerful influences in the public
press that will be in sympathy with
them. 'I will be glad if my home
people will avoid incidental criticism
which will be directed at me, and
judge my administration by the re
sult achieved.
"The ' law partnership with Max
Ilogbtol of Lincoln, which was to be
effected at the end of my congres
sional term, will be entered into at
once and I will devote such time as
my duties here will permit to its
business. I shall return to Lincoln
permanently as -soon 0.3 I have com
pleted the work here."
! Whooping Cough
ThU is a very dangerous disease,
particularly to children under five
years of age, but when no paregoric,
codeine or other opiate is given, is
easily cured by giving Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. Most people believe
that it should run its course, not
knowing that the time Is very much
shortened, and that there is little
danger from the disease when this
remedy is given. It has been used in
many epidemics of whooping cough
with pronounced success. It is safe
and pleasant to take. Weyrich &
Hadraba." '
A large assortment of. flags for
Decoration day at the Journal office. I
All sizes and prices. I
From Thursday's Dally.
Oscar Gapen came in this morn
ing from his farm home and depart-'
cd on the early Burlington train for;
Omaha to spend the day.
Mrs. Fred Knoch of Fort Madl-1
son, Iowa, who was here to enjoy a
visit at the home of her sister, Mrs..j
Thompson, returned this morning to
her home. j
W. C. Tippens and wife departed .
this afternoon for Boulder, Colo.,'
where they go to enjoy a visit at
the home of a sister of Mr. Tippens,
who resides in that city.
Henry A. Schneider departed this
morning for Lincoln where he goes
to attend the convention of the bank
ers of group No. I of Nebraska, of
which C. S. Aldrich of Elmwood is
the president.
Mrs.' J. C. Peterson, Sr., departed
yesterday for Rochester, New York,
where she expects to spend some
weeks visiting with her daughter,
Mrs. Alice Barger, and family. Mrs.
Peterson will visit for a short time
at Chicago enroute east.
From Friday Dally.
Paul H. Roberts of Cedar Creek
was here today for a few hours look
ing after some matters of business.
Mr. and Mrs. C. . R. Frans and
daughter, Mrs. J. F. Lyon, departed
this afternoon for. Union to attend
the funeral of Harry Frans.
Mrs. O. W. Johnson and children
of Havelock, came in this morning on
No.: 4. to spend a few hours visiting
with relatives and friends in this
Miss Estelle Tritsch, who has been
teaching at the Rose Hill school
near Murdock, came in this morning,
having completed her school work
for the year.
Carl Ohlschlager and wife who
have been here visiting with, rela
tives and friends for a short, time
returned last evening to their home
at Aberdeen, South Dakota. ,
Mrs. Tom Murphy accompanied
by her neice, Mrs. Harland Black,
of Falls City, were among those go
ing to Omaha this morning to spend
a few hours there visiting with
Mrs. M. E. Brantner and two
grandchildren departed this after
noon for their home at Pender, after
a visit here for a short time at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. John Cory
and were accompanied by Misses
Nellie and Florence Schultz, who
will visit there for a short time.
Millions of, German, Children Owe
Their Well Being to Unselfish
Work of Friends' Society .
Berlin, May 26. -Millions of Ger
man children who suffered from hun
ger in the war time and afterward
probably will remember the manna
like meals provided for. . them, by the
American Quakers long after they
have forgotten the nam of the Amer
ican friends seryjee committee which
will withdraw. from Germany at the
end .of July aftfct, tw.and one-half
years of relief work. here.
The budget committee of the reich
stag recently approved an appropria
tion of 50,000,000 marks for the pur
chase of foodstuffs to continue the
child-feeding program when the
American supplies have been ex
hausted. These supplies are now ex
pected to last until September 30.
Dr. Rose, chairman of the German
central committee for foreign relief
and director of the food ministry.
said the government had granted the
full amount he requested for this
purpose but the Quaker feeding so
strongly gripped the popular mind
that some members of the party of
the left demanded a great iiicrease In
the federal grant for that purpose
The Friends organization has been
established in 1,640 towns which
contain about one-half of the entire
population of Germany. Its- supplies
were stored in more than 300 ware
houses and its food was prepared in
moro than 250 kitchens and served
from 8,360 feeding places, mostly
schools and child-welfare instltu
The money value of the American
food provided has been estimated at
$8,500,000. "This amount is less
than one-fourth the cost of a first-
class battleship," said Francis R.
Bacon of Philadelphia, chairman of
the Friends committee.
lie added that from the beginning
the Quakers had the full support of
the German government which, since
October, 1920, furnished all the Hour
and sugar used in the ration given
to the children. In addition, the Ger
man people supplied all the costs of
insurance and distribution of the
food while the society of Friends paid
the overhead expenses. The German
contribution is estimated to average
about two-thirds of the value of the
cooked meals.
Mr. Bacon said that the withdraw
al of the Friends committee from this
work was made possible because it
appeared that the Germans were now
capable and prepared to carry it on
The American feeding reached Its
heiKht in June and July last year
when more than 1.000,000 children
were receiving an extra meal daily
thru American bounty.
The Hartford Insurance Co., of
Hardford. Conn., of which George
It. Sayles has been the representa
tive for a number of years, has just
made settlement with C. G. FricKe
f thin rltv for the damages to his
residence property on North Eighth
street that was visited by fire on
Mav lath, and also with Paul H.
Roberts and Mrs. J. B. Duff of Ce
dar Creek covering their losses from
the recent fire that swept over the
town of Cedar Creek.
Ji' HiiuJ
ml frtt$yf
t m ' 1
RED-TOP 30 x 3'A
Extra Ply of Fabric Heavy Tread
Price $17.85
FOR poor roads, for heavy loads, For hard use
anywhere the Fisk Red-Top cannot be equaled
for small cars. An extra ply of fabric and a heavy
tread of extra tough red rubber make a strong tire
built to meet exacting conditions.
Time after time one Red-Top has outworn three
ordinary tires. Its distinctive looks indicate your
selection of a high-grade tire while its extra mileage
more than justifies your choice.
There's a Fisk Tire of extra value in every size,
for car, truck or speed wagon . , .
Only Drawhack Would , be the Cost
of Communication Says Scien
tist in Annual Report.
Washington, May 25. Venus is
possibly inhabited by human beings
and communication with planetary
neighbors by wireless "may be pos
sible, although the cost would be; im
mense" is the opinion of C. G. Ab
bott, assistant secretary of ;the
Smithsonian institute, who discusses
various scientific phases of the "habi
tability of other worlds" in the; an
nual report of the institution. Just
made public. : -
Mr. Abbott says Venus reflects
light as if it were surrounded with
clouds and probably "it; contain3
plenty of moisture." - ; f .
"Its temperature is about the same
as that of the earth," he added, "and
all other conditions are apparently
compatible with the existence of In
telligent life."
, Many popular writers have claim
ed great things for Mars as an abode
Goes Onto
Just what many a man does when his lights are
bad. Then why have the trouble of starting incident
to the weak battery?
Our service is at your command. Our work is
absolutely the best, and the batteries we sell guaranteed
in every respect.
the Plattsmouth
Sat. JUNE 3rd to Sat. JUNE 1 7th
Six Races and Special
Four hundred Horses Participating. Winners
from Havana, Tia Juana, Mobile, New Orleans, Lex
ington and Louisville.
'but I can-
Evils of. Constipation. .
Perhaps the most serious " of the
diseases caused by constipation is ap
pendicitis. If you would avoid this
dangerous disease, keep your bowels
regular. For this purpose Chamber
lain's Tablets are excellent, easy to
take and mild and gentle in effect.
Weyrich &. Hadraba, . ,
Si's room' house and four lots, or
Souse and two lots. Inquire' at the
ournal office.' m26-6d,'2sw
Blank Books at the . Journal JjCica.
Pasture for Rent!
I have good pasture ith run
ning water for a few head of cat
tle on my my farm, two miles east
of Murray.
Phone No. 1 Plattsmouth, Neb
the DifehS
Battery Station
Feature Each Day
of life, Mr. Abbott said,
not acce'pt this view."