The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 25, 1922, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1922.
Murray Department
Prepared is the Interest of the People Qf Mnrrur d Surrounding Vicinity Especially far tht Journal Readers
If any of tbe readers ci trie
Journal knoT of any socUl
eTentoritcm of Interest in
this vicinity. md will mall
me to this oflice. It will p
per under this beadirg-. V
want all news Item F.riTOH
ies, Mr. and Mrs.
Otto Lutz.
Wm. Puis and M
Krs. Trent Laid to Rest
i ft
Opp orttinifyr
In ready funds is the magnet
that will draw opportunity,
not once but many times to the
thrifty man's door.
The funds need not be large. There
are opportunities of all sizes. But
the possession of capital, no matter
how limited, implies the presence of
other desirable qualities such as
business sense, stability, ambition.
By starting a savings account
with us now you will soon
have sufficient savings accu
mulated to enable you to
welcome Opportunity when
she next knocks. Without
money you may not even
recognize her.
MaKc This TZanKyovr 'Best Servant
Open an Account tvith V Today ft OW !
Interest paid on time deposits.
Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law.
All buiaes transactions held in strict confidence
Your Personal Bank.
W. G. Boedeker, Prcsidsnt Fred L. Nutzman, Vice Pres.
L. J. Kailas, Asst. Cashier
it" sp
, LU riaw LI
fc '- P O R T L' M IT v I
Ij. D. Hiatt and wife "were visiting
with friends and relatives in Platts
mouth lust Sunday.
2Ir. and Mrs. Louis Hallis were
rnjoyiiig the carnival at Flausinouth
last Wednesday evening:.
L. K. Kniss v.-as a visitor at Au
burn last Sunday -where he was a
guest of a very dear friend.
Last Sunday Jack Philpot shipped
two car loads of cattle from this
place to the South Omaha market.
Harry Puis and a few of his
friends were in attendance at the
1G0 lb. sack pure granulated sugar for $5.75
48-ib. sack Pillsbury Hour . 2.25
22-oz. Badger fruit preserves, five for .'. . 1.00
Governor brand apricots, four cans for 1.00
60-70 size prune, 7 lbs. for 1.00
Quart size pure apple butter for. 30
Large size Post Toasties for 15
3 pkgs. Corn Flakes for ; .25
Bulk macaroni, shell, the new kind, per lb 15
Bulk oatmeal, per lb . .05
1 00 lb. sack chick feed 2.50
Skinner's egg noodles, 2 pkgs. for ! . . . .25
Mixed nuts, per lb 19
3-lb. can Monarch fancy blend coffee 1.00
3 J2 lbs. fancy Santos Peaberry coffee 1.00
Ladies and Misses trimmed hats, about one O
dozen styles that formerly sold up to $4.00. v
Saturday, your choice for
Phone Your Order Early for Strawberries
Telephone No. 12.
nnichsen & Go.,
Murray, Nebraska.
carnival at Plattsmouth last Satur
day. Bert Lloyd was a visitor in Platts
mouth last Tuesday afternoon mak
ing the trip via the Missouri Pa
cific. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stratton of
Plattsmouth were guests at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Brendel last
Sunday. '
PauJ A. Trent and wife of Alex
andria, S. D.,- were here on account
pf the death and funeral of Mrs. C.
A, Trent. '
Henry C. Long and wife were vis
iting near Avoca last Sunday and
were taken by Mr. W. H. Homan In
his auto.
Many young people from Murray
and vicinity were in attendance at
the dance given at Mauley last Fri
day evening.
Em Carroll was a visitor in Mur
ray for a short time last Tuesday
and reports alt his corn planted and
some of it up.
Joseph Staska and wife will oc
cupy the Trent home and will also
keep little Dorothy making a home
for the little one.
Font Wilson and family spent last
Sunday at the home of the former's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Wilson,
living near Rock Bluffs.
Mrs. James C. Deles Dernier and
Mary Connelly was born near
: Murrav. Cass (nuntr. Nebraska, on
Last Friday atternoori at her late Januarv 2S. 1879. "beiue 43 vears
home in Murray occurred the funer- 3 months and 18 davs of ace at the
al of the late Mrs. C. A. Trent who time of her death, "which occurred
died at the hospital in Omaha last Pt tl)e Lord Lister hospital in Oma-
, Tuesday. The funeral services were fca Tuesday, May 16.
! conducted by the Rev. W. A. Tay- Slip was thn nnlv tlaachtfT of John
- ! or f Cnion and the burial was made and Bettv Connelly
m t. . n . . . . -
. ai tiinwooa on riuay evening, airs.
- ; Trent who was formerly Miss Mary
where all had a most pleasant time. ' Connelly, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
The party from Murray made the j John Connelly, was bora in Cass
trip in the auto of Mr. IliUl. ! county where Murray now stands,
unable to attend the funeral, which
was held in Murray Friday, May 19,
the Rev. W. A. Taylor officiating.
Interment v.;is had at the Elmwood
The Rev. James Lee arrived in 'January 28 th, 1879, and was forty-
She was married to C. A. Trent
September 15, 1H17. at Hill City, To this union v.-as born one
rhilJ, Dorothy Elizabeth, are 3.
She also leaves her son, John C.
Brisben of Wood I.aka, Nebraska
Murray last Friday and is conduct- j three years of age. Mr3. Trent was a step-son, Paul A. Trent of Alexan
ing service every Sunday and Sun-; united in marriage with Mr. C. A. una, S. D., her brother, Thoa. Coa
day evening at the Presbyterian j Trent September 15th, 1917. to this r.elly of Interior, S. I)., her brother,
cnurcn in .Murray. .ue. i,ee is a
young man full of spirit and a work
er and we are certain lie will make
a success in Murray.
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Brendel enter-
union one child was born, little Dor
othy, who is now three years of age.
Mrs. Trent leaves besides the little
trirl and her father, a son, John C.
Brisben, by a former marriage, who
Tl.os. Connelly of Mineral, Wash.,
ard her husband, C. A. Trent.
Her father and brother were both
Specialist on Swine and
Cattle Diseases
Will receive calls at resi
dence, Murray. Phone No. 50
tMnp.i inRt Tupsdav for surmpr at ' "ves at w oouiaKe. J"oiin Connelly ot
,,i. (.nmo ivTico icilv n-na f i Interior, S. D., her father, and a
teachers of the Murray schools, Mr.
and Mrs. Morton Bartlett and daugh
ter, Miss Florence, and Dr. and Mrs.
G. L. Taylor and the baby. A most
enjoyable time was had by the merry
Bark Will Clcse
On Tuesday. May 30th, the Mur
ray State bank will be closed all day
on account of Decoration day. All
patrons will please bear this in mind.
j brother, Thomas of Minden, who was
unable to come to the funeral. Mrs.
Trent with the husband came to live
in Murray some two years aero and
having made her home during the
many years cf childhood and has a
host rf frierds who are with the
family rnd close friends mourning
It; death. Mrs. Trent was a true
Christian woman and had the love
nnd rerert of all who knew her.
Ker loving service and helpful ncijTh
borliness will be missed by her many
friends here.
Frank Heed Entertains Friends
Last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Reed entertained for their friends at
their home east of Murray when all
present had a most pleasant day.
The day was spent in social conver
sation and amusements while the la-
a most deiigntiui dinner to wnicn
all did ample justice. There were
present and enjoyed the occasion:
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Reed and fam
ily, Mr. and Mrs. Al Bartlett. Wm.
Wehrbein and family and Philip
Keil and family.
son Ivan, were visiting and looking dies assisted Jn the preparation of
after some matters of business in
Plattsmouth last Saturday.
Mr. Stephen Barker who was so
severely burned recently while burn
ing corn stalks is now making very
fair progress towards recovery.
Mrs. Dan Twombly of Weldon,
Iowa, was called here by the dearth
of Mrs. C. A. Trent and 6he has
visited for a number of days since.
Wm. Hobson and family were vis
iting in Murray last Tuesday and
were guests at the hopie of their
friends, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Brendel.
J. J. Toman who has been sick
at hs home east of Murray for some
D. C. Ehocen Very Sick
Don C. Rhoden who has made his
tome in Murray almost since there
was a town, has been feeling very
poorly for some time past and has
taken treatment from many physi
cians and while they have done all
rrcilo ho tins not rprratrpd nia
time past, i3 able to be out again . hlth rfpcirpd m-.rin the nast
and was over tp Murray last Tues- .eek ne haS been kept to his home
ay- . and a portion of the time to his bed
George Jacks and two men were ( bv very gevere attacks of neuritis,
cutting walnut logs for shipment 1 s"nd diaDetes, which have been very
tut as the weather was rather wet stV!bt,ora ln treatment. He is having
returned to Plattsmouth in the eve- the best of medical attention and
J. C. Brisben and family from
Woodlake were visitors in Murray
for a number of days called here on
accoxint of the illness and death of
their mother Mrs. C. A. Trent.
M. G. Churchill and wife were at-
care and it is hoped that he may soon
be about again.
Will Organize a Ball Team
Southwest of Murray the young
people are getting interested in a
tending the carnival at Plattsmouth J ball team and last .Sunday had a
both last Friday and Saturday eve-etime in wntcn tuey.cnose up. bui
ning as well as visiting at the home! they are expecting-- organize a
of their daughter. Mrs. LeRoy Jar- j sure enough ball team next Sunday
xs. A and which Arnold Mass would name
Earl Cline and . family were visit-i the '"Wild Cats" for they are goers
ing lasf Sunday with friends in Mur- when it comes to playing hall.
ray beipg guests at the home of Mr. j
znd Mrs. Joe Mrasek, Mr. Cline andiSpeni Bay at the Home of Frienf s
Airs. Mrasek being brother ana sister.
Henry Clapp and wife of Elmwood i Englkemeier were gathered ?t their
were visiting here with their friends ! beautiful country home where they
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Erendel and also
attending the play given by the
Sophomore class of Elmwood high
Hurray Schools Are Closing
With this week the schools at Mur
ray will close for the year, they hav
ing been very successful and the
corrs of teachers have given undi
vided attention of effort to best con
duct of the school and hsve made
good in every instance. With the
closing of school some will not re
turn to take up their studies in the
Murray schools but the thinprs which
they have learned will go with them
and p.ssist in making them upright
rr,eT' and women. Incident to the
closing of the school last Thursday
thre was given at the Peterson hall
a rrogram by the members of the
primr.ry, intermediate and grammar
Surprise Party I
The beautiful home of Mr. and
Mrs. James Trgnor, near Murray,
was the scene of a surprise party
last week given in honor of the sev-enty-seoond
birthday anniversary of
Mr. Tigncr. There were some thirty- j
s:ven persons present and a very fine
dinner was served on the lawn at '
noon. Games were played during the .
afternoon and all enjoyed a fine time, j
The delicious dinner was marked by j
; f.:? birthday cake baked by Mrs. j
T 5. truer nd which bore the seventy-
tv. o candles. In honor of the occas- :
ion thD gusst . of honor received a I
number of useful presents and at a i
!:.! heur the guests departed wish-:
irg Mr. -Tignor many- more happy;
Iv'rthdsys and also enjoying the light !
refresh inents provided by the hostess.
George Graves and family were
visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Alex Graves last week for a number
of days. Mr. and Mrs. Graves are at
this time making their home at Hart
ington. Howard Graves and family of
Plattsmouth were visiting for the"
day last Sunday being guests at the'
home of A. H. Graves and wife and '
J. H. Burt as well as M. G. Church- j
ill and wife.
The young people of Murray are
to have a social dance at the Pet-
erson hall at which they are extend-
mg an invitation to all those who
enjoy a good time to come and have
a pleasant evening.
M C. A. Trent and daughter,
Dorothy, John C. Brisben and wife,
Paul A. Trent and family were visi
tors last Sunday at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Creamer spending
the day with their friends.
Miss Pratt, the teacher in the
Murray school, was a visitor in
Plattsmouth last Tuesday evening
where she went to attend, a class
larre number of thp relatives W at trn; t?mc desire to express;
and friends of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. I oiir cnpr?ci-tion of the kindness of
t'-'e Tinny friends in Murray who
ministered at the time of the death)
r." ncr beloved wife and mother,
Mrs. C. A. Trent." and for the flow
rr.d all th kindly acts at the
tinu; C. A. Trent and daughter,
Dorothy: John Brisben and family;
Paul A. Trent and family.
Here Are the Opsciaa Prisssi
Just e,i the time when they will do you the most
Scod, we are making n lict cf cps; ial prices on fanriing
implements. Thece wi;i hst d-arin thf? cornin? six
weeks and will give ell an 'opportunity to Irke cdvan: -arjre
of them. They are ail reliable and firt class oads.
Come examine and be convinced that they are as we
International side delivery rake $ 75.00
TvIcCormick, 5-foot mower 70.00
Hoosicr grain drill 120.03
John Deere stag plow 79.00
John Dccre disc harrow 55.00
International disc harrow C5.G3
John Deere 4-wheel lister C0.G0
John Deere walking cultivator 28.00
New Departure cultivators 20.00
Jennj' Lind cultivators 27-00
Case high lift gang plow C0.00
John Deere truck wagon E5.00
Triumph wragon box 25.50
70 bushel John Deere spreader. .' 138.00
International hay loader E0.00
P. and O. riding cultivator 43.00
P. and O. wnde tread lister 85.00
P. and O. tractor plows 130.00
John Deere two row machine 72.00
Case two row machine 72.00
New Century cultivator 40.00
Overland cultivator 34.C0
Van Brunt grain drill complete with grass seed
attachment 13500
Peterson Hardware Co.
E. L. PETcRSOrJ, Manager
enjoyed the day and the company
and hospitality of the genial host
and'hoFtess. There were present for
the occasion. W. H. Puis. Fred Lutz,
A. Gansemer, Philip Hild. W. A.
Ileil, A. Gansemer and their famil-
fupction of which she is a member
of the Plattsmouth schools.
C H. Boedeker w-as a visitor in '
Louisville last Sunday being a guest
at the home of his sister, Mrs. Pet- j
cr Koehler for the day. Mr. and Mrs.
Koehler are just now building them
selves a new brick residence.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Seyboldt en-!
tertained Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Shra
der and children last Sunday they
coming also to see Mrs. Shrader's
father, J. B. Seyboldt, who has been
feeling prety poorly for the past
week. " j
Edward Trent of Mitchell, S. D.. '
has been here for some time called ,
on account of the death of Mrs. C. j
A. Trent, whose funeral occurred
last Friday from her late home in ;
Murray and w-hose burial was at
Elhiwood. j
On account of the rain for a num-.
ber of days for the first portion of
the week Mr. J. E. Gruber was de
tained with the work on his house.
Mr. L. F. Pickett of Plattsmouth
was a visitor in Murray last Sun
day for a few hours.
Grandpa Copcnhaver who has
been visiting for some time at the
home of his son, W. A. Copenhaver,
at Union, arrived in Murray last
Monday evening and will visit for
some time at the home of his daugh- '
ter. Mrs. John Farris.
Uenry C. Long and wife a-nd G.
E. Nickles and wife were at Elm
wood last Friday attending the fu
neral and burial of Mrs. C. A. Trent
she being buried at that place. The
funeraj being preached by the Rev.
W. A. Taylor of Union.
Dr. and Mrs. B. F. Brendel and
Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Hild were spend
ing last Sundav at the home of Dr.
and Mrs. J. W. Brendel at Avoca
II a ?p re
will give one of their excellent social dances on
Friday Evening, i.lay 26th,
at which time they will have the best of music, fur
nished by the Black and White Melody Orchestra.
A good time is assured all. Usual admission and a
cordial invitation extended to atl.
Murray Cream Station
pays highest cash prices for Cream, Produce and
Poultry. Also sell Flour, Bran, Chop Feed, Calf meal.
Tankage, Chick and Stock Feeds.
2 m w k
Make Motoring Safe!
Weed chains insure safety, with wet and slippery
roads. We are offering some exceptional bargains in
weed chains.
Tires, in all sizes and styles, all good and prices
are much lower.
Some used cars and trucks, which we will swap,
all in good condition.'
We can handle your repairs at this time, when you
are not needing the machines badl3 so you can have-it
when you do need it. '
Accessories, Supplies, Gas and Oil.
i Tin T
0 13315 S-bS&Oi
Here is Your Spassal Prices!
Men's Overalls, standard brands $1.45
Men's Overalls, Lee and Oak brand, for Saturday only.- 3 25
Men's Work Shirts with collars attached. 1.C0
Men's Work Shirts, all sizes 1.C0
Men's and Boys' Dress Caps . . $1.00, $1.53 and 2.00
i Oiscsuni on AH Oress Oootls
This is the Time to Purchase Your Sugar!
Come!" See! and Get Prices!
Don't forget our Grocery Specials as quoted in our former
advertisement. They are for Saturda)
You can purchase any article in Aluminum Ware for one
dollar. Take your choice of Pcrculator, Dish Pan, Stew Kettle
of any size. All more than the money's worth.
Wilson & Puis,
The Service Store
Murray, Nebraska