The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 15, 1922, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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KONDAY, MAY 15, 1922.
T.AC3 nvx
i Am Hero to
Notwithstanding the interference by the fire fiend,
I am still here to give service to the farmer in supplying
iheir warfts and needs in the line of farming machinery
'and repairs. We have the agency for the International
line, including McCormick and Deering harvesting ma
chinery and the tillage machinery, including plows,
discs, cultivators and in fact anything in the farming
machinery line I can furnish you. Repairs for all and
any kind of farm utensils. I would like to give you
service. Fhone 14-J.
H. H. Lawton has been doing some
work at the home of J. Johanson in
the line of interior decoration of his
Miss Margaret Tool, who is attend
ing the state university at Lincoln,
was a visitor at the home cf her par
ents for over the week end. .
M. R. Vanlvery, of Lincoln, where
he is employed, was a visitor here
for a short time while on the way
to the home of his brother near
Miss Naomi Coglizer of the Mer-r
cantile company was a visitor at her
home in Weeping Water last Wed
nesday, making the trip via the bus
both ways.
Miss Minnie Dieckman departed a
few days since for Stewart. Iowa,
where she will visit for some two
weeks at the home of her aunt an!
other relatives. .
Messrs Ellis LaRue and Frank
Bogs. of Union, were looking after
some business matters in Murdock on
last Tuesday driving over in the car
of the former.
H. A. Guthman and r family and
Mis3 Esther Rau were at Plattsmouth
last Wednesday evening, going over
to see tie play, "Way Down East,"
at the Pannele.
The school at Grand Prairie, which
is soon to close a very successful
year, held a picnic last Friday at
which the scholars all lad a most
enjoyable time.
J. II. Buck and wife were visiting
in Lincoln last Friday; they driving
over to tire state capital, where tliey
had s-ome business feetting supplies
for the shop here, , .
Fred Backemyer and wife of Elm
wood were visiting in Murdock and
looking after some business matters
for a short time last Thursday, driv
ing over in their auto.
Mr. and Mrs. Lew Walters, of Om
aha and Miss Lillian Amgwert of
Council Pluifs. were visiting in Mur
dock la?t Sunday and guests at the
home of Mrs. L. Amgwert.
Mr. and Mrs. Jess Landholm and
the babe were visiting in Omaha on
last Sunday and -Monday, guests for
the time at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Louis Berglund and family.
Miss Esther Rau was looking after
Looking to Farmers' Weeds!
12-inch, guaranteed sharpened ready for use. . . .$6.00
1 4-inch, guaranteed sharpened ready for use .... .6.50
84-inch 4-horse evener, best quality 2.25
90-inch 4-horse evener, best quality 2.50
Drive Boxing, Mower and Cultivator Tongues.
Prices right and guaranteed to meet prices anywhere.
Our Motto Work that will Stand
J. H.
Rumley Oil Pull Tractors Makes the Best Record!
Sold by
Servo Vou!
the switchboard at the telephone ex
change last Thursday in the absence
of the Misses Esther and Marie
Schmidt for the afternoon.
Mr. C. F. Hite continues to im
prove though very slowly and is up
and around town every day, and with
the warming of the weather is ex
pecting to gain more rapidly.
Mr. J. C. Dreamer and wife, of
Elmwood, were visiting for a short
time and looking after some business
matters in Murdock last Tuesday,
making the trip in their auto.
Mr. E. W. Thimgan has about com
pleted the repairs on his wall at the
garage and iz placing a portion of
the concrete floor in anew, .which is
making the .workshop Just like new.
Mr. E. E. Marshall who was feel
ing quite poorly last week was so
far improved that he was able to be
over to Murdock and looking after
some business matters last Thursday.
The wind of last Tuesday broke a
large limb rfrom a tree in the front
yard of Lacey McDonald, while, the
clouds and wind produced quite a
I commotion, they did no further
The Botany class of the Murdock
high school were out last Friday look
ing after specimens for their work,
and were under the chaperoning of
I their teacher, Miss Elenor Gake
meier. j On account of running out of ma
1 terials Matt and Victor Thimgan
1 were compelled to lay off for a time
!at the work which they. were doing
iat the home of Mr. Conrad Eaum
j gartner.
Harry CJillespie, Lacey McDonald
jand J. E. McHugh were spending a
; short time in fishing at Meadow la6t
! Thursday, making the trip in their
auto and going via Ashland to cross
'the river.
j Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Ytush drove
I to Omaha last Thursday afternoon.
J where they went to visit and also to
look after some business matters, as
they were needing some repairs for
the sheller.
Messrs. II. F. Schweppe and J.
Johanson were looking after f-ome
business matters in Omaha, going for
some needed materials for the new
ry0. nans O.' wcrog ,?j -? dm. loan
fie & 7??.-vc:to?s " -
I KvrFIz3 gov Z-25 -3l J 7
J Ctvse o- S I Sf 3 B.I
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house which Mr. Schweppe is having
constructed at this time.
John W. Kruger has been selected
by the town board as night watch
and will enter upon his duties on
the 18th of the month. Mr. Kruger
should make an excellent official,
and we are certain he -.will.
Mrs. Sadie Moriety, of Columbus,
Ohio, sister of Mr. J. H. Buck, ac
companied by her son Donald and
daughter Hazel, were visiting in
Murdoqk for the past week, guests
at the home of their brother and
Professor H. Way and wife, Lloyd
Way and Miss Mary Rush were visit
ing for the week end at the home
of Mrs. Floyd Beacher, mother of
Mrs. Way, at Silver Creek, driving
over and returning home on Sunday
Loui3 Hornbeck and wife, with
their daughter, Caroline and accom
panied by Mr. C. G. Backemeyer were
visiting in Greenwood last Thursday
afternoon, where they were both
visiting and looking after some mat
ters of business.
See the new ad of Ed Guilstorff,
which appears in this issue, and
which tells of the superiority of the
Rumley Oil Pull tractor, which he is
handling. Better still, .see Ed and
he will tell you what the machine is
good. for and how economically it
can be operated.
Albert Bornemeier, who injured
one of his hands while engaged in
repairing the fencing at bis home,
has been suffering considerably on
account of the wound becoming af
fected and resulting in a case of
blood poisoning. He is reported as
being somewhat better at this time.
Last Thursday Mr. and Mrs. O. E.
McDonald and the children were
visiting in Plattsmouth for the day
and in their- trip over they were ac
companied by Miss Edith Kelly of
Plattsmouth. a sister of Mrs. McDon
ald, who has been here visiting for
the past two weeks and was return
ing home.
On account of the slipping of the
arm which held our fan belt last
Wednesday while we were driving
out of the yard at Otto Miller's, we
had the fan broken and the hose con
nection broken, causing the making
of some repairs. Mr". John F. Stand
er, of Plattsmouth, being with us, we
accepted the kind invitation of Mr.
and Mrs. Miller for dinner and en
Joyed their hospitality very much.
Miss Ruth Miller, while entering
the school room after recess slipped,
turning her ankle and spraining her
foot in such a way that she was com
pelled to have the services of a
physician, who dressed the injured
member, but from which injury she
i experiencing considerable pain.
Miss Ruth wHl have to be quiet for
a number of days until the injured
foot shall have become well again.
See Show in Lincoln
Mr. I. G. Hornbeck, Miss Martha
Theile. Albert Theile, Miss Margaret
Shephard, and Miss Naomi Coglizer
made up a party motoring to Lincoln
one evening last week where they
were joined by Mr. Will Meyers, they
all attending a show at that place.
Are Needing Help
Messrs Max Dusterhoff and Joe
Wutchinek have been busy during
the past few weeks so much so that
they have not been able to get the
work kept up. Mr. Dusterhoff. is
needing some held and would like
the assistance of a number of work
man who can do the proper kind of
Xade Trip to Lincoln
H. H. Lawton recently purchased
a Maxwell auto from the garage of
E. W. Thimgan, and on last Thurs
day evening Mr. Lawton and wife
and llr. and Mrs. Wm. Strachiskie
made a trip to Lincoln, where they
were visiting for the evening.
Hear Sister Has Died
Mrs. H. R. Schmidt received word
last Monday of the death the day be
fore of her sister, Mrs. Etta Hager,
at Lovel, Oklahoma. ' Mrs. Hager was
formerly Miss Etta Eichoff, and has
lived in the south for a number of
Will Conduct Sewing 'Class
Mesdames Wm. Knaupe and -Ed
Bronkow, who have had charge of '
the Dress Form class during the past
months for the country sewing club, j
will not have any more meetings fori
the making of dress forms, they hav-!
ing made some fifteen thus far, but
will give lessons in sewing. There
will be a meeting at the home of
Miss Martha Thiele on May 17th, at;
which time the matter of sewing J
will be given consideration. This willj
be an all day meeting as the ladies!
nro PTnorlinE' to do a ETPfit amount t
of work.
Think Much cf America
Herman Cordes and Henry Reich-J
art, two young men who have Just
arrived in America from the old ,
country, are highly impressed with'
this country and are glad to have
cpnie to this country. Mr. Cordes is:
working at the heme of Mrand Mrs. I
Dan Schlaphoff, while Mr. Reichart'
id employed with Carl Reichart.
Announce Cominjr Harriaee
Mr. and Mrs. Clark Gonzales, of
near Elmwood last Sunday at a din
ner which they gave to a number of
their friends, announced the coming
marriage of their granddaughter,
Miss . Ruth Reeves to Mr. Henry H. '
Morning, pf Burr, Nebraska. The
unique place cards were in the shape
of a hammer signifying the hammer,
one of the tools which Mr. Morning
who is an artisan, uses. Guests from
away were' Mr. and Mrs. James Ru
dolph Eagle, Mr. and Mrs. James
Milles of Murdock, Mrs. Emily Gon-;
zales and son Donald, Rodger Reeve
and Miss Filer.
Elect Their Officers
Last Saturday evening Wm. Gehrts .
and I. G.' Hornbeck were visitors at
Elmwood, going over to attend the
the Masonic lodge, where they are '
members. They enjoyed the occasion '
greatly and assisted in the electipn
of officers while there. The officers;
elected for the coming term were 1
John Gerry Stark.' W. M:; Alva G.
Ried. S. W.; John Turner, J. W.; ,
Herman J. Rogge, secretary and Mc
Lennen, treasurer. i
Enjoyed. Fishing Party
Dr. and Mrs. Russel Hornbeck, of
Muruock, accompanied by Dr. and.
Mrs. John Carruthers of Lincoln and
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Carruthers, of
Mason City,' who are visiting here,!
were the members of a Jolly fishing
party which ,was hejd at' South Bend,
where they all enjoyed : the "picnic
dinner as well as the sport of fishing
last Sunday. , . j
Will Give Play the 19th !
The Junior class are getting their1
play, "The Farmerette," in readiness
for the date on which they are to
present the same to the public, Fri-,
day. May 19th. j
The members of the clas3 who are
in the play are kept pretty busy now :
with their studies and the play as
well. ..j-..-
Baccalaureate Sermon
Last Sunday evening at the Evan-
gelicnl church was held the meeting
at which was delivered the Bacca-.
laureate sermon, delivered by the '
Rev. I. Laipply before a crowded)
house and to the graduating class
who are to cohiplete their school
education so far as the Murdock;
schools are concerned, with the cios- j
ins: of this school vear. and will eo
out into life to win in the contest
for victory, and we are certain they
will make a good record in their
Attend Celebration at Elmwood
Last Thursday a number of the
ladies of Murdock were in attendance
at the reception given at Elmwood in
honor of Mrs. Bess Streeter Aldrich,
the authoress of that city. Those in
attendance from Murdock were Mes
dames A. J. Tool, E. W. Thimgan,
Henry A. Tool, J. E. McHugh, H. V.
McDonald, H. W. Tool and Harry.
Doing a Good Business
Mr. Wm. Gehrts, who has been
supplying the people of this vicinity
the best of machinery for many years
past, is enjoying a very nice trade,
the result of years of honest dealing
and furnishing the best goods. Dur
ing the past week he has disposed of
a number of listers and other imple
ments. T. S. Rager received two lis
ters, Wm. Heier one, Lawrence Rikli,
one, Timm Brothers, two and two
went to David Campbell near South
Bend. He was compelled to take a
truck. and go to Omaha for three
listers in order to supply the demand.
From Friday' Dally.
The dance given at the Eagles hall
last evening proved to be a very suc
cessful affair and enjoyed by a very
large crowd of dancers. The famous
Ed Smith jazzers furnished the mus
ic with the help of two of our home
talents as two of the Smith bunch
failed to show up, but with help they
found here they were able to put the
dance oven . - - - - -
Phone us the news!
"It's the Chapest Thing I Ever
- Bought! Writes Mrs. J. .Mason, Y
"I paid SI .25 for five cake of Rat-Snap and juiig
, ing by the large number of dead rats we've ricked
up. "I reckon we've saved hundreds of " dollars la
.chicks, eggs and feed." Voor pets won't touch it.
. Rata dry up and leave no smell. 35c. 65c, St .25. .
Sold and guaranteed, .by
IBestor & ,Swatek Weyrich.& Had-
raba F. K Fricke & Co.
Their Beautiful Home the Scene of
Most Enjoyable Occasion a
Happy Event For All.
On last Saturday. evening the beau
tiful country home pf Mr. and Mrs.
Gus Wendt, near Murdock, was the
scene of a roost happy .occasion, , when
many friends and relatives were in
attendance at - the celebration of
their twenty-fifth wedding anniver
sary. It was an occasion jsvhen joy
and mirth ruled supreme and all vied
with each other to see who could be
the happiest. Mr. and Mrs. Wendt
entered into the occasion and. seem
ed to be as young as on that day 25
years ago when they spoke the words
that made them man and wife.
This anniversary was gotten up
by Mrs. Wendt and children and Mr.
Wendt was kept completely in the
dark. That evening he wanted to go
to town but it had been previously
arranged that some of the neigh
bors call and detain him. Just at
the time one would leave another
would call. Mr. .Wendt about nine
o'clock began to grow suspicious and
to sense that there was -something
a little out of the ordinary but could
get no information from his wife.
When the crowd had arrived he fin
ally tumbled .but entered into the
occasion with all the zest he had
and had as good a. time as any of
One interesting feature of the eve
ning was that Mrs. Wend t's wedding
dress which was too small ,for her
now was worn by Mrs. Harry Gilles
pie. There was some contrast with
the present day wedding dress.
Refreshments of ice cream and
cake were served at about 11 o'clock
Many presents of silver were pre
sented to the bride and groom of 25
years ago.
Those present were:
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Gakemeier,
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Toole, and fam
ily, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Toole and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry McHugh,
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Toole and family,
Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Pothast and fam
ily, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Sandholm and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Guth
man and family. Mrs. H. V. McDon
ald and family, Mrs. John Scheel and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Louie Borne
meier and family, Mr. William Mey
ers, Miss Mary Shepherd, Miss Mar
garet Whipple, Miss Noma Coglizer,
Mr. William Lau, Jr.; Miss Ada Lau,
Miss Ellen Gakemeier, Miss Martha
Gakemeier, Miss Maglean Gakemeier,
Mr. Albert Thiel, Mr. Walter Heiers,
all of Murdock; Mrs. William Ossen
kop and son Marion, Mr. Herbert
Worth man. Mr. and Mrs. William
Wendt and family, Mr. Howard Koop,
Miss Myrtle Jerdean, Miss Fridia
Gaiier, or Louisville; Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Reister and family, Mr... and
Mrs. Charley Lau, of Manley; Mr.
Guy Heil, Migs Helen Heil. Miss An
na Heil. of Cedar Creek; Miss Mabel
Rummell. Miss Sarah Rector, Platts
mouth; Miss Elsie Miller, .Mr. and
Mrs. Neihart. Mr. and Mrs. B. I.
Clements of Elmwood; Mr.. and Mrs.
Beesacks and son Bernard of Eagle;
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gerbeling and
family of Wabash.
Music was furnished by the Mur
dock orchestra .consisting of Miss
Catherine Toole, pianoist; Miss Irene
McDonald, pianoist; Miss Margaret
Toole, violinist; Miss Margaret-
.Whipple, violinist; Mr. Harold Toole.i
saxaphone; Mr. Marion Ossenkop,
clarinet; Mr. Herbert Worthman,
cornet. Elmwood Leader-Echo.
.Add This Fact to Your Store of
Kidney disease often advances so
rapidly that many a person is firmly
in its grasp before aware of its pro
gress. Prompt attention should be
given the slightest symptom of kidney-disorder.
If there is a-dull pain
in the back, headaches, dizzy spells,
or a tired,. worn-out feeling, or if the
kidney secretions are offensive, irreg
ular and attended by.pain, procure a
good kidney remedy at once.
Your townspeople recommend
Doan's Kidney Pills. Read the state
ment of this Plattsmouth citizen.
J. B. Partridge, Eighth and Locust
streets, says: "I.was bothered a great
deal on account of the bad condition
of my kidneys caused by hard work
on the farm in my younger days. My
kidneys acted freely at times, caus
ing mo to get up a great deal during
the night. At these times I was so
bad I could hardly straighten. I
had to walk with the aid of two
canes. Not long after I commenced
using Doan's Kidney Pills I was well
and I have. not needed to take them
any more. My kidneys .were streng
thened and acted regularly. I give
Doan's the credit for the healthy
condition of my kidneys today. I
got Doan's at-Mauzy's drug store." ;
Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedyget
Doan's Kidney; Pills the same that
Mr. Partridge had. Foster-Milburn
Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, .N. Y.
From Friday's Dally.
This morning-William E. Hand
of-Greenwood filed in the office of
County Clerk George R. Sayles. his
intention to -enter- the race for -the
republican nomination for the office
of representative from the 6th dis
trict, consisting of Cass county. -Mr.
Hand has had previous experience in
the legislative halls having served
as a representative in the session of
1705, and is a gentleman well qual
ified for the position; Personally of
a most, genial nature, he has mark
ed ability along the lines. of the
study of: public questions .and .has;
during his lifetime Jeen very, active
in the political: :life pf the county'. j
ijiaax uoois at me journal umtc
When recessions in prices came, we were -prompt
to take ourijosjs, as ajl business mutwhich has not as
yet done so.
We are in position to . offer to the public ap ex
cellent line of building material of all descriptions, , at
tie: lowest price level rfor good lumber .that ras peen
possible since before the war.
See us for anything you may, be needing. in this
line. ,We can save you money.
Yes, business is good! Our prices are doing their
part in this restoration of commercial activity.
Tool, fJaumnn d r.lurfoy,
The Lumbermen
Committee From local legion Post
Visit St. Joseph and Inspect
Dominion Show Co.
From Friday's Dally.
The two special representatives of
the Plattsmouth post of the Ameri
can Legion, El wood Buttery and
William Powell, returned yesterday
from the Missouri city, and report
that the carnival and the various
attractions measure up well with the
reports of the carnival that had been
previously given. The company has
some ten high class shows as well
as the mechanical devices such as
the "Whip", ferris wheel and merry-go-round
and a large number of
concessions of various kinds such as
are usual with a show of this nature.
The "Illusion" as well as the "Ha
waiian Viltege" are the biggest of
the shows and have done a very large
business in the time the carnival has
been at St. Joe. All of the various
shows are clean in appearance and
make a most credible showing for
To Iho Pooplo of nurdocft and Uicinlly:
When you buy Petroleum Products from us ypu are patro
. nizing a strictly HOME CONCERN, not an eastern corporation.
We pay our faxes and spend our money in Cass county. Our
Penn Franklin Motor and Tractor Oils are a pure Pennsylva
nia product - every drop made from Pennsylvania crude and
shipped direct from Pennsylvania. -We buy in car load lots,
, thereby getting the rock bottom price. Remember Pennsyl
vania oils will not carbon your motor, will stand up under ter-
rific heat, and will wear longer. .See our Mr. Schaier fpr.sam
. pies. and. prices.
Case Farming machinery!
I have the agency for the full liqe of Case farming machin
ery. Such as Plows, Tractors, Threshing Machinery, Haying
Machinery and fn fact a full and complete line. We can fur
nish all kinds of repairs. See.ns, we will make it well worth
.your while.
Phone ro.7-W Murdock, Hob.
W.$Mr& Headquarters
; Harvester Oil Axle, Grease Hard Oils
AH Kinds of Motor Oil
22-Four-34 Two passenger roadster $ 895
22-Four-35 Five , passenger , louring .......... 935
22-Six -44 Three passenger roadster . ..1365
22-Four:36 Three passenger, coupe. ,1295
22-Six -45 Five passenger touring. ......... 1395
22-Fqur-37 Five passenger jsedan. J395
22-Six -49 . Seven passenger, touring 1 585
22-Six, -,46 Three' passenger cpupe. ......... 1&35
22-Six .-48 Four, passenger coupe 2075
22-Six .-47 Fjye paseRgrjsecian ........... 2165
22-Six . -50 -Se.ven. passenger 4 edan. ........ . ?375
All Buipks Ft 0. B. Flint, Michigan
the company and as far as the com
mittee was able to ascertain there
was nothing in any of the attrac
tions or the personal acts of the
members that .would in any way of
fend anyone.
The carnival .will arrive on . next
Sunday and at once set up on the
park on Washington avenue. where
they will afford entertainment for
the Plattsmouth people for a .week.
The many friends- here of James
Parker, at one time a player on the
Plattsmouth Red Sox, will be pleas
ed to learn that he is to play with
the Beatrice Blues in the new ' Ne
braska state league and appears in
the opening game today at the third
sack. He has made a pleasing im
pression with the fans of Beatrice,
as the following from the Sun of that
city would indicate:
"James 'Jlggs Parker is the, funny
man of the Kirchner elan, and is
popular with the fans. Parker knows
all phases of baseball., which he has
efficiently demonstrated by his per
formances at the .third sack. II in
home is at Cambridge, Ohio, and ho
has , played in organized baseball
circles in the east during recent
years. He is unmarried but makes
a home run occasionally in spite of
the fact. His batting averages over
L - . t ...