The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 11, 1922, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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THTJESDAY, KAY .11, 1922.
Murray Department
Prepared la the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers
It ut of the readers of the
Journal kwr of any social
event or item of interest In
thla rtcinll.y. and will mail
use to thai office. It will ap
pear under this behdin-r. W
wast ail nwltem Edtob
yoxir Character
The name of the bank with
which you do business is
one of the best references you can
A checking account stands for
modern business methods, available
liquid funds.
Jchr Joveg
A savings account stands for
good habits, thrift and am
bition. So not only does a bank
account yield you monetary
returns from your investment
but it returns a dividend in
good reputation.
McKc This "BanK. Votir 15 est Servant
Open an Account tvith V-r Today JtOW!
Interest paid on time deposits.
Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law
AH business transactions held in strict confidence
Your Personal Bank.
W. G. Boedeker, President Fred L. Nutzman, Vice Pres.
L. J. H alias, Asst. Cashier
' The JIurrpy Jolly Makers -will give
another of their jolly dances at the
Peterson hall on Friday evening.
May 12th, at winch time they will
expect to have an excellent trme.
See their ad in this issue
Master Lloyd Scott, with a sudden
a tack cf appendicitis and ball cyst,
was compelled to go to the hospital
at Omaha, where he underwent an
operation last Monday evening, be
ing accompanied by Dr. B. F. Bren-del.
p- v rs
g 3i wan fiiBr
For your better dresses you will appreciate their
superior and daintiness of pattern and colors.
Burton Tissue Ginghams in the popular check pat
terns. You could not make a better selection than a
pattern cut from one of these for your nicest gingham
dress. Per yard, 75c
Peter Pan Cloth No better fabric made than Peter
Pr.n absolutely fast color, delicate shades of plain colors.
Fine for dresses and trimmings. Yard, 65c
Voiles A large range of color combinations, in
cluding dots, satin stripes, barred patterns, etc. Price,
per yard, 50c to 85c.
Organdies Plain colors and white, imported per
manent finish, very lustrous. Per yard, 85c
Everfast Suiting 36 inch. Colors blue, pink, yel
low and white. Guaranteed fast colors. Yd., 50c
Ginghams for your house dresses. All new pat
terns. Feist colors, 27 and 32 inches wide. Price per
yard, 25c and 30c
Athletic style bloomer unions for the Misses and
Children. The most practical garment made, cool and
comfortable. Made of small check dimity, no sleeves,
crop seat, taped and buttons, no waists needed. Ages
4 to 1 2. Price each, 95c
Middies in all the suitable materials of this popu
lar garment, pongees, twills, etc. $1.50, $2 and $2.75.
Middies suggest middy ties. We have them in
all the colors. 50c and 75c
HR8 5
Telephone No. 12
loennichsen & Co.,
Murray, Nebraska.
Don't forget the Missionary sup
per in the Presbyterian church Sat
urday evening.
Dr. J. F. Brendel was looking af
ter some business matters in Platts
mouth last Tuesday afternoon, driv
ing over in his auto. . '
Mrs. LeRoy Jarvis of Plattsmouth
was a visitor for the day last Tues
day at the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. M. G. Churchill.
Dick Pitman is making good pro
gress in the rebuilding of his garage,
which he was so unfortunate as to
have burned down last winter.
C. H. Boedeker has not been feel
ing very well for some days past on
account of an attack of rheumatism
which has been troubling him.
Fred Beal last Tuesday purchased
one of the famous Duroc Jersey hogs
from M. L. Furlong and will raise
some fine porkers in the future.
. Robert Good was a visitor in Ne
braska City Monday, taking a load
of hogs to the market at that place
for one of the farmers near here.
J. W. Pitman, E. JE. Leach and
John Irwin of near Union were in at
tendance at the hog sale which was
held at Harry Todd's last Tuesday.
Nick Fredrick shelled and delivered
his crop of corn last Tuesday, the
South elevator, managed by Mr. J. D.
Pitman receiving it. at a good price.
Mesdaices G. M. Minford and G. W.
JlcCracken were visiting with friends
for the afternoon at Plattsmouth,
making the trip on the green bus
The Missionary society of the
Presbyterian church will serve sup
per at 5:30 Saturday evening, May
"Win. Seyboldt and Dr. B. F. Bren
del were visiting for a short time
last Sunday in Plattsmouth. where
the doctor was called on professional
Searl Davis shipped a car of cattle
to the South Omaha market on last
Monday, which he has been feeding
at his farm wert of Murray for some
time past.
Phillip Lambert, the painter and
paper hanger, has been decorating
the home of C. M: Reed in the coun
try by giving it a new coat of very
fine wall paper.
Frank Boggs who is representing
an insurance company of Lincoln, in
company with Mr. Ellis LaRue were
working in west of Murray on last
Tuesday afternoon.
Mr. Jesse Vallery of east of Mur
ray, was a visitor last Tuesday af
ternoon in Plattsmouth. where he
was looking after some business mat
ters for a short time.
Mr. and Mrs. Morton Bartlett were
visiting with friends and also look
ing after some business matters in
Omaha last Tuesday, they making
the trip in their auto.
Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Tutt were look
ing after some business matters in
Plattsmouth for a short time last
Tuesday morning, driving over to the
county seat in their auto.
John Hobscheidt and family were
visiting in Plattsmouth for a time
last Sunday, called there by the ill
ness of his mother, who has been in
very poor health for rome time past.
Raymond Creamer, who is living"
north of Nehawka, with the family
were visiting at the home of their
parents and slo looking after some
business in Murray last Tuesday af
ternoon. "Bee" Berger has not been feeling
very well for some time past, and has
not been able to do his accustomed
amount of work, but is able to be up
and around and hopes soon to be feel
ing better.
Bring your family and eat supper
at the Presbyterian church Satur
day evening. May 13th.
Mr. Henry Vogt, who former
worked for Mr. I). C. Rhoden, but
who has been away for some time
since, returned a few days since and
i.5 working at the farm of A. I).
Rhoden for the present. -
Will O. Troop and son, Robert, to
gether shipped a car load of hogs
from Murray to Omaha last Mondav
'sftorroon and found an excellent
market for their product, and which
made them some money.
Mr. and Mrs. Garland Tildon and
the children accompanied by Mr.
Wm. Sporrer, were looking after
!rome business matters in Platts-
j mouth last Monday, making the trip
in the auto of Mr. Tildon.
Frank D. Hull, who has been busy
for some time erecting a new barn
for Mark Furlong, which is an added
convenience and necessity to the
farm and the caring for the stock
which he has around him.
V. H. Puis and family were visit-
jing and looking after some business
matters in Plattsmouth last Monday
and were accompanied by Mrs. T. S.
Barrows, who also was visiting with
friends in the county seat for the af
ternoon. Mr. J. Y. Dailey and wifs, of Om
aha were visiting for last Sunday at
the home of the parents of Mrs. Dail
ey, Mr. and Mrs. George Smith of
near Rock Bluffs, driving down in
their new Dort car to try out the
wagon as well as to visit pa and ma.
Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Davis and Mrs.
Davis' parents J. D. Pitman and wife,
were viewing the country last Sun
day, they driving over to Rock Bluffs
thence to Plattsmouth and thence to
Louisville, seeing some of the finest
country which ever laid out of doors.
Grandfather S. L. Furlong, who is
in his eighty-fifth year, though crip
pled up badly by a mix-up with a
cow while milking is getting around
and says barring his inability to get
around he is enjoying life at the
place where he has lived for half a
Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Long, who
have been at Omaha for some time
past visiting at the home of their
daughter, rtturaed home last Mon-
day evening and while there enjoyed
an excellent time, and Mr. Long who
has been feeling poorly for some time
past sav3 he is quite u bit improved
John Smith and son are digging a
well at the new home of J. E. Gruber,
where the new house is going up.
Mr. J. - A. Scotten and his force of
workmen are making great advances
in the building work and with the
continuance cf this excellent weath
er, the building will assume goodly
proportions within the next few
Will T. Adams, of Plattsmouth,
deputy county clerk and who, by the
way, is often spoken or for nomina
tion for candidate for county treas
urer on the republican ticket, was a
visitor in Murray last Sunday and
a guest at the liome of his daughter,
Mrs. J. V. Pitman and her husband.
He also was in attendance at tlie
Christian Sunday school.
passed away last Saturday after an
illness of but one day. Mr. Boedeker I
and Mr. Nicholson have been friends
for some time past and were associat-j
ed together In the Insurance business, ;
Mr. Nicholson being district repre-J
sentative for the Columbia Life In-;
surance company and has often vis
ited Murray in that capacity and was
known here to a goodly number of
the people of Murray and vicinity. j
Come and gee the Play
"Just Plain Mary," also a pne act
farce, "Telegram from Dad," to be
given Saturday evening, May 13th at
the Peterson hall in Murray by the
Sophomore class of the Elmwood
high school. Admission 25 and 35
Stole the Baby Chicks
Vandals on last Wednesday night
raided the chicken yards of Mrs. Geo.
Smith and appropriated one hundred
end ten of her fine baby chicks,
which they carried cway and left the
hens which had them still in the
coop. Mrs. Smith has been giving
much care to the haiching and rais
ing of the chicks in order that she
could have an abundance of the
young fowls for table use and keep
others for the winter laying, but the
ms-urauders have controverted her
plans and now she has to begin all
ever again and probably to run the
risk of the same fate. However, the
bull dog which they have will not be
tept in the house in the future and
the automatic shot gun vill be kept
unlimbered for instant use. Better
be a little careful when you go the
becond time.
Have Changed the Stepple
Mr. J. A. Scotten, contractor, and
Ralph Kennedy, his principal work
man, have completed the removing
of the spire from .the Christian
church, and placing a roof on the
belfry, which adds much to the sta
bility and beauty of the edifice and
insures its longevity of service as a
place for the church bell.
Shins a Car of Hoes
Last Tuesday afternoon Mr. D. C. '
Rhoden shipped a car load of hogs of
his feeding to the South Omaha
(market, which should have brought
good prices and we think they must
have. Mr. Rhoden has been feeding
the porkers for some time past and
still has a number which he is feed
ing and is in the market for others,
which he would like to have to com
plete a car load.
Will Observe Children's Day
The Christian church will observe
Children's day, and have committees
in the field at this time making
preparations for the observance of
the occasion.
Attend Funeral in Omaha
Last Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Glen
Boedeker -were visitors in Omaha,
where they attended the funeral of
Mr. Ed Nicholson of that place, who
Had a Good Sale
Harry G. Todd last Tuesday held
his sale of fiftv brood sows, which he
Jhsd advertised and was pleased with
the result or the sals. me nogs,
which were excellent animals, under
the salesmanship of Col. W. R. '
Young, the auctioneer, and meeting)
with the good judgment of the crowd
found ready sale.
' (Balance of Murray on Page 3)
Make Motoring
Weed chains insure safety, with wet and slippery
roads. We are offering some exceptional bargains in
weed chains.
Tires, in all sizes and styles, all good and prices
?.re much lower.
Some used cars and trucks, which we will swap,
all in good condition.
We-can handle your repairs at this time.when you
are not needing the machines badly, so you can have it
when you do need it.
Accessories, Supplies, Gas and Oil.
The Murray Garage,
Building increases Wealth!
Every useful permanent building is an added
wealth to the property which it improves We are pre
pared to furnish estimates on any building you may
need, be it large or small. Work only the best in all
See us for what ycu may need.
Contractor and Builder
Murray. Nebraska
Mr Merc
will give another of their very enjoyable dances at
the Peterson Hall, on
Friday Flight, May 1 2th,
and a cordial invitation is extended to all those of
other towns desiring a good time to come. The best
of order and the last word in music is guaranteed.
Be plask sng While Hclody Boys,
of Plattsmouth, will furnish the music, which is a guar
antee of the excellence of the entertainment.
Iloro Aro the Opocial Price
Just at the time when they will do you the most
good, we are making a list of special prices on farming
implements. These will last during the coming six
weeks and will give all an opportunity to take advant
age of them. They are all reliable and first class goods.
Come examine and be convinced that they are as we
International side delivery rake. ,..,.$ 75.00
McCormick, 5-foot mower. . . .. 70.00
Hoosier grain drill 120.00
John Deere stag plow 79.00
John Deere disc harrow 55.00
International disc harrow 55.00
John Deere 4-wheel lister 60.00
John Deere walking cultivator 28.00
New Departure cultivators 20.00
Jenny Lind cultivators 27 00
Case high lift gang plow 90.00
John Deere truck wagon. . . 55.00
Triumph wagon box 35.50
70 bushel John Deere spreader. ............ 138.00
International hay loader 80.00
P. and O. riding cultivator 43.00
P. and O. wide tread lister . 85.00
P. and O. tractor plows 130.00
John Deere two row machine 72.00
Case two row machine 72.00
New Century cultivator 40.00
Overland cultivator 34.00
Van Brunt grain drill complete with grass seed
attachment 13500
Peterson Hardware Co.
E. L. PETERSON, Manager
Murray Cream Station
pays highest cash prices for Cream, Produce and
Poultry. Also sell Flour, Bran, Chop Feed, Calfmeal,
Tankage, Chick and Stock Feeds.
Murray, Nebraska
Worthwhile Specials!
Z cans corn $ .25
2 cans Early June peas 35
2 cans kraut 39
2 cans sliced peaches 25
2 cans apricots .25
2 cans hominy 20
2 cans pumpkin 35
Z cans pears 65
2 pkgs. post toasties -. ' 35
15-oz. jar jelly, 2 for 48
Pure strawberry jam, 2 jars for . .29
Large sized cans tomatoes, 2 for 39
Smaller sized cans tomatoes, 2 for 25
Gallon peaches, per gallon 65
Salmon, 2 cans for -32
2 lbs. dry peaches for 65
Loganberries, per gallon 90
Bulk raisins, 2 lbs. for 48
2 lbs. dry apricots .65
2 'lbs. dry apples 55
2 lbs. dry peaches 50
C. W. soap, 21 bars for 1.00
Bulk pickles, 2 dozen for 35
Bulk cocoanut, per lb 35
Besgrade potatoes, per bushel $1.65
15 lbs. pure granulated sugar 1.00
Men's. dress shirts with or without collars. .$1 to $1-45
Also full line of work shirts, size 14 to 19 1.00
We have a nice lot of ginghams and dress goods to
pick from. Come in and take a peek.
We have just received a shipment of children's
hose, sizes 5 to 92, at 15c and 20c a pair. Come in
and let us show them to you.
A Full Line of Straw Hats for Men, Women,
Boys, Girls and Little Folks
Wilson & Puis,
The Service Store
Murray, Nebraska