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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1922)
KrtraAJi Stte misti cal Society oumal mom VOL. NO. XXXV11L PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1922. NO. 6G Platte 3 PLATTSMOUTH WINS A ONE SIDED BASEBALL GAME 13th Street All Stars Lose to Mer chants' Team of This City by a Score of 9 to 5. Prom Monday's Daily. For two hours yesterday afternoon the fans of the city watched the struggles of the 13th Street All Stars of Omaha to escape the inevitable defect that was headed their way when the Plattsmouth Merchants ball team opened the season with a 9 to 5 victory over the Omaha ag gregation. The Omaha team was lacking the pep and good playing that they showed here last reason and were unable to play the heady ball that was necessary to win the game while the Plattsmouth team showed much good headwork in the stages of the game where the visitors showed any dangerous signs of forging to the front. William Mason, the choice of Man- ager Wolff for the mound, pitched a . good game and held the visitors to few and scattered hits, although a few errors gave them their opportun ity of scoring. Plattsmouth drew three scores in the opening inning and from then on kept the lead over the Omaha gang, and it was not un til the fifth frame that the visitors even had a look in at the big end of the gate money. In the fifth the Plattsmouth team had a five to one lead when the All Stars with two hits and a few bobbles on the part of the locals were able to register three runs and brought the score up to five to four. In the sixth, however, the Merchants added two more runs and drew away from the Omaha team, which was unable to put over any more runs for the remainder of the contest. This was the first real game of the season and gave the fans an op- portunity of seeing the team at work s and the new faces that decorate the line up this year showed up well throughout. "Packy" McFarl&nd at short and Shephenisoii as catcher Loth showed speed and-' win make good men for the team. The keystone sack was held by O'Donnell. , with Herold at second and Harry Newman at the third station. Connors, Nelson and Spreacher are decorating the out- garden this year, with Bill Mason filling in when not doing the hurling act. The Omaha team was apparently ' not well versed in the playing of the national pastime and their errors and j poor playing were responsible for assisting the Merchants in getting many cf their runs. The visitors were accompanied by a number of rooters from the Italian section of the street of all nations and who with their team indulged in more or less rag chewing that contributed to making the game as long as it was, as there were several waits while the rules of playing the game were dis- cussed, by the Omaha team and um- pire Ed Kelly, but in which the -Ump" came off the winner During the game yesterday after noon a foul ball found its way thru a Tiole in the wire that protects the front of the grandstand and the foul liuili via liic iauu?iairj auu lilt; lirui : landed on the chin of Henry Martens ; with the result that Henry enjoyed several unpleasant minutes and the loss of considerable blood from cut on the inside of his mouth. the ENJOY PICNIC PAETY From Monday's Dny Yesterday after a number of the young people of the city, taking ad-J vantage of the pleasantness of the j Nebraska spring weather, wended their way toward the classic bluffs that line the banks of the Big Mud dy and there enjoyed a very delight ful picnic party out in the open, where they might commune with nature and enjoy the day such as i i,T ,- or. the broad domain of the west. The I dies liau I'rcpaicu. I"1"' returned to the city and enjoyed the evening at the Parmele. Those at tending were. Misses Betty Ptak, Mildred Schlater, Eleanor Schulhof, Margaret Schlater. Messrs. Walter Weist, Fred W. Warren, Cecil O. York. R. H. Rebal. . HAVE A HARD TIME From Monday's Daily. Those who were traveling through La Platte yesterday report a very amusing incident that occurred near that place -on the highway. A party of gentlemen were traveling and had stopped along the roadside and alighted from their car and their ef forts to get back into the trusty Ford is what aroused the laughter of the onlookers. The parties in get ting out of the ear had left the doors on both sides of the car open and as they attempted to get in at one side their uncertain footing caused them to fall out at the other side and It v Tint until Romp COOd heartol mntnriat hart flnaori nil of the doors that they were able to get back ' in nnrt tav thr The nfli-Hea had:uon " uiutrr wiiflraueB ana evidently been sampling some of the splendidgrain juices that abound In Sarpy county. STAET NEW TRADITION From Monday's Dally. The senior class of 1922 of the Plattsmouth high school today es tablished a new tradition in the school by wearing the colors, blue and white, of the Plattsmouth high j school, and which custom it is ex- pected to be followed by every sen ior class of the school hereafter and the second week in May become known as color week. The boys and girls of the class are appearing with the attractive colors and will wear them all week in honor of their school. CHRISTIAN EN- ' DEAVORERS ENJOY A FINE MEETING Convention of District No. 3 at Ne braska City Largely Attend ed by Endeavorers. Prom Monday's Dally. Misses Viola Archer, Fern Niel and Gertrude L. Morgan returned yesterday afternoon via auto from Nebraska City where they have been attending the convention of district No. 3, Christian Endeavor, which was held Saturday. Saturday afternoon Miss Niel con ducted a "Junior C. E." demonstra tion, using six little girls from the Christian church C. E. society of this city, Olive and Nina Hollowell, Le ona Hudson, Florence Connors, Ha zel McBride and Ona Graves, which was very effective. She was assisted by Miss Esther Tritsch. Miss Niei has also been treasurer of the dis trict for the past year and one of the effective workers of the society. Also on Saturday afternoon a con test was held between the Nebraska City Presbyterian Intermediate En deavor and the Plattsmouth Presby terian society on "Expert Endeavor," a study of Christian Endeavor his tory and methods. This contest was played like baseball, questions being "Ditched" instead of the baseball. The Plattsmouth team was compos ed of Rudolph Iyerson, pitcher; Ar line Gil more, catcher, and Helen Wurl. Viola Archer and' "Miriam Tritsch as the remainder of the team. Gertrude L. Morgan acted as "coach" and the final score was a tie, 6 to 6. The Rev. L. R. Patton of Nebras ka City presided over the meetings as district president, ine speaKers outside of the district were: M. D. Hidbeem. state field secretary; Dr. J. M. Wilson, president of Omaha theological seminary, and Harold D. Ramsburg of Somersworth, N. J., a former field secretary of Nebraska. A RED HOT BALL GAME AT ROCK BLUFFS SUNDAY One of the most exciting ball con tests held in these parts was staged in the Rock Bluffs locality when the -wmara camera ana ine resiaeniers along the river clashed in a nine in ning uaiue. i lie iviynaru ieuiu came prepared to put up a worthy struggle with the farmer boys from the old town and the result up to the fifth inning stood 2 to 2 with both pitch- . . . . frs working nicely, but after that inning the Mynard team lost their control and the Rock Bluffers romped away with the game by a score of 8 to 2. The Bushwhackers were represent ed on the mount by Claude Hutchi son while Vern Hutchison did the re ceiving and for the Mynard team Russell Reed and Rummerfield form ed the battery. There was a large crowd present and the audience were treated to an exciting five round boxing match as a part of the price of admission, and which was declared a draw by popu lar judgment of the crowd. DISTBICT COUBT NOTES d fnLt n Aw VI v. V A Pnht.nn tmctn O. K. garage building, the court handed down his decision giving the Bank of Nehawka first lien, F. E. Bodie, second lien; the First Nation al bank, third lien,' and the other attaching creditors the fourth lien on the premises. The building was ordered sold to satisfy the claims. The case of Ola Co IT man vs. Bis mark L. Coffman, the court ordered kuvui a ivv. j a. lug ine aecree oi aivorce set aside as the parties have reconciled their dif ferences and decided to resume their former relation of husband and wife. The mandate of the state supreme court in the case of John F. Morris vs. the Mo. Pac. R. R. Co., was re ceived and placed on record at the request of the plaintiff. The state gave the plaintiff judgment in the sum of $8,000 and the costs in the case. In the matter of the case of Julia Stull, et al, neglected children, the court overruled the motion for a new trial and also heard a motion to re- tax the costs in the case, sustaining the ' motion as tO H H. Antles and his assistant but overruling the ma parties in the case. Blank Books at the Journal Office.) CHURCH SCHOOL SER VICE LEAGUE MEETS : Program Given Saturday Afternoon at Public Library is One that is Very Much Enjoyed. Saturday afternoon the Church School Service League of St. Luke's church held their exhibition of the work done by the pupils as well as a very interesting and delightful program at the public library audi torium. The young people formed their processional from the library room and marched down to the audi torium, where the rector, Rev. Father W. S. Leete and the members of the faculty of the schurch school league were seated on the platform. The procession was headed by the American flag and the Church School Service League banner and made a very inspiring sight as the little folks filed in and greeted their rec tor and the teachers. The opening prayer and hymn was given and then the active program of the af ternoon started. Jane Dunbar gave a pleasing piano number and little Miss Florence Schutz a recitation while Ruth Smith one of the gifted members of the school offered a vocal number that was much enjoyed. Another recita tion was that of Irene Converse and which was much enjoyed. The re ports of the fields of service of the Church School Service League em bracing the parish, county, diocease, nation, and the world, were given by six of the children of the school in a very pleasing and interesting manner and which covered thorough ly the various lines of activities of the school work. Betty McCarthy also favored the audience with a vocal number that closed the child ren's portion of the program. Miss Alice Fry, of Omaha, presi dent of the Church School Service League, was introduced by Father Leete and spoke briefly of the work of the schools over the diocease of Nebraska, and invited the young people and the teachers of the school here to be at the state meeting to be held in Omaha on Saturday. Miss Louise Rich, secretary of the Chureh School 'Service League spoke on "the "Value -of -the Christian Nur ture Series," which is being used in the church school work with the greatest of success. Mrs. W. S. Leete also spoke to the children, pointing out the heed of constant church at tendance In the work of the church. The children had exhibitions of their work placed around the room and which showed great 'energy and care in preparation and which the children can well feel proud of. This work. will be taken to Omaha for ex hibit at the state meeting and then will be used in the preparation for the Christmas boxes to be sent to the mission children. GETS CAUGHT WITH GALLON OF BOOZE Frank Pettit Called Upon to Part with $100 and Costs for Pos session of the Liquor. Saturday "afternoon toward the ap proach of evening Sheriff C. D. Quin- ton and William Grebe, state agent. motored out to Louisville to look over the lay of the land relative to the supply of intoxicating beverages and called at the home of Frank Pettit, Just at the edge of town. A search of the house by Mr. Grebe re vealed nothing in the way of liquor but on visiting the garage there was unearthed a gallon of strange red col ored liquor that the officers found to be possessed of more than one-half of one per cent of alki and accord Ingl the owner of the premises was brought on into the city and Sunday was released under bond. This morn ing Judge Beeson assessed a fine of $100 and costs for possession and which was settled for and the matter closed up. CHANGE HOURS OF AUCTION The big auction sales that are be coming one of the important parts of the community bargain day sales here, has been arranged as to hours to give a greater number a chance to attend and instead of the morn ing auction the sales will be set from 2 to 3 in the afternoon and S to 9 in the evening which it is expected will give the public a greater op portunity of attending the sales. Anyone who has goods of any kind to sell may do so by sending their articles In at once to A. Ghrist. who is chairman of the rommittee for the Ad club. This is a great opportunitf of getting rid of articles that may De lying around the house. STILL SUFFERING SOME From Tuesday's rxilly. Paul H. Roberts of Cedar Creek was here today visiting with his rel atives and friends. He is still ban daged up as the result of the severe burns received at the fire last week at his home and it will be some time before he fully recovers from the ef fect of the experience. It was a close call for Mr. Roberts as he was caught in the burning building' and it was necessary to dash thirty-two feet through the flames before he reach ed a place of safety. He states that it was the longest thirty-two feet that he' ever ran in his life. ENJOY PCINIC PAETY The three boys' classes of the Presbyterian Sunday school, taught by C. A. Rawls, Mrs. W. J. Streight anu liev. M. vi . anvi-isnj, oaiuiua I afternoon held a very enjoyable pic I nic party at the Burlington bridge J along the Missouri river. Each class had Deen unaware ui ine lnienwon of the other classes to hold a picnic also and much fun was derived when then the delegation of some forty boys arrived to sper-.d the time in the enjoyment of the pleasant after noon. A big picnic vsupper was en joyed and it was a late hour when the jolly crowd of. youngsters re turned home. MOTHER'S DAY WILL BE OBSERVED IN PLATTSMOUTH American . Legion Auxiliary and the Legion Post will Attend Ser vices at M. E. 'Church. In keeping with the nation wide movement for a fitting observance of Mother's day, the second Sunday in May, the local post of the Amer ican Legion Auxiliary has arranged to have a special service at the morn ing worship hour at the Methodist church on next Sunday. In this service the Auxiliary will be joined by the members of the local Legion post and both organizations proceed in a body to the church for the ser vices. Rev. John Calvert, pastor of the church, who has ht-d an extensive experience as a worker with the troops in France dnring' the world war, and who also had members of his family in the active military serv ice, will deliver the sermon. From his experiences and personal observa tion of the influence of mothers on the men of ths nation he is especial ly qualified for this service and his remarks will be of more than usual impressiveness as he tells the story of Mother. The choir of the church will have a special program in keep ing with the spirit of the occasion and the service be one of the. great est impressivenev ; All members of the Legion and Auxiliary are urged to be present and participate in this occasion that is one of the most beautiful and im pressive of the year. ALL MAY SHARE IN THIS CONTEST Not Only Workers but Buyers Votes as Well May Share in the $100 in Gold. of When the Dominion Shows close their week's engagement in this city on Saturday night. May 20, not only will the most popular girl be the possessor of $50 in gold, and the second most popular, $10, but thr?e of the lucky contributors to the suc cess of a friend in this contest will possess $40 in prize money. Votes are sold in multiples or ten. at one cent per vote, and for every ten purchased, the buyer receives a numbered slip which entitles him to a chance on the $40 that will go to buyers of these votes, and exclusive of the $50 and $10 prizes to the most popular and second popular la dies in the contest. So in addition to helping a friend, you are really securing for yourself a chance at these worth-while prizes. A number of responsible local par ties have been named to have charge of the conduct of this contest and act as judges when the final awards are made, thus insuring absolute im partiality and a square deal for all. MUCH FAVORABLE C0M- MENT HEARD ON WORK From Monday's Dally. Yesterday there could be heard about the city much favorable com ment on the improvement work be ing done at the Washington avenue park through the combined efforts of business men, team owners andAmer ican Legion members. Although it took till 6 o'clock Sat urday night, the grading of the hill was completed and there now remains nothing but memories of that hard part of the improvement program. The earth was used over the en tire grounds, grading them up in such manner as to provide adequate drainage. The rain of last night and today has precipitated just the right am has provided the right amount of moisture to settle the new ground without washing it, and as soon as possible a road grader will be used on the same to thoroughly level it up. During the present summer the city plans to lay storm sewer pipe in the bed of the present creek running through the park, and when these are in place the real work of beautifica tion can be undertaken. In the meantime, however, temporary tour ist conveniences will . be arranged for the auto owners who stop here while traveling overland. Next week when the Dominion shows exhibit there Plattsmouth people will be given opportunity of seeing how much real work has been done in such short' time at a mini mum of expense. FUNERAL SER VICES OF JUDGE M. ARCHER MONDAY Old Friends and Neighbors and Members of Masonic Fratern ity Pay Last Tribute. From Tuesday's Eali: Yesterday afternoon at the Chris tian church in this city was held the funeral services of the late Judge Michael Archer, and to pay the tri bute to his long and useful life there was a large number of the old friends and neighbors present to share with the family the sorrow that the death of the aged jurist has brought to the community. The sermon was preached by the Rev. A. G. Hollowell, pastor of the church, and in his remarks the pas tor spoke of the long and useful life that Judge Archer had spent in this community and his services in be half of the city for a period of thirty-five years and also spoke to the family words of comfort in their hour of sorow at the loss of the kind ly husband and father. During the service Miss Thelma Hudson gave a solo number, "Beau tiful Isle of Somewhere," and the ladies quartet of the church gave two of the old hymns which had been requeste dby the family. At the funeral services at the church the body was borne to Oak Hill cemetery where it was laid to rest. The pall bearers were from the members of the Plattsmouth lodge No. 6,-A. F. & A. M., O. C. Dovey. C. F. Schmidtmann. C. A. Rawls, E. P. Lutz, E. H. Wescott and A. G. Cole, escorting the body to the last resting place. At the grave the Ma sonic funeral service was conducted by Past Master William A. Robert son and participated in by the mem bers of the order. YOUNG PEOPLE JOIN THEIR LIVES . IN WEDLOCK Miss Gladys Lee and Mr. Tom Rabb . Married in Cfmaha Will Make ..Home in This City. Saturday, May 6th, the marriage of Mr. Tom Rabb to Miss Gladys Lee took place in Omaha at high noon. The ring ceremony was per formed. Mrs. Joe Bulin. sister of the bride, acting as bridesmaid and Mr. Joe Bulin as best man. Mrs. Andrew Rabb, Sr., also witnessed the wed ding. The bride wore a gown of dark blue Canton crepe trimmed in cut steel beads, and held a boquet of American Beauty roses. The groom was dressed, in the conventional dark suit. ' Following the ceremony the young couple returned to this city where a six o ClOCK weuaing umner was served at the home of the groom's parents, there being present some fifty guests. At a late hour the groom was kid naped from his bride and taken for a joy ride, with Louisville as its destination, where he was compelled to remain for some time. The newlyweds were the recipients of many beautiful, and expensive presents which will be a great help to them in the establishment of their new home. The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Rabb of this city and is now employed as a boilermaker in the Burlington shops. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Lee, of Pacific Junction. Iowa, but former residents of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Rabb will make their home in this city for the present. Both of the contracting parties are numbered among the most popular young people in the city and their friends are much pleased to learn that they have decided to take up the journey of life as one. SPEND PLEASANT EVENING From Tuesday's Daily. Last evening the members of the Young Men's Bible Class of the Meth odist church enjoyed a fine time at their class room when Attorney W. A. Robertson gave the young men a most pleasing talk on the law, their origin and their operation. The speaker held the close attention of the members and made a plea for less laws and more simple ones that would be possible to most rigidly enforce and thereby create a strict respect for law which the many freak measures had had a tendency to weaken in recent years. The young men enjoyed the opportunity of getting some plain facts about the law and its workings in a series of questions that Mr. Robertson very kindly answered. At the close of the meeting re freshments added to the pleasures of all those in attendance. When you secure your school sup plies, call at the Journal office first and examine our line of pencils, tab lets and general school supplies. They are the best on the market. LEAVE FOR KANSAS CITY From Tuesday's Dally. Last evening C. C. Wescott and daughter. Miss Alice Louise, depart ed for Kansas City where Mr. Wes cott goes to attend the buying con vention of the United Mercantile Clothiers of which organization the Wescott firm is a member. The con vention will inspect the new lines offered by the large wholesale houses and make their pooled purchases of stock for the fall and winter seasons and by the pooled interests secure a much better figure on the various lines than would be possible other wise. During the stay there Miss Al ice Louise wilj enjoy the sights of the Missouri city. They expect to return home Thursday evening. MARRIED FOLKS ENJOY DANCING PARTY LAST EVE Eagles Hall Scene of Pleasant Gath ering Given by Ladies Compli mentary to the Gents. From Tuesday s Daily. One of the pleasant social events of the season was the dancing party given last evening by the Married Folks Dancing club, and in which the ladies provided a rare treat for their husbands that will long be pleasantly remembered. The Eagles hall had been tastefully arranged for the occasion and fun and delight reigned supreme there until a late hour. The Marshall "4" provided the music for the event with Harold Smith, saxaphone and piano, Frank Marshall, drums, Mrs. Marshall, piano and Ray Denham. banjo. At a suitable hour the merry party ad journed to the Graham cafe, after a little lottery in which the husbands discarded "Old Wives for New" as partners at the luncheon hour. At the cafe tables had been prepared for the forty-four members of the party, and were very prettily deco rated with lilacs, which made a most charming setting for the unusually pleasant gathering One of the features of tue eveningrTr grateful for the splendid work of that the ladies had not looked fori was the appearance of a new "chief of police," and while lacking the weight of Chief Barclay he made up in other lines. Ye reporter met the new chief and was unable to decide whether it was Fatima or Harold Lloyd, but later discovered the iden tity of the redoubtable representa tion of the law. Those participating in the party were Messrs and Mesdames Fred P. Busch. Guy W. Morgan, H. J. Utter, Ivan Graham, J. V. Hatt, F. M. Bes tor. A. W. Cloidt, A. O. Moore, W. F. Krecklow, Emmons Ptak. Roy W. Knorr, Elmer Webb. W. M. Barclay, James Bulin, Henry Hesse. Jess F. Warga, E. C. Harris, H. A. Schneid er, James Mauzy, B. G. Wurl, H. W. Smith and B. J. Halstead. After the luncheon hour most of the party returned to the hall for an other session of dancing before they adjourned to their respective homes. TO GIVE PLAY AT MURRAY Elmwood Sophomore class play to be given at Murray Saturday even- b-ur c nr j I mg, May 13th. See Murray depart- ment items in this paper. ! i 1 i B Till I "ss" I Mother's Day MAY Mother! What sweeter name in any language? What more fitting than a day in her honor? Our country owes much to the moth ers of America. What statesman in our history has not humbly acknowledged his debt to the teachings of a true, noble hearted mother? May HER wisdom ever be heeded. As those precepts of virtue, truth and justice have made of this a mighty nation, so will they preserve it! The First National Bank Plattsmouth, Nebraska m DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAN REV OLUTION MEETING Complete Plans for Unveiling Mem orial Tablet and Also Elect Officers For the Year. from Tuesday's Dallv. Last evening Fontenelle chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution met at the home of Mrs. W. L. Street in a most interesting and largely attended session and which was filled with much interest to all who were in attendance. "The Making of the Nation" cov ering that part of American history from the close of the Revolutionary war to the election of George Wash ington a3 president, was handled by Mrs. Earl Stanfield in a very pleas ing manner and brought out the many Interesting facts of the life of the nation at that time. Mrs. George B. Mann reviewed the magazine for the month and discuss ed the national conference of the so ciety that has just recently closed at Washington and which was more than usually enjoyable. The ladies also made their plans for the naturalization ceremonies on May 22nd when the new citizens will be admitted by Judge Begley to share the full responsibilities of citi zenship, and for this event a suit able program will be given. The sextette of eight grade girls under the direction of Miss Golda Noble will sing and the manual of citizenship prepared by the national chapter of the D. A. R. will be pre sented to. each of the applicants for citizenship. The ladies also completed their plans for the unveiling of the mem orial tablet at the court house on Memorial day. May 30th, and which will be a most impressive ceremony. At the election of officers the fol lowing were chosen: Regent, Mrs. E. H. Wescott; Vice Regent. Mrs. George B. Mann; Secretary, Mrs. L. O. Minor; Treasurer. Miss Bernese Newell; Historian. Mrs. W. S. Leete; Register, Mrs. E. A. Stanfield; Chap lain, Miss Hermie Windham. The. ladies of th echapter feel deep- their retiring regent, Mrs. W. S. Leete, who has filled the position for the past two years with great credit to herself and the chapter and her earnest and devoted interest has added much to the advancement of the society in the city and enabled them to accomplish much In their program of making the study of America and its ideals a part of the life of the people of the nation. DEATH OF MRS. HOBSCHEIDT From Tuesday's Dally. Last evening at the home on South Ninth street, Mrs. John Hob scheidt was called to her final re ward after an illnes scoverlng a per iod of several years and during which time she has been gradually growing weaker until the end. The deceased lady has made her home in Cass county for many years and up until a few years ago when the fam ily moved to Plattsmouth. they re sided on the farm east of Murray. Mrs. Hobscheidt was sixty-two years of age last November and has been a lifelong member of the Cath- ,ic.5h"rcn- Slie leaves to mourn her death the husband and one stepson Jonn Hobscheidt, who resides near Murray. 4 14th I fa:! k 9 1 3 U S3 V,