The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 04, 1922, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3
THUF.-DAY. :.11Y 4, 1322. PIATISMOUTH SETH-WEEKLY JOUPJAL PAGE THREE Sheriff C. D. Qiiintr-n vns looking : after sonio business ol an oilic-ial iiu- i unlay in Union. ' Is. M. McViy from v.e.m of town ! v. a.', n passc:i:-rt r to i !r.; tsiiioatli last I'rn.Iay morning on l)usii:.'ss. ('. V.'. Clark of iha. Hotel Union ma. riotei u inc aftrr Fori ruJincss mat- tirs ia Ndr.iska City last Monday. A. W. I'ropst and Kng;-v.v Iloddy were looking after some business j matters at .Murray and Omaha last week. Win. Dunn, auctioneer of Veep-j ins Water, was looking after some, matters in Union a few days since. i Mrs. Nancy to Nvhrask:'. where sh? IumI to look after. Miss Cladys Union s;I.-'1(;s, Mc N'amre was called ! u;;y lust S.iir.rday so:;io Lusiiies.i matters teae'vr in I lie a visitor '.t tho ; in IMattsmouth v:.v of for over lior prror.t: S'liidav. Urd Claik and ;-on. Allison, were looking after some ;ir.css matters in riurr.-y List Monday making the trip in ti.eir :.r. (J. M. Hoicomb of PlatJsmouth was a visiter in Union last week and was looking r.i t r so;re business mat ters for the tim Andy Cnm;) ai'.l Edward Miller of IVim are both itvv?ii lo E!:! wooil w!ut,' they will make their l.n-Mf-' in tI:o future. Mr?. Is. R. Upton anl sen. Roy, were v;?:iiif 'vUh friends and lool: ivz after some busir.f; matters and aN visiting with friends. E. (1. Wind, the ci jar mrnufactur r. o- '! a' fsmo itl:, was si visitor in Union last Friday looking after th--; int; rests of his customers. Mrs. J. W. Simmon- who has ben visiting at the home of her parents at Stella for some time pant, return ed home last Friday evening. Miss Anna ISamr v.-n a visitor in Omaha l-st Sunday making the trip via the bus lire where she enjoyed a vi.-:t with friends for the day. Reports from Ex.ebior Springs where Mr. L. R. Upton is taking treatment for rheumatism are to the effect that he is fretting better. Rev. W. A. Taylor was a visitor at Wabash last Sunday where he conducted services at the Iiaptist church both morning and evening. Mrs. Ada Xewton of Plattsmotit'.i and children were visitir.g at the bom ' of her bro'her 15 rt Everett last Sunday they all h.-.ving an ex cellent time. Mr and Mrs. Stephen C .penhaver and family entertain d at th'-ir honv last Sunday for dinner and the day Mr. W. T I." Porter, and his daughter Mis3 Leah. That is Our Sure it is our business to please the trade, and to do this we are doing the very best work. Auto supplies also standard and always the best. We pre here to succeed, and we can do' it only b giving the best of rervice in every instance. The Auto Man Plasa oor Or? FOR TOMATO AND SWEET POTATO PLANTS Ly nra Arbor Herd! Pure Bred Chester White Swine The home of "BIG JiM," winner in three contests. In 1921 he won two firsts and also Junior champion. Service Fee Reasonable Come and See Him We have a few outstanding fall boars for sale, us what you want. e cr wk s wur n Union. Goods Vou Gan Spring is here and we Lave received an excellent line of ginghams and trimming. Organdies which Jcck make up lovely, with an elegant line of oxfords fcr Indies. Come in and see cur recent receipts. Flour, Grccericc, Shoes, Work C!othe3 and Har ness. See the prices quoted below others just as low in price and high in value. Gallon, per can Two cans corn for Pure ctrawberry jam Alaska salmon, 15c; 2 for The Real Service Store A. i UNION SJepa 2 Prepared Exclusively for The Journal. Attorney C. L. Graves and Mr. E. E. I-each were looking after some "msiuess matters in IMattsmouth last f hurrday they making the trip in the auto of Mr. Leach. Rev. Warren, who was down for service at Union last Sunday, le T rttd on Monday evening for his home at University Place where he went to spend the week. Frank llautr, Alex Eaton and Ray Tramblett were a merry crowd which attended tho ball game at Nehaw- a last Sunday and rooted for the i.' m team though it l03t. Orvil'.e Hathaway is at this time ia'::ng his annual vacation from the arryin.-r of the rural route out of Union ami the work is being done : y John Irvin who is the substitute carrier. Manager A. W. Fropst of the Un ta ball team very enthusiastic in ::e v..ttc-r of their success. The game for the coming Sunday will be with Cedar Creek and will be on the Un '.oi: grounds. . i r:. . ion I'ijttsmout!: oasulied a X-ray trken Ro'nb was taken to Ijst Monday where she specialist and had an to dert::nii:e the ondi- tion ktuI find out what would be re- sui reu as a ir?;:tmont. Last Sunday W. L. Trylor of Om- a a an l:mi Iv and Miv. Adaline Lehman a!s also of Omaha wre guests :.t tile horn; r'krr U r t ar.d Mrs. C. Mr. aid of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. he ,i;iv rs were aho Mr. F. Morton. Mrs. Fred Borne were ppenUpg the week end at the homo of Mr. Horn's parents at Nebraska City and wWI they were ah.vit Miss Jessie Tod 1 looked after the ! affair:; at the noctofnee. j Supt. C E. S. veryn of the Union j ?f iiools was called to IMattsmouth last Saturday to look after some matters pari a ining to tlui Union : s Lends at the oalec of t!io county . cuperiii? endeiit of schools, j Franic Roggs who has been having I som timo w ith his aria which had : to have the hand amputated is now ft t Ii':g soma -' hat better after hav ing tha member lanced allowing pu3 ;wh:eh had gathered to escape. Reports Irom tlie bedside of Mrs. P. F. Rranner who was' taken to the hospital in Omaha and where she un derwent an ope-ration last week is reported as beirg somewhat improv ed but st ill very sick but hopes to be well soon, j Last Monday A. L. Pecker was a p:::--ser.ger or. the early morning train ier Plat tsmouth where he went to hear the will of Mrs. Barbara Taylor which was offered fer probate. Air. P.e kr was the only one of the fam i ily to attend from Union. Busines Unions N; it tu T n it Tell j? vi a c"? a,. u -jc tz. 3 n Me brisks Afford !o Buy! .65c .25c .25c ml NEBRASKA 0t 'wo Celebrated Jacks 1 V J i i : H. iv. ,:r ,'' :. r vi :v rf-faT i: l i G 'o U 1 ft ? 'f w i U k - snd J i- r-i.Ie of Ilo-.le- Creel da.-, k M.-.miaotii Jti-'k '.vita whi.'f :.o4?r--, two o.d. 1 4 '-i hand: lisi' s:i.I wiiJ weigh COO pounds. He 'Inly in t'.ie Siand lri. Jaak ami Jennet Boek f America. 1::.-: i , 2.".r,S l. Jake is a jet black jack, 4 year' 'd. st-n Is Irujds high, and wil. wo S." 0 rounds. He is regi-rtored !n ti a Standard Registry of America. He is sire.l by Er.glNh lU y, Xo. :,7:;l; iii- da:a is Emira Hoar , 1S1UD. He ;s an foal getter. There two Jacks will make -oason of 11)22 at my hone on "'V: Keei farm. just south of the th.e the Ui-ion school house, every day in ihu cek except Sunday. Terms will be jlO for both jacks to injure colt to si and and such. When parties elis poso.e.f mares or remove from local ity service fee becomes due and must e paid immediately. All care should be taken to prevent ncr;'d?nts but e.vuti- wil! not ha held responsible h-julc! :iny nccir. A. D. CRUNK, Owner. Union Telephone. Mi.-ses Velma ami Gladys Eaton vera in. attendance s:t the American Legion play at lMattsmeuth last Thursday when they presented "in H ;t Taiaale Land," and declare it ::.-? of the best productions whi.-k it ha be"n their privilege to see. Blair Porter reports very satis factory returns from his porkers this spring, five sows bringing him fifty farce young pigs of which he was able to save forty-five and which he thinks as being pretty good and with a okiek e-oming he say, thank you. The Ladies Missionary society of I ha Baptist church met this Thurs day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chrrl s (Jarrison where they looked t'ttcr the business coming btfor the so-iety and after which they had a most sociable time ar.ct a delightful l'inch which coneludeel the very pleasant afternoon. Mrs. Beile Frans who is just at ihis time making her home at Plr.tts mouth where ?hr is staying with her -isier, Lelia F. Queen, was a pa?sen ger passing through Union last Mon day evening where she was lorking af'er some business fer the day. Mrs. 1 trans -.topped on her return for a short time to visit with frionrls. The Merritt restaurant which has) nlv.-ys boon a very popular eating ' place in Union, hast Monday rlnng-j cd hands, when Mr. Earl Merritt; o 1 te cafe to Mr. Orvi'.le Hatha- i way cm s Mr. Merritt has made a sue- s of the business by his obliging ys an;l courtefus treatment and ar sare that Mr. Hathaway will e qually sucressful in hits "venture th.e business. v:: we Vr? in Union Property fcr Sale Within a short time we can close i eleal for sale of th.e residence prop erty of the late James W. Taylor, good title. nd can give absolutrly 'ri. o:e wanting a deirnbe .heme in 'rnion can get information by call ;n; upon either eif the undersigned. GEORGE EVERETT, Administrator. CI IAS. L. GRAVES. n4-? Attorney. Unionites Play Three Gacies Last Sunday the real team cf Un on went to Nehawka where they ad one of the finest games when 'hey played the Nehawka team. The game was em? of the most c!esely ontcsted games that have been play d in cither Union or Nehawka. At ha end of the fourth innir.g neither "am had a run and at the end of "c last half of the eighth inning he score stood one to one. The end ;ng of the game was Nehawka 5 Un--n 3 and with the best of feeling. game wps staged at the W. A. Clarence farm northeast of Union which afforde d much pleasure for the so--ctators and was sure sport for the players. The Sciota team went to Partiett, Iowa, where they pick ed a gam" from that Iowa town by the score of 11 to 7 and had a merry ti?ne. p , poiic t. 'i t o i I .ea i"01Ia XiUlI ior bale I have an excellent Red Polled bull for sale. i THOMAS M'QUINN. j JInsical Program a Success The chorus of the Raptist church last Sunday evening bar charge of the evening hour and gave a most appreciative program which consist ed of musical numbers. Mis3 Ina Frans gave a most pleasing solo. Two pleasing piano solos were ren dered by Misses Eula Frans and L. Frans. A duct by Miss Bessie Larue and Mr. Ray Fran3 was one of the leasing numbers of the evening. A liturtet composed of Fred Horn, Ray Frans. Eva Miller and Marie Fraus plt:i;ed the suidienoe. The chorus Save seme six special num'nrs which ompleted the e.eniags entertain-. 'nent. Miss Heroic! Frans was hor- ister in cr.arge wmie ;iiis itissi; Larue presided at the piana. Two Union Girls Vin Miss Jane Hollister, teacher in the Union schools is feeling pretty well satisfied as well as the two scholars who won the spelling contest at the Four-state contest at Sioux City last Friday when Misses Rose Brandt and Marie Leach won against the contestants from Nebraska. Iowa, Minnesota and South Dakoia. In the first oral test in the spelling 700 words there being after the 70') were spelled just six people of which the two Union girls weiv among the winners. They both received in this instance a bronze meal tor their winning. In the written contest which comprised some three hand red words both girls won receiving an other medal for their good work. The commercial club of Sioux City then offered a gold and ilv.r :; I for the winners of the six who stood ; he highest. In this coatest Miss Rose Brand i: won th gold Miss Leach i:ot being in tl ;s contest. T:i- -hows well for the scl-.ools and fer lie ability of the students as well xlave T7 : L - evenlr.g th.e Royal T.ighbor' of Am riea met at their all wher? they their regular " m:-ei)'ig ."fler which they '".rd a s'. iabla hour a' whi h a 'easing heur vis had and '-eightene.i by the serving oi' si delightful luncheon. most WP.S very School Not?, Raul Davis was abs- ;it this week -ecauso of sickness. The juniors and seniors have a ten"rt attendance for April. Each grade in the primary room wa given a new reader lat week. Mrs. Harold Frans visited the grammar room Thursday afternoon. Sarah Johnson acted as substi :ute in the intermediate room Fri day afternoon. There were 3ft visitors in the pri mary roam on Tatron's day making i iofal of 1j5 for the year. Th Sth grade pupils, who passed : he county examinations visited the jth grad. edasss on Friday. The junior class is the only class in the high school which has no red marks em their report cards thus far. The 7th and Sth grade pupils sure ly must kneiw their hearts well by 'his time for they have spent some time drawing them. The intermediate pupils have been making various trips to remote re gions judging from the maps in their room. They seem to he quite famil iar with Anderson's Fairy Tals. Last Friday the bays of, the high school loosened the soil arounel the roes on th.e school ground. The leaders were: Levis Burbee. George Ui dvc. George Green, Harolel James and Elza Taylor. The primary room is a fairyland of Powers, birds ?nd butterflies. Their . ; presentation of a park deserves an i vncrable mention. The Japanese V-tuern.;, posters and silhouettes ahow that soma arc talented. Last Wednesday. Patron's day. fr-und about 50 patrons in attend ance at a sh.ort program given in I ho afternoon r.n l to see the various exhibits. Mrs. Todd and Mr. Foster each gave a very interesting talk. Attendance report for month end- ing April 21, 1!22: primary, total enrolled. present this month. 2 0 average eiaily attendance, 26. S9; r-imber neither pbsent nor tarely, 11. intermediate, "."i, r0, 2S.9, 24. vrammar. 20. 21. 25.27, lf. high cheoI. 4C, 42, 10.12, 34. ELECT orncEns i-'rnm Wertneseiay's Pally. Last evening the Queen Esthers were very pleasantly entertained at he boa uti.ul home of Miss Dorothy Sat tier. The first nart of the evening was devoted to the business session and election of officers. The follow ing being chosen: President, Florence Cecil; Vice President anel Correspondent Secre tary, Tiilie Wondra; Secretary, Iled 'n Wescott: Treasurer. Sarah Rec tor; Mile "Box Sec retary. Olive Bon go; entertainment committee, Doro thy Sattler. Ilariett IVacook, Clara Johnson. Mamie Persingor and Edith Yiliek were chosen as delegates to the convention which will be held in Omaha. The remaineler of the evening was devoted to a soeiil time, and a de- jluious two-course luncheon was serveel. ST. MAHY'S GUILD The ladies of St. Mary's Guild were? very pleasantly eutertaine el y stertluy 'afternoon at the beauti ful home of M'-s. Kit tie C. Roberts on high school hill with one of the largest attendance of the year pres ent. The time was spent in sewing and of the plying of the busy needle and at an appropriate hour very dainty refreshments were served, the hostesses being assisteel by Misses Jessie Robertson and Dora Fri'ksi :. :id Medames F. L- Cummins and ' John Schultz in serving. CUT DOWN nouns I From Wednesday s pally. Notice was postel in the shops here yesterday announcing that un- til further orders, ail departments of the Burlington shop would lay off on Saturday, making a five-day week as was in vogue during the Winter months. For the past few weeks the freight car repair depart ment as well as the coach shop have been working on Saturday, while the other departments have been having th.e whole day off. The cutting down of the hourse. it is claimed, is due to the coal strike n,nd the shortage of the transportation demands. I 1 Advertisinjj is printed salesman- ! For the Packard we recommend the fol lowing grades: Summer MEDIUM HEAVY Winter MEDIUM HEAVY Transmission TRANSMISSION OIL Differential TRANSMISSION OIL 23 Nira.'. I All Kinds of Stationery mm IHililli! r. j; in !ii:iP: 1! ! II ! i m , !:(! tyaj.fc.iw.v, il ! ! i U!l! ill 6f!ilHl ten ' !!! you an Amsco ua a m m w4m4l Yoa SEoisEd Know EXACTLY WJaicfc Ga-ad of Mcfcm QVt to Use TT sometimes happens that an unusual operating con dition in a given make of motor makes a Jvisabl the use of a gm Je cf motor oil which would not have been used had the motorist used ordinary methods cf selec tion or foil owed casual advice. The matter of finding precisely the right lubricants for your motor fcr everybod3'"s motor seemed so neces sary to this company that our experts examined th entire field of automotive equipment; testing, checking and re-testing, until a chart of specifications was evolved which makes it impossible for you to go wrong. This chart, called the Polarine Chart, is printed in the Red Crown Road Map. which has been mailed to every Nebraska motorist. If you have not received it, write direct to the company. A brief glance at the chart will tell you which grade of Polarine you should use. Follow the specifications consistently and much cf the over hauling, replacement of worn or broken parts, burned out bearings and other expensive and unnecessary repair jobs wiil be eliminated. Polarine Oil is made in four grades medium light, medium heavy, heavy, and extra heavy but only one quality. Get the proper grade for your car at the same place you buy clean-burning, scientifically balanced Red Crown Gasoline. STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF NEERASKA W&J?M. .fcaJrLEiLr at The Journal Office. !!lli 1 1 ' ii ' 11 1 Ml il l ! I lb till Fordson Seeded Fields FERTILE fields and well prepared seed beds often produce low yields because of improper seeding. The Fordson Tractor and Amsco Tractor Drill will get your crop planted at the right time and insure even seeding at the proper depth. Seeding the Fordson way means early germination, even stand and rapid growth. It also assures even ripening of crop better quality of grain and an increased yield. Amsco Drills are equipped with double run force feed with cither single or double disc and ribbon steel tubes. Their strong angle steel frames make them equal to any strain put upon them and the Automatic Power Lift makes them a real one man outfit. They are manufactured by The American Seeding Machine Company exclusively for the Fordson. Let US show; Drill. m wr mm m mmw v mm m m m tw T For the Ford we recommend the fol lowing grade u: Summer MEDIUM LIGHT Winter MEDIUM LI Gl'lT Transmission MEDIUM LIGHT Differential TRANSMISSION GREASE JO Look Over Our Line! I! il'!iH!i 1 1 n:t I I ! H !n, 1 mm. 111 .E25'S1 ! cm is; I.I 'I I'll! JTtL . .. Sr m w m