The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 01, 1922, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    M017DAY, MAY 1. 102:
Lit I
THE Fisk Premier
Tread is a tire which
yields an honest, generous
measure of service at a low
See this tire and compare
with any at a competing
price. It is your best pur
chase if you want a low
priced tire.
It is a FiskTire,and is Fisk
character clear through.
lliere's a Fisk Tire of extra value
in every size, for car, truck
or speed wagon
30 x 3 H -Flak Premier Trca4 tlOM
30 a 3 Non-fck id f abrte . lM
3a'.-KUm-Flr JUd-Top 17.46
30 x 2!4 Kix-Ply Noo-6iu4
tliarhcr Cord . . 17.85
30 x Mx-Ply No-Hkid
C.rrf KtraiM But IMS
21 x 4 tnx-Pl Non-baid
Cord 27-00
22 x 4 NoB-fikld Cord . . tOM
22t4',i Hm-&ki Cord . . 39.00
Ml- .Vuo-Kkld Cord . . 41.00
f Nu-li4 Crd . .
Time to Re-tire?
i0ujr Ftoki
From Friday Uaily.
hast evening a number of the
f ri ii'Ij and neighbors of Mrs. E. O.
Vroinaii, Hi red at their pleasant
Iioiik- in the isouth part of the city
to asMsu her In the observance of her
birthday anniversary. The affair was
in the nature of a surprise and the
friend brought with them a num
ber of very ai tractive frlfla that will
Ions be berihiu-d by the recipient.
The fvenlrij? wa spent in the play
ing of jiu.nes an. I musiral numbers
wiiile at a suitable hour the mem
bers of the party proceeded to brlnK
forth the Ingredients of a most de
licious luncheon tliat served to com
plete the moKt enjoyable evening.
Those who were in attendanro Aere: und UtHdanie CeorK" I.Jun
piu re. Jr., Uroy Christiansen. E. O.
Vroman. J. K. Sehulhof, L. E. Vro
man. Airs. W. It. EKenbcrtcer, Mrs.
(). I,. York. Mioses Eleanor Sehulhof
and Charlotte Nielson and Mr. Cecil
Evils of Constipation
fcil; i pi the most Morions of the
di.Ji 'anw caused by constipation is ap
pendicitis. If you would avoid this
datiKt rni-:, keep your bowels
rcKlr. For thij purpose Chamber
l.iin'is Tablets are excellent, easy to
take and mild and gentle lit effect.
Wtyrlcli i; liadraba.
1 yi.u want good printing let at
do your work. Best equipped job
hop in fontliemtrrn Nebraska
Holeproof yi
fjasicry II
Advance Man for Dominion Carnival
Company Say They Have
Nothing Offensive.
The libt of attractions of the Do
minion Shows company that is to
appear here the week of May 8 to 13,
under the auspices of the American
Legion, is one that is the equal of
any carnival company on the road
today and will prove a great enter
tainment feature for the people of
the city and of Caas county.
Mr. James Crane, the advance man
of the company (states that the Do
minion company has made it a point
to keep their organization free of all
shows or attractions that might in
innv i a v ofl'cti.1 tiA visitor rn flifir
tented city and that all of the at
tractions are first clans in every re
spect and such ts to appeal to all
ladies and gentlemen.
The list of attractions includes
several mechanical devices including:
a line new $20,000 merry-go-round,
the whip and a ferris wheel, all of
which have their attractions for the
auuuement lover.
In the lines of the shows there is
the Monkey Speedway, the Illusion,
in which the act of sawing a woman
in two is shown, the Hawaiian Vil
lage, where the music and dances of
the isles of the Pacific are shown in
the most entertaining manner. Mine.
Fariuin, the electrical wizard, the
Athletic show, Iit show, Home Brew
show, which is well worth seeing,
the Snake show. Mummy show and
the big free show.
The company also carries "Prince
George," the horse with the human
bruin, as well as u new baby monkey
that was born April 25th and which
is one of the interesting sighU for
the little folks at the carnival.
Elegance That Lasts
Holeproof is the hosiery of lus
trous beauty and fine texture that
wears so well. It is not surpris
ing, therefore, that it is selected by
many people who can afford to
pay far more for their hose, but
who prefer the Holeproof combi
nation of style and serviceability
at such reasonable prices.
Hie offer this famous hosi
iery in pure silk, silk faced
and lusterized lisle, for wo
men, in the season's popu
lar colorings,
75c, SI, $1.50, SI.75 and $2
By order of the court the under
signed was appointed receiver of the
E. O. Dovey &. Son store. Parties
owin the above firm are requested
to settle their accounts immediately.
luiod&w Receiver.
Blacksmith shop has been roopen
cd and is ready for all kinds of black
smith work. Disc sharpening, plow
work, wagon work and horse shoe
ing. All work guaranteed.
Mynard, Neb.
We have a piano left on our hands
a perfectly good lust-rumen t. Will
deduct amount paid by original pur
chaser. Balance can be paid In easy
payments. Write or phone A Hospe
Company, Omaha.
"Where there is smoke. , there is
always tire." so when twenty mil
lion well-known men and women in
all walks of life say Tanlac is a good
medicine, there must be something
to it. F. G. Fricke & I'd.
On farm two miles eat of Mur
ray. T. H. Pollock, Plattsmouth.
A Rat That Didn't Smell AfUr
Being Dead for Three Months
" I swear it was dead three months." writes Mr. J,
SykelN.J.K "i saw this rat every day: pat soma
Rat-Snio behind a barrel. Months aiterwmda, my
wife looted behind the barrel. There it waa fead.3
Rat-Soap sella in three sixct (or 45c, 65c, S1.24.
Sold tad guaranteed by
Bcstor & Swatck Weyrich & Had
raba F. (K Fricke & Co.
!Very Neat Sum Will be Realized a
nesuit oi a wo racKea nouses
to Witness Production.
Krom ThiK'Jayi ually
Sheriff C. D. Quluton motored
! down to Union this morning to look
after some lepai matters there for
, the county for a few hours,
i Mra. Maggie (Jillam of Des Moines,
Iowa, who has brt-n here visiting
with her relatives and friends, de
1 parted this morning for her home.
1 Hon. W. K. Hand, one of the well
known and popular residents of
from Friday JLtly-
Oo of the most successful home
talent plays that has ever been giv-
that of "In Hot Tamale Land," Greenwood was here today for a few
which has been the attraction at the "hours looking after some matters at
i j , ,v, h railf t u. n the court Louk and also visiting at
l,ha Thlc ..lav u.a malo nrvtKlhle MaSOniC Home.
nights. This play was made possible
by the hearty co-operation of the
L. D. Hiait, wife and daughter.
splendid array of musical talent in Louise, came up this morning from
the city and who gave their efforts Murray and in company with Mrs.
to aid the American Legion, the . K. P. Lutz were in Omaha today
sponsors of the show, and also by for a few hours looking after some
the energetic work of Jdr. P. li. i matters of business.
Field, who has had personal charge J a. J. Do rr, w ife and little son,
of the show and made" it one of the Charles Arthur, arrived this morn-
most finished product tons or us
kind in the history of the city. Mr.
Field Las worked hard on the pro
duction and arranged the various
details so that it was a most attrac
tive musical offering ready
for the public and is deserving of all
due credit. The members of the cast
of the play and the young people of
ing from Beardstown, Illinois, where
they have been making their hojrie
and will epei.d a short time here at
the C. E. Cook home.
Frank Levi rigs, an old time Platts
riiOith boy, and Miss Verna Shields
of Omaha came down from Omaha
yesterday afternoon to attend the
;;Low at the Parmele and to visit at
.1 1 . 1. l 4 1 1
7 ? ., V ! '! home of Mr. and Mrs. John Bee-
ful in their work for the performance- . v.
The theatre was packed last eve
ning to witness the closing perfor
mance and tho company added a
number of new stunts that added to
the enjoyment of the occasion.
The local Legion post will prob- j
r.-io FrlOy l;al) v
Dr. J. F. Brendtl of Murray was
here yesterday for a few hours look after some matters of business.
William Deles Dernier the Elm-
wood attorney, was in the city lor
ably receive in the neighborhood of a tew hpurs today looking after some
t ..... a . , 0 1 . . . . -
$200 or $260 clear as the result of 11 3Ulls Ul uusiness
their share of the proceeds. Tom
Short and W. Roy Holly, the com
mittee of the Legion, have not as yet
Oscar Hoffman, Wayne Schwartz
ci.d Glen Staleson of Weeping Wa
ter motored over today to look after
completed their check up of the re-j:;ome matters of business here.
ceipts and disbursements and the ex
act amount will not be known uu
til all the bills are settled for.
The business men of town met at
the First National bank on the eve
ning of April 19 to talk over the
roads that lead into Weeping Water
and to make plans to keep them up
during the year in first class shape.
There is nothing that invites trado
like good smooth roads, and every
town, large or small, realizes the
fact, for the town that has their
roads looked after gets the business.
A farmer will drive a few extra
miles with grain or stock to ride
over a well kept road.
The following officers were select
ed: President, If. A. Crozier; Sec,
Treas., Thos. Murtey; Dragging Com
mittee, J. M. Teegarden and O. V.
Boone; Soliciting Committee, Mer
rctt Hussell ami Frank Domingo.
The plan is to have Mr. Krecklow,
who takes care of the federal road
north of town, to drag the north
road into town.
Tiie man who works the Lincoln
highway will look after the south
road to the Cascade: school, house,
two miles south, and Theo. Davis
will work it on into town.
Be a booster for good roads and
you will be a public benefactor.
Weeping Water Republican.
Secretary Frank D. Tomson of the
Missouri Itlver Farmers' association
proposes that every publication
along the Missouri river section
adopt the following to be run aj a
headline, "The Valley of Maximum
Production and Shortest Haul." He
suggests further that every business
man and every stockman and farmer
have this suggestive line printed on
his letter stationery.
"Two phases of the Missouri river
section should be impressed upon
the public," writes Mr. Tomson.
"The producing resources of the
Missouri river lands and tho close
proximity to markets. It is a short
haul from any point along t lie Mis
souri river to these markets and in
these days of high freight rates we
must not overlook the advantage of
the short haul. In the caso of live
stock shipments there is the further
advantage in the small shrinkage on
short hauls as compared to long dis
tance shipments. It is a considerable
pcrceutago of the producer's income
which is absorbed in the Missouri
river country are favored in this par
ticular." Mr. Tomson has carrectly gauged
the situation an dhis suggestion that
this slogan be generally adopted has
real merit for it is apparent that the
general use of such a slogan by pub
lishers, busines men and farm own
ers will go a long way toward Invit
ing favorable attention to this section.
This is a rheumatism of the mus
cles of the back. It tomes on sud
denly and Is quite painful. Every
movement aggravates the disease. (Jo
to bed. keep quiet and have Cham
berlain's Liniment applied and a
quick recovery may be expected. Mrs.
F. J. Dunn. Drockport, N. Y-, writes:
"I can honestly say that Chamber
lain's Liniment cured me of lumbago
a year ago last summer. When I be
gan ning it, I was flat on my back
in bed and could not turn to the left
or right. I had a bottle of Chamber
lain's Liniment in the house and this
war. applied to my back. It prompt
ly drove away the pains and achea."
Weyrich & Hadraba.
Adolph Steinkamp of near Man
jey was in the city today for a few
l ours looking after some matters of
nisintss and visiting with friends.
Jfack Patterson and wife of Union
were in the ity yesterday afternoon
.Jailing with relatives and friends
. r.d looking after some matters of
Max Shilling and bride of Osmond,
Nebraska, who have been spending
A tir honeymoon here at the home
Mr. and Mrs. Charles McGuire,
returned this morniDg to their home.
KM Eaton one of the old residents
of Liberty pre-inct, was here today
for a few hours, looking after some
matters of business snd visiting at
:be home of Mr. and Mrs. J". F. Clu-
John Lolines, Sr., from near Ce
dar Creek and Henry Ahl of Louis
ville were in the city for a short
time today. This is the first' visit of
Un'le John Ihnes to Plattsmouth
for some time and his many friends
were greatly pleaded to meet him.
While here Mr. Ahl called at the
Journal to renew subscription.
Guy Hinds has been quite sick
.. itb t he mumps.
I,. U. Stanley and Park Ottie auto
:ii to Lincoln Thursday.
William Helming is the owner of
1 . even p:isi.enger Mitchell.
.Mr. S. A. Jiickman and daughter,
rt:;l.i, putood to Lincoln Tuesday.
.Mr. and Mrs. Tom Colbert anil
.'r i.iiiy a 11 toed to Lincoln Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Holms spent last
iiturday and Sunday with relatives
;m Auburn.
Vtrna went with her uncle
i.'i 1 ;iunt. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lane,
a r.iadilla, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrd. Perry Colbert and
'.uiifly ipenl Sunday at the homo of
Mm. A. M. Van Every.
Mr. i.nd .Mrs. Will Van Every and
J. 1. und Ella Geibelin'i autoed to
LiiMclu Tmsdy afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Gillespie of M unlock
.ijunt Sunday afternoon at the home
-if Mr. and Mra. Will Murllu.
:.!r. and Mrs. Will Miirfln are tho
nioud parents of a lino baby boy. mother and baby uie doing
Mr. and AIri S. A. Jackmau and
family spent Sunday t tho home of
Mr. and Mrs. E. II. (llbsou in Weep
ing Water.
Mrs. Mooney and Mrs. Lacey Mc
Donald and son, or Mtirdock, were
callers on Mrs. II. II. Uerbuling on
Tuesday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Wilson and fam
ily autoed to Lincoln Sunday to see
Mr. Wilson's mother who is very sick.
Mr3. Wilson is slaying with her son
Fawn of Lincoln.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Pool und
f-.uiiilv of Weeping Water and Mr.
and Mrs. Kay Pool of Lincoln spent
Sunday afternoon at tho homo of
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pool.
William. Harry and Meta Helming
and Edward Krecklow, Mr. and
Mrs. Will Wilson nnd Koseua und
John Krecklow of near (Sro-cnwood
spent Sunday with relatives in Ne
ll aw k. 1.
Chambei Iain's Tablet are Mild and
Gentle in Effect
Tho laxative eilect of Chamber
lain's Tatdets is so mild and gentle
1 that you can hardly realize that It
has been produced by
Weyrich & Hadraba.
a medicine.
If you are going to be wanting a
washing outfit you canuot find, a
more satisfactory or practical one;
thau a Dexter Twin Tub, either elec-'
trie or power.
Get my prices on Rock Island farm
implements, engines and cream sepa
rators. W. T. RICHARDSON.
m21-:jj,tfsw Mynard. Neb.
Have a car load of broken western
horses and mules for sal. Seo them
at my farm four miles east of Mur
ray. Frank Vallery.
If you have anyt'auig to sell, or
want to buy, don't overlook a want
id in the Daily Journal.
Poland China boars, September
farrow, weight 250 pounds.
alO-tfw Wosplng Water. Neb. (
wDont worry, Jim
We'll make it Fve got Lee Puncture-proofs
THAT'S the big idea. You put Lee
Puncture-proof tires on your car and stop
worrying stop worrying about punctures
and blow-outs about delays, frequent tire'
changes and too-frequent tire purchases.
Lee Puncture-proof tires give greater tire
mileage safer and more satisfactory service
than any other pneumatic tires you can buy.
Because Lee Puncture-proof tires are equal
in material and manufacture to other stand
ard pneumatics they excel all others in this:
that they are puncture-proof. They carry our
cash refund guarantee against puncture.
We will equip your car with Lee Puncture
proof tires on this basis.
irs j
y of case-
bardensJ j
f Stee! discs
imbedded in
sure rubber ars y
lilt into every Lee
nctore-proof fre.
-3 cJ
A. D,
AH Kinds of Stationery at The Journal Office. Look Over Our Line!
ij?.fflui imn ih i h i F2j. 1 1 : 'n i ; i i t i i mi mv : Hi ! i m ; i ;r
1 as..
I.oe anytninjl Find
,": a Journal want-ad.
anything T
Handling the Hay
Crop For Profit
"iT VAYING the Fordson way is the quickest and surest way
JiTlL of handling your hay crop.
The Fordson snd a Roderick Lean Cutmore Mower will cut
more hay in a half day than two men and two mowers of the
regular type handle. .
Quicker cutting means more and better hay. With the Ford
sen and the Roderick Lean Cutmore Mower you can cut your
grass at just the right stage of maturity, and get it off the fields
without loss. You have ample power and traction for cutting
the heaviest clovers, vetch, sorghums and all forage crops.
Investigate the advantages the Fordson and Roderick Lean
Cutmore Tractor Mower offer you. Come in. We will gladly
talk it over with you.