The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 27, 1922, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    THURSDAY, A?Itft 37, 1923,
-- i -
a"uB"c3a os She TLasft siy
and Notion Sale!
$A ill IMMH4aaigB
If you have not attended this sale,
it will pay you to come. There is still
time to get your share of the low
priced offerings; but come not later than
Saturday, because all goods, beginning
next Monday, will be sold at their regu
lar selling price. Profit by this sale
buy your needs for a long time ahead.
ave en the Little Things
They Count!
It's savings on the little thinga
that count. Take advantage
of these special low prices
Coats six-cord spool ffc"
cotton thread for . UO
Corticelli silk thread, AQ
50 yard spool U
Corticelli black silk -i o
thread. 100-yd. spool- lO
"3 More" hair nets
fringe and cap styles, rA
at per dozen ) w
Thimbles for Sewing fM
week at each UX
Elastic web, J, , J- -AT
inch. Per yard U I
Wire hair pins In
rolls, 2 rolls for UD
Marcel iron, the best OP
quality, at LtO
"Princess" pins at per fQ
paper JU
"Anchor" pins. Price fM
per paper Urr
"3 More" safety pins, 1 A
15 on card XU
Hickory waists for r
children. All sizes DU
Kotex, special price, E(
per dozen OU
Royal Society crochet 1 f
cottons, per ball 1U
Pearl buttons in all rfr
sizes. Per dozen UD
Crosgrain belting, 1J- tn
in. black, white. yd. UO
"Lady Louise" dress JQ
linings, all sizes fz7
Shelf paper, 5 yard AO
lengths for U O
Come to Our Gingham
Week Display!
The Pick of Ginghams and Tissues is yours
if you choose now.
Save on the Little Things
They Count!
Kenton Cheviot
19c Yd.
Kenton Cheviot, a fine, sturdy
cloth' for men's shirts, boys'
shirts and children's play
clothes, is very specially priced
for Gir.fiham week. You can
choose plain blue or neat stripe
patterns. 27 inches
wide. Per yd
Voiles and Tissues
35c Yd.
Unusual values are these voiles
and tissues at only 35c per yd.,
representing as they do values
which formerly sold from 75c
to $1.25 per yd.
You will want to come early
to make your selection because
this price is a real "clean-up"
The Beautiful Burton
Tissue Ginghams
Now's the time to choose your
tissue gingham dress for best
patterns are selling rapidly and
replacements are difficult. Very
dainty and sheer effects can be
had by combining this fine tis
sue gingham with organdy to
match. Full 36 In.
wide. Per yd - lOC
Make that new breakfast coat,
attractive house dress or your
children's clothes from San Toy
crepe. This Imported Japanese
material is now here in a full
range of pleasing colors. It
washes beautifully and wears
splendidly, and combined with
its pleasing appearance, its
soft colorings make a most de
serible fabric. Price QQ
per yard OOC
Your Windows Now Come in for a
Share of Attention!
Spring Housecleaning Days usual
ly mean new curtains for some rooms
in the home, and before beautifying
your windows it will be to your ad
vantage to see our extensive displays
of new curtain materials of Scrim,
Filet Nets, Tuscan Nets and Madras,
in a wide range of patterns. And that
is not all the quality of this line is
your assurance of service and satis
faction that last.
You will be immensely pleased
with the large selection of Cretonnes
and Drapery materials, all the latest
weaves and designs, in colors that
will enable you to carry out your
color scheme to a nicety.
You'll be surprised how little cur
tains and drapes will cost you here.
It's savings on the little things
that count. Take advantage
of these special low prices
Dress shields, sizes 2, QQ
3 and 4. Each 3l
Warren's boned gir-
delin, 1J to 2 J inches. Q
Price, per yd
i 1
Twilled tape, white, fA
sizes to 2-inch, roll lift
Wire hair pins, astd. I o
in cabinet JL
Wire hair pins, astd. -i r
In cabinet ld
Harper's steel need- 1ft
les, pkg. of 25 1U
Cleaning mits to scour - e
the pans. Each ' iU
"3-ln-l" sewing ma- - A
chine oil ! xft
Talcum powder, per nj"
box only mtD
Steel crochet hooks AQ
all sizes at a.
Darners, egg shape "Q
Special price each UJ
"Queen" darners the -f Q
last word
Emery balls, assorted Q
colors at "
Tape measures at a An
very low price
Steel bodkins, 2 sizes AT
on card )D
Neckbands, sizes 14 AQ
to 16J at each 3u
Hook and eye tape in 0
black and white, yd,.
Snap fasterner tape In o-t
black and white, yd.
Snap fasteners. Spec- Ag
ial price, per card -f2C
Hooks and Eyes at .JL
per card 2 C
00 .. M
PHONES 53, 54 and 144.
This Part of Clean Up Week is Im
portant and J. C. Brit tain Se
- enres Valuable Hints.
In the extermination of the rat
pest as a part of the clean up cam
paign the residents of the city who
have suffered through the depreda
tions of these unwelcome visitors,
are growing much interested. Coun
cilman Jack Brittain is head of this
committee In the campaign and has
looked over the work of the Omaha
health department in the campaign
in that city and finds that they have
made great progress in the handling
of the rat question.
The Omaha authorities have found
that the following receipt is the
most effective in getting rid of rats
with the most satisfactory results:
One of the cheapest and most ef
fectivfl poisons for rats and mice is
barium carbonate. This mineral has
the advantage of being without taste
or smell. It has a corrosive action
on the mucous lining of the stomach
an dis dangerous to larger animals
if taken in sufficient quantity. In
the small doses fed to rats and mice
it would be harmless to domestic an
imals. Its action upon rats is slow
and if exit is possible the animals
usually leave the premises in search
of water. For this reason the poison
may frequently, though not always,
be used in houses without disagree
able consequences.
Barium carbonate may be fed in
the form of dough composed of four
parts of meal or flour and one part
of the mineral. A more convenient
bait is ordinary oatmeal with about
one-eighth of its bulk of the mineral
mixed with water into a stiff dough.
A third plan is to spread the barium
carbonate upon fish, toasted bread
(moistened) or ordinary bread and
butter. The prepared bait should be
placed in rat runs, about a teaspoon
ful at a place. If a single applica
tion of the poison fails to kill or
drive away all rats from the prem
ises it should be repeated with a
change of bait.
We appreciate your co-operation
in helping ns to publish all' the live
news of the community. Call No. 6.
3 rings.
The Journal has received a letter
from William Neville, one of the
well known old timers of Platts
mouth and Cass county, and who is
located at Chehalss, Washington,
and in which Mr. Neville renews his
subscription to the Old Reliable and
as well sends greetings to the old
friends In this city. Mr. Neville was
attracted by the appearance of. an
article in the Journal relative to the
Plattsmouth Sporting club, an or
ganization of several years ago. Mr.
Neville is one of the few remaining
members of the organization and
states that he still has the old double
barrel shot gun with which he used
to make the records at the club
meets and he states that he still gets
out occasionally and shoots with the
younger men and has been able to
hold his gun in competition with
the other shots of his present home.
The new May Bed Books are now
on sale at the Journal office. Call
and secure your copy at once. The
new Hearst's, Motion Picture, Pho
toplay and Classics are also here.
Bryan Will Be Chief Speaker at Love
Feast at the Capital Bur
lesque on High Tax.
Lincoln, April 25. Invitations
have gone out over the state to dem
ocratic men and: women to attend
the love feast to be given at the Lin
coln hotel here at 6:30 p. m. Satur
day, April 29, under the auspices of
the Lancaster county democratic
central committee.
William Jennings Bryan will be
the principal speaker on the subject
of national affairs and Dr. P. L.
Hall will be toastmaster.
A feature of the program will be
a gridiron stunt burlesquing hig
Fred C. Ayers, in charge of public
ity, says "a united democracy" is to
be the slogan and from 300 to 500
men and women .will be present..
Blank Books at the Journal Office.
From Wednesdays r?aUy.
One of the greatest gatherings of
the members of the I. O. O. F. that
has been held in this part of the
state has been scheduled for next
Saturday in this city when Platte
lodge No. 7 of Plattsmouth are the
hosts to the other lodges in this dis
trict No. 7 1 The committee in charge
of the event have been working hard
on the proposition and have arrang
ed a program that will provide some
thing of the greatest interest for the
visiting brothers of the order from
the start to the finish of the gath
ering. The district is composed of the
various lodges of the county and
will include Weeping Water, Avoca,
Greenwood, Nehawka, Louisville and
Elmwood as well as Plattsmouth.
The meeting will convene at 2 o'
clock Saturday afternoon at the
lodge rooms in the I. O. O. F. build
ing on lower Main street and will
be opened by the grand lodge offi
cers and will be folowed by a school
in instruction conducted by the
grand master and others of the
grand lodge officers of the state who
will be present at the meeting. From
4 to 5 o'clock the third degree of
the order will be conferred by the
staff of Omaha lodge No. 2, in their
usual impresive and snappy manner.
At the close of the lodge work at
the hall the representatives will ad
journ to the M. W. A. hall on sixth
and Pearl streets where the ladies
of the Bud of Promise lodge No. 40,
Rebekahs, will serve the banquet to
the Odd Fellows and their guests.
The ladies of this order have long
been famous for their enjoyable ban
quets and this event will be no ex
ception to the rule.
In the evening the public is in
vited to join in the meeting to be
held at the Coates hall and for which
a very elaborate program has been
arranged by the committee. The
gathering will open with the sing
ing of "America" by the audience
led by the Presbyterian quartet and
will be followed by the address of
welcome delivered by Mayor C. A.
Johnson. District Deputy Grand
Master C. G. Bailey of Elmwood will
make the response to the welcome
of the city executive and these will
constitute the formal opening of the
very interesting program. Miss Thel
ma' Hudson will sing "I Shall Meet
You." and this will be followed by
the address of Grand Master Lew F.
Etter of Omaha who speaks on "Odd
fellowship and Oddfellow Home."
The male quartet composed of Messrs
Cloidt, McClusky, Westover and
Minor, will give one of their excel
lent numbers and will be followed
by Grand Patriarch J. W. Brown
who speaks on "Patriarchal Oddfel
lowship." and Miss Hazel Clugy.
who will give a reading, "Camera
Clicks," which she was given the
gold medal for at the declamatory
contest held recently in Omaha. The
Rebekahs will be represented on the
program by Secretary Emma Talbot
who speaks on "Rebekah Oddfellow
ship." Two of the pleasing musical
numbers will be the violin solo, "Le
gends," by Bohm, played by Mrs. A.
D. Caldwell, as well as a vocal solo
by Edna Marshall Eaton. Mrs. Chris
tine Coughlin , will be the accom
panist for the two ladies. Past Grand
Master Sam Greenleaf of Omaha will
speak on "Fraternity" and will be
followed by a musical offering by
the quartet and orchestra. The eve
ning program will close with an ex
hibition drill by the members of Om
aha canton, under the command of
Brig. Gen. James H. Short of this
The evening will close with a
dance for the general public at the
On the first day of March, 1920,
over two years ago, this theatre de
cided upon a one price policy for all
productions, large or small. During
that time we think you will agree
with us Ave have shown some of the
biggest of them at prices of admis
sion which you could not find in any
other theatre in the United States.
It has been our desire to stay with
this policy indefinitely, even tho
we barely made expenses on some
of the big ones. During the past
year, however, we have been asked
time and again by many of our pat
rons to show D. W. Griffith's master
piece, "Way Down East." We have
been anxious to do as our patrons
demanded, but have been unable to
secure a contract from the produc
ers that would enable us to show
this stupendous photoplay at our
regular admission. We- have finally
signed a contract for this picture
but at such a high figure that we
will be compelled to charge 25c for
children and 50c for adults includ
ing war tax and show it four nights.
If we have a large attendance each
of the four nights we will be able
to have a small profit left for our
We trust that our patrons will
realize that this production is well
worth the extra admission as many
of you no doubt have paid two or
three times the above amounts to
see it in Omaha. We, ourselves, paid
$1.65 per seat to see it.
"Way Down East" Is without a
doubt the biggest picture the mas
ter of the screen, D. W. Griffith, has
made since "The Birth of a Nation."
It is eleven reels in length and takes
at least two and a half hours to
The dates of showing "Way Down
East" will be announced in the near
future. Watch for them.
From Wednesday's Dayy.
This afternoon Robert Brewer,
who has been sick for the past seven
weeks suffering from a severe at
tack of rheumatism, was able to be
out on the streets and enjoy the sun
shine. Bob has been spending five
weeks of his illness in bed and con
sequently is quite weak from the ef
fects of the long siege. It is a great
pleasure to the many friends to see
this popular young man able to be
up and around.
Ml fc
A Good Start
makes the day. If your first
move is into one of those Vas
sar athletic union suits, you're
commencing right.
They are loosely cut to
save discomfort and ir
ritation. This fabric is sheer and
crisp for assured cool
ness. The kind that
does not cling or stick
to you.
And they wear only as a
well fitting garment can.
They are ahead of the
ordinary garment for
the reason the back is
taped instead of "Knit'
and they don't tear out-
WYou pay no more for this
$1, $1.50, $1.75 and $2
"Buy It in Plattsmouth!"
Clean Up! Paint Up!
Blank Books at the Journal Office.
Attorney J. A. Capwell of Elm
wood was in the city today for a few
hours looking after some matters at
the court house and also meeting a
few of the people here.
District Meeting
I. O. O. F. District No. 7
Saturday, April 29th
Plattsmouth, Nebr.
From Wednesday's Dally. '
Edward E. Leach and Attorney
Charles L. Graves motored up this
morning from Union to look after
some matters of business at the court
Mrs. J. H. Becker departed this
morning for Bellevue, where she
will visit for the day with her son,
Frank Barkus. and family in that
place for the day.
Mrs. Ella Watson of Boulder. Col
orado, arrived in the city yesterday
for a visit here at the home of her
sister, Mrs. W. T. Smith and family
for a short time.
Mrs. Grant Howe of Sheridan,
Wyoming, who has been here visit
ing with the E. O. Howe family for
the past few days, departed this
morning for. her home.
Prom Wednesday's Dally.
Last evening the Christian En
deavor of the Christia nchurch held
a very largely attended social meet
ing at the church parlors in honor
of one of their members, Warren'
Barnard, who is soon to leave with
his parents for Colorado, where he
will make his future home. The
young people spent the time most
delightfully in visiting and playing
of various games that proved a real
delight to the members of the party .
and at a siutable hour dainty re-'
freshments added to the enjoyment
of the occasion.
By order of the court the under
signed was appointed receiver of the
E. G. Dovey & Son store. Parties
owing the above firm are requested
to settle their accounts Immediately.
lmod&w . Receiver.
2:00 to 3:00 P. M. Grand Lodge
3:00 to 4:00 P. M. School of Instruction
4:C0 to 5:00 P. M. -Third Staff of Omaha Lodge No. 2
5:00 P. M. Banquet at Modern Woodmen Hall.
Judge Allen J. Beeson, Toastmaster
Invocation Rev. A. G. Hallowell
Earl Towle, Prairie Lodge No. 25.'. Weeping Water
Elmer Hallstrom, Wyoming Lodge No. 29 Avoca
W. E. PailiDg. Greenwood Lodge No. 98 Greenwood
Dr. J. W. Thomas, Nehawka Lodge No. 214 Nehawka
L. J. May field, Louisville Lodge No. 186.. , Louisville
Capt. C. S. Aid rich, Elmwood Lodge No. 160 Elmwood
Rev. John Henderson... "Brotherhood"
Served by Bud of Promise Rebekah Lodge No. 40
Roast Pork and Apple Sauce
Mashed Potatoes, Brown Gravy
June Peas
Head Lettuce with Dressing
Rolls Butter Jelly
Ice Cream
iSvenino fiDecttng
8:00 O'clock Coates Hall The Public Invited
"America" ..Led by the Presbyterian Male Quartet
Address of Welcome.. Mayor C A. Johnson
Response District Deputy Grand Master C G. Bailey
Vocal Solo-"l Shall Meet You" Thelma Hudson
Oddfellowship and Oddfellow Homes
Grand Master Lew F. Etter
Quartet. . .Messrs. Cloidt, McClusky, Westover and Minor
Patriarchal Oddfellowship Grand Patriarch J. W. Brown
Reading"The Camera Click" Hazel Clugey
Rebekah Oddfellowship. . .Assembly Secretary Emma Talbot
Violin SoloLegende by Carl Bohm . .Mrs. A. D. Caldwell
. Accompanist Christine Coughlin
Vocal Solo Selected Edna Marshall Eaton
Accompanist Christine Coughlin
Fraternity Past Grand Master Sam Greenleaf
Quartet Orchestra
Exhibition Drill, Omaha Canton
Brig.-Gen. James H. Short, Commanding
Dancing for All Music by Eagles Orchestra.
t i