The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 27, 1922, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    THURSDAY. APRIL 27, 1922.
Union Department
Prepared Exclusively for The Journal.
Mr. Hallis Banning was spending
last Sunday at the home of W. F.
Moore east of Murray.
Misses Lelia and Hattie Taylor
and Miss Eaton were guests at the
home of Mrs. W. A. Taylor last Sat
urday. Atty. A. L. Tidd of Tlattsmouth
was a visitor and was looking after
Rome legal business in Union last
George Lindsay liTing west of
Union was looking after some busi
ness matters in Platte?mouth on last
. Verner Lundberg of Nehawka was
a visitor in Union last Monday com
ing over to look after some business
matters for the day.
Miss Gladys Hall, one of the
teachers of the Union schools was
a visitor at her home in Platts
mouth for over Sunday making the
trip via the bus line.
That is
Our B
Sure it is our business to please the trade, and to
do this we are doing the very best work. Auto supplies
also standard and always the best. We are here to
succeed, and we can do it only by giving the best of
service in every instance.
A. R.
The Auto Man
Union, Neb.
Place Your Orders Early!
Lynn Arbor Herd!
Pure Bred Chester White Swine
The home of "BIG JIM," winner in three contests. In
1921 he won two firsts and also Junior champion.
Service Fee Reasonable Come and See Him
We have a few outstanding fall boars for sale. Tell
us what you want.
Goods You Can Afford to Buy!
Spring is here and we have received an excellent
line of ginghams and trimmings. Organdies which look
and make up lovely, with an elegant line of oxfords for
ladies. Come in and see our recent receipts.
Flour, Groceries, Shoes, Work Clothes and Har
ness. See the prices quoted below others just as low
in price and high in value.
Gallon peaches, per can 63c
Two cans corn for 25c
Pure strawberry jam 25c
Alaska salmon, 15c; 2 for 25c
The Real Service Store
The World Wide Guild Girls of
the Baptist Sunday school met last
Saturday at the parsonage and en
joyeda fery nice meeting.
Messrs. G. M. Holcomb and David
Sampson of Plattsmouth were in Un
ion last Tuesday looking after some
business matters for the day.
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Keedy were
spending the Sunday at the home
of relatives and friends in Omaha,
making the trip in their ear.
Luther Meade was a visitor for a
short time last Monday morning in
Nebraska City where he went to look
after some business matters.
Mrs. Sarah Campbell of Murray
made a short visit last Thursday at
the home of her niece Miss Elsie
Taylor and with other relatives in
Rev. and Mrs. W. A. Taylor were
guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
W. M. Chase of Omaha last week,
Mr. Chase being a brother of Mr.
Dr. E. S. Furay was a visitor in
Omaha on Tuesday of this week, fo
ing to attend the Medical association
meeting which is convening there
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hansel enter
tained at their home north of Uni-n
last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Fitch
for the day and dinner and a very
pleasant time was had.
A. II. Austin is making some re
ready for occupancy and when he
has completed the alterations and
changes will make an excellent
home for Mr. Austin.
Henry Knabe of near Nehawka
was a vir-itor in Uniou last Monday
for a short time where he changed
cars for Plattsmouth where he
some business to look after.
A. W. Fropst of the firm of Prop?t
and Burhee, traded a car for an ex
cellent span of horses near Nehawka
and had them sold at the commun
ity sale at Nebraska City last Sat
urday. Miss Elsie Taylor visited last week
for a portion of the week with her
aunt Mrs. A. A. Johnson of Weep
ing Water and also with Mrs. Mary
Taylor and daughter Miss Rachel of
University Place.
Mrs. Charles Garrison who has
been the teacher of the Young Peo
ples' class at the Daptist Sunday
school was elected for the coming
year at a meeting which was held
on last Wednesday.
Albert Hathaway has rented the
Stottler homestead and will move
there as soon as the son. Eernrr'l,
who has been very sick is well en
ough so he can be moved. However.
Bernard is getting along nicely but
not as yet quite well.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm., Craig, .who
have been at Rose'i" for some time
called there by the illness of a grand
son, who was seriously ill and a son
of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Berdette, re
turned home the first of last week.
The ladies of the Baptist church
will give an all-day quilting at the
basemcntof the church and will alo
serve a supper for which they will
charge 25c. All are invited to be in
attendance at this pleasant gather
ing. A letter from L. R. Upton who is
at Excelsior Springs. Mo., where
he is receiving treatment for rheu
matism, is to the effect that he is
receiving good results from the
treatment and that he is feeling
F. H. McCarthy is having some
interior decorating in the shape of
papering and painting as well as
varnishine: at his home which will
greatly add to the appearance of his
already beautiful residence. Mr. E.
Merritt is doing the work.
At the Baptist church the coming
Sunday there will be services all day
the regular order prevailing except
in the evening when the chorus of
the church will 'furnish some excel
lent music instead of the regular
The Fordson Tractor
F. O. B. Detroit
f ? .:
-5 J . ' i- ii." .
. r: v. "r -v.": .-r.'- .-.
You Have io EaS!
Remember we are carrying in
stock fresh meats of all kinds and
fresh ever7 day.
"Bob" Caps for men and boys,
just the proper thing.
Ladies' Spring Hats, the latest
styles at a great saving.
Fresh Groceries and Canned
Goods of all varities.
R. D. STiNE,
preaching servires. The offering will
used in the church.
'Miss Jessie ToJd entertained at
her home last Sunday Mr. and Mrs.
George E. Sheldon of Nehawka and
their little daughter and Mr. and
Mrs. L. G. Todd and family and Mr.
W. H. Porter and daughter. Miss
Leatha. for the daj- and for dinner,
all saving a most excellent time.
Ray Frans. administrator of the
Gruber estate, was a vi-itor in Platts
mouth last Monday, where he was
looking after some business matters
in the county court pertaining to
the settlement of the estate. While
he was away, Mr. W. H. Marks was
looking after the business at the
lumber yard.
Last Wednesday Dan Lynn, the
administrator of the estate of the
late J. B. Reeves, with appraisers
W. II. Porter and R. D. Stine. and
accompanied by Attorney C. L.
Graves as their mascot drove out and
made the appraisement and later in
order to get their full value for the
ride went to Nebraska City where
they got the amount of the real es
tate held in Otoe county.
Mrs. Ollie Seales of Elwood who
has been here visiting at the home
of her sister, Mrs. E. J. Mougay, for
the past two weeks was taken very
ill a few days since and is being
cared for by her sister. A daughter
from the western part of the state
has been called to assist in her care.
The best of medical attention has
been given the lady and every thing
possible in the way c.f nursing and
care. It is hoped she may soon be
able to be about again.
Eed Polled Buir For Sale
I have r.n excellent Red Polled
bull for sale.
Gave Free Show Last Evening-
The county agent L. R. Snipes
gave the citizens of Union and vi
cinity a free show last Wednesday
pvpnirc. nerta ininsr to the handliner.
cure of diseases and care of hogs and
the raising of teem.
Mrs. Braner Very Sick
Mrs. P. F. Braner, who has been
very ill for the past nearly a week,
was last Monday afternoon taken to
Omaha on the train where she was
tiiken to a hospital for treatment.
Per phy?ician. Dr. Brendel, of Mur
ray, called into consultation Dr.
Durraedy of Omaha and after going
over her case which was very critical,
they concluded it would be best to
take her to the hospital for treat
ment. Her many friends here are
desirious that she may soon reeoved
from her illness and be able to re
turn to her home.
Missouri River Taking Land
The Missouri river, which has been
at flood stage for some time past,
and is just ai this time subsiding
slightly, is cutting into the Nebras
ka side at what is known as Sciota
Bottoms and is taking considerable
of good rich soil from Cass county.
Many of the old time residents are
apprehensive that the river will take
a considerable mere of the land than
has as yet been cut away. Nothing
seemingly can be done to prevent
this wasting away of the land at
this point.
The Farmers Will Meet
This Saturday at the Modern
Woodman hall there will be a meet
ing of the members of the Farmers
Union members and their friends,
which will be under the management
of the Farmers Union local, and at
which time they will with their fami
lies have a most excellent time, as
they wiH meet for that purpose, and
will have something good to eat.
They will be entertained with a
short but worthy program. An op
portunity for the paying of the dues
for the coming year will thus be pro
vided as well. Come, get some good
eats and ice cream and have a good
A good team will cost you as much, and you will have to feed them twelve
months. You can do anything with a Fordson that you can do with a team
plow corn, or any kind of cultivation; and many things which a team cannot do.
Ask us for demonstration. You won't have to await shipment.
Props! &
- Nebraska r
i Held Interesting Meeting
j Thursday afternoon the mem
bers of the Woman's Home Mission
ary society met at the home of Miss
'.TesMe Todd, where they worked for
the afternoon on sewing carpet rags
' for a carpet for the Mother's Jewell
home which is located at York. Fol
lowing a short business session was
,held, which was conducted by Mrs.
J. D. Cross and a short program,
which in the absence of Miss Elsie
Taylor, who had been selected at
the leader of the occasion, Mrs. J. C.
Hansel acted in. the capacity. The
subject for the afternoon was the
"Opening of the Mite Boxes" and a
tidy sum was realized in this way
for the ladies' work. The next meet
ing will be at the home of Mrs. L.
G. Todd.
W. C. T. U. Will Meet
The Woman's Christian Temperan
ce Union will meet at the home of
Mrs. J. D. Cross on Tuesday, May 2.
at which time Mrs. G. S. Upton will
be the leader of the program and dis
cussion will be hal, the subject being
"Women in Industry" and an excel
lent time is anticipated and all mem
bers are urged to be in attendance.
Sewiiig Class to Meet Friday
The sewing class of the Agricultur
al college extension work will meet
on Friday of this week with Mrs. W.
B. Banning, in the afternoon. All
those who attended the meeting held
but a short time since at the home
of Miss Jessie Todd and who receiv
ed the circulars sent, will please re
member to be present and bring your
samples to the meeting. All who
have had dress forms made and who
are interested in short cuts in sew
ing are especially Invited to be pres
ent at this meeting.
Booze and Gas Bad Mixture
Last Saturday evening two men,
one from Nebraska City named A. N.
Danley, aged about sixty years, and
his son. John Danley, of Omaha, aged
about 28. came from Omaha going
to Nebraska City on a motor cycle
and a side car.
They left here about 8:30 and at
11:30 that evening were found on
the road near the home of Frank
Glaublitz, with the motorcycle com
pletely wrecked, the elder man un
conscious and the younger one in a
d."zed condition. Mr. Exa Frans,
who found them questioned the
younger man who seemed to know
but little and could answer but
vaguely the questions put to him.
Mr. Frans then found the elder man
unconscious and reported his condi
tion to Dr. E. S. Furay who brousrht
them to Union and found the elder
man had a contusion across his fore
head of some four inches, a bone in
his right arm broken about three
inches from the shoulder, and both
bones broken at the right wrist. He
gave them medical attention and took
them to Nebraska City, their desti
nation, they both being found under;
the influence of liquor. With Dr.
Wilson they were cared for and
taken to the home of the elder maji
at Nebraska City.
Newman. Cb; Herold, cf; Mason, p
and If; McCarthy, p and If; Connor,
In Much Demand
The Rev. George E. Warren, pas
tor of the Methodist church, and
who by the way is a very pleasant
speaker, is being crowded with re
quests to make commencement day
addresses, having just at this time
some fifteen requests for his services
in this respect. He will not be able
to fill all the positions but will give
his time to those who have made re
quests in order as they have come.
An Excellent Ball Game
The Wolff's Colts, by which appel
lation the Plattsmouth base ball ag
gregation is known, were down for a
friendly visit last Sunday and had an
excellent game with the Union team.
Those who came for a good game
were well satisfied with the game,
it being a good one and one in which
harmony prevailed. The results were
ten runs for the Plattsmouth team
and seven for the home team. The
line-un was as follows:
UNION Davis, cf; Hathaway, c;
Surface, lb; Hoback. 3b; Eaton, ss;
Wolfe, lb; Hopkins, p; Pearsley, If;
Anderson and Meade, rf.
PLATTSMOUTH Gradoville, c ;
O'Donnell, lb; Sandy, ss; Nelson, rf;
School Notes
The General History class has be
gun the study of the World war.
Miss Ellis and her pupils enjoyed
a flower hunt last Friday afternoon.
Elza Taylor entertained the High
school students on Tuesday morning
with his accordian.
Fire drill was held Wednesday of
last week. It took less than one min
ute for all to leave the building.
The Seniors have made their
choice as to the invitations for Com
mencement. They expect to order
Short exercises, consisting of
songs, readings and a talk on
"Trees" by Mr. Banning, were held
on Friday morning in observance of
Arbor day.
Miss Hollister and Marie Leach
will go to Sioux City on Thursday,
where Marie as one of Cass county's
two representatives will take part in
a spelling contest.
To glance over the list of names
charged with books from our circu
lating library would convince anyone
of their use. Thirty-one books were
loaned out on Monday.
Rev. George B. Warren, of Uni
versity Place will give the address
Commencement day. May 19, 1922,
and Rev. Samuel Miller will deliver
the baccalaureate sermon on Sunday
evening. May 14th.
Wednesday, April 26lh was observ
ed as Patron's day. All who came
were given an opportunity to see
some of the work done by the pupils
of the Union public schools. In ad
dition there was a demonstration in
the domestic science room following
the program, given in connection
with the work of the Hot Lunch club
which has been functioning success
fully for some time.
Grades for the county eighth grade
examinations taken some time ago
were received this week. Some of
the pupils were glad while others
were disappointed. The following
passed, that is they had no grade be
low sixty and an average of at least
seventy-five: Alice Armstrong, Har
riet Cheney, Zola Eaton. Elmer Fahr
lander, Eugene Moore. George Stine
and Sara Upton. Of these Sarah Up
ton, whose age is eleven years made
the highest average, eighty-nine.
Those who failed have another trial
the first week of May.
Afterward she took special work la
the Cincinnati College of Music un
der Dr. Nicholas Elsenheimer; The
ory of Music under John Brockhoren.
Arrangements for lessons may be
made by calling telephone No. 81,
making appointment at studio or at
the home of Mr. Mont Robb.
Tie new May Red Books are now
en sale at the Journal office. Call
and secure your copy at once. The
new Hearst's, Motion Picture, Pho
toplay and Classics are also here.
Blank Books at the Journal Office.
Two Celebrated Jacks
v ... '!.. .. 'i f--.r-r.-r J v
a;- z i
Opens a Studio in Union
Miss Carolen A. Walbridge, teach
er of piano, has opened a studio in
Union at the home of Miss Jessie
Todd, southeast entrance.
Miss Walbridge has been a success
ful teacher in the Conservatory of
Music, South Bend. Indiana, for
many years, but wishing to be with
relatives and have a change of cli
mate, has decided to make Union
her home. Miss Walbridge studied
in the Chicago Musical college un
der Dr. Zeigfield and Louis Falk.
1 i
i 1. mi
W.J ) p ' Jp j- s,,.
PrijiG ofjlogles Creek
and J A EC EE
Pride of Hogles Creek is a Jet
black Mammoth Jack with white
points, two years old. lAVz hands
high and will weigh COO pounds. He
is duly registered in the Standard
Jack and Jennet Book of America,
and his number is 2.r,C84.
Jake is a jet black Jack, 4 years
old. stands 15 hands high, and will
weigh 8S0 pounds. He is registered
In the Standard Registry of America.
He is sired by English Boy. No. 3731;
his dam is Emma Hoard, 18109. He
is an excellent foal getter.
These two Jacks will make the
season of 1922 at my home on the
old Keel farm, just south of the
Union school house, every day in the
week except Sunday. Terms will be
$10 for both jacks to Insure colt to
stand and such. When parties dis
pose of mares or remove from local
ity service fee becomes due and must
be paid immediately. All care should
be taken to prevent accidents but
owner will not be held responsible
should any occur.
A. D. CRUNK, Owner.
Union Telephone.
A 4
For 10c. and the Coupon Below You
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TOTAL . .50
You Save40c. by filling out this coupon
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Extra Special
A Balloon or Cap
Given With Each Deal
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- v .