The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 24, 1922, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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MONDAY, APRIL 24, 1922.
Am Here to Serve You!
Notwithstanding the interference by the fire fiend,
I am still here to give service to the farmer in supplying
their wants and needs in the line of farming machinery
and repairs. We have the agency for the International
line, including McCormick and Deering harvesting ma
chinery and the tillage machinery, including plows,
discs, cultivators and in fact anything in the farming
machinery line I can furnish you. Repairs for all and
any kind of farm utensils. I would like to give you
Phone 14-J.
Looking to Farmers' Meeds!
1 2-inch, guaranteed sharpened ready for use .... $6.00
14-inch, guaranteed sharpened ready for use. . . . 6.50
84-inch 4-horse evener, best quality 2.25
90-inch 4-horse evener, best quality 2.50
Drive Boxing, Mower and Cultivator Tongues.
Prices right and guaranteed to meet prices anywhere.
-Work that will Stand
Our Molt!
"Ten Years in Business
in ftlurdock!"
o 4B 4&
Better get reservation for work following that now
on the calendar, as this will be a busy season.
We are looking for good help and are expecting
some soon.
Our twenty-five years in the trade enables us to
serve you best-
The Bustertioff Shops,
the work are urged to be in attend
ance at this meeting. j
Cabbage Plants are Ready
We have cabbagre plants ready to
ret nut. Can supply all. The tomato
plants rrill be ready in season, or as
soon as they can be safely set out.
Han f -T-rn11Ti4- T"-naT"f ainmTif
TT-1 : 1 m . J ..
prlsing a number of the teachers and
other ot the yoiirg folk, gave their
play ''Daddy" last Tuesday to a well
filled and highly appreciative audi
ence. The play was one of rare
merit, and was surely enjoyed by all
present. A neat sum was realized,
which is going to assist in the liqul
datibn of the expenses Incurred by
the school fair and basket ball team.
The members giving the show are ap
preciating the excellent attendance
which was given and for all cour
tesies extended.
We Are Headquarter
Harv ester Oil Axle Grease Hard Oils
All Kinds of Motor Oil
Our Prices are Always Right
-:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA
I E. "V. Thimgan and wife were
visiting in Onfciha on Monday and
Tuesday of last week,
i Mr. and Mrs. Jess Landholni spent
Easter in Omaha last week and made
jthe trip in their auto.
Conrad Baumgartncr was cttend
jing the short horn cattle sale held
j near Wabash last Thursday,
j Mr. Lloyd Way was at Syracuse
one day last week, where he went to
j load a car of posts for shipment,
j Business called W. O. Schewe to
Omaha last Tuesday, he makinpr the
trip via the Burlington from South
Fred Deickman was in attendance
?t the short horn cattle sale held at
the home cf Clarence Earhart last
Emery Wilson of near Ashland
was looking after some business mat
ters in Murdock, hauling some corn
to the elevator here.
John Burt and wife of Omaha were
visiting in Murdock yesterday ( Sun
da v) and guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. W. H. Rush.
W. H. Rush and M. E. Shatto
shelled corn last, Thursday at the
home of Fred A. Stock, which was
used for feeding purposes.
J. H. Foreman and wife of near
Alvo were spending the afternoon in
Muri'ock, being guests at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Rush.
- J. II. Buck and family were look
ing after some matters in Elmwood
last Thursday evening. Mr. Buck
Buff Sock Eggs far Sale j
Pure bred Buff Rock eggs for
hatching. Price 50 cents per set
ting of 15 at home or 75 cents by
parcel post. Phone 10-L. Henry,
Rueter, Murdock, Xebr. m20-3w j
Hare an Excellent Ball Team j
Mr. B. O. Mooney of South Bend
was a visitor in Murdock last Thurs
day looking after some business mat-i
ters and while here was looking over
the stock of base ball goods carried ;
by A. J. Tool, with a Tiew of pur
chasing the needs of a team which
they have recently organized in their
town. The team has arranged to
play at Wabash with the Wabash
team on Sunday, and are getting in
condition for any and all comers.
The team, which has just been
organized. Is composed of the follow
ing excellent young men and all ball
players: B. O. Mooney, captain; V.
H. Kitzell, manager: George Thim-
Igan. catcher, while they have three
pitchers and are preparing for any
emergency which might arise. They
are B. O. Mooney, A. Loberg and
Glen W. Weaver; Jud Weaver, short;
Clyde Ilaswell. first; Harold Towle.
second; Emil Nicholson, third; Earl
Talbot, left; Robert Long, center,
and Billie Blum, right. j
having some dental work looked af-
Gillespie and ! ter while there.
Mrs. H. V. McDonald were visiting E. E. Marshall and son, Willie, of
with friends in Omaha for the day!weM of South Bend. was a visitor in
last Tuesday.
Miss Eva Sorick, of Lincoln, was
a visitor at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. H. H. Lawton of Murdock for
over Sunday.
Murdock last Thursday and were
locking after some business matters
for the afternoon.-"-
Dr. A, R. Hornbeck has been beau
tifvir.g .his home by trimming and
Miss Leona Rush, who makes her i pruning the trees in the yard and
home at Lincoln, was snendinc a few ! otherwise adding to the beauty of
days at the home of her parents dur
ing last week.
Mrs. Win. Neilsoa was visiting for
the day in Omaha last Thursday,
making the trip via the Burlington car to look after some business mat
the home grounds.-
Ilcrtry A. Guthman of the Bank of
Murdock was a visitor in Lincoln
last Thursday, driving over in his
from South Bend
Messrs. Frarlr Meivin and Ray
Boldin, the carpenters, are placing
a roof on the home of Mr. Robert
Crawford this week.
! j i
I r MM i
ters for a short time
Umil Kuehn was a visitor in Mur
dock from his hnme in Lincoln last
Thursday for a short time, when he
, drove down to look after some busi
t ness matters for the day.
1 Oscar McDonald was looking af-
tcr Ihe appetites of the crowd at the
sale held near Mahley last Thursday
j with a lunch counter and was greet
Was Some Obstreperous j
Whatever that is you may guess,
but at the home of Wm. Xeilson, ;
William Irving, who has been mak- j
ing his home there for some time on i
last Thursday evening created some ;
trouble which necessitated the in-
voking of the strong arm of the coun-
ty in quieting the disturbed atmos-'
phere. After having exhausted all
peaceful means of inducing the ob
servance of proper decorum and the
quietude desired, the sheriff was
called for and upon a special invita
tion, which consisted of forceful'
Dersupsion and an auto conveyance,
Mr. Irving went to Plattsmouth,
whrre he spent the remainder of the
night in the Cass county jail. He
had broken" up considerable furni
ture -and assaulted Mr. Xeilson be
fore the law was invoked.
many a hungry mouth to
i ee During Dzvies
Women's Hosiery
Are Now Ready
Whether it be for dress, business, street, -sport or
knocliabout wear there are styles enough in this
Advance Display to satisfy the Spring and Summer
Hosiery requirements of every woman.
Allen A
With its reinforced toes, soles, heels
and garter tops, is money's-worth
hosiery in the fullest sense of the
word. Furthermore, it carries with
it the personal pledge of the maker's
responsibility for uniform high
There are styles here for every
manner of wear and service; for
any occasion full size, full length,
at prices no greater than those
you would pay for ordinary hosiery.
In silk, in lisle, in wool and in cot
ton, for Men, Women and Children.
burdock rtfercantiie Oo.
i ed with
jferd. f--j
Mr. and Mrs. David Way of Arriba,
i Co'o., who are the parents of Mr. H.
1 W?.y. superintendent of the Murdock
! schools visited here with his son
and family for a portion of last
i week.
Frank Mabes and family, of Ben
nett and Louis Hite and family, of
j Cheney, were visiting in Murdock on
Enstrr, coming to visit at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Hite and with
I John Amgwert and family.
f Harry A. Williams and wife of
i Elmwood were visiting in Murdock
for the afternoon last Thursday, iind
I the Indies visiting at the home while
' T T -: 1 1 : .1 1 r tr IT' rpi.:m
gan attended the fine cattle sale
i near Juanley.
i Mips T.Iarv Rush has bpen lookine
' efter the telephone station during
the day time during the absence of
the Misses Esther and Marie Schmidt,
who were spending some time in Om
aha during last week, visiting with
their friends.
See the ad of J. H. Buck in this
issue of this paper and note the low
prices which he is making on some
of his goods and work. Yqu know,
besides the Ipw prices that you are
geiting the best of material as well
when you trade with this man.
W. O. Schewe. the breeder of short
horn cattle and of which he has
made a specialty, was assisting in the
sale of this excellent strain of cattle
at the home of Clarence Earhart on
last Thursday, when the sale of his
cattle and that of D. F. Tighe was
TTowxli TVi,l w 111 4ti !- noil" fil-
1 ..... ... . "
ture also add anotner room to nis
dwelling, in the shape of enclosing
the porch, which has been a feature
of the home, making a kitchen of It
and adding materially to the comfort
and convenience, as well as the value
of the home.
A number of the young ladies of
Murdock were enjoying a very pleas
ant evening last evening at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Norton, and
rpent the evening in games and mu
sic and had a most excellent time as
well a3' enjoyed the fine luncheon
which the hostess served.
John Mockenhaupt, who has been
away from Murdock for the past fif
teen years, arrived here last Sunday
evenina: and has been visiting at the
home of E. O. McDonald for the past
week or so. Mr. Mockenhaupt has
been in the north for some time past
and has not been in the beast of
health, but is making good improve
ment at thf3 time.
Will Piscontinue Work Till Fall
The ladies having in charge the
! construction of dress forms will from
this time on not do anything in the
making of dress forms until the cool
er weather comes in the fall, hut
will list the desires of those who are
wanting dress forms and which will
be taken up in the fall as soon as
the meetings shall have been started
ag?in. Those who may be desiring
a dress form cm list their wants
with Mrs. O. J. Pothast, who ,1s in
charge cf the work.
Painting the Store Building
Harry McDonrld, the enterprising
druggist, is having the exterior of
his business house brightened up
with some fresh paint and is giving
it a battle ship gray this time. Harry
Davis is doing the work and the work
and paint is adding materially to the
appearance of the popular business
Making Some Excellent Signs
Max Dusterhoff, of the Dusterhoff
shops, has just completed a large
sign in white with a deep red back
ground which is one of the most at
tractive pieces bf sign work which
we have seen for a long time. The
work is of a character which f e-,
quires the greatest skill in its exe
cution to bring the best results. Just
take a glimpse at the sign when it
shall have been placed and see how
you like it.
Looks' Like a Better Murdock
H. W. Tool as the superintending
architect of the consolidated water
system which a number of citizens bf
Murdock are installing, has been
looking after some of the work of
building the system and with the aid
of Mr. Henry Amgwert is making
some very substantial progress, hav
ing completed the excavation for the
cave which is to contain the pressure
tank. The beginning of this plant
is stimulating others in Murdock to
a like move and may result in a
system of waterworks which could
embrace the entire town.
Will Hold Meeting
There has been called by the presi
dent. J. C. Brown . of the Wabash
Cemetery association and by H. V.
McDonald, secretary, their annual j
meeting to be held at Wabash on
Monday May 1st at 2 o'clock in the
afternoon to look after matters of
interest pertaining-to the association
and the cemetery.- All interested in
Enjoyed a Badio Concert
Mr. J. E. McHugh and family, with
Miss Naomi Coglizer, saleslady at
the Murdock Mercantile company,
motored to Weeping Water Thursday
evening wliere they enjoyed a radio
concert at the home of John Crozier,
who has recently installed a receiv
ing station at his home, and being an
uncle of Miss Coglizer, extended an
invitation to the Murdockite party
to come and enjoy the evening. There
were present for the evening, Mr. J.
E. McHugh and family and Miss
Coglizer of Murdock; L. W. Stanton
and Tami!y and John and Henry Cro- j
zier and families of Weeping Water.
Will Improve Property
Mr. A. J. Tool, the hardware and
harness man is arranging to make
some very substantial improvements
at his home in the near future, which
will consist of an addition of some
22x24. feet and will afford two mote
rooms for the convenience of the
When recessions in prices came, we were prompt
to take trur loss, as all business must which has not as
yet done so.
We are in position to offer to the public an ex
cellent line of building material of all descriptions, at
the lowest price level for good lumber that has been
possible since before the war.
See us for anything you may be needing in this
line. We can save you money.
Yes, business is good! Our prices are doing their
part in this restoration of commercial activity.
Tool, iiaumsn fefsy
The Lumbermen
To ihs People of Eurdtek and Visinilp:
We have opened up an up-to-date wholesale oil
station in your thriving little cit3r with ample storage
facilities and equipment to take care of your wants at
all times-
We handle nothing but the highest grade of pe
troleum products and will endeavor at all times to give
you a "Square Deal." We want your good will and
will appreciate 3'our patronage. Our Mr. Schafcr is
anxious and willing to serve you.
Respectfully yours,
Cas Farming Ellschinery!
I have the agency for the full line of Case farming machin
ery. Such as Plows, Tractors, Threshing Machinery, Haying
Machinery and fn fact a full and complete line. U can fur
nish all kinds of repairs. Sec us, we will make it well worth
your whil;.
Phone No. 7-W Murdock, Neb.
if i ff.
Buick Prices
22-Four-34 Two passenger roadster $ 35
22-Four-35 Five passenger touring 935
22-Six -44 Three passenger roadster 1565
22-Four-36 Three passenger coupe. . . . 1235
22-Six -45 Five passenger touring 1355
22-Fotir-37 Five passenger sedan 1395
22-Six -49 Seven passenger touring 15S5
22-Six -46 Three passenger coupe 1S5
22-Six -48 Four passenger coupe 2075
22-Six -47 Five passenger sedan. .. 2165
22-Six -50 Seven passenger sedan 2375
All Buieks F. 0. B. Flint, Michigan
Buick footer Company, Flint, Hishigan
Distributors General Motor Corporation
Pioneer builders of Valve-in-Head motor cars. Branches
in all principal cities of the U. S. Dealers everywhere.
When' Better Automobiles are Built
Buick will Build Them.
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