The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 24, 1922, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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130STDAY, APHIL 24, 1922.
Nehawka V Department!
Prepared in the Interests of the People of Nehawka and Surrounding Vicinity Especially
for the Journal Readers.
John Whiteman is for the present Chriswiser who are attending the
employed with Chalcier Switzer and state university were home for the
is assisting in the pump and pluniD
ing work.
Misses Hope St. John and Zupha
week end.
Frank H. Kesnick and family who
were visiting in Omaha for a week
How About Your Battery?
What condition is it in for Spring use? Better have it
looked after. We are prepared to do charging and keep the
vital spark constant. We sell both wet and dry storage bat
teries, and assure you the best service for them.
We are handling the best of makes in tires, and are selling
them lower than ever before. See us for prices.
The Lumberg Garage,
W 5 !! I a Bdl ll B a iter y
That should tell the entire story a bat
tery made by the Willard company, and one
all rubber that will last for years and give out
powerful current for the entire time, should
be all that is needed to be said- Remember,
there are no parts to be' eaten by the acid, no
chance for shorting in the battery, for all the
casings, both the cells and the entire battery
are pure hardened rubber.
Price of Ford size, which many other
cars use, is on ly $33.15.
The Anco "Dry Storage Battery" is a
wonderful battery as well, and especially for
the winter use, as it cannot freeze, and is
equally effective in the warmer seasons. Ask
Our repair department is just now much
busier than formerly and what work you will
be needing done, please get it so we can have
it done and remember we do the best work,
in time that you may have the car when you
need it.
The Lundberg Garage g
"Always at Your Service"
NEHAWKA -:- -:- -:-
Ladies' White Oxfords
They are here now. You will like them because
they are new, up-to-date and the prices are certainly
in line with the quality we are offering:
Ladies' White Canvas 2-strap pump $2.C0
" " " 3-strap pump 2 00
" 44 Lace Oxford 2.00
44 44 44 Opera 2.00
" 44 44 Sport Oxford 2.50
44 " Strap Pump, leather trim
med, 2.50
Children's White Canvas Pumps $1.50 and 1.75
Established 1888
Phone 14.
rtit'nixed home last Sunday and are
making garden.
Chalmer Switzer has sold his res
idence to his brother Delberl Switz
er but will continue to live in the
home for the present.
Master Harold Stall has accepted
a position with the Sheldon. Depart
ment store and should make an ex
cellent addition to their sales force.
Messrs. B. O. Tucker and C. W.
Snyder were looking after some bus
iness matters in Plattsmouth last
Thursday driving over in their auto.
Roy Klaurens was a visitor in Lin
coln last Thursday where he was
looking after some business matters
for the Sheldon Manufacturing Co.
E. O. Johnson pastor of the Meth
odist church, was a visitor in Weep
ing Water last Thursday where he
was a visitor with friends for a few
II. E. Essenwine of the Sheldon
Manufacturing company was called
to Omaha last Thursday to look af
ter some business matters for the
J. G. Wunderlich and Henry
Schwartz were looking after some
business matters in Plattsmouth last
Friday morning driving over in the
auto of the latter.
Ben Hicks will farm on the Fred
Ross place and is now licated there
where he is engaged in the work of
caring for .the stock on the farm and
the farming as well.
Frank Boedeker of -the Nehawka
tank was a visitor in Plattsmouth
last Saturday and was accompanied
by the family, making the trip in
their Ca.e automobile.
Dr. J. W. Thomas is feeling pret
ty good, thank you. having purchas
ed a new Essex roadster which he is
finding just the thing to look after
his country . practice in.
J. W. Magney was looking after
some business matters in Platt
mouth last Wednesday driving over
in his auto to look after some busi
ness mr.tters for the -day.
Chester Valentine and wife of Om
aha have been visiting in Nehawka
for the past week guest for the time
at the home of Mrs. Valentine's par
ents. Mr. fend Mrs. John Colborg.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Norris ure en
joying the fact of just having their
Lame redecorated the work being
done by Mr. Henry Feltes and since
presents a most beautiful appear
ance. Alhert Brandt who has been mak
ing his home at Broken Bow for
some Umf was a visitor- in Nehawka
last week and was for the time a
guest a: -the home of his uncle Hen
ry Knabe and wife.
The Methodist church which is
lundergoing a renovation ar.d repair
is getting along rather slowly on ac
count of so much more work being
reqiurtd than was expected at. the
beginning of the repairs.
Mrs. E. M. Griffin departed Ir.-n
Monday for Tulsa. Okla.. where she
will spend some two months at the
home of her daughter. Mr. Gritfm
and son are loing the housekeeping
art during her absence.
C. M. Chriswisser shipped two
cars of cattle from Murray to the
South Omaha market which he has
had Mr. Thomas Tilson feeding dur
ing the winter and enjoyed a very
good market for their output.
Mesdames B. O. Tucker and Mar
ion Tucker were visiting in Omaha
lart Friday driving over in the car
of Mrs. Marion Tucker and after hav
ing visited and looked after some
matters for the day returned home
in the evening.
A. F. Sturm was feeling pretty
sore last week from the effects cf the
removal of his tonsil3 which he had
done at a hoptal at Fairbury a week
ago Saturday and he is at this time
getting along well and hopes soon
to be as well as ever.
Mr. Leo Switzer has had a new
repair cabinet built by the eminent
carpenter and builder, Mr. Henry
M. Pollard which has some ISO com
partments for the keeping of repairs
which he will carry for the conven
ience of the customers.
Mrs. C. D. St. John entertained
the ladies aid society of the United
Brethren church last Thursday when
the ladies looked after the work
which they had in hand and also
were entertained by their hostess at
a very delightful luncheon.
Melvin Sturm is enjoying the use
of a fine Overland sedan -which he
recently purchased from the Lund
berg garage. The car Is a nifty one
and Just the thing for Mr. Sturm as
he can now enjoy the going even if
the weather is not the best.
The Nehawka fire department has
Just purchased some new ladders
which they have had painted by Mr.
Henry Feltes and numbers and let
ters so that should some one wish to
use them they can be kept itrack of
and had at the place of keeping when
they are needed.
Mrs. James Walker and sons. Al
len and Keith. and Mr. Dean Walker
and wife of Dunbar were guests at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. St.
John for Easter, driving up in their
auto for the day. At the dinner Max
Balfour was also a guest and all en
joyed the meeting.
Mrs. II. L. Thomas was a visitor
for from Tuesday to Wednesday eve
ning at the home of her mother,
Mrs. John W. Gamble., of Omaha and
enjoyed the visit very much being
the first time she had been home
since the parents had returned from
their extended trip.,
Horace Griffin was a visitor it
Auburn last Tuesday where he went
to take the examination required
for testing of cream and butter fat.
! Of seven applicants for lcense he was
the only successful one. He will ac
cept the agency of the Kritchbaum
J Creamery of Omaha.
Mr. Conrad Jorgensen living be
tween Nehawka and Murray is down
at his home with an attack of the
flu. With the proper spirit the neigh-
bors are seeing that his farming
j work is not left undone while he is
sick. Mr. G. I. Lloyd was looking af
ter the seeding of ahe oat field last
, week.
j See the new add of the Lundberg
garage which appears in this issue
; and which will tell you of the Wil
; lard All Rubber Battery one which
will give you years of service and
that the best. No wooden parts to be
damaged by acid, but one which is
entirely encased in rubber. See Mr.
Lundberg for detailed description.
Mr. and Mrs. Z. W. Shrader have
just received a Jeiter from their
granddaughter, Mifs Gladys Hiatt,
telling of her success as a speller as
she spelled down some fifteen high
schools in Dallas, Texas, and is the
speller in another contest which will
include the entire schools of Dallas,
and which if she wins which we are
all hoping she will, will get a prize
amounting to $25.
Attorney W. A. Robertson of
Plattsmouth was a visitor in Nehaw
ka and was consulting with Mrs. Lu
cile Davis for whom he is counsel in
the matters of her estate. Mr. Rob
ertson was accompanied by Mr. W.
G. Kieck, who is a candidate for
nomination for the position of coun
ty attorney on the republican ticket
and is contesting the place with At
torney A. H. Duxbury of Plattsmouth
and a republican as well. Both of
these gentlemen are members of the
American Legion.
Moved the Garare to Town
Leo Switzer the implement man,
who has moved to town had use for
his garage which he has had on the
farm and so moved the same to town.
Henry Theile and Red Shumaker
with their two Titan tractors did
the hauling and brought the garage
right along until the crissing of the
walk at the Switzer home in town
when one of the skids broke causing
some delay but the boys got the ga
rage placed to the satisfaction of
Mr. Switzer and all in good shape.
Gave Friend Handy Shower
The many friends cf Mr. and Mrs.
James Stone tendered a shower to
Mrs. Stone at the home of Mrs. Gust
Hansen last Friday evening at which
a most enjoyable afternoon was had.
Many were the handy presents which
were given as tokens of the friend
ship of her many friends here. The
best wishes of all were extended to
this couple and for their happiness
and prosperity.
Are Perfecting Preparations
At a meeting of the Daughters of
Rebecca which they held last Wed
nesday evening at their hall they
made preparations for the holding of
the district convention of their lodge
which is to convene in Nehawka on
May fourth. They are expecting a
large delegation from all the lodges
in the district and are preparing to
care for the meeting and will pro
vide excellent entertainment as well
as an excellent program. At the meet
ing last week they had a program
and eats afterwards and made much
substantial progress in the matter of
their preparations.
Troy Schrader Doing Nicely
Troy Shrader who underwent an
operation for compound hernia last
week is getting along nicely at the
hospital at Omaha. Mr. Z. W. Shra
der and wife his parents. Walter
Wunderlich. wife and Mrs. Troy
Shrader were visiting with the
young man at the hospital last Thurs
day. Mrs. Z. W. Shrader remaining
until Friday evening and reported
the young man doing nicely on her
Schcol Notes
Leona Pollard has been very sick
the past week but is doing fine now.
The Domestic Science teacher
spent Tuesday night with Elizabeth
The first grade read a pancake
story and are studying the poem
"Robin and the Crocus."
The sixth grade was delighted
over having a hundred per cent
spelling leson last Friday.
Miss Frone Kime was the guest
of Miss Roberta Jones Tuesday
night at supper at Mrs. Lloyd's.
The second grade is trying to im
prove the neatness of their papers.
Remember the junior movie show
April 2Sth.
Don't forget to patronize the jun
ior movie show April 2Sth. Get your
tickets from them. Buy early and
avoid the rush.
Rudolph Shrader and his brother
have left school as they have gone
to Canada. All their schoolmates
wi?h them good luck.
The English 2 class completed the
study of "Lincoln's Speeches" this
week and have started the study of
"Snhrab rrd Rustim."
Some people are very glad that
the party for last Friday night was
celled off. The treat after school
was thoroughly enjoyed by all pres
ent. The juniors received their banner
last Friday and it is now occupy
ing a prominent position in the as
sembly room. The colors are old rose
and taupe btu are lighter than they
should be in the banner.
The clothing class has completed
their gingham dresses and are do
ing some drafting of patterns this
week. The dresses made by the class
were all very attractive and some
very good work was done on them.
Friday night, April 2Sth, at S p.
m. sharp the juniors will present
William Farnum in "The Lone Star
Ranger." also a three real comedy
and a short program. Admission 20
ar.d 35 cents. Proceeds to be used
towards the Junior-Senior banquet. ,
Come and bring a friend. j
Last Thursday night the league
gave a weiner roast in honor of the
four high school girls who gathered
up the most egg3 for the church.
They were Mary Chappell, Gene
vieve Stone, Irene Johnson and Mary
Ketch. They got seventy-two dozen
and all the league gathered five
crates. 1
Last Tuesday night three of the
Nehawka high Bchool girls and one
of the teachers walked out to the
Linville farm and had a fine time.
j Refreshments of pickles and peaches
! were served. The young lady who
j took them back in her car forgot
j to look at the gasoline and as a
j result they found a long walk ahead
of them not arriving home until
J midnight.
j A number of the boy school
friends of Quinton Palmer were in
vited to hi3 home Tuesday evening
after school to celebrate his elev
enth birthday. His teacher was also
invited. Quinton received a number
of useful gifts. Various games of
ball were played after which Mrs.
Talmer served ice cream, cake and
cookies. All of the boys went home
feeling that Quinton had provided
a happy day one for all.
The girls of the Sunny Side Sew
ing club met at the home of Mrs.
Burby Tuesday. The business meet
ing was held and it was decided
that the next meeting would be the
second of May at the home of Lu
cile Powell. The girls sewed on var
ious articles after which Mrs. Bur
by served delicious refreshments.
After lunch Mr. Burby asked all the
girls to come outside and he took
their pictures. The girls departed
for home feeling that they had had
a fine time.
Turn Out Enmasse at Nehawka to
Adopt Constitution and Elect
Officers for the Year.
The second mass meeting held by
the boosters for the Nehawka Com
munity club occurred on Friday even
ing for the purpose of adopting a
constitution and electing officers for
the ensuing year and the meeting
was a great success viewed from ev
ery angle. More than 170 persons
signed the constitution of the new
organization. The officers selected were R. C.
Pollard, president; F. C. Schumaker,
E. C. Giles, Arthur Wolph and Mrs.
Jean Nutzman, vice presidents: Mrs.
R. B. Stone, secretary and E. W.
Burby, treasurer. These officials will
also constitute the executive com
mittee. The regular meetings of the club
will be held on the second Tuesday
of each month.
The old violinists of the commun
ity, namely William Balfour, H. H.
Stoll and William Steel, entertained
the crowd with solos, duets and trios
that proved very enjoyable. Mr.
Burby put on a stunt by two of the
kindergarten pupils which made a
big hit with the crowd.
The work of the community club
promises to be one of the biggest
things that has been undertaken in
Nehawka and will bring together
the residents of the community in
the spirit that will be of the greatest
benefit to all of the membership and
the community in general.
If You Care to
yourself of getting the very best grade of material the best
workmanship, and the most perfect construction that vast ex
perience and skill can give, take up the matter of your MON
UMENT with us. Get your work done at home. Decoration
Day will soon be here.
10 Discount Until F3ay 1st
Cass County Monument Co.
"Home.of Quality"
H. W. Smith, Plattsmouth, Nebraska
Field and Garden Seeds!
We are prepared to furnish you with the best of Field
and Garden Seeds, for all your needs. All kinds of Garden
Seeds, fresh and true to name. Union Sets also. Field Seeds,
Clover, Alfalfa and all Grasses.
We have Garden Tools, for any and all uses, as well as
Farm Machinery, at popular prices, which means a good sav
ing to you.
Coatman Hardware Co.,
Alvo, Nebraska
Egs for Sale
Barred Plymouth Rock eggs for
hatching, 4c per egg. Mrs. William,
Mickle, Alvo, Neb. m20-4W
We can furnish you Dbmk books
tiost any kind at Journal office.
Wintry Winds
disturb not the slumber of your beloved dead, if you
were thoughtful enough to ask the undertaker to use a
Steel Reinforced Automatic Sealing Concrete Burial
Vault. Air and water proof-
-:- Nehawka, Nebr.
Phone No. 87
v.i .. .--'Cr a
I ?J ;-V"'V.."-4v-. f '?
Spanish Warrior 20412
Spanish Warrior is jet black, mealy nose and
belly. He stands 15 hands high. Was foaled
November 17, 1911, and was bred by J. H.
Hardin, at Ninevah, Indiana. Weight 1000 lbs.
His sire 1200 lbs. Sure foal getter and every one
a good one.
Jalfisc 84077
That the Percheron Stallion is recorded by the Per
cheron Society of America, and that his record number
is 84077.
Color and Description:
Black, white stripe in forehead, weight 2000 pounds.
Foaled March 18th, 1909. Bred by M. Noirean, depart
ment of Orne. This horse has been owned by the Mur
ray Horse Co., and has previous stood at $20.00. '
" u sr. . 1
Andain III is recorded by the Percheron Society of America, and that his record number
is 104940. Color and description: Chestnut sorrel, stripe in forehead; weight 1900 pounds.
Foaled January 5th, 1914. Bred and owned by W. H. Kerr, Tekamah. As good as evar walk
ed on Nebrask soil and his off springs are the same.
The above named animals are warranted sound and first-class stock. They will
make the season of 1922, every day in the week, at Nehawka, Neb.
TTOif? SV3 S " Terms for all will be $15.00 to insure colt to stand and suck. Money
becomes due at once if mare is parted with or leaves the communityf
and when so parted my guarantee ceases. Lien will be taken on both mare and colt until
same is paid- Care will be taken to prevent accidents, but will not be responsible should
any occur.
Phone me at Sheldon's Store. " ' " ' Nehawka, Nebraska