The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 24, 1922, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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MONDAY, APEIL 24, 1922.
i A
5 :
JUL 1fe
are v ar -
cf case-
steel disc
bailt into every Lea
Fanctu re-proof tire.
Another puncture!
Dad will catch us sure, he's got
LEE Puncture-proof tires on"
rr "foresight" was as keen as "hindsight", there would be
no embarrassing, distressing and costly delays on account
of punctures.
Lee Punctare-proof pneumatics are all the name implies.
In every essential of material and manufacture they are
equal to any tire you can buy. Thru this one feature
elimination of punctures they surpass all others. '
If other well-made tires were puncture-proof they might
be just as good. But because this is an exclusive feature,
Lee Puncture-proof tires are by far the best for any service
where the saving of time, labor and money is desirable.
On cars used for business of commercial purposes thi3
is especially true.
And it needs only one or two unfortunate experiences
with punctures to convince the average car dwner that it is
wisdom to be on the safe side with Lee Puncture-proof tires.
We will be glad to demonstrate.
S. A. Jackman autoed to Lincoln
Friday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Stanley autoed
to Lincoln Tuesday. 1
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Marshall auto
ed to Lincoln Tuesday.
James Bosworth was a passenger
to Weeping Water Saturday morn
ing. G rover Ottie was in town Monday.
He came down to see his brother,
Mrs. Warren Richard was a pas
senger to Weeping Water Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Colbert and
son. Lloyd, were callers in town on
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Cole and fam
ily spent Sunday at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. S. A. Jackman.
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Sylvester and
family, also Mr. H. H. Squires spent
Sunday with relatives in Weeping
Park Ottie is on the sick list. His
sisters, Mrs. Will Van Every and
Mrs. Eugene Colbert have been car
ing for him.
Albert Pool and daughter, Mar
garet were passengers to Weeping
ysmL. row .
"It Does Pay!"
A man said to us the other day: "There's no use
talking, it does pay to buy good clothes. I've experi
mented with both kinds now, and I've tried to kid my
self that the $25 suit I bought in Omaha looked just
as good as the $50 one I bought of you, but sure as the
sun shines there's a big difference. My $50 suit always
looks good. It holds it shape and doesn't pucker or
wrinkle or twist around, but sets right up where it be
longs and stays there. The other one just looks baggy
and krinkled and rusty no matter how many times I
have it pressed- Of course it costs more money to buy
the good suit, but it pays. I can get more satisfaction
cut of my money with the $50 suit."
Now that's the experience of every man who once
trie3 a good suit and then tries to save (?) by buying
a cheaper suit. "It can't be done!" It's always poor
economy to buy cheap clothing. It always looks better
than it is. Buy our Quality Clothes and be completely
satisfied. Prices $35, $40, $45 and $50.
C. E. Wescofct's Sons
Water Tuesday morning to have
some dental work done.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Copple. of Alvo,
and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Norris and
son Clarence of Nehawka spent Sun
day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. II.
P. Hinds.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lane and
daughter Esther met with quite an
accident Sunday afternoon when
their car turned turtle. They were
down by Unadilla. Mr; Lane's face
wa3 quite badly cut up, also his
shoulder was thrown out of place.
Mrs. Lane was bruised up. but beside
that she was all right. Esther came
out of it all right.
Preventative Medicine
The tendency of medical science is
toward preventative measures. It is
easier and better to prevent than to
cure. Pneumonia, one of the most
dangerous diseases that medical men
have to contend with, often follows
a cold or attack of the grip. The
cold prepares the system for the re
ception and development of the pneu
monia germ. The longer the cold
hangs on. the greater the danger.
Take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
as soon as the first indication of a
cold appears so as to get rid of it
with the least possible delay. It is
folly to risk an attack of pneumonia
when this remedy may be obtained
for a trifle. Weyrich & Hadraba.
Four and six-sevenths acre. Sub.
lot nine (9) of original lot nine (9)
in Porter Place addition to Platts
inouth. Will take Ford or Dodge car
as part payment.
Weeping Water, Neb.
Have a car load of (broken western
horses and mules for sale. See them
at my farm four miles east of Mur
ray. Frank Vallery. -
The Road to Happiness
You must keep well if you wish
to be happy. When constipated take
one or two of Chamberlain's Tablets
Immediately after supper. They rause
a gentle movement of the bowels.
Weyrich & Hadraba.
I write for the Farmers Mutual
and the Columbia.
Your business will be appreciated,
phon 2411. ' tfw-3td
Poland China boars, September
farrow, weight 250 pounds.
aHMfw Weeping Water, Neb.
Cass County Fair Board Selects Su
perintendents of Exhibits and
Precinct Solicitors.
At the meeting of the Cass cbuhty
fair board there were appointed su
perintendents to have charge of all
classes of exhibits, as follows:
Class A Horses and mules, E. E.
Dsy. i
Class B Cattle, Mark Wiles.
Class (' Swine. Earl Towle.
Class Ii Sheep, W. W. Coatman.
Class E Poultry, H. A. Crozier.
Class F Agricultural products,
Troy L. Davis.
Class G Fruits. W. L. Hobson.
Class H Domestic products and
foodstuffs, Mrs. Guy Lake.
Class I Women's department and
r.ejdlework, Mrs. C. W. Bish.
Class J Educational exhibits, L.
E. Mohler.
Class K Boys' and girls' clubs,
L. R. Snipes, Ida M. Wilkins. .
Class L Baby health department,
Mrs. J. W. Carter, superintendent;
Mrs. Wm. Dunn, assistant.
Class M Bees and honey, George
Ilitchman, Sr.
Class N Dairy products, Mrs. Ray
There were also appointed the fol
lowing named solicitors for the dif
ferent Cass county precincts who will
look after the securing of a full rep
resentation in all classes of exhibits,
as well as see that exhibits are prop
erly classified and taken care of:
Center John Rauth.
Eight Mile Grove John Kaffen
berger. Elm wood Fred Stoke, Sr.
Greenwood James Greer.
Liberty W. B. Banning.
Louisville L. J. Mayfield.
Mt. Pleasant Otto Shaffer.
Nehawka R. C. Pollard.
Plattsmouth Luke Wiles.
Rock Bluff Searl Davis and O. D.
Salt Creek Henry Bricker.
South Bend Walter Farmer.
Stove Creek A. A. Turk.
Tipton R. A. Aden.
Weeping Water Carl Day.
The fair board feels that every in
dication points to a much larger ex
hibit in all classes for the year 1922
than last year and they are making
plans to take care of everybody in
good shape.
From the small beginning of two
years ago, the Ca.s county fair has
grown by leans and bounds until the
1922 exhibition will be the equal of
many over the state which have been
established for years and it is pleas
ing to note the splendid co-operation
being given the enterprise on every
hand. ,
From Thursday Dully
William Rakes of near Union I'ftni
up yesterday from his homo to l0k' '
after some trading with the biPT'
chants. ' j
Fred H. Hirz was a pnaaenjjer IhN
morning for Omaha where he wni
called to look after a few matters vt
business in that city.
Bert Philpot of Weeping Wnfer
was here today for a few hours v lull
ing with friends and looking aftrr
some matters of business.
. VTF. Nolte and wife came In thin
morning from their farm hohie har
this city and departed on the early
Burlington train for Omaha, where
they will spend a few hours looking
after some matters of business.
George Vogler and wife and H. K.
Heil and wife from the vicinity of
Louisville were In the city yesterday
afternoon looking after a few mat
ters of business with the merchants
and visiting with friends.
Allie Meislnger departed this morn
ing for Omaha, where he goes to ac
company his wife home from the hos
pital, where she has been for a few
days receiving treatment for her
teeth that have been giving her a
great deal of trouble of late.
W. T. Adams and wife departed
this morning for St. Paul, Nebraska,
where they will visit with their
children. Max and J. E. Adams and
Mrs. Harry Nielsen, who are all liv
ing in that locality. Mr. Adams will
remain there for two weeks while
Mrs. Adams will remain for a more
extended Visit.
From Friday's Dally.
W. S. Smith of Murray was In the
city for a few hours today looking
after some matters of business.
Mrs. Fred Spangler was a visitor
in Omaha today for a few hours at
tending to some matters of business.
Louis Franks and wife from south
of the city departed this morning
for Omaha to spend a few hours
there with friends.
Henry A. Schneider, Henry Horn,
J. F. Warga and L. B. Egenberger
departed this morning via the auto
route for Blair where they were call-
ed on some business matters.
John G. Wunderlich, one of the
prominent residents of Nehawka,
was here today looking after some
matters at the court house and was
accompanied here by II. A. Schwartz
of that place.
The Home of. Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Bornemeier Scene of Happy
and Pretty Wedding.
On Wednesday evening occurred a
quiet and beautiful home wedding at
the home of Mr. an 3" Mrs. Chas. Bor
nemeier when their daughter. Miss
Ella, was united in marriage to Mr.
Joseph Kunz in the presence of a
few immediate relatives, Rev. Sohl
These two young people are among
Elm wood s very best and were both
iborn and raised in this county and
their friends are legion.
The bride is the eldest daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bornemeier,
She Is a graduate of the Elmwood
high school and filled the responsi-
ole position of clerk at the Penter
man store until the firm went out
of business owing to the fact that
the store building was recently de-
r.truyed ty fire. She has a beautiful
thaiacter and many attributes that
endrar of her many friends.
The groom is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Kunz cf this city and 1s
an industrious young farmer.
The happy couple will make their
homa on the Kunz home farm Just
southwest of town.
The best wishes of all -go with
them for a happy voyage over life's
matrimonial sea. with no turbelent
tides "but smooth and easy sailing.
Elmwood Leader-Echo.
A Fanner Cured of Rheumatism
"A man living on a farm near here
came in a short time ago completely
doubled up with riieumatism. I hand
ed him a bottle of Chamberlain's
Liniment and told him to use it free
ly," says C. P. Rayder. Patten Mills,
N. Y. "A few days later he walked
into the store as straight as a string
and handed me a dollar saying, "Give
me another bottle of Chamberlain's
Liniment; I want it in the house all
the time for it cured me." Weyrich
& Hadraba.
We have some fine black raspber
ry plants on sale, $5.00 per hundred.
al7-2swr Murray, Neb.
Tanlac is the result of years of
study, experimentation and research
by some of the world's greatest
chemists. Hence its merit. F. G.
Fricke & Co. ', '
By order of theicourt the under-
Bigueu was appoiuipu receiver ui inei
E. G. Dovey & Eon store. Parties!
r w I r or 4 Via n1Ara 4 !l?rl a ta rniiff1 '
Plattsmouth People Must Recognize
and Heed It.
Kidney Ills come mysteriously.
But nature generally warns you.
Notice the kidney secretions.
See if the color is unhealthy
If there are settlings and sediment,
Passages frequent, scanty, painful
It's time to fear serious kidney
It's time to use Doan's Kidney
Doan's have done great work in
Plattsmouth. Ask jour neighbor!
Theo. Starkjohan, retired farmer,
Locust and Ninth streets, Platts
mouth, says: "Doan's Kidney Pills
have been used in our family for kid
ncy troubles and backache and they
have proven to be all that is claim
ed of them. Whenever my back feels
a little lame and my kidneys are not
acting as they should I take Doan's
Kidney Pills for a few days and they
never fail to do me good. Doan's can't
be equaled and anyone having kidney
trouble should take them for they
are very reliable." (Statement given
February 23, 1916.)
on May 12, 1920, Mr. Starkjohan
added: "The cure I had from Doan's
Kidney Pills has been a lasting one.
I still have faith in Doan's and if
ever I should need a kidney remedy
again, I would use them."
Price 60c. at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy get
Doan's Kidney Pills the same that
Mr. Starkjohan had. Foster-Milburn
Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y.
Blacksmith shop has been reopen
ed and is ready for all kinds of black
smith work. Disc sharpening, plow
work, wagon work and horse shoe
ing. All work guaranteed.
Mynard, Neb.
Indigestion and Constipation .
"Prior to using Chamberlain's Tab
lets, I suffered dreadfully from Indi
gestion. Nothing I ate agreed with
me and I lost flesh and ran down in
health. Chamberlain's Tablets streng
thened my digestion and cured me of
constipation," writes Mrs. George
Stroup. Solvay, N. Y. Weyrich &
Hadraba. N
Mr. Crandall (Iowa) Telia How She
Stopped Chicken Losses
"Last spring, rats killed all our baby chicks. Wish
I'd known about Rat-Soap before. With just one
largt package we killed swarms of rats. They won't
get this year's hatches. I'll bet-" RaUSnap is guar,
an teed sue sells for 35c 65c $1.25.
Sold and guaranteed by
Bestor & Swatek Weyrich & Had
raba F. G. Fncke & Co.
Full blood Indian Runner duck
eggs for sale, for hatching, at 60c j
per dozen. T. E. Hathaway, Murry, I
to settle their actt
lints immediately.;
"Tanlac did whr
failed to do." Th
it. So will you. I
On farm two miles east of Mur-'
ray. T. H. Pollock, Plattsmouth.
The most exquisite
day and eift cards
everything else
iisands have said
G. Fricke & Co.
line of birth
o be found any
LUNGARDIA is "without a rival"
in ordinary or deep-seated Cough3
and Colds, difficult breathing, and
for the relief of whooping cough.
The wonderful results following
its use will astonish you and make
vou its life-long friend. Your
money back, if you have ever used
its equal; Danger lurks where
there is a cough or cold. Safe for
all ages. 60c arid $1.20 per bottle.
Manufactured by LUngardia Co.,
Dallas, Texas. For sale by
Weyrich & Hadraba
one-eleven cigarettes
flVA" ' twee Irtendly
flWrW frTfa Gentlemen
in ft new tlvat Its the pocket
At a price that fit tlie pocket -book
Tfie same unmatched hUmd of
TvtiKtstt. VtMitutA utui Hurley Tobaccos
mffZ JL I'fl TT- - - T rW
Barfels, Sacks arid Blocks!
Cedar Creek, Nebraska
Rough Cypress
We have just unloaded a car of 6-inch rough cy
press fencing in 10-ft., 12-ft, 14-ft. and 16ft. lengths.
Plenty of the 1 6-f t. This is fine stock, full thickness,
band sawn and comes from one of the best Cypress
mills of the south. It even smells good.
Our price is $50 per thousand feet in thousand,
foot lots. $52.50 in smaller quantities
Cedar Creek Lumber Co
Cedar Creek, Nebraska
Men's Underwear!
For the man who wishes to be correct in
his unseen apparel Underwear that fits
correctly and comfortably, that is made to
wear and is not expensive
we say
Knit to Fit!
Too cold for athletics, too hot
for the heavies why not
something in between? In
short or long sleeves, three
quarter or ankle length.
For the warm blooded boys Vassar Ath
letic suits are ready. You can buy a
cheaper garment that breaks out in the
back, but a Vassar is built with a reinforce
ment tape one button at the waist and
does not tear apart
$1.00 $1.50 $200
Now fot Cledin Up!
"Buy It in Plattsmouth!"
where! At journa