The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 10, 1922, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    PAGE S3
MONDAY. APRIL 10, 1$33.
f T
"u. o..j tow .
Alfalfa Eblill
Finest Alfalfa Meal on the market
New Process Milling.
Increases Milk Production.
Best for Market Feeding.
Fine of Hogs, Sheep and Chicks.
We Mill Feeder's Corn.
Supply Cane Feed Molasses.
Try Our Alfalfa Chick Feed.
The Big Mill
Phone 303. Plattsmouth, Neb
Nebraska Grand Commandry Elects
New Officers J. M. Robertson
Grand Senior Warden.
The fiftieth annual meeting of the
gram! commandry of the -Knights; grecsed no farther. At the time the
Templar of Nebraska, closed at Om- political wise men guessed that it
aha yesterday with the election of , was an effort to smoke out somebody
the new officers for the year and : presumably C. W. Bryan, and this
among whom is James M. Robert- latest move in the Norton interest,
son of this city, who was made copied with the Roper letter to Bry
grand senior warden of the comman- an Is SUspected of being another of
ary ior toe ensuing year, .mjui loui
members of the order were in at
tendance at the meeting, which was
held at the Masonic temple. Arthur
C Stem of Chadron. was named as
grand commander and Hon. Francis
White re-elected as grand recorder.
The grand commandry also voted
the sum of $5,000 to be used in the
aid of the erection of an infirmary
at the Nebraska Masonic Home in
this city and which is projected for
the near future.
The action of the Knights Temp
lar will be very pleasing to the
Plattsmouth people in the fact that
this great branch of the Masonic
fraternity is to aid so materially in
the improvement of the Masonic
Home here as well as in the honor
paid to Mr. Robertson, one of the
leading Masons in this1 portion of
the state and who is held in the
highest esteem by every man, wo
man and child in Cass county.
Pasture for Rent!
I have good pasture with run
ning water for a few head of cat
tle on my my farm, two miles east
of Murray.
Phone No. 1 Plattsmouth, Neb.
Have You Seen
Our Display of
Spring Stetsons?
Our assortment of these new Stet
son Hats in a variety of smart
blocks, he fashionable light
shades and sand-tans is most
We are just as confident of that
genuine Stetson Quality in every
hat as we have always been.
We can fit a hat to your features.
And one that will hold its shape.
Ask to see our $5 hat!
No matter what shade, shape or
pattern of a tweed cap you may
want for spring, we believe we
have it for you.
Petition Filed Reinstating Him in
Race and Assurance Given He
Will Make the Race.
The democratic gubernatorial
draft struck J. N. Norton, president
of the Nebraska farm bureau, Fri
day noin. At that hour a petition was
filed with the secretary of state
naming him for that position.' R. C.
Koper, who wrote a letter Thursday
to C. V.. Bryan asking him Jor his
aid in getting the way cleared for
Xorton. did not wait for an answer.
He made the filing in person. The
petition contains the names of a num
ber of Lincoln democrats, a number
identified in the past with the Bry
ans. Among them were C. W. Pool,
W. II. Smith. T. S Allen, C. J. Camp
bell and E. S. Snavely. Mr. Allen is
a brother-in-law of C. W. Bryan.
At the same time ,the neressary
filing fee was paid at Osreola. Polk
county, wherein Mr Norton resides,
and the way is thus cleared for his
acceptance. Mr. Roper said Friday
that he had assurances that Mr. Nor
ton would accept. Some weeks ago
ho declined to enter the race, when
urered to do so as a progressive. He
paid no attention to the petitions
filed for him as a democrat, and
thej?e expired by limitation on Mar.
25. Mr. Norton will make a state
ment on Monday or Toesday next.
Mr. Roper says that this will solve
the qoestion of how to prevent the
republicans from occupying tne state
house for the next two years, be
cause it will mean the withdrawal
of Wray as a progressive candidate
for governor. He said repeatedly in
the past that he would do so. It Is
supposed that Norton will be entered
as a progressive candidate lor gov
ernor. ThP Rkilps candidacy. sDrune a - so airo seems to have pro
the same kind '
It is regarded as probable that this
may be followed by another, swift
turn of the political kaleidoscope. At
any rate this is what has been talk
ed about: Switch Wray to the pro
gressive list as a candidate lor sena
tor, and then if Howell loses out in
the republican primary there will be
a candidate Denina wnoni tne pro
gressives of all parties may be mass
ed leaving Jefferis to divide the con
servative vote with Hitchcock. This is
impossible with Bigelow as the pro
gressive candidate for senator. If
Howell should win Wray, as the can
didate of a party that is expected to
poll a small primary vote, could
gracefully drop out.
The one thing that it -is pointed
out may deter this from being at
tempted is that it would place Mr.
Norton in an embarrassing situation
towards the candidacy of Hitchcock
for senator and possibly of other
democratic state candidates. One rea
son why no democrat has been brot
out against Hitchcock is that the
candidates for other offices want him
because he has the mone yto make a
most aggressive campaign for the
whole ticket.
Newly Redecorated Interior of Wey
rich & Hadraba Store Adds
Much Attractiveness.
One of the firms of the city that
is a firm believer in the clean up
and dress up for spring idea is that
of Weyrich it Hadraba, the druggists
and also the Edison agency tor 'this
part of Cass county, and these gen
tlemen have just had their store re
decorated in a manner that makes
it more than usually attractive to
the eye..
The steel ceiling has been painted
in a soft lint of old ivory that is
most effective and the walls papered
in a darker shade of the gray that
softens the light and makes the store
much lighter an dpleasing. To add
to -the new decorative features, new
lighting fixtures of the latest type
have bee ninstalled, the lamps being
the large 2 00-watt lamps with the
bowls that reflect the light onto the
ceiling and thence the illumination
is spread over the store uniformly
and makes it not only lighter but far
more convenient and pleasant for
the sales force employed in the store.
The Improvement is one that cer
tainly adds much to the appearance
of the interior of the store and makes
it one of the nicest in the business
section of the city.
8-room modern bouse except heat,
2 lots", cherry, pear and apple trees.
Vi block west of high school grounds.
Priced to sell. L. F. Pickett, Phone
601-J al0-2sw
Poland China boaTs, September
farrow, weight 250 pounds.
alO-Jtfw Weeping Water, Neb.
How a Rat Nearly Destroyed
Mrs. L. Bowen'e (R. I.)1 House
'For moritti we wouldn't go Into the cellar, fees.
ing a big rat. Cine night it met our whole kitchen on
; fire by chewing matches. The next day. we got the
nsly thing with Ratnap-jwt one cake." Rats dry
up and leave BQsmeU. Three toes 35c. 65c. (145.
Sold and guaranteed by
Bestor & Swatek Weyrich & Had
raba . F. O. Fricke & Co.
This morning I. J. Hall departed
for Omaha where he will look after
some (matters connected with the dis
persion sale of the fine Holstein
herd of Sophus Nebel, of that city,
and which embraces some of the fin
est strains of Holstein stock in this
part of the country, Mr. Hall states.
The sale will lie held at the South
Omaha pavillion on Tuesday, April
11th and will be one of the biggest
events of its kind in the state.
Warden Fenton Has Good Word for
Yonng Man Returned to the
Nebraska Penitentiary.
Warden W. T. Fenton of the Ne
braska state penitentiary returned to
Lincoln Thursday night, bringing
with him Edward Wittstruck, who
has been a respected citizen of Walk
er, Minnesota, for five years past and
who is now married and established
in a home in that place, from which
he was taken to satisfy the demand
of the law in Nebraska for his es
cape from the state prison in 1917.
The warden, who is a prince among
men, feels little satisfaction in the
return of the prisoner and there wr.s
no smile on his face as he returned
with the young man.
"You know I wish I hadn't known
where he was," said the warden, "for
he certainly had made good."
Wittstruck, after his escape, fled
to the lumber camps. There he
found work and worked continually
for five years for one man. A year
ago he fell in love with a girl. He
told her of his past and her love
was strong enough to forgive, if
neither of them could forget, the
haunting thought of officers seeking
When Wittstruck learned of ap
proaching fatherhood, he couldn't
suppress the temptation to write to
his parents here, to tell them of his
happy life, bright future and inform
them -he had made good. For five
years officers had watched for just
such a letter. It was his undoing.
"When I arrived he had bade fare
well to his wife." the warden said.
and urged me to hurry back with
him, so he could get out in as short
time as possible to return to his
home, his wife and the baby, which
will be bofn in a few weeks."
Wittstruck had served only six
weeks of a one to 10-year sentence)
for burglary committed here In 1917 i
when he escaped. Warden Fenton de
clared last night he would ask the
board of pardons and paroles to pa-
role Wittstruck when he had served;
his minimum.
"Everyone up there had a
word for him,? the warden said
Attorney J. E. Porter Says Commis
sion Can Control All Utilities
Commission Not Sure.
Attorney J. E. Porter of Crawford
insists, in a letter to the state rail
way commission, that all that that
body need do to acquire ful and com
plete jurisdiction over all public util
ities m the state, gas, electric light
and power, is to just take them over.
The commission is reluctant to
concede that it possesses this power
of control. In a letter to Mr. Porter
who 'raised the question some time
ago, he wa3 told that the part of the
new constitution that he cited was
not self-acting and that until the
legislature acts it can do nothing. It
also took the position that under the
constitution no power existed in the
commission to make rates and ser
vice. But Mr. Porter Is not convinced.
He cites the new constitution which
says: "Every public utility or com
mon carrier organized or doing busi
ness in the state shall report, under
oath, to the state railway commis
sion, when required by law or the
order of said commission." He says
this is plain. The commission need
not wait for the legislature; all it
need -do is to act on its own motion.
Mr. Porter's interest is not casual.
He is attorney for' a number of elec
tric light companies operating in the
cities of the second class. The town
councils have refused to give them
increased rates, and they have taken
the matter into court. Mr. Porter
wants to be sure of his ground. He
is fearful that the jurisdiction of the
court is merely secondary, and says
that this does follow from the fact
that the constitution says the com
mission may assume jurisdiction at
any time.
As ipending litigation is affected,
(he is anxious to have something done
bout it. He thinks that the one
power carries with It the power to
fix rates . and regulate service. The
commissioners show no disposition,
however, to reach, out with clammy
bands for more power.
All modern house 8 rooms and
bath, near south 6th street, 2 blocks
from shops, two lots. A real bargain
for someone if taken at once. Phone i
521-J or 580.
Usod Fords!
I have a few good used Ford
Touring Cars and Roadsters. Also
two Ford Trucks. See. me for
some good bargains.
Phone Ho. 1 Plattsmouth, Neb
Message of Mayor of City in 1860,
When City Was 3 Years Old,
Sounds Interesting.
The villaare nf Plattsmouth was
brought into existence in 1857, yet
the permanent form of government
was not established until 1S58 and
Wheat ley Micklewaite was the first
chief executive of the city and was
followed in office by Mayor . B
Warbritton. The following procla
mation of Mayor Warbritton is re
printed from a copy of the Platte
Valley Democrat, the only paper in
the city at that time:
"Gentlemen of the Council: It has
not been a custom for the mayor, on
assuming his official duties, to deliv
er a message, however, the present
incumbent of that office, with a due
sense of his experience, asks your in
dulgence on this communication, be
lieving as we do, that there are some
things not inappropriate to commun
icate upon, pertaining to the inter
ests of the citizens of the city of
"We would call jour attention to
a certain donation heretofore made
of land of this city. In trust for the
B. & M. It. R. R. company about
which there is a dissatisfaction on
the part of the residents of this city
on account of a disposition partially
made of that grant. We are not fam
iliar with the question, but would
wish, it to be disposed of with har
mony to all possible, and so recom
mend it to your consideration, and
that a thorough investigation be had
of It as early a day as practicable.
Further, it appears that the liabili
ties of the city after the taxes for
1S59 is paid will be $1,500 or $1,
G00, and this amount of indebtedness
is drawing from 10 to 15 per cent
per annum.
"It is not wise to be under a cloud
of this character, and I therefore
recommend that this matter merits
your careful consideration.
"It has been the custom of former
councils in granting licenses for the
sale of malt, spirituous and vinuous
liquors to charge only $25, which
sum by provisions of the statute is
paid into the hands of the city treas
urer for school purposes, and we
would recommend that a tax addi
tional to the aforesaid be laid of $75
In city scrip on said licenses for the
purpose of defraying city expenses.
"We recommend a billiard table
kept for -gain, to merit your consid
eration that it be found for or against
it whether it comes under the re
quirements of the license law.
"If we expect ever to rid ourselves
of this debt which hangs over us, we
must keep up the corners.
"Out of a sense of cur duty and
with respect towards all men, we
deem it fit to say that in certain call
ings to gain a livelihood in our city,
the code of Nebraska entitles the
city to pay a license for their allow
ance. "We do not rep where we have
sown, unless Ave go into the harvest
and as city fathers we are called up
on by our constituents to look well
to the interests of the city.
"There was an ordinance passed
in regard to shooting with deadly
weapons within tne corporation
which has never been put into force,
and recommend that law, if permit
ted to remain a dead letter, be re
pealed. "Lastly, to secure the respect for
ourselves during the sittings of this
honorable body and to merit it by
semblance to the attracted method of
doing work by congress at Washing
ton City and the legislature at Om
aha, we recommend for their consid
eration that the regular form of leg
islation be adopted.
"Leaving the above facts to your
consideration, I remain, etc..
Plattsmouth, N. T., Jan. 5, I8 60.','
Gold Medal Won by Hazel Clugey
and Silver Medal by Gladys
Elliott in Contest.
The auditorium of the high school
was well filled last evening by the
patrons of the school and the friends
of the young contestants to enjoy
the program prepared for the de
clamatory contest.
In addition to the numbers in the
contest a musical program was given
ty the pupils of the school consist
ing of a very charming piano duet
hy Misses Marguerite Wiles and Mar
vel Whittaker, one of the pleasing
wihistling numbers by Miss Alice
Louise Wescott, a flute solo by De
Laugh Utter and a vocal number by
Misses Harriett Peacock and Helen
Farley that added much to the en
joyment of the occasion.
The declamatory contest was
judged by Miss Josephine Earl of the
department of expression of the Ne
braska Wesleyan university, and
with the nine excellent numbers
given the judge found a great abun
dance of very clever rendition and
dramatic art from which to make
her select-ion for the medal winners.
The first prize, a gold medal, was
awarded to Miss Hazel Clugey, wbose
subject was "Camera Clicks" and the
second prize, a silver medal, was
awarded to Miss Gladys Elliott, who
spoke on "Pro Patria."
The winer of the gold medal. Miss
Clugey, will represent the Platts
mouth schools at the declamatory
contest to be held in Omaha on next
Friday and in wbich the .schools of
this district will participate.
On farm two' miles east of Mur
ray. T. H. Pollock, Plattsmouth.
The citizens of Elm wood are soon
to realize one of their fond desires
of the past few years in having an ?
appropriate community building that
will be a credit to that progressive,
little city. The building was project-,
ed through the activities of the
American Legion post of that city,
and the residents of Elmwood soon!
took hold of the old tow line and.
pulled it across in splendid shape
with donations for the purchase, of
stock and which is now sufficient to
warrant the commencement of the
work. The structure is to be one
that will amply accomodate the le
gion post and its activities and will;
also be in readiness at any time for,
the public gatherings of the com-j
munity and it is to the progressive;
people of Elmwood that the buildin
is to he dedicated.
Ex-Postmaster Ossenkop and Wife to
Take Several Months' Needed
Rest This Summer.
The Louisville postoffice changed
hands April 1st, Fred IT. Ossenkop
retiring and A. A. Jackman taking
charge. Mr. Jackman has served as
rural mail carrier for a number of
years and now has been called upi
higher. The Courier trusts that his I
administration as postmaster will be
satisfactory to the patrons of the of
fice and while it will require some
time for him to familiarize himself
with the duties of the office, we be
lieve he will exert every effort in
an endeavor to become proficient in
as short a time as possible. He has
appointed as his assistant, Mrs. Axel
Johnson, a most capable and trust
worthy lady, who no doubt will prove
a valuable and competent assistant.
Mr. Ossenkop, whese term has ex
pired, has set an example of com
petency and alertness? in the interest
of the patrons of the office that will
be difficult to emulate. His previous
experience in the railway mail ser
vice and his pleasant and agreeable
disposition made him almost an ideal
postmaster and but for the. change
in the administration of the govern
ment he would have retained the po
sition indefinitely. He was most
ably assisted by Mrs. O.-senkop, as
deputy and together they kept the
affairs of the office in excellent con
dition. Mr. and Mrs. Ossenkon have
made no definite plans for the future
other than that they expect to rest
and take life easy for a time. Eight
years in almost solitary confinement
in the service of Uncle .Sam has sure
ly earned for them the privilege of
a vacation which their manv friends
trust they will enjoy to the fullest
extent. Louisville Courier.
After Long Period of Suffering Mrs.
Bingham Called to Her Final
Reward This Morninsr.
From Saturday's Dally.
This morning after a long period
of suffering, Mrs John Bingham
passed away at her home in the north
portion of the city, the death mes
senger coming to bring her relief at
The sickness of Mrs. Bingham
covers a period of fifteen years, al
tho it was not until the last year
that her condition has grown ser
ious and for the past few months
she has steadily grown more feeble
For some time she was taking treat
ment with specialists in Missouri but
returned home three weeks ago with
little hopes of her recovery and has
since been gradually sinking until
her death.
Eliza Binghani was born Novem
ber 2S, 1S59, in Carroll county, Illi
nois, and lias made her home in that
state for the greater part of her life.
At an early age she united with the
Methodist church and until her death
remained firm In this faith, and in
her days of trial bore with Christian
fortitude the burdens of the flesh
and with the firm conviction of the
gloriees of the life everlasting en
tered on her journey into the un
known portals of death. She was
married in her native state to Mr.
John Bingham, who with one daugh
ter, Mrs. Fred P. Busch, remains to
mourn the passing of this good wo
man. Eight years ago the family
came to Tlattsmouth and have made
their home here since that time, and
the deceased lady has made a num
ber of close Triend3 who most sin
cerely will mourn her death. Two
children, dying in Infancy, have pre
ceded the mother to the better land.
The funeral services will be held
on Sunday afternoon at 2:30 at the
Methodist church, conducted by the
Rev. , John Calvert, pastor of the
In the loss that has come to them
the family wil have the deepest sym
pathy of a large circle of friends.
$2,000,000 SHOPS AT DENVER
Lincoln, April 6. General Super
intendent E. Plynn of the Burling
ton railroad announced that it had
been decided to build a $2,000,000
shop plant at Denver to serve the
western lines of the Burlington and
the Colorado and Southern, work to
start within itwo weeks. Superintend
ent Flynn returned today from Den
ver, where he held a conferene on
the project with President Hale Hol
den and General Manager Thiehoff.
Philip Balser was in Omaha today
for a few 'hours visiting with his
wife who is at the Clarkson hospi
tal recovering from an operation and
doing very nicely at this time.
W0mL '
Our 5
is the Best
you canhave.
When you have money in the bank, you don't
need any other backing. Business men know that the
man who puts his money in the bank regularly has
GOOD HABITS. They know they can DEPEND upon
the boy or man with the banking habit.
If you don't have the habit, start today and get it.
$1.00 will open an account in our Bank and you can
add to it every pay day
Come in! We will welcome you!
Secretary Flannigan Declares This isf
Next Task for Finance Board
in Interest of Public.
Secretary John M. Flannigan of
the Nebraska agricultural loan agen
cy of the war finance corporation,
back from a visit to the Washington
headquarters, says that the next
task is to finance the cattlemen. In
his opinion they must get a minimum
of 8 cents a pound for range stuff,
or there will speedily be a big short
age of beef.
The corn belt has been financed,
but the cattlemen have not, he adds.
Conditions forced many stockmen to
sell practically all the cattle they
had. They took big losses. Now they
have little to build up their herds
again, and because they have no se
curity to offer the banks they cannot
get the necessary credit.
Experts tell him that it costs $21 a
year to run a steer, and at 8 cents a
pound that leaves him holding the
sack for a dollar. Corn feeders de
manded" that grass steers be sold at
5 and 6 cents last fall, but that mere
ly spells future trouble and means
a forthcoming scarcity of available
feeding stock, which will act as a
boomerang on the feeders themselves.
No one will continue range feeding
at a loss. . t
Cattlemen must have long-time
loans. The general opinion of stock
men is that cattle can be marketed
profitably only at long age matur
ity, which means three and four year
old steers. At the present time the
shortage in Nebraska is about 50
per cent, and in some counties it is
as high as 70 per cent. Thousands,
of acres of hay land is idle as the
"Where the ranchman has his out
fit and where the stock can be placed
upon growing grass, so that every
day their valuej 13 enhanced, and
where expenses are kept at a mini
mum, it seems probable that some
form of assistance can be extended
to them in this dilemma," says Mr.
Flannigan. "Unless this is received,
- Faith Confidence
When we tell a customer that we will de
liver them a better monument than distant -concerns;
they realize and believe what we
are saying.
The work we give them, forces the argu
ment home. If we cannot supply you, then
it is time to buy elsewhere. Decoration Day
but a few weeks away-
10 0
Cass County Monument Co.
H. W. Smith, Plattsmouth, Nebraska
wmm i n
State Bank
Nebraska's great cattle industry will
suffer a blow that will set it back
many years.
"Bank conditions are improving in
western Nebraska and all over the
state, and there has never been a
time in my recollection in which
there existed a better understanding
between the farmer and the banker
than there exists today. Corn belt
borrowers are paying their loans and
easing up the situation, a fact which
has done almost everything to bring
about the present better times.
"The war finance corporation Is
not so busy as it was, which is an.
other good sign in that it means that
aid is not insistently needed as it
was early in the 3-ear. For example,
during the month of March the cor
poration made loans or credit ex
tensions to the amount of $392,789
and renewals of $466,593.65. The
corporation is still on the job, how
ever, to extend aid where aid si
needed and will be until the neces
sity for such aid shall have passed
completely away."
From Saturday's Dally.
Anderson Lloyd of near Murray
was in the city today for a few hours
looking after some matters of busi
ness. v .
A. A. Young and wife of near
Murray were here today attending
to some trading and visiting with
Mrs. !A. F. Seybert was among
those going to Omaha today to look
after some matters of business In
that city.
Attorney C. E. Tefft of Weeping
Water came in yesterday afternoon
and today here attending to some
matters at the court house.
David West, Nehawka banker, was
in the city today for a few hours at
tending to a few matters at the court
house in which he is interested.
Mrs. James H. Herold of Minne
apolis is in the city for a short visit
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. L.
Tidd and other old time friends and
from here will go to Lincoln and Co
lumbus for a visit before returning
to ber home.
Until Llay 1st