The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 10, 1922, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    MONDAY, APEEL 10, 1922.
Voeo All Haua Ueitofll
Yes 3'ou have all waited for the decline of the price
cf lumber and it has come, and you are needing the
buildings which you had thought to have had built.
During the time the prices of your products have also
advanced in price. This we are pleased to know.
The prices of lumber and building material has
suffered as much a decline as any could reasonably ex
pect. Really the tendency with the increased building
which is sure to come, might strengthen the market
The young pigs will be safer with a good, dry
warm place. The chickens will lay better with a sunny
warm house. And how about your home? Is it as
comfortable as the family need?
The world is going forward; let's us get busy.
Tool, iauman & iurfey,
-The Lumbermen
V. T. Weddel was looking after his . work proved a great benefit to
some business matters in Omalia on j them.
last Thursday. Miss Mary Rush spent the time
Lost, an extra heavy auto weed ! from Friday to Sunday in Lincoln
chain between Murdock and Elm- 1 last week visiting with relatives and
wood. Call Max Dusterhoff. ! friends.
Frank Rosenow was placing the' Mrs. P. II. Kelly, of Lincoln, was
streets in order last Thursday and a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
We Are Headquarters
Harvester Oil Axle Grease Hard Oils
All Kinds of Motor Oil
Our Prices are Always Right
Oscar McDonald last week for a num
ber of days.
Mr. H. R. Schmidt, the precinct
assessor, has been getting busy at
the work of listing the property of
the precinct.
Henry Stoke has been having a
wrassle witfe the scarlet fever for
the past week, but is getting along
with It nicely.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Helmers and
daughter. Miss Mary, of Omaha, were
Visiting for the past few days at the
home cf Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Tool.
W. H. Rush, who has been layed
up for some time on account of hav
ing one of his heels injured by a nail
is again able to be out and at work.
Messrs. and Mesdames E. H. Muel
ler, of Lincoln, and Jack Burt, of
Omaha, were guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. V. H. Rush in Mur
dock last Sunday.
W. O. Gillespie and Ray Boldin
were mending the roof of the livery
stable which has gottea so it leaked
some and tp.ey thought to protect the
building and contents.
Max Dusterhoff has just finished a
large and very beautiful sign which
is to be used at the oil station of
Mr. George Trunkenboltz, which is
conducted by Mr. Charles Schefer.
H. H. Lawton was painting the
front of the Farmers and Merchants
Bank last Thursday, removing the
traces which were caused by the fire
which burned the Win. Gehrts build
ing. Harry A. Williams, the Ford'deal
er cf Elmwood was a visitor in Mur
dock last Thursday, and was looking
after seme business matters for a
short time with the business men of
Mrs. E. L. Pothast. of Lincoln, was
a visitor in Murdock for a few days
during last week, being a guest at
the home of Mr. and Mr?. O. J. Poth
ast, arriving here on last Thursday
and remaining until Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Veach of Lin
coln were visiting for a few days at
the homes of Mr. Martin Bornenieier
and at the home of Mr. Simoen Brock
hogge, returning to their home in
Lincoln on Sunday evening.
J.STohansen assisted by Bud Amg
wert and Diller Utt. are doing the
work of excavating the place for the
cellar for the new home of Mr. and
Mrs. J. E. McHugh, which is being
rushed to an early completion.
Max Dusterhoff and Joe Wutchinck
have been working at the home of L.
B. Goehry south of Murdock and al
so at the home of Mrs. George Van
derberg, where they have been doing
some very satisfactory interior deco
rating. Mr. I. N. Hunter, of Weeping Wat
er, who has been attending the meet
ings cf the federal grand jury as one
of the panel was a visitor in Mur
dock for a short time, a guest of his
niece, Miss Naomi Coglizer, on last
Thursday evening.
Misses Mary Rush and Pearl
Erockhogge were in charge of the
serving of the soup which was serv
ed at the domestic science department
of the school last week and on Thurs
day they served free those from the
country who were in attendance.
Charles Schaefer has purchased a
heme fcr himself, securing the prop
erty which is being occupied by Mr.
J. E. McHugh at the present time.
The property has belonged to Mr.
A. J. Neitzel and makes a good home
for our worthy citizen nnd his wife.
Will Meyers, who is attending the
stale university, arrived home last
Thursday cn account of having been
excused from work which was to be
done Friday which he had passed.
He put the time in to good advantage
in doing some wiring for electrical
The representative of the Journul
was a guest at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Jerry McHugh for supper last
Thursdav and was also accompanied
by Mr. McHug'a to Plattsmouth in
the- evening, where he visited at the
home cf Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wal
ling over night.
Miss Madaline Gakemtier gave a
very pleasant end entertaining party
at the home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Gakemeier last Saturday
evening at which a large number of
young people were present and par
took of the very pleasant evening
which was given.
Last Thursday, after having rein
ed very warm, indications of a ptorm
was apparent and seme were fearful
of a cyclone, but it pa;sed over and
did not even rain. However, there
was a heavy rain and some hail, both
west, north and east of the town,
but some distance away.
Mrs. Win. Stachisky who has ben
at the home of her sit-r for some
tirre past. where she was visiting
and caring for a sister who has been
very sick, returned home last Thurs
day evening and was met at Lincoln
by Will, they coming to Elmwood.
where Mr. Thimgin went over after
en and Fred Tonack. puH for t
three year term August Hugo and
Henry Sohlaphoff, and for tne village
the members chosen for the board
were August Panska, H. W. Tool and
W. H. Rush. The matter of keep
ing a town marshall or night watch
more properly speaking, but who
shall act in both capacities, the
proposition carried by a vote of 26
to 2o, and the matter will be looked
after put of the funds of the city.
Will Build a New Heme
Mr. J. E. McHugh has let the con
tract for the erection of a new home
on a portion of the lots where the
building burned some time since,
end work has already begun on the
excavation for the cellar of the new
home. The building will be a two
story colonial style home and will be
modern and will, when completed,
make an excellent home for this
progressive citizen and his wife and
family. Mr. A. S. Depner, the con
tractor will do the work in his line
and will begin as soon as the grad
ing which is necessary will permit.
There for Real Business
John Albert Bauer, the efficient
night watchman, accompanied by his
friend, John Kruger, were making
some real advances to the fish of the
Platte river last Thursday and such
as desired to be caught were listed.
Seine of them will have their liberty
until away along in the summer.
Later in the evening of last Thurs
day, Messrs. H. W. Tool and Lacey
McDonald also wended their way to
the fishing grounds and there made
some efforts to win the friendship of
the scaly critters.
Mr. C. F. Hite Home Again
The many friends of Lncle Charles
Hite, who has been at a hospital in
Lincoln, where he underwent a num
ber of operations of a most serious
r.atr.ra, and who has since been re
ceiving treatment at the institution
tbe-e. was able to return home last
T!:i-r:d:y. feeling quite a bit im
proved in his health and is hoping
that his recovery may be more rapid
from now on.
e Best Service!
Just the thing which all are looking for,
and which we can give!
We have nov; been ten years in busings" in ?!.: r
dock, and have ia all instances been striving for i-ie
best service.
Our TwentyFive
of experisnce at the art of decorating ar.d p.ntjiig
have enabled us to furnish the best ideas in the
trade, as to decorating and painting.
We would be pleased to talk to you about jcuir
needs in our line of business.
The Dusterhoff Shops,
Eufi Sock Eggs fcr Sale
Pure bred Luff Rock eggs for
hatching. Price 5C cents per set
ting nf 15 at heme or 75 cents by
pnrcel post. Phone 10-L. Henry
Rueter, Murdock, Nebr.
Making Dress Forms
The ladies of Murdock met last
Thursdav at the hall where they had
some work in the line of making!
dress forms and other work. They
are doing much good work and are
greatly interested in the work which
comes to their hands. The meeting
and instructions have been'under the
charge of Mrs. O. J. Pothast.
JW: 111! 11: i&iiiiin
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Organize Country Club
Mesdames Wm. Knaupe and Ed
Eronkow were the prime movers
which called a meeting of the ladies
of vast of Murdock to the home of
Mrs. Joseph Gustin where they orga
nized, under the instruction of Mrs.
Ida Wiikir.s. a rural working club
fiir the ladies, whose object is to
make the housewife of the farms
ea;;ier and more congenial.
Mrs. Neitzel Better
La?t Sunday Mr. Louis Neitzel
returned home from a btay of con
siderable length at the sanitarium in
Lir.coln. where she was receiving
trf-:itr;iont. Mrs. Xeitzel is feelina
I considerable better and was cared
tor curing tne past weeK oy ner
daughter, Mrs. O. J. Hitchcock of
Ilavdock. who has been spending
the week with her mother.
Kurdock Gets a Bus Line
Weeping Water is responsible for
the institution of a bus service line
! which includes the towns of Manley,
Murdcck. Elmwcod and Eagle. The
first trip was made last Thursday
and proved a very good venture. The
line will run starting from Weeping
Water in the morning at 0:30 and
on returning leave Lincoln at 4: SO.
The stopping place will be at the
store of the Murdock Mercantile com
pany, where information can be had
as to the time of arrival and depart
ure both east and west.
Will Give a Play
Trmorrov.- (Ti'crdoy April 11) a
number cf the young people and the
teachers of the Murdock schools will
give a play called "Daddy" and
which they have been practicing on
for some time. The play which is to
be given is one of much fun as well
as being cf considerable merit. The
members cf the company, which are
given below, reflect very much capa
bility, and we are certain that they
will give a play very creditable. The
array is being coached by Miss Ele
nore Gakemeier. who is very able to
take charge of the work.
'Following is the cast of charac
ters: Mr. Brown, Prof. H. Way; Ted
Brown. Henry Amgwert; Mrs. Chest
er, Isabel O'Halleran; Thompson,
Margaret Whipple; Mrs. Brown, Mar
garet Amgwert; Elenore Brown,
Mary Shephard; Paul Chester, Ken
neth Tool; Jane, Naomi Coglizer.
the work even though they heve no
Gai mcnts
?ny cr.e who desin-s to s-sfit in this
.-. crlc, v.hi h we al! know tu be wor
thy, will during tlio year get what
tlity can ready and luttr on informa
tion will be givtti for its uNj'.al.
Chairman Voluntjer Service.
Cass Co. Chapter. A. It. C.
Nehawka CI
Murdock . 1C.0
Mynard 1G
There will be a shipment once a
vpar fmm ih rnnnfv in this linn of
garment production in April, and frills and cxr.geraticus
Your d "K-iii carry punch if you
write it as a plain "selling talk" in
stead of trying to fucs'it up with
Goes to Seibert, Colorado.
Mrs. E. H. Hess arrived in Mur
dock last week accompanied by their
little sen Edgar, and will visit here
for some time with her parents and
friends. Mr. Hess, who has hereto
fore been the agent for the Rock Is-,
land railway at Burn, Kansas, has
besn given the position of agent at
Ssibert, Colorado, to which place he
is jurt now moving. He has had the
household belonging shipped to
their new home in the west, and he
is there now caring for the duties of
the new position. Mrs. Hess and the
little son will follow when the house
hold goods shall have arrived, that
they may again go to housekeeping. ,
Case Farming Machinery!
I have the agency for the full line of Case farming machin
ery. Such as Plows, Tractors, Threshing Machinery, Haying
Machinery and fn fact a full and complete line. We can fur
nish all kinds of repairs. See us, we will make it well worth
your while.
Phone Ko. 7-W Murdock, f.'cb.
Style Distinction in Your Clothes
There's only one sure way of getting distinctive
togs. Have them Hand Tailored to your own
measure according to our exclusive fashions.
And in addition, our prices are no higher than
for ready-mades. The longer wear you get means
fewer clothes to buy.
Hand Tailoring
$27 - $30 - $35 - $40 and up
New Spring Woolens and Fashions Now on Display at
Murdock Mercantile Co.r
Looks Like Big High School
At the eighth grade examinations
which were held at Murdock last
Thursday there were present from
outside some 26 who took the ex
aminations and with 21 who are
passing in the high school the com
ing year, will make a high school of
oine 57 members. With the growth
of scholars, it makes the present ac
commodations look like they were
hardly adequate.
City and School Elections
The city elections have come and
gone, and likewise the school elec
tions, with the result that in the
school board there were elected for
the two year term, Henry Meyerjurg-
Entertain University Students.
Last Friday evening at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Tool, Messrs
Kenreth Tool and Albert Theile,
with the faculty of the Murdock
schools extended to those who are
in attendance at the state university
a most pleasant evening. The even
ing was one most enjoyable and
games and cards were indulged in,
as well as a very delightful luncheon
which was served.
Those present and enjoying the oc
casion were Wm. Meyers, Walter
Baumgartner. Margaret Tool, Carl
ton Zink, John Paul Pickwell. of the
student. Herman and August Wendt,
Superintendent H. Way. Misses Mar
garet Amgwert, Mary Shephard. Isa-r-el
O'Halleran, Naomi Coglizer, Eva
Klars. Mr. Lloyd Way, Henry Amg
wert. Kenneth and Richard Tool, Al
bert Theile and John Paul Pickwell.
Doing Some Excellent Work
A shipment of 525 pounds of
clothing for children under fourteen
years of age, and layettes, have been
sent to the docks at Brooklyn, N. Y.,
for export. These garments are used
for the needy boys and girls who
come to the Red Cross hospital units
for treatment. The Red Cross feel
there is no need to cure the ailing
bodies and let them freeze. This
shipment was accomplished by eight
former Red Cross branches of the
county who still have their heart in
To tho People of burdock arcd Vicinity:
We have opened up an up-to-date wholesale oil
station in your thriving little city with ample storage
facilities and equipment to take care of your wants at
all times-
We handle nothing but the highest grade of pe
troleum products and will endeavor at all times to give
you p "Square De3l." We want your good will and
will appreciate your patronage. Our Mr. Schafer is
anxious and willing to serve you. .
Respectfully yours,
uick Prices
22-Four-34 Two passenger roadster $ C95
22-Four-35 JFive passenger touring 935
22-Six -44 Three passenger roadster 1365
22-Four-36 Three passenger coupe 1235
22-Six -45 Five passenger touring 1395
22-Four-37 Five passenger sedan 1395
22-Six -49 Seven passenger touring 1585
22-Six -46 Three passenger coupe 1885
22-Six -48 Four passenger coupe 2075
22-Six -47 Eive passenger sedan 2165
22-Six -50 Seven passenger sedan 2375
All Baicks F. 0. B. Hint, Michigan
kick F.lclcr CGmjisnv, Flint, Llichigan
Distributors General Motor Corporation
Pioneer builders of Valve-in-Head motor cars. Branches
in all principal cities of the U. S. Dealers everywhere.
' 6- IftfeTHEftKaAftS,
k When Better Automobiles are Built
Buick will Build Then.