The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 10, 1922, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    MONDAY. APRIL 10, 1922.
Prepared in the Interests of the People of Nehawka and Surrounding Vicinity Especially
for the Journal Readers
How About Your Battory?
What condition is it in for Spring use? Better have it
looked after. We are prepared to do charging and keep the
vital spark constant. "We sell both wet and dry storage bat-!
teries, and assure you the best service for them.
We are handling the best of makes in tires, and are selling
them lower than ever before. See us for prices.
The Lumberg Garage,
Nehawka, Nebraska
Wintry Winds
disturb not the slumber of your beloved dead, if you
were thoughtful enough to ask the undertaker to use a
Steel Reinforced Automatic Sealing Concrete Burial
Vault. Air and water proof-
Phone No. 87
Nehawka, Nebr.
Horace Griffin the restaurant man,' Chalmcr Switzer were visiting with
was a visitor on business at Lincoln
last Thursday.
Ask John T. Dale about the cross
sticks and if he gets sore ask him an ;
easier question. '
Miss Edith Hanson was visiting
for a short time last week with her 1
friends and also doing s:me trading
at Nebraska City last Friday after
noon Arnold Mat of near Murrr.y was
a visitor in Nehawka. where he was
locking after some business mutters
for a short time la?t Friday after-
friends in Weeping Water. . noon.
Messrs. Miller and Gruber were' Charles Hill was over to Weeping
looking after some business matters Water last Thursday with a load of
in Nebraska City last Saturday. mill stuff and Lad to race coming
Mesdames Horace Griffin and Lucy hems in order to escape the Tain
Griffin were visiting with friends and storm.
relatives at Nebraska City last Sat-, Chalmer Switzer installed a new
urday. windmill on one of the farms of Mr.
Uncle Z. W. Shradr is sowing c. M. Chriswisser for the furnishing
seme clover seed on his farm, his of water for the cattle which he is
oats whi:h he sowed some time ago j feeding.
having come up nicely. 1 D-Ibert Munn, George Huber and
The Farmers Elevator company j Israel Freese wtre ail looking after
leaded ot a car of wheat last Fri- j some business matters izx Nebraska
day and are ready for any grains; City last Thursday making the trip
which may come their way. ! in their auto.
J. E. Powell, who has been sick i A. C. Anderson of the Sheldon
in l
for some time past and is still feel-; Manufact uring company.
ing very poorly is able to be out Kansas City for a couple of days lstij. an
again, but gets about very slowly. i week, looking after some business j ian"j n
The Sheldon Manufacturing com- matters ior tne company,
pany borrowed Chester Stone from I Mr and Mrs. J. S. Rough were vir
tue Sheldon store for a few days last! itirg at Oakland last Saturday and
week as they were pressed for help. I Sunday with their daughter and af-
Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Switzer and ! ter baving a most excellent time re
Mrs. J. S Rough were visiting with t turned home last Monday.
aucted by Winrneiu Scott Norris.
I Mr. B. O. Tucker has accepted a
position in the Sheldon Manufactur
j ing plant and is doing seme excel
i lent work, 'he being a j,ood workman
j in the line of wood construction.
Miss Edith St. John departed last
Friday evening for Lincoln where
she visited for the week end with her
j sister Miss Hope St. John, and re
I turned honio in time for 'her school
j today.
! Wayne Ackley and family have
j moved to the farm of C. M. Stone
near Union where they will work for
'the coming year. E. M. Griffin and
'family are moving into the house va
catcd by Mr. Ackley.
j Clarence Trotter, who had his hand
injured some tira since by having
j it pierced by a corn stock, and in
i which infection set in. is getting
along nicely and expects to be able
to work in a short time again.
A. L. llutledge, the printer, was
; looking after some matters of busi
ness in Weeping Water and also was
spending a lew hours visiting at the
: home of his son. Glen, who is work
ing for the present at Weeping Wa
ter. I Mr. George Tate has Leon busy
; during the past week in assisting in
j the clearing of some lands on the
Gruber place of Mr. Frank Sheldon
where the workmen find it necessary
:o blow some cf the stumps from the
Miss Emma Graff, one of the
ttachors of the Neh;wka schools, was
a visitor at the home of her parents
iti Lincoln for the week end, depart
ing on the afternoon train for her
home, and returning to her work
early Monday morning.
V. P. Sheldon and son. Merrill.
The foundation has been placed
in position for the new garage which
T). SteR'ons is having Luilt in Nehaw
ka the foundation was made by
Mesrs. Miller and Gruber and the
building as far as the work is con
cerned will be constructed by Mr.
1 1. M. Pollard. Then the new car.
were at Omaha last Monday where
they went to consult a specialist re
gariintr the enlargement of a gland
on the neck of Merrill, and which.
;:ryn an operation being performed,
ihows much improvement. The work
v;'S done by Ir. Bother of Omaha.
Messrs. Eupone Fitch and Geor.e
Hanson were shipning cattle to the
South Omaha markets lan Thursday,
i where the:.' were fortunate in secur
ing the advantage of a good market.
Wm. Brandt-"also shij-ped a car of
lambs. which. .wre-vtdret in his ca.
and were some very fine young meat
as v ell.
Uncle Peter Opp last week visited
with his three daughters, they being
friends and also looking after some
shopping at Nebraska City last Fri
day J. J. Pollard and -wife and Mrs.
Joshua Sutphan has been putting
in some time cutting cord wood and
during the time Le ha.s been out of
the store the business has been coa-
ggTB'-N 1
Philiuena Lloyd of Nebraska
d from there he went to Ash-
vis it Mrs. Catherine Chap
man, having to go vra Lincoln and
thence after having visited at the
home of his daughter Mrs. Lulu Pdack
and had a most enjoyable time and
a good visit.
Trade Horses for Tractor
Last Friday Fred Smith, represen
tative of the I'iattsmcuth Motor com
pany of P'.attsmouth traded a Ford
pon tractor to Mr. Parr Young north
of town. Mr. Smith, with the help
; of an assistant departed for Nebraska
Si City shortly after the deal war, cor
jisnmated. taking the animals with
s-Sthiui. where they were disposed of at
the public auction which is held
there on Saturdays.
7iil Eaise Potatoes
Uncle W. A. Hicks, who was in
jured by being thrown from a horse.
ik i clearing three acres of land, in which
pi he is going to plant potatoes, and as
lif rr It t Cll iil
pectins a good crop.
Tlis People Know Good Goods
Li'st wetl: another car load of the
: Sheidon mixers was disposed ef to a
It : . . . ' - ... l ...... . ' -
tj j there is a continual stream of the
i concrete mixers being shipped to
ly points in the state, in the United
Hi States and all over the' world.
M Are Doing- Some Good Work
N The Masonic lodge of Nehawka are
t ! active and doing some good work in
inf of trip citizens of Nehawka for
j the considering of matters pertinent
to the welfare of the city, and among
other things will be considered the
matter of the auditorium and a ntim-
bcr of other matters wh-ch are re
quiring the attention of the citizens.
Will Locate in Villisca. Iowa.
Lester Wunderlich. one of the best
of battery service men and a good,
all around auto mechanic, has re
cently purchased the battery service
station at Villisca, Iowa, and will in
a short time depart for that place,
where he will engage in the business.
The people of Nehawka and vicinity
will lose in his departure a needed
institution in this neighborhood, but
our neighboring city in Iowa will be
the gainer.
M;the line of increasing thvir member-j
M;ship. On Wednesday, the 12th of i
J' April, they will give two 'degrees at I
the local lodtre rooms, one being the I
Markets by Radio Phone
Nehawka is progressive in the
matter of market quotations. and
are hustlers in many directions as
well. Arrangements have been made
whereby radio phone and are being
received by Mr. Verner Lundberg.
Did Not See the Show
A near April fool joke which might
have proven' fatally happened to two
young Nehawka lads last Friday
evening. One of the boys borrowed
his papa's car !o run into Nehawka.
about a mile distant to attend the
play, "My Uncle from Japan." given
by the Murray Community club, but
rearing the big bridge just south of
town, they thought of two fair maid
ens in or near Union that might want
to see them, or the play, and hither
thev bound. The nearer they ap
proached Union, the more excited
they became and the more gas they
used and the faster they went. How
ever, they arrived safely, and after
the necessary greetings and datings
made, they proceeded to return, to
Nehawka to attend the play, but alas
the car refused to handle the load
and upon examination they found the
rear bub broken, and the car had to
be towed into the garage at Union
for repairs. The joke was that they
did not get to see the play, nor take
the fair maidens a spin, but were
compelled to walk around and watch
the mechanics work until the wee
snu ll hours of April fool morning.
Luckily the accident happened when
it did and not when the fast run was
being made to Union.
' Morale Boys, don't borrow cars
from Pad to go one place and then
go to another place! as it usually
ends up in Dad and Ma both finding
it out.
Entered Apprentice degree which will
j he conferred on Louis Maugay of near
Uniou. while the other, the Master
Maon degree, will be given to An
derson Lloyd of north of town. The
following Wednesday, April 19th.
there wiil be given the Fellowcraft or
second degree to Messrs. Paul Swan
and J. C. Niday of north of Union.
School Notes
Mrs. Julian Pollard visited school
on Tited'iy.
The English 2 class is studying the of Lincoln.
The Home Economics girls are
sewinsr this week. Each girl is mak
ing herself a new dres.
Mis E. Ruth Pyrtle visited school
on Wednesday, In , pne room she
gave a talk on her hobfcy, Birds.
Mr. Clark told the pupils in the
5th and 0th grade about his travels
iu Europe. It proved to be an ex
cellent Geography lesson.
I. N. Clark, rural school inspector
wr.s at school Tuesday. He viiited
ail the rooms and seemed well pleas
ed with the work being done. He
took dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Burby.
The Domestic Science girls and
Miss Jones had a party last Saturday
evening at the Ahrens home. They
played all sorts of games and wore
entertained by music. Miss Jones
rendering a solo. A luncheon con
sisting of ice cream, two kinds of
cake and coTee was served end at a
late hour the guests departed for
their homes.
The Sunny Side Sewing club met
with Dorothy Lundberg on Tuesday
April 4th. The regular business
meeting was te!d. but no particular
business was brought up. We will
have cur next meeting with Mrs.
Burby. The g'rls sewed on various
rrtic:. Dorothy served delicious
refreshments of sandwiches, jello
and cake. Everyone had a delightful
The Parent-Teachers association
he'd a very successful meeting at the
school house Monday evening at
which the president. Mrs. Vilas Shel
don presided. Miss E. Ruth Pyrtle of
Lincoln was the guest of honor and
gave a fine lecture on "Parent-
Teachers Association." After the
address patrons were given an op
portunity to ask questions and dis
cuss the organization. Mrs. Julian
Pollard then read an excellent paper
on the value- of public school music.
A lunch was served and was enjoyed
by all present. It was voted to hold
meetings the first Tuescay of eacn
month and a committee was appoint
ed by the chair to prepare a program
for the next meeting which will
come on the 2nd of May.
RAINCOATS Extraordinary values
that you must see to appreciate- Spec
ial price, each
Headquarters for M. Born & Co. tailored suits
New spring and summer samples ready for your in
Welcomes Her Nephew
I Mrs. H. L. Thomas returned a few
days since from a trip to Pawnee
City, where she went to welcome the
arrival of a young nephew, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Harley Thomas, of
that place. The young man, who was
of a very cherry disposition, tipped
the beam at ten pounds on his ar
rival. The parents are getting along
nicely, as well as the new American.
vun mm
Established 188S
Phone 14.
Nehawka Has Election
! At the election which occurred on
last Tuesday, the city ticket which
was for but two aldermen, was filled
by the election of Messrs. Nick Klau
rens and W. S. Norris. The school
election resulted as follows: for the
three year term, E. M. Tollard and
Frank P. Sheldon; for the two year
term, Grover Hoback and J. W. Mur
doch, and for the one year term. Dr.
J. W. Thomas and all excellent men.
The John Ii. Becker residence on
10th and Pearl streets is offered for
sale; also 1C0 acres of land seven
miles west and one mile south of
Plattsmouth. For particulars inquire
m31 tfdaw Administrator.
By order of the court the under
signed was appointed receiver of the
Ef G. Dovey & Son store. Parties
owing the above firm are requested
to settle their accounts immediately.
lmod&w- Receiver.
f"I-'l-I-'t "I "I 1 I I I I I 11 I'M 8 1
Short Cuts in Sewing
A very interesting meeting was
held with the women in Nehawka on
Monday afternoon. Twenty-five wom
en wers present. "Short Cuts in
Sewing" was demonstrated. All the
women voted to send in samples. Mrs.
J. Sutphin was chosen leader. The
report shows very interesting things
being done by this club.
Tuesday the women met at the
home of Mrs. Phillip Schnell for an
all day meeting. At noon a delicious
cafeteria dinner was served. In the
afternoon the use of sewing machine
attachments and short cuts in sewing
were demonstrated. The ladies were
much interested in the meeting and
voted to meet April IS, and complete
the samples.
Club Work
Two clothing clubs were organized
at Union. Mrs. L. R. Upton is to
have charge of the advanced girls,
who will complete Course 2 in cloth
ing. The grammar and intermediate
girls also organized a club. Miss
Augusta Robb was chosen leader.
The girls of Union have done some
fine club work. Last summer the
High school girls completed Course
1 in clothing. This winter the four
teen Home Economics students or
ganized a Hot Lunch club and served
a hot dish at noon. We are looking
for more of this splendid work. If
the boys are interested in club work
write the Farm Bureau office at
Weeping Water.
The Mothers Council met with
Mrs. Joe Vickers Friday afternoon.
Barred Rock eggs for sale, 75c for
15, $4.50 per hundred. Mrs. Will
Copple, Alvo, Neb.
Mrs. Goe. Sutton is here from
Kansas visiting Miss Delia Sutton
and John Sutton and family.
The last number cf the lecture
course was given Thursday evening
at the high school auditorium.
Roy Coatman was a Lincoln visi
tor Friday bringing down a load of
furniture for C. H. Kirkpatrick.
II. G. Wetherell was in Alvo the
first of the week in the interests of
the Brotherhood of American Yeo
men. Mr. Kinney has been sick the past
few days and Mrs. C. D. Ganz taught
in the high school during his ab
sence. Mrs. Fred Prouty went to Have
lock Monday evening to visit hr
daughter, Mrs. Clyde Lancaster and
Joe Bird took a truck load of
cream and eggs to Lincoln Thursday
bringing merchandise back on ithe
return trip.
Miss Carmen Muir entertained at
six o'clock dinner Friday evening
Miss Lillian Curyea of Lincoln and
Miss Irene Friend.
Mr. and Mrs. August Johnson and
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Moore enter
tained at a party Wednesday eve
ning at Stewart's hall.
Miss Lillian Curyea of Lincoln
who fpent the week end with her
grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Georgo
Curyea, returned home.
Dr. and Mrs. L. Muir and daugh
ters. Misses Carmen and Marguerite,
autoed to Milford Sunday to visit the
doctor's father and family
Mrs. II. Moore and Miss Winnie
Walker autoed to Lincoln Saturday
afternoon. Miss Blanche Moore re
turned home with tnem.
Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Thompson and
daughter. Miss Edith, autoed down,
from Lincoln Sunday to visit their
uncle. J. A. Shaffer and wife.
Mrs. C. C. Bucknell was a passen
ger to Lincoln Monday evening
where she visited her sister Mrs.
CJyde Boyles until Tuesday noon.
The village election was April 4
and trustees as follows were elected:
G. W. Curyea. L. Muir and S. C.
Bovles Poo! hall defeated 12 to 45,
Sundav baseball 18 to 29.
Eggs for Sale
Barred Plymouth Rock eggs for
hatching. 4c per egg. Mrs. William
Mickle. Alvo, Neb. m20-4W
ixopner .Lraaication I
The Farm Bureau has arranged to
hold four poisoning demonstrations
in Greenwood precinct. H. L. Apple
man has charge of the southeast nine
sections; James Greer the southwest,
nine sections; diaries Martin, or
Greenwood, the northwest nine sec
tions and A. L. Leaver, the north
east nine sections. The date of
these demonstrations will depend on
the weather and the spring work,
but watch for date. May be made
through the newspapers or by phone.
Soil Terraces
Mr. Banning and the county ex
tension agent were in Richardson
county studying the work done there
on soil. Mr. Banning will finish his
terraces soon.
Thirsty days hath September,
April. June and November.
All the rest are thirst-, too.
Unless you make your own home
brew. Arm. Legion Weekly.
Get the latest edition of America's
most popular fiction magazine, the
Red Book, at the Journal office. Now
ready for the reading public.
S. C. Rhode Island Red eggs for
hatching, $5.00 per hundred. Mrs.
Guy Wiles, Murray. lmo-d&w
Field and Garden Seeds!
We are prepared to furnish you with the best of Field
and Garden Seeds, for all your needs. All kinds of Garden
Seeds, fresh and true to name. Union Sets also. Field Seeds,
Clover, Alfalfa and all Grasses.
We have Garden Tools, for any and all uses, as veil as
Farm Machinery, at popular prices, which means a good sav
ing to you.
Coatman Hardware Co.,
From Saturday's Dally.
This afternoon James H. Donnel
ly, vice president of the State Bank
of Omaha, was here for a few "hours
visiting with his friends and inci
dentally looking after some business
affairs. This is the first time. Mr.
Donnelly has boen "here in the pzst
year and he was impressed witb the
amount of street paving and im
provement that has been carried out
since his last visit to the old town.
He returned home late this afternoon.
We can furnish you clank book'
most any kind at Journal office.
The Misses Nora Livingston, Viv
ian Hansen, Mildred Johnson and
John Davey, on behalf of the Lin
coln chapter of the Disabled Ameri
can Veterans, visited the Lincoln
hospitals Friday afternoon taking
delicacies and flowers to the ex-per-vlce
men patients. State Journal.
S. C. White Leghorn English strain
eggs for hatching, $4.00 per 100.
Phone 115-J.
Journal want ads pay. Try them.
3 0
nisli Warrior 20412
Spanish Warrior is jet black, mealy nose and
belly. He stands 15 hands high. Was foaled
November 17, 1911, and was bred by J. H.
Hardin, at Ninevah, Indiana. Weight 1000 lbs.
His sire 1200 lbs. Sure foal getter and every one
a good one.
Jalisco 84077
That the Percheron Stallion is recorded by the Per
cheron Society of America, and that his record number
is 84077.
Color and Description:
Black, white stripe in forehead, weight 2000 pounds.
Foaled March 18th, 1909. Bred by 2VL Noirean, depart
ment of Orne. This horse has been owned by the Mur
ray Horse Co., and has previous stood at $20.00.
... .. . , ; -- ' 1
Charles Adams or Nehawka and
wife who have been here visiting at
iho hfm n.r ir mid Mr f! A. Ros-
encrans, returned yesterday to their 'Ft
Kass Meeting Called
There lias been called a mass meet-
A Womsfei Wrote The Canby News,
Minn., December 10, as Follows:
" If any subscribers ask what you think of Rat-Snap,
till them its the best rat exterminator I know. Hats
Vere taking our tsr.i. oat;., corn; had full siring in our
cellar. 1 u(i Rat-Snap fir two days anil rats have
ckaredoutcuinpietdy." Three sizes: 35c.65c.Sli5.
Sold aud guaranteed by
Bestor & Swatek Weyrici. & Had
raba r. G. Fricke & Co.
ANDAiN BBS 104940
Andain III is recorded by the Percheron Society of America, and that his record number
is 104940. Color and description: Chestnut sorrel, stripe in forehead; weight 1900 pounds.
Foaled January 5th, 1914. Bred and owned by W. H. Kerr, Tekamah. As good as evar walk
ed on Nebrask soil and his, off springs are the same.
The above named animals are warranted sound and first-class stock. They will
make the season of 1922, every day in the week, at Nehawka, Neb.
TEE R EV2 erms or al wiI1 be $15 00 to insure colt to stand and suck. Money
becomes due at once if mare is parted with or leaves the community,
and when so parted my guarantee ceases. Lien will be taken on both mare and colt until
same is paid. Care will be taken to prevent accidents, but will not be responsible should
any occur.
Phone me at Sheldon's Store.
Nehawka, Nebraska