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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1922)
THUESEAY. APRIL 6, 1922. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOUENAL PAGE THEEE Union Mont Robb was home for a por tion of last and this week. H. C. Ross was looking after some business at the county seat last Sat urday. Eugene Roddy is sure making a different place of the Cromwell build ing by his painting the same. John Hatchett of near Murray was caJled to Union last Monday after noon to look after some business. Fred Clark was a visitor at the home of his son Clifton ar.d wife at Omaha lat Monday and Tuesday. Uncle Jesse L. Pell who has 'been sick for some time at his home north of Union, is still confined to his bed. Mrs. A. Asche of near Murray was looking after some business and at tending the sale at E. E. Leach last Fridav. Harry Leach was looking after some business for the day Monday at Nebraska City, making the trip on the train. Everett Taylor of Weeping-Water was in attendance at the funeral of Aunt Barbara Taylor which occurred last Saturday. T. E. Hathaway and son from near Murray were in Union last Mon day looking after seme business and visiting with friends. Messrs. Geo. S. Ray and Glen Thompson of near Murray were in Union last Monday looking after some business matters. Henry Becker is keeping himself busy these days when not shelling corn, sawing lumber at the Becker farm for farmers who haul the logs in. Mrs. Mary Taylor and her daugh ter, Miss Rachel, who have been spending a week at Union returned to their home at University Place last Sunday. W. K. Fox of. Plattsmouth. who has charge of. the Nebraska Gas & Electric company lines, was a visi tor in Union last Friday looking af ter business. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Lynn of near Geneva were h-re a number of days last week, called here by the death of Mrs. Barbara Taylor, sis ter of Mr. Lynn. Mrs. J. S. Lewis, mother of Mrs. Poland -Chinas! 25 Boars, 25 Gilts. Last winter's farrowing, ready for service. Large Type Poland China can have pa pers on them for $25 per individnaL Phone 5911 G. S. UPTON, UNION -:- NEBRASKA That is Our B Sure it is our business to please the trade, and to do this we are doing the very best work. Auto supplies also standard and always the best. We are here to succeed, and we can do it only by giving the best of service in every instance. A. m The Auto Man Business Confidence and better things are coming back. Farm products are again on the up grade in price. We are glad of it, and would like to see it higher We are selling our goods at prices in many cases lower, and are carrying an excellent line of Groceries, Shoes, Hardware, Work Clothes, Etc., and are always ready to serve you. Remember this is the store for the best service. We are paying the highest prices for country pro duce. Your patronage invited. A. L. B UNION attery We are giving the best possible service in the re pairing of Storage Batteries. We carry an excellent line of new storage batteries at very reasonable prices. Elec tric light bulbs for residences and business houses as well as for autos. W. H. DuBOES, PHONE NO. 40 -:- -:- UNION, NEBR. Department Prepared Exclusively for The Journal. Earl Merritt, was a visitor at the home of her daughter lor a number of days last and this week from her home near Murray. Mrs. D. P. Keedy of Omaha, moth er of Mr. E. W. Keedy, was a visi tor at the home of her son, and at tending the funeral of Mrs. Barbara Taylor last Saturday. Last Sunday Rev. W. A. Taylor was a visitor at Wabash and con ducted two very profitable sermons at the Baptist church at that place of which he is pastor. Joseph Lynn who has made his home for a number of years at Bloom field, was a visitor In Union called here by the death of his sister, Mrs. E. A. Taylor last week. Mrs. Peter Clarence of llarting ton has been visiting here for a few days lasit week, coming to be pres ent at the funeral and burial of her sister, Mrs. B. A. Taylor. Louis Killy of Omaha, distributor of the Nash automobile company, and his cousin, J. II. Hatchett of Murray were visiting at the home of Geo. S. Ray last Sunday. W. L. Taylor and family p. ad Al mond Taylor and wife of Omaha, were here to attend the funeral of their mother and grandmother. Mrs. Barbara Taylor last Saturday. County Commit sinner C. F. Har ris was a passenger to Plattsmouth and Omaha la-t Monday whore he was looking after some business for the day, making the trip on the green 'bus. J. M. Patterson and family -were visiting in Plattsmouth last Satur day evening and Sunday, being guests at the home of relatives and where Mr. Patterson was looking after some -business. Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Todd made a trip to Lincoln last Sunday taking with them their daughter, Mss Alice and Miss Naomi Maugay who were returning to their studies after a week's vacation on account of the spring intermission. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Rough of Ne hawka where Mr. Rough is manager of the Farmers' Cooperative Grain company, changed cars here last Monday morning, they returning from a visit ::t the home of their daughter at Emerson. With the improvement of Mr. L. R. Upton so he can look ofter the business at the store uncle Dan Lynn and wife made a trip Monday hut to Lincoln where they were visit ing with friends and alo looking af ter sjmo business as well. Attorney C. II. Taylor of Omaha was a visitor in Union last Tuesday a guest at the home of his sisters, Mesdames E. ,W. Keedy and Joe Ban ning, and Miss Elsie Taylor. He has not been feeling the best lor some time but is somewhat improved. "Uncle Jake" A. H. Austin was able to return to his duties as care taker of the Union schools last Mon day after a vacation of a numb r of weeks on account of ill health. Mr. I usmess Union, Neb. is Better! ;cice NEBRASKA Service! DOWLEr, Austin who was very sick for some time is now feeling pretty well again. Mrs. Minnie Stafford of Nebraska City came to Union on the early bus last Monday and visited with, her daughter, Mrs. Hugh Robb, for the day, and in 1he evening both ladies went to Omaha where they visited with friends for over Monday and Tuesday. Will Eaise Gocd Hog Our friend Good Tcdd has gone in to the hog business .and will raise good hogs. Last week he purchased a trio of Chester White hogs from Joseph LiJgett and will soon be a breeder ot this excellent strain of meat producers. little Children Very Sick A little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Iel Cad well who live north of Un ion, has been and is very sick at their home but little hope was ' en tertained for her recovery for a num ber of days. Bernard Hath?.way Very Sick Bernard Hathaway the young son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hathaway. j who had been sick and recovered somewhat, took suddenly worse again J last Sunday and has been in a very ' precarious conditions for several da vs. Interest In Baseball Last Thursday evening the base ball fans met and discussed the mat ter of a baseball team for Union the coming season. The concensus of cpinicn b'ing that Union must have a good team. Wayne Propst, who is j a ball enthusiast, was chosen com ' mander in chief of the team and the keeper of the funds of the associa tion. A corumitue of three, consist ing of I). B. Lynde, D. B. Porter and Earl Merritt. wa;i appointed to se cure a park for the team's ue. Has Located Here Miss Eustire Walbridge. a sister cf Mrs. Mont Robb. who has made her home at South Bend, Indiana, arriv ed in Union tome time since and af- ter a very pleasant visit at the home cf her sister, liked Union so well that she concluded to make her home ! here. Accordingly she secured apar;- reents at the home of Miss Jt-ssie Todd, where she has furnished 'a studio for her music school and be- I ing an accomplished musician is well qualified to give excellent instruc i lions in a musical education. Takes Daughter to Hospital On account of the illness of the little daughter Mary of Mr. and Mrs. John Hobnck which proved to be a case of appendicitis, the little cue was taken to Omaha where she was placed in a hospital for treatment It is hoped that an operation may be averted, but if uece.-sary, will he resorted for her health. Will Hold Easter Services The Baptist church of which the Rev. W. A. Taylor is the pastor, at Wabash ar making preparations for a very elaborate program and East er service. The Bible school will be t haracterized by the Easter senti ment folowed by the Easter sermon. Church Services Suridav With the return of the Rev. "S. Miller and .wife, who have been in attendance at the Baptist state con ference at Grand Island, the comple ment of the church services at the Baptist church during the entire day. At the Methodist Church There will he the regular service with the single exception of the morning service which will be emit ted as Rev. Warren will preach at Wyoming a: the morning service. ! Little Child Lies ! The littlee baby daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry McCarroll who was : just the sweetest little one and gorw ing more interesting and lovable ev: , ery day. sickened a short time since and not withstanding all was done that possibly could, died last Thurs day. The hearts of the parents are ! sore torn "by the loss. The funeral was held last. Friday and was con pastor of the Methodist church of ; which the parents are members. j Card cf Thanks ! We desire to express our appreci ation for . the kindly acts and sym pathy expressed at the time of the passing of our beloved mother, Mrs. Barbara Taylor, also for the floral tokens and to those who so kindly at the funeral. The Taylor . family. j In Poultry Business. ! Miss Fern Barkhurst -who has j been making her home in Denver for I some time past, where she was an 'auditor, has entered into the chicken business and has two incubators go ing at this time. The former em ploye? cf Miss Fern were so well nlensed with her services lhit ihev j called her by long distance telephone j asking her to again enter their ser- Here for Best Service! See me for your wants in the implement line. I am dis tributor for the Moline Plow Company line. The prices are much lower than last season. Garden Tools for all kinds of work at prices that are right. Are you need any New Furni ture this Spring. We can save you money. JOE BANNING, Union, vice but as Miss Barkhurst had come home and engaged in the chicken business to regain her health she re fused the proffer of employment. Misses Angie and Nettip McCarroll who are of the faculty of t!:e Syra cuse schools, were visiting at home over Sunday. Miss Mary E. Foster, of the Omaha schools wns a guest at the home of her parents over the week-end. Consults a Specialist Last Monday evening V. I Sheldon and son Charles of Nehawka changed cars at Union fcr Omaha, where they went to consult a specialist regard ing the enlargement of th glands in the neck of Mr. Charles Sheldon. THE DEATH ANGEL GALLS MRS, TAYLOR Pioneer cf Nebraska and Cass County Passes Away Last Wednesday at the Noon Hour. Mrs. Barbara A. Taylor was born in Fulton county. Pa.. August 24th. 1S49. and answered the call cf the Master March 2!. 192J. after an ill ness extending over several months. Mrs. Taylor, nee Miss Barbara Lynn, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Joshua Lynn, came to Nebraska and Cass county in 1S57, when she was eight years of age, settling near where the village of Union now stands, and has since made her home here up until the time of her death. Mrs. Taylor was one of the most lovable cf women, being a devoted Christian and n life long member of the Methodist church. She wa united in marriage with Mr. Henry L. Tay lor on October 23. 1SG4 which union was blessed by a large family of ex cellent children. They are Meisdanies Emma Morton. Eva Becker, Mary Pell. Minnie Banning. Hattie Keedy ptu! Mis Elsie Taylor, all of Union; Messrs W. L. Taylor and O. hi. Tay lor, of Omaha and Mrs. Luella Wood- Iruff, of Los Angeles. California. The deceased ' children are Louise Mickle and Andrew Taylor, also four in- fants. There are three sisters, Mrs;. John Cemrbell. of Murray. Mrs. Ale:: John son of Weeping Water and Mrs. Peter Clarence of Bloomfield, and three i brothers Daniel Lynn and Andrew Lynn, of Geneva and Joseph Lynn of Hartington. The funeral service was held at the M. E. church in Union, conducted by the Rev. George E. Warren, pastor of the church, and assisted by the Rev. W. A. Taylor. Mrs. Taylor was one of the best women we have knof.n. always with a smile and a kindly disposition meetinz and solving the problems of every day life in a way which was a benediction to all who were fortu nate enough to know her a friend to all who needed ? ' friend. One could not go from her presence with out a better view of life and its du ties. A pioneer who helped to make Nebraska and Cass county, at the time of her coming here, a wild west frontier, the garden spot of the great Missouri valley it is at this time. In her departure the family have had taken from them one of Cod's jev.e but whose benign influence (or good will never die; the village of Union an excellent citizen and all humanity a friend. . The remains of Grandmother Tay lor now repose in the quiet church yard at East Union cemetery, await ing the trump of the Angel on the Resurrection, when she shall sing glad Hosannas to the King of King and Lord of Lords. School Notes Miss Hall is still unable to teach and Miss Whelan of Plattsmouth is substituting for her. The rth and fith grades have fin ished the study of the Unitel States. Tbev made booklets to illustrate thMr work. Tiie 4th grade has finished book lets on Africa ar.l on Corn. Mary Donr.ely Robb is still absent from school because of sickness. Arthur Nicholas was a visitor in the Intermediate room Friday. - The 7th and 8th graders are busy reviewing for the state examinations which will be held April Cth and 7th in the H. S. assembly room. Alice Propst visited the Grammar You Have to Eai! Remember -we are carrying in stock fresh meats of all kinds and fresh every day. "Bob" Caps for men and boys, just the proper thing. Ladies' Spring Hats, the latest styles at a great saving. Fresh Groceries and Canned Goods of all varities. BEST SERVICE! Union, Nebraska Nebraska room Thursday afternoon. The Physics class has been study ing light. We at least hope that was the use to which the mirrors found in the Physics laboratory were put. A contest in long division was held in the High school last week. The two captains were Mildred Clark and Virginia Harris. Mildred's side won. The reports were given out Thurs day of last week. These cards are sent to the parents or guardians so that they may see what their child ren are doing in school. The Solid Geometry class has been studying simple puzzles nd recrea tions of Geometry. Deris Frans gave an oral review f James Fenimore Cooper's book 'The Deerslayer," before the assem bly Thursday. Miss Ida Wilkins, county home agent, will be at the school building Friday, afternoon. April 7th. to orga nize Garment clubs for work this coming summer. They will be simi lar to ttie one in operation last summer. The sewing class has finished an other project. They have only one more project to complete In order to close their sewing work for the year. Following is the attendance re port for the past month ending on March 24. 1922: Primary, 33 enroll ed; 2S present; 20.3 average daily attendance; 3 with perfect attend ance. Intermediate, 35 enrolled, 32 present; 2S.75 average daily attend ance; 21 with perfect attendance. Grammar, 29 enrolled; 27 present; 2 4.75 average daily attendance; IS with perfect attendance. H. S., 4 6 enrolled; 43 present; 40.52 average daily attendance; 29 with perfect attendance. WM. F. RACE, M. 0. Specializing in Deep Seated Diseases All serums, animal extracts and lvniDhs used where in dicated. Telephone No. 31 OFFICE Opposite Farmers Store v- UNION, NEBSASKA I ry iiiiiw 1 1 1 mm itoli,iiiiwi,iiiH.jj-J-'M win mi nnm . i IBM 1 1 1!! III!!! 1 1 i I llifesSrf 1 1 ill 1 ill ; i surfV Murray Community Club WILL PRESENT AT ili st Ft i naSii from Japan" Wednesday, April 12th ADMISSION 20 and 35c COLE ORCHESTRA UNIVERSITY PLAGE BEATS ANNEXATION Vote Strongly Against Becoming a Part of Lincoln Bethany is Barred on This Account Lincoln, April 4. The suburhan tov n of University Place, seat of Ne braska Wesleyan university, voted decisively today against annexation to Lincoln. Nearly complete, but un official returns show the ratio to be nearly two-to one. The city of Lin coln took no part in the contest. The town of Bethany where is located Cotner college, voted stronedy in fa vor of annexation, but will be de barred from consolidation with the city because it is not contiguous ter ritory. University Place lying tie tween Lincoln and Eethany. Municipal elections were held thruout the state today, tut in few instances were there any issues. Some of the results follow: Nebraska City Re-elected Frank Thomas as mayor. He ran on a plat Fordson Plowing With a Sulky SOME Fordson farmers find it an advantage to use a single bottom sulky instead of a gang. There's a sulky made specially for the Fordson. It's made by Oliver, too, and in design is similar to the famous No. 7 gang. Equipped with turning bottom, or with a special brush bottom and standing coulter, the Oliver No. 3 sulky operates efficiently with the Fordson. We can show you one on our display floor. Orer 200,000 Fordson Farmers Ue Oliver Tillage Implements PLATTSRflOUTH tVJOTOR CO. T I Onion, FJeb. form of opposition to the I. W. W. element. Seward J. E. Swanson. cashier of the First National bank, elected may or with practically no opposition. Milford A new school board se lected which is committed to a strong athletic policy in the hi?h school. Hickman A nonpartisan board of village trustees chosen. Golden Millet Seed Golden millet seed for sale, one dollar per bushel. H. E. Warden. Un ioa. Phone 4503. m30-3sw TEAM MULES FOP- SALE I have a good team well broken mules, four and six years old, for sale. Call phone 2704. m: 4d,4sw F. A. PARKKN1NG. WILL GIVE PLAY AT UNION The Murray Community club will present their play. "My Uncle from Japan" at Union on Wednesday even ing, April 12th.