The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 06, 1922, Image 1

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NO. 7G
ora lmcK uarryin a wo umajia
Men Runs Into Eooze Hounds
at Bridge Saturday Night
From Monday's Dally.
Saturday night there were reports
of a car scheduled to pass through
this city carrying a load of the much
sought after and invigorating corn
juice and on the receipt cf the word.
State Officer Grebe accompanied by J
Frank Detlef hastened out to the .
Platte river wagon and auto bridge;
to see if it might not be possible to
snag the car, and while they did not
secure the one they were looking for,
they got something just as good.
After laying in wait for some time,
a few cars passed and then the Ford
truck approached and while they
were waiting to pay over the neces
sary toll. Officer Grebe glanced into
the truck where a number of quilts
were piled in one corner and on lift
ing up the quilts several glass jugs
were discovered and which on ex
amination revealed the fact that they
contained corn juice of recent vint
age and the parties were notified that
they would have to come on to Platts
mouth and face the music.
One of the men gave the name of
Joseph Duda and the other that of
John Tondl, and both were lodged in
the county jail until last evening
when a number of their friends came
down from Omaha and put up the
necessary security to secure their re
lease until they have their hearing
in the county court. They will lose
their truck in all probability under
the state law as being used in the
transportation of illicit liquor.
On Friday evening the home of
Mrs. W. V. Wasley was the scene of
a very delightfhl farewel party giv
en for Mrs. Helen Wallick, chief op
erator of the Lincoln Telephone &
Telee-m nh Cn . hr th tplmhrine
"bunch." Mrs. Walick . is returning
to Weeping Water to reside there I
with her son, and -also to take over;
the position of chief operator of the
Weeping Water exchange.
The evening was spent in games
and music and at an appropriate
hour a dainty and enjoyable 4-course
luncheon was served that aided in
completing the evening and in re
membrance Mrs. Wallick was pre
sented with a number of beautiful
Mrs. Wallick has been chief oper
ator of the Plattsmouth exchange
for nearly four years and under her
management the service has been
raised to the highast degree. She has
made possible the splendid service
given by the exchange in case of fire
alarms. Socially she is a member oft
the Eastern Star and Rebekah and
also the Oracle of the Royal Neigh-
bors of America, ana possesses a host !
of friends who will wish her well any thing they would like to dispose
in her new home. 0r should get their goods listed with
Those attending the farewell were,Mr Ghrist, chairman of the commit
Misses Edith Wallengren, Alice tee, or Auctioneer Young and to in
Jchnson. Clara Mumrn. Sophie Sei- sure it being given the proper
ver. Hula Goos, Pauline Bajeck. Let- amount of publicity. It is a splendid
tie Foster, Mrs. Helen Wallick.
From Monday's Dally
This morning an action was filed
in the office of the clerk of the disr
trict court entitled Martha J. Fitz
patrick vs. John F. Fitzpatrick. and
in which the plaintiff seeks to secure
decree of divorce from the defend-;
ant. The plaintiff alleges that the extend their thanks to the follow
parties were married in Lincoln Feb-' ing named organizations and lndi
ruary 13. 1913, and that the defend- viduals who made it possible finan
ant has been guilty of cruelty, neg- ially for the post basketball team to
lect and abandonment since that compete for the state championship
time. She asks for the restoration of at Kearney April 1st, 1922. We sin
her former name of Martha J. Drum, 'cerely appreciate the co-operation on
Attorney D. O. Dwyer appears for thej
The funeral services of Vernon
Richard, the infant son of Mr. and
Mrs. Russell Stander, was held Sun
day afternoon from the late home and
conducted by Rev. A. G. Hollowell.
pastor of the Christian church. The
pastor spoke words of comfort to the
sorrowing parents, taking the words
of David as the consolation and hope
of the future meeting with their
loved one. Mrs. Minnie Pickard and
Mrs. A. G. Hollowell sang during the
service. "Face to Face." "Sweet Flow
er of Morn" and "Safe in the Arms
of Jesus."
Little Vernon Richard was born
September 23, 1921 and died April 1.
1922, at the age of six months and
eight days and his death has brought
to the parents a deep and lasting
grief, in which they have the ten
derest sympathy of the friends.
Saturday afternoon Edgar Wescott
' who has been at the Methodist hos
pital in Omaha for the past few
weeks recovering from an operation
for appendicitis, returned home and
is now feeling in the best of condi
tion following hi3 sickness and opera
tion and it is hoped will soon be able
to be around and resume his school
Advertising is the life of trade.
Prom Monday's Dny
Lart evening a message was re
ceived here by Mrs. M. S. Briggs an
nouncing the death of her brother-
1 1 1 11 a . - . .
m-iuw, Aioeri uavis at r armingion,
Iowa, following an illness of some
duration during which time he has
the arteries. The deceased was fifty
seven years of age and leaves a wife
and four children. Mr. M. S. Briggs
departed this afternoon on No. 2 for
Salem, Iowa, where the funeral ser
vices will be held Tuesday afternoon
The members of the family here will
have the sympathy of their friends
in the bereavement that has been
visited upon them
Local Legion Team Meets Defeat at
Kearney Saturday by Fast
Central City Quintet.
From Monday's Daily.
After an all day ride the Platts
mouth American Legion basket ball
team hopped off the train at Kearney
Saturday afternoon at 3:30 and at
4:30 had taken the floor to play the
fast team of Central City, and with
the result that Central City carried
away the grapes by the score of 36
to 23. in a fast and gruelling game
that tested the metal of both teams.
The locals have not been practicing
for some few weeks and this told
against their playing when they
started in with their formidable
rivals from Merrick county.
During the first half the locals led
the greater part of the time and at
the intermission the score was 12 to
16 in favor of Central City.
The Central City team, however,
was humbled in the final round by
the Cambridge team and which team
was acclaimed the champions of the
state in the Legion circles.
The Plattsmouth team returned
home early yesterday morning with-
out having had any rest
and it is
needless to say the members of the
team sept close to the leathers for
the remainder of the day.
From Monday's Dally.
The committee in charge of ths
community monthly sales, held on
the third Wednesday of each month
are busily engaged now in the plans
for the forthcoming sale on April
19th and which will offer unusual
buying opportunities to the people
of Plattsmouth and vicinity. One of
the new features of this monthly
sales day is the public auction that
Auctioneer Rex Young presides over
at the M. E Smith buildine and
- w here everything-that is brought in
for sale finds a market. The list of
articles to be sold 4s already being
arranged for and anyone who has
chance to dispose of articles that
may be cumbering the home but
which are such that others would be
glad to purchase them. Bring in your
goods and have them ' listed.
Frm Mondays Dally.
The Athletic Committee of Hugh
J. Kearns No. 56 wish to publicly
their part. The following contribut
ed to tnis cause: cnamber or com
merce, Eugene Lister, Carl Wohl
farth. Thomas Walling. Sr., John
Wickman, Jr., Harry Winscot, Dr. J.
S. Livingston, Graham & Thome,
Frank Dunbar and A. W. Cloidt.
Athletic Committee, Hugh J.
Kearns Post No. 56, 'by
Frotr Tuesday's Dally.
Yesterday afternoon in the county
court Wayne Gochenour was brought !
before Judge Beeson on a charge of i
having taken a carbureter and a fan I
of a Ford car belonging to Marion
Rouse and which was of the value
of $7.50. The court after hearing the
evidence and the plea of the young
man assessed a fine of $50 and costs
amounting to $60.10, and also to pay
the owner of the property, Mr. Rouse
double the amount of the value of
the property taken.
W. F. Moran. former county at
torney, will look after and prosecute
all -criminal cases -In the courts for
County Attorney Heinke in his ab
sence in Texas, where he has gone
to visit his father and brother. At-
j torney Moran was one of the best
t prosecuting attorneys that the coun
ty ever toad and he is looked upon as
one of the leading criminal attor
neys at the bar. Nebraska City
H. R. Cole Accepts Position in Om
aha that Will Offer Greatly
Enlarged Opportunities
Trotn Tuesday's Dally.
Plattsmouth is soon to be called
upon to part with one of the most
popular families as H. R. Cole, local
manager of the Lincoln Telephone
and Telegraph company, is to leave
soon for Omaha to make his home
and the family will reside in that
city in the future. Mr. Cole has
received a very pleasing offer from
the Bell Telephone company, in Om
aha, and which promises not only a
larger salary but offers a greater op
portunity for further advancement
than would be possible in one of the
smaller towns. Mr. Cole will have
an opportunity in the new location
to take up the work with the new
automatic system that is being placed
in Omaha and which is to be largely
used over the country in the future.
It is to .be regretted that the
Cole family have to leave the city
and they regret very much to part
with the many good friends they
have made in the time they have
lived here. Mr. Cole has been very
active in the Masonic and Elks lodges
and with his wife in the Episcopal
church work and Mrs. Cole as well
has been one of the leaders in the
work of the Daughters of the Amer
ican Revolution.
Mr. Troy Rinehart of York. Nebr.,
will be the successor of Mr. Cole
here and is expected to reach this
city Thursday with his family to
take up the work as manager of the
local telephone exchange.
Edward Wittstruck, & Liberty Since
Escape from Penitentiary in
1919, is Captured.
From Tuesday's Dally.
After spending five years in the
enjoyment of liberty, following his
escape from the state penitentiary on
July 5, 1917. Edward Wittstruck.
formerly a resident of this city; has
been captured at Walker, Minnesota,
and will be returned to the Nebraska
penitentiary as soon as the extradi
tion papers are prepared and Warden
Fenton can reach Walker to take
over the prisoner.
The young man was arrested in
this city in the fore part of 1917,
charged with having broken and en
tered a corn bin on the Wills farm
north of the city and for which of
fense he received a sentence of one
to ten years. Shortly after he was
placed in the state prison he was
made a "trusty" and at meal time on
July 5th, 1917, he disappeared and
had not been heard of since until
his arrest.
From Monday's Dally.
The funeral services of the late
Howard Newton were held Saturday
afternoon from the home in the south
portion of the city and the body laid
to rest in Oak Hill cemetery. The
Rev. John Calvert, pastor of the
Methodist church, conducted the ser
vice and spoke words of comfort to
the sorrowing family and friends.
During the service Mr. and Mrs. E.
H. Wescott sang a number of the
old familiar hymns, which brought
with them a sense of comfort to the
bereaved family.
Washington, April 2. Food costs
at retail continued to decrease in all
of the sixteen principal American
cities where observations are main
tained by the labor department dur
ing the month ending March 15, ac
cording to the monthly report issu
ed today. The average of decline un
der February 15 on the date given
amounted to 3 per cent in Detroit,
Philadelphia, Rochester, Salt Lake
City and Scranton; 2 per cent in
Norfolk and San Francisco, and 1
per cent in Chicago. Cincinnati. Co
lumbus. Little Rock, Louisville, Mo
bile. Minneapolis, New Oreans and
St. Paul.
Lincoln, April 2. Overdraft on
the state general fund increased from
$1,609,000 to $1,800,000 during the
month of March,, according to a sum
mary being prepared by State Treas
urer Dan Cropsey.
Disbursements for the month ex
ceeded receipts, $187,317. The
amount taken in was $792,581.12
against expenditures of $979,896.60.
Monthly receipts of state taxes
from county commissioners will not
increase until real estate taxes begin
to come in next June according to
Phone us the new!
From Monday's Daily.
The many friends of Mr. A. C. Da
vis, chief clerk of the mechanical de
partment of the Burlington shops,
will regret to learn that Mr. Davis
and charming family are soon to
leave this city to -make their home
in Omaha. Mr. Davis is to leave the
mechanical department of the Bur
lington and to take up work iu the
offices of i. C. Allen, superintend
ent of the Omaha division of the rail
road. Mr. Davis vrill remain here.
however, until his successor can be
secured x in the local office.
D. J. Pittman, One of the Old Resi
dents of County, Passes Mile
stone of Life's Highway.
From Tuesday's Dally.
April 4, 1S52, saw the advent on
this sphere of David J. Pittman, who
has since become one of the foremost
citiens of Cass county and in honor
of the event, the children of this es
timable gentleman on last Sunday
arranged a (family dinner and cele
bration in honor of the happy event
at the O. A. Davis home at Murray,
where Mr. Pittman has made his
home for the greater part of the
time since coming to this state to
reside. The occasion was one of the
greatest of pleasure and especially
to the aged gentleman who was the
guest of honor of the day. Mr. and
Mrs. O. A. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Glen
Perry and family and Mr. and Mrs.
J. v. Pittman and family were in at
tendance at the dinner and to par
ticipate in the very happy time that
was enjoyed. x
During his residence in Murray
Mr. Pittman has been very actively
identified with the ibusiness interests
of that place and has also been very
prominent in the general life of the
county and has .been active in the
democratic party of the county. That
he may enjoy many more years of
success and happiness is the sincere
wish of the friends over the county.
From Tuesday's Dally.
This city was visited today by
Miss E. Ruth Pyrtle. -county super
intendeat of Lancaster county, and
who is a candidate for the office a!
state superintendent at the forth
coming primaries on July 18th. Miss
Pyrtle has been filling out the term
of Miss Jeanette Nelson as superin
tendent of Lancaster county and is
a lady well qualified in every way
for the office to which she aspires
and has in the past few years been
one of the leaders of educational
work -in the state and a favorite
teacher at the various institutes over
the state. The office is. nonpartisan
and the two highest candidates at
the primary will be placed before
the voters at the regular election
and the friends of Miss Pyrtle are
hopeful that she will be one of the
candidates at the fall election. Mrs.
Vilas P. Sheldon of Nehawka, ac
companied Miss Pyrtle in her swing
over Cass county
New York, April 2. A number of
famous men will attend a mass meet
ing of the Association Against the
Prohibition Amendment at Carnegie
hall on April 6. Stuyvesant Fish will
preside and boxes have been reserved
by Hermit Roosevelt, Augustus H.
Thomas, Irvin S. Cobb, Hudson Max
im and others of equal prominence.
The executive committee of the
Empire State Voters' league has
unanimously adopted the resolution
endorsing the activities of the anti
prohibition organization.
Edward S. Brogan, former assist
ant district attorney, is one of the
leaders in New York state in an at
tempt to obtain legislation to per
mit the sale of light wines and beer.
"This fight," said Brogan, "will
be against fanatics and fakers and
against any further unlawful inter
ference with the individual rights of
all citizens by the enactment of so
called blue laws."
From Monday's Dally.
Since the removal of Rev. A. V.
Hunter from this city the Boy Scout
movement nas been rather lagging
and the once successful organization
that was maintained here has been
allowed to become broken up. and
with a view of getting the Scouts
once more in active work, the Rev.
John Calvert this morning paid a
visit to the scout headquarters in
Omaha. While the task is one that
calls for much time and work, RevJ
Qalvert feels that it should be car
ried out and is willing to make a
sacrifice to get started. All those in
terested should call on Rev. Calvert.
From Tuesday's Dally.
The condition of Mrs. John Bing
ham is reported as being very ser-!
ious and during the past few days
she has gradually been growing
much worse and there is 'but little
hope of ner recovery entertained 'by.4
the members of ' the family. t
Enjoy Evening cf Discussion and a
ProgTam of Parliamentary
Drill and Jlnsic.
From Tuesday's Daily.
The Plattsmouth Woman's club
met last evening at the audirtiriuni
of the public library with a very
pleasing number in attendance and
the meeting was filled with many in
teresting discussions among the mem
bers as well us offering a splendidly
arranged program.
In the" absence of the president,
Mrs. E. A. Stanfitld, Mrs. Nelson Jean
presided over the meeting and the
ladies took up the discussion of the
matter of a playground for children
with supervision, such us are found
in many of the cities of the country
unci while no dsfinate action was tak
en, the club felt that this was a
most important matter.
On the roll call the members re
sponded with a current event that
served to bring the gathering in
toucli with manj' of the civic prob
lems of the day all over the nation
as well as with international affairs.
The musical program consisted of
piano numbers by Misses Genevieve
Whelan and Marvel Whittaker and
Mrs. R. B. Hayes in charge of the
parliamentary law department gave
a drill that covered some time and
brought the ladies in touch with the
procedure of public gatherings.
The musical and literary depart
ments are now reaching a stage
where they will be vital factors in
the club work and in these the la
dies find much that is useful as well
as inspirational.
Forty Armed Rotbers 'Loot Dozen
Cars After Holding Up Crew
i-. .Escape in-Automobiles. ..
Poughkeepsie, N. Y".. . April 2.
Forty bandits held up a special sugar
train on the New York Central early
today about 11 miles east of here,
and after ordering the train crew to
disconnect the engine and drive a
mile up the tracks, looted more than
two dozen cars. They then discov
ered they had held up the wrong
train and after firing a volley of
shots in the air, escaped in six auto
mobiles. Eight posses are now con
ducting a search for the bandits.
Before the train was held up every
telephone wire in the surrounding
country had been cut. Following the
holdup, the train crew was delayed
more than an hour in notifying au
thorities. The robbers were after the silk
and money train which leaves New
York City for Chicago every night at
midnight except Saturday. When the
sugar train reached Chelsea the en
gineer brought his long train to a
stop when a red signal was shown.
Immediately the bandits swarmed
aboard the train. Under threat of,
death the entire crew was ordered
into the engine or on the tender.
Four bandits stood guard over them
as the engineer was ordered "to drive
up the tracks about a mile. The rest
of the bandits remained to rifle the
About an hour later several shots
were fired in the air and the four
bandits who stood guard over the
train crew, taking this as a signal,
ran back to the cars. Fifteen min
utes later a volley of perhaps thirty
shots were fired at the engineer and
train crew by the bandits as they
climbed into their automobiles and
While the engineer and his fire
man proceeded in his engine to
Beacon, others of the train crew ran
back to the cars. The seals of more
than a score of the cars were broken
while the locks on others were smash
ed. Only the most valuable parcels
of merchandise were carried away.
New York, April 2. David Zalkiri.
driver of a municipal bus, was held
without bail for the grand jury to
day on a charge of homicide in con
nection with the death of Robert B.
Roosevelt, of Bayshore. N. Y., who
died yesterday of injuries believed to
have resulted from being st,ruck by
an automobile.
Roosevelt, who was 22 years old
and a second cousin of former Pres
ident Roosevelt, was found by a po
liceman unconscious in Columbus
avenue, near Eighth street, with a
fractured skull. He died a few hours
later in a hospital.
To our kind friends and neighbors
we desire to express our most heart
felt appreciation of their kindness
to us in. our time of sorrow and a
so to the Royal Neighbors, Eagles
and schools for their beautiful floral
remembrances. Mrs. Ada Newton
and family; Mr. and Mrs. L. I. New
ton and family.
Elak Books at the Journal Office.
From Tuesday's Dally.
This morning in the county court
Joe Duda and John Tondl. both of
i Omaha, were brought into court to
' answer to the charge of having
transported liquor contrary to the
J peace and dignity of the stcte of Ne-
biaska. and for which offense they
wera arrested on Saturday night at
the Platte river bridge. The court
after hearing the evidence in the
I maMer assessed upon the two men
.the fine of $100 and costs each of
Which figures $212, and al;o or
dered the Ford truck in which the
men were traveling, confiscated and
tu mod over to Sheriff Qtrinton for
fflling as per state law. This was
the first trip of the two men with li
quor (they tate and it has proven a
very costly one in every way for
Creed F. Harris, Present Commission
er from Second District is
Up for Re-Election.
From Tuesday's Dally.
The first filing for the office of
county commissioner was made this
morning when C. F. Harris, present
commissioner from the second dis
trict, filed with County Clerk George
Sayles his entry into the race for
Mr. Harris has been commissioner
since 1919, having been elected in
the fall of 1918 on the republican
ticket, and during his term of office
has become well known to the peo
ple of all sections of the county. He
was for many years one of the prom
inent farmers of Liberty precinct
and is now a resident of Union. Dur
ing his term Mr. Harris has tried to
serve the people of the county to the
best of his ability and will now give
them the opportunity of approving or
disapproving his service of the past
four years.
There are to be two commissioners
elected this fall and Fred H. Gorder
of the third district, who was elect
ed last fall to fill out the unexpired
term. of to be up for
re-election and while Mr. Gorder has
made no public statement as to his
position, his excellent services in his
office make it certain that his friends
will insist on his being a candidate
again for this office.
From Tuesday's Dally.
This morning the district court
was scheduled to take up the case
of Laura E. Ryons et al vs. Rebec
ca J. Ryons, et al, covering the par
tition of real estate situated in Cass
county, but owing to the illness of
some of the parties in the action
the case was passed until May 1st,
when Judge Bcgley will take it up
unless a favorable day can be found
in the term in Sarpy county, that
will permit the court to hear the
case. . Ex-Sena-tor Elmer J. Burkett,
Judge H. H. Wilson and C. M. Skiles,
distinguished members of the Lan
caster county bar, were here to take
part in the case and Attorney C. A.
Rawls of this city was also one of
the attorneys in the case.
Office supplies of all kinds han
dled at the Journal office.
Service With
ik ii it 1
The election is over! Now let's all
turn our attention to boosting Platts
mouth. Trie policy of this bank since
"1871 has always been to further by every
means consistent with sound banking the
steady growth of Plattsmouth and vicin
ity. And we always shall.
Co-operating with local merchants
and business men is one way in which we
are accomplishing this purpose.
We are constantly in close touch with
local conditions. Our commercial ac
counts receive our careful thought and at-
tention always. Is yours among them?
The First Natio?ai,3ank
Member Federal Reserve
Mrs. C. A. Trocp and Mrs. F. Spang
ler are Hostesses fcr W. C. T.
U. Yesterday Afternoon.
Frum Tut-aday's Daily.
The ladies of the W. C. T. U. chap
ter were very pleasantly entertain
ed yesterday afternoon at the home
of Mrs. C. A. Troop and Mrs. Kred
Spangler and Mrs. Thkp st-re Hie
hostesses. The afternoon wan f:in
over to a Mothers' mettaig with a
large attendance of the menilwr
present as well ns visitors and a
must delightful program Kiven.
Mrs H. G. McClusky. in her usual
charming manner handled her sub
ject. "Heartstrings." and which
made a deep impression on her audi
ence, while Mrs. John Calvert in dis
cussing "English Mothers." brought
out many interesting storit-s of the
mothers in the old world and tho
customs of the English jople in
their home life. Mrs. John Gordr
in "Mothers of Musicians" showed
a very remarkable knowledge uf the
women who had brought in the
world the great musical artists while
Mrs. R. B. Hayes gave a very inter
esting and helpful discussion of pres
ent day conditions that would ap
peal to the mothers of the nation.
The afternoon program was in
charge of Mrs. C. C. Wescott, while
the devotional program was handled
by Mrs. A. G Hollowell, and those
ladies acquitted themselves in a
splendid manner in getting such a
pleasant afternoon arranged
At the close of the afterno.m a
dainty luncheon was served that
came as the climax of a most de
lightful time.
From Tuesday Dally.
Today was the regular municipal
election day but to the average citi
zen this fact meant little as there
were no contests in the ek-ction save
in the fourth and fifth wards where
the race for councilman has brought
on a little excitement and interest.
The general city ticket and the first
second and third ward eouncllmcn
were unopposed and as a result a
Very light vote was cast "In those
wards altho a number of the voters
took the trouble to write in 'the
names of a number of their friends.
The day was in marked difference
to the times when political feeling
in the city campaigns ran high and
when candidates represented the po
litical parties rather than the "blocs"
that have grown up in the last few
years. The old war horses of the two
parties have almost vanished from
the scene of action, but in their time
they made the occasion of election
day one of real purpose and mean
Mrs. Christine Lowe, former resi
dent of this city and sister of W. F.
Evers. superintendent of the Ne
braska Masonic Home, wa operated
on Saturday at the Fenger hospital
In Omaha and is now reported as do
ing nicely. Mrs. Lowe was tal
very suddenly ill Saturday morning
at her home in Council Bluffs and
hurried to Omaha and placed in the
hospital there, where the operation
was performed.
Blank Books at Journal Office
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