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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 30, 1922)
PAGE FOUR PLATTSHOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOURNAL THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 1922. Cbc plattsmouth journal x PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY AT PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA Entered at Fostofflce, Plattsmoutb. Neb., as second-class mall matter R. A. BATES, Publisher SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Thou has well seen: For I will I am a light into the world, who- hasten mw word to perform it. Jer. 1-12. :o: Tomorrow may never come, but its bills do. :o: Roads in the United States total 2,478,552 miles. ft: Economy is easy when you never have money enough. Nothing ruins an old czr like the neighbors getting a new one. :o: If you are getting wrinkles, don't worry. That is all the prune has. o:o Road Hog: A man who keeps in the middle and leaves you both sides. soever believeth should not abide in darkness. John 12-46. :o: A man who loses his head easily isn't out much. o:o Fine motto: Open your eyes and shut your mouth. 0:0 Radium is quoted at $1,500,000 an ounce. Pay no more . :o: The handwriting on the wall shows the man rents the house. o.o When food or people are too rich they don't agree with one. o:o A highbrow is a person who wants his Eskimo Pie a la mode. Silver-plated can openers make an f . . . . . . . i excellent weaamg present. -o:or- A 13-month year, with thirteen rent paying days, would be unlucky ; for somebody. -:o:- A fine way to teach a small boy to fight is make him wear a red tie to school. :o: Mr. Plain Citizen candidly, if he doesn't like the coal strike he will have to lump it. :o: Bryan started running 'for the senate early; but perhaps hp has a long way to run. -:o:- Congressmen are sending you free seeds and hoping that they will raise votes. :o: When some people miss church they have to make up the sleep at home. :o: : Indications are, that this spring will be favorable for raising every thing. :o: Spring catalogues and backyard mussers of the soil are getting into action. -:o: :o:- Out at night, when a girl says she has cold hands she means she hasn't cold feet. o:o A man, said to be the biggest boot legger in the world, has been caught. He weighs 2S0. :o: The modern girl always gets mad when her fellow steals a kiss un less it is from her. -:o:- Amateur gardeners use hoes; am ateur golfers use clubs; the results are about the same. :o: Just one sentence from a woman is going to keep a man in 20 yearn. She is a woman judge. :o: : Peggy Joyce is writing a book on "My Husbands," which probably will tell all ahout their wife. :o: Being fair to the drivers, we will pay an auto rarely goes up on the sidewalk after its victims. o:o College students claim co-eds are cave women. Some ef our boys Judge the girls by their clothes. :o: Professor Courtiere says we stand too much. Yes, yes, we stand too much from foreign professors. o:o Monkeys have the most senr.e af ter men. says a trainer. This is an awful slam at women after men. - :o: Hash i.i not the port of last call! "between the table and the garbage can. Everything that ia left can be put into salad. Ex-Kaiser is writing a book on ruins. Must be a biography. :o: This year is hardly three months old and looks fine for its age. :o: Blessed are the poor in salary for they shall pay no income tax. p- Some singers get $1,000 a night. but look at the risk they run. :o: The best thing between us and foreign countries is two oceans. n:o- Ireland is using her own postage stamps. Quit licking the British. :o: A boy baby with a rich uncle nev er' has any trouble getting named. -o: According to one who knows, jazz is a good old tune slightly adulter ated. :o: Again we ask the phone company for a book showing the wrong num bers to call to get the right ones. :o: Chorus girls in a Paris show wear one feather only. About 10.000 Americans are wintering in Paris. :o:- i And 'just to show how things change, it used to be thought it was unconstitutional to arrest governors. :o: One employer is so enthusiastic over the future he even predicts pen ny slot machines will be working :o: A Texas man married a girl he went with 30 years. After that prac tice, he ought to be able to live with her. :o- A senator wants to raise the post age again. Bet some Ponzis lay in a supply of stamps while ' they are cheap. You dbn't have to go to a medium to have your past told. All you have to do is to run for office. : to: Blanton of Texas seems to be to the house just what Jim Reed is to the senate whatever that is. o : o The proof of the pudding is in the eating, but the proof of the bootleg is in the undertaker's profits. - :o: Washington reports "the public debt grew to $90,000,000 last month; but what's a few millions when we can't pay them? :o: Evidence cannot be measured in terms of opinion," says a writer. Most of it these days is measured in pints and quarts. :o: A man claims he married fourteen or fifteen times because he was hit by a baseball bat when young. Base ball is dangerous. :o: If a friend differs with you ser iously in an opinion, don't discuss the matter with him. What are opin ions compared to friends. :o: The manifestation of interest and determination to keep Plattsmouth on the baseball map is highly grati fying, but the interest and enthusi asm should not be confined to-those public spirited citizens who have tak en a lead in the matter. :o: Cash Prices Mean Lower Prices! Many people have learned that our prices are the lowest! If you haven't we are both losing! Our merchandise is the Best. We feature Union Made Goods. Just a Fov; of Our Many Specials for Saturday! Dry Goods! . New curtain scrims, ,cash price Q per yard, only mLU Striped chambrays ideal for 1 Q shirts and waists. Per yard.: !. 36-inch percales, all patterns, at or per yard Ltd New Zephyr ginghams. Special o -l price per yard tul Ladies' cotton hose, all colors, - Q at per pair X7 Children's ribbed hose. Special -l Q price, per pair xJ Ladies' good quality silk hose. or Price, per pair OD Ladies' muslin gowns, very spec- QQ ial at O Shoes for Men's Wear! McDonald work shirts, union -t f made, at each L UU Men's work sox, seamless, at per - pair, only JL O Lion brand work sho;s good A nr quality, at per pair T.9tdO Ladies oxfords, in black and A A (1 brown. Latest styles at flff) Men's dress shoes, black and M nr brown. Special at r3 Young men's new spring caps f Qf? very latest styles and patterns Infants' shoes. High grade, good 7( quality, per pair i J Good Groceries! 15 lbs. pure granulated sugar J QQ Nutro milk, large size. Special n" price, 3 cans for t3 Pork and beans, best quality at -i per can 1U 4 bars of P.. and G. laundry soap 1C for Blue Rose rice, 3 lbs. at our nr money saving price of ." tO Del Monte peaches, best quality on at, per can 1 JJ Calumet baking powder, large II A size can for 3U BRING US YOUR EGGS We guarantee you the HIGHEST PRICES We Sell for Cash and Sell for ' Less! W aggers - Phone 206 FRAWK I. FAPJGER, Proprietor rtmemt S4oir Plattsmouth, Neb. L WORK TOGETHER :o:- The man who doesn't say "attact ed" and "hadn't ought" is almost an educated man. In fact a literrry man with a great deal of finish. o:o Z2 "It don't take a man long to bag his pants at the knees, and to make a finely tailored suit look thoroughly dwrepu table that's the man of it," avers Dainty Dorthy. But she goes on to explain that the man who i3 making use of our cleaning, steaming and pressing services Is keep ing his clothes in much more presentable condition than when he got acquainted with us. And it doesn't cost much, either. It is hoped the flapper feels prop- i erly complimented when she is call ed a national menace. Nobody seems inclined to all the cake eater. much of anything. :o: Germany is sure it can't meet the new demands of the reparations commission, but the commission is open to reason. All it insists upon is that Germany try. :o: Several of New York's leading bandits have been going bankrupt lately, indicating that a little group of brute husbands Somewhere in the city have put their feet down hard. :o: : The British view that the Ameri can demand for the repayment of the cost of the army in Germany is just but Inopportune indicates where we made our mistake. We should have demanded something unjust but timely. -o:o- Gaoda Called for and Delivered k'fl:iH:ii PHONE Ifotr We wish tires wouldn't blow out at least we wish they wouldn't 'blow out in our "neighborhood at night. We keep wondering all the evening who'lias beerv shot, and are disappointed to find next morning that nobody was. :o: Marry within your own clan, says Edith Rockefeller McCormick. or 'end your days In slavery. Edith learned her lesson when she wan dered from tho oil tribe and let her- Iself be carried off by one of those farm machinery sheiks. Mrs. Asquith says that when she sees the American girls with their painted faces and .bony knees and fat calves, she believes sae has found the reason for the celebrated moral ity of American men. Uh huh, and now it occur3 -to us that the girls have enough LUNGARDIA is "without a rival" in ordinary, or deep-seated Coughs and Colds-, difficult breathing, and for the relief of whooping cough. The wonderful results following its use will astonish you and make you Its life-long friend. Your money back, if you have ever used its equal. Danger lurks where there Is a congh or colcL. Safe for all ages. 60c and 1.20 per -bottle. Manufactured by Lungardia Co., Dallas, Texas. For sale by - Weyrich & Hadraba WO 7 EN Can You Use Some EXTRA MONEY If you want to earn some extra mon ey in your SPARE TIME, show your friends aud neighbors a new and handy household article, wanted in every home. NO MONEY REQUIRED. I must have a representative in each town and community. Write me TO DAY, NOW before you forget It. A post card will do. miss m: K. OLSON, Plattsmouth - : Nebraska Jake 12651 mm I , A 1 Sw - V Jake is a black jack with white points. Was foaled May 28, 1912. Is 15 hands high, weight 1150. Sired by Big Jake, and his dam was Lady Elgin. He is an excellent jack and has a good reputation as a foal getter. TEDDY R., 97686 Teddy R. is a fine Percheron stal lion, black with white hind feet and right front foot also white. He was foaled March 30. 1912, and weighs 1900 pounds. His sire was Morton, 67203; by Epateur, 51836. (64349); by Uolivar, -40111 (46462); by Arailcar (19979); by Sultan (4713); by Bayard (9495); by Kstraba. 187 (736); by son of Jean le Blanc (739.) Teddy R. and Jake will make the season of 1922 at my home six miles west of Murray and six miles east of Manley, every day in the week. Terms for Teddy It., $12.50 to in sure colt to .stand and suck. Terms for Jake. $i5.00 to insure colt to stand and such. When parties dis pose of mares or, remove from the locality service fee becomes due and must be paid Immediately. All care will be taken to prevent accidents. but owner will not be held respon- lt is a hopeful augury for the bus iness community when retail mer chants get together and stick to gether. They have never exercised the dominant influence in the com munity, to which they are entitled because of the lack of co-operation among them. The various distinctive groups should combine for their common Interest and then these groups should amalgamate into one general, organization of retailers. One of the most valuable fruits of thia co-operation has been found to be greater efficiency of credit infor mation. Many merchants have been profited in the aggregate enormous ly because of a service of this kind. ; conditions. It is well recognized that the re-j a. ii i a. it. n . : i . ; i nil njei cnam lb iuo gitaiesi aiiigic force in the commercial world be cause he knows what the public wants and keeps in intimate contact with the flowing tides of humanity. Some manufacturers have undertak en to eliminate the retailer by ex tensive advertising and .by direct telling methods but most of these departures have proven abortive and have inflicted very little injury on the man who looks after the miscel laneous needs of millions of consum ers. The retailer has ms- prooiems and harrassments, which if he should have access to a council taTle or others who are beset with the same sort of troublesome details, he would find his burden lessened and the ef ficiency of his business promoted to an immense extent. No retailer should allow a mistaken self interest or petty jealousy prevent him from joining with his brothers in business for their mutual advantage. :o: the exception bf one, and in these states the rule is that the children must attend school a fixed period of time each year until they are six teen. But in many states, for exam ple, Mississippi, the compulsory sys tem has been in operation but a short while. The law is not yet pro ducing the results which the matur-j ing effect of time should exact of it. Manifestly such a condition as de scribed by Dr. Tigert could not ex ist in a country where all, or prac tically all , children, ilad long been required to 'attend "School annually until they were sixteen. Of course allowance must ibe made for dull children who could not take an ed ucation very well under the best of nal, a semi-weekly newspaper print ed in county, for three succes sive weeks, prior to said day of hear ing. Dated March 3rd. 1922. ALLEN J. BEESON, ni6-2w. County Judge SHERIFF'S SAL1S State of Nebraska, County of . Cass, OUR SCHOOL SYSTEM not been wearing them short jsIMe should any occur rh In Nebraska. I A. J- Si SCHAFER. Dr. John J. Tigert, Federal Com missioner of Education, declares that the educational system of the Unit ed States is almost at a breakdown for these reasons: Only one pupil in four completes instruction in the elementary grades. In eighty cities where school conditions are most fa vorable, only half of the pupils s;o thru these grades. In no state, he says, are more than ii per cent oi the enrolled pupils completing high school course. In 37 states the per centage is less than ten. Of all the high school minils "more than half get no further than the first year.' Yet, says the New York American In every school district increasing difficulty is found in providing suf ficient school buildings, equipment and teachers .to accomodate the growing elementary attendance. "In none Is the teaching staff adequate ly paid." Dr. Tigert ..suggests no remedy, but the American does, saying: It is to change the method of grading go that each pupil may advance as rapidly as desirable and none be put back, ito go over old ground. Only by accelerating the rate of progress and saving tremendous costs of needless duplication and delays can the school plant be made to produce a satisfac tory product at a price the taxpay ers can afford to pay." 1 There is a compulsory school at tendance law in every state, . with NOTICE TO CREDITORS The State of Nebraska, Cass coun ty, ss. In the County ;ourt. . In the matter of the estate of Wil liam Hendricks, deceased. To the creditors of said estate: You are hereby notified, that I will sit at the County Court room in Plattsmouth in said county, on the 25th day of April, 1922. and the 25th day of July, 1922, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of each day, to receive and examine all claims against said estate with a view to their adjust ment and allowance. The time lim ited for the presentation of claims against said estate is three months from the 25th day of April, A. D. 1922, and the time limited for pay ment of debts is one vear from said 25th day of April. 1922. Witness my hand and the seal of said countv court, this 25th day of March, 1922. ALLEN J. BEESON. (Seal) m27-4w County Judge. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The State of Nebraska, Cass coun ty, ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of John II. Becker, deceased. To the creditors of said estate: You are hereby notified that I will sit at the County Court room in Plattsmouth in said county on April 22. 1922, and July 22, 1922, at 9 o'clock a. m., on each day, to receive and examine all claims against said estate, with a view to their adjust ment and allowance. The time lim ited for the presentation of claims against said estate is three months from the 22nd day of April, A. D. 1922, and the time limited for pay ment of debts is one year from said 22nd clay of April. 1922. Witness inv hand and the seal of said County Court, this 20th clay of March. 1922. ALLEN J. BEESON. Seal ni23-4w County Judge ss. By virtue of an execution issued by James Robertson, Clerk of the District Court, wMth'in and for Cass county, Nebrarka, and to me direct ed, I will on the 3rd day of April, A.-D. 1922, at 10 o'clock a. m., of said day, at the south door of the court house in said county, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the following property to-wit: Lots ten T10) and eleven (11) in Block forty-two (42) in the -City of Plattsmouth. Cass coun ty, Nebraska the same being levied upon and taken as the property of John Kinser, de fendant, to satisfy a judgment of said court recovered by The Immanuel Hospital, a corporation, plaintiff, against said defendant. riattsmouth, Nebraska, March 2, A. D. 1922. C. D. QUINTON. Sheriff Cass County, Nebraska. WOMEN IN RACE FOR CONGRESS NUMBER FIVE Five Hope to Help Make Laws. at Washington Ashland Woman Represents Nebraska. ROAD NOTICE To Whom It May Concern: The Board of County Commission ers of Cass county, Nebraska, has opened a public road on the section line between the SW'i of Section one (1) and the NWU of Section twelve, (12) in Township ten, (10) north of Range thirteen, (13) east of the sixth (6th) P. M., Cass coun ty, Nebraska, three rods in width, the center line of said highway being the section line between said tracts, and all claims for damages must be filed iu the office of the County Clerk on or before noon of the 11th day of May, A. D. 1922. - Witness my hand and seal this 8th dav of March, A. D. 1922. GEO. R. SAYLES. County Clerk of Cass (Seal) ml6-4w. County. HOLD A HIGHWAY MEETING. ORDER OF HEARING on Petition -for Appointment of Administrator. The State of Nebraska, Cass coun ty, ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Matthew Gering, deceased. On reading and filing the petition of Mia Gering, Barbara Gering ana Eda Herold praying that administra tion of said estate may be granted to Henry It. Gering, as Administrator; Ordered, that March autn, a. u. 1922. at ten o'clock a. to.. Is assigned for hearing said petition, when all persons interested in said matter may appear at a County Court to be held in and for said county, and show cause why the prayer of peti tioner should not be granted; ana that notice of- the pendency of said ' petition aiJU lUW uaxiius, it iveu to all persons interested in said matter, by publishing a copy oi this order in the Plattsmouth Jour- Valentine, Neb.. March 26. A great meeting in the interest of the Grant highway was held recently at the Cherry county court house in this city under the auspices of the valen tine good roads and community club Malcolm MacKinnon, secretary of the Grant highway association, who is on his- way from Chicago to Port land, and who had just made an in spection of the road between Stuart and Valentine, by way- of Cams, Springview. Nordon and Sparks, was present and outlined the progress be ing made in the development of a direct route for tourist travel from the third city in the world to the Pacific coast by way of Yellowstone park, the Snake river valley in Idaho, the old Oregon trail and the Colum bia river highway in Oregon. Cherry "county is the largest coun ty in Nebraska, being about the size of the state of Connecticut and re ceives the largest amount of state and federal aid under the Nebraska law. At the first Grant highway meet ing held here in 1919, no road had beeu built. Since that time twenty five miles of state federal road has been constructed, all of it on the Grant highway and a project is un der way for the construction of an other line of the Grant road between this city and.Crookston. ' Altogether about S400,000 will have been expended in' these im provements by the end of the present Chicago,' March 27. The follow ing women are among those running for congress this year: Mrs. Ellen Duance Davis of Philadelphia, 'Mrs. Winnifred Mason Huck of Chicago, Mrs. Marry Belle Spencer of Hill Top, Cook county. 111., Mrs. Irene Cleveland Buell of Ashland Neb., and Mrs. A. K. Gault, mayor of St. Peter Minn. The latter two are sisters. The Philadelphia candidate seek ing the democratic nomination., is a great-great-granddaughter of Benja min Franklin, who as a boy exchang ed argumentative letters with .a friend defending the propriety':of educating women and theif fitness for education. He explained in his autobiography, however, that he took this advanced stand "perhaps a lit tle for dispute's sake." Though times have changed, the present candi dates encounter an attitude of sur prise sometimes, Judging from re marks of Mrs. Buell and Mrs. Huck. "It makes me weary to have peo ple expect me to be a freak because I am interested in politics," says Mrs. Buell of Nebraska, who adds, "moth er always said I was the most do mestic of her four daughters." Mrs. Huck, who is the daughter of tne late congressman William E. Mason, in a statement to the wo men's press, replies to a young wo man's remark, "The nerve of her go ing into such a big campaign." with the comment that "to be a good con gressman," as she means to be, will require even more "nerve.". Mrs. Buell. the "most domestic"- of her mother's fonr daughters, has been city prosecutor of Ashland since 1918, though one mayor tried vain ly to discharge her when she per sisted in prosecuting his brother. Mrs. Gault. the Minnesota candi date, is Mrs. BuelPs. sister. The two have filed papers in accordance with an agreement of long standing be tween the sisters that If one ran for congress the other should do like wise, Mrs. Buell safs. Mrs. Bue41 set the example. The Nebraska woman, who classes herself as a progressive democrat, adds that their father was the first mayor of the municipality of which Mrs. Gault is now mayor, and that politics runs In the familv. Similly, Mrs. Huck, republican, says that common interests with her father and determination to contin ue his work led her to file for con gressman at large to fill the vacancy created by his death. She says the fact that she is happily married and the mother of four healthy children influenced party leaders to desira her candidacy. Fordson tractors reduced to $395. Plattsmouth Motor Co. w Call and see the latest things in Easter novelties that the Journal has on hand from the beautiful East- er cards to the cunning chicks and bunnies. Hemstitching and picoting attach ment; fits all sewing machines. Price $2; checks 10c extra. Lights Mail Order House, Box 127, Birming ham, Ala. . EGGS AND CKEAM X We will buy Saturday at the fal lowing prices: cream, 33c; eggs, igc s- . Olson, M. W. A. building. Easter seals of all designs and which make a pleasurable touch to the favor of the Eastertide.