The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 30, 1922, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Umiom Bepsirtmem
Prepared Exclusively for The Journal.
That is Our
Sure it is our business to please the trade, and to
do this we are doing the very best work. Auto supplies
also standard and always the best. We are here to
succeed, and we can do it only by giving the best of
service in every instance.
The Auto Man
S. L.. Cotner was a visitor in Un
ion last Sunday driving down in his
J. C. Hansel had a truck load of
hogs at the market at Nebraska City
last Monday.
D. B. Porter was looking after
some business matters in Platts
mouth last week.
Business called R. E. Foster to
Nebraska City last Saturday where
he was attending a horse sale.
Jesse Pell who has 'been sick at
his home is reported as being con
siderable better at this writing.
Miss Mary E. Foster was a visitor
at the home of her parents. Mr. and
Mrs. D. W. Foster for over Sunday.
Mrs. J. C. Miller of Omaha was a
visitor at the home of her daughter.
Mrs. Ralph Davis for the week end.
V. H. Porter and daughter. Miss
Leah, were guests for Sunday at the
country .home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C.
Mr. Lemuel Barritt was a visitor
at home for a number of days dur
ing the week end and the fore part
of this week.
Attorney C. L. Graves. C. W. Car
raher and Mrs. Clara Davis were
i 4 4"- .
i WM. F. RACE, M. D. i
Specializing in Deep
Seated Diseases
AH serums, animal extracts
and lymphs used where in
dicated. Telephone No. 31
Opposite Farmers Store
Poland -Chinas! I
25 Boars, 25 Gilts. last winter's j
farrowing, ready for service. Large;
Type Poland China can have pa
pers" on them for $25 per individual.
Phone 5911
G. S. UPTON, !
Confidence and better things are coming back.
Farm products are again on the up grade in price. We
are glad of it, and would like to see it higher
We are selling our goods at prices in many cases
lower, and are carrying an excellent line of Groceries,
Shoes, Hardware, Work Clothes, Etc., and are always
ready to serve you.
Remember this is the store for the best service.
We are paying the highest prices for country pro
duce. Your patronage invited.
We are giving the best possible service in the re
pairing of Storage Batteries. We carry an excellent line
of new storage batteries at very reasonable prices. Elec
tric light bulbs for residences and business , houses as
well as for autos. ,
w. h. Dubois,
PHONE NO. 40 -:- -:- UNION, NEBR.
Union, Neb.
looking after some business matters
in Plattsmouth last Monday.
Mr. Henry Becker,, shelled corn
last Tuesday at the home of Mr.
Charles Garrison which he placed in
bins for feeding of his stock.
Mrs. B. A. Taylor, who has been
sick for the past week at her home
is reported as feeling somewhat bet
ter during the past few days. .
Dr. E. S. Furay was a visitor in
Omaha for over Sunday returning
home at noon Monday and was the
guest of relatives while there.
Earl Merritt has just completed
the interior decoration of the restau
rant and is enjoying himself some
of the effects of his handiwork.
C. S. Stottler shelled and deliv
ered corn at the elevator of McCar
thy and Sturm, the work of shelling
being done by Mr. H. H. Becker.
Thomas McQuinn was a visitor
last Monday afternoon to the coun
ty seat where he was looking after
some business at the court house.
Wade and Craig Polling of Ne
braska City were in Union last Mon
day being called here to look after
some business matters for the day.
II. E. Warden has been suffering
from an, attack of rheumatism which
has made it very unpleasant for him
to get around and look after his
John T. Porter and family of near
Otoe were guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. D. B. Porter for Sunday
they all enjoying the meeting very
W. L. Taylor and family and Mr.
and Mrs. Almond Taylor of Omaha
were spending Sunday at the heme
of Mrs. B. A. Taylor and daughter
John T. Porter and family of near
Otoe Were guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. D. B. Porter for Sunday,
li.ey all enjoying the meeting very
Misses Alice Todd and Naomi Mau
gay. who are attending school at the
state university, are home for the
week it being the regular spring va
ation. Miss Gladys Baton, who has been
visiting" for some time at the home
of her sister. Mrs. Charles Mark at
Wakefield, returned home a few
days since. McCarthy of Wyoming was
looking after some business matters
in Union last Monday afternoon be
ing at the meeting of the Keystone
Pipe company.
James T. Reynolds, who bas been
on the sick list for some time past,
was ntle to be up and clown town
for the first time last Monday bat
was not feeling the best as yet.
Mr. Eugene Roddy is putting the
interior of the Thomas Cromwell
building in excellent condition for
some' business which it is expected
will be there ir. the near future.
W. K. Fox. Jr.. and Wm. Hisrh
field representing the Nebraska Gas
& Electric Co. nf Plattsmouth. were
in Union last Monday looking after
is Better!
some business matters for their com
pany. On account of the absence from
the city of Mrs. S. Miller the teach
er of the World Wide Guild Girls,
j the yhave decided to postpone their
i regular meet ins from April 1 to Ap
ril S.
The Farmers store are having
constructed an addition to their
warehouse for the better handling
of their business and -will thus be
in better condition to handle their
ever increasing trade.
L. J. Austin has entered into bus-
iness and has been looking after the
matter of draying in Union for the
past week. This makes two dray
lints in the village and with a will
ingness of both to do work.
W. II. Pitzer of Nebraska City was
a visitor in Union last Monday be
ing at the meeting of the stockhold
ers of the Keystone Pipe company,
who met at the offices of the secre
tary. Mr. W. B. Banning.
Ray Becker, notwithstanding the
fact that it was Sunday, dragged the
roads from the Becker home to the
highway, as to have waited would
have allowed the ground to become
hardened and harder to work.
A. R. Dowler and wife with their
little one were spending Sunday and
a part of Monday at Omaha where
they visited at the home of Mrs.
Dowler's sister and when also he was
looking after some business matters.
L. W. Crawford who has been
working for the Missouri Pacific for
some time as a carpenter and who
is located just now at Elmwood, was
a visitor at home for over Sunday
and returned to his work last Mon
day. There will be regular services at
the Methodist church on the coming
Sunday with the Bible school and
morning service in the morning at
th eregular hours and the Young
Peoples meeting and evening service
in the evening.
Lust Sunday the Missouri Pacific
had the misfortune to have one o! the
tires of one of their large freight en
gines come o;T which delayed traffic
until they had a machinist come and
repair the crippled giant and all3v
the stream of traffic to flow again.
Mrs. Charles Van Doren of Forest
Grove, Oregon, who has been visit
ing for some time at the home of
Mrs. and Mrs. E. E. Leach, departed
a few days since for Nebraska City
where she was visiting with friend.
as well as looking after some shop
ping. The Missionary society of the
Methodist church held their regular
meeting at the home of Mrs. 15. A.
Taylor and daughter. Miss Elsie,,
when they had a very pleasant meet
ing the being stewardship, and tli
Mite Box. Mrs. L. G. - Todd was the
Miss Mildred McMullen. primary
teacher at the Syracuse schools, was
the guest, of her friends the Missel
Angie and Nettie McCarroll. who
spent the week end at the home of
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Mc
Carroll. they all returning to their
work Sunday evening.
C. E. Severyn, who has been hav
ing such a tussle with the grippe
for the past few weeks, is looking
afttr l is duties iis superintendent,
and while he is doing the work his
health ard condition wil hardly jus
tify him in as far as he has not suf
ficient strength as yet for the or
deal. However, he is making good
in his work even if it is a hard piece
of work for him in his condition.
Your Lumber Sawed
Take yonr native logs to the Shel-
i don Manufacturing Company's saw
mill at Nehawka, Neb. E're them
sawed into demention lumber at
$14.00 per thousand.
Takes the Grader Himself
Last Monday while the Rev. W. A.
Taylor was called away to officiate
at a funeral of a little child. Coun
ty Commissioner C. F. Harris took
his place and went out on the grader
looking after the getting of the roads
in good shape. This is the kind of a
man whether he is in office or not
to . kindly take up the work of a
neighbor and help things along when
the matter is needed.
Getting Along Nicely
! Allison Clark who suffered a frac
ture of one of his legs some weeks
since and which was one of the most
severe cases is no up and around
the home and is doing nicely and
will it is hoped soon be able to be
cut and around again.
Red Polled Bull For Sale
I have an excellent Red Polled
bull for sale.
j Don't Forget This Meeting
' On Friday evening of this week
March 31, there will be a meeting
of the Parent-Teachers association
at the auditorium of the school,
when there will be discussed meas
, ures which effect 'the scholar, the
: teacher and the parent, and these
iwill be taken up in a way which it
lis hoped wil be beneficial to all con
cerned. All are requested to keep in
mind the matter of a box, for there
will be a box supper given and an
abundance of eats will help things
i along nicely.
Golden Millet Seed
Golden millet seed for sale, one
dollar per bushel. H. E. Warden. Un
ion. Phone 4503. m30-3sw
Enjoys Her Prize
Miss Hose Brandt, who won the
second prize in the spelling contest
I wnien was nem at Plattsmouth a,
'short time since is well pleased with!
the winning and a well being pret-
ty well satisfied with the record she'
made in her spelling. In the latter
her teacher. Miss Bessie LaRue, had
much to do, as she has been an ex-
cellent instructor, not alone in the
matter of spelling tut is teaching an
excellent school.
Has Sold His Dairy
Mr. E. E. Leach, who has been
conducting the dairy business in Un
ion for sorat time past has disposed
cf his business to Mr. M. Lynde, who
is taking the business over an I will
look after the wants of the citizens
of Union in the future. Mr. Lynde
is an excellent citizen and should
make the business a paying venture.
Mr. Leach wil dispose of his other
property at a public sale but will
remain a citizen of Union and con
tinue to be connected with the com
mercial activities of the city.
The Easiness Looks Good
Last Monday the stockholders of
the Keystone Pipe company met at
the office of the secretary. W. B.
Banning, and looked after the mat
ters of business of the company and
found everything in excellent condi
tion with a good business and bet
ter prospects for the present year
than they have had at any time in
the past. This is. very flattering
when it is considered that many a
strong institution has gone to the
wall during the time.
W. C. T. U. Will Meet
The W. C. T. U. will meet on
April 4 at the home of Mrs. Charles
Garrison when they will look after
the business of the organization and
after which there wil be had a dis
cussion of the subject, "Mothers'
Meeting," with Mrs. L. G. Todd the
leader. A most profitable and pleas
ant time is expected.
Will Attend Convention
The "Rev. and Mrs. S. Miller, rep
resenting the Baptist church at Un
ion, departed for Grand Island on
Wednesday of this week where they
go to the state convention and where
they will also visit at the home of
their son, F. B. Miller and family of
that nlif p. Mr. LeRov Miller, their
son who is attending school &t Peru
was also elected as delegate to the
convention from that place and will
atend and visit with the brother
and family. Mrs. O. M. Starr of Glen
ville, near there, will also visit and
thus the family circle will be -'om-pleted
and as well as attending 'the
convention they wil all enjoy a fam
ilv reunion.
Bring in Your Es
The Missionary society of the Bap
tist church will meet at the borne of
Mrs. L. R. Upton and as there is to
be a case of eggs sent to the Chris
tian Center at Omaha it will be nec
essary to bring in the eggs when you
come to meeting.
The H-P Transfer Co.. owners and
operators of the Green Bus line be
tween 'Nebraska City and Omaha,
are Nebraska men. re reliable and
responsible. The members of the firm
do the driving. Your life is perfectly
safe in our hands.
The United States Civil Service
commission has announced an exam
ination to be held at the postoffice in
Plattsmouth on May ICth, 1922. to
fill the position of rural carrier at
Louisville and vacancies that may
later occur on rural routes from that
post office.
The salary of a rural carrier on a
standard daily wagon route of 24
miles is $1,800 per annum, with an
additional $30 per mile per annum
for each mile or major fraction there
of in excess of twenty-four miles.
The salary cn motor routes ranges
from $2,450 to S2.G0O per annum,
according to length. Separate ex
aminations for motor routes and
waton routes are no longer held. Ap
pointments to both positions will be
made from the same register.
The examination will be open only
to citizens who are actually domiciled
in the territory of the Louisville post
office and who meet the other re
quirements set forth in Form 1977.
Both men .and women, if qualified,
may enter this examination, but ap
pointing officers have the legal right
to specify the sex desired in request
ing certification of eligibles. Women
will not be considered for rural car
rier appointment unless they, are
widows of V. S. soldiers, sailors or
marines, or the wives of U. S. sol
diers, sailers or marines who are
physically disqualified for examina
tion by reason of injuries received in
the line of military duty.
Form 1977 and application blanks
may be obtained at either the Platts
mouth or Louisville post offices or
fnra the United States Civil Service
commission at Washington, I). C. Ap
plications should be forwarded to the
commission, at Washington. D. C, at
the earliest practical date.
Get the latest edition of America's
mort popular fiction magazine, the
Red Bock, at the Journal office. Now
ready for the reading public.
Last week one day while James
Hill of near Murray was working
on an old auto which he was cutting
tntn that bp misrht use the seats for
the children for a seat in the yard.
the parts came into a sudden falling
tnypther and ralchinc Mr. Hill in
such a way that one of his ears was
badly cut and which he had to nave
sewed together by the surgeon. He is
c-ettfnp- n Ion cr nil riffht. hut the in
jured member is still very sore.
Last Friday ' evening Henry Shu
maker had the misfortune to fall
down the stairs leading to the cel
lar of his home in N'ehawka, suffer
ing many cuts and bruises, but es
caping without any broken bones.
Dr. Gilmore was called to dress the
wounds and otherwise than the sore-
ne?s and cuts which uncle Henry
suffered he is getting along as well
as could weel be expected from the (
nature of the injury. j
Contractors Don't Want Them at the
Present Wage Scale Confer
ence to Settle Matter.
Lincoln, March 27. Governor Mc
Kelvie announced he would call a
conference of the state board of con
trol, state highway department state
law enforcement department and
Warden W. T. Fenton. in an effort
EiQEiey in Overcoats!
Yes, there's money in overcoats for you now. You
can buy a $40 overcoat now for $25 and keep the $15
that's just like finding it in the pocket. NOW is a
good time to buy an overcoat NOW is when you can
make money in buying it. Your old coat has done its
duty replace it with a new for less than you can buy
it next Fall.
C. E. Wescott's Sons
to find a way to work convicts on
roads. Convict road work began two
years ago at the governor's direction.
George Johnson, state engineer,
has declared contractors will work
more cheaply with free labor than
with convicts at SI. 12 a day, with
guard and maintenance overhead.
The board of control has refused
to reduce wages of convicts, and de
mands that the department of pub
lic highways pay for guards while
convicts are on roads.
Fenton has asserted that if road
work by convicts ceases it will break
morale of the institution and he has
100 men available for such work.
"I am certain we can find a solu
Uniforn Planting
More Bushels
UNIFORM planting at a rapid rate is made possible by
combining the Oliver No. 30 double lister with the Ford
son tractor. The accurate dropping mechanism of the lister
is perfectly adjusted to the speed of the Fordson, and so
the seed is dropped accurately and at a uniform depth.
The covering discs supply the power for the dropping, and
they are held in the ground by springs so adjusted that the
planting device rides over ridges just as smoothly as on level
This double lister is as simple to, handle as the well-lmown
Oliver No. 7 gang plow. It will back and turn short ccrners.
So, you see, this is a truly one-man outfit.
Over 200,000 Fordson Farmers. Use Oliver Tillage Implements
tion of the problem in a thort time,"
the governor said.
We a piano left on our hands
a perfectly good instrument. Will
deduct amount paid by original pur
chaser. Balance can be paid in easy
payments. Write or phone A Hospe
Company, Omaha.
My7-room modern home, 11th and
m29-eod FRANK A. CLOIDT.