The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 27, 1922, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    HONDA Y, MARCH 27, 1922. -
AU11 dL
Gofo Panning and Qusinpcc!
a steady hand we have endeavpred to face
the situation in the business and financial wprld during
the times which are just now vanishing into the past.
We are now at the threshold of a better day; we
are rapidly passing the crucial time and are entering
into a time of prosperity. The products of agriculture
are appreciating in price, and this is placing the farmer
in better condition.
Let each one bear in mind this is the time for con
servative and energetic action.
We believe in better times, and let us all try to
make them permanent when they arrive. We are here
to render the best service possible in the making of this
prosperity for all, and making it lasting.
The Bank of CITurdock
"The Bank where You Feel at Home"
KE2IEY A. TOOL, President J. E. GUTHMANN, Vice-Prcs.
We Are Headquarters
Harvester Oil Axle Grease Hard Oils
All Kinds of Motor Oil
Our Prices are Always Right
Vou IIS lavs
Yes you have all waited for the decline of the price
of lumber and it has come, and you are needing the
buildings which you had thought to have had built.
During the time the prices of your products have also
advanced in price. This we are pleased to know.
The prices of lumber and building material has
suffered as much a decline as any could reasonably ex
pect. Really the tendency with the increased building
which is sure to come, might strengthen the market
The young pigs will be safer with a good, dry
warm place. The chickens will lay better with a sunny
warm house. And how about your home? Is it as
comfortable as the family need?
The world is going forward; let's us get busy.
Tool, flaunian & fMsy,
The Lumbermen
Wednesday Special!
One Lot Percales
Lights, Greys and Dark Blue
36in Wide Good Heavy Grade!
-iurdoclt lereantilB Co,,-
J. Johanson accompanied Leo Rikli
last week when he shipped his cat
tle to the South Omaha market.
John Amgwert was kept from his
work for a couple of days last week
on account of an attack of the la
AV'm. Bourke shipped a car of cat
tle and also a car of hogs from Mur
dock last Monday to the South Om
aha market.
' O. J. Pothast and wife were visit
ing in Lincoln for the evening of
Thursday last, returning home Fri
day morning.
Miss Minnie Dei km an, who is
spending a short time at home visit
ing was a guest of friends at Ashland
last Wednesday.'
C. S. Murfin of Weeping Water
and Win. Murfin of Wabash were in !
Murdock looking after some business
last Wednesday.
Mr. Jesse Landholm has just over
hauled and had repainted the Ford
sedan of Mr. I. G. Hornbeck, which
makes it like new.
H. W. Tool, Charles Schafer and I.
G. Hornbeck were in attendance at
the Shriner's meeting in Lincoln last
Thursday and Friday.
Miss Anna Amgwert. who is mak
ing her home in Lincoln, was a visi
tor for a few days at the home of
her mother, Mrs. B. Amgwert.
Mrs. Fred Bronkow and children
have been kept to the home on r.c
count of the prevailing grippe, but
are improving some the last few
E. W. Thimgan and wife were
visiting with friends and also look
ing after some business matters in
Lincoln last week, making the trip
in their auto.
Mr. Louis Newman east of Mur
dock is having his home newly redec
orated, and has made a wise choice
when he gave the work to the Dus
terhoff shops.
Little Caroline Hornbeck. daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hornbeck,
has been having trouble with tonsil-J
:tis and while she is getting along, is
somewhat sick as yet.
If you want all the Cass county
news, there is only one place to get
it in the columns of the Journal.
Are you among the Journal's ever
increasing list of readers?
J. A. Bauer was a visitor in Lin
coln last Wednesday, where he went
to see Mr. C. F. Hite. who is in the
hospital recovering after having un
dergone en operation recently.
"John Kruger and wife were in
Lincoln last Wednesday, where they
went to visit with Mr. C. F. Hite.
who is convalescing since his opera
tion In the hospital at that place.
O. E. McDonald has been hustling
for the past few days selling hot
plates, and he says they are going
like hot cakes, and they must be
from the number he is disposing of.
Last Friday John Gakemeicr. Chas.
of the friends of this lately married
young couple gathered at their home
and made the evening one of much
pleasure for them as well as leaving
a number of nice presents which will
be useful in their housekeping. And
e.lso extending to them a long life of
happy usefulness.
Put Up a Citizen's Ticket
At the caucus which was held a
few days since. Augu.-t Panska. W.
H. Rush and 11. W. Tool were placed
in nomination for the position of vil
lage aldermen.
tainment of the people, they will put '
on a play known as "Daddy.," and
which promises to be a hummer and
do mistake. They have in most in-'
stances learned their parts and are
now perfecting the play with a" good
deal of practice. The talent is here '
and the young people coached by the
faculty of the school will make the
play a success. Look for later an-'
nouncements as to when the play
Y'ill be given. .
This Not So Bad
Andy Zoz, who is a good judge of
cattle of any kind, just marketed a
steer of his own raising, which was
just seventeen months old. and which
when marketed last week weighed
1,260. This animal was a Hol
btein and a very fine looking as well
ss a fine specimen.
Baby Chicks by Mail
Puff Orpington eggs for hatching,
rnd also baby chicks. Mrs. G. V.
Pk-kwell, Murdock, Nebr. fl3-Sw
Brcke Into the Sport
Last Thursday afternoon A. J.
Bauer. Lacey McDonald and H. W.
Tool really did go fishing and have
mad? an advance introduction to the
fish who are to be caught later in the
reason. We do not expect that they
intended to catch any fish, but were
going more to get acquainted than
anything else.
Some Entertainments
On Thursday evening there was
one of the finest of entertainments
in the phape of a male quartet called
the Romany Serenauers. and whih
was well worth the while. We are
sorry that the advertising matter
pad the knowledge of what it was
to be did not arrive earlier, for we
woujd have liked to give it publicity.
Then on Friday night there was a
social dance which all enjoyed and
again on Saturday night a movie
fcliow. which made three evenings in
Machinery for Sale
I have. a 16 h. p. Xichols & Shep
bard steam engine; also a Rumley
separator, 36-56, both in good condi
tion, for sale very reasonable. Phone
dj6-4wM Murdock, Nebr.
We are Liking This Spirit
William Gehrts. jthe veteran im
plement dealer of Murdock, and who
has spent his life here in business
studying to best serve the people of
this community will in a short time
be in business again, and will offer
to the people of this community
goods which they need at the lowest
possible prices at which they can con
servatively be sold. It seems like the
people should also do what they can
to put this man going again by mak
ing their purchases of him whepever
they can. Mr. Gehrts will make an
tnnouncement of his plans with the
coming week and will then let the
public know where he can be found
and what he has to offer. Keep your
eye open for his announcement.
Has Added New Machinery
Mr. E. W. Thimgan, who is at this
time crowded with work, and who is
hustling to take care of it, with his
capable assistant "Billy" says that
business is good and getting better,
jvhich we are sure is right. Mr. Thim
gan has added two pieces of machin
ery which will aid irf getting the
work done. He has placed in the
shop a wheel press and an electric
drill and both of the latest pattern,
which will enable the workmen to do
work which was very difficult with
out them.
25 Years a Decorotor!
For a quarter of a century we have been
in the beautifying game. Inside
and Outside work.
arly Orders;
Early orders will save you money and in
sure you the benefit of having your work
done in season and enjoj'ing it full time.
Strictly New Features in
See our samples of hand painted wall
decorations, bo la on paper c;nd plaster.
Call for Information and
The Dusterhoff Shops,
Fine level Cheyenne county,
Colorado quarter, 1 i miles from
town (high school and etc.). Small
improvements, immediate possession.
Trade for improved place, will carry
balance back.
lt-wk Diller, Neb.
Wanted to Trade
00-acre farm in Missouri for farm
equipment. I have a farm here and
one there and want horses, cows,
harness, hogs and implements. See
N E. Falmeter, two miles west of
South Bend.
On farm two miles east of Mur
ray. T. II. Pollock, Plattsmouth.
Had Pleasant Afternoon
The ladies qf the Royal Neighbors
Kensington met at,j.h'e home of
Mrs. Herman Gakemeier last Thurs
day and enjoyed the afternoon and
the hospitality of Mrs. Gakemeier,
Rau and Fred Wepcner were looking
B " r ,,7 "Vint , -"h the assistance of Mesdames
mouth driving over, but making a McDonald and E. V. Thimgan.
trip through Sarpy county as they I nt,rUined the laJics They acfom
' i,. Jpli$ned a good deal of work during
grippe, not being down from Friday if"1 "
until Mondi
it I,
1. : u :., 1 "'I-
uui Mine tutu i it-tri- i c , . .
1 1. . v,,- l iv-auir mini u
' ' If ut"CI l""UfrU J joyment of the occasion.
the afternoon and had a most pleas-
A delightful lunch which
clever hostesses served was a
dded much to the en-
Mr. Fred "Wegener, who has been
making his home at Dunning for
some time past, was a visitor and was
O. W.
Business is Better
Gillespie, who is doing the
also looking after pome business mat- dray business for Murdock. says that
ters in Murdock, being a guest at the business is much better as he is the
home of John Gakemeier. 'man who handles the goods which
Paul Schewe is now the proud po?-'come in and as such he knows and
sessor of a new universal sedan, i he says he is having to work much
which he and the family are enjoy-' harder to get the work done than
ing. The trade was made when he ' formerly, and this gauges the return
disposed of his Overland touring car ing amount of business.
and secured the new one.
A. R. F:tch of Eimwood was at Puff t?nrt Tow, ffr Salp
visitor in Murdoch last Thursday
and was looking after some business
matters for the day. He wa.; accom
panied by Mr. Frank Means, who
we? looking after seme insurance
Richard Tool, who was kept at
home for i;sme time with a siege cf
illness, is so he can be out again and
Tool, who was also sick
Business (Jetting Better
Max Dusterhoff, of the Dusterhoff
shops, is with his capable assistant,
Joseph W'utchinek. kept pretty busy
at this time and is booking a lot of
work at this time, so much in fact
that it will be necessary for them to ;
have additional help. The fear of
pome place for the help to board is a
feature which is puzzling Mr. Duster-'
hof at this time. j
The gentlemen are at this time"
working at Eimwood at the home of'
Mr. George Blessing, editor and own
er - of ' the Eimwood Leader-Echo.1
where they are doing a number of
rooms throughout, including the pol-,
ishing of some hardwood floors. They
also have been given a contract for
a five room house at l'nadilla. which'
is toon to be done and a number of
School days mean school supplies.
The Journal has a large line of pen
cils, tablets, pens and all necessaries
for the students. All prices. Call
and look them over.
K"ro'n Saturday s Pall v.
La? i evening a deliehtful private
dance was given at Kas'.fs hall by
Messrs. Harold Rtnner and Wayne
Hudson which was greatly enjoyed
bv the voung people in attendance.
The Black and White Melady Boys
dispensed the ypcop:ition for the
evening and were lau l!y acclaimed
in their initial appearance in this
Apropos the School Election
To the patrons of School Dist. C-7:
The approaching village election
(April 4) is also the occasion of elec-'
tion of members of the school board. '
A majority will be elected at that
time, two members for two years and
two for three years. j
In looking over the list of candi-.
dates and making your choice, it
should be very clearly understood
that this election will be a contest,
between progressive and reaction-
aries; between friends and enemies'
of our public school. j
Certain of the candidates have the
active support of people who never
Case Farming Machinery!
I have the agency for the full line of Case farming
machinery. Plows, Tractors, Threshing Machinery,
Haying Machinery ni fact a complete line. We can
furnish all kinds of farming machinery. We can also
supply all kinds of repairs. See us, we will make it well
worth your while.
Phone Mo. 7-A
Murdock, Neb.
Pure bred Buff Rock eags for , tent their own children to the publie
hatching. Price 5C cents per set-; schools any more than they were
tine of ir. at home or 75 cents bv i compelled to by law, and wbo now
parcel post
Phone 10-L. Henry
Ruetcr, Murdock, Nebr. m20-3w
Is 25b w Very Hopeful
Mr. C. F. Hite. who has been at
the hospital for some time past, and
openly advocate a somewhat similar
policy in regard to the present school
In putting these men in charge of
our school v.e can only expect that
they would let the school go down
end eventually fall to pieces rather
Mrs. H. A.
ai ine time, is so sue can ie up anu wncre ne uniierwent a nnmoer 01 oP-jtfcan n;ake an effort to improve it i
around again, though still feeling erations at the Lincoln hospital, iij X)wi present corps of teachers has
the effects of the grippe. .now making some gains and is feel--&ccom lished puch more than anv
At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wra. ing quite a little better. Mrs. Hite . . v, ..a a 'rieiit to exDCt. consider-
tweuter, there was a bunch of joy in is remaining with her husband aid
a little girl baby which the stork left doing all possible to alleviate his suf-
with this happy couple last Wednes- fering and giving him the best of
day evening. The babe which is a nursing. Mrs. Hite ran down for a
very fine little girl and its parents, short time last Thursday and was
are getting along nicely. home a while. It is hoped Mr.
Mr. J. K. Mclluah was looking af-'Uite may succeed in throwing off the,
ter some business matters in Omaha mala:ly and soon be on the way to !
last Thursday and Friday, getting recovery
in readiness for the opening which i .
to initiate the new spring goods
which are constantly arriving at the
Murdock IVTercantile Company.
Leo Iiikli shipped to the stock
market at South Omaha last Wed
nesday two car loads of verv fine
ing their handicaps and it appears
to me as extremely foolish, viewed
from any angle and especially from j
that of the children's welfare, to turn
tins organization over to men whose
purpose it is to wreck it. J
Twenty years ago Nebraska rank
ed second in literacy among all the'
states. Today we have gone down '
to ninth place and there is still room j
to go lower. j
My purpose is not to parade thei
steers which he had fed at his yards
on the farm and was well
with the price received, and the day
jof shipping and the day at the mark
Jet, the cattle were much higher than
j before.
I Mrs. Wra. Rikli and mother, Mrs.
George Merkle were at Omaha last
; Thursday, where they vent to visit
at the hospital where Misses Elsie
: Rikli and Bertha Merckle are con-
'valesciug since they underwent i.n
operation for appendicitis. The young
ladies are getting along nicely and
are expecting to arrive home thi-3
. week.
I Last Wednesday Harold Tool went
to Weeping Water, where Mrs. Tool
and the children have been visiting
for some days past, and on Thursday
morning returned, bringing the fam
ily with him. Miss Naomi Coglizer,
saleslady at th e ' Murdock Mercantile
company, accompanied Mr. Tool and
visited at the home of her uncle. Mr.
Coglizer. for the veening and was
back io her work on Thursday morn
Will Play "DadJy" Soon
As a means of raisiujr the needed !
funds for the basket ball teams, the virtues or faults of anyone, but mere
teachers of the Murdock schools andlly to call your attention to the ser-
! ts. ..iT.o- fu-o onrl Tn-r li en trr-1 iousness of the nrespnf Ritiiatinn .inil
vJfc, i niiw , . - -
i to asK you 10 oear in mind that if i
fl'"" ' ' "4 j
J 1 i II U A.
i you am to see our scnooi jrrow ana
pleased VWWmWWWWWWWVA 1 the 5ualit" of itf! work to improve.
Lanriliolm Auto Go.
Weeping Water
We Do Electric Wiring, Bat-
you must elect friends of the school
to the schoolboard.
Yours truly,
Holds Rival Sale
Warmed the Home
At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Aug-!
just Reike last Thursday, a number
From Saturdays Daily.
Some time ago R.ex Young, the
auctioneer, filed his name for the re-
tery Charging and Welding. ! today Sheriff Qulnton Ehowed that
j he is not only a sheriff but that he
. . . . ... might aspire to the joh of Mr. Young
Our auto repairing is one of the as auaioneer. as he held a sale of a
features which we are sore to large array of automobile accessories
i , , ... , , taken under distress warrant. The'
pleas, both with the work nd the heriff while not as experienced as!
charges. I Mr. Young in ' the auctioning line '
ve call for ana return cars to .i ,.rni,:H rptvnt The
be repaired.
Telephone H6
'however, before Mr. joung opened
up the community auction Bale or.
else the two auctioneers would have
shown some real competition.
Weeping Water,
Nebraskaj An extensive Une of
'stationery on hard at'alf times at-j
22-Four-34 Two passenger roadster $ 895
22-Four-35 Five passenger touring 935
22-Si?c -44 Three passenger roadster 13G5
22-Fjour-36 Three passenger coupe 1295
22-Six -45 Five passenger touring 1395
22-Fpur-37 Five passenger sedan... 1395
22-Six -49' Seven passenger touring 1585
22-Six -46 Three passenger coupe. 1885
22-Six -48 Four passenger coupe 2075
22-Six -47 Five passenger sedan 2165
22-Six -50 Seven passenger sedan 2375
All Buicks F. 0. B. Flint, Michigan
Buick Rlotor Company, FJini, f.Iichigan
Distributors General Motor Corporation
Pioneer builders of Valve-in-Head motor cars. Branches
in all principal cities of the U. S. Dealers everywhere.
Wnen Better Automobiles are Built
Buick will Build Them.