The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 27, 1922, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4
9 PAGE FOUR PLATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOURNAL MONDAY, MARCH 27, 1922. T3be plattsmoutb journal PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY AT PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA Entered at l"ostofflce. FlattBinouth. Neb., aa second-class mail matter R. A. BATES, Publisher SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 ' Fear not, O land; be glal and re- joice:- for the Lord will do great things. Joel 2-21. :o: The lio stick must be a terrible accident. Many a man who is itching for office will get scratched at the polls. :o: - Harding has 50 pairs of trousers. Wouldn't it be great to be his broth er. :o: The backslider has it on a lot of people. At least he has 'been up front. :o: Golf rule: Keep your eye on the ball especially when the course is crowded. -:o: A man killed himself because his wife talked too much. Read this to your wife. :o: Optimist: A man putting up a wire fence to keep chickens cut of his garden. :c: The report that nickel cigars have lrnnnw1 from pi?ht tn Biv opnts can- ! v I Kentucky failed to reject the Dar win theory, but came very near proving it true. :o: If changing clothes wasn't nec essary some people would forget where they live. Absence from church was a crime in the seventeenth century. Now it is merely a custom. :o: Maybe the farmer's sons came to , town to earn money for the old man! to keep farming on :o: in good. March winds are boosting the silk ertocking .trade. :o: " They would rather go riding than play golf because in golf you can't drive with one hand. :o: Doctors trying to take candy from the babies won't find it as easy as It is supposed to be. :o: Lenine says what he wants now is money. This is carrying out his pol icy of being friendly. o:o Nice thing about bobbed hair is ycu can claim one on your coat came out of your own head. :o: Sing a song of expense, pocket full of rye; four and twenty quarts of it, is why he has no eye. :o: The wonder of the times is bnw to get another ten thousand miles out of last surnrr.or'3 suit. President Hardi-.ig's Influence is spreading. They are using the word normalcy in press reports from state of Texas. "It don't take a man long to has his pants at the knees, and to make a finely tailored suit look thoroughly disrepu table that's the man of it," avers Dainty Dorthy. But she goes on to explain that the man who is making ioe of our cleaning, steaming and pressing services is keep ing his clothes in much more presentable condition than when he got acquainted with us. And it doesn't cost much, either. II Goods Called for and Delivered PHONt 166 -cwuJQukNAl Ui ftLL ! '..l . . Cv-X. . " L li s PER YEAR IN ADVANCE I am the Lord thy God, open thy j mouth wide, and I will fill it. Psa I Sl-10. :o:- "All motto. pull together," is a good -:o: rood one for Platts It proves a mouth. -:o:- The only fool like an old one is a young one. :o: About all some folks can beat is a strategic retreat. :o: Gas masks have been found use less in mine fires. " :o: How nice it would be if we could all "pull together." :o: New auto signal device provides six different signals. :o: More than 40 per cent of the cler gy live to be over 70. :o: Many color blind persons are ex perts at matching colors. :o: Thinking of the other fellow is all right, if you go and do it. -:o;- Only three cities in the United States are larger than Peking, China. :o: Judging by the number of "con fessions," a mob must have killed Taylor, the movie director. :o: America has two-thirds of the world's telephones and four-fifths of the world's wrong numbers. :o: An optimistic congressman says the bonus will te paid in October, but doesn't say what October. o:o When a man asks for your opin ion, look wise and keep quiet. He is only fishing for an argument. :o: Our idea of fun is a barber try ing to tell himself how funny' a story is while snaving himself. :o: Censors claiming our movies are "stupid" don't say if they found them that way or left them that way. :o: Three-fourths of the area of America is flat" news item. And about three-fourths of the people. :o: "She's a Cinderella," says a head line over a CMcago item. Cinder ella's foot, you know, was very small. :o: Mary Pickford is said to turn half her income over to her mother. But they do say some of the otlrcr movie stars have employed mothers for less. -:o:- A bigamist says he married eleven women because "he was struck on the head with a baseball bat. More prob ably because he was not struck on the head with a baseball bat he con- the-t,nfl hl. Msrarr,n- ..uontnr -:o:- Let not the world be envious of America, because ten-twelfths of thei automobiles in use in the world arej i owned in" America. It means only that America has ten-twelfth3 of the J world's tire trouble anr more than its share of the chattel mortgages. I :o: ! This is . the season of the year when hens begin mothering other things than little chicks. Two stories ' are already in circulation concern ing a biddy who has sheltered a lit tle pig under her generous wings, mothering it in real old fashioned : style. ! ; o:o I i Genoa conference may be abandon- ed in eonseiuence of the refusal of ! the United States to participate has some ground of plausibility. There's little use in getting up a poker game when none of the players has any money. :o: ! The leaders in power in Russia seem to be gettirg along -well en jough, even if the masses are freez- ing and starving. At least, nobody i over here has started a drive for ! cast-off evening clothes for the Rus sian delegates to wear to the Genoa conference. 0:0 Most of our political ills can be cured and our political wrongs right ed by the ballot, if it is kept clean and intelligent. It is the only wea- ! pon the masses of the people have I with which to defend their homes land their families and to saw off the ;i of rkrHHel.jns who Drove uu- true to them. These are things mat 6nouid be kept constantly in mind. I " I The most hardened sinner is hap py in his innocence until he is found out. :o: Maybe the woman who married eight men was trying to find a good -:o:- After April 1 is a better time for the coal man to strike than the ice man. :o: California, the land of everlasting sunshine and eternity, disagreed juries. :o: Lots of folks "don't care what it costs" so long as the other fellow has to pay for it. Every man feels there is another man with less sense drawing a big ger salary than he. :o: State of Washington has 125 hy dro-electric horsepower for every square mile of its territory. :o: Come on boys and you, too, girls -let us all "pull together" for the old town. We can bring the old town out of the rut. :o: It has always been said that nec essity was the mother of invention, but the big lie is the father of a long line of little lies. -:o:- The Mississippi river is on its an nual rampage. Well, the Father of Waters has nothing whatever to do but run down stream. - :o: It is puzzling from this distance to decide whether the keynote of the next campaign will be free speech, free love or free beer. ' to: It looks like jumping on a man when he is already down, but we sometimes wonder what is the stand ing of a weather man in his church. :o: If our citizens would only make up their minds to become united in all that is good for Plattsmuoth, how nice it would be for our future. Blank books! Yes yon can get of all kinds. The Journal. LUNGARDIA is "without a rival" in ordinary or deep-seated Coughs and Colds, difficult breathing, and for the relief of whooping cough. The wonderful results following its use will astonish you and make you its life-long friend. Your money back, if you have ever used its equal. Danger lurks where there is a cough or cold. Safe for all ages. 60e and ?1.20 per bottle. Manufactured by Lungardia Co., Dallas, Texas. For sale by Weyrich & Hadraba Youf Boy Can Earn from $1.00 to $10.00 a Week. Nothing to sell. No money required Quick, easy just an hour or bo af ter school. . We want good, honest. industrious boys just two in each town and commounity. Write TO DAY for further particulars, a post card will do. Address Box 248, Plattsraouth -:- Nebraska e 126511 Jake is a black jack with white points. Was foaled May 28, 1912. Is 15 hands high, weight 1150. Sired by Big Jake, and his dam was Lady Elgin. He is an excellent jack and has a good reputation as a foal getter. TEDDY R., 97686 Teddy R. is a fine Percheron stal lion, black with white hind feet and right front foot also white. He was foaled March 30, 1912, and weighs 1900 pounds. His sire Was Morton, 67203; by Epateur, 51836, (64349); by Bolivar. 40111 (46462); by Amilcar (19979); by Sultan (4713); by Bayard (9495); by Estraba. 187 (736); by son of Jean le Blanc (733.) Teddy R. and Jake will make the season of 1922 at my home six miles west of Murray and six miles east of Manley. every day in the week. Terms for Teddy R., $12.50 to in sure colt to stand and suck. Terms for Jake, $15.00 to insure colt to stand and such. When parties dis pose of mares or- remove from the locality service fee becomes due and must be paid immediately. All care will be taken to prevent accidents, but owner will not be held respou- A. J. SCHAFER. j I ' i - : , AUTOS AND DIPLOMATS Durant puts out a new cheap car, known as the Starr, to buck Henry Ford. This will cause more talk among Americans than 10,000 Gen oa conferences. That's something to be thankful for. The really important problems of the world are problems of produc tion and distribution of commodi ties. A cheaper auto, t gasoline sub- stitute, a hardier wheat that moves talizing graphite under great pres the bread belt farther north these sure. But the diamonds he made' were are of more consequencethan the in trigues of diplomats. And Americans know it. Americans find international pol itics stupid and boresome. We give the statesmen and their wrangles a.: quick but penetrating analysis, then! form an opinion based ou intuition, dismiss the matter and turn to the greater problem of production. . It is this concentration on pro duction that has made the American standard of living the highest in t,he world. While other nations have been breeding diplomats ad trouble Americans have given the world the! telephone, reaper, telegraph, street! .1 car, sewing machine, elevator, sky- scraper, submarine, airplane, elec tric light, vulcanization of rubber, automatic machine, mass production, washing machine, typewriter, steam ship, automobile, .phonograph, mod- em moving pictures, fountain pen and millions of other useful devices. Europe seems to have a difficult' time understanding us, especially, our instinctive abhorence of missing The blue foxes of the Yukon have an equally hard time understanding! the busy ant and beaver. i b! America's foreign policy can boiled down to this: "As soon as i-mi'ro roaW tn jret rirtnrn tn huvinpse , . . , .. . and start production on an exten - sive scale, we're with you. o RESPONSIBLE LEADERS Who are the riation's leaders? In recent years we have come to regard those wlio are financially success ful or who occunv nositions of ereat material influence as the leaders. It is just possible, however, that the real leaders are to be found in a less conspicuous class. At least, that U the inference to be derived fromilSeal m23-4w a paragraph of an editorial recently j recently appearing in an eastern newspaper. The writer cries out that there is a dire need for sane econ omic education to counteract the false doctrines and theories of the demagogues of the time. He says: "There is throughout the country a wave of loose thinking on import ant projects that' is finding expres sion in congress, with no prospect of improvement. Let those who hold responsible positions anywhere, whether as editors, college profes sors, preachers or wherever they may "be placed so as to influence pub lic thought, realize the responsibil ity which is theirs, of holding to sound doctrine." Here is an unconscious compli ment paid to a group of men and women who have been scoffed at greatly in recent years. Occasionally some one recognizes their true val ue, but whether honored or reviled, they continue j quietly about their business and wield mighty influence for good. :o: THE BEST LESSON ON WAR The socialism and anarchism of pre-war days, which the middle class labored so earnestly to suppress were indeed a menace to property.. How crave a menace they were is shown clearly bv their exploits in Russia. But the militarism which the middle class accepted complacently was a far greater menao to prop erty and life. Where Bolshevism de stroyed its billions, militarism de stroyed its tens of billions. Where bolshevism killed ithousands, militar ism hundreds of thousands. Bolshe vism is still a menace, no doubt, but the middle class is mobilized to com bat it. Militarism, is by no mean3 dead. If the middle class is as com placent about it through the next generation as it was through the last we may look forward in twenty-live or thirty years, to another world war, coming to complete the destruc tion of the last. But will the middle class be so blind? There is a ' missionary of peace that will preach to every mem ber of the class, every year, thru a generation. That is the income tax. And the propaganda of the income tax will not be confined to America; where it is perhaps least needed, but will be conducted with even greater vigor in England, France, Germany, Italy. The war makers will find it hard to arouse enthusiasm for an other adventure in world domina tion. -:o: Hemstitching and picoting attach ment; fits all sewing machines. Price ?2: checks 10c extra. Lights Mail Order House, Box 127, Birming ham, Ala. YOUR DIAMONDS German scientists recently caused a sensation in the international jew el market. They claimed they bad - , solved the problem of manufacturing diamonds cheaply. - Now the word is passed through the diamond trade that it costs more to produce the real ones from the clay blowpipes of extinct volcanoes. Sir William Crookes succeeded in making artificial diamonds by crys- small worthless as gems. So the value of your diamonds is safe for the present. Some day chem ists will produce diamonds and gold artificially, cheaply. That will be an interesting period to live through more interesting for the spectator than the participant. Appropos of your diamonds, have you planned to mention them to the assessor this year? :o: "Here's an Echo from the Past," says a headline. And that reminds us of another thing we wonder if 1 the radio will ever let us hear an echo from the future. :o: ji r. rt -i r t n 1 1 .Homing oo uooa ior a i.ougn or vjolu Chamberlain's Cough Remedy "Everyone who has used Chamber lain's Cough Remedy speaks well of it," writes Edward P. Miller, Ab bottstown. Pa. People who once used this preparation are seldom satisfied v.ith nnv cthor. It is excellent to allay a cough or break up a cold 11T,. 1 Y. r lln.l.nlin vnTirr Tn rprniTHRC! The State of Nebraska, Cass coun- ; ty, ss. I -w , j. e a. n le -oum oun. ill liif mailer ui iu" csidic ui juuu 11. Becker, deceased, To the creditors of r.aid estate: You are hereby notified that I will Sit at the County CGUTt TOOm in I Plattsraouth in said county on April l22 1922 and July 22 1922 at 9 o'clock a. m., on ench day, to receive and examine all claims against Raid estate, with a view to their adjust ment and allowance. The time lim ited for the presentation of claims against said estate is three months from the 22nd day of April, A. D. 1922, and the time limited for pay ment of debts is one year from said ! thA ftf faid, County Court, this 20th day of March, 1922. ALLEN J. BEESOX, County Judge. ORDER OF HEARING on Petition for Appointment of Administrator. The State of Nebraska, Cass coun ty, ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Matthew Gering, deceased. On reading and filing the petition of Mia Gering, Barbara Gering and Eda Herold praying that administra tion of said estate may be granted to Henry R. Administrator; Ordered, that March 30th, A. D. 1922, at ten o'clock a. m., is assigned for hearing said petition, when all persons interested in said matter may appear at a County Court to be held in and for said county and show cause why the prayer of peti tioner should not be granted; and that notice of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof be given to all persons interested in said matter, by publishing a copy of this order in the Plattsmouth Jour nal, a semi-weekly newspaper print ed in said county, for three succes sive weeks, prior to said day of hear ing. Dated March 3rd, 1 i22. ALLEN J. BEESON. mC-Sw. County Judge. SHERIFF'S SALE State of Nebraska, County of Cass, ss. By virtue of an execution issued by James Robertson. Clerk of the District Court, within and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to me direct ed, I will on the 3rd day of April. A. D. 1922. at 10 o'clock a. m., of said day, at the south door of the court house in said county, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cush the following property to wit: Lots ten (10) and eleven (11) in Block forty-two ,(42) in the City of Plattsmouth, Ca:3S coun ty. Nebraska ' the same being levied upon and taken as the property of John Kinser, de- leuuaiii, 10 sausiy u. juugmcui ui am court recovered by- The Immanuel Hospital, a corporation, plaintiff, against said defendant. Plattsmouth, Nebraska, March 2, A. D. 1922. CD. QUINTON, Sheriff Cass County,) Nebraska. ROAD NOTICE To Whom It May Concern: The Board of County Commission-, ers of Cass county, Nebraska, has opened a public road on the section line between the SW4 of Section! one (1) and the NWU of Section twelve, (12) in Township ten, (10) north of Range thirteen, (13) east, of the sixth (6th) P. M., Cass coun-1 ty, Nebraska, three rods in width, tne ; center line of said highway being the section line between said-tract3, and, all claims for damages must be filed In the office of the County Clerk on or before noon of the 11th day of May. A. D. 1922. Witness my hand and seal tnis &tn' day of March, A. D. 1922. GEO. It. SAYltLib, County Clerk of Cass (Seal) ml6-4w. County. Fordson tractors reduced to $395. Plattsmouth Motor Co. . w Charter No. 1914 REPORT THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK At' I'lattsmouth. Ja the State of 'Nebraska, at the CIobb of 15usine.s on March 10, XXll. RESOURCES Loans and discounts, including rediscounts, acceptances of other hanks and foreign hills of exchange or drafts sold with the in dorsemcnt of this hank .'iiS-i Overdraft, secured, none; unsecured, Jl.uOO. ; Ir. S. (inverumnit Securities Onnnli Deposited to secure circulation (IT. S. bonds par value)...! 60,000.00 All other United States Uovernment securities 32,700.00 Other ImhiiIk. Kfock.H, MeenritieM. etc liankinx house, $ll,0U0.OO; Furniture and fixtures, J5, 000.00 I:eu4 estate owned otht-r than liankinx house lawful reserve with Federal Keserve l!ank 'ash in vault and amount due from National hanks Checks on other hunks in the same city or town as reporting hank Checks on hanks located outside of city or town of reporting bank and ther cash items Redemption fund with U. H. Treasurer and due from U. S. Treasurer total nrcsor LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in Surplus fund ' 25,000.00 I'ndivided profits $ 12,173.46 IjeFs current expenses, interest and taxes paid 5,522.62 6,650.84 Circulating notes outstanding 50,000.00 Amount due to State hanks, hankers and trust companies. 11.709.6U !Mii!iail DeitoMitx (othr-r I linn knuk IeiONltt iiubjecf to Itewerve: Individual deposits subject to check .$227,190.43 Certificates of deposit due in less than 30 days (other than for money borrowed) 31,866.00 259.056.43 Tlrac DcixtMitM Multjrrt llmrrvr: Certificates of deposit (other than for money borrowed) 200,221.48 Jiills payable (including all obligations representing money har rowed other than rediscounts l 37,000.00 Notts and bills it-discounted, including acceptances of other hanks and foreign bills of exchange or drafts sold with endorsement of this bank 32,400.00 TOTAL, L1ALJIL1T1KS $ 672,038.41 State of Nebraska 1 ss. County of Cass I. Geo. O. Dovey, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. GEO. O. DOVKY, Correct-Attest: Cashier. II. X. Kovey, F. K. Schlater, A. G. Cole, Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before (Seal) EDNA M. WARREN. Notary Public. (My commission expires October 19, 196.) GEN. TINLEY DEMOCRATS' CHOICE FOR GOVERNOR Des Moines, la., March 23. C. L. Herring, of Des Moines, was asked to run for the United States senate by the democratic state conference today and promised to make the race if the other candidates suggested al so accepted. Rrig. Gen. Matt Tinley, of Council niuffs was selected for go.ernor and two women were asked to run for state offices. ' Interviewed last night at his home in Council Bluffs, Gen. Tinley stated thct he had not been officially noti fied of the action of the democratic conference and that he did not think it proper to make a statement until he had been informed of its action.- He stated, - however, that he re peatedly had refused similar offers in the past and that the present cir cumstances would determine largely whether he would refuse or accept the urgings of the convention. GREEN BUSS SERVICE Our Green Bus leaves your town three times daily to Nebraska City and Omaha. If you want us to main tain this service, patronize it. We will appreciate your patronage. H-P TRANSFER CO. PIANO AT SACRIFICE PRICE We have a piano left on our hands a perfectly good instrument. Will deduct amount paid by original pur chaser. Balance can be paid in easy payments. Write or phone A Hospe Company, Omaha. EGGS FOR HATCHING S. C. White Leghorn English strain eggs for hatching, S4.00 per 100. Phone 115-J. daw-ni6. HENRY STARKJOHN. Books! Books! Books! We have them till you can't ist, at the Jour nal Office. "Do Rats Talk to Each Other?" ' Asks Mr. M. Batty, R. I. "I pot five cakes of Rat-Snan and threw pieces aroun-i fevd store. li;t about half a dozen dei rats rlav fur tw- s-!id weeks. Suddenly, they eot fewer. Now we haven't anv. Whn. told them about Rat. Snap." Rats dry iip and leave no smell. Three siies: 35c, 05c. $1.25. Sold and guaranteed by Bestor & Swatek Weyrich & Had raba F. G. Fricke & Co. AUCTION MORS Twenty head of Extra Good Horses and males weighing from 1300 to 1700 pounds will be sold at Public Auction at Gouche nour Barn, Plattsmouth, Neb. Saturday, April Sale Starts at 1:00 O'clock P. Af. TERMS:- Six to twelve months credit on bankable paper bearing eight per cent interest from date. JAMES W. SAGE, Owner W. R. YOUNG. Auct. R. F. PATTERSON. Clerk Reserve Dist. No. 10-J OF CONDITION OF 1,560.75 82,700.00 7,914.95 16.000.00 15,682.00 25.867.02 42,196.70 2,754.06 684.56 2,500.00 .S 672,038.41 me this 15th day of March, 1922. WASHING MACHINES If you are going to be wanting a washing outfit you cannot find a more satisfactory or practical one than a Dexter Twin Tub, either elec tric or power. Get my prices on Rock Island farm implements, engines and cream sepa rators. W. T. RICHARDSON, ni21-3d,tfsw Mynard, Neb. FOUND Side curtains for ttuto. Owner can have san by calling at the Journal office. PUBLIC JUCTION ! As I have decided to quit, farming I will sell at Public Auction on the old Seybert place, one-half mile southwest of Cullom, eight miles west and two miles north of Platts mouth, on Monday, March 27th sale to commence at 1:00 o'clock sharp, the following described prop erty, to-wit: 3 Head of Horses One span bay mares, 8 years old. weight 2,800; one sorrel mare, 6 years old, weight 1,160. Cattle and Hogs Five good milk cows; four suck ling calves; one coming 2-year-old heifer: six head of bred gilts, O. I. C. White; twenty head of shoats, O. I. C. White, weighing about 200 lbs. Farm Implements One Moline wagon; one Deere 2 row machine; one Budlong disc, new; one home-made sled; one set of light work harness; one gas barrel; one saddle; two Jenny Lind walking cul tivators; one J. I. Case 4-wheel rid ing lister, new; one spring wagon; one set of heavy work harness; two sets of leather fly nets; one Butter fly cream separator; one Ford tour ing car, 1918 model, in good running condition. Many other articles too numerous to mention. Terms of Sale All sums of $10.00 and under cash; on all sums over $10.00 six months time will be given purchaser giving bankable paper bearing eight per cent interest. All property most be settled for before being removed. JAMES F. CAMPBELL, "Owner. COL. W. R. YOUNG, Auct. W. G. BOEDEKER, Clerk. SALE IE 1st OF