The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 27, 1922, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    HOTiDAY, MARCH 27, 1S3S.
Nehawka Department!
Prepared ii the Interests of the People of Nehawka and Surrounding Vicinity Especially
for the Journal Readers.
How About Your Battery?
What condition is it in for Spring use? Better have it
looked after. We are prepared to do charging and keep the
vital spark constant. We sell both wet and dry storage bat
teries, and assure you the best service for them.
We are handling the best of makes in tires, and are selling
them lower than ever before. See us for prices.
The Lumberg Garage,
Nehawka, , Nebraska
Wintry Winds
disturb not the slumber of your beloved dead, if you
were thoughtful enough to ask the undertaker to use a
Steel Reinforced Automatic Sealing Concrete Burial
Vault. Air and water proof-
Phone No. 87
(Murray Community
Nehawka Auditorium
Uncle from Japan"
Friday, Rflarch 31
ADMISSION 20 and 35c
Cole Orchestra
Tickets at Adams' Drug Store.
-Pillow T
A bolt of new sheeting, muslin or pillow tubing
will help you solve your sewing problems this Spring.
A large new stock has just arrived and each piece is
a real value. The following list will give you an idea
of the quality we are offering.
Pequot Sheeting, 8-4; 9-4; 10-4
Pillow Tubing, all widths
Hope Muslin
LL Sheetings
Pepperell Muslin, 40-inch
Stevens AH Linen Crash
Pequot Sheets
Utica Hemstitched Sheets
Utica Pillow Cases
You will find real values in other lines as well when
you trade with
Established 1883
-:- Nehawka, Nebr.
F. II. Resnick was looking after
some business matters in Avoca last
Friday afternoon.
H. II. Stall during the past week
unloaded two loads of sand for tiie
lumber yard of A. F. Sturm.
W. A. Hicks and son John were
looking after some matters of busi
ness at Murray last Thursday.
Miss Ethel Osborne of Union has
been spending the last week at the
home of her sister, Mrs. II. V. Grif
fin. Jerome St. John and wife and
Mf sdumes Harry Atchison and Chas.
Doty were visiting at Omaha last
W. 13. Dale, painter and decorator,
is just completing an excellent pie;e
of interior decorating at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCarthy.
Mrs. F. 11. Cunningham was a vis
itor in Plattsmouth at the home of
her mother, Mrs. J. R. Vallery for
the latter part of last week and en
joyed the time there very nicely.
Mrs. Hattie Atchison of Alva. Ok
lahoma, a daughter of Mr. G. W.
Harshman, Sr., was a visitor here
for a few days last week, being call
ed here by the death of her father.
Charles Hal! was a visitor in Ne
braska City last Thursday, taking a
car down for his brother, Luther
Hall, which he had repaired at the
Lundberg garage here just recently.
F. P. Sheldon has just received a
car of Ked Kiver Early Ohio pota
toes. These are number one quality
Minnesota potatoes. The best yen
can bay for seed.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Doty or Ok
lahoma City, Okla., were visiting
here for a short time last week be
ing called here on account of the
death of Mrs. Doty's father, Mr. G.
V. Harshman, Sr.
Wl O. Troop and family who have
been living in Plattsmouth for the
past more th:n a year, returned to
the home on the farm north of X3
fcawka last Wednesday and will make
their home there.
Mr. Z. W. Shrader has his fin-t
rowing of oats in. it being a portion
of a lot which he put in. doing the
plowing with a six-tined fork and
was for the chickens which he is
finding very profitable
Buy your seed potatoes from F. P.
Sheldon, Nehawka. A car of number
one quality Red River Early Ohio
potatoes has just arrived. Minnesota
white potatoes also in stock.
"""Morriss lpllard took' the train lat
Friday morning for Lincoln where
he- went, to attend the shriners' meet
ing which was in ' session at that
time. In the afternoon C. D. St. John
and a few more drove up to attend
the banquet.
J. A. Smith who some months ago
suffered the loss of his eyesight, ac
companied by Earnest Kropp was a
caller at the institution for the blind
at Nebraska City one day last week
where he went to see about taking
a course in sightless reading.
Frank had the misfor
tune to break his truck a few days
ago. and was also fortunate in the
fact that he is & pretty grjod me
chanic and immediately went to
work on the repairing of the same
and in a short time had it as gooi
as new.
G. W. Harshman, Jr., of Venango
where he has been making his home
for the past few years was a visitor
in Nehawka last Friday being call
ed here on account of the death of
his father, Mr. George W. Harsh
man. Sr., and is visiting here for a
short time.
C. F. Chase, who has accepted a
position with an Omaha firm and
who is traveling for the same on the
road, was a visitor in Plattsmouth
last Friday where he was looking
after some business matters and was
detained on the road on account of
the catching afire of a csr which
was being driven to Nehawka fay an
Omaha man who was selling dicto
graphs and who was coming to visit
the Sheldon Manufacturing Co.
Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Ingwerson
who have for the past fifteen years
mcde their home in the western por
tion of the state, now living near
Sidney, where they are engaged in
farming, arrived here last week, call
ing to attend the funeral of the
father of Mrs. Ingwerson. Mr. Geo.
Harshman, who was buried at Avo
ca last Wednesday afternoon. Mr.
and Mrs. Ingwerson have been visit
ing here for some time and will prob
ably remain for the balance of the
week before returning to their home
in the west.
Your Lumber Sawed
j Take your native logs to the Shel
; don Manufacturing Company's saw
' mill at Nehawka, Neb. Sawed in de
; mention lumber at $14.00 per thou
; sand feet.
Nominated at the Caucus
At the caucus of the city of Ne
hawka which was "held last Tuesday
there was was nominated for alder
men of the city: J. W. Thomas, Nick
Klaurens, It. C. Pollard and W. S.
Norris. being four, and as there are
only two to be elected the voters are
to Felect from the list, their choice
of the four. At the same time there
was put in nomination for the school
board, E. M. Pollard. F. P. Sheldon.
Mrs. Lottie Stone, J. W. Murdock,
Mr3. J J. Pollard.
! Will Operate the Saw Mill
Forest Cunningham who has ibeen ;
for the past two weeks at Weeping!
Water where he had charge of the!
caw mill at the Jamison yard, hav-l
ing completed his work there, re
turned home last Thursday evening
and with the beginning of the week
will bein'work at the Sheldon mill
which is opening for -work at this
i time.
"Annie of Ann Albor" a Hit
1 The Senior class play which was
! played to a crowded house at the
auditorium last Friday evening was
one which attracted the mirth lov
ing public for long Ki'ore the doors
were opened the entire number of
seats had been sola, a or were those
who went dissappointed for the play
was all that it was purported to be
and a little more. Those who attend
ed were loud in their praise of the
Will Go Eack East
Grandpa Martin, who has been
visiting here for some time past de
parted a few days since for his old
home in Virginia and on last Wed
nesday was given a farewell recep
tion by a large number of his friends
here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A.
J. Ross northeast of town. A most
splendid time was had and wishes
expressed for a safe journey to his
home. Among those in attendance
was Mrs. Jessie Dodson of Havelock,
who is a relative.
We Pay Cash
As we are compelled to pay cash
for all grain we purchase, we are
selling tor cash only. Nehawka
Farmers' Grain Co. .
Here For a Week
Last Friday Misses Mope St. John,
Zupha Chriswisser, Doris Magney
and Laura Lloyd, who are attending
the state university, returned with
Mr. C. D. St. John from Lincoln, who
had been, at the Shriners' banquet,
last Friday and are spending the
week here on account of the spring
vacation which is in vogue at this
time. They will appreciate the week's
rest and return to their studies at
the end of the time better equipped
to pursue their studies.
Made Money in Sheep
Last fai Wm. Brandt, who lives
in the country near Nehawka, went
to Omaha and purchased some sheep
they being all ewes, which he put on
feed and as the prices vere not the
best he concluded to keep them long
er, as to have sold them at the time
would have entailed a loss. During
the time when he was waiting for
an improvement of the market the
flock found a number of lambs and
some time since outof the 300 which
he purchased he sold a car load and
just recently sold another car real
izing from the two sme $1,800 and
has now on his farm 73 lambs left
to the good, besides the profit which
he has already made. It is not all
sunshine on the farm but now and
tLen there is a ray of hope.
Must be' Cash
Hereafter the salesto local people
by the Nehawka Fanners Grain com
pany must be for cash only. By or
der of the board of directors.
S. J. ROUGH, Manager.
Excellent Cows, Anyway
Last week we had an article re
garding Ayrshire cows and the calf
club which when it come to the
reader said Airdale and would lead
one to think the calf was part dog,
but such is not the case, for the Ayr
shire cow is one of the best of milk
ers and also somewhat of a beef an
imal. Laugh all you may desire at
the turn the article took, but see
E. M. Pollard just the same, and he
will tell you something about this
calf club which will be to your in
terest. Ap
plication Overruled
Some time since by a decision
handed down by the supreme court
the entire court concurring, a divi
sion of the Davis estate, Mrs. Lucile
Davis of Nehawka was made an heir
and was given a portion of the es
tate, when the other heirs asked for
a new trial, alleging an error in the
trial, which was refused. By this de
cision Mrs. Lucile Davis, who is the
manager of the Lincoln Telegraph
and Telephone company at Nehawka
has confirmed unto her a portion
of the estate variously estimated
from $CO,000 to $100,000. This is
very pleasing news for Mrs. Davis
and her friends are extending con
gratulations. School Notes
Mr. Pearson took dinner with Mr.
and Mrs. Burby Friday.
Velma Stoll will stay with Velma
Munn Wednesday night.
The domestic science class is tak
ing up th estudy of bread making
this week.
The Seniors pave their play en
titled "Annie of Ann Arbor" in the
auditorium Friday evening.
The general science class is learn
ing about the various kinds of ban
da sres this week.
Miss Ermal Graff was ill with the
influenza the first or the week. Mrs.
Vilas Sheldon substituted for her.
To saw at our saw mill. "Will start
sawing abouth March 20th. Logs
sawed into any dimension lumber
you request.
Bring in your logs now. First
come, first served.
Sheldon Mfg. Co.,
Nehawka, Neb.
The fifth grade had a one hundred
j per cent class in arithmetic Wed
nesday. They are beginning decimal
Mr. R. C. Smith is expected to
talk to the high school Thursday
morning on the subject of the Uni
persity of Nebraska.
1 The subject of "Potatoes" is being
taken up in the agriculture class
this week. The students cut and
treated seed for scab.
Mr. Burby acted as one of the
judges at a debate last Thursday
evening at Weeping Water between
Weeping Water and Bethany high
Mr. Burby acted as one of the
judges at the County Spelling con
test at Plattsmouth last Saturday.
Nehawka contestants were unable to
land a place.
Miss Roberta Jones was in Lincoln
seferal days last week because of the
critical illness of her sister. She is
now out of danger and Miss Jones is
back at her work.
Miss Hazel Scott and Miss Grace
Steinmier attended the spelling con
test at Plattsmouth Saturday and in
tended to go to La Platte but owing
to the rainy weather decided to come
back to Nehawka. Miss Scott went
from there home.
J. H. Pearson, state supervisor of
vocational -agricultural, was at
school last Friday. He .was much
pleased with. the prospects for a good
sized class n animal husbandry for
next year. This course should be of
great interest to any boy who plans
on farming for a living and is one
of the most 'practical courses in the
The girls of the Sunnyside club
met at the home of Margaret Cha
Tuesday. March 21st. It was Robert
Chase's birthday so Mrs. Chase in
vited several of his boy friends and
had a party. The girls held their
regular business meeting and then
all enjoyed both indoor and outdoor
games. Mrs. Chase served brick ice
cream and cake. A beautiful cake
was displayed that was decorated
with eleven candles. .Everyone de
parted for home wishing Robert
many happy birthdays and hoping
that he might have a party on each.
Figures From Washington Indicate
There Will Be Ample Supply
For Needs at Present.
Washington. March 23. The mil
lions of motorists concerned over the
matter of the nation's gasoline sup
ply may experience at least tempor
ary relief in the announcement of
the United States Bureau of Mines
that the stocks of this vital fuel were
increased in the month of January
by 119.000,000 gallons. On Febru
ary 1, there was a reserve of 705,
700,000 gallons, which , is 130,000,
000 gallons more than for the corre
sponding date in 1921. The figures
are rapidly approaching the S00.
000.000 gallon record mark made in
May of last year. Production of gas
oline in January amounted to 444.
G2L7S3 gallons; imports were
250,393 gallons; domestice consump
tion amounted to 22.717.168 gal
lons; exports to 49.S56.310 gallons;
and shipments to insular possessions
675. G59 gallons. Present stocks are
equivalent to fifty days' supply bas
ed on the total daily average con
sumption for 1921. Operative refin
eries in the United States numbered
292 on February 1, with an indicat
ed daily capacity of 1,753,940 bar
rels. Plants running continued to op
erate on an 80 per cent basis.
An increased demand for gas and
fuel oils may be anticipated if the
pending coal strike becomes a real
ity. Stocks of these oils on hand Feb
ruary 1 amounted to 1,319,481,359
gallons. Based on the daily average
domestic consumption for 1921, these
stocks are equivalent to sixty-eight
days' supply. The production of these
oils in January amounted to 858,
110. S77 gallons.
During January the nation's out
put of kerosene amounted to 172,
917,141 gallons, an increase of 2,
500,000 gallons over the preceding
month. The fact that, despite this
increase in production, stocks of lcer-
.osene decreased 13.500,000 gallons
indicates enlivening in the movement
of this product.
Stocks of lubricating oil on 'hand
February 1 were 245.000.000 gal
lons, an increase of 28,465.000 gal
lons over the month previous.
Jerusalem. March 22. Twenty
stars of the American film world
have arrived in Jerusalem recently
to prepare for the filming of the
Old Testament story of King David.
The big scene in the play is to be
the fight between David and Goliath
which will he staged a few miles
north of te city. Biblical accuracy
is not strictly to be adhered to, since
the scenario provides a love scene
after the battle.
About 5,000 persons are to be em
ployed in the filming of the play
Five thousand Bheep, "1,000 camels.
and 2,000 goats are also to be used.
This will be the first time a pro
duction of any magnitude has been
filmed in the holy land. Apart from
the appropriateness of the country
for the filming of biblical stories, it
is said that Palestine is unsurpass
able for film productions owing,
first to its natural beauty, and sec
ond to the clarity of the atmosphere.
The big reputation of Tanlac,has
been made by doing what other medi
cines failed to do. F. G. Fricke & Co.
"It's the Chapest Thing I Ever
Bought," Writes Mrs. J. Mason, Va.
"I paid $1-25 for five cakes of Rat-Snap and j min
ing by the Urge number of dead rats we've picked
up. I reckon we've saved hundreds of dollars la
chicks, eggs and feed." Your pets won't touch it.
Bats dry up and leave no smell. 35c. 65c, J1.Z5.
Sold and guaranteed by
Bestor & Swatek Weyrich & Had
raba F. G. Fricke & Co.
' Dan Eourke was looking after some
I business matter in Weeping Water
last Wednesday afternoon,
i Herbert Steinkamp. who has been
'sick with the grippe for some time,
lis at school again and lookin' into
his studies.
Miss Carrie Schafer was a visitor
for last week at the home of her
sister. Mrs. Ed Pankonin, south of
Weeping Water.
Rollin Coon who has been having
a bout with the mumps, is again
able to be out, and will return to
school this week.
Misses Margaret and Anna Murphy
have been visiting at Omaha for some
days past, guests at the home of their
uncle. Mr. Patrick Murphy.
Glen York and Herbert Thacker
were looking after some business
matters in Plattsmouth last Thurs
day, driving over with their car.
Mrs. Julius Bickert and children
are visiting for the present at the
home of the parents of Mrs. Bickert,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stander, of Om
aha. Miss Maggie Wolpert. who has
been on the sick list for the past few
days with the grip, is reported as
being considerably better at this
Miss Minnie Bourke, of Wayne,
who has been visiting with friends
here for the past week, returned a
few days since to her home in the
Mrs. Catherine Earhart is having
some hog houses built on the farm
where Joseph Miller lives. Mr. Mor
gan McCurdy and John Heeney are
doing the work.
Peter Vogler, who has been sick
for some time with the grippe and
other ailments, is still unable to get
around, but it is hoped that he may
soon be able to be out.
John Falischman and Joseph Wol
pere were out to the Wolpert farm
for a number of days last week,
building some chicken houses for the
use of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Woods.
Llanlsy Farm Implement Company
We are ready for business with a full and complete
line of entirely new stock of farming machinery.
Blacksmith in Connection!
We are handling the complete International line
of farming machinery v alstrCase! Lampsorir-Avery and
all standard makes.
Our prices are as low as they can possibly be made
as our overhead expenses are very small.
Come see us, we can save you money.
Mauley Farm Implement Company
Herman Dall, Manager
State Compelled to Defend Against
Ruling of District Judge that
Section Relating to Stills
Not Enforcible.
Whether there is any valid state
law prohibiting the operation of
stills and the possession of mash is
a question the supreme court now
has under consideration. A decision
will not be given for some time.
Arguments on the matter of whether
the legislature blundered and put the
amendment in a place where the con
stitution says it could not be legally
inserted were heard Thursday morn
ing at Lincoln.
At the last session of the legisla
ture the prohibitory law was amend
ed in a number of particulars. As
passed Section 16, which originally
covered only permits for the sale of
ethyl alcohol, was amended so as to
include a prohibition of keeping or
operating a still. Judge Tewell of
Keith county, before whom was brot
John Opela, John Badberg and Adam
Kosmicki, charged wit hviolation of
this section, held that it violated
Section 14 of Article 3 of the new
constitution which provides that no
bill shall contain more than ore sub
ject and the same shall be clearly
expressed in the title. He said that
the amendment was not germane to
the section amended. W. D. Oldham
a one-time supreme court commis
sioner, defended this ruling and at
tacked the method of amending the
old law, which he said had made a
roaring lion out of an innocent
Mary's lamb.
It was the task of Assistant At
torney General Dort to defend the
law. The arguments of both attor
neys were largely technical, but Mr.
Dort laid down the ' broad general
proposition that any number of
amendments may be contained in an
act, however diverse they may be.
so long as they are not inconsistent
with tfie general subject of legisla
tion and have a natural relation to
it. If the title of the original act is
sufficient then the title to the amen
datory act Is also sufficient.
He said that nowhere had the con
stitution required the legislature to
break up the laws they pasB Into
sections. It 'was done merely for
convenience, and was not mandatory.
Therefore, this entire law being de-;
Mrs. Mary Murphey lias been mak
ing some improvements to her home,
in the vay of having a new roof
placed on her residence. Mr. Job a
Falischm.-Ln, the carpenter, doing the
Mr. C. E. Mockenhaupt has been
working for some time past at the
plant of the Mar.ley Farm Implement
company assisting the n anagT. Mr.
Herman Pali with the work which
sems a plenty at this time.
John Falischman and daughter,
Ada. and Master Glen Falischman,
son of Fred Falischman and wife,
were .-pending the day in Plattsmouth
last Saturday, where the young folks
were interested in the spelling con
test. Mrs. James Kelly and children,
of Dubuque. Iowa, who have been
visiting here for some time and call
ed here on account of the death of
Julius Bickert. and visited for a
short time with friends departed on
last Thursday for her home in the
Mrs. John T. Murphey and daugh
ter. Miss Helen and son Thomas were
in Omaha one day last week to visit
with the husband and father, who is
at the Saint Catherine hospital w hern
he is convalescing aftr having un
dergone an operation for appendi
citis. Miss Clara Trihy who visited her
home at Gretna last week, and was
not able to get back in time to take
up her work at the school, hud the
place filled by the kindness of Miss
Mable Coon, who taught until Miss
Trihy returned. Her failure to pet
home was the not running of the
bus line.
Wm. Harms, who has been in the
hospital, at Omaha for come time,
where he underwent an operation for
appendicitis and is feeling pretty well
and will be ready for work again in
a short time. He is enjoying a visit
from his friend, Charles Postelle. of
Omaha, who is Fpending a few days
at the Harms home.
voted lo laying down the retrictions
to be placed upon the use and sale of
intoxicating liquors, no part of it
could be held unconstitutional be
cause the new matter may not be
deemed strictly germane to the sub
ject of the section amended. If it be
germane to the subject covered by the
bill it is constitutional.
Mr. Dort further took the position
that- the object of the constitutional
provision cited is to prevent deceit on
the part of a legislator or a legisla
ture, and to make it impossible to
slip into a bill or to amend a law in
such a way that public attention is
not challenged to what is bHng
sought. There is no question of that
sort in this case, he said. The amend
ed lav; contained a large number of
changes and public attention was
directed to all of them.
FOR SALE Two hole corn shell
er in good working condition, mount
ed, wagon elevator, cob stacker.
Bargain if taken at once. Also Col
onv Brooder, 500 chick size. C. L.
Wiles, 3421. 3td-2w
Fror.i Saturday's Dally.
Last evening Mr. and Mrs. George
Busch returned to this city after hav
ing spent some time in Kansas,
where Mr. Busch has leen employed
at a garage. They were married at
Concordia, Kansas, a month ago and
have been making their home there
until the serious illness of Mrs. John
Bingham, grandmother of Mr. Busch
made his return necesary.
Blank Books at the Journal OlSce.
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of Wil
liam Hendricks, deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notified, that I will
sit at the County Court room in
Plattsmouth In said county, on the
25th d:.y of April. 1922. and the 25th
day of -;ily, 1922, at ten o'clock in
the forenoon of each day, to receive
and examine all claims against said
estate with a view to their adjust
ment and allowance. The time lim
ited for the presentation of claims
against said estate is three months
from the 25th day of April. A. D.
1922, and the time limited for pay
ment of debts is one year from said
25th day of April. 1922.
Witness my hand and the seal of
said county court, tbja 25th. day of
March, 1922.
(Seal) m27-4w County Judge.