The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 27, 1922, Image 1
girt ptettemriouib turn VOL. NO. XXXV1IL PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, MONDAY, MARCH 27, 1922. NO. 73 CITIZEN'S CONVENTION LAST NIGHT ENDORSES THE ADMINISTRATION MAYOR C A. JOHNSON NAMED FOR RE-ELECTION BY A DECISIVE MAJORITY CLERK AND TREASURER ARE FAVORITES. From Thursday's Dally. One of the largest city conventions that has ever assembled in this com munity was gathered at the district court room in the court house last night to place in the field the United Citizen's ticket for the various mu nicipal offices to be voted upon at the city election. April 4th. there be ins three hundred and sixty-seven ballots cast on the vote for mayor, and in which almost everyone voted. The issues were discussed and the relative merits of the candidates ad vanced as the men and women as sembled at the convention hall ear lier in the evening and the evident desire of the audience was that the present administration be returned to. power to complete the paving and other plans they have under way. In fact the only change made was in the fourth ward where the voters selected A. R. Johnson as councilman to succeed John C. Brittain by the TOte oi M u -a. i-iuueuKiii iu lue second ward and Howe in the third! also had clo?e calls, Lindeman win-1 ning bv 32 to 30 over John Gorder I and Howe bv 34 to 31 over John Wolff. The convention was called to order promptly at 8 o'clock by C. A. Rawls. i oeui- uu jonu vxoruer, chairman of the citv committee and'none or which received a majority. Elmer A. Webb acting as the secre- and on the second try Lindeman de tary. Mr. Rawls expressed his grati- ! !frated GoTsdS b ,a voe of Z t0 fication at the fine turnout and the'ara withdrawing from the con evident interest taken by the public. test- The presiding officers were then duly; The third ward also developed an made the presiding officers of the interesting contest with Oscar Howe, convention and the wheels that the present occupant or the position would name the next city officials of councilman, and John P. Wolff in were then set in motion. j the race, and the popularity of Howe James Ptacek moved that nomina-Jwho has made an excellent counctl tiens for the various office. La made man, resulted In his victory by the from the convention loor and hardly close score of 35 to 32. had-ths motion carried thanJ- Wes- in the 'fourth Vard the caucus de ley Bookmeyer. the silver tongued cided on a new candidate by naming orator of the third ward named: a. R. Johnson to succeed John C. Mayor Johnson for re-election and was followed by Frank Shopp. who placed the name of Fred Wagner be fore the gathering. The chair named as tellers to han dle the ballots. L.. F. Pickett. Robert Walling, Lynn Minor. C. C. Smith, C. M. Cavender and L. V. Copenhaver. The vote was one long to count and the final result wa announced by the secretary as 273 for Johnson and ; 93 for Wagner, with but one scatter-: man, 3. This gave Mr. Mauer the ing vote cast, which indicated every-j fifth ward nomination, one had concentrated on one or the' Ward committeemen and women two candidates. j were named as follows: On the nomination for city clerk, j 1st Ward F. P. Busch, Mrs. Edna L. L. McCarthy nominated A. H. Dux-' Shannon. bury, the present efficient clerk and : 2nd Ward W. A. Swatek, Mrs. with a great shout the election was . John Gorder. made unanimous. On the call fori 3rd Ward O. C. Hudson, Mrs. W. nominations for treasurer the name'R. Holmes. of the present incumbent. C. E. Hart-j 4th Ward Elmer A. Webb, Mrs. ford, was presented by H. A. Schneid- Frank Gobelman. er and he was likewise unanimously j 5th Ward L. E. Elliott, Mrs. Wm. nominated. j Shea. The candidates as they were named . The convention showed the proper were called for and responded with' spirit in the interest of the voters, their appreciation of the feelings of ; both men and women, and it is cer the people of the community in giv-!tainly gratifying that the citizens ing them a return to the office. I are showing such interest in muni- The next proposition taken upjeipal affairs, which usually are left was that of naming the two members to go by default, of the board of education and a very Mr. Wagner who was defeated for spirited race was given by three of the nomination for mayor, states the candidates, who finished In close that he is the best loser in the world order, hut Don C. York was the high- and has not the slightest intention est candidate of the four named. T. of trying to appeal from the decision H. Polh'ck and F. E. Schlater who of the convention and is as enthusi were named, declined to run, and this astic for the ticket as anyone else. 1IUCH WINTER WEATHER Henry Zuckweiler and wife, of Mil ler. South Dakota, who have been spending the winter in California, are here for a few days and report that while they had a most delight ful stay in the coast country they found the winter in that section the most severe that they have felt for a number of years. The older resi dents in California state that it is the coldest weather in the past twenty-five years and which has done a great deal of damage to the fruits of that localit3'. Mr. Zuckweiler re ports that in the section of Califor nia where he was visiting there was ice frozen to a depth of several inches. Mr. and. Mrs. Zuckweiler were at Hollywood at the home of Charles Lutz. a brother-in-law, the greater part of the time during their stay on the coast. NOW DOING NICELY From Thursday's Daiw- The many friends of John Cory, proprietor of the Ferkins House, will be much pleased to learn that Mr. Cory, who is at the Mayo hospital in Rochester, Minnesota, is showing much improvement and his condition is the best that could possibly be ex pected. It is thought that Mr. Cory will soon be able to return home, well on the highway to complete re covery. Harvey Cory, brother ' of John, however, is in a very critical condition at his home at Cedar Rap ids, Iowa, and hl3 recovery is a mat ter of grave doubt and the family have been groaUx worried (tot tla eonHftlon for the past fw da:m. left the race between A. G. Cole, present member, A. L. Tidd, Don C. York and C. E. Whittaker. The re sult of the Ions ballot, which re-j quired considerable time to tabulate, was as follows: York, 195; Cole, 169; ; Tidd. 154; Whittaker, 99. This gave Messrs. Don C. York and A. G. Cole the nomination, and they in turn were called upon and responded with a few words to the electors. Chairman Rawls then announced that the various wards of the city j wouia caucus lor xne nomination 01 the candidates for councilmen. and for some few minutes the air was filled with the different ward gath erings to pick the men they desired to have serve them and as stated before the contests were almost all sharp and interesting, In the first ward Councilman L. McCarthy was named for his second ' term and defeated H. A. Schneider who had been proposed by his friends. fha -nto y.ointr at tn q . . . . , . Th,e second ward had a long and "Citing contest as they had to a several ballots On the Srst oaiioi mere were mree canaiaaics. fred V,neI?,an' the ?re.stnt incum- Brittain who has occupied the posi tion for the past two years. The vote in this ward was 34 to 23 in favor of Mr. Johnson. The fifth ward had but eleven representatives present at the con vention and in their ward caucus, the names of L. E. Vroman and John W. Mauer, the present councilman. man were presented, the ballot re-; suiting as follows: Mauer. 8: Vro- NINE YEARS AGO TODAY From Thursdays Dally. Nine years ago today, March 23. 1913 Easter Sunday there swept over Omaha the devastating cyclone that has long since become history. Rarely do we hear it mentioned any more, thus indicating how quickly newer events crowd the older hap penings into the background. Al though great destruction resulted, the metropolis was quick to regain itself and today scarcely a visible sign of the tornado is to be seen in the storm swept area extending across the city diagonally !.ia of the cyclone? was the earliest Easter we will have for something like a century to come, the usual date being from one to , three weeks later. WIPED OUT BY FIRE From Thursday's Daily. Mr. C. F. Miller, representing the A. H. Arnold & Brother Creamery Machinery Mfrs., of Chicago, was in the city yesterday conferring with the L. C. Sharp Mfg. Co. regarding the manufacture of another series of hydraulic butter cutting machines. ine Arnoia company was among me victims of the big Chicago fire last victims of the big Chicago fire last week, being completely burned out. but are now re-established at anoth er location. This is one of the most progressive concerns in Chicago in the creamery machine line. Tablets, note books, pencils, etc., for the school children, zsbsf bis had at (he Journal HEc. RETURNS FROM FUNER AL John C. York, who was called to Pawnee City to attend the funeral services of his sister, Mrs. Charles Glasscock, has returned home after the last rites which were held on Wednesday at Crab Orchard, Neb. Mrs. Glasscock was the oldest sis ter of Mr. York and was aged eighty six years and has with her husband resided in the southern part of Ne braska for a great many years, liv ing for the greater part of the time at Crab Orchard and later moving to Pawnee City to reside with their son, Stephen, and family. The deceased lady leaves the husband and six children as well as a number of grandchildren and one great grand child to mourn her death. VERY PLEASANT BIRTHDAY PARTY John Meisinger of Cedar Creek is Given. Surprise by His Rela tives and Friends. From Frtdav'n Dally. A very pleasant gathering assem bled at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Meisinger in Cedar Creek on Thursday, March 16th, to celebrate the seventy-fifth birthday anniver- sary of Ml Meisinger. The party was a surprise and was planned by Mr. Meisinger's children and other relatives and friends. . Everyone brought In well filled baskets with good things to eat and the evening passed in cards and other amusement with conversation about experiences of early days mingled with the(present. Mr. Meisinger re ceived a number of gifts as a token of the esteem in which he is held by his relatives and friends. A few weks ago his wife was honored in the same way, the party being given at the home of her daughter, Mrs. John Gauer and it was deemed proper to honor the father when his birth day came. Mr. Meisinger was born in Ger many but has lived in Nebraska and Cass county long enough to be count ed among our pioneer families and he is highly respected by alL "-Those present to - wish the guest of honor many more years of health and prosperity were Mr. and Mrs. David Jardine, Mr. and Mrs. John Gauer, Mr. and Mrs. Anton Mei singer, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Salsberg, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Meisinger, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Heil, Mr. and Mrs. George Meyer and Mr. and Mrs. John Busche, while the younger folks who helped to enliven the occasion were Misses Myrtle and Lena Jardine. Helen Meisinger, Frances. Freda. Mil dred and Joyce Gauer. Messrs. Earl and Leroy Meisinger, Elmer Salsberg, Willie and Raymond Jardine. Floyd Gauer and Donald Meyer.- Louisville Courier. HOLD FINE MEETING Prom Friday's Dal!;. The Ladles Aid Society of the Methodist church were entertained most delightfully yesterday after noon at the church parlors at one of the largest meetings of the season and which was much enjoyed. The hostesses, Mesdames C. R. Frans, Roy Cole, C. P. Crum. A. Christ and John T. Lyon, had arranged a fine program for the occasion which con sisted of a very delightful piano duet by Mrs. Charles C. Barnard and Miss DeEUe Venner as well as a reading -by Miss Bernese Newell, given in her accustomed pleasing manner. The ladies have decided to purchase two Brussells rugs that will be added to the furnishings of the church parlors and as well ar ranged for a Relic day on Thursday, afternoon and evening, April 6th. Anyone who has articles of age or historical interest are requested to allow tfie use of them for this oc casion and a number of family heir looms will probably be placed on ex hibition that will offer an interest ing and unique showing. The hosteses at an appropriate hour served a very dainty and de licious luncheon that was much en joyed. WILL LOCATE HERE The Louisville Courier is the au thority for the announcement of the fact that William Stohlman, Jr., one JJl r"? p?,. ha and to nter tne fIne and Upto-date hardware store of Bestor & Swatek as salesman. Mr. Stohlman has been interested in the hardware business at Louisville with his father, Wil liam Stohlman, until recently and should prove a valuable addition to the Plattsmouth firm. NEW BARBER IN TOWN From Fridays Dally. This young man. however, has not reached the stage where he can cut y b i e, bouncing young Amer- lean boy that arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fullerton at an early hour this morning. The young man is doing nicely as is the mother and it Is thought that the proud father will be able tn be back at work In a few days altho he is very much up In the air today. Riant Boors at tie Jdurnal CStee. CITY ASSERTS TITLE TO LAND ALONG RIVER ACTION FILED IN THE DISTRICT COURT BY CITY REOPENS CASE ON RIVER LAND. From Friday's Dany. The controversy extending back over a period of : several years and covering the right and title to the lands formed by the accresion of the Missouri river for the past thirty years, was reopened yesterday when the City of Plattstnouth fited an ac tion in the district court asking that the title of the city be quieted and that the court hold the right to ownership of the land to te in the aforesaid city. The title of the case is that the City of Plattsmouth vs. the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy railroad, and others and included in the defend ants are August Bach, Jr., John Cory, Frank H. Johnson. Eli Man speaker, Adolph Geise, Grover El ledge, and a number of others, who have in the last few years platted the land on the river bottom and en gaged in the cultivation of the land. In the petition of the plaintiff i is asserted that the town site was platted in 1858 and in April. 1859, was by patent of the United States conveyed to the City of Plattsmouth and Wheatley Micklewait,' its mayor, being In extent seme 100 acres. In February, 1866, it Is asserted by the plaintiff the charter of the City of Plattsmouth was amended so as to set the city limits at the cen ter of the Missouri river and in 18S7 this was so declared by an ordinance passed and approved by the "city council. In the year. 1 SS9 - the Mis souri river began to shift its chan nel and moved eastward toward the Iowa side and as the result there was an extensive tract of land form ed by the accresion of the river on the west bank of the stream and joining the land named in the town site of the aforesaid city. The plaintiff also alleges that by reason of part -erKFa iiefenilants set tling or having the land platted that there has been a cloud cast on the title of the city to the land and this the plaintiff desires to have removed OBITUARY OF WEEPING WATER PIONEER LADY Margaretha Wil'helmina Hillman born in Hanover. Germany, Novem ber 12. 1859. and departed this life at the home of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Meta Hilman. March In, 1922. at the age of 62 years, 4 months and 3 days. Funreal services were held March 17, 1922. at 1:30 p. m. at the North Branch Lutheran church and interment made at the cemetery there. When yet a child she became a member of the North Branch Luth eran church and had ever remained a faithful member of this -denomination. Although always of a some what frail and delicate constitution Miss Hillman's life was well spent in loving service for others. . She leaves to mourn her departure one brother, D. J. Hillman of Ween ing Water, Neb.; two sisters, Mrs. Minnie Ruhge, Avoca. Neb.; and Mrs. Sophia Rieehers. Clatcnia, Neb.; two sisters-in-law, Mrs. Meta Hill man and Mrs. Anna Hillman, of Otoe, Neb., numerous nieces and nephews and a host of friends. Weeping Water Republican. MRS. MARY COONEY DEAD Mrs. Mary Cooney died last night at 8:30 o'clock at the family home. 503 Fifth corso, after an illness of one week's duration. Death was due to influenza. Her condition was very critical yesterday afternoon and fear was entertained for her recovery. She was born in Iowa, November 25, 1S71. where-she grew to young womanhood. She was united in mar riage in September, 1890. at Beatrice to Ilenry Cooney and the following year the family came to Nebraska City where they have since made their home. She was a kind and lov ing wife and mother, . and devoted to her family. She was a good neigh bor and a friend to all. She was a member of St. Mary's Uatnonc cT of this" city as' well as the Roal Highlanders, bhe was i a hie-h esteem by all and her aeaxn will be sad news to her hundreds of friends. She is survived by the husband and four children, Mrs. Mark Bur ton. Nehawka; Misses Georgine and Catherine Cooney and George Coon ey at home. Three sisters and three brothers also survive. Nebraska City Press. DINING CAR PRICES REDUCED Chicago, March 23. A reduction was announced today by Burl ngton T,T S?.,tia atH th.,r table d'hote service will be intro- duced In the dining cars. The table d'hote service will include 3ix club breakfasts ranging in price from 4 0 cents to $1. a luncheon and a $1.23 dinner. A la carte service will be I continued. Decrease in the price of food is re-RTM-in1K!n for Hie- Inwwr T-fcHB. ths- nnt aaid.-. SEEK FOR SHELTER The night police force have served as the guardians of a large number of travelers in the last few nights at the city jail where the sleeping accommodations of the classic city building have been greatly in de mand. The number of those who are traveling via the side door Pullman in these Harding times, seems to be increasing as far as observation goes and to thee unfortunates the city bastile has afforded a much apprec iated flop from the chill of the early spring nights. Officers Chandler and Elliott take in their guests and al low them to rest until morning when they go on their way feeling much better. This is not only an accomo dation to them but also to the public as sometinves there are not very de sirable characters Drowline over the city and this method keeps them un-l der observation for the night. 'PLAY BALL' IS SOON TO BE HEARD IN PLATTSMOUTH Meeting Last Night Elects John F. Wolff as Manager and Lays Plans For Season. From Thursdays Ially. Despite the great gathering at the city convention of the United Citi zens' party last night, a number of the baseball fans who preferred the sweet sound of the swat of the bat against the ball rather than the po litical medicine mixing, gathered at the Eagle hall. The meeting was in the nature of a preliminary organ ization of the fans for the coming season to boost the baseball team. John F. Wolff was named as man ager of the team for 1922 and a committee appointed to interview the merchants relative to having signs placed on the uniforms and each business house assisting in the securing of the suits for the team this year. Another meeting, wil be held on Friday evening at which time more definite plans will be made. TAKEN" TO OMAHA FOR -" A THIRD OPERATION Henry Gaebel took his liUle daugh ter Lenora to a specialist in Omaha last Mnu) ir a t 6 " u"was operated on Tuesday afternoon jaw about the size of a hazelnut and- hospital in that the physician aavisea an imineuia operation. Mr. Gaebel would liked to have his wife present but the doctor advised prompt attention. " The little girl, who is nine years old, had the measles last winter and also has had two other operations in about a year, and surely has had more than her share of illness. The specialist thought it possible that the lump was caused by infection which has been in her system since her last operation. After the operation, she was taken to the horre of her mother's grand father. August Thimgan and will corjie heme the latter part of the week with her mother who went up Monday and remained with her, leaving their little son with his grandparent?, Mr. and Mrs. William Stohlman. Louisville Courier. INFANT DAUGHTER DIES At a late hour Sunday night death claimed little Helen, the eleven-month-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Countryman of North Spruce street. The little one had always been a very hearty child, but con tracted croup a couple of weeks ago, which gradually developed into pneu monia. All that loving care and trained assistance could render was given, but to no avail. Had she lived till the next day she would have been just eleven months old. Services were held from the home on Monday afternoon at 3. p. m.. Rev. Scott pronouncing words of j cheer and comfort to the distressed parents and brothers. A selected choir of the Methodist church sang "Face to Face" and "Beautiful Isle of Somewhere." ; Interment was made in the Ogal lala cemetery. Mr. Countryman's brother from Lewellen was present. Keith County News. RETURNS FROM HOSPITAL From Thursday' Dally. Last evening Mrs. Roy James, who has been at the hospital in Omaha for the past four weeks recovering from an operation, returned to her home in this city, being accompanied home by Mr. James.- She is feeling much improved since the operation and it is thought will derive perma-J nent relief from the treatment and operation. FOR COUNTY TREASURER A number of J. M. Teegarden's friends circulated a petition this week urging him to become a can didate for county treasurer.' A good ly number from over the county placed their names on this petition in the hope that he would see fit to accept the nomination. If he will accept, it is claimed he will be elect ed by his booster friends. Weep ing Water Republican. Blank Books at the Journal CSct. FUNERAL OF DR. JOHN B. DUFF OF CEDAR GREEK Held Yesterday Afternoon From the Church at Cedar Creek Where Mr. Duff Made His Home. From Friday' Dally. Yesterday afternoon at the Cedar Creek church was held the funeral services of Dr. John B. Duff, pioneer physician of Cass county and who has for the past forty years been one of the well known figures of i that section of the county. Rev. H. G. McClusky of the Presbyterian church of this city gave the sermon, paying a tribute to the life of the deceased physician and of his work in the community. During the ser vices a number of the old and well loved hymns were given by the quar tet consisting of G. L. Farley, Miss Baird, Miss Fae Chase and Rev. Mc Clusky. At the conclusion of the ser vices the body was laid to rest in the Glendale cemetery near Cedar Creek. The service was attended by a very large number of the old friends, neighbors and associates who in the years past had known the deceased so well and held him in such deep respect and affection. Dr. Duff was seventy-seven years of age and a veteran of the civil war and later had graduated from the University of Michigan medical col lege and also at the Keokuk, (Iowa) medical college. He came west short ly after his completion of his school work and forty years ago settled in Cedar Creek where he has since re sided. Mr. Duff was twice married, the first wife dying shortly after he came to Cedar Creek, and he then married Miss Mary Walradt and to this union four children were born, the two sons preceding the father in death, and the two daughters, Mrs. Harry O'Brien and Miss Grace Duff, with the mother remain to share the grief of the passing of this pioneer resident. A number from this city were in attendance at the funeral service. , V OPERATED ON AT OMAHA. - From Thursday's Datlj. Robert Rebal. son of Mr. and Mrs. James Rebal, of this city, and who is the prescription clerk ' at the Brown Park pharmacy in Omaha, . f f rhronic ftDnpndI citis. .The condition of Mr. Rebal is reported as very satisfactory and his early recovery is looked for by the attending physicians. AMERICAN RAILROADS RILL 5.587 PERSONS LN YEAR Washington, March 23. Ameri can railroad operation last year re sulted in the accidental death of 5. 5S7 persons and the injury, more or less serious, of 43,324 according to compilations by the Interstate Com merce Commission. There was, how ever, a decrease under tb- totals re ported for 1920, when 6,495 persons were accidentally killed and 63,786 injured. The commission estimated that the decrease in number of per sons killed 14 per cent and 32 per cent in the number Injured. Lose Try a anything? Find anything? Journal want-ad. n illiiniiiiinmii ITifTf Sank Courtesy! Bank courtesy is no different than any other kind of ccuitesy. Genuine courtesy is the same whether you encoun ter it in a bank, in a store, on the street or in the home cf a friend. Courtesy is consideration, apprecia tion and a genuine desire to do unto eth ers as you would have ' other3 do unto you. You will find that courtesy is a dis tinct part of the oldest bank in this locality a bank which has served Plattsmouth and vicinity for over 50 years. I the First national Bank THE BANK W HERE YCU FEgL AT HOMc wjTTSMOUTH "NEBRASKA. Member Federal Reserve Hi TTTMt1tn M MlU TitM;H Mijirif lj MiniH H i AUTOMOBILE DESTROYED From Friday's JT'allj. This afternoon M. R. Beaver, rep resenting a dictagraph company, and enroate trom Omaha to Nehawka, suffered the loss of his large chum my roadster Oldsraobile by fir while on the highway south of the city. Mr. Beaver was driving along when near tne Alvin liomee farm discov ered the fact that his car na ablaze and despite all his efforts as weli a. thore of the passerfhy the car wan destroyed and is m?' a complete wrttk. BUSINESS IS BETTER, SAYS FEDERAL REPORT Commerce Department Sees "Mark ed Improvement in Eackbone ot Industry" Today. Washington. March 22. Business is gradually approaching normal, ac cording to figures compiled by the department ot" commerce up to last Monday, and while the favorably movement has not been evenly dis tributed among the different indus tries, the improvement ia those in dustries which "constitute the back bone of American business," has been "very marked" over conditions of a few months ago. The outstanding change in condi tions during recent weeks, the de partment's report said, has been the "substantial increase" in prices of agricultural products. Compared with December, last, the improve ment has been still more marked. In the principal food commodities the following notable increases have occurred: Hogs, 45 ."per cent in two months; sheep and lambs, from 40 to 70 per cent, and wheat and corn. 20 pr cent, while cattle and minor cereals ehowed substantial gains. Cotton, while slightly higher than in Jan uary, was still below the price pre vailing in the last quarter of 1921. Production of pig iron in Febru ary amounted to 1.630.000 tons com pared with 1.C39.000 tons the prev ioonnonth and 137,000 in Febru ary, a years ago. Steel ingot pro duction, during February exceeded 2,000.000 tons for the flrsf time in twelve, months, but prices of Iron fteel, in common with all metal, de clined last month, and many metals are now below the pre-war level. Coal and gasoline production In creased during the month, and there was an increase In buiiding opera tions throughout the country of $11,000,000 despite the shorter month. INCOME AND PROFITS TAXES FALL OFF $200,000,000 Washington. March 23. On the basis of reported collections of in come and profits taxes of the March 15 installment, a shortage of $200.- 000.000 in the estimated revenues from these sources for the calendar year 1922 was estimated today by jibe treasury. Original estimates of revenues 'from income and profits taxes for the calendar year, high officials said, were $1,740,000,000. while returns from the March installment now in dicated the total for the year will be $1,540,000,000. I Popular copyright! and the latest fiction at the Journal office. r-j '4 r F l-14 1 -11 Ml r : 1 nTrrnTTTTT i ' M t :t H i M t f r i M ; 0 r M ; r I li.! i k llJl'ffflfllff Vlf II if II Wj fe.33-