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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1922)
THURSDAY, MARCH 23, 1922. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WZESLY JOURNAL PAGE FIVE Murray Department Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surroundinc Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers If niy of the reOra of the Journal knOT" of uj aoclit event or item of Interest lri this vicinity, and will mall tce to this office, it will ap pear under this headirr. we want all newg items Editor Here to Serve You! A bank is one of the elements of safety in a c6rii munity as well as one which renders service" to all of the members of the community. .We are glad to solve your problems when it is possible. Make this bank j'our office when in town. We are pleased to give you the best service possible. If you are puzzled about some financial proposi tion, come in and we will talk it over and endeavor to find a solution. 3 I ' '1 sail m Stat Bub, The Bank of Service MURRAY NEBRASKA R ; their car and found the trip coming ; at which time the Rev. Dr. J. B. home not the best on account of the I Jackson formerly pastor here but rain. j now at Omaha, will conduct the ser- Worth Click and W. O. Troop were vices on that date both morning and looking- after some business matters evening. in the county seat last Saturday, making the trip before -the storm, which made the going very diffi cult. Chester Shrader, of Omaha, was a visitor at'' the home of Mr. and Mrs. i H. C. Long, his grandparents, and also with' Mr. and Mrs. Geo." Nickles, ' 'his aurit and uncle, enjoying a nice visit. tnaries enneay. wno naS neen m friends are pieased to know amon;? tfcose' on the sick list, is re- f ... nrf12.rP!!S toward health anri . i a r . - . i , , ; . i 'CI ins lime ana wun eacu uay is gam Returned From Kcfpital Last Tuesday afternoon Mr. W. G. Baedeker departed for Omaha and on the following morning returned accompanied b3 Mrs. Eoedeker, who lias been in Omaha for some time past and where she underwent an play was given Is "being greatly benefited. Lewiston Ladies Aid All members of the Ladies Aid So ciety of Lewiston are requested to fce present at a business meeting1 at the church on Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock, March 30. MRS. ADDIE E. PARK, President. Removed to Omaha Mr. and Mrs. Stibbs, who have conducted the Berger hotel for the past several months have given over the management to the owner, Mrs. J. W. Berger, and have removed to Omaha. Mrs. Berger who has for mny years conducted the hostelry here, is well known and has been rarely equaled in a town like Mur ray and never excelled. . ery .' r.norp t ?rm nnrl frnrm whirh etie ia ra. i tut rine uiutij ul mis Lime, tier ing. and is hoping soon to be able to ! be out again. . j W. H. Puis and Jasper Queen were Catches an Eag;le Last Monday while Lloyd Lewis ; and his father J. D. Lewis, were : working in the field they ran across an eaple which had been wounded and could scarcely fly but with the ; strength still remainging in its legs I was able to keep away from Lloyd, j However, the dogs came up on the I Athpr culp rif it and Mr Tjwi ivac: 120 rods Of four foct woven wire -KIp tn rritfti Tho snr'pnrt of tho her return home. Fencing for Sale looking after some business matters fencing, also one iron pump, 25 feet wings measured six feet. The eagle in Plattsmouth last Tuosdav afte- ct pipe. All in gooa condition. Une noon and when returning brought mile east and one mile north of Mur with them a new plow for one of J-ay. Guy Murray. m9-2w. their customers. ' Last Monday Searl Davis shipped a Will Leave For v7est Soon, was kept for a short time and then turned lose again. Will Show in Nehawka car load of cattle to the South Omaha Geor?e TanneP and wife will de- ple wiiigh'e'the pla whicfc proved It . v.yo j V U Farl tue last or Inis weeK Ior ine popular at Murrav at auditori- lu" i-iicic r-o on miicMc v .uv-.-pgj ana wm g0 lo AKron, colo., ten cents during the time the cattlie wnere are expecting to spend were on the read. j the summer. L. H. Puis of Plattsmouth was" a ; visitor in Murray last Tuesday arid : while here was emDloved makinjr a 'table lamp, which he formed out of During-the latter part of last week i stick of native walnut, making a the Royal Neighbors of America of, i very elegant piece of furniture. f which Mrs. Oswald Virgin was a l t TTi i: . v. .,, . j . Tnp.rii'hpr at thf iimp of hpr rlp.nfh anrl ! i r. I t Li:ifi ii. w iiu nuujc iiuic ac;u - . t - . ....!.. , lost his earage bv fire, is now build- in which she carried a policy of life tunata in getting an opportnn ity to Make Early Settlement urn in rsehawka on March 61, Fri day of next week and which will be a very pleasing play for the people of our neighboring city. The play as 5t was given at Murray proved to be a most fun provoking hit. and was applauded by all who were in attendance. The people of Nehawka are for- larger On Tuesdav Col. J. P. Sevboldt j which represents more than a and son. Wiif Seyboldt, bhipped a car, hundred dollars. of rattle to the South Omaha market.; Henry Re-nick was a visitor g another and this time a e than the one which he lost and which will afford space for doing Isome work when such is necessary. I In the matter nf nrorinrt inn a rer- ZS-C . tain sow which Edward Lewis has - - I on his farra has the hen tied, as a naj few days since she found seventeen mcs. ana an neaiinv ones. tne inrurance of nine thousand dollars. mn'e settlement for the insurance with the husband Mr. Oswald Virgin. see and hear this excellent play. HOME TALENT PLAT GIVEN AT limtEAY LAST WEES S. C. Rhode Island Red eggs for hatching. $5.00 per hundred. Mrs.' Guy Wiles, Murray. lmo-d&w I; in Frank Valkry of Plf.ttmouth was Murray from his home in Nehuvka, laid on two and killed them, but the (other fifteen are doing" well. j j Mont Shrader has been busy cf 1 - J .1 . . '...-in.irp rinttaFtt hairff -irfTlT'initlf1 YiV Vile TlfOTltC in Murray last Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Y. II. Resnick. on last i fixi"S up around the hotel prop- wn in his car. j Tiwrday afternoon. Jll'"uaJ v c-; ,J""U1U having driven dow M: and Mrs. LeRoy Jarv's a fence pround the barn for a - i ( ti m V f re hfi4 fiit rnrrtnlotpH 1,1 : .. . . - .-fnTirl tins? lot Mr Shritrtor tflls . . t trt r.QinTinT nr 1 11 u 1 r dt- : i r r t i : i i -. - . .... . . . . . . . - - - - L in'- , . ... - I t n , 1 1 r c f rr iCT enmo ritIppi irfhp: in home ci -Mrs. j. a. vvancer, v.-nicn ; - - - ... ... ... :t-.s added to the elegance of their dePth where he was digging pest noies. G. Platsmouth were visitin home of Mrs. Jar vis parent. M. "-n--yli i 11 ani) wife ljst SlltlllaV , ' . " . ! alreadv beautiful home. J. W. Edmunds has charge of the, Dr G H Gilmore is kept on the cream station and wnl srjon go to i mon of thp tirne jugt now aml Omaha, where he is to take the ex-; - Jth he nQt too rood ro,ds and awination for testing of cream and iVeather and a large amount of sick- Duner ui. I nes. finds little pleasure. George Tamer and wife will de- Henry C. Iiong, who has been feel- part the last or this week ror tne jngi poorly for forae time, was a pas west and will go to Akron, Colorado. : senger to Plattsmouth both last Sat where they are expecting to spend ', urday and Monday, where he went to the summer. j take treatment of Dr. H. C. Ieopold. -,.LaMeeb GIn,.Todd living, on! U'm. Sporer and family were the state road, suffered a loss of some srenaing the day in Omaha last tat- lly Uncle From Japan The young people of Murray un der the direction ar.d tutorage of M: L. D. Iliatt produced one of the best plays which has come for a long time. The title of the play being "My Uncle 0Frem Japan." and met with a mot wonderful greeting by the people of Murray and vicinity. The cast was all well worth while On account of the weather being and as all did their parts one could very bad and we missing the train E0t he selected who did not do ex- cow Of: fifty of his flock of chickens and urday, making the trip with their aturday Spedials! The cream of the market is offered both in price and quality in our Saturday bargain lists. Shop with us and save. GROCERIES 48-lb. sack Little Hatchet flour $1.93 15 lbs. pure granulated sugar for .' 1.00 3- Ib. fancy blend Monarch coffee 1.00 Genuine Santos peaberry, per lb 25 5-lb. sack oatmeal for 25 4- Ib. sack Gooch's Best pancake flour .35 Tomatoes, No- 3 size can, 2 for .35 Wincrr sweet corn, 2 cans for 25 Sifted Early June peas, 2 cans for ' .35 Nimko peaches, heavy syrup, per can .30 Apple butter, 38-cz. Jar for 40 Fresh dates, large size packages, 2 for 25 Cocoanut, fresh, white slock, per lb. . . 25 2 pounds bulk cocoa for 25 Salmon, high grade Ferri Leaf brand; 3 cans for. . .59 Soap chps, fine for laundry purposes, 3 lbs. for. . .25 4 bars white Naptha soap for 25 5 bars Swift's Pride white soap for 25 Gallon cans solid pack pears . . .75 last Sunday morning, we are exter a-; cellent. Uncle Samuel Latte, ho has ing thanks to Mr. B. A. Root for his na-rsd his S4th hirthdav. delighted (kindness in teaching the adult class the audience bv one of his inimita . jat the Bible schools of the Christian ble .fongs. The Cole orchestra f rom - church, wnich we have endeavored Mynard favored the people with to teach. isom? musical numbers and added to The Murray people who have jut the enjoyment of the occasion. Percy given the play "My Uncle from Fields and daughter. Charlotte, and '. Japan," and with such success, have Raymond Cook of Plattsmouth cre been asked to give the play again and ated much laughter between acts at Nehawka, and as soon as a date Little Miss Fields brought the house for the giving of it shall have been down at:d with all it was one of tfre fixed they will appear before the mct pasing entertainments of the people of Nehawka and will delight season. The receipts were very lib them. ! cral and the library for which the Dr. B. F. Brendel was a caller at j Union last Mondav. where he went' """"'""" " to treat a patient, this being his first ' XH-XH--K- out of town call, and while it was not a very agreeable day, ptood the trip nicely and is feeling much bet- MONEY SAVING SPECIALS FROM OUR DRY GOODS LINES Men's 220 wt. bib overalls, big roomy cut, double sewed, large pockets of best matl., a real buy. $1.49 Men's black cotton hose, a good one for every day wear. 7 pairs for 1.00 18-inch Turkish toweling, per yd- 19 Genuine Renfrew table damask, 70 inches wide, blue border and floral stripe, $1.75 quality, yd. 1.35 70-inch half linen damask, flower design, worth $2.25 yard. Special Saturday price, yd 1.75 66-ihch highly mercerized table damask, per yd. . . Ladies and Misses patent leather and metal trim med belts, the range of the season, 25c, 50c. . Curtain nets, this season's latest designs and ma terials in all -wanted widths-. Yard, 50c, 75c. . . Scrims and mercerized marquesettes, 15, 25, 40. THE TOP PRICE PAID FOR PRODUCE .75 1.00 1.00 .65 H. I. Seennicta & Co,, Telephone No. 12. Murray, Nebraska. LOCATED A T MURRAY ter. Dr. J. F. Brendel, who i? looking after the extensive practice of both he and his father, is kept extremely busy thc?e days. Last Saturday James Hatch ett and daughter. Lorine, went to Platts mouth where Mr. Hatchett was look ing after seme business matters for the day while Miss Lorine was one of the contestants in the ipelling contest which was held at the office jV of the county superintendent. They made the trip via the bus, but as tho bus did not return had to await the coming of the midnight train to get home. Henry Zuckweiler and "wife, of Miller, South Dakota, who have been visiting for the past month or more in the west, having been at Los Angeles, and having spent some time Specialist on Swine and Cattle Diseases OR. G. L. TAYLOR Veterinarian The three act, farce comedy, home talent pliy, "My Uncle From Ja- pan," which was given at the Pet-j rsoc hail . Wednesday evening un der the auspices of the Community club, was a grand success in every ie?pect, for which much credit is due Mr. L. D. Hiatt, the director of the play. j Early in the evening the crowd of people began to pour in, and be- ! fore time for the curtain to rise, ev- : ery chair as well as all the available standing room was occupied. Some-! thing over $90 was received in ad mission tickets. Ivan Deles' Dernier as Capt. Rack et, a young lawyer and liar at all j times, and his young wife, Margar- j et Spa?gler, who was up to "any-! I ... Li c- : ill ncic t jsitiijg tiic heme of their friend, Timothy To man, Martin Sporer, who' had mar ried Iris wife. Etta Nickels, for her j money and the jealous wife was found to have a temper. Uncle Oba diah from Japan, Everett Spangler, appeared on the scene and caused mora trouble. The muddle was in creased by the arrival of Clarice father, W. G. McCracken, who to gether with Hobson. Glen Edmisten, the waiter from the cafe, and Katy, i Catherine Brown, the mischieveous J maid, corner the captain and he fin-j ally own up after which they all i live happly ever after. The play was a lively one and all j the participants acted their parts: very well I The Cole orchestra from Mynard V.'ill receive calls at resi dence, Murray. Phone No. CO I i 1IMTOI their home in the north. was present and gave several beau Sa'tifu! selections which were greatly . appreciated by the audience. This or .' chestra is composed of Mrs. Roy Cole. Ji piano; Mr. Roy Cole, cornet; Mr. Sherman Cole, trombone; Miss Opal CoI saxophone, and Mrs. Arthur Troop, violin, and all are excellent musicians. Rav Cook and Percy Fields of; Plattsmouth great!y plesred every-, on e by their songs and vaudeville entertainment between acts, as did Mr. Hiatt, who in a great, artist in: ! that line, "and won ths applause of ( ! all. Dainty little Miss Oharlotte . : Field? gave t solo in her sweet and jv.inring way and was heartily on-i ! cored to which she' kindly responded. - . f Ttt1 Stii T.atta n!sn saner a enii- Platts-jfcpry LifiTllfEr I EiMIRFR' ' nt solos wTiich were likewise en-I i joyed. I Altogether the pleasing and high !ire I .jk nan nRtl H t1 in and near Murray, departed last ' SSL BCSlLaLc Kt? Tuesday afternoon after having visit-! ed at the homes of Fred Lutz and L. D. Hiatt for some t!me, to mouth. where they will viit for ror-e time before they depart for To saw at our saw mil!. Willsiart- Herman Wclforth. recognizing the sawin.j abouth March 20th. 'fHss entertainment was tborouehlv , emovahle evnt ana wrs nro- worth having the poultry branch sawed ino any dimension lumber munced by many as' the best home, of the farming business looked after; t talent ever given in Murrav. ) in the proper way, is at this time yuu requeai. . T amateur actors have been in-! D3f3'T BELfiY! pring Arrivals Here We have our spring good here and are ready for your demands. It is ever our aim to satisfy the trade, arid; in our purchases of new Spring Gingham?, we have endeavored to" select the patterns and styles which the customers are desiring. In trie Millinery line we also have made very choice selections and have a line of very fine ladies hats. In the line' of gentlemen's head wear, we have a wonderful array to select from. Come and see us, we will endeavor to please you, and do not forget the excellent line of leather gloves as well. Wilson & Puis, The Service Store Murray, Nebraska mux We are now located in our new quarters and pre pared for all work which comes cur way. We are ready to care for your needs, and will gladly meet all compe tition in both prices and quality of work. M. G. CHURCHILL, MURRAY -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA RSany Peple are Building! More are contemplat ng building. Don't wait to long. Have us put in an estimate on ihe building which you want done We will be pleased to serve you. PHONE 45 J. A. SCQTTEs'3, Contractor MURRAY -:- -:- NEBRASKA Give the Hons a Ghancs! Kill the mites and other vermin. Vre have the solution CARBOLAe The Disinfectant, the White Wash and the Lice Killer. We would like to tell all abont it. Banning L tickles, Murray, Nebraska building an excellent poultry house wnicn he win use for the better care of his chickens who are contributing greatly to the profit of the farm. He has bouRht the materials for the construction from the lumber yard of Banning: & Nickles. who are sell ing much lumber at this time. GREEN BUSS SERVICE Our Green Bus leaves- your town I three times daily to Nebraska City 1 and Omaha. If -yon want us to main j tain this service, patronize it'. We will appreciate your patronage. H-P TRANSFER CO. Bring in your logs now. First come, first served. Sheldon Mg, Co,, Nehawka, Neb. ivitel to take their play to several ! rcisrhbofing towns which they are leaking under consideration. BY ORDER OF COURT Closing out entire stock of mer chandise for cash of E. G. Dovey & Son, at reduced prices. JOHN F. GORDER, Receiver. We have a large 2-ton G. M. C. truck which is equipped for hauling Cattle, Hogs, Sheep, Grain, Household Gocc's, and in fact anything that can be hauled by Truck. , WE CAN HAUL IT Cur prices are reasonable One trial vill prove it! CALL MURRAY PE0NL ' MURRAY NEBRASKA Will Make Home Here Again James Oruber, who with the fam ily has been in the we3t mating his home In Washinc-trn fir tho rct several month, returned to Murray j i last Saturday and will make his J (home here for the present. While they like the west pretty well it does' , not look just like Cass county, and ! .in fact it is difficult to find places mai are mucn' n anv netter than' this portion of Nebraska. For Sale Single comb Rhode Inland Red. large type dark red. $1.50 each. Call phone 16. tf-w SIRS. S. OLDHAM. Murray, Neb. Services at Presbyterian Clrnrch There will be services at the Pres byterian church on Sunday, April 2, We Are Needing the Money! When the times were close I trusted a number of my friends for supplies from the store. Since then the firm' has changed and the accounts should be settled. Please call at the store of Wilson & Puis where I will be found with the books for settlement. Do not neglect to settle these accounts as I want to close the books. 'OMT MURRAY f3 , WILSON',' -:- NEBRASKA Spring is at Our Door! Sure we are ready for its coming, with all kind of farming machinery, seeds, both for the field and the garden. Come see us for anything you may want. We can save you money and give you the best service- We make a specialty for accurate and quick serv ice in any and all repairs. Peterson Hardware Co. E. L. PETERSON, Manager MURRAY -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA