The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 23, 1922, Image 1

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NO. 72
From Mondays Dally.
With the most appropriate appoint-
nients to make the settings both at-
tractive and interesting. the first
parental day banquet of Cass chap-
ter. Order of DeMolay. held Saturday
Avnivtcr j 1 1 jt li-irniiut rnnmc nf t ha
Masonic temple was a success in ev-
nH attfinrii hv
close to 145 of the hoys and their
parents. !
,e' banquet lill was arranged
festoons of Ted. white and blue
r ;,t .
streamers suspended from the ceiling. The speaker also told of the work
while the tables were arranged in a of the last meeting of the grand
very pleasing setting of the DeMolay council that laid down new laws for
colors of purple and gold, squares of the order. In his closing the speaker
the colors being placed on the tables urged the observance of the spirit of
and with the candles adding a very the Biblical teaching of honoring the
attractive part to the decorations, ' father and the mother and the in
as well as baskets of foliage which culcation of the highest ideals that
caught with the colors of the order ' would make of the boy the Chris
assisted in the color scheme. Itian man of the future.
In the menu there was found a It was fitting at the close of the
very deiicious repast that tempted remarks of Dr. Clark that the toast
the members of the order and their "Mother" should be touched upon
guests and for which the ladies of and to this Fred Warren spoke, giv
the Eastern Star were responsible ing a very beautiful tribute to the
and in this they acquitted themselves mothers of the world and at the close
in a most royal manner and left the sweet strains of "M-o-t-h-e-r"
nothing undone that might add to: played by the orchestra brought the
the pleasures of the event. The menu .' gathering to a close,
was as follows: I Dr. Clark, who with his son, Eu-
Head Lettuce Salad gene E. Clark, and H. w. Youngquist,
Pickles Wafers Relish . master councilor of the Omaha chap-
Roast Beef
Escalloped Potatoes
Hot Rolls Butter
Creamed Peas
Fruit Salad Cake
Coffee Nuts
Not only was the menu a very
tempting one. but the clever manner
in which the corps of waiters, form
ed from the DeMolay boys and under
the direction of William Matchalott,
served the repast was a delight and
revelation and the boys-have earned
a reputation of efficiency in this line
that means many other opportunities
in the same work in the future.
The waiters were headed by Wil
liam Matchalott and consisted ot
Harold Renner. Charles Richards.
Stewart Chase. Joe Atterbory, Carl
Ofe, EX1 McBride. Elmer Johnson.
Harry and Howard Dwyer, Courtney
Chandler. Wayne Hudson, George
Ebersole and Floyd Elliott.
As the guests were seated the din
ner hour was made more enjoyable
by the very fine musical program
that was rendered by "Happy's Five,"
consisting of Miles Altman. violin;
Harold Smith, piano; John T. Lyon,
saxaphone; Frank Marshall, drums
and Jark Ledewar. cornet. The or-1
chestra not onlv plaved delightfully Tne death of George W. Harsh
during the course of the banquet. man. Sr.. occurred Saturday evening
but at the close joined in the finale at 6:15 at the hospital in Linioln
with the heart-touching melody of.where he has been for the past few
"Mother." weeks and the end was not unez-
' Ralph J. Havnie, chairman of the . Prted as the patient has been quite
advisory board of the local chapter. : sick and at his advanced age of
and one of the hard workers and eighty-six. made his recovery the
boosters for the order in .the state, i matter of the gravest doubt from the
served as the presiding officer and j tegmning of the sickness,
introduced the toastmaster of the George Washington Harshman
festive occasion, Ravmond C. Cook, was a native of Ohio, being born
master councilor of the DeMolay . there in the year 1836, and when a
chapter and who made a most pleas- lal of tender years was brought by
ing guiding spirit of the banquet his Parents to Illinois, where he was
and his clever remarks in the in- reared to manhood and spent his
troduction or the different speakers : early rears there. The Harshman
served to keep evervone in a most .family settled in Illinois in 1840
pleasant mood and Mr Cook well nd resided there until 1854 when
qualified as a real, up-to-the-minute Mr. Harshman and his bride came
toastmaster. and we are still wonder-: west to Nebraska and located on a
ing how he found out so much con-1 fann Eeai where the town of Avoca
cerning the private affairs of the ; nw fnds there the family
other sneakers ,made their hotie for a great many
Thefirst address on the toast list 'ears- Mi;s- Harshman preceded her
was that of C. C. Wescott, who spoke . husband in dea th and to mourn his
on "Affiliation with the Church." joss there remain eleven children. In
pointing out the fact that through
affiliation with the church the young
. . i
1 scS-v. tVio Mirhor irioala !
and fitted to better face the battle ' Fr the pnst three years Mr. and
of life and to make better men and , Mrs- Harshraan have made their
citizens. Mr. Wescott cited the facthom aorm1a vnear, Lincoln,
that there were 27.000.000 of the' wllJ be taken to Avoca
people of the nation who are ot.d the funeral held
members of churches and receiving ' he Christian church in that
man a mt place Wednesday afternoon at 1:30.
stirring plea for a greater response to
v:l v.
the call of the church bells on the
Sabbath day.
One of the most interesting ad
dresses of the list and especially so
to the visitors, was that given by
Otto Trilety on "The History of De
Molay." in which he recounted the
life of the great Templar whose name
has been given to the order for boys
that has grown up under the foster
ing wine of Masonry, giving the
Mory of his persecution at the hands
of the Frankish king and his death
at the stake in front of the cathedral
of Notre Dame in Faris In the elev-jMrs.
enth century.
The audience was treated to some
very clever repartee on the part of
Harry W. Smith, who spoke on "Son"
and his son, Harold L. Smith, who
had the subject of "Father," and the
clever and affectionate jibes made by
the speakers, kept everyone in the
best of humor during the course of
these two toasts.
IT , .. th.
Harley F. Cecil, who was the nrst
master councilor of Ca chpter r
andndiend LYhSdd? EST7
some of the things tor which thej11 of the frlepdg her
order stands and a brief resume of -the
history of the loeal order and in Blank Books at the Jdorsai Office,
. his remarks the speaker was force- j
i ful and aggressive and gave to the
auditors a clearer conception of the
Order of DeMolay and its principles.
The view that the public and the
community holds of the DeMolay was
given briefly by Frank H. Smith and
in which a tribute was paid to the
order and its work.
The main speech of the evening
wa3 that of Dr. Zoro Clark, of Omaha,
representative of the grand council
of the DeMolay in Nebraska, and in
JeSisTearnS slTnce. ?
ment of the organization that has
'come as a great factor in the life of
the Protestant young men of the
nation and Dr. Clark told of the
growth of the order in the nation
from the time of the starting of the
mother chapter in Kansas City to the
i net s 1 H n sr rf f ho Hm a Vi o Ko rtor V
second in the country, and the rapid
rrnui h t h ft t h c hm., rY t t ho nr, tn
the front by leaps and bounds until
its membership is close to 200.000
over the nation and with chapters
being formed every dav.
tu 0t-. u .v. .
ter, had made the trip from Omaha
in their car, found that the section
of road near the Platte river bridge
was not of the very best and spent
two hours there awaiting assistance
to bring them on into this city as
their car was stuck in the mud there.
After the close of the banquet the
chapter of DeMolay conferred the
initiatory and DeMolay degree on
four candidates, the work being car
ried out in a most impressive man
ner by the officers and at the close
Dr. Clark addressed the lodge and
gave the chapter the highest praise
for their fine work.
Pioneer Resident of Near Avoca Dies
at Hospital in Lincoln After
Long Siege of Illness.
'7 " L , "dri,uuiajn,wa3 mar-
jrifd "e second time and leaves the
winn w as
Tvnii as
the children to
mOUm nis
ot The deceased gentleman was quite
athletic during .his younger davs and
held the
reputation as one of the
wrestlers of the state at
one time
Frooi Monday's Dally.
The funeral services of little Mar
ion Leonard, the five year old daugh
ter or Mr. and Mrs. Theodore P.
Leonard of Omaha, was held in this
' city Friday afternoon from the home
of the grandmother of the little one,
V. V. Leonard, and the services
quite largely attended, many irom
Omaha being present. Father W. S.
Leete, rector of the St. Luke's church
was in charge and conducted the
Episcopal service for the dead, and
the music Sot the service was given
by the choir of the church. The bur
ial was at Oak II 11 cemetery.
There has been no event that oast
more gloom or sorrow over this com-
munity as well as Omaha, where the
..... , '
tTrom Tuesday's Dally.
The old council chamber in
:eity a11 laf usuaUv haa but he
i members of the august lawmaking
body of the city, ye reporter and a
few onlookers at the sessions of the
ffounciI- st ev,eninK Ped to
its capacity and even the temple of
justice of Judge Archer was filled
justice of Judge
by those who came to hear and a
number to express their sentiments
as to whether or not there should
be a ohange in the form of Main
street and the construction of a
storm sewer system to care for the
flood waters.
Briefly it may be stated that the
sentiment of the majority of the
property owners on Main street was
decidedly against any change that
might tend to lessen the carrying ca
pacity of the street In time of emer
gency such as have occurred in the
past fifteen years.
As the prelude to the sewering
proposition the American Legion
post presented a petition asking that
they be allowed permission to hold
a carnival on the city grounds on
Washington avenue, the members to
6ee that the lots were cleaned up
and the -proper police protection giv
en. As the council was called in ses
sion for a specific purpose they
could not take action, and it "was laid
over until the next regular meeting.
Mayor C. A. Johnson in his usual
frank and fair manner stated that
It was the desire of the council to
hear the expression of all of the
property owners as to what they
thought of the sewer as suggested
by the engineers, Bruce & Group,
as a part of the iplans for improv
ing Main street. " .
. Mr. John A. Bruce w-as present
and stated that he did not care to
discuss the matter only in the ans
wering of questions that might be
asked as to the plans, as he was not
urging the proposition; that was
wholly for the people of the city to
decide upon. Mr. Bruce, in reply to
a question of Mr. John Sattler, stat
ed that the district did not include
the entire city but the larger por
tion thereof r.nd especially those lo
calities that had any benefit from
the district of which was drained
by the sewers. The "blanket cost to
the whole district would be J4.80 per
lot ibut this would probably pro-rate
as the matter of benefit was placed
by the council. The total cost as es
timated would be $18,229 and this
would also lessen the cost of the pav
ing by taking up twelve feet of pav
ing as the crown of the sewer.
Attorney D. O. Dwyer was the Jlrst
to he called upon and stated that he
had not teen familiar with the prop
osition but as a whole did not fa
vor the changing of the contour of
the street and that nothing should
be done that might in anyway en
danger of the safety of the business
section of the city. Later Mr. Dwy
er offered the additional suggestion
that small conduits might be con
structed that would carry off the
surface water that so often remains
on the street. As the resident streets
are paved the -water reaches Main
street more rapidly and therefore a
greater capacity would be needed.
Engineer Frank T. Darrow of the
Burlington, who was in the city in
regard to the extension of the sew
erage system of the Burlington in
their yards was present, and when
called upon gave a short resume ef
his observations on the sewer. He
had, he stated, been the person who
had recommended the lowering of
Main street in 1908 as a measure
of protection and that while It had
been unsightly it had served the pur
pose. If a street was desired that
would be passible at all times, then
of necessity a change must be made
in the contour of the street and in
the placing of additional sewers.
One of the most important matters
of the sewer was the intakes and
these should be as large as possible
and extend as far out from the main
section eo as to take up the first
rush of flood water. As to the pav
ing the present was the must dur
able that could be found but it was
not always a question of durability.
Mr. Bruce stated that the four
foot side sewers with the lowered
lines of the street at the curbs would
increase the carrying capacity of the
street from ten to fifteen per cent
and that the inlets would do away
with the crest of water at Sixth and
Main streets.
E. J. Weyrich asked as to the in
lets that were proposed of fifteen
feet long and one foot high, becom
ing clogged up and forcing the wa
ter onto the street which being high
er in the center would allow the wa
ter to get into the places of busi
ness of the city. Mr. Bruce stated
that on the suggestion of Mr. Darrow j
they nad decided to remove bars
from the inlets and that this would j
allow anything aside from very large
objects clogging: up the the intake, j
the aUeyv and also near tee inter-
section of 6th and' Vine streets.
R. A. Bates stated that as a prop
erty owner he favored any public
improvement but desired above all
else that the 'safety of the property
on Main street be considered in tak
ing up the proposition. He did not
think the inlets on i-ixtn street sui
fficient and thought there ought to
be some on Main street as v.-ell. He
did not want anyoce to suffer loiss
and thought it would be better to
be on the safe side rather than be
E. A. Wurl, who has been a suf
ferer from a great many of the floods
before the lowerinr of Main street,
was decidedly -doubtful as to the
practical purposes ,of the inlets as
those in the vicinity of his home had
been clogged up at every high wa
ter and In a very ifew minutes after
the storm had occurred. He wa?
against anything that might lessen
the safety of those residing aad own
ing property on Main street.
E. H. Wescott wus another of the
heavy sufferers froni the high waters
to be heard and made au earnest p'ea
tfor safety first, at all costs. He was
in favor of any public improvement
but-was fearful of the possibilities
that might lurk in a change of the
street, and in fact thought that its
capacity should be Increased if any
thing. A sewer to carry the water
must have enormous capacity as lie
Relieved that there would sometimes
te a heavier rain than any we have
had so far and which would cost a
great deal to the praporty owners if
any changes were in the street.
Mr. Wescott was firm in the convic
tion that the further increase in the
water carrying capacity of the street
v.-es absolutely necessary;- He' stated
he was ready for anything that
might help the city but wanted to
have safety first in the way of pro
tection ifrom floods.
Philip Thierolf was also strong
for being sure of the safety of the
property on Main street and while
ready for the paving thought that
the safety of the property siould he
considered. Mr. Thierof pointed out
the ifact that the street as construct
ed at present carried the water and
there was no assurance of the sew
ers being able to- do the business.
H. A. Schneider was also in the
ranks of those who opposed the sew
erage system on Main street and at
this time when economy w;is the
watchword and then to expend $20,
000 for a fewer that was io an ex
tent problematic. Mr. Schneider
thought that the paving should be
lowered to give greater volume to
the water and that the inlets when
plugged in a great rain with branch-:
es of trees or other debris would
make it impossible to prevent a
A. J. Trilety and E. C. Harris
were both on the side of safety first
and experiments afterwards and Mr.
Trilety detailed accounts of the de
bris that had been placed in creeks
and which would clog up any inlet
that might be put in. Mr. Harris
thought that the interests at stake
should be protected to the utmost.
The first favorable word for the
sewer came from L. C. Sharp, who
stated that he had made his position
clear in the articles he has had in
the newspaper and thought that the
city could rely on the judgment of
the engineers who were looking af
ter the job.
John V. Hatt was in favor of pav
ing at once -but favored leaving the
street as it is as far as the contour
Is concerned and in this position he
was joined iby Carl Kunsroan, who
was opposed in every way to the
sewer and stated that he had lived
in the city long enough to know
that no sewer could carry the vol
ume of water that flowed in times
of heavy rains.
L. B. Egenberger stated he had
lived in his property on Main street
for the past twenty-five years and
did not believe that any sewer could
carry the water that flowed.
William M. Barclay made one oi
his ringing speeches on the proposi
tion and urged the paving of the
street and also the lowering of the
present grade and he did not believe
f,rom his observations that the
amount of water that swept down
the streets in flood time could be
held in a sewer.
Fred T. Ramge was also against
the sewer, believing that it wa
wholly inadequate to the needs of
the city.
C C. Wescott stated that he was
in favor of protection and also want
ed as sightly a street as possible. If
it was repaved he thought it should
be made as well appearing as it could
be and at the present time it was
j far from sightly. He thought the e
gineers ought to be able to devise a
sewer that would be ample to carry,
the water. i
W. A. Swatek thought that with j
the cars parked in the streets there
even with a lowered, street and to
overcome this he thought the under
Furface system of handling the only
one practical.
C. A. Kawls stated that no cne
could dispiae the figures cf the en
gineers and that i!ie main proposi
tion seemed to i)e, not s mutii the
currying capacity of the sewers as
the getting of the water" linto the
sewer through the intakes. He sug
gested placing them out as far as
possible to catch the water before
it reached Main street. The present
appearance of Main street was not
attractive and he certainly would
like tc se-2 feme change made.
Mr. Darrow then told the city
council and the citizens of the con
dition that had confronted the res
idents at Lincoln in regard to the
flooding o: 12th and O streets and
the manner in which it had been
eolved by the placing of large in
letj at the corners and also at some
distance from the section that over
flowed and the result had been very
Mayor Johnson then asked the
members of the council to express
their opinion of the sewer proposi
tion. Councilman Bestor thought a
sewer the only means of solving the
matter of flood when cars were
parked on the street but thought it
should be looked into carefully.
Councilman Schulhof thought that
the street should be placed in the
proper shape.
Councilman Ptacek stated that the
sentiment of the property owners
seemed to be against the sewering
of Main street but he thought that
the judgment of the engineers ought
to be good and the street fixed up
Councilman Knorr was of the
opinion that the street ought to be
made more sightly altao the senti
ment of the property owners was
against it, and he desired something
that would meet with the approval
of those most vitally interested.
Councilman McCarthy . thought
that if the proper inlets could be
made to convey the water to the
sewer it would result in a much bet
ter street and that the advice of the
engineers should be taken.
Councilman Howe stated that the
meeting was called to get the expres
sion of the property owners and as
they were decidedly against the sew
er proposition, he thought their
wishes should prevail in the matter.
Councilman Lindeman stated that
he had seen a number of the floods
and rheught that-' -ifll aiu street wai.
to be repaved that it. should be plac
ed in condition where it could be
crossed and made more .sightly.
Councilman Brittain in his state
ment pointed out the fact that the
majority of those most vitally inter
ested were against the sewer and he
did not believe in forcing .ans'thing
on the community that was not
wanted and therefore he thought
their wishes should prevail.
Councilman Sebatka was also of
the opinion that the matter of in
lets was one of great importance and
did not think that under certain
conditions that anything could hold
the fjood water. . .
Councilman Mauer thought ' the
ptrect should te beautified and made
as attractive as possible in case of
repaving and if the proposed sewers
were not large enough, make them
to that they would carry all the wa
ter that might possibly flow as the
result of the heaviest rains.
The mayor then asked for further
expressions and called on former
Mayor John P. Settler, who, how
ever, stated he had come to talk
about the placing of the lines for
the electrolier system as a represen
tative of the Municipal Ownership
League and would come later when
the council should be in a position
to do something on the matter.
One of the discussions was the
cutting down of the width of the
sidewalks and making the street six
feet wider which would give addi
tional carrying capacity. Mr. Bruce
stated that lowering the street more
and then crowning would give add
ed carrying capacity and that it
could be arranged with approaches
that would care for the intersections
and sidewalk approaches.
The countjl on motion of Council
man Bestor then decided to refer the
matter back to the engineers for
their consideration and to report at
the meeting of the council on Mon
day evening, April 10th, when the
city dads would hold a special ses
From Monday's DaUy
This morning the regular monthly
convocation of the Junior high school
was held at the high chool and
proved a most interesting occasion
with its well selected program.
The young people led the exercises
by the singing of "America" and the
recitation of the flag salute, which
was followed by a short musical pro
gram. Misses Charlotte Nielsen and
Marion Copenhaver played a delight
ful piano duet and was followed by
an orchestral number, the Earacolle
from the "Tales of Hoffman" being
given. The orchestra was composed
of Clement Janda. piano; August
Knoflicek, violin; Harlan Gorder and
Robert Creamer, saxaphones.
The main address was delivered by
County Attorney A. G. Cole, w-ho
spoke for a few minutes on "Citi
zenship," and in which the attorney
urged the young people to remain in
school as long as they could to com
plete their education and to fit them
for good citizenship.
Lose anything! Had acrtbui??
Tz7 a Journal vantad. '
Morning Service Given Over to Spe
cial Sermon for the De Molay
Dr. Morrow at Nite.
From Monday's Daily.
Two services of more than usual
interest were held at the First Pres
byterian church yesterday, the first
being in the morning when the pas
tor, the Rev. H. G. McClusky, spoke
to the members of the local chapter
of De Molay, who attended the ser
vices in a body, marching in forma
tion from their rooms to the church
At the church the column was halted
and the officers proceeded through
the opened ranks into the church
and followed by the membership
were shown to their reserved seats.
The pastor had a very fine sermon
for the boys dealing on the points
of religious life that should be tak
en up and followed, giving as exam
ples for his lessons, a number of
everyday occurances in the world to
show their full meaning. The choir
gave a special " anthem, "Onward
Christian Soldier," the solo 'being
given by L. O. Minor and the quar
tet by Mr. Minor and Mrs. Edna
Marshal Eaton.
At the evening services there was
a large attendance at the union
meeting and the address given by
Dr. George W. Morrow of Detroit,
was on the subject of "America's
Opportunity at Home and Overseas,"
and in which the fpeaker detailed
the advance of the work of the Anti-Saloon
League in this nation and
the possibilities of the work in the
foreign field. At this service a quar
tet composed of Miss Estelle Baird,
L. O. Minor, Rev. H. G. McClusky
and Mrs. Edna Marshall Eaton gave
a verv pleasing number, "Peace I
leave With You."
From Tuesday's Doily.
Yesterday afternoon the W. C. T.
U. society was entertained at the
pleasant home of .Mrs. C. C Wescott,
iil with a-laff;e number in atUnJ.
ance." The occasion was made a
memorial in honor of the memory of
Mrs. William McCauley, and Mrs.
Robert B. Hayes rendered "Face to
Face." which had been a great favor
ite of the deceased lady.
Charlotte - Xielson and Clarion
Copenhaver gave a most delightful
piano duet and Helen Troop a vocal
solo . while the Junior high school
orchestra composed of Clement Jan
da. August Knoflicek, Robert Cream
er and Harlan Gorder, also .vored
the ladies with a few pleasing selec
tions. Refreshments were served at
an appropriate hour.
With the selection of the Jury
this morning to try the case of the
Bank of Commerce of Louisville vs.
William B. and Sidney Spence, the
remainder of the panel were excus
ed for the term and when the jury
they will also be allwoed to return
homeward, having fulfilled this im
portant altho rather irksome portion
of the duties of citizenship.
Popular copyrights and the latest
fiction at the Journal office.
if hic Mi
Among the primary forces that go to
make a community; that hold it together
and cause it to grow and prosper are its
conveniences its stores, shops, banks,
The larger these institutions are, the
more they are able to contribute to the
well-being of those who make up the com
munity. Their growth demands patron
age. To those who want to live ina big
ger, better and more prosperous commun
ity the issue is clear: Buy, bank and in
vest at home.
The First national Bank
Member Federal Reserve
imniimHn mnnnmiiimiiin"" ttif "rj.r Jl
The latest reports from the Meth
odist hospital in Omaha state that
Edgar Wescott, who was operated on
there yesterday morning, is row uo
ing Just as well as could possibly be
expected and the operation has bee-n
all that wus hoped for and the young
man seems to be mending quite ra
pidly. The Wescott family have had
their share of sickness as the daush-
. ter. Miss Helen, has been sick at
j home here since Friday and her con
Iditlon on Saturday was quite serious
but she; is now much better.
New 60-Inch Concrete Pipe Line to
Give Double Carrying Capac
ity of Present Sewer.
From Tuesday's Daily.
The final details of the placing of
an extensive system of concrete sewer
in the Burlington shop yards in this
city were completed yesterday when
Engineer Frank T. Darrow made a
visit to the city and looked over the
situation as regards the placing of
the sewers. The new lines will be
auxiliary to the present system and
will double the water carrying ca
pacity at the Fhops where frequent
heavy rains have caused more or
less trouble In the way of wa'hlng
mud and debris into the yards.
The work will be let by contract
and active preparation for laying the
sewer will be commenced as kooii as
the bids are let and the contractors
can get on the Job. The new sewer
will be sixty inches In size and be
of heavy concrete material.
The Burlington alno has some ex
tensive plans in view relative to the
straightening of the grade leading
from the Burlington bridge to this
city and which involves the lowering
of the bridge structure and the mak
ing of a more direct cut from the
station here to the bridge and which
wonlfl eliminate the necessity for the
use of helpers on the heavy freight
LiU.-'''Thejie-plan iroMrever er nut
entirely complete and depend on the
ruling of the war department rela
tive to a lower level for the bridge.
From Monday's .Dally.
The many friends in Cass county
of the Dill family will regret to learn
of the death of Mrs. Riley C. Dill, of
Rosilie, Nebraska, which occurred
Saturday at the hospital in Lincoln.
The deceased lady was fifty-two
years of age and had been sick for
some time. The funeral arranne
ments ere being held up pending the
arrival of the husband from his
home at Rosilie.
Dr. and Mrs. Edgar D. Cummins
1959 South street, Lincoln, announce
the engagement of their daughter.
Miss Mildred, to Homer E. Grosbach
of Chicago. The wedding Is to take
place in April. The bride is a former
Piattsmouth lady and a graduate of
Plattsmouth high school. She is also
a neie of Dr. Frank L. Cummins
and Mrs. Kittie C. Roberts of this
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