The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 16, 1922, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Standards Grocery!
(South Sixth Street)
We are carrying a line of Staple and Fancy Groceries,
which we are offering at the lowest possible prices.
Remember we are paying the highest prices for Cream
and all kinds of Country Produce. , '
Phone 13
!ohn F. Stander,
Plattsmouth, Neb.
t I 'II M 1 H 1 1 I I I It II M ! 1 I
How Does Your Corn Yield?
How does the type of corn you
plant compare In yield with your
neighbor's? Do you pick rough
ears, smooth ears, long ears, ears
with tips covered or for other par
ticular points? Does the variety of i
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Maxon Former
ly of This City Leave Their
Work For Frisco.
of the men and women who have
helped build the Panama Canal . in
one way or the other will be forgot
ten by their friends. Ah, who can
forget the men, who at the call of
their country have given their youth
ful strength to make a glorious path
for the travel and commerce of the
world. The sequel is conveyed in
these three words: 'It Is finished."
The many old time friends of Mr.
New York. March 14. Announce
ment that Bishop Edwin Stevens
Lines of Newark, N. J., had been
named preacher for the opening ses
sion of the general convention of
the Episcopal church at Portland,
Ore., spinning September C, was
made today by the national council David City Democrats Try to lorce
of the Episcopal church. Beginning
with Bishop William White, "father
of the church in 17S5." this honor
has teen accorded only leaders In
the history of the church.
corn you have out yield the varieties and Mrs. W. E. Maxon, formerly of
your neighbors nave? isiviaentiy you this city, will be surprised to learn
think It is better or as good or you; of their departure from the Panama
wouia not grow it. vve are going to canal zono fnr sn PMnftwi whpro
. have at least twq tests m the county they will be located in the future.
where we will compare different Mrs. Maxon is a daughter of Mr.
varieties and ear types on the same and Mrs. Homer McKay, and a sis-
farm m tne same neia ana faui uer-; ter of Mrs. Minnie Pickard of this
ard of weeping water win carry on city. In speaking of their leaving
the test on his farm. Four rows of., the canal zone the Colon dally has
each kind of corn will be planted. the following:
These win oe nusneu out anu weign-
ea out next u. uo you want. 10 ing the Iathmu3 one by one
enter 1 ears of your corn in one of '
thaaa trlala Tf sn nirV nut the tvno Alr -an(1 Mrs. m. fc.. Mi
,',. r,ion. .,rwi and time honored residents of the
J - V- I fc? J V ft v a v& a M J A" " " Vft
Resident Here Since 18S5 and Num
bered Among Most Esteemed
of the Community.
bring them in. We want to see what Canal Zone, will sail Sunday morn
type of ears yield the best in Cass In? a' 8 o clock on the Seiyo Ma
county. The yield and samples of S nS up the Pacific coast to San
each four rows will be shown at the -Francisco. California. The losing of
county fair next fall.
Daily Journal want-ads bring the
buyers and sellers together.
Decision Propose to Circulate
Petitions Over State.
Ak-Sar-Ben Soy Beans
garrison living ion oi weeping mu3 April 12. i9)5. Mr. Maxon at
Water grew AK-har-uen soy beans once went to k ,in tne MunIclpai
iui st-cu. iuc wcic uaiimcu lac ) r R nn n,1 fcaa hppn
' Yesterday afternoon when George
Klinger, Sr., was called to his final
" 'One by one One by one' leav- I reward, there parsed one of the old
est and most highly esteemed rcsi-
Mr .and Mrs. Wm. E. Maxon, oId(,ents of the community and one
wnose going Dnngs a Keen regret to
his host of old friends and neigh
bors. George Klinger was 'born in Zell,
Hessen-Darmstadt, Germany, May
27, 1S38, and therefore was within
two months of reaching his eighty
fourth milestone when death called
him. Mr. Klinger spent his youth
and younger days in his place of na
tivity and in the year 1874 was mar-
these friendly people Is causing mucli
regret all over the Isthmus, for their
friendliness cover every zone town
along the line. Arriving on the Isth
For Sale!
Good Quality Red Clover
Seed at
35c each; Select 45c
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
,n.ito. i I ried there to Miss Harbara Resrer. and
Although J. N. Norton of Polk hasran an(i stored in the barn loft. They t.lo-t this union there are three child-
said he will not be a candidate for j weTe threshed this week using a man and atipcr superintendent aU ren. George. Jr.. Henry G.. and Mrs.
governor, a petition was filed Mon-!common grain separator with blank f,.oaa .itZ .-ov i o-. Bert McKinnev. all of Plattsmouth.
lay afternoon in the office of Secre-v concaves and the cylinder speed re- . vjce The chamr? of the'nast vear to join the mother in the sorrow at
duced to one half. Even this crecked have brought a new version to the the passing of the husband and fath-
a few. Those that were cracked will panania Canal and the old Zone er- Tne deceased was in the service
make excellent hog feed because of. aint what it used to be.' Mr. Max- f his country in the wars of Prus-
the high protein contents. Comparing nn tia rp?j-nt,i wii ppV r!f- sia and Denmark, serving in the
a 1 a. t- 1 a, - S J J 1 A V. i IT t T
High-Class Poultry
Hatching Eggs
Silver Laced Wyandottes
Tarbox Strain
S. G. Orpingtons
Owen Fashion Plate
S. C. White Leghorns
Kerlin Quality
Broadview Single Com!)
R. I. Reds
$2.00 for 15 Eggs postage
tary of State Amsberry asking that
his name be placed on the primary
ballot. It was signed by R. C. Roper,
C. F. Clark and J. H. Owen and sev
enteen other democrats of David
, City. Mr. Roper sent the document
: with a letter stating that other peti
tions for Mr. Norton's nomination
.will follow from other counties.
The petition by itself will not be
effective as a nominating document
because it does not contain twenty-
five names, the number required by
, law. If others, from other counties
contain the necessary number, Mr.
Norton will be a full fledged candi
date for governor on the democratic
I ticket providing he files a written
acceptance of the nomination which
' his friends are seeking to confer
'upon him.
! No nomination has yet been filed
by democratic candidates for gover
nor, so the petition on behalf of Mr.
(Norton has set the politicians to talk-
ing about who Senator Hitchcock
will permit to run for the democrats,
or whether or not Charles W. Bryan
will settle the matter and run himself.
Sixteen. Story Building of the "a"
Wiped Out in Chicago With
$10,000,000 Loss.
Chicago, March 15. Fire 'between
1 and 3 this morning wiped out the
entire block of ibuildings in the
sauare surrounded bv Jackson boule-
Last evening at 7:10 at the Meth- vard. Van Buren street and Canal
odist hospital in Omaha occurred the and Clinton streets. It swept across
death of Mrs. A. L.. Huffer. of near Clinton street and practically de
Mynard, following an illness of stroyed the Burlington railways 16
some duration and during which story office building,
time the lady has been a great suf-1 it paralyzed elevated and street
ferer and from which condition car traffic in the vicinity, and cau.
there was little hope held for her ' ed the death of one fireman. Many
Passed Away Last Night After Ill
ness Covering a Period of
Several Weeks.
them with wheat middlings, they
have twice the amount of protein.
The yield per acre was 28 bushels.
About twenty farmers planted soy
beans in the corn which was hogged
down last year. Almost every one
will do the same this year.
J. w. r.iauER,
Phone 197-J. P.O. Box 171
Last evening Sheriff Quinton and
his assistants rounded up another of
the sources of the moonshine that
have been found in various spots in
this locality and in doing so captur
ed a still located in Sarpy county,
near the old rendering works north
of La Platte.
The location of the still grew out
of the apprehending by Sheriff Quin
ton of a Mrs: McGuIre, who with
her son was driving to this city In
a car belonging to Will Bashus and
from the car the authorities secur
ed a small amount of liquor and the
information as to the source of the
.supply. Officer Grebe was then sent
into Sarpy county and unearthed the
ftill near the McGuire home and it
was ibrought on into this city. The
owners of the still will be given the
once over here today and their case
rae tumedturned over to the state
for handling.
John Gerry Stark and William
Atchison of Elm wood were here yes
terday afternoon for a few hours vis
iting with friends and looking after
some business matters.
In the summer time of your life put your money
REGULARLY in our Bank.
Then when the winter time of your life comes you
will have the necessary comforts-and the luxuries you
Begin now. Come in and open a hank account.
We pay interest on savings account.
We will welcome you.
Farmers State Bank
Home Millinery
The millinery school which was
held by the Cass County Farm Bu
reau at Weeping Water was a success
in every way. Eleven delegates were
present and all seemed interested in
the work. First, instructions were
given on how to select becoming and
attractive hats. Different types of
figures, faces, coloring of hair and
skin were studied and why some
women can wear certain shapes and
others can not. Another interesting
phase of the work was that of cut
ting paper patterns, trying them on
and remodeling them until they suit
ed the face and figure.
Renovation and remodeling of old
shapes and material was also taken
up. Many old hats were remodeled
and made to look like new. Also,
many new and becoming hats were
made for both women and children,
all of which the owners may well
be proud.
Friday, March 10th, an interesting
style show was held. Miss Harris
gave a short talk on the history and
cost of hats. Fiften hats were on
display and more than 30 women at
tended the style show. The total
cost of these hats was $33.69. a sav
ing of about -69.24 to the women.
Many of these hats were remodeled
but over half were entirely new.
All of the women returned home
with the fruits of their labors tucked
away in a band box determined to go
home and pass on the information
gained at the school to the rest of
the women who could not attend the
millinery schook .We expect to hear
from these six communities in the
near future and we know the reports
will be worth while.
Hrahl lomHrm to mnVo a liomp Helt russian army, in lbbo Air. anu
is a member of the Masonic bodies. -rs. Klinger with tneir family ie
Shriners. Knights of Pythias, and cuied to seek a new nome in tne
other local nrnniMUflns. Mr. Max- t'nitefi btates ana lorsaKing tne oiu
on was filled with the kindliest hu- time home in the old world sailed
man Qualities and measured ui to I westward toward the land of lib
th fln hnnirori nor fnt man liplerty. They came direct to Platts
will be ereatlv missed. mourn ana wnere air. is-nnger en
Mrs Mavnn In th 7nn. e employ OI Uie iJUrilllglUIl
Mrs. A. L. Huffer was born in
Ohio, December 7, 1861, and has
for the past thirty-five years been
a resident of .this community, where
Mr. Huffer was in the employ of the
Burlington up to a few years ago
when the family removed to their
present farm home where they have
since resided.
To mourn her loss there remains
the husband and two children. Mrs.
John Beeson anr Harry L. Huffer,
both of whom reside near this city,
Omaha and Mrs Will Tlnffpr nf Mnn-I . . . e
roe, Nebraska.
The funeral services will be held
from the late home Thursday after
noon at 3:30 o'clock.
In the loss of the loving wife, sis
ter and mother, the family will have
the deepest sympathy of the host of
friends who have known and loved
Mrs. Huffer in the years of her res
idence here and her being called
away will leave a place hard to fill
in the circle of acqaintances and
Feb. 22nd. 1906. and went through in the shops here, continuing in their
the hardships of the early employes, employ until ten years ago when he
wa r,f f.f to,,,, retired and has since spent the years
The, jury In the case of Worth
Click vs. Henry Kircher was out but
a r.hort time yesterday afternoon
and returned with a judgment in
favor of the plaintiff .for the sum of
$1 and costs. This action was for
judgment for $5,000 for slander.
This morning the case of John F.
Slander vs. Carroll D. Quinton. sher-
I iff, was on trial In the court. This
action is a claim arising out or the
foreclosure of the Foreman store in
this city, the stock of which was
purchased by Mr. Stander.
Yesterday afternoon Mrs. George
Detloff of Omaha, formerly Mrs.
Florence Newton of this city, was the
victim of a very painful accident at
the Leavenworth laundry in Omaha.
Mrs. Detloff was engaged in some
work there and in so doing had her
left hand and arm caught in some of
the machinery resulting in the frac
ture of the bones of the arm and the
breaking of the wrist. The Injured
lady was hurried to a hospital where
the injured arm was dressed and the
patient made as comfortable as pos
sible under the circumstances altho
she suffered a great deal of pain
from the Injury.
ers, having taught at Las Cacadas,
Gorgona, Pedro Miguel and old La
"On arriving at her first school at
Las Cassadas, with books, she found
a bare room 24x36 not even a black
board installed, but 26 pupils all
sizes and colors waiting for her. Af
ter enrolling the children, she asked
each one to bring a bottle of water
and a box to sit on in the afternoon,
but boxes were scarce and most of
them set on the floor for over three
weeks. An American lady kindly
loaned her a chair and small table
for herself; in six weeks her school
showed a daily attendance of 119
pupils. Her school closed at 2:15
each day, but often it was seven o'
clock when she reached Panama on
labor train (where, she was obliged
to live) due to washouts, wrecks,
etc., often having three or four
wrecks before reaching destination.
In speaking of her early life here,
Mrs. Maxon recalls a collission with
a trainload of coffins or. rough boxes
(which were in constant den'ini
those lays) the Impression of which
remains with her, such were the
experiences of the 'old timers," as
they were commonly called, but we
will draw a curtain over the pain
ful sights and hardships of early
davs, which we might record, and
ccme back to this beautiful garden
of flowers and cleanliness made so
by the people who gave their early
days to answer the call 'Divide the
land, unite the oceans, who helped
to achieve 'America's triumph.
Mrs. Maxon is a woman among
women. She enjoys a large circle
of friends and many social memor
ies linger about ' her pretty cottage
on Tivoli hill; she has been the guest
of honor at many social functions
since her going away has been an
nounced. Many lovely dinners have
quietly at the pleasant home he had
secured in the south portion of the
Mr. Klinger has been seriously
sick only .from last Friday, as he was
affected at that time with an attack
cf heart trouble that was found to
be very dangerous and which came
as the climax of a case of blood poi
soning from which he had suffered
as the result of an accident. His con
dition grew rapidly worse until the
death yesterday.
The funeral services will be held
on Thursday afternoon at 2:00 from
the St. Paul's Evangelical church.
Taxpayer Urges the Retention cf the'
t Present Form of Main Street
Flood Danger Reason.
Plattsmouth is unfortunately so
situated that her storm drainage
problem is vastly different from oth
er towns, in fact it is doubtrul
whether another town could be found
in all the country which ha.such
an amount of water to dispose or
during heavy rains, as Plattsmouth
There seems to be an inclination
among rome of those who have not
had the costly and unneedful losses
through floods, to favor a sewer sys
tern to take of this surplus water.
Following the disastrous floods of
some years ago, the citv council re
ceived the splendid and sensible ad
vice of Mr. F. T. Harrow, the man
to whom the Burlington railway at
that time entrusted the work on the
l.ridgn across the Missouri river at
been given in compliment to this es-l this point.
teemed couple. Mrs. Maxon will car- His advice was to lower Main
rr with her manv souvenirs oMirper. ana n was none wun me re-
Object Because Authorities Want
Religious Members to Sutdy
English in Schools.
bystanders suffered minor hurts from
falling debris.
The loss, according to early esti
mates 'by the fire chief, will exceed
"ft" Skyscraper Destroyed
Among the structures destroyed
by the fire, aside from the "fire
proof" Burlington skyscraper, were
the Atlantic and Austin buildings,
extending from 300 to 318 South
Canal street. These two buildings
formerly belonged to the Warren
Springer estate and were the most
property in the square
which was the principal scene of the
Insufficiency of water supply pre
vented the work of more than a score
of fire companies in holding the
flames to their original sourcee, tho
almost the entire department was
called out. At the Burlington build
ing It was noticed that the hose
streams would not reach higher than
the eighth story.
Printers Escape
The fire was discovered shortly be
fore 1 by Thomas Galvln, watchmai
for the Austin building. 310-318
South Canal street. He saw the
flames in the offices of the Art Shade
company. By the time the first fire
apparatus had responded to the
alarm they had spread to the Austin
building in which many printers,
bookbinders and other workers
among various publishing firms were
then working. They escaped with
out injury.
Traias of the Garfield Park, Doug
las Park, Logan Square and Hum
boldt Park elevated lines and the
Aurora, Elgin and Chicago railway
will be unable to proceed farther
than the Canal street station. Be-
Omaha, March 13. Exiles, be
cause thev refuse to become citizens
of the country, a trainload of Men- yond that point tracks are warpel
nonites from Huskett, Manitoba, i so thst they are impassable. Traffic
Canada, stopped in Omaha an hour, will be impeded tor several days
friendship from organizations and
personal friends. The ever changing
hands of time have set their mark
on the Canal Zone. What are remin
iscences? Thought of by gone days
of happiness and doings on which
our memories dwell and nur?e. None
suit that Plattsmouth has been saved
thousands of dollars of damages; al
though recent rains have denion-
strat that due to the changes in the
two branch sewers leading into
town, that the carrying capacity, of
Main street is not quite sufficient,
is only last September-we had a rain
which flooded the sidewalks up to
the building line on upper Main
The proposed sewer system would
be a great risk and should be con-
last night on their journey from
their colony near the Canadian bor
der to Terreon, Mexico,
They object, members of the pil
grimage said in German last night,
to laws requiring their children to
attend public schools and requiring
them to teach English to the grow
ing generation. .
"We are Germans and want our
children to be Germans," said Ben
jamin Fahr, a member of the party,
in broken English. Fahr was the on
ly member of the party who could
speak or understand any English.
He has been a resident of Ameri
ca forty-six years, he said. In charge
of the train, the third of six similar
emigrant trains to carry the self-imposed
exiles from the United States,
was the Rev. Gerhard Friezen. He
said in German, being unable. to
either speak or understand English,
that he had 'resided in America fif
ty years.
The trainload passing thru Oma
ha last night was composed of 176
persons, fifty-three adults and 123
children. They arrived on the Minne
apolis and Omaha railroad and left
on the Burlington for St. Joseph at
4:15 this morning. The train left
Hasket, last Saturday.
Electrie Current Cut
All electric current in the district
was ordered cut off by Fire Marshall
Thomas O'Connor immediately after
his arrival.
The Mercantile Trust and Savings
bank, located on the first floor of
the Burlington 'building, was Imme
diately placed under guard of squads
of police and firemen. They parolled
the vaults sometimes with drawn
revolvers and kept all Interloper.!
Members of the insurance patrol
squads worked heroically. Even when
the flames were at their highest
when a broad band of fire was loop
ed across Van Buren street they car
ried their blankets Into the Burling
ton building across the street.
Federation Says Congress Has Ac
complished Nothing- Since
March 4, 1919.
Washington. March 14. Meetings
immediately of local nonpartisan
committees throughout the United
States to "begin active preparations
for the primaries," were called for
Authorizes More Time for Payment' tay in a proclamation addressed to
. TT7. organized labor y the executive
Rental Charges.
committee of the American Federa
tion of Labor's nonpartisan politi
cal campaign committee.
Where local organizations have
not remained in existence since the
last election, formation of new com-
Auto Route!
Basketball, as a state.wide "dish"
i is a success fincially. W. G. Brooks,
i superintendent of the Nebraska City
schools and secretary of the Nebras
ka Athletic Association, says gross
receipts at Lincoln for the three-day
tourney were in the neighborhood of
9,auu. JZ xnis aooux av per ceni
will be pro-rated back to the com
peting squads, as there will be a re
serve after expenses are paid.
' The largest number of players ever
competing in a 'basketball tourney,
1933. participated In the games, in
which about 200 teams were repre
sented, from all portions of the state.
A noteworthy feature of the tour
nament this year was that victors in
all classes are from the rural dis
tricts. No city squad won a prize.
Nebraska City Press.
T. W. Vallery of near Murray was
among th visitors In the city today .
looking after sons trading with the j
merchant. I
Go and Come When
You PlcascI
-No Unnecessary Delays! -
Reasonable Rales
T. II. Pollock Bridge
Washington, March 13. The sen
ate late today passed the McNary
bill authorizing the secretary or tne
interior, in his discretion, to extend mlttees is urged so that plans may be
for a period of two years from De-made quickly "for a most intensive
cember 31, 1922, the time for pay-! campaign of education of not only
ment of construction and water ; members of trade unions, but of the
charges on federal irrigation pro- ereat masses of the people," and for
'Jects. placing candidates in the. field where
riemned as impractical, for it would! The bill furtner provides mat neitner party puis up a canaiuaie
call for openings which would look water may be furnished organized regarded as "representative or me
;mu, anu oe uusauii iry. urmn - & ' - " . 1 1 1 . , , ,
more they would probably be stop- upon presentation or, a suniciem; me announcement aiso ueciares
ped up below, when the time came 'numner oi lnumuuai suuvuugs mai inai no BenuiBB vuusu uciue
for them to do their duty; they the extension or ueierreo payments ure nas oeen enacteu Dy congress
tor water is necessary. aier may : since iviarcn ,
be furnished individuals also during! "Every means used to secure Iegls
the irrigation season of 1922, even lation that will aid in relieving un
though such users may be in arrears employment has been met with re
more than one year in the payment buff." it states.
it would be no of operation, maintenance or con- "Tne present uepiorame todqiuoh
cti. f t. ,-s,,oht, fT. hoiiavo struction charges. of our country, artificially made.
that these openings would immedi-l The rate of interest on all defer- and in which labor and the farmers
ately lose their effectiveness even If red payments is fixed at 5 per cent, j have been deflated until It hurts, has
thev were built large enough in the; The bill specifies, however, that in i been ignored by congress. Only ap-
fljronr t na ina nnn iiiimihsi :h -iit- iku' i u irir kii imi 1 1 it" l in niuii im nci n.
CrUt HIV "VA w vDv . - c "-. x- W
would not be in the direct line of
flow of tho storm water which rush
es with tremendous force, and as
planks, hoxes. outhouses and other
debris come down Main street dur
ing such storms,
first place. The proposed plans call
for openings with" an effective open
ing of only about 13 feet on Gth
street while in the opinion of a dis
interested, it would require openings
nearly one half black long.
Any plan which reduces the sur
face carrying capacity of Main street
will "endanger property and lay the
city liable for damages.
To repave Main street with the
present form, ibut lowering it from
two to four inches will insure safe
ty, and save the taxpayers from the
tax burden occasioned by the cost
of the expensive experimental sew
ers on Main street, and which, it is
estimated, will cost from ?2,000 to
$2,500 "before finished.
A small drain down Main, covered
with numerous gratings will keep
Main street clean, and that, together
with safety, are the two most im
portant points to strive for.
not naid on the date due after ex- railroads and
tension, that the water user would listeners."
be liable for all penalties provided In I
other Interests find
the irrigation laws, and that they,TJNCLE SAM SELLS WOOL ST0CX
will apply from the date on wnicni
they were originally due. J Washington, March 14. The coin-
To obtain the deferred payment . pIefe gurpiUs wool stock of the array
privilege, the applicant for the ex- 659,735,032 pounds has been dis
tension shall first show by verified posed of at an average recovery of
statement of assets' and liabilities 86 per cent 0f Its cost' to the gov
that the extension Is actually neces- i ernment. according to a statement is-
sary. Tne only otner provision is
that the applicant shall be a land
owner or entryman actually culti
vating the land against which the
charge has accrued.
sued today by the quartermaster gen
eral's department. The last sale was
made March 2.
The wool cost the government
$478,923,123, and the "approximate
realized value" derived from tho enla
John L. Sexton of La Junta, Colo-'was $413,393,896. the statement
Blank ' books ! les yon can get
of all kinds. The Journal.
rado, who has (been here visiting
with his sister, Airs. w. t. scotten
and daughter, Margaret, for the past
few days, departed this morning for
Omaha from where he will return to
his home in the west.
Closing out entire stock of mer--chandise
for cash of E. Q. Dovy &.
t nvi t.;- j. i 4. Son. at reduced prices.
day. Popular Variety Store. j Receiver.